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Topic: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion (Read 8209 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #25
[ K'Ren | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  @steelphoenix [/i]
K'Ren nodded slowly, glancing over at Deacon, "He certainly is." She wasn't about to launch into a full story about how unlikely such a intimate relationship could occur given that the unusually violent dislike the Caits had for the K'Zin. She turned back to Liam. "I don't want to push you away Liam but if you have, as you say, a report to finish then perhaps it best I leave you to your report," she said, hoping he wouldn't feel like he was being pushed, but also get the hint that she wanted him gone. She was going to have to explain Liam to Deacon, and unlike Mariner earlier, where things had been purely platonic, Liam was a different ball of wax, a harder one to explain to her new lover. "It is perfectly fine if you go Liam, and yes I did find quarters, thank you." She said.

Watching Liam go, she had to admit as males went he was a fine specimen and perhaps in another life she might have been more serious about him as a mate, K'Ren turned back to her drink, finding it mostly empty, and in need of a refill. She hoped Deacon would come over, or perhaps she should approach the bar and wait for him there? She didn't know what the social customs were sometimes, and wasn't sure how much of Human custom Deacon was used to, or followed. Perhaps the more direct approach was best? Or should she wait until he approached her to talk? K'Ren wasn't sure.

She could however see from the non-verbal clues he was giving off that the conversation he was having with the strange alien, was perhaps not as natural and comfortable as he'd have liked. She couldn't pin the being's race, they certainly weren't from the Resolve, perhaps a rarely encountered one, or a recent Federation member she'd never seen before. Either way it seemed her lover needed an escape route, a way out, and K'Ren had just the idea. Taking her glass in hand, K'Ren gracefully strolled over to Deacon. Placing a paw on his hand she smiled, "When you are finished mate, could I speak to you? In private?"

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #26
[ Vinata Vojona | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @steelphoenix @SummerDawn @Triage @Auctor Lucan

          As Deacon began to go off at Vinata he remained silent and let Deacon speak his peace, it was quite common that people would get angry with medical staff on followups, most people just wanted to move on with their lives once they had finished recovery. Vinata had no information aside from the basics with him, he had no idea what Deacon had gone through, so as he was chewed out for how one of his superiors had prevented Deacon from getting to his routines, this got little more than a nod from Vinata as he did not really care all that much about things he had no input in, he did take a note on how Deacon claimed to be making sure he was not taxing himself, it was the least that he could do after all.

As Deacon stopped suddenly in his ranting and then actually apologized, Vinata was slightly taken aback for a moment, it was so very rare that anything like this ever happened. In response Vinata just gave a friendly smile and nodded before he spoke calmly to the kzinti. "It is quite alright sir, you have had more to deal with than most, stress is understandable. I would advise filing a complaint as opposed to a visit though, there are still a handful of patients that we are still waiting to stabilize before going in to operate. A lot of the staff is still on edge." With his report finished Vinata finished things up and submitted it digitally as more people entered the lounge.

Vinata could not catch a glance of the new guests, but he could see Deacon change his posture, this could mean many things, but most of all Vinata concluded that this likely meant that he should be on his way once they finished up. As Deacon began to ask a final question Vinata smiled slightly and shook his head no. "No my shift has ended, this was simply a last checkup for the records that would allow you to continue working without needing to come to sickbay. My report is finished and I now just need to figure out what to do with myself." Vinata rubbed his thumb along his jaw and hummed for a moment. "I think I will stick around for some food. Also, if you are curious I would not mind having some company or being asked some questions. As of late I have spent a lot of time out of commission and having some conversation sounds rather nice." Vinata nodded respectfully to Deacon before walking to a table and getting a seat.

