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Topic: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both (Read 10213 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #25
Lt. Cmdr Vivian Martin | City Outskirts | Underground Malfeasants Facility | Holding Cell |Aldea Prime ]  Attn: @Masorin

Vivian watched as Jack took the device and moved it into position, hoping that it wouldn't detonate prematurely, yet alone might it kill both of them but even if it didn't they had no second chances with this, it's not like they had the parts around to make another one unless they started pieces of Jack apart in the hopes of cobbling something together which was highly unlikely.

When he mentioned that most of his left side was artificial there was less for him to lose, she knew that it was a bit of glib humour to lighten the mood a bit in this we-might-be-seconds-away-from-dying moment but also it was technically true, assuming any shrapnel hit only his left side then he should theoretically survive without sustaining too much damage all being well.  When he instructed her to take a corner behind him, she did just that.

She just about saw him push the button to activate it, the room glowing for a brief moment or two as sparks ran along the edge of the door. She could see the shield flickering in a feedback loop, so far so good. Numerous loud cracks and creaked echoed through the room as the shield flickered in a rainbow of colours, it was looking like it was working, they just needed the big finale to send them on their way. Vivian tried not to think about the fact that she would need a radiation scrub or two after this, god only knew how many rads they were absorbing right now.

The metal that lined the door started glowing as it overheated, the sparks and shield both growing brighter, causing Vivian to cover her eyes before the loudest pop echoed around the room. Uncovering her eyes she saw the shield flicker one final time before dying. Taking a quick look around, she was relieved to see that none of the actual walls had started caving in, although there were some very noticeable cracks in some of the rocks that she knew hadn't been there before.

It took a few moments for the emergency lights outside their cell to flicker on revealing a hallway that looked more like a small corridor made up of...well closets basically, clearly not an actual prison facility but one that seemed to have been made up on the fly, that might be a good thing.

"Well that worked, although I imagine if anybody was nearby they certainly didn't miss what just happened, we should get out of here and keep our guard up." she said, picking up the durasteel bar and handing it to Jack. "You should probably have this. You're stronger than me and with that metal arm of yours behind the swing even stronger, better for you to crack anybody over the head with than me."


Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #26
[ Imperial Intelligence Agent Hi'Jak | City Outskirts| Underground malfeasants facility| Holding Cell ] Attn: @Kinvarus

Jack took the bar of steel in his robotic hand, understanding the logic behind the choice. He walked forward slowly not wanting to provoke anything that they could be hunted by, as he did his eyes turned towards the rooms that lined the room, and he let out a sharp half shriek as he put his organic hand into his mouth to shut himself up. He jumped back for a moment his two hearts beating quickly as he did.

Shocked and disgusted he pointed towards had startled him in one of the room. A large vat with a glass opening displaying a creature being half grown. The thing, was half grown in a vat of glowing green slime, why was biological tampering always accompanied with horrific green slime? The thing inside the tube had the distinct features of a human skull, though it currently had about a quarter of the flesh as it should have, more a loose connection of fast grown deformed organs and genetically tampered sinew and bone than an actual human being.

Jack shivered knowing for a fact that his eye had recorded the thing in full detail. His mind was going to be able to recall that image for a while. "I guess we know what this place is for now."
He pointed down the hallway, each door led to another chamber with another clone in some state of growth or suspended life. "Why the heck is biological tampering always so... slimy."

The thoughts and places were bringing back the uncomfortable memories of the versant. He gripped the bar, but headed for the end of the hall.

Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #27
Lt. Cmdr Vivian Martin | City Outskirts | Underground Malfeasants Facility | Holding Cell |Aldea Prime ]  Attn: @Masorin

Vivian nodded as Jack too the device in his hand and told her to take a corner, which she did on the far opposite side of the room, hopefully it was be safe enough to avoid any shrapnel..and that the whole place didn't come down on their heads, not that there was anywhere to hide in that case, not that the scientist expected that to happen but it was still a possibility.

Once he had pushed the button on the device, Vivian watched as the room lit up briefly as sparks ran along the edges of the door, the forcefield flickering as it found itself caught in a feedback loop. Loud cracks echoed around the room and she hoped that whoever had captured them wouldn't hear it and come running, it would be nice to at least have a brief window to escape before they were flooded with guards. Speaking of flooding, they were probably being bathed in radiation at the moment and would need a serious radiation scrub once they were out of this mess, not that it would be the first time for her but still.

