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Topic: CH05: S [D05|1900] A Night To Remember (Or Not) (Read 7522 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH05: S [D05|1900] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

[Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Lorad felt truly good and refreshed for what seemed like the first time in two days. He had spent the afternoon assisting Lieutenant Veradin in his efforts to learn the systems of the Apache. Lorad wasn't sure how much help he had been in that regard but he did know that he spoke Standard better than Veradin read or spoke Reman.

After the Lieutenant had 'called it a day' as he had said, Lorad felt an odd discomfort when he had walked into the cargo hold. He had seen it earlier when he had come aboard with many of the floor hatches opened to access to various systems. But this time he noticed that what crates of cargo and supplies that had been present in the hold, had all been pushed aside to get them out of the way. 

Twice during their journey, Samala and he had bartered supplies for shipping goods from one place to another. Samala had been very specific on how everything was supposed to be laid out in the hold and Lorad couldn't help but be upset for her at the chaos that was now the hold. 

And so, he had spent more than an hour reorganising everything back to a way that his sister would approve of. He had been surprised when he discovered that none of the crates had been opened. Perhaps the crew didn't want or need to know what was inside them. Perhaps they had just scanned them and left it at that. Either way, Lorad was surprised.

After completing his work, Lorad had used the Apache's facilities to clean himself and his clothes before redressing. He didn’t know what time it was but his stomach was telling him all he needed to know. As he descended the rear ramp, he saw a woman striding across the shuttle bay towards him. 

A woman with eyes, that to him, glowed.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #1
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
Having spent plenty of days on the Theurgy - not counting the excursion to the Coreless Moon - Sera vers Aldnoah had grown bored. Even worse, she had felt the pull to Câroon.

She had washed herself in the sanitation module on the Sabine, which served as a sonic shower as well, dialed up the sonic waves until the vibrations almost hurt. Yet as soon as she'd dressed, she felt it again. No point in denying it. She had been in the same place for too long. She had begun to nest, settling in on the Sabine and in the Upper Shuttle Bay without meaning to, and thus, it had begun.

For all her life, since leaving Mama and Papa, putting the Fire Region and all its savage glory behind her, she had been travelling. Never settling down. Always moving, because if she ceased to move, she would feel it. The bond to Câroon, and how it pulled at her. It was like wound underneath your skin that you couldn't treat. A rash you couldn't see. Aching and itching and making you feel like it would fester and rot. Whilst moving, travelling, it felt better, as if she told herself that she was getting there eventually. That she was just going to make a few more stops on the way. They said it was worse for those in the Fire Region, that their bond to Câroon was stronger, but she didn't know that for sure. Just something she'd picked up in her travels.

Oh, and those flaming Starfleeters. Burn them all.

Uniforms as long as her golden eyes could see. Everywhere you went, they all looked the same. Polite, but unsettled, never knowing how to act around civilians that had no labels. No pips or titles with which they could compartmentalize you. Whenever they spoke to you, you'd been bothersome in some way - the flame too close to their curtains. Fraying the veils over their eyes. And this ship, now bereft of its digital soul? The corridors had no identity. No distinguishing features. Dull and clean and predictable. Nothing beyond battle damage that made this 'home' seem real.

Only recently, there had been something that drew her eye. Like an oasis for her sanity, she'd seen the new ship in the shuttle bay. Something new. Something utterly foreign. Something not Starfleet, without a flaming chevron plastered across it as if it was marked property. She'd spent a couple of hours trying to chisel away the ones on the Sabine, with moderate success, but this new shuttle?

She emerged from the Sabine and looked at it, smiling. Oh, there was something to let your eyes feast upon. She was an explorer, and she meant to take a closer look. Anything to take her mind of this clean prison ship with so much security clearance areas you thought you were flying through an asteroid field just to find a lounge with a functioning replicator.

Yet as she stepped towards the shuttle, its owner stepped out, and Sera's eyebrows rose. "Burn me," she said, seeing that it was a Reman. She'd seen very few of them before in her travels. She knew virtually nothing about them, but oh... he certainly wasn't Starfleet. Someone outside the hierarchy. Someone alive... and living for their own benefit, and not indoctrinated to follow orders. All military institutions were glorified and well funded cults, where the governments taught you to obey and to use weapons for the sake of the greater good. The greater good always coming at the cost of the individual. Sanctioned murder, excuses for crimes otherwise unforgivable.

"Blast you but you're tall," she said to the Reman in greeting, grinning at him, and the nodded to him. Craning her neck, she put her tattooed hands in her pockets. "Sera vers Aldnoah. Explorer, scavenger, guest, prisoner by circumstance. Your pick. This your ship? A sight for sore eyes. What's your story?"

She'd listen. She'd actually care. Anything was better than the itch. Anything to preoccupy her. Anything new.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #2
[Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Lorad didn't know where to begin as he stared down at this woman who had walked up and stopped before him. He towered over her by almost a head and yet she didn't seem to care. If he understood her words correctly, which was not a certainty, she seemed happy that he was so tall. Which he found odd. And then there was everything else that she had said. His mind was still processing all of what she had said but he did recognise a few of the words. Explorer, guest, prisoner. That made no sense; pisoners weren't allowed to walk around freely. Ship, sore eyes, story. It was hard to understand given how fast she had seemed to speak. Or maybe that was just him. But he believed that she had said her name was Sera Vers Aldn-oer. What an odd name.

"Tesserarius Lorad," Lorad responded, introducing himself in his stilted Federation Standard. He saw no combadge and didn't know if she had a translator. But even as he did so, a thought came to him. Was he still a Tesserarius. It was a rank and title from a military that he had, arguably, deserted. What did that make him now? Just Lorad? Lorad, son of...

Lorad shook his head to clear it of those thoughts. They served no purpose in the here and now. She had introduced herself and, he believed, described herself. He would do the same.

"I am Reman shock trooper," Lorad continued. And that was all he was. No special skills or qualifications. He was a soldier, a killer. Was this his ship though? Perhaps it was for the moment, until Samala got out of stasis. It was more hers than his, especially after everything.