As Deacon was spoken to by the woman who had clearly had his attention Vinata took a moment to look around and turned to face O'Riley standing off to the side, it had been a long while since he had tried to make new friends, usually he just made them with those in his classes or someone who worked in the same field, so this was a bit out of the comfort zone as Vinata raised his hand and waved hello in the traditional human gesture he then spoke in a chipper tone. "Hello there, you do know there are plenty of seats around, would you care to share the table with me?" He motioned to the table and the open chairs. Truthfully Vinata did not know how to start a conversation with O'Riley, what would he say, So you are a human, what is that like? Or maybe bring up his recent suffering, yeah that would go the mother he was hopeless.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #27
[ Sinead O'Riley | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix, @Zenozine, @SummerDawn & @Auctor Lucan
She had been on her way out, but she paused to study the place one more time, and perhaps to see if F'rell would be all right left alone here, the silver gleam of her eyes became obvious when the low lighting prompted her irises to shine, counteracting the dark, and she caught sight of an Ovri male waving at her. If memory served her right, a sizeable bosom meant that it was a male, and he seemed to be awkwardly inviting her to join him at a table. Gracing him with a rare smile, she nodded and made her way towards him, careful not to bump into anybody, moving with a sensual gait that was somehow also stealthy.

“I would like that very much,” said O'Riley, “thank you. My name is Sinead O'Riley.”

She offered a hand before taking a seat across from the Ovri.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #28
[ Vinata Vojona | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @steelphoenix @SummerDawn @Triage @Auctor Lucan

          As Sinead offered her hand and introduced herself Vinata smiled back and extended his own hand to take hers, shaking it a few times Vinata smiled warmly to his new associate. "Vinata Vojona, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Vinata kept smiling, but internally he was at a loss, he had gone through the effort of inviting Sinead to sit with him, but he truthfully had no idea what to do now, he knew nothing about Sinead and the yellow uniform and more muscular build did make Vinata think she was part of security, but he did not want to jump to assumptions. Clearing his throat and letting out a nervous chirp Vinata tried his best to start a conversation. "Thank you for sitting with me, I have not had much chance to socialize since I transferred over for the Harbinger...heh funny to think how long ago that was, I spent so much of that time working and in recovery. I have just not been able to catch a break." Vinata let out a soft chuckle at his own suffering, he hoped that this would make him seem inviting enough while putting the choice of a conversation topic in Sinead's hands, he honestly did not know what to expect from people, his entire life had been spent around medical staff, students and the like, he had never tried meeting more people. Of course he also could not help but wonder about Sinead's rather eye catching...eyes, he was slightly mesmerized by their striking silvery color, thankfully his own large dark eyes did make it so the focus of his gaze could not be easily noticed.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #29
[ Sinead O'Riley | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix, @Zenozine, @SummerDawn & @Auctor Lucan
She made a point to memorize the Ovri's name, and gave him as friendly a smile as possible after shaking hands and listening to his introduction. Settling down in the chair, she noticed how awkward he seemed to be, as if he were socially inexperienced. Her face remained an expressionless mask after initial friendliness in greeting. It was always better to let the other side lay out their cards, so she might know what to expect. True to her suspicions, Vinata was not very good at socializing, but he was honest about it, and O'Riley prized honesty, so that made her like him more.

It was also hard for her to figure out where exactly he was looking, with those unicoloured eyes of his. Though he seemed to be looking directly at her. Perhaps at her eyes? They always were a source of fascination to other people, especially when she seemed completely human, but the differences showed themselved eventually, such as her extreme sensitivity to bright light. She found most starships to be blinding and had to often use a specialized contact lens to protect her eyes, or wear visors.

“'tis understandable,” said O'Riley, sympathetically, “by what I have ga'ered, ye have been through all sorts o'terror. S'a wonder ye all are no' barkin' mad righ' now. Are ye in the medical depar'ment then?”

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #30
[ Vinata Vojona | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @steelphoenix @SummerDawn @Triage @Auctor Lucan

          It took Vinata a moment to fully grasp what Sinead was saying through her accent, it reminded him of how nurse Maal growled his words due to his Klingon nature, granted Vinata was sure due to the Ovri nature of communication his own voice likely sounded rather singsong based on the method of their vocal communication. As he finished getting out what Sinead had intended to say Vinata let out a gentle ribbiting chuckle and nodded to show he was not being too serious. "Indeed, I was among the nurses brought over after the incident at the triage center...granted that was more my sister being brought over, and me being brought along in stasis while I recovered."

Vinata sighed and waved his hand dismissively, he did not want to get into the details of how he had been almost killed and had spent almost all his time on the Theurgy in recovery for one event after another. "As fr the remaining sane part, I have come pretty close to losing it, nearly had a panic attack when I was tasked to care for a crewman with their arm blown off, he had...I am sorry this is not proper idle conversation, I have therapy to vent, you do not need me chewing your ear off over my woes." Vinata sat up straight and looked about and chuckled in the same way once more. "Sorry, usually the people I interact with re peers or other medical students, I would often just discuss classes and new medical journal reports."