The forcefield flicked a violet/green colour before the loudest pop rang out as it finally couldn't take it anymore and blew, killing the power for their cell. A few sparks of electricity still crackled around the frame of the door, but luckily the structual integrity of the surrounding area seemed to have remained intact, they were free...well free from the room at least.

After a few brief moments the emergency lights flicked to life, revealing the hallway outside of their cell. From the looks of it, it wasn't actually a prison facility and more a small storage area that had been converted into a makeshift holding area but whoever had caught them. That could have been both a good thing or a bad thing.

Now all they had to do was figure out where the exit was, avoid as many of their captors as possible and flee back to the city, how hard could that be? "Well that worked, now we just have to hope that we aren't too far underground and have a somewhat quick escape route." she said as she made her way across the room and stepped out into the corridor.

She couldn't see anybody or hear any footsteps coming, so at least for the moment it seemed their escape attempt had gone unnoticed, not that she necessarily expected that to last for very long. Glancing over at Hi'Jak, she let him take the lead as he was the armed with their only weapon for the moment, hopefully however they wouldn't need to use it yet. With a bit of luck, their captors had left them alone going on the assumption they would never be able to escape from the cell.

Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #28
[ Imperial Intelligence Agent Hi'Jak | City Outskirts| Underground malfeasants facility| Holding Cell ] Attn: @Kinvarus

Walking up through the hallway of the storage area, he had to wonder exactly what was going on. Each of the rooms they passed was about the size of the jail cell that they had started in, however each one was taken up by equipment he wasn't familiar with. Each room held a container illuminated holding some form of body horror, a half formed or malformed body that was completely suspended in a gooey green fluid, each one made Jack's stomach churn as he looked at them. The single thought running through his head was that he hopped they didn't end up like these things, or worse inside one of those vats.

Storage was definetely the point of the hall they were in. He had guesses. "It's a cloning facility." He said with a hushed whisper wanting to keep his voice down for a moment, but unsure why. Maybe it was just cause talking lower meant he would have less of a chance at freaking the hell out, but he wanted to panic.

Of course panic would not help them, he had the only weapon between the two of them, and further more he had the eye that could see in the dark. Those were two very good factors that kept him in front. It also meant he was a target for anyone that came down this side of the hallway. Reaching the door on the far side of the hall he noticed the door wasn't locked down. "You know for an illegal building that was willing to shoot us, they have shit security."

He opened the door, and immediately had his foot forced down his throat, as opening the door sparked a building alarm, that immediately started blaring. The lights started flashing intruder alert.

Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #29
Lt. Cmdr Vivian Martin | City Outskirts | Underground Malfeasants Facility | Holding Cell |Aldea Prime ]  Attn: @Masorin

Vivian followed behind Jack as they made their way down the hallway. Each room had been the size of the cell they had been in, filled with a container of some gross body horror of formed and unformed body parts in a green fluid. It made Vivian wince at the sight. Even without seeing any tech she had a rough idea what it was, something that Jack had deduced himself with his statement. "Yeah it is. Looks like they haven't had much success though. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing though." she whispered back.

As they continued walking down the hall, she wondered what they were trying to clone and why? Her scientific curiosity piqued despite the situation she found herself in. Although that thought soon lead her to another one. "You don't think they took samples from us to clone do you?" she asked, before pulling up her sleeves to check her arms for any needle marks. Trying her best not to freak out at the idea of somebody cloning her and doing god knows what with it.

As they continued the scientist also couldn't help but notice the distinct lack of security in their area, yet another thing that Jack pointed out. "I was about to say the same thing. Maybe they figured we wouldn't be able to escape so why bother guarding us?" she whispered. It was as sound a theory as any other.

That being said however, the second he opened the door, an alarm started blaring out and the lights flashed. "Or maybe that's why. Fuck!" she cursed. "Well I guess we're either running or making our way back and pretending that we did not short out our cell and escape. Personally I vote for the first option if that's the only choices we have."

Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #30
[ Imperial Intelligence Agent Hi'Jak | City Outskirts| Underground malfeasants facility| Holding Cell ] Attn: @Kinvarus

All of the pods were distinctly human, he didn't feel any fatigue in his arm or leg or any other exposed patch of air that would have denoted a sample being taken from him. He couldn't be sure, but the odds of them taking samples from him were unlikely. Trying to think of what this could all be connected too, he swore there was some report in the listening post that he was supposed to be familiar with.

But in the moment it was impossible to say anything. "It won't matter if they took anything from us once we get out of here I'll bring in the KDF, and Aldean government Everything here will be taken into custody and clones, and genetic samples will be burned. The klingon government does not look well upon genetic tampering, It lead to a deformity that some families still suffer from to this day." He could go into details, but frankly the Klingon empire did not talk about it with outsiders. Partly because it was the fault of human genetic research that created the problem in the first place.

Contfronted as they were with the options between running or pretending that thier forcefield was not in effect, Jack reached his flesh hand back and grabbed hold of Vivian's hand. "We run." In the moment his logic for taking her hand was that he could see better in the dark, his artificial eye could adjust to the dim light and give him some semblance of dark vision It wasn't a complete field of view, and his brain was still struggling to filter the information as half his vision was darker than the other half, it was disorienting but he could run, and so his feet started to pound the pavement quickly. Though he was hampered by one significant detail, he was still chained to Vivian at the ankle forcing the two to run in unison, another reason he had taken her hand.

He was so glad that he had back his Klingon features, the third lung helped to fuel his stamina. Two hearts beating in his ears just sounded so much more pleasant than the time he had spent with only one of them.

But wow was he out of shape. He didn't realize what a life behind a desk had done to Jack. He had once been the pride of the Federation academy boxing team. He had been a competent long distance runner when he had been in the academy of the first city, and yet three years aboard starbase 84 had put him at a major disadvantage, follow that up with all the trauma his body hadn't fully recovered from, and Jack felt like he was gulping down knives with every breath as he ran.

Add to that the fact that outside of their imprisonment hall, the doors that they had gone through were still dark winding tunnels with various curves turns and splits, and the two of them were running blind through an underground facility. The only thing they had going for them was that these buildings didn't seem to have any cameras, but he could also hear the echoes of footsteps that did not belong to him or Vivian.

Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #31
Lt. Cmdr Vivian Martin | City Outskirts | Underground Malfeasants Facility | Holding Cell |Aldea Prime ]  Attn: @Masorin

As she continued to look at the numerous, obviously human pods of clones she felt herself shudder again, her mind instantly running back to a bunch of old holo-movies she'd watched that featured similar scenarios and nodded when Jack spoke about the Klingon's not being a fan of genetic tampering. She had head the odd thing or two about that but the Klingon's didn't speak much about it, hell Human's too had their own views on genetic tampering, especially after the Eugenics Wars, it was still technically illegal with the Federation to this day. "I certainly won't disagree with that." she muttered in reply.

At least the two agreed that running was the preferable option, what she hadn't been expecting however was for him to reach back and grab her hand. Something that caused her to tense up for a brief moment before the two took off running. She rationalised it by viewing it that given the night vision his artificial eye gave him, it would make sense for him to lead.

Of course they were still chained together at the ankle so while separation wasn't an issue, they needed to remain close as to not hinder the other and slow them down, plus they had to move pretty much in unison so she would leave it be.

As they sprinted down corridor after corridor, Vivian was glad that she had kept somewhat in shape so that she could keep up and run for some time. Granted she was nowhere near as in shape as the security officers or anything like that but she could run a bit before getting tired or have her lungs burn with the exertion too quickly.

Jack on the other hand she wasn't sure about considering all he had been through lately, although perhaps the fact he was fully Klingon now would help alleviate some of that now with the extra organs and everything, she didn't know.

What she did know was they they were running through this place with no actual idea of where they were or where they were going, although the logic was simple enough find an elevator or some stairs and head up back towards the surface. Of course finding said elevator or stairs was in and of itself a challenge and that was before you added avoiding being recaptured again to that list. Admittedly their odds of success were pretty low given their situation not that that would stop them from trying to escape regardless.