"Yes, Apache is my ship," Lorad confirmed. "My story. Is painful. Not interesting."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #3
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
Evidently, this Reman actually spoke Federation Standard, which she was quite delighted about. She had an accent of her own, but had dealt with the Federation worlds quite a lot through her life. Likely a lot more than Lorad. Couldn't write it though. Nuh-uh. Talking was one thing, deciphering text quite another. Sure, the common words to navigate ports and cities well enough, but beyond that? No, as long as they were talking and not passing notes, she'd be good.

"Loh-rad?" she asked with her eyebrows raised in query, her Câroon pronunciation of the name an exotic tint to the two syllables. Perhaps she ought to have brought the combadge she'd been given on that first day on the Theurgy, just after the debacle at Starbase 84. The Reman proceeded to tell her his profession, and she might have been a bit disappointed about encountering yet another military man inside the other civilian shuttle in the bay.

"Shocking," she said in jest to the shock trooper, grinning at him. "She, the Apache, is a very nice ship. If you don't care to tell me your story, could you at least give me a tour of her instead?"

Sera could respect how he didn't care to tell her about himself. She wasn't too keen on telling people how she had ended up on the Theurgy in the first place either. What her Fire Regioneer temper had made her do, and for which Hi'Jak had taken the blame. Now, Hi'Jak was gone, abducted by the Savi, and Sera had no way of knowing if he'd told anyone what really happened. She had to assume he'd tell on her eventually.

Still, he'd betrayed them at SuD Lang, been a flaming fool, but she wasn't sure if Hi'Jak almost having her killed made her actions at Starbase 84 more forgivable in the eyes of these Starfleeters. In the end, they were separate matters, only valid in terms of where she stood with Hi'Jak. After having thought about it, she'd decided that it would be in her best interest to have him killed. Not just because he'd tried to kill her, but because that would also keep his mouth shut. That Chief Science Officer on Starbase 84 hadn't been killed 'by accident', deplorable as he had been.

No, Sera had killed him when he'd incriminated her. Executed him for taking away her freedom.

"So, shall we?" she asked, her smile warm as she tilted her head, glancing towards the Apache. "Burn you, I promise I won't touch anything. Come on..."

Well, I might get handsy on him. She'd never had a Reman before...

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #4
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

The way she said his name was, strange, to say the least. He had never quite heard it said that way. Perhaps it was something about the way her species pronounced sounds like that. Or maybe it was just the way she pronounced it. Either way, it was oddly nice to hear it said that way.

Another thought that surprised Lorad as she stared up at him was how he had looked her over as she had approached him. He was now playing the moment back in his mind and appreciating what he had seen. Before the events of Bacury III, he had not considered what it might be like to be with anyone other than another Reman. Which was strange, given his father’s relationship with Pakena. But after leaving, he had considered it, even been offered time with an Orion slave girl. And now those thoughts were invading his mind again. What did she look like out of those clothes?

Shaking his head, he heard her compliment the Apache before asking for a tour. What was to see in Apache that might interest this woman? Lorad wasn’t sure but she seemed nice and her words, the way she spoke them, they tickled at his mind.

“I can show you Apache,” Lorad said slowly in Standard. He didn’t see a combadge and guessed that she didn’t speak Reman. It would be taxing on his language skills but Lorad would adapt. Stepping to the side, Lorad inclined his head toward the ramp.

“So, shall we?” she asked him as she smiled and mimicked his head tilt. His silence though seemed to get to her. “Burn you, I promise I won’t touch anything. Come on…”

“You first,” Lorad said slowly as he held out his arm in the direction of the ramp. As she walked past him, Lorad stared down at her, sizing her up unconsciously and judging her assets. She was well proportioned. As the woman began to climb up the ramp, Lorad’s eyes found themselves locked on a particular asset without him even realising it.

“Apache is Hawk-class Runabout,” Lorad quoted from his training as he started up the ramp behind her. As a Tesserarius, he was the commander of a unit of 20 Remans assigned as the troop complement to one of these ships. Another stray thought intruded into his head. What was the Federation equivalent to a Tesserarius? Lorad didn’t know.

As the two of them entered the cargo bay, Lorad said nothing as her glowing eyes darted around the empty, silent bay.

“Apache can carry 20 Reman troopers and cargo anywhere they need go,” Lorad explained. "And it can support them however they need it."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #5
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
One thing was certain as Sera looked around. The shuttle was decidedly not Federation in origin. There was a far more.... organic design to everything.

Oh, she certainly wasn't in the vicinity of having a good eye for ships, but she'd encountered a few Romulan ships in her day, and if the Apache carried any influences, it would be Romulan ship traits. Clearly different, though. Aside from the ship, she was more aware that the Reman had been quite civil towards her, following her movements with his eyes. She couldn't quite tell his reasons; what his thoughts were when he looked at her. Cultures were so varied, even between continents on worlds, and she wouldn't have any idea if he fancied looking at her or if he was staring at her because he was irritated that she'd practically invited herself to see his ship.

He was also a Reman of few words, even though what he said was to the point and succinct, detailing the heart of what he wanted to say. He didn't prattle, which was a boon in its own, but she didn't know if he wanted her to leave, talking as little as possible, or if it was just the language barrier between them. "Apache, Hawk-class," she said rolling the Federation Standard words on her tongue, her accent caressing the syllables. So strange, the Federation words for the Câroon equivalents of Gilijan and ru'Losch. It wasn't exact in translation, but close enough in reference. She smiled to him, the corners of her golden eyes creasing. "Burn you, what's the Reman words for her?"

She could but guess the Remans called their ships 'her' too.

Sera then thought about what he had said about the Apache. She chuckled a little, a mischievous glint in their eye. "Are you implying that she can provide for all the needs of Reman troopers?" She shook her head in jest and walked further into the shuttle, approaching the cockpit. "She must be quite a ship, able to please so many. I wonder what her trick is?"