Vinata sighed and rubbed the back of his neck before he let out an exacerbated sigh and just made the only question he could  think of. "Well I am intending to try something called a hamburger, it is apparently a human dish and I have no idea what I am getting myself into. You wouldn't happen to know what I am getting myself into?"

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #31
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @Triage , @Hastata-Nerada , @SummerDawn , @Zenozine

Deacon had done his utmost to avoid conspicuously staring in K'Ren's direction as she conversed with the human male as he extolled on the so-called nuances of his day to the nurse.  They seemed close, perhaps closer that she'd been with the ensign in security, and this concerned him.  Human culture, he reminded himself, chastising his instinctive desires to simply seize her away from the man.  It was just another windpipe thing, another patriarch story, he kept telling himself, finding it increasingly more challenging to remain focussed on his conversation with the ovri, and certain that were this a test by the Black Priests, he would be reprimanded for his rather obvious lack of focus.

When the man left and she approached, placing her hand on his, calling him 'mate', his mood brightened considerably, ears perking slightly upright.  "Of course," he replied, motioning to the holographic staff to tend to the customers.  Private?  His gaze moved at first to the galley but he thought better of it.  "My quarters are around the corner," he said, indicating the door leading out into the hall and realizing that she would be the first non-holographic guest to see it.  "We can speak there."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #32
[ K'Ren | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
K'Ren nodded, following Deacon towards the back of the lounge where the kitchen area was. It's wasn't exactly what she'd thought of as private but at least it would be quiet and out of the way? Then he mentioned his quarters were nearby and showed her a back entrance. Purring a little, his private quarters were a bit more to her idea of private, and if the conversation turned, well that direction, then the privacy of his quarters was perfect for what would most likely take place

As they walked, she took his paw in her own. "Sorry. I didn't expect to rrun into Liam, the man I was speaking with. He was my crrew chief on the Rresolve and," she paused, "well it's a long storry but don't considerr him competition forr my affections," she said somewhat cryptically, knowing she'd have to explain her brief fling with Liam to Deacon eventually. As they reached his quarters K'Ren stopped, placing herself between Deacon and the door to his quarters, "I don't want to drrag you away frrom worrk if yourr shift isn't overr Xanderr. I can come back laterr. I just, I wanted to talk to you. We only spoke brriefly earrlierr and I felt we should speak morre now that things arre quieterr."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #33
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @SummerDawn

At the touch of her fingers weaving with his own, Deacon felt a certain indisputable comfort, reassurance that his worries had been allayed, a feeling that was readily shown throw the subconscious swing of his tail as they walked.  The path to his quarters was brief, as they were only a few hundred feet around the corner from the lounge itself.  As the door opened to admit them entrance, it was plain to see that this was, at one time, little more than an office but it had been converted into an austere home for the new proprietor with a simple bed in one corner and a desk in the opposite.  There were no decorations to speak of as Deacon had come to the ship with literally nothing more than the clothes on his back.  What he wore now had been replicated since his arrival, much of it by K'Ren after their earlier encounter.

Inside, he turned to look at her, his ears perked slightly, uncertain of what she might want to discuss.  "Don't worry about it," he said, as she apologized for taking him away from his shift. "The doctor made it more than clear that I should be ashamed for even thinking of serving dinner tonight.  The less I do, I suspect the less I'll have to listen to him lecture me."

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he slid over to give her room to join him if she wished, his golden eyes affixed on her face, his nose still keenly aware of her scent, his mind reflecting fondly on her touch.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #34
[ K'Ren | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
K'Ren sat down beside Deacon, moving slightly so she could face him easier in the cozy little room he'd made for himself on the ship. She wondered why he wasn't assigned quarters but perhaps this was all that was available for him at the moment. Not that it mattered to her in the moment, she was with her Xander, her lover and that was all that mattered. "The doctorrs do have yourr best welfarre at hearrt, even if they sometimes seem to put limits on activities." She grinned a little, "Tho a doctor once told me a roll in the hay could be good for rrecoverring frrom injurries. I neverr underrstood why rrolling arround in drry grrass was good for rrecovery tho, who am I to arrgue with a medical prrofessional."

