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DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

[ Doctor Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 ] Attn: Zenozine

The day at an end, Lucan stepped out of the shower and towelled his dark hair in front of the mirror. His pale grey eyes were still overcast with the tiredness that came naturally after a day devoted to Sickbay and his 'research' of Sonja Acreth and her nature. Lucan paused as he met his own gaze. Slowly, he put the towel aside and leaned forward on his tattooed hands - looking at the face in the mirror. There had been a feeling of déjà vu, and he applied his sharp mind to determine the cause. The discovery came soon, and what would be frightening to most gave him pause.

It was as if he had forgotten his own facial features - his identity slipping away.

Irritably, he pushed away and continued his preparations for seeing Nurse Vojona. He was not a vain man, but one born with an exotic nature to his features that few Federation artists had captured. He simply shaved with a traditional blade and soap, and he dressed in Câroon attire, loose white garments custom to the Wind Region. Barefeet, as his people preferred to be,  he had no intention to cover his hands with climbing wraps either since he had no use of such in his own quarters. He couldn't even remember when he wore them last outside a holodeck, climbing the mountains of Envon as he used to do when the bond to Câroon become to strong.

When he was finished, he thought of the ill fate of the Theurgy's crew. What he once had meant to do was unthinkable to them, even before he became more than he once were, and the woman he was about to see would report him to security the minute she suspected his true nature. Yet as he looked into his own grey eyes, he ascertained for himself that it was the only concern he had. The darkness inside him urged that he had to take advantage of a key individual in the crew - one of his own making since he promoted her to Head Nurse. One step closer, it whispered, another gained asset. That is all.

But as he blinked, he found he was lying to himself. Vojona was not any such kind of asset to him. No, she was an asset of another kind entirely, and one that would help him clear his thoughts.

One that would help him remember who he was when he looked into a mirror.

The chime rang, and his ruminations were brought short. He left the bathroom and opened the door in person, smiling to the Ovri outside. "Welcome. Please, come in."

OOC: His attire is clean and white and he does not wear the goggles, shoes or gloves. His quarters show signs of working too much and spending too little time there, just some PADDs with research littering some areas.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #1
Hylota had been looking forward to her meetup with Lucan, she was so excited to be going to his quarters to visit him, even if this did not mean anything special she was still happy that she was getting a chance to just relax with him and share a drink with her commanding officer, shoo the breeze and perhaps she could find some of the stability she was craving with him. A part of her felt that she should be finding stability with the father of her unborn clutch, but she could not bring herself to look at Maal, it just felt to strange for her, to get intimate with him was just not an option sh felt, but in time if the clutch had any stable children she would have to talk with him again...of course she would have to talk again with him soon, he clearly needed some closure.

As she arrived at Lucan's door she activated the chime and stood there waiting to be granted access, she woe her usual uniform with her added shawl hood that hug loosely around her head and neck as she stood there in the corridor. As Lucan invited he in she smiled and walked into the room as the door hissed open. As she entered the room her eyes instantly took in the look of the space, seeing how it as decorated and was even a bit cluttered with Lucan's work laying strewn about. But her eyes soon wandered back to Lucan and she looked him over and blushed slightly, he was not in uniform, but the outfit he had on was much more pleasing to her eyes, and without shoes on she felt a little overdressed as she reached up add pulled down her hood. "Thank you for having me hr today doctor, it means a lot to me." Hylota grew slightly flush as she blushed as she looked at her commanding officer.

Hylota blushed eve more as she realized that he was staring at Lucan's body and she coughed to clear her throat. "Um may I take my boots off doctor? Seeing as you are without shoe I would like to go bare footed if you would not have a problem with that." She smiled, but her hands went together and began to fidget a little as she waited for some permission from the ma she saw as her superior.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #2
"Oh, it is my pleasure." Watching Hylota as she entered his quarters, Lucan saw that she appreciated his native attire, and he hadn't been too certain that it would have such an effect since Ovri males had a physique quite opposite to his own. While his frame was clearly male in the traditional way of other species, Ovri males were voluptuous and feminine in bodily appearance. Therefore, Lucan had merely thought that Hylota appreciated the one common denominator that he had with the Ovri men - the same denominator that she had appreciated underneath his desk earlier that day.