Sauntering into the cockpit, she ran a tattooed hand over the back of the pilot's chair. The flight controls were definitely alien, and she wouldn't dream to try and fly her. She was having difficulties enough with the Sabine after its refit at Starbase 84. Briefly, she remembered Melissa Wright, the Engineer at the base that had been assigned to upgrade the Sabine, Starfleet having decided to impound her when her paperwork hadn't been in order. Melissa had said that once her claim on the Sabine had proved legit, Melissa had been tasked to remove all the armaments and reinforced hull plating, which led to the idea that they would abandon the base together, and go on an adventure...

...only Melissa had died at Starbase 84, and whatever adventures had been in store for them, Sera had ended up on the Theurgy instead. Wherever your flame dances in the night, I hope it will be rekindled some day...

"So this is where you sit?" she asked, her momentary pause not long. She grinned at Lorad and stroked the back of the chair with her tattooed hand. "All by yourself, so far from home? Haven't you been lonely?"

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #6
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

This woman spoke in perhaps the oddest manner that Lorad had ever heard. While he could make some sense of the words she used, what she said made little meaning to the Reman. Of course the Apache could provide for the needs of its soldiers; that was what is was designed for. And what trick did she mean? The cloaking device that had been removed from the ship?

At her words about the pilot's seat however, after they had entered the cockpit, Lorad unconsciously closed his eyes and lowered his head as memories of the 27 days he had spent aboard the Apache with his sister swirled through his head. From their escape from Bacury III, to the time on the moon, all the way to the previous morning in the Azure Nebula when he had almost killed her. As the memories faded, Lorad reopened his eyes and raised his head once more, trying to hide the haunted look he felt was on his face, to look at his guest as she stood running her hand across the pilot's seat.

"That is, was, my sister Samala's seat," Lorad stated as he lifted his hand and pointed at the Tactical Console on the starboard side of the craft. "That was my place," Lorad indicated as another memory appeared in his mind; one he found himself sharing with his guest. "Samala, she say I am terrible pilot. She was right."

Shaking off the moment, Lorad decided to ask a question of his own.

"And you Sera Versald Noah," Lorad began as he looked at the woman with glowing eyes as she stood before him. "You say you are a explorer, scavenger, guest, prisoner by circumstance," Lorad recounted slowly. "But you don't dress like crew, so what are you doing here?"

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #7
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
When the Reman tried to pronounce her name, she chuckled and shook her head. "Just call me Sera, burn you," she said, thinking about what he'd said about his sister. She did not wish to pry immediately, and Lorad had already asked her a question.

"I am here in the capacity of all those things, to some degree," she said and sauntered over to him, coming to lean against the bulkhead and looking into his face. All species were fascinating in their own right, and she had an acquired taste in picking those she'd take a drink with. As for this Reman, she enjoyed his physical presence, his raw strength, and while he looked nothing like the pretty species out there, ranging from Humans, Vulcans, Trill and Bajorans to Andorian, Cardasians and Orions, Lorad looked like he could haul her ashes really, really well.

"There was a battle at Starbase 84, and I helped a blasted Starfleet officer get aboard this ship, carrying intel about the parasitic enemy that everyone is going on about," she said with a playful smile and shrugged with one shoulder, hands in her pockets. "Personally, I just didn't want my ship blown up, and this shuttle bay was the closest, safest port in that battle."

Tilting her head, making her hair tumble to the side, she reached out with one hand and closed a pocket in his vest. Doing so, Sera raised her eyes to his. "Careful there, Lorad, something might fall out," she said with a chesire grin, before she glanced around the Apache again. "So... care to tell me what happened with your sister over a couple of drinks, or come over and see my ship? She's smaller than yours, but she's got a couple of optional extras installed. Fiery kind, with a lot of charm, or at least I tend to think so..."

She had no idea if the Reman caught on to what she said, but so far, he seemed to understand well enough. Either way, with a pelvis like that, it was not his talking that was her primary interest.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #8
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Sera, Lorad decided, had an odd fascination with fire. That was the only reason he could determine for her use of 'burn you'. She had said the phrase multiple times in the short period that the two of them had been together. And she said it casually, like it was always said. Lorad might not be able to speak the language very well, but somethings bypassed certain barriers.

Pulling himself together, he realised that the woman now stood directly in front of him and was staring into his face with those glowing eyes of hers. This close, however, Lorad realised they weren't actually glowing, as he felt no discomfort from looking into them. Rather it was the vibrancy of the colour of her yellow irises that seemed to make them glow. As close as she was to him, Lorad also noted that while she was rather tall when compared to both himself and many of the other females he had seen on board, she was also lean when beside his bulk.

He listened as she explained how she came aboard during a battle at Starbase 84. He had overheard several conversations regarding a recent battle but had yet to gather any real details about it. He was about to say something when Sera tilted her head, causing her hair to shift. Lorad couldn't help himself as he watched it move. First Commander Dewitt's hair, now this Sera's; Lorad was beginning to think there might be something wrong with him.

Lorad felt a soft tug on his vest and noticed that Sera had closed one of his pockets that he had left open. She cautioned him about something possibly slipping out but it seemed to Lorad that she was saying two things at the same time. He wasn't sure what the second one was, but his gut told him that it was important.

"So... care to tell me what happened with your sister over a couple of drinks, or come over and see my ship? She's smaller than yours, but she's got a couple of optional extras installed. Fiery kind, with a lot of charm, or at least I tend to think so..." Sera asked and Lorad's gut once again told him there was a hidden meaning. But her smile was both distracting and enticing. Lorad oddly found himself wanting to spend more time with her. It was better than sitting alone in his quarters.

"You have real drink here? I try that synthehol that ship offers. It is terrible," Lorad remarked as his mind remembered what he had found in the cargo hold while he had been rearranging it. Perhaps this woman would like a taste of his home. "Your ship or mine. It matters not. My tale is rather long and not for others to hear."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #9
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
When Lorad sort of implied that he had alternatives to the synthehol, Sera's yellow eyes lit up in excitement.

"Oh? Well... I have some bottles of liquid fire too, but if that's the case," she said and sauntered past Lorad, brushing her shoulder against his arm as she passed him, "then I suggest you bring the drinks and come over to my place, big boy. I'd love to hear that story of yours..."