She reached out with a paw taking his hand as she continued. "I guess I just wanted to prroperrly talk with you Xanderr. This morrning was, well, wonderrful and totally rrandom and I hope that will happen again morre often." K'Ren said, "But I also think that talking about it, deciding what to do now that we'rre a little less in the moment, is wise. I forr one meant everrything I said Xanderr, I'm not one to go back on my worrd, especially to someone like you." She leaned in close as she spoke, nuzzling his cheek a little. "There is much I want to say but I don't want to scarre you off. I know this rrelationship is rratherr sudden and prrobably passion drriven rright now, and I don't want to push too much."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #35
[ Sinead O'Riley | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine
Vojona seemed to be spilling his words one over the other, but she paid full attention to him. She tilted her head slightly to indicate her interest in whatever he had to say, and she noted that he wasn't originally from the Theurgy. Something to consider and remember. Before she could ask him anything, he waved a hand, and if she read his body language correctly, he didn't particularly feel like talking about it more. She was quite fine with that, and would let him reveal it as time went. She gave him a small smile as he apologized again.

“Ye do no be needin' t' say sorry,” said O'Riley, “it interests me, what ye be havin' to say.”

Blue eyes studied the Ovri intently as he struggled to work his way into what he believed would be a more comfortable subject for her, so she tried to reassure him even as she answered his query about hamburgers, which she could personally attest to its quality, though she quietly pondered on the taste buds of the Ovri against her own, and whether it was safe for consumption for them. “Aye, I have 'ad this 'amburger.” she said thoughtfully, “Deacon be a most grand cook. Do ye be likin' a more spicy flavour or mild? Th' beauty of it is th' variety and options. Ye kin customize th' burger to suit yer taste. I also do be recommendin' a soda as a beverage to go wi' it. Also, ye need not be worryin' about what ye say t'me, I find everythin' worth listenin' to.”

She gave him a sweet smile then, and her eyes glinted silver when someone passed by, casting a brief shadow over her.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #36
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @SummerDawn

Deacon's ear twitched at the thought of rolling in hay.  Nice, soft grass, maybe?  But what medicinal benefit came from rolling around on dried stacks of grain?  The very thought of what it would do to his fur and the sheer amount of time it would take him to groom afterwards meant the cure was certainly worse than whatever ailment it was meant for.  He shook his head to dispel the image, a faint shiver running from nape to tail.

When K'Ren continued, though, he was taken even more aback.  Talk about it?  Talk about the fact that they had mated and declared for each other?  He was uncertain what sort of conversation this was meant to be.  She'd made it clear at the time that she didn't care if he hadn't earned a name-- even seemed satisfied with using his birth name.  And truth be told, spoken by anyone but her, he might take offense at someone calling him Xander, but when she said it, there was a sense of comfort.

He furrowed his brow.  Was this a Caitian thing he just didn't understand?  Human perhaps?  Kzinti certainly didn't discuss such things -- after all, it would be a fairly one-sided conversation at best and no kzintosh worth his name gave any consideration to the kzinrett he'd just mounted other than to hope she bore him a strong son to carry on his line.

Setting his jaw sideways, he reached his hand out to touch her face, stroking it slightly, uncertain what drove him to this action.  "I don't... understand what you're wanting to tell me, but... I want to."  He placed his forehead against hers, his thumb still softly caressing her cheek.  "Kzinti... don't have mating rituals.  No courtship.  But, I will do whatever it takes to keep you," he whispers.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #37
[ K'Ren | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
K'Ren sensed Xander's unease at his remark and she realised she'd made an assumption about him, an assumption that while it may have been true of human males, perhaps wasn't true of of Kzin. Did they mate for life, their claim on their females a bond that was not trivial? As he pulled her closer, his hand stroking her face, her ears folded back in contrition as he explained K'Zin didn't have mating rituals, than his claim on her was serious, he wasn't saying words in the heat of the moment. As he brought his forehead to her's, his paw still gently stroking her face, a tear formed in her eye, sadness at doubting the man that sat before her.

