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Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?

Have You Eaten Yet?

STARDATE 57563.92
MARCH 13, 2381
1230 HRS.

[ Maddrisa Maepilwud a.k.a. Maddy Maplewood | The Sunrise Café | Aldean Office Complex | Orbital Drydocks | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Patches
Maddy woke early, as usual, and after her daily routines, got dressed, and headed for her tiny establishment. The lounge café, if it really be called that, was very tiny, and set between a hairdresser's and a tailor's shop. It was like a little community of its own here, and she enjoyed her daily routine. Plus now, with the Federation starship undergoing repairs, there was an influx of new visitors, and an opportunity to swap recipes or listen to new tales of adventure. Klingon conversations were a little predictable these days, and there was only so many glorious tales of battle she could stomach. At least the Federation people had more interesting things to talk about...when they were willing to talk.

She waved and greeted all the shopkeepers on her way to her place, one of them asked her what she was planning to make today, and she replied, “Something human.”

But she really was going to make more than one option. Seeing humans again was quite an excitement for Maddy, and she wanted to cater to as many tastes as possible. The night before, she had already premade several dishes, and after she'd opened up her lounge and set up the tables and seats, she entered the kitchen to get everything set. The morning patrons and the usual customers came and went, while she continued preparing meals, chatting with the customers. Her assistant came in to help in the kitchen, which was when she would go out to socialize and serve the food and drinks. Even her drinks were all specially prepared by herself, going from an assortment of fresh juice, to alcoholic beverages, to soft drinks, to something the occasional Klingon might fancy, which meant most others shied away from that option.

She smiled as the afternoon came by, and she leaned against the open door which led into the café, expecting more customers to show up soon. More mouths to feed, and people to meet.

She loved her life.

Re: SD 57563.92: Have You Eaten Yet?

Reply #1
[ CWO3 Liliana "Meerkat" Walton | The Sunrise Café | Aldean Office Complex | Orbital Drydocks | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] @Triage

Being docked at a Klingon shipyard still felt a bit bizarre to Liliana. The Klingon Empire had been former allies with the Federation for over two decades and Walton herself had flown with Klingons during the Dominion War, but somehow she never quite understood their culture enough to be fully comfortable with it. Haqr was a great Rear Intercept Officer, but he was a poor teacher of Klingon culture to a spacer whose entire ethos boiled down to communal wellbeing over individual honor or prestige. It had to be that way on the SS Rainbow’s End for it to work well long-term. She supposed it didn’t really matter in the bigger picture though, as long as the Theurgy and its crew could depend on the Chancellor keeping his word.

Walton had heard stories of Aldea growing up. Prior to its unveiling by the Enterprise, the planet had a mythical status similar to Atlantis. It was a tale passed around the spacefaring community, responsible for unrealistic feats and a place where dreams could come true in some way. Since Aldea returned to the galactic community, however, information on the place were still sketchy and light on details so it was going to be really interesting to see the truth of the place for herself. In the meantime, she was hungry for something that she would potentially not get from a Federation replicator. The safest place to start for that was the station itself – it would have Klingon proprietors, at the least, and perhaps – oh, a surprise!

The place was billed as the Sunrise Café and it was definitely not a Klingon bar or restaurant. This part of the station, now that she was thinking about it, was not as filled with Klingons as the rest. She supposed that meant she was in the Aldean portion of it, where workers and bigwigs from the planet could come do stuff with their Klingon benefactors. Everyone around her had the oddly shaped communicator that she now had on their sleeves. Her clothing set her apart, however, as she hadn’t yet taken the opportunity to have a set of Aldean traditional clothing made for her. That was actually part of the reason she was on the station in the first place. In the meantime, her usual simple purple and black outfit would have to do.

There was a woman standing at the doorway to the café. She seemed cheerful enough. There was even a tailor shop next door, conveniently, so that made stopping in there more tempting. Most of all, though, the smells coming through the open door seemed more familiar than most on the station.

Is she Aldean or Federation?

Liliana waved and approached the woman. “Hello! I don’t suppose you’re open?”

Re: SD 57563.92: Have You Eaten Yet?

Reply #2
[ Maddrisa Maepilwud a.k.a. Maddy Maplewood | The Sunrise Café | Aldean Office Complex | Orbital Drydocks | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Patches
Maddy turned her head to look at the approaching woman. She was definitely from the Theurgy! How exciting! Her eyes brightened, and her smile lit the place, as if she'd been given birthday and Christmas presents all at once. Her eyes quickly made an analysis of the outsider. She was far too thin and underfed for Maddy's liking, something she was going to rectify as quickly as possible.

With a small gesture towards the open door of her café, she said, “I'm most definitely open, honored guest. Won't you come in?”

She pushed off from the door and darted inside, the room was small and cozy, with rich cushion chairs, varnished wooden tables, small orbs that provided an orange illumination, and the walls were painted in a warm beige colour that wasn't too bright or too dark, and the barrista station was made of similar polished wood with a marble surface. Behind the station, there was a window to the kitchen, which was more brightly lit, and someone was working in there.

Maddy led the woman to a table and held the chair out for her. The center of a table had a hologram consultant that could open up a menu, as well as the station's emergency contacts and a map for easy reference.

“My name is Maddrisa Maepilwud, but you can call me Maddy Maplewood, it's easier. Mind if I ask your name?”

She smiled at the woman easily.

Re: SD 57563.92: Have You Eaten Yet?

Reply #3
[ CWO3 Liliana "Meerkat" Walton | The Sunrise Café | Aldean Office Complex | Orbital Drydocks | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] @Triage

“Maddy Maplewood, then. I can guess why you offer the alternative! I’m not sure I’d pronounce your name right.” Liliana replied with a bright smile of her own. “My name is … Lily. Just call me Lily.”

For some reason, the café’s interior banished all memories of what the pilot’s alias was supposed to be. She was not sure if it was just the really well done decorations or the fact that her host’s bright smile shone like a ray of light from the heavens. Walton took the proffered seat with a nod of thanks. Not the best time and place to get flirty, Meerkat! While she was hardly in the running for most promiscuous pilot in Starfleet, Liliana found it hard not to find most people attractive in some way. The Aldeans she had observed on the station so far were among the most attractive she had seen.

She turned in the chair to better look at Maddy and gestured to the kitchen. “The food here smells more familiar than the rest of the station. Is this your normal fare or were you expecting a certain type of guest?”

Lily nodded in the direction of the Theurgy, though it could not be easily seen from where they were situated. The other woman would likely catch her meaning easily, though. There was a lot of bustle on the shipyard during and after the dreadnought’s docking. Idly, the veteran wondered how whoever was in charge planned to keep the stationside personnel quiet about the rogue Starfleet warship.


Re: SD 57563.92: Have You Eaten Yet?

Reply #4
[ Maddy Maplewood | The Sunrise Café | Aldean Office Complex | Orbital Drydocks | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Patches
Maddy grinned happily. It wasn't just because it's an easier name for Earth people. It was a gift from someone very dear to her, who came from the Federation. “A very lovely name, Lily, and a pleasure to meet you.” she intoned sincerely. While Maddy was not necessarily the greatest at reading micro-expressions and body language, she had been around people long enough to get gleanings, or an idea of what people were feeling around her. Not everyone enjoyed someone who smiled a lot or was super-friendly. Sometimes they preferred quieter folk. Lily didn't strike Maddy as particularly opposed to friendliness and pampering. Good.

When she asked Maddy about her food, she beamed even more happily. So Lily had noticed! Hopefully others from the Theurgy would notice too!

“I made today's dishes especially just for you.” said Maddy cheerfully, and she leaned forward, speaking a little more quietly, “Not to worry; as the saying goes, 'Mum's the word.'” and she winked, hinting what she knew and that she was more than happy to keep quiet about it. But enough of that. Time for the pampering, possible overfeeding, and listening to her guests. “Can I start you off with anything in particular? Would you like a fresh fruit drink, or something stronger, perhaps?”

She gestured with a hand and the menu highlights in the center of the table activated, showcasing an impressive array of choices, arranged by categories and even racial preference.

Re: Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?

Reply #5
[ CWO3 Liliana "Meerkat" Walton | The Sunrise Café | Aldean Office Complex | Orbital Drydocks | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] @Triage

Lily smiled in response to her host as she comforted the pilot about staying mum about the Theurgy’s presence here. That was not what she worried about precisely, but it was good that this Maddy character knew to be quiet about it. That spoke well for the station crew in general. It meant they would be safe here. It was still a curious thing to her that this café would go to such lengths to welcome Theurgy crew members, but that was not something Lily felt in the mood to question overmuch.

Looking over the menu, it was clear that Maddy had either done her research or she had some experience with serving Starfleet crewmembers. There was so many food items that catered to human taste buds listed and the fresh fruit drinks seemed only the start. It seemed a good start, at least. Maybe that would be a good launching point before she delved further into the menu. There were things on the menu she was not sure of.

“A fresh fruit drink sounds great! I remember as a child, our ship stopped by this one station whose garden managed a real orange tree. They let the kids squeeze their own oranges for a drink. It was delicious,” Lily said with a slightly faraway look. “The replicator, of course, is supposed to be able to make an exact copy of that but there’s always something … different in comparison to an actual orange.”

Re: Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?

Reply #6
[ Maddy Maplewood | The Sunrise Café | Aldean Office Complex | Orbital Drydocks | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Patches
Maddy knew just what Lily meant about replicated consumables compared to truly natural produce. “Machines can make you nutritious, healthy and contaminant free edibles,” said Maddy with a nod and a smile, “but no matter how close to the actual taste it's supposed to have, it just can't capture the flavour of something made by hand and passion.”

She grinned and pointed at the menu, referencing Lily's choice along with her sharing of a memory, “As it pleasantly happens, I had made some fresh squeezed orange juice today. I'll bring you a jug.”

She walked into the kitchen. Two patrons arrived, and settled themselves into a corner. One was possibly a Starfleet officer in disguise. The two began to converse quietly, whilst selecting options from the menu. Maddy emerged a moment later, greeting the two newcomers happily, before returning to Lily, a jug and a glass in hand. She poured the pulpy drink into the glass and served it to the woman, leaving the jug on the table in case Lily fancied having more. Maddy held out a tray after that with what looked like a large assortment of roasted nuts, “Would you like to try some? They were imported fresh just a few days ago.”

After Lily's response, Maddy lowered the tray to the table and smiled, “May I ask, do you have many adventures travelling around so much in space?”

While she spoke, one of her staff attended the other two patrons.

Re: Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?

Reply #7
[ CWO3 Liliana "Meerkat" Walton | The Sunrise Café | Aldean Office Complex | Orbital Drydocks | Aldea Prime Shipyards ]

“I don’t know about hands and passion, but I won’t deny that there’s definite appeal to that!” Liliana responded with a short laugh. “In retrospect, it is probably the bit of pulp. Texture, you know?”

As the other woman ventured back to her kitchen to fetch the juice, Lily quietly watched the other patrons come in and seat themselves. She was in the middle of watching them out of the corner of her eye when Maddy came back out with the jug of juice and apparently a tray full of nuts. There was a confusing array of aromas from the tray as she pondered whether to accept her host’s offer of trying out some of them. Having grown up in a spaceship that largely roamed the fringes of Federation space, she didn’t recognize more than two or three of them.

In the end, Lily chose to be safe and picked out a small handful of cashews, popping one in her mouth. As she finished chewing and swallowed, she took down a gulp of orange juice to wash it down and sighed in contentment.

“These are really good, Maddy! Thank you.”

She reflected momentarily while resting her hand on one hand. Did she have many adventures in space? It wasn’t the first time she had been asked that, but answering it for a kid was different than for another adult. She nodded to herself as she settled on an answer

“I do, but it’s really a lot of downtime in between. Even with the Dominion War, we weren’t constantly in combat or whatever. Prior to where I’ve ended up being now, I spent a lot of time training people to fly fighters. I could tell a lot of funny stories about that, but the training range didn’t really offer much opportunity for adventures.”

Re: Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?

Reply #8
[ Maddy Maplewood | The Sunrise Café | Aldean Office Complex | Orbital Drydocks | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Patches
“Life is an adventure,” said Maddy with a small smile, “I honestly enjoy hearing anything people have to say.”

She sat herself down across from Lily, folding her arms over the table, an eager smile on her lips, “Obviously, I don't get to move very far from home, and the most exciting thing to happen around here on occasion is the Klingon Spice Challenge, or the Klingon Tribble Run, which is even more insane, I can tell you.” she looked around, then whispered to Lily, “The last one? Some non-Klingon won the game, and had not even been an official part of it, that made it even funnier...until the Klingons chased everyone because they felt humiliated.”

She chuckled, “Well look at me, I ask you for a story, I start telling you one, instead. Oh yes, I am quite certainly one bored woman.”

She looked dreamily into the distance, “Much as I enjoy the placid routines of my life, I'm starting to think I still have a spot of adventure left in me. And I do wonder what it might take to get me on board a ship. I suppose being a cook helps, provided real ingredients are available.”

Re: Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?

Reply #9
[ CWO3 Liliana "Meerkat" Walton | The Sunrise Café | Aldean Office Complex | Orbital Drydocks | Aldea Prime Shipyards ]

Liliana chuckled at Maddy’s brief retelling of the Klingon Tribble Run. That certainly sounded like the Klingons she knew. When her host turned the conversation towards being on a starship and roaming further from Aldea, she smiled slightly and took another sip of her orange juice to give her a moment longer before responding.

“Well, you’re already living on a space station,” the pilot mused. “I’ve lived my entire life on starships. I honestly can’t even imagine living on a planet or moon. It took me a while to adjust the first time I set foot on terra firma.”

She looked up slightly and leaned back in her chair with a faraway look in her eyes.

“A lot of people from the planets romanticize spacefaring life, I’ve noticed. There’s a lot of holovids that dramatize life on a starship or station and I have to say, a lot of it has some disturbing inaccuracies.” A brief look at the glass she held in her hand gave another moment’s pause to gather her thoughts. “For most ships, life on board is very boring and very routine. Even on the old ship that I grew up on where we had to constantly patch up the old girl to keep it going, that routine and boredom was there every day. It kept – and keeps – us alive. Routine means safety in space. There’s only so many things you can do if shit hits the fan. Even today, being too adventurous gets one killed.”

Meerkat settled her gaze back on the woman across from her, fixing her with an appraising look before taking a deep breath and sighing.

“Every ship will need a good cook, one who can make a variety of foods to satisfy the palate and keep meals from being the same thing over and over. If you’re lucky, they’ll be supplied well enough to have fresh food on a fairly routine basis. Mostly though, you make do with the replicator and maybe hydroponics if there’s room to grow food there. Good cooks are rare enough. You’d have no problem finding a berth somewhere.”

Re: Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?

Reply #10
[ Maddy Maplewood | The Sunrise Café | Aldean Office Complex | Orbital Drydocks | Aldea Prime Shipyards ] Attn: @Patches
Maddy grinned. Listening to the woman was as fulfilling and attractive as she had expected. Her input was not unexpected, and Maddy had a good idea about it already, since she wasn't always planet-bound or even station-bound. Nevertheless, it was refreshing to hear her input, and what she had to add to it. She also opened a path for her, it seemed, since that was definitely a point in her favour.

“You're not wrong,” said Maddy, “about the romanticizing of ship life. It has ups and downs, like everything else in life. Still, I think my preferences lies in the ships and the people that serve on board them.”

She smiled as other guests began to arrive, and she languidly rose from the seat she'd taken to chat with LIly, “Not that I'm complaining about life here, but I'm ready to make changes. Who knows, maybe I might see you more very very soon.”

She smiled sweetly at the woman and bowed her head lightly, “Shade and sweet water favour you, Lily, and you're always welcome here whenever you like. Good day.”

She then left to attend to the other patrons, speaking with them as jovially as ever.


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