Rounding several more corridors, the alarm was still going off and she could hear the echoes of footsteps in the distance, ones that certainly did not belong to either herself or Jack. As they rounded another corner the brief flashing of light revealed what looked to be a flight of stairs just ahead of them, at least Vivian certainly hoped it was and that they lead up, that at least would mean they were heading in the right direction.

"Please tell me that's a flight of stairs I just saw." she whispered as they ran.

Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #32
[ Imperial Intelligence Agent Hi'Jak | City Outskirts| Underground malfeasants facility| Holding Cell ] Attn: @Kinvarus
"I would certainly hope so," said Jack and turned the corner towards the flight of stairs, sprinting as best as he might despite how he was cuffed together with Martin at the ankle. He had also heard the footsteps, like an off echo to their own, and he had no interest in a confrontation whilst being at such a disadvantage. Their best hope was flight, and he focused entirely on that.

The stairs, thankfully, led to some kind of upper level, which appeared to be a storehouse for trading. Since they emerged through a dirthy cloth that served to conceal the opening, Jack could only figure that the place they'd been in was hidden from the public. Certainly no official function on Aldea. Looking around the dim light of the quite stacked storehouse, he searched for the exit, and a door could be seen in one corner. They just had to round a lot of the shelves to get there, and it was likely locked. One thing at the time.

"There!" he called and set Martin in motion with his arm behind the top of her back, pointing towards the distand door with his artificial one. "Hurry!"

The shelves they whisked by seemed to hold everyday items of varying nature, likely being a legal operation covering for what was happening below ground. The noise of their pursuers could still be heard, along with muffled voices as they called to each other. Likely, they knew that they'd escaped, and were about to get out. Were they torn between evacuating the underground area or giving pursuit? There was no reason to stay and find out. Jack needed to get in contact with any KDF officer so that a detail could be sent to the storehouse.

The door was just ahead, and he preserved his pace so that he mightn't outrun Martin. They had to be in sync in their step if they were to get out, lest they'd fall.

OOC: With @Masorin gone, and me finding this thread today, I decided to NPC Jack so that this loose end can be finished up and you can get your Story Tokens. :)

Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #33
Lt. Cmdr Vivian Martin | City Outskirts | Underground Malfeasants Facility | Holding Cell |Aldea Prime ]  Attn: @Auctor Lucan  @Masorin

Running right behind Jack she certainly hoped it was a flight of stairs. The two seemed to be managing somewhat okay despite being shackled together at the ankle, although the scientist was pretty sure she'd have to visit sickbay to get her ankle looked at once she got back, only imagining how much skin she was losing from the chafing. Right now however, the footsteps rapidly approaching them from behind had her attention more focused on running and getting away as soon as possible.

Thankfully, it was a flight of stairs that she had seen and it led up. Up was good. The duo emerged on a level into some kind of storehouse and based on the filthy cloth they had moved through, it was clearly hiding the entrance down into whatever the hell that place below was. Taking a look around the dimly lit room, Vivian couldn't tell exactly what was stacked on all the shelves but most of them were fully stocked so whatever it was, it was certainly being used frequently.

Her attention was drawn to the door when Jack pointed it out and let out a soft gasp as he started making his way towards it without warning, feeling the chain around her ankle shift at the sudden movement and was pretty sure she just lost a layer of skin or two there. Still they were being followed as the two ducked and weaved their way through the various shelves. Clearly whatever this warehouse was being used for was a cover for the real work being done below, although what exactly that was, she had no idea. Well it was some kind of cloning experiment or something but for what reason, Vivian didn't know. Wasn't sure she wanted to know even, but that wouldn't matter if they didn't manage to get out of here and back to the safety of the city or even better the Theurgy. Although Jack might now feel the same way about that last location.

Vivian did her best to keep up with Jack, but knew that the Klingon was holding back so that she could remain in sync, even as the voices of their pursuers although the words were hard to make out. She imagined they were trying to decide whether to stop them or start packing up, although that could take some time based on what she had seen downstairs, if she was them, she'd probably prefer to capture the escapees than abandon their place, or simply kill them and save some time.

Reaching the door, she reached for the handle and turned it. Locked. Of course it was. "Don't suppose you can just knock it down with that arm of yours could you?" she asked in a whispered tone. "I mean they already know we're in here so it's not like we need to stay quiet anymore. Plus the sooner we get out of here the better."

Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #34
[ Imperial Intelligence Agent Hi'Jak | City Outskirts| Underground malfeasants facility| Holding Cell ] Attn: @Kinvarus

Jack couldn't hide the elation at finding the door they would be back outside soon, and then they found that the door was locked and Jack's elation became frustration. Jack looked at the door, it didn't look particularly well kept, but he doubted he could knock it out of it's place with just his arm. The arm wasn't a combat model, it was heavier than a human fleshy arm sure, but it was also programmed to reflect his natural strength so it didn't end up shattering a glass in his hand or something like that. On top of that it was connected to the parts of his arm that were still in tact. That meant his shoulder and elbow essentially had a middle connection which actually weakened the strength of any punch he would try to throw.

So the arm wouldn't be enough to break down the door, but he still had the metal rod. Looking at the hinges of the door and doing a quick assessment. "I'm gonna say maybe."

Hi'Jak jammed the rod into the frame and used his metal arm to push and work it in as hard as he could. leveraging his weight and strength against the metal rod, the door and the frame it took a lot of work to get the thing to budge but between the panic he was in, the need and want to get out of this hell hole, and the adrenaline pumping through him as he heard the people catching up to him, the door frame cracked slowly, and then broke giving way as the door hinges broke off their resting place and the door fell forward.

Jack panted for a second, but as the two crossed out of the room, they were back in the sun of the outskirts of the first city. "Fucking yes!" Looking back he saw the first few guards taking aim and grabbing Martin he pulled her into the desert. They just needed to get far enough away from this place that his badge started to work again, then this whole nightmare would be a distant memory.

Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #35
Lt. Cmdr Vivian Martin | City Outskirts | Underground Malfeasants Facility | Holding Cell |Aldea Prime ]  Attn: @Auctor Lucan  @Masorin

While Jack examined the door, Vivian had turned away from it and was keeping an eye out for their pursuers. The sounds of their voices and footsteps were echoing through the warehouse. It was hard to tell exactly where they were but there was no doubt in her mind that they were getting closer. The fact that Jack's response was a maybe to him being able to open the door didn't exactly fill the scientist with hope but she did turn around in time to see him use the metal rod and his arm against the frame.

At first it didn't look like it was going work and was about to offer her own assistance to help get the thing open, luckily however she heard the frame crack. The sounds of people behind them getting closer and closer. Luckily however the frame eventually gave way and the door fell forward.

The second the door feel the two crossed through it and Vivian winced as the sunlight assaulted them, still she grinned and nodded in agreement with Jack's exclamation "I've never been so happy to see daylight in my life." she said. The moment was short lived however as Jack grabbed her and started dragging her into the desert. "Gah!" she managed to squeak out as the started running.

Glancing over her shoulder she could see several of the guards, Aldean's by the look of it chasing them. "Those guys never seem to give up." she muttered as they ran.

Although they were free of the facility the fact they were in the desert and not somewhere near the entrance to the building they had originally entered was a little disconcerting, making her wonder just how big that underground facility was. They also had to get clear of whatever dampening field was shrouding the facility. At least Jack still had his badge so that he at least could contact someone once they were in the clear. Their captors had taken her own communication device when they had been captured.

"Well there doesn't appear to be much else out here so the odds are the field protecting that place and hampering our communications probable doesn't cover a large area, that's the good news. The bad news is we have no idea when that will be." she said as they kept running, doing her best to ignore the fact that sand had gotten into her shoes. color=darkcyan]"Nice work with the door by the way."[/color] she said before glancing over her shoulder.

"Looks like our friends are dropping back, either they're giving up or they don't see the point of chasing us out into the desert for some reason. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing." 

Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #36
[ Imperial Intelligence Agent Hi'Jak | City Outskirts| Aldean Surface ] Attn: @Kinvarus

"They probably are scuttling their facility. If we don't get a strike squad in soon they may clear it out before we get a chance to make any arrests." Which did mean that if they were packing up and leaving that they could be taking their genetic samples with them, which did mean that if they got away there could be a few Vivian clones in a few months to years depending on how fast grow the clones were. It wasn't a thought he really wanted to humor.