Walking towards the ramp from which she'd came aboard, Sera paused in the airlock and gave Lorad another grin. "And you need not fear it becoming gossip across the whole ship. I can be very discrete..." she said, and almost as an afterthought, she added, "About your story, that is."

With that last comment, Sera walked down the short ramp and leisurely made her way back to the Sabine, letting the Reman see where she went if he stared after her, if nothing else to help him see which ship among all the present shuttles and crafts was hers. It kind of stood out, of course, but she had no way of knowing if the man had spotted her leaving it. Once there, she glanced over her shoulder once with a smile before she stepped up the short ramp and into the airlock on the starboard side of her ship.

The Sabine was littered with her personal belongings, her not being too keen on cleaning up and stowing things away in the storage compartments. Since she'd come back from the mission to the Coreless Moon, she had happened to spread around scavenged items of small and great value, with origins from modern day to ancient civilisations. She raked her tattooed hand through her long hair and frowned at the last meal she had, left by the work station, and decided to put it in the dispenser next to the replicator. Besides that, she didn't bother to clean anything up.

"Two empty glasses," she asked from the replicator after tapping its touch screen, and while they shimmered into existence, Sera walked to the cargo hold in the back of the ship. There, she opened one of the crates and retrieved two bottles of Câroon Makmyra from the Fire Region. The drink was made from fermented olives and grapes from the city of Sanvik. The Makmyra was different in each Region of Câroon, and the brands from Sanvik had more spice and alchohol compared to the other Regions of her home planet. It was definitely an acquired taste, the Makmyra from Sanvik, and if the Reman didn't like it, at least he might have his own stuff to drink.

She then returned to the main area with the work station and put the bottles on the desk, along with the two glasses. She removed her jacket too, wearing her deep green top which ended below her ribs underneath, and tossed the jacket over the back of the chair.

When a figure appeared on the ramp to the airlock, she smiled. "Mind your head, burn you. I don't want you passing out already..."


Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #10
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Lorad had followed Sera as she sauntered back through the Apache, his eyes examining her as she walked. Once again, he liked what he saw. The thought that coalesced into his head, one of Sera with her legs wrapped around his hips as he lifted and lowered her using her backside as a holding point, brought a grin to his face but the darkened lighting within the ship hid it from view. 

With a last comment about being discrete, Sera descended the rear ramp and turned towards the other unique ship in the shuttle bay. Lorad descended after her and watched as she walked and took note that she looked over her shoulder back in his direction before entering her ship. Lorad had no idea if her looking back in his direction was a good or bad thing, although the smile she had on her face led him to believe it was a good thing. Climbing back up the ramp, Lorad walked through the cargo hold, his mind busy.

While he had never been with another species before, he would not deny that he had considered more often than not. How could he have avoided the thoughts when his father had Pakena, a Romulan female. He had also been tempted several times during the 27-day flight from Bacury III, when they had been forced to stop for supplies. But he had been with Samala, had needed to protect her. But now? Now she was in stasis because of him and the Theurgy and her crew were protecting her. He had failed her.

Lorad's attention returned to his surroundings and he found himself standing in front of one of the crates in the hold. He had never determined how the crate came to be aboard but both he and Samala had been grateful for it. Unlocking it, Lorad glanced down at the 38 remaining bottles of Reman Whiskey. There had once been 40 but during their journey, the siblings had liberated two of the 2-litre black bottles for themselves. Perhaps it was time to have another one.

Decision made, Lorad picked up one of the bottles and was about to close the crate when he stopped and grabbed another one for Sera. Bottles in hand, Lorad resealed the crate and exited the Apache. He walked across the shuttle bay calmly and as he set foot on the ship's ramp, he heard Sera's voice warning him to watch his head. Considering that prudent, Lorad ducked down a bit as he climbed up into her ship.

"Reman Whiskey," Lorad announced when her saw her in front of him. "It will put Romulan down."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #11
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
When Lorad appeared inside the Sabine, carrying his bottles of whiskey, Sera gave him room to enter. While he didn't have to bow his head in order to stand upright, it was not far from it.

"Sounds perfect," said Sera with a chuckle, then she proceeded to make a sweeping gesture with a tattooed hand. "This is the SS Sabine NX-59846. Here is the main compartment, which has just finished getting repairs after the Savi shot it up. Burn me, the transporter system is yet tested, but back then, it was shot to pieces and the hull was compromised as well. In the fore there is the two-person cockpit, and towards the aft, we have the cabin and the cargo hold. The sanitation module next to the bunk beds pulls double duty as both a head and a sonic shower. In the wall opposite the bunk beds, there are also protractable chairs and a small table. I'd suggest we move there once you're finishing looking around."

Saying this, she sauntered off towards the aft compartment and climbed the two small steps up there. Then she tapped the control panel next to the door and mad the small table and chair soundlessly fold out from the wall, just beneath the wall-mounted LCARS display. "She might not look so much size-wise, but what she lacks in size she makes up in engines, with a quite high warp and impulse speed. Of course, she wasn't always this spick and span, modern and geared up. When I bought her, she was a rust bucket, but after she was confiscated at Starbase 84, it was geared up to present day standards."

Pointing towards the two glasses and the bottles she left on the work station next to the transporter alcove, she added. "Do you mind bringing those? Oh, and if you're hungry, there is a replicator right there on the wall. Personally, I could go with some Renklamma. Do you know how to use those Federation replicators? I know I had trouble with them at first."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #12
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Sabine | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Lorad looked around the inside of the Sabine, comparing it to the Apache and noting how different the two vessels were. One built for war, the other... he didn’t know. But he had learnt his lesson well and knew not to judge something just by their appearance. Pakena, Samala, and even his own father was all proof that appearances could be misleading. Hearing Sera’s words about the replicator, Lorad remembered that he hadn’t eaten in almost 6 hours. But what to eat? Should he get something to share?

As he considered what to do, he picked up the two bottles as directed and brought them all to the table, setting all 4 down carefully. Returning for the two glasses, Lorad remembered a conversation he had overheard earlier in the Library, which gave him an idea and he walked over to the replicator.

“Meatloaf, hot,” he ordered and a moment later, the requested meal appeared. It didn’t look like much but perhaps it tasted better. Picking up the food, he carried it and the glasses back in and set them down with the bottles. “I heard crew speaking of this. I wanted to try,” Lorad said as he removed his vest and draped it over the back of a chair. Sera had already removed hers so he guessed it was ok, although his shirt hid his lower torso, unlike hers. Not that Lorad was going to complain about that. 

As he stood there next to the table, he realised he had made an error.

“Uh, do you have knife to cut this? They took mine.”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #13
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
Chuckling at the mention of the big Reman shock trooper needing cutlery since the Starfleeters had taken his own knife, Sera made sure the replicator provided them with cutlery as well for their different meals. She was curious about the strange meal that the Reman ordered, since it appeared quite Human in origin where it sat on its plate. As for her meal, Renklamma was a native dish for the Câroon, a replicated imitation of an indigenous fowl with the flavors of the Fire Region. It had tender meat and an array of different vegetables, fruits and beans grown in the oasis cities of the Fire Region, some of them mixed into a tangy sauce. Renklamma was present in some form in all Regions, but she did not care for the versions found in the Wind, Water and Earth Regions. They simply weren't spicy enough.

"Burn me, a big soldier from a distant world, ending up on an outlaw starship," she said, pouring the Reman whiskey for herself, and the Makmyra from Sanvik for Lorad, "But since it is just you and your sister - was it? - are you really a soldier any more? I couldn't help noticing how the Apache had plenty of room, like you said, for a lot of soldiers, but since you are alone, I am guessing your fighting has come to an end? At least temporarily, until you find your way back to your people, and the other soldiers. Am I mistaken in guessing that the Romulan Civil War has taken a bad turn for your people?"

Having said this, she began to eat her Renklamma, listening to his answer. Eventually, it was time to drink, however, and she picked up her glass.

"To new acquaintances, despite the events that brought them together," she said with a rueful smile, and sipped Lorad's whiskey.

Oh, but it burned, the scent of it filling her nostrils. She made a sound deep down in her throat, but didn't cough on the scourging feeling that went down her throat. She put her glass down and covered her lips with the back of her hand, but even as there were tears in the corners of her eyes, she grinned. "Oh, that stuff blasts right through me," she said, chuckling and wiping her eyes with the back of her tattooed hand. She was Câroon, hardened, and more so because she was a Fire Regioneer, spices one of their core trading commodities. "I would think... if the Starfleeters learned about this whiskey... they would outlaw it. Either way, I guess it might not be for everyone... but I like it... almost as much as I like the company."

She said this with a mischievous grin, looking at him drinking her fermented, native drink. "So, how do you like it?"

Sera left it unsaid as to what she referred to.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #14
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Sabine | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Lorad listened quietly as Sera spoke, considering everything she said and deciding upon answers. Her voice was, unique among the many that he had heard in his life. Although, the vast majority of those voices had been Reman. Perhaps it was just the way she spoke? Lorad didn’t know the answer as he picked up the glass of the drink that Sera had poured for him and toasted. That he had learnt how to do in one of the western holonovels he had had. He paused before drinking, wishing to see how Sera reacted to tasting Reman whiskey.

His impressive Reman hearing easily picked up the sound from deep in her throat but he was impressed by suppression of the cough that usually followed. Even he had coughed after his first taste. His mouth extended into a broad, toothy grin as she vocalised her experience with the alcohol; all while wiping tears from her eyes.

“I said it would put Romulan down,” Lorad said before taking a sip of Sera’s drink. Conditioned, so to speak, as he was by the whiskey, Lorad’s reaction wasn’t near as comical as Sera’s had been. “Fruits with something. Speece I think, yes,” Lorad replied to Sera’s question, realising as he answered that she was asking more than one question. The way she had asked, she was meaning both the drink and the company; her. 

“I am, liking it, so far,” Lorad answered slowly, considering. “It has been long time since I could just, sit,” Lorad admitted as his mind flashed back to the evening he had spent with Zaria almost a month before the attack on Bacury III.

“You asked if I still a soldier,” Lorad began, feeling a warmth in his belly from the drink. “I say I will always be soldier. But, maybe, I be more than that. My fight has not ended, I just fight for something different. But also same. Survival. For my sister Samala and myself,” Lorad stated before gulping down the rest of the cup. He could come to like this drink. 

“But what of you?” Lorad asked as he set the empty cup down. “Why are you still here? Why not leave now that battle over?”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #15
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
The Reman said he was liking it so far, having tasted the Câroon Makmyra, and while it wasn't apparent, Lorad might just have been referring to her company as well. It was hard to be certain. He said it had been some time since he could just sit, and this had her chuckling. Private humour, perhaps, since - unless he proved to be completely abhorrent - she had more or less decided to put that pelvis of his to the test. As far as she was concerned, just sitting was overrated.

His explanation about his occupation, being a soldier but perhaps - now that he didn't fight for his people but for his sister's and his own survival - being something more, sort of made sense. He finished his drink, so Sera poured him a new one when Lorad asked her, why she lingered after the battle that had brought her aboard. This, honestly, was a question that hit close to home, since she had been fretting over how the pull of Câroon was making her want to re-locate once more. He filled his cup, and drank down the rest of her own before she answered. Oh, but this whiskey of his burned something fiercely, and she loved it. She could almost feel her lips getting numb already, only having finished one drink.

"I long for home, us Câroon always do, if we leave her," she said, biting her lower lip to test how intoxicated she was getting, before continuing. "We fought a large ship, shaped like an axe, a couple of days after we left Starbase 84. Just before that, I was on a mission to get dilithium crystals to help the Theurgy's mission. I did it... because I saw enough on the starbase to understand that there was something seriously wrong with Starfleet, and these people on the Theurgy are trying to set things right. Call it an odd impulse of sympathy for their hopeless cause."