Then again, he had the capacity to appreciate both male and female physique, so why wouldn't Ovri have the same capacity? As it were, it told Lucan a bit more about Hylota, and established that she found his appearance attractive too. In vanity, perhaps, he had dismissed the idea with the hypothesis that it was his persona and his wits that had made Hylota attracted to him after that first incident where he had drugged her with a potent aphrodisiac, but now, that hypothesis was challenged by the way she looked at him. Her request to remove her cumbersome boots was met with a small chuckle and an outstretched hand to support her while she did as she wished. "Please do. I have always found footwear to be the worst Starfleet has to offer us, so you have my fullest sympathises. In fact, I never wore shoes until I left Câroon for the first time, and as you can imagine when seeing these garments of mine, the very same might be said about our uniform. It is truly suffocating for me, and yet I am still forced to wear it for sake of regulations."

After offering to hold her hand while she got her boots off, Lucan kissed the back of her four fingers afterwards with a gleam in his eye. Then, he led her deeper into his quarters while holding her hand - heading for the sitting area. "What would you like to drink? I have a few replicator rations lying here somewhere, so it's my treat."

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #3
As Hylota was given a hand to help her maintain balance as she took he boots off, Hylota smiled. "Oh, why thank you Doctor." She smiled as she crouched down and with her free hand undid the latch on her boots and opened them so that she would be able to slip her feet free of them. Standing back up she slipped her feet free and spread out her webbed toes and sighed. "Ah that feels good. Thank you for-" As her hand was kissed Hylota blinked and looked to Lucan with her mouth slightly agape before she blushed and smiled. "I must admit, that is an unusual tradition to have. But it is kind of interesting, impractical for an Ovri, and a tad bit on he awkward side I must add." All the same she smiled at Lucan and she took her hand back as she bent over and picked up her boots and set them beside the door out of the way.

Turning back around Hylota smiled at Lucan as he spoke of drinks. "Oh, well I am partial to fermented fruit drinks. I have head that win is good, but I have not tied any before. Would you care to choose for me? I am sure that you know what are some good drinks." She let out a soft chuckle and fidgeted a bit before looking to the replicator. "If you would like my choice for a bit of food to have for a snack I rather enjoy frog legs." She smiled and shrugged. "The cadets gave me some thinking to freak me out as a joke. Pity that to me it is the same as a human eating another mammal." Se shrugged. "Needless to say I found a new food I like and disappointed the cadets." She smiled, but it quickly faded as Hylota did not know how to progress."

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #4
Lucan listened to her story from the Academy with a smile, leaning against the wall next to the replicator. He found that he was quite fond of her voice, albeit not for the first time. At first, he had enjoyed the unique sounds she made when excited, but the exotic melody of her usual voice was quite distracting as well. He heard her out until she fell silent, realising that he ought to speak in order to make conversation. He wanted the Ovri at ease, not struggling with awkwardness in his presence.

"Served them right, I'd say." He uncrossed his arms and pushed away from the wall. He activated the replicator and fed the rations to it. "A Réserve de la Condamine Fitou, thank you, and a plate of frog legs, potatoes and tomatoes - all sautèed - garnished with parsley, and with a light garlic sauce," he ordered, and when the red wine and the dish appeared together with modern cutlery, he carried it to the sitting area - serving Hylota before starting to walk back to the replicator. "When I was at the Academy, I found that the French region of Terra had some interesting recipes, among them this dish. The wine I grew fond of afterwards, and it remains my recommendation. Same dish as previously ordered please."

After getting his own plate of sautéed frog legs, he joined Hylota in the sitting area - seating himself in the couch next to where he had put her plate. "The Câroon culinary experience is not for those faint of heart. Our people are of extremes, just like the conditions of our planet, and it is reflected in how we eat things. Raw or crisp, impossibly spicy or tasteless. We are not the kind for balance. So, I am easily impressed when it comes to eating..." he said, and then he turned to look at Hylota, raising his glass of wine, "....which is not the case when it comes to lovers, where my taste is quite unique - making it all the more gratifying to have learned to know you, Hylota Vojona. You are extraordinary compelling, if you don't mind me saying so."

He sipped his wine, looking into her dark eyes.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #5
Hylota smiled as Lucan recognized her story and seemingly justified her in a manner that made her smile. And as Lucan created their food and drinks Hylota smiled a the food and drink before taking hers and taking a seat at Lucan's couch. As she took one of the frog legs and slipped it into hr mouth she just enjoyed the taste for a second before wrapping her tongue around the leg as she listened to Lucan talk about food, but as he spoke of relationships she froze a looked Lucan in the eyes. She just tared and blinked as a blush spread across her face, she had not been expecting that, especially not from Lucan.