"I am sorry Xander, I had assumed you werre like human males, they sometimes say things in the heat of passion they do not mean laterr." K'Ren paused, hoping he would not be angry with her for not trusting him. "I needed to know if you werre still interrested." She moved her free hand to caress his thigh. "My species forrms pairr bonds that only death can brreak, and I felt the bond forrm when we werre togetherr earrlierr. I could not leave you if I wanted to Xanderr, I am yourrs now, yourr Caitrett."

She looked into the eyes of the man she called her mate, "I love you Xander. Please do be angrry with me forr my assumptions, you are not like any otherr male I have known."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #38
[ Vinata Vojona | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @steelphoenix @SummerDawn @Triage @Auctor Lucan

          As O'Riley so easily and casually put him at ease and spoke about the food and how he could customize the food to suit his taste Vinata smiled and shook his head no. "I tried to control the taste of my food far too much when eating from other races, I find it just changes the experience too much and makes it into something that is not what was intended with the dish. So I have taken a more hands off approach, and while our senses of taste might not be the same, I still find the omnivore diet of humans to work well enough, I just have to keep some things in lower portions."

Vinata leaned back and tried to get a bit more comfortable as he spoke with O'Riley. "You see on the origin world of the Ovri there are not that many mammals, and most are quite small and dwell in the places that the Ovri never really live naturally. We can eat them but if we eat too much it actually causes some minor digestive problems as the fats are processed more slowly and can build up if eaten too regularly." Vinata rubbed his chin and smiled. "I do believe that some humans tried to feed me unusual foods, but in truth the things they encouraged me to try I quire enjoyed. I have a personal love for horse, it is a sweet and savory meat that I must admit I must limit myself on, I most certainly could eat it every day, but apparently humans are rather mixed on the eating of horses."


Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #39
[ Sinead O'Riley | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine
Sinead listened carefully to Vinata's explanation, nodding once to indicate an acknowledgement. She was curious at what he was able to eat versus what he couldn't. Surely there were physical discrepancies that mandated some levels of caution. While she was human or what some would classify as Near-Human, aside from sharing a common ancestry with humans of Earth, she bore distinct characteristics that were decidedly non-human, such as her superior nightvision, the silver glow in her eyes, and her poor tolerance for heat and bright lights. She also found there were certain foods she was not only not fond of that most Humans delighted in, but it had an impact on her health if eaten.

What more with someone like Vinata?

“Fascinating,” said Sinead, when he talked about his homeworld, and she mildly wondered if that word would amuse the Ovri, considering it was a term commonly applied by Vulcans. But when he mentioned eating horse meat, she froze completely, neither blinking, nor changing her mask of impassiveness, nor breathing. From the time he mentioned horse, she simply did not shift or move, pondering on his choice. What intrigued her was how he got his hands on horse meat, as she highly doubted it was a common availability on starships. But she didn't judge him for his taste. What little she knew of Ovri suggested they were natural hunters on their homeworld.

“It do be an unusual choice, yes,” she said at last, taking a small breath, “but I no be thinkin' it particularly rare. An' have ye tried Mugato meat?”

She shook her head and looked at Vinata again, “Actually, if ye no be mindin', how did ye come across horse meat? I do no be thinkin' there be a lot of that on a ship...” Her brilliant blue eyes flashed in silver as she lowered her head but kept her eyes on the Ovri, full of curiosity.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #40
[ Vinata Vojona | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @steelphoenix @SummerDawn @Triage @Auctor Lucan

          The use of the word fascinating actually got a brief micro expression or happiness,he had always found Vulcans fascinating and telepathic species as a whole for that matter, it was an intriguing evolutionary trait to be sure, and the way that Vulcan's used the word so often did make Vinata remember more happy things. Of course as Sinead froze up and remained still and silent Vinata was able to notice it as he looked to her eyes and he was about to ask if she was alright when she spoke to him.

Leaning Vinata stroked his chin and shook his head no. "I have never heard of Mugato, granted until things were explained I did not know about horses either." As Vinata was asked about the horse meat he had eaten and where he had gotten it Vinata chuckled. "Well I am fairly certain it was made from a replicator, I believe that it s a suggestion from a fellow student at the Academy, I think he said he was from what had once been Mexico. In truth I found the taste to be rather enjoyable and without any cultural ties I hold no stigma to it."