In earnest, she had also stuck around because of her building friendship with Hi'Jak, but since he betrayed them all during the mission to the Coreless Moon, that tie was gone. This was why the pull for Câroon was stronger, and she was currently distracting herself with this Reman that had - oh, so conveniently - appeared in the shuttle bay. "In any case, when we came back from the flaming mission, the ship was besieged by that axe-ship. They needed the crystals to get away from there, and after the delivery was made, I ended up on this part of the Theurgy."

She trailed off, giving him a bold look as she leaned forward. "Burn me, I've been here a couple of days now, getting bored. Getting ready to leave. To get off the ship..." She put a hand on his thigh. "...unless I can get off in some other way. Perhaps even getting a reason to stay?" she said, and the fingertips of her other hand ran up the length of the whiskey bottle... before she picked it up and poured herself another drink.

Her eyes never left the Reman's, much less the hand on his thigh.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #16
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Sabine | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Lorad, for all his training, skills and experience; had absolutely no idea how he should react to what he perceived as Sera propositioning him. He wasn’t certain that was what she was doing but if his limited understanding of Federation Standard combined with his time spent in those western holonovels that Pakena had translated, along with his more recent experiences during their escape from Bacury III, then Sera was indeed propositioning him.

Lorad had been raised by his mother’s aunt to be Reman to the core. It was only after he had discovered the truth surrounding his mother’s death and his father’s actions, that his eyes had been opened to what the galaxy might hold. And yet he had never... sampled that pool. He had, mostly through lack of options, only ever been with Reman females. He was no stranger to seeking female companionship, having visited several different females over the years but after meeting Zaria, he had held himself back. Unfortunately, it had not been long before the Romulans came and everything was torn asunder. He had again held himself back while they were escaping Romulan space. He was worried that if he let his guard down, then they would be captured.

But now he was here, aboard this ship, and he had nothing holding him back. Or rather, nothing in his way to prevent him from going further. He just didn’t know if it would a casual experience or a prelude to something more. Was he ready for more?

As he enjoyed the feel of the Câroon’s hand, he thought of all of this and more. She wasn’t unattractive, that was clear. Her body appeared quite toned and firm with several assets that were incredibly enticing. Were they even biologically compatible? Remans and Romulans were, Lorad knew. And Pakena had said that because of this, Remans could also mate with Vulcans, Humans and Klingons without intervention. Lorad remembered scoffing when Pakena had said mate. To him, it seemed such an insensitive word but Pakena had assured him that it was the correct term. She had also said that some experimentation might be involved. Perhaps this was one of those times.

“I... I not think I am reason to stay Sera,” Lorad said slowly in Standard, staring back at the Câroon before carefully dropping his hand to rest it on top of hers, practically engulfing it. “But I would like to find out if I could be.”

That said, Lorad picked up the bottle of Sera’s drink by the neck and look a long pull from it. Once again, he enjoyed the fruity task to it; quite unlike the burn of the whiskey he had brought. It also didn’t seem to have as much of a kick as the whiskey had either. Or his system was able to hold up against it. Truthfully, he wasn't even sure how he meant what he had said. Time would tell, he guessed.

“Are Câroon like Humans?"

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #17
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
His answer, in words and gesture, was quizzical in one way, but clear in the other. Oh, Sera understood that he wasn't sure what kind of commitment she was asking for. That was easy to understand. He didn't know her. He couldn't possibly guess at her intentions. Nonetheless, he put his large hand on top of her tattooed one, and she grinned at him. Sera was glad he seemed interested enough, and it made her eager to just get on with it.

As for herself, she wasn't entirely sure what he meant with her being like Humans. She narrowed her yellow eyes in thought. Perhaps it was the booze that delayed her realisation, but nonetheless, she got it eventually.

"Oh, you mean like..." she said, and couldn't help but laugh a little, which made her aware just how much her head was spinning from just one drink. "Ahem, well... I don't know what kind of experience you might have had with Humans, and I don't really care. But if you want to know how it is with a Câroon, then why don't you just come find out?"

She tilted her head, thinking the Reman might think there was more to it than what she wanted. "But before you get those trousers off, don't get me wrong," she added, biting her lower lip. Yeah, she cold hardly feel it. She was plenty drunk, and didn't need another cup of that whiskey of his. At least not for the time being, She leaned back in her chair a bit, her eyes hooded and her voice a tad more sultry. "I don't think you can be a reason for me to stay for long. I don't do commitments well. I have to stay mobile. Consider yourself... a formidable 'distraction', for as long as you can keep me interested. Agreed?"

Seated there, she waited, wanting to see just what the Reman would do... or if she'd have to help him along.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #18
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Sabine | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

“Agreed,” Lorad responded after a moment’s consideration of what she had said. He understood less than half of what she had said to him, but he understood enough. This wasn’t a relationship. This wasn’t anything but two people hopefully enjoying an evening together. And perhaps more than one of them.

Raising the hand that had been resting atop of Sera’s, Lorad slowly trailed a claw tip up and over Sera’s hand before moving on to her forearm. He had no idea if he was having any effect on the woman before him but it was worth a shot.

“No experience with anyone,” Lorad started slowly, tilting his head to the side and looking at Sera as if he was sizing up his prey. “Only Reman.” Sera had a nice figure and Lorad found himself curious to find out what the hidden pieces looked like. Straightening back up, Lorad look another pull from the bottle he held, his eyes never leaving Sera’s. The glowing orbs were entrancing to a being who grew up in the dark.

“How much you like clothes?” Lorad asked as he grinned at the Câroon while lifting his hand from her arm and wiggled his fingers so that his claws glinted in the cabin’s lighting.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #19
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
Burn me, that's more like it, Sera thought when the Reman was finally catching on, and grinned at him in the dimly lit aft quarters of the Sabine. The wall-mounted table between them seemed an obstruction, even if it served the fine purpose of keeping their drinks close at hand.

Her hand still on his thigh, Sera felt his claw running across her gadd, and she made a sound deep down in her throat - one unmistakably delighted in his approach. Indeed, she was not some dainty Water Regioneer. His question came after he removed his claw, at which point Sera hadn't moved a muscle just yet. He asked her if she liked her clothes, the gesture with the rest of his claws unmistakable in meaning. Sera, however, didn't bat an eye, merely raising her chin with her rueful smile lingering, saying, "How much do you like yours?"