Pulling on the leg she stripped the flesh as swallowed it down before looking to Lucan and she spoke softly. "Um...I-I did not know you returned such feelings sir...I just thought I had been using my heat as a means to get you attention." She looked around the room, seemingly looking at anything but Lucan before picking up her wine and giving it a taste. As she tasted he synthahol she frowned. "That is slightly disappointing, synhahol does not have the same taste as natural alcohol. Still the wine nice flavor, but I can only imagine how nice the natural thing is." Sh smiled all the same and took another sip.

Hylota shot a few glances to Lucan as she blushed. "I must admit that during our crawl through the jeffries tubes I was fighting my desires as I followed along behind you.'' She ran her had along the side of her head. "If not for the dierness of the situation I would have really been enjoying my time with you...not that I didn't enjoy parts of it. It was nice to be able to rely on you and pull my own wight with you sir, it made me feel close to you." With a smile she put another frog leg in her mouth and stripped the flesh from it again.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #6
Lucan was about to comment on her admission that she thought she was taking advantage of him during her heat, which was quite hilarious to him since the opposite was more close to the truth. Not that he could admit any such thing, of course, but he meant to reassure her that if such was the case, then he would happily be taken advantage of.

Yet before he had the chance, Hylota tasted the wine and he shared in her disappointment, even though he had gotten used to the synthehol-version of the wine. "I can barely even remember the real taste of it any more," he said, his tone bespeaking the situation that the ship and the whole crew was in- outcast and still on the run. Yet to avoid the topic, since it certainly wouldn't do anything to elevate the atmosphere of the evening, Lucan indulged Hylota in the glances she threw him - giving her a rueful smile in return. It seemed to have the desired effect, since the Ovri woman began to speak of what they went through together after they left the surgical suite during the mutiny. She had fancied crawling behind him, and it made him chuckle. To hear that she had imagined having sex in the jefferies tubes was quite intriguing, and that the experience overall had brought them closer.

"I would definitely be lying if I said that the very same ideas didn't cross my mind as well," he said, and he wasn't lying, even if he embellished the truth a little bit too. He had put his arm on top of the couch behind her back, sitting close and facing her a little while he sipped his wine. He watched her eat the leg with attentively, watching her devour the flesh  of the amphibian. Suddenly, the idea to eat her flesh came to him out of the blackened presence inside, making him wonder for a moment what she would taste like with garlic sauce and parsley. The double meaning of his next words were meant for her and the parasite both. "Yet as you say, the situation was not... ideal, to entertain such exploits."

Still holding his glass of wine, he raised the hand on the back of the couch to run his fingers and palm across her bare head - enjoying the texture underneath his fingertips. "I like the way our mind works," he said, studying the subtle pattern to her skin, the way the light caught her dark eyes, and how those lips hid that tongue of hers - that prehensile organ that he had yet to get fully acquainted with. "Not to mention your body, and the sounds you make when I please it with my own. What irony, to find a lover under the circumstances such as ours, when we do not know if we will survive the mission to that starbase. Then again, I reckon there is naught to do than be thankful for the opportunity we are given... and the time the winds have granted us."

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #7
Hylota listened to what Lucan had to say, and she smiled as she sipped her own wine, it was nice to have moment with someone like Lucan, to have company with someone she respected, and to learn that he respected her in turn, it was indeed a fulfilling thing to know. With a blush she smiled as she notice his a moving along behind her on the back of the couch. This was truly a moment worth living, she had company, good food and a drink share. And as Lucan spoke of the challenges and risks ahead she could not help but let out a humored huff. "Well this will be the lowest risk we are being put in a long while, no triage center to be working, no high priority target during a mutiny, no ship to ship combat. If things go well we will not be needed all that much." She smiled warmly and sipped her wine again.

As her head was massage she let out a chirp of satisfaction before she let out an aroused shudder and she smiled at Lucan before she spoke to him. "Well I am glad that you liked the way that I sound Doctor. It is rather relaxing to know that despite my alien nature compared to you." She smiled as stared a Lucan dreamily. In Ovri culture such a man as Lucan, someone successful, skilled and respectable. He was a man that Hylota held in high regard, and to have him showing an interest in Hylota, it was truly romantic for an Ovri.