Leaning back Vinata took a deep breath. "I do sometimes wish that we had not taken that assignment on the Harbinger, that we had just stayed to focus on our classes at the Academy." He shook his head and sighed as he closed his eyes for a second. "Can't go back now, no sense complaining. Now of the things that I ate with humans that I found weird, that would be your species obsession with dairy, why you love consuming the various forms of mammalian lactation is baffling. Especially what you do to it to make cheese, I mean how do you come up with that?" He shook his head. "Have to avoid consuming too much milk as it is not something my body breaks down very well. Even need to pair it with other foods and drinks to help flush it from my system"

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #41
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @SummerDawn

His mouth met hers mid-apology and he nipped softly at her lower lip.  "When you were with the human, I was... worried you'd chosen another," he admitted, demonstrating that the sense of insecurity was not one-sided.  "This is all very new to me.  I want to respect your freedom but I also want you to be with me."  Raising up, he placed his hands to either side of her face.  "You are the best thing to happen to me in a long time and I thank Amara for guiding me to you."

Beneath his silvery fur, he flushed slightly.  Embarrassment?  It felt odd and most assuredly not kzinti.  But here, with her, it felt right.  A half remembered ritual, signs of affection between his own father and mother, and while the details eluded him, the feeling was true.  He wanted nothing more than to be with her right now. Even though the scent of her neede had lessened since their mating, his desire was deeper, as if being with her he felt as if he belonged for the first time in ages, and it was a feeling he wanted to hold onto for as long as he could.

Kissing the side of her neck, he reluctantly sat up. "I need to finish my shift," he whispered, taking hold of her hands.  "But, if you want, I'm free the rest of the night.  You're welcome to stay here.  It's not much but it's quiet and private."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #42
[ Sinead O'Riley | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine
Consider yeself lucky, was Sinead's private thought about Mugatos, and the fact that Vinata hadn't heard of them. Her lips curled upwards slightly when the Ovri chuckled, it was a pleasant sound, and he was rather enjoyable company. So there was a replicator that made the meal. She supposed some Terran cultures included horse meat in their diets or as a dish, improbable as it might have been, but what did she know about Terran cultures? They were as unusual or foreign to her as Cardassian cultures. Having been cut off from all ties for several centuries, the Bringloidi were as unique unto themselves as another alien race.

She clasped her hands together on the table before them as she listened to his wistful remarks, and nodded, understanding, and she smiled at his remark about milk. She would know, having been a farmer herself up until she was a teenager. “Tha' is understandable,” said Sinead, “if I am correct, ye have an amphibious ancestry, milk no be some'in' ye be takin', if a' all. I was a farmer 'fore I joined Starfleet. Di' my share of makin' cheese and what not. It be a rather tasty meal if ye know wha' ye do. As for Mugato, they be a carnivorous ape from Neural. Venomous beasties. Was workin' onna different ship back then, an' we were apprehendin' some Orions smuggling them off planet. Was stuck in th' Orion vessel as a prisoner while my captain and crew tried t' pursue and rescue. They did no' give me any'in' fer food, since I killed the Mugato they loosed on me.”

She swallowed as she remembered what she had to do to survive those few days, “Was a hard figh', and I no be sure how long 'till I be found, so I had to eat tha'. I s'ppose it be the starvation, but it did no' taste too bad. Still, I would no be sure as to whe'er ye be wantin' to try Mugato over a horse. Best ye stick t' horse.”

She turned to look at the holographic waitress that brought Vinata's serving of food, and she asked for some chips and a glass of water for herself, deciding to join in a small meal with the Ovri.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #43
[ Vinata Vojona | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @Triage

          Vinata listened to Sinead's tale and he leaned in ever so slightly and set his burger down as he reached out a put a hand on Sinead's in a comforting manner, his hands were slightly cool and had much more defined grooves in them that could be felt as Vinata tightened his grip comfortingly. He was not sure if Sinead needed the comfort, not everyone responded to trauma the same, and Vinata was simply going off what he knew helped the majority of people, showing solidarity and support for others, letting them know that they were not alone and that people were there for them, and in the case of this situation it just seemed right to give the simple gesture.

Of course in hearing the description of the beast and how Sinead had needed to survive Vinata nodded slowly. "I can see that being quite unpleasant, and what likely made it worse was how you had to dispose of what could not be eaten right away or preserved. Being stuck around rot does not sound pleasant when you are having to wait for rescue." Vinata leaned back and let go of Sinead as he did. "Of course from the sounds of your foe you did not have much choice, better to off the beast before it takes you down."