"For now the fastest way out of it's radius is a straight line." He said pointing out into the desert he could see the aired heat come off the surface in waves as he walked. This was going an unpleasant walk to be sure he wasn't sure exactly how long the two of them would have to be stuck together before they could get a transport off the surface.

"I don't really remember the planet side briefing but I don't think there were many if any predators out here." He glanced upwards at the sun, it had reached a little higher, honestly in the caves and being knocked out it was hard to judge how many hours had passed since he had come down to the surface. "I think the worst thing we have to worry about is heat stroke and sun burns we should be out of range before anything extreme happens."

He tapped his communicator and got a wave of static as the two of them walked still chained together he stumbled in the sand. He would have to clean his arm something fierce after all of this. "Lets agree not to check out any more anomalies just for the fun of it."

Re: Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both

Reply #37
Lt. Cmdr Vivian Martin | City Outskirts | Underground Malfeasants Facility | Holding Cell |Aldea Prime ]  Attn: @Auctor Lucan  @Masorin

"You're probably right and based on what we saw down there we should probably find out what they were up to..well I mean they were cloning obviously but what for, not to mention whatever else they might have been doing." she replied as they continued sprinting. Her thoughts trying not to think about the possibility that they too had had samples taken while they were unconscious. If she were to have little her's running around the galaxy they would be her own biological children and not clones of herself. She imagined that Jack would feel the same too.

As they continued running, Vivian couldn't argue with his logic, running in a straight line would mean they would certainly reach the end of the field eventually, and a lot quicker than diverting, especially if the field curved around an area, meaning it covered a larger area in one point and a smaller area in another, which could extend their time in it and thus increasing their odds of being discovered.

"I don't remember reading anything about predators either, then again I'd never planned to be this far outside the city either." she muttered. As she took a moment to run the back of her hand across her forehead she briefly wondered if she had been sweating just because of the running or because of the heat. When Jack mentioned being more worried about sunstroke she figured it was the heat or a combination of the two.

"I don't think we'll be out here that long." she replied. "At least I hope not." she added with a sigh. After a while they slowed down to a walk, pretty certainly that their pursuers had given up the chase, at least for now. Not to mention with the heat baring down on them it was hard to do so and keep your breath. The fact Jack's communicator responded with a wave of static didn't fill her with much hope. At his comment about not checking out any more anomalies for the fun of it she couldn;t help but chuckle "On that I can agree with. Think I might just stay on the Theurgy for a while and send others out to do any such exploring." After a little while longer of walking Vivian couldn't help but wonder just how much further could this dampening field go on for?

As if to answer her question, she felt the familiar tingle of a transporter beam and before she knew it she was standing on a transporter pad that looked very much like the station in orbit of the planet and let out a relieved sigh.

"Oh thank god." she muttered. [darkcyan]"I was starting to think we'd be walking in that sun for so many more hours."[/color] she added before noticing that there was a rather large Klingon standing in front of her and beside him a rather smaller in comparison Human in a Starfleet uniform beside him.

"Commander Martin, it's great to see you! When you didn't return from the ship we started to get worried." the officer said, taking a quick glance over at Hi'Jak warily before returning his gaze to Vivian. "Are you alright ma'am?" he asked, glancing over at Jack again.

Vivian knew Jack had a reputation and evidently this officer had heard about it too. He didn't really think that Jack had played a part in her disapperance did he? Well he probably did thinking about it. "I'm fine for the most part, thanks to Jack." she replied.

"That's good to hear ma'am, the Captain will want a report right away, I'm sure." he said, clearly imply they should leave immediately.

Almost as if to agree with the officer, the tall Klingon who had been silent spoke up "Yes I'm sure that is the case, much as Agent Hi'Jak's superiors will want to hear from him too."[/color] the man said while looking at Jack in what could have been anger, or disgust Vivian couldn't tell.

"But we haven't told you about the...." she began, before the Klingon interrupted her

"I'm sure you can tell your Captain all about it Commander, just as Hi'Jak and inform us of whatever it is, especially considering where we found you., outsiders aren't particularly allowed out there, it could cause and incident."

Well that could be a problem. she thought before the security officer pulled her out of her thoughts by informing her that they really should be going.

"Thank you Jack." she said sincerely with a glance over at the man who had no doubt saved her life today. "For what it's worth, I'll be sure to tell Captain Ives what you did for me today." 


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