It was, of course, entirely rhetorical, giving her the time to pour herself another cup of Reman whiskey, which she downed a lot more easily. "Get up," she said, slamming her cup down, and got out of her chair. She had to pause there, the sudden movement giving her vertigo, but her yellow eyes were locked on her prey. Indeed, it was not entirely clear who was the predator at that point. Perhaps it was the both of them. Nonetheless, she reached down, took his large hand, and tugged at it to help him stand up. "Let's see what you got."

Without bravado, she tugged his vest open with a couple of deft motions. The look she gave him as she did it was one of fierce greed, almost selfish in need. Sucking air through her teeth in appreciation for the torso she bared, she relished the unique lover she'd found with her eyes and hands alike, and got down on her knees. Her tattooed hands had run down his bared front at that point, and then they began to yank at the buckles and fastenings that opened his Reman trousers. Soon enough. she had him exposed.

"Burn me, you're big," she murmured at the new sight, her head swimming from the whiskey he'd brought her, but she wasn't the least intimidated. Neither by size nor it's unique appearance. With one hand sliding behind him, her nails digging into his skin, she used the other to coax him into her warm mouth. Never having sampled a Reman before, she wanted to get a full measure of him, and take her time. She figured males of most species enjoyed being fellated, so that's what she'd begin to do - seeing how well she'd manage to stir him in that fashion first.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #20
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Sabine | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

“By the Stars!” Lorad thought as Sera’s mouth enveloped the swollen end of his manhood. He hadn’t resisted when she had pulled him to his feet. Truthfully, he did not know what to expect from the fervent female but as he didn’t feel threatened, he let her have her way. His vest was opened without preamble, displaying his chiselled form to her glowing eyes. Lorad was proud of his form; indeed, he had spent a lot of time and effort to reach and maintain it. The right amount of speed and strength.

The Reman Shocktrooper barely moved as he had felt the Câroon’s hands caress his abdomen and he’d supressed a hiss as she dropped to her knees before him and set to work opening his trousers. Soon enough she had had him out and exposed.

"Burn me, you're big," she had murmured at the sight of his Reman phallus standing tall before her eyes. Lorad had been unable to hold in the broad grin that spread across his face at her reaction. And then his eyes had nearly bulged out of his head as he watched Sera begin to guide and coax his turgid shaft into her mouth.

He had heard other Reman males speak of this act. A female taking the male into their mouths. It was not something done by the majority of Reman females. The species’ mouth design, notably their pointed teeth, precluded such an act unless the male wanted to be shredded. Lorad himself had never experienced the act himself and found himself half-moaning, half-growling in his throat at the feelings that Sera was causing. How she had managed to get the bulging end of his shaft into her mouth he did not know but looking down at her, Lorad could clearly see that she had indeed managed it and a portion of his shaft as well.

Time melted away as Lorad basked in the sensations that the Câroon was causing with what he could only describe as an incredibly talented mouth. He had even found himself resting a clawed hand on the back of her head, although he applied no pressure to it. Eventually though, Lorad decided that it was his turn now and with a gentle grasp of Sera’s hair, he pulled her off his manhood. It glistened in the light from her saliva as Lorad lifted her back up to stand before him.

“My turn,” Lorad growled as he reached forward with his hands. He dug his claw tips into the Câroon’s shirt and without pause, tore her shirt asunder; revealing her perfectly toned stomach and impressive orbs contained within what the Reman considered a functional black garment; a bra he thought it was called. It was then that he considered that Sera might have liked the shirt he had just torn apart. Perhaps he should give her the option with the rest of what she was wearing.

“Remove,” Lorad stated as he sat down in his seat once again, only this time it was to remove his boots and trousers. Not taking his eyes of Sera, he spoke again. “Or lose.”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #21
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
Having closed her eyes, making a sound of contentment deep down in her throat, Sera had fellated the Reman to the best of her ability - enjoying both the new experience and the anticipation. Since he was so big, she had to use her mouth in tandem with her lips and tongue, but she was quite sure - based on his reaction - that Lorad was enjoying himself well enough.

Eventually, it seemed he couldn't bear the anticipation either, pulling her back from the swollen crown by tugging at her hair. She didn't mind, giving him a rueful smile when he made to speak, saying that it was his turn. To do what, she wondered, but she certainly didn't mind being shown what he had in store for her. Her head was swimming, vision a tad blurry from that whiskey that he'd given her, but she had wanted this rare treat of an alien man long before they had begun to drink.

Then, he ripped her green shirt, and she gasped in surprise, even though her expression soon returned to her wicked little grin. "Hey!" she said, meaning to chagrin him for ruining her top, but honestly, she didn't really mind. She had more clothes, and while she wanted to say something witty, all that came out was a pleased chuckle while she wiped her lips with the back of her tattooed hand.

She found him sitting down in his chair again, to undress further, and asked her to shed her clothes too. "I will take five more bottles of that whiskey as compensation for the shirt," she said, finding the words at last. She pulled the ruined garment off her shoulders and tossed it aside. "You can earn your bottles back, though, if you show me a good time."

Having said this, she'd reached behind herself, unhooking the bra. She turned away from him, giving him a grin over her shoulder, before letting the bra fall. Then, in a slow movement, she hooked her thumbs behind the waistband of her panties and trousers, and pulled down both along her legs, leaning forward as she did so. She wondered what her reaction would be, and what he might do, before or after she turned around to join him on top of that chair.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #22
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Sabine | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Lorad listened as Sera tried to bargain for his whiskey in trade for her damaged... destroyed shirt. He honestly wondered if she would even remember her trade when she had recovered from her drinking of said whiskey.

And then time slowed as the Câroon reached behind her back and fiddled with her bra, appearing to his untrained eyes to be undoing it. His assumption was confirmed an eternity later as Sera turned away from him and slowly removed it; sliding the straps off her shoulders and allowing the artificial gravity of the ship to do its job and send the garment descending to the floor. It was only after the bra had landed on the deck and Lorad had let his eyes ascend again that he noticed the look on Sera’s face. Was it cheeky? Challenging? He did not know.

It was in this instant that he truly understood what his sister meant when she told him that “In the mind, time isn’t constant. A lifetime can feel like an instant or an instant, a lifetime.” Time had, to Lorad’s perspective, seemed to freeze as the delightful yet slightly drunk Câroon hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her pants.

How was he meant to react to Sera’s motions? Should he stop her? Let her continue? Should he help her? What had her past lovers done? What would a human do? A human?

“I am no Human,” Lorad thought to himself in a moment of clarity. “If she had wanted a Human, there was a ship full of them outside the hatch. No, she invited me, a Reman, here. She wanted a Reman. So, a Reman she will get. And Remans are warriors.”

Time began to flow once again as Lorad watch Sera lower her trousers, and to his surprise, her panties as well. The single, slow, even motion caused the Câroon to bend at the waist as he garments descended. Ad as she was still facing away from Lorad, she presented him a picture-perfect view of her backside and a peek at her glistening centre. And it was here that Lorad saw opportunity.

While Sera was still bent at the waist, her now removed garments pooled around her feet, Lorad struck. Throwing himself from the chair, the Reman Shock Trooper came up directly behind the contorted Câroon and crouched down. He was careful to make sure that one of his broad knees pushed itself in between her legs and pinned her trousers, and subsequently her feet, in place. Simultaneously, his clawed hands seized a cheek each of her firm rear end and gently pulled them apart. The combined acts worked together to create an opening to the glistening womanhood that he had earlier glimpsed.

Wasting not a moment, Lorad drove his head forward, his tongue in the lead and he did not stop until it found the dampness and warmth of the folds of skin that surrounded her womanhood. Truly, Lorad inexperienced in this act, having only performed it once before, but he tried to make up for that lack of skill with enthusiasm instead.

Once again, time became a fluid constant to him and he paid no attention to his surrounds as he focused on the task at hand... or was it tongue? He wasn’t sure if Sera even enjoyed his ministrations but somewhere in his mind, he told himself that if she had wanted to, she could have done something to remove herself from his grasp. She had not hit him that he knew of.

After an unknown period of time, Lorad drew back from the now drenched folds of the Câroon’s cleft; not that he knew if it was her or his fault for that drenching. Standing up but keeping his hands in place, Lorad released the pressure on Sera’s trousers, granting her freedom to remove them completely if she desired. He had other plans.

Aligning his turgid manhood with the prior target of his tongue’s attention, Lorad gently rested the end of it against the warm opening. Wondering if he should say something, Lorad remembered Sera’s earlier description of him.

“Formidable enough Sera?” Lorad growled out as he achingly slowly began to press his shaft into the moist tunnel at the juncture of the Câroon’s long, toned legs.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #23
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Vector 01 - The Helmet | USS Theurgy ]
Oh, having her legs trapped like that was pleasurable torture. She wanted to move but couldn't. Her breathing shallow, she braced herself as best as she might against the bulkhead, reaching it with one arm. After gasping in surprise at his sudden movement in the small confines of the Sabine, she had let out a deep groan of satisfaction when she felt that Reman tongue of his stroke her where she was the hottest.

"Burn me," she panted, and reached back, the tattooed hand not braced against the wall running over Lorad's bare scalp. She chuckled ruefully at his ministrations, enjoying them in full. "Teasing me back a-are you?"

Oh, he did, and he was exceedingly good at it, despite any possible lack of experience. She was more than into it, and grateful for every stroke that tongue made. Her ankles might be trapped, but she could undulate her hips well enough to meet his small motions. She began to curse under her breath in her native language, unable to help herself.

Eventually, finally, he recognised their mutual need to take this evening they shared one step further. She tossed her hair aside and looked back at him when he stood tall - towering behind her with his strong hands on her posterior. She could no longer reach his head, but she made a white-knuckled grip around his forearm with her tattoed hand. Formidable?

When he entered her, she couldn't help it, the sensation making her zi'naaq open. As she cried out, her mouth and eyes flared with white light, overwhelmed at the girth and yet being more than ready for it. She was grateful for his ministrations then, feeling how he had to squirm his hardness inside her. "Blast me," she whimpered in delight, another chuckle escaping her, "indeed you are..."

Her knees were rendered weak, and she held on to his forearm for balance as much as leverage, trying to help him find a rhythm for them both. Oh, she didn't regret inviting this soldier to her ship. Not only had she forgotten about her longing for her home planet, she was a fine experience richer already.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1900 hrs. ] A Night To Remember (Or Not)

Reply #24
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Sabine | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Lorad was…astounded when the white light flared up in the dim cabin. It took him a moment to realise that that light was being emitted by the female Câroon that he was spitting on the end of his rigid shaft. If her eyes were glowing before, then now they were bursting with light; her mouth joining them. He heard her speak, but he didn’t understand what she said as he focused on the task at hand; his continuing impalement of Sera.

Lorad felt his companion grow heavy and he tightened his grip to hold her in place even as Sera reached back to grasp his forearm to help with her balance. With these actions, Lorad realised that their current position was not ideal for a long period of time, but he didn’t feel like changing just yet. He was enjoying himself too much.

Sera’s hips continued to undulate with Lorad’s thrusts as they worked together to inch more and more of his shaft inside her. Lorad could feel his cock slowly secreting the chemical, which in Reman females, caused their vaginas to begin to pulsate and contract. A part of him wondered if Sera would be susceptible to it and if so, to what extent. “Hopefully not too much or I won’t be able to stay inside her.”

Lorad groaned again as he continued to thrust until he felt his pelvis bump up against Sera’s backside. Growling in his throat, he held himself there, giving a moment to the Câroon so she could adjust to having his entire length inside her. But he didn’t wait for long.

Shifting a hand from her backside to her shoulder, Lorad pulled himself almost entirely out of her, until on the bulbous head of his shaft remained, before driving back in until their hips met. The Reman began to repeat this same motion at a steady pace; groaning every time he bottomed out inside her. If his fluids could affect Sera’s body, then it would only get better for the both of them.

“Are all females like this?”

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