Vinata let out another light chuckle as he rubbed his chin in thought. "As for their bad taste, I have never heard of a higher predator that tasted good, I do not know personally, but I know my sister had a relationship with a member of the security force who had managed to acquire a rare cut of meat from our home world. You see on my people's home world we have several natural predators...well had, when we mastered projectile weapons we did hunt several to extinction, but I digress. Among the security and military circles they like to buy some of the rare harvest from one of our original predators know as a Kiri'vee, a large amphibian with burly arms and a mouth big enough to swallow an Ovri whole. It has something to do with an old tradition that has soldiers eating of our predators to show our strength or something like that. From what my sister told me, it tasted quite foul and was rather tough, my sister said that of the five others that shared of the one cut of meat no one took more than a single bite." Vinata chose to pull the topic away from cheese, he would have to ask about life as a farmer though, it sounded rather mundane, but interesting.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #44
[ Sinead O'Riley | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine
Without thinking, Sinead seemed to have gleaned sympathy from the Ovri. It was unintentional, for certain, as the Bringloidi was long since past feeling any emotional trauma over the experience, since it was more than a few years ago, and her experiences on board the Resolve had by far overshadowed the events of that day. And she felt such expressions were unnecessary for her. She turned her bluish white gaze onto the cool hand that rested over her own, then gazed back into Vinata's opaque eyes. She gave a wan smile of appreciation at the gesture, and her lips parted as she was about to speak, but he started first, and she allowed him to go on.

She nodded at his words, knowing he understood the situation, though probably not quite the way she saw it. At the time, she believed herself grounded in practicality, and since the Orions didn't appear to care for her survival, seeing as she was supposed to be Mugato food, waiting and hoping that rescue would come in time before she died of starvation was, as the Vulcans would say, illogical. So she ate the slain creature to keep up her strength, using whatever resources were left in reach to her. So when the rescue did happen, her crewmates found her dispatching her own captors on her way towards the bridge. Evidently, the Orions were a little terrified of a near-cannibalistic Bringloidi.

When he talked about the time his sister and some of his folk ate the meat as a rite of passage, she frowned a little but only said, “I s'ppose I can accept tha', but Bringloidi do no approve o'waste. If i' no be goo' for eatin', best no be eatin' it now, is it? Maybe I presume things, bu' tha' is jus' 'ow I feel on tha'.”

She finished her plate of chips, took a drink in one pull, and looked across at the Ovri, “It certainly has been nice meetin' ye, Vinata Vojona, an' if ye be havin' time in yer shift or af'er, we shoul' meet again, aye? But do be pardonin' me, I mus' be on my way fo' now.” She stood up, and smiled sweetly at him, then took her leave. Heading for the turbolifts. The lights were so bright in the corridors, and she had to squint for a while until she could look without the lights hurting her eyes.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #45
[ Vinata Vojona | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @Triage @steelphoenix

          As Sinead finished up her food and dismissed herself Vinata gave a warm smile. "Of course, thank you for sitting with me and just sharing a conversation. I have not had a moment like this for a while...perhaps next time we meet we could get together to spend some time in the holodeck, I have not spent much time in them outside of medical simulations, I would love to try out something recreational in one some time. Perhaps we could plan out an activity together." He raised his hand and waved goodbye to Sinead. "Either send me a message or perhaps I will send you one when I have time again." Vinata watched the woman leave before he turned back to his remaining food and resumed eating, taking a firm bite and pulling back to swallow the chunk of food.

As he sat alone Vinata looked to the counter at the bar and he hummed to himself as he noticed that he could not see Deacon or the woman who had come in before they had parted ways, he wondered if the two of them had gone off somewhere to talk or work on something. Shrugging Vinata took another firm bite out of his food, it was not the fastest way to eat, but he found that it was less likely to draw attention than ripping the burger into chunks to swallow. With more elastic throats Ovri were more than capable of swallowing chunks of food that would normally choke another person, but as it stood Vinata was better off taking actions that made him appear more within the norm, it drew less unwanted attention, of course the curiosity Deacon had showed made him kind of hope that Deacon might come back for a conversation before Vinata left.


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