With a dreamy chirp Hylota pressed into the hand of her superior officer and she shuddered happily. "Doctor, I do no car if thee is going to be a ever preset risk to my life, just the fact that I have someone I can be close to to take the stress off of this makes me feel so much better. Especially knowing that I can be with you. Doctor I respect you more than anyone else I have met on the ship, and I hope that despite my impending pregnancy that we will not grow apart." She looked deep into Lucan's eyes, a flutter in her breath, she was clearly in love with him.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #8
When she said that she did not care if there was going to be a risk to her life, Lucan reckoned she had no idea what she was getting herself into - and in the darkness of his soul, the resident parasite laughed at her naivety. The greatest risk to her life was him, and yet he did not falter in his easy smile as he stroked her head and studied her skin, even if the conflicting feelings about killing her fought behind his pale grey eyes. She needed her, just as much as she might need him, and he did not have any greater interest in betraying her - especially not for the sake of idle amusement of the demon within. He was not going to kill her for sports, not when she helped him separate his own thoughts from that of the parasite. It was a question of survival, and to continue operating from the shadows and manipulate the crew the way he wanted to.

"I will be there if you need me through your pregnancy," he said with a lopsided smile, thinking that the gestation period of Ovri were just about week, so it was not that long of a commitment, "and afterwards, if the care of your clutch allows you the time to see me. We still need to finish the inhibitor, lest you might get more clutches to care for too. With the lack of Ovri male to help you, I would suppose more pregnancies are ill-advised, so I will still try to prevent it from happening this time around, if that is your wish."

He chuckled then, and his fingertips ran forward to trace the back of her mark. "Ironic, that my personal assistance with an inhibitor might also pose the greatest risk that you'll get a second clutch," he said ruefully, thinking that they had a tendency to copulate when they were left alone together, yet also knowing that he had been responsible for manipulating her into it - like he had done when he gave her the aphrodisiac. "I suppose we will have to be careful, won't we?"

As he said this, he leaned in and kissed her - gently letting her rest her head against the back of the couch as he did so. This allowed him the reach to caress the whole of her mark too, and he did so while he savoured the peregrine taste of her mouth - now mixed with the taste of their shared wine.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #9
Hylota savored the kiss with Lucan, it was just so exhilarating, so stimulating, and as he rubbed her mark she was given time to think about the things that he had said to her, she would indeed have to be careful with her sexual habits in the future, but this had be a very strange case, she had hit her right in the midst of a turbulent time in her life. She had been in shock from the near loss of her brother, and to end up hitting a heat in all of that, she had been not in the right state of mind, ad sh had done things she regretted, mostly her interaction with Maal and the sex that they had shared due to her craving something intimate, now she had a clutch on the way and barely anyone knew.

As she pulled back from the kiss Hylota let out a sigh an she smiled at Lucan. "I know you will be able to come up with a working medication doctor. You have never failed me before, I do not think that you will now." She smiled warmly at Lucan. "Besides, this last heat was not something I was prepared for, I am sure that I will be able to compose myself in a much more professional manner next time." She straightened up and cleared her throat. "And after all, last time I really should have bee confined to quarters, but due to the shortage of nursing staff I had needed to work though everything."

She leaned against him and placed a hand on his chest before letting out a gentle sigh. "Besides, if we have sexual relations for that long, and even if an aid is not made we can always use condoms." She chuckled. "And you should not act like Ovri rise children like a normal monogamous race. We are  much more communal species, children are raised by those who know how to care for children and ensure that they survive their infancy, then they are passed on to those who teach them the core skills they need to function in society. Parents are a very foreign thing for Ovri, and very few parents choose to remain as such."

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #10
When Hylota brought up contraceptives, Lucan chuckled lightly, thinking that the Ovri female must have been thinking of some measure they used on her home planet, and the universal translator simply produced the crude equivalence of the contraceptive in the translator's library. 'Condom' as a concept was known to him, and even if the term lingered, the actual contraceptive in modern use was more evolved than the origin of the term.

"Actually, I am not so certain you will be able to compose yourself next time," he said in jest, teasing her in good humour as she leaned against him and he stroked her head. He sipped his wine as he did so. "I mean, not that I am complaining, but you have been really into it when we've had sex so far. Then again, so have I, and with the pheromones of yours, I am not likely to be able to compose myself much better than I have already. In fact, I hardly think that it was the wine that has made my head spinning the way it is now."

And it was plain that they did affect him from the state of things in his lap while she leaned against him, for the kiss of hers had been laced with enough nectar to make him hard. It was quite an exhilarating feeling, to have one's control removed in such an abrupt fashion - her kiss making him loose all kind of body control in that specific regard. Normally, he would be able to - usually so - but with the Ovri, it seemed quite impossible. He did not even notice how far out of control his bodily reaction was until he had already happened, and he was quite relieved that they were not in Sickbay any longer.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #11
Hylota blushed and smiled to Lucan. "Well as fun a you might find will not be happening for much longer. As I go into my pregnancy I will lose those pheromones and I will not see them returning in any notable concentration until I get back  into my heat." She shrugged. "Vinata will still have them in his system, but males need it for making themselves a viable mate a any time." She shrugged and sighed as she dd not see anything wrong with this information, but she did hope it would lad to a more meaningful relationship.

Of course for Lucan the solution would be reletivly easy, since birth control rug worked on ricking a body it believing that it was pregnant through the use of chemicals, he could feign ignorance and manipulate the medication to manipulate Hylota to suit his needs, making her produce the pheromones that had made her of use to him in the first place.

As they sat together Hylota smiled as she chose to try and make a move on Lucan, her hand moved and was placed upon Lucan's knee where she began to gently rub before she began to smile and slowly worked hr hand up his thigh and shifted it lowly to his inner thighs with a coy smile. "But I think that this is enough talk of my body, we have spent so much time on my needs, and from what I saw while in your office, I get the feeling that you need to have your needs met Doctor." She let out a chirp before leaning in closer. "How about you let you head nurse assist you doctor." She blushed as she looked deep into Lucan's eyes with her own.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #12
When Hylota began to touch Lucan in such a bold demeanour, he could but smile back at her - looking into those big, dark eyes of hers. Oh, but she did stir great needs in him, that was certain, and just by her mere presence alone.

"I think I am in need of some treatment after such a long day," he said ruefully to her in a low voice, playing along in the charade. he ran one hand up her neck and leaned in to give her a passionate kiss, just to set her more in the mood, before he leaned back in his seat again. She had already made him hard with the first thorough kiss they'd shared, and as she rubbed his inner thigh, it certainly did not ease any tensions in that regard. The anticipation built, even if Lucan had to be mindful and watchful for any reaction from the parasite within.

"If anyone has come to learn my needs, it is you," he said, swallowing since his mouth felt dry. He shifted back in his seat a little, to give her room for whatever she had in mind. It was evident she had planned something, and his curiosity got the better of him. He had to ask. "What kind of treatment do you suggest, Nurse Vojona?"

She might have mentioned something about a massage before, but there was no telling if she had come up with another idea since then. Either way, Lucan was genuinely pleased with the distraction - to be able to put all else aside and devote his sharp mind to the mere present.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #13
Hylota smiled and let out a chuckle as they began to talk about their plans for helping Lucan, and as he brought up the topic of massage Hylota smiled and let out a chuckle as she kissed Lucan on the cheek. "Indeed, the treatment is a more defined and expanded upon version of the treatment I showed you today in your office." She gave a teasing smile before she continued with her explanation. "You see it was not refined enough, and it was a much more cramped situation. But do not fret doctor, I know how to make things even better, here allow me to give you a demonstration." Hylota  slipped off the couch and she kneel down beside Lucan.

With a coy smile Hylota reached out to Lucan's outfit and she began to undo the another loose outfit and she began to pull his clothes open so that she could expose his cock. "Well, for starters I was going to talk about getting you to a nice firm state, but since that does not seem to be needing to be done...Well then I am just going to move on to the next stage." With that Hylota moved, using her hands to push Lucan's legs apart and nestling into place between them before she began to rub along Lucan's thighs.

"Now I know your cock, along with other mammals does not act the same as an Ovri's, so~!" Hylota licked both of her palms before she reached out and began to rub her hands over the length of Lucan's cock, massaging it gingerly, while at the same time getting the length of his cock lubed up, reducing fiction between Lucan's cock and Hylota's hands.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #14
With great expectation, Lucan watched Hylota as she spoke of what she'd do, and the anticipation only built as she got down from the couch and parted his clothes for him. His native garments were loose and tied together with strings, and while he had thought she'd need assistance with those, the Ovri nurse showed that she was more than able to handle obstructive clothing. It came with her trade, preparing patients for critical surgery did beg for swift appraisal of any kind of clothing that needed to be removed, yet Lucan was grateful she did not cut them off him with an exoscalpel... which would be, after all, the conventional solution in such a case.

No, she parted the white clothing and revealed his hardness to the air of his quarters, and she shifted to a position between his legs where he sat on the couch. She spoke of familiarity with his member, and it made him chuckle. With careful consideration, she used her tongue to wet her four-fingered hands, and the sight of the tongue alone stirred Lucan - knowing it quite well by then. His swollen length stirred at the hint of it between her lips.

"You lavish me with your consideration," he murmured as she began, and he took a long, shuddering breath when her hands began to stroke his hardness with her palms. "However may I repay you for such forethought?" he asked in part jest, part query as to what she desired of him. What he could do was to reach forth and rub his thumb across her mark, and indulge her with a touch so intimate to her kind, but seemed so simple to him.

He found that the thing inside was dormant for the same reason he did not insist upon swifter progress, or at least he thought so. They both desired to know what Nurse Vojona had planned for, and the anticipation thereof spared her from immediate danger...

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #15
Hylota blinked a few times as Lucan spoke of repaying her for it, and before she could even say a single thing about it Lucan began to rub her mark. This show of intimacy got an adorable chirp out of Hylota and she tensed up for a moment before smiling and resuming her actions, a dreamy look in her eyes as she gazed at her commanding officer. "You really do know how to make things all the more interesting don't you doctor?" She let out another aroused chirp before returning her attention to the cock between her hands.

As Hylota got Lucan's cock moist up she began to get a more invested with her rubbing. She took a more firm grip of Lucan's cock, allowing he fingers to wrap around his cock and massaged more firmly. Her hands worked up and down the length of his cock, rubbing the shaft getting Lucan up to his maximum erection before he would go further. "Mmm, as you can see, this special massage is about building stimulation. It depends greatly on you being firm before things get under way."

With Lucan now fully erect Hylota began to run her hands along the length of Lucan's cock, twisting her hands around the girth of Lucan's cock to stimulate him. As she began to build her stimulation Hylota did not move up to Lucan's tip, nor down to his balls, as if she was waiting. "Now the special thing about this massage, I will not be moving my hands off your shaft, instead I will be employing other means to stimulate them." She smiled and wiggled her tongue about teasingly. "Just let me know when you want me to go further Doctor."

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #16
Needless to say, Lucan was intrigued with the development - direct stimulation denial known to him in theory alone. Not in this fashion, particularly, with the Ovri edging him on with the promise of more to come, and getting him as hard as possible without granting a single touch beyond the firmness of of her hands around the middle of his length. The crown of his slightly pointed phallus ached for her touch, and yet he found the delay as tantalising as she made it. Did she want him to beg for it? Oh, it might not be in his nature to do, but he would request it, breathless as he might be.

"Oh, I think I am both ready... and not ready at all," he said through pursed lips, watching the wonderful alien between his legs as she teased him so. "Yet I want you to go further... that I an absolute certainty."

He said this while having one arm draped across the back of he couch, and with his other hand caressing her glimmering skalp - his fingertips teasing the surface of her mark. He outlined it with his thumb, grazing it across the outer lines before feathering across the mortars bult, and then out along the pestle. How wondrous, that the forehead of Ovri were their most erogenous zone. "How is it to have this stain made... Is it a painful experience... Or the opposite? Who does it... and when?" He asked this of her, not certain if that tidbit of information was in the Starfleet database. He had no recollection of it, in any regard, and it seemed such a special area. He wanted to ask her before she applied her tongue upon him in earnest, because that was what she had alluded to do, and almost regretted asking since it would postpone her intimate massage.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #17
As she was asked a bit more about her mark Hylota smiled. "Well, despite what it seems you think about it, my forehead is no different than your own, it is just culture that has given it such an intimate meaning for me." She sighed as she kept up her massage. "The best parallel I can make is to the first kiss, it is intimate and special due to what it means within your cultures. To you a kiss is a confirmation of feelings, an intimate expression of this, for me my mark is what I am, and to have someone I respect and admire touch it, it is like having an intimate moment where who I am is confirmed, showing that you recognize my skills, and who I am. It is very intimate, and when you have do it  such sexual situations, it has made me feel so aroused."

She blushed and smiled as she let out a happy chirp and pressed into the massage on her scalp. Taking a deep breath she smiled and looked up to Lucan, her hands slowing as she did not want to get Lucan off yet. "As for the stain itself, it is done in a damp environment so our skin becomes porous and soft. A special template s brought out, each recognized school is given a set of 100 for their field. Once we gradated we are put in the humid room and depending on the field we go into we get a specific color dye added to the template and it is pressed into our skin, absorbed, and then we are moved into a dry room to cause it to be absorbed into our skin." She leaned in closer to his cock and smiled. "As for the dye itself, it is all derived from a special plant on our first world. Our population is so high that the original plats are only grow to stain the guild master's at their induction ceremony, aside from that we replicate the dyes and get them applied by special machines. It is a very proud moment for any member of our race. And every few years it begin to fade and we go in to get it renewed at our respective guild buildings."

With her explanation out of the way Hylota leaned in closer and licked along the base of Lucan's cock,letting his cock lay against her face before she let her tongue out further to tongue his balls, teasing them and coating them in a bit of saliva to cause a bit more sensitivity to the warm breaths as she exhaled over his genitalia.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #18
Hearing her tell him about her native culture and how it had affected the Ovri people so deeply - custom creating such a place upon their body that made them react the way she was - Lucan wondered how much of his own people's bodies were the the subject to custom. As it were, his body was not entriely his own any more - shared as it was with the thing inside. Dubious benefits, he had come to learn, yet so tantalising to begin with. Sharpened wits, strength and feeling a part of something greater - in touch with a reality beyond his own. At once more aware of himself, and yet also distant - inhibitions fleeting. It was the carelessness he regretted the most, the way he was no more in control, and yet what choice did he have? The fate of his kin was the fate of the Galaxy.

Hylota, however, kept him in the present, and her attentions quelled the desire to destroy - wishing to preserve rather than to ruin. Seeing her play with him, letting his lentgh rest across her face, it was actually quite endearing in a way. How she enjoyed his dangerous company, and toyed with his desires. Oh, and how she toyed with him, being kept so close to coming from her ministrations and yet leaving him wanting for more. Her tongue was teasing him anew, and he found himself shifting in his seat, fidgeting from her stall methods. Yet he still kept teasing the outline of her mark with his thumb, knowing how much she enjoyed it, now also with the underlying reasons for it.

"What is the next step?" he asked, breath uneven as he smiled to her. "Am I overdressed for the treatment you have in mind?"

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #19
Hylota withdrew her tongue and pulled back from Luca's groin and she  smiled. "Well as for what is next, well I am going to introduce a sonic element to the treatment, it will allow you to gt stimulation all the way through your genitalia, giving you a  very deep and stimulating massage, and hopefully will get you to come to a quick climax. And as I have observed, there is nothing better to relax you than a sexual climax. And I will be showing you one of my people's more less used capabilities." She smiled and winked up at him before she let out a chuckle. "To get you something to do, how about you tell me of your people, tell me of your  culture ad the values your people have." With that Hylota leaned back and began to rub along her throat as she inhaled.

As her lungs filled up fully she opened her maw and leaned in and allowed Lucan's cock to slide into her mouth and down into her throat. Once the cock was fully taken in Hylota closed her mouth tight and began to inhale deeply again, keeping a tight seal while she kept inhaling, and like a frog he throat began to balloon out with excess air, as the skin stretched it took on a surprisingly vibrant rusty red color. Once she stopped inflating Hylota did not touch Lucan's cock, and she was clearly straining to keep this much air in. Hylota was still for amount before she began to let out a deep low rumble that caused Lucan's cock to tingle, but soon the sound faded out, but the vibrations continued, as they kept up the tingling, causing the vibrations to cover Lucan's cock entirely before penetrating all the way through, causing waves of pleasure to ride though the cock, as Hylota managed to drop to extremely deep bass notes that rode through Lucan's entire cock.

And with how her mouth was filled, the sound kept going, she was able to let out a much more regulated sound, but to make some more interest Hylota made sudden jumps in tone, letting out deep croak that sent varied waves of pleasure through Lucan's cock on top of the already intense vibrations, but this croaking caused Hylota to lose her breath faster and her throat deflated to normal as she ran down to a normal amount of air. All the while Hylota's tongue rested still along the base of Lucan's cock waiting to sense the pulse of a climax so she could move in an instant to keep the cum in her mouth.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #20
When Hylota made the request for him to speak of his people and the customs of Câroon, Lucan felt a slight pang of vexation because of his hidden feelings towards his home planet and what they had done to him. Yet as ever with the charade he played, he showed naught, instead smiling to her in answer - enjoying the sight of her between his legs and with his hardness in hand. "I do like the sound of that," he said in regard to the mysterious massage technique she was suggesting, "and I don't mind telling you about my home."

Then she began, and saw his hard ength engulfed by her - feeling him slide down her tight throat. Words escaped him immediately, but he somehow found enough composure to begin, just as she sealed her lips tightly around his thick girth. "The connection between Câroon and their planet is unprecedented in known space, or at least that is what I have read in the Federation's database. Even now, as I sit here, I feel the subtle pull - the wish to return there. I am conflicted about it, of course, because I want to serve and salvage Starfleet - fulfilling my duty as a doctor on this mission. It is a conflict of interest all Câroon who lead lives away from our planet - a biological bond more than a choice. Then again, some of us choose to accept our bond as their nature without questioning it."

While he spoke, Hylota had inhaled so much air that her alien physique adapted to the amount - her neck expanding like some animals Lucan had seen. "The bond to our planet is both a curse and a gift, the latter in how it has vested us with a modicum of control over her. We may adapt and change the elements around us, a limited psioninc ability through a subtle energy body within us. We have seven centres - zi'naaq - that can funnel the energy, and to a lesser degree, even so with elements arround us after we are have left Câroon. The ability deteriorates with time, and it is not the same experience to wield the elements of other planets and constructs. It is the bond that..."

Then she began in truth, her while oral cavity and throat vibrating when she exhaled - the stimulation continuing silently after she first began to vent the air. "Ah... I..." he swallowed, shifting a little in his seat, but there was no escaping once it began. And why would he escape? The reverberations thrummed all the way down to his prostate, and he his cock was throbbing with pending release because of it. He tried to continue his explanation. "We have... different affinities for the elements around us... depending on where we were raised. Câroon is split into four Regions, and I am of the Wind Regioneers. I hail from Envon... high up in the mountains... where the scything storms both challenge our lives... and create energy to power our shelters - the empyrean cities that defy the wind."

He had to stop for a breath, and he laid his hands on her heads - unable to stop his hips from moving in answer to what she was doing. To no avail, however, since her lips were sealed tight, and the vibrations just continued. She changed pitch, sounds made in a kind of throat-song that compelled him to come. "I... I do not know the other Regions well... but they are of Fire, Water and Earth... all with their own traits and customs. I... ah..."

He could not contain himself any longer. The throat-song was about the end, judging from how Hylota's air was running out, but she would not completely run out before he could not bear it any longer. He gasped, hands on her bare head, and defying the tight seal around his girth... he spent his seed in answer to her song.


Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #21
Hylota was able to focus through her oral stimulation of Lucan and listen to what he has to say about his race, and she had to admit that it was rather intriguing to hear about a race that actually had some sort of psionic tie to nature and the planets, it was not something Hylota could fully grasp, but it did not matter, what she enjoyed was bringing her commander to a speechless stat through nothing but her physical talents. And oh the attention he was giving her, rubbing her forehead, the gentle thrusting it all built to such a stimulating situation that made her almost want to test how well Lucan's ribs had recovered.

Hylota was so lost in thought she almost missed the telltale signs that Lucan was about to climax, thankfully she noticed in the nick of time and managed to stop breathing and sucked around the cock, forming an even tighter seal as Lucan climaxed, his seed spraying down Hylota's throat as she made the motions of swallowing, allowing her throat to massage and milk Lucan's cock for all it was worth, but this was not enough. Looking up at Lucan Hylota locked her dark eyes on Lucan as she began to wrap her tongue around Lucan's cock.

As Lucan was sucked dry Hylota made sure her seal round Lucan was strong before she loosened her jaw and pulled back, allowing Lucan's cock to slide out of her mