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Topic: CH04: S [D05|1130] A Dog's Perspective (Read 2565 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH04: S [D05|1130] A Dog's Perspective

Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ] A Dog's Perspective

[ “Sharky” (NPC) [ Zoological Lab | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

attn @triage
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The atmosphere was high, the people were scurrying about—fast as bipeds could; the scent of anxiety, fear, perspiration of many flavors. Sharky the Blue-Nose Pit Bull with piercing amber eyes and unparalleled (except, perhaps from those judgmental Vulcan females) sense of smell was ready to lend his ‘smile’ to a situation requiring a surprise from a jeffries tube. Few creatures could negotiate with a tube like he could, but he had no qualms about being kept in a confined space. Not that he had anything to say in the matter; Ley-yon left him here in this lab with other creatures for safekeeping while Jim-me had to go 'away team'.

Sharky behaved with his temporary custodian, and neighbors, the stocky but muscly canine passed many lonely hours in his pen, with only the occasional waste trip or extended nap to pass the time. There was a bizarre purring fur-ball of rainbow-scents named 'Bobo' that had briefly caught Sharky's attention, but the Pit Bull ultimately ignored the odd creature; It wasn't bothering him, and he couldn't smell past the ozone of his pen's forcefield.

“Sharky! C'mere!!!”

Suddenly, He got a visit that brightened his day. Mee-uny! Shark’s tail wagged enthusiastically and Sharky sat up and stretched himself, tensing his muscles before playfully springing at the human when she freed him. Though she brought some snacks, the faithful dog was happier to see his ‘momma’ more than anything. Her lullabies among other affectionate gestures helped him through his early years. There was an unquestioning loyalty to this human female that was visible to anyone who saw him excitedly greet her. “All raht already! Ah swear Ah spoahl ya! Jimmy'd never lemme hear th' end o' this, ya know?”

Ever what Jim-me had called ‘a proper soldier’, whatever that meant, Sharky obediently did what Momma Mee-uny asked, with an eagerly-composed posture. “Ah ah ah! First, sit!” Sharky obeyed and got creative with the usual round of tricks before he could share a thoughtful moment with Momma before her expression and attitude changed visibly.
Sharky knew his 'play dead' parlor trick usually prompted a good reaction and so he let his fanged smile hang out, which usually earned a smile in return from stranger and familiar alike, but this time, the grin didn't seem to work, so he rolled over to his feet and seemed to look her over, as if awaiting a command in that unique voice of hers. Something about that familiar voice seemed thoughtful and Sharky sensed something in her tone. One question, however seemed to stand out.

"Ya teenk Ah'd make a nahs Mrs. Mariner, Sharks?"

It seemed the words were somehow affecting her mood, but dogs weren't as good at sensing or judging emotion the way their best friends were, thus their advice was understandably limited. Nonetheless, Sharky gave a snort and a short, cheery bark and wagged his tail, intending to get a positive reaction from Momma. “Yeah, Ah thought so too.”

They were his parents: Her lullabies and hugs, his training and holo-sweet adventures. Jim-me had brought him over to the Resolve when he was only a puppy, and the dog's age marked the duration of that crew's journey and ongoing time together. Assuredly, he put his cold, wet nose into her palm and licked it lovingly in exchange for a tickle behind his stubby triangular ears. She mentioned Mare-nar (another name for Jim-me), and at the conclusion of each sentence, he either tilted his head, whined or both for the duration of her visit.

Mee-uny didn’t say the key words which would have sprung him into action, but the loyal dog was itching to get out and help in his own way. Sharky privately hoped there was a way for him to communicate his willingness to be at their side. Momma returned Sharky to his pen, and Sharky planted his paw on the pen’s forcefield, letting the sting flicker on his paw. Sharky sighed, hoping the harmless but confining forcefield would go out and Sharky could help those he loved. One long, low whine said what he couldn't: <Jim-me. Mee-uny. Love you. Protect you.>

- FIN[/color]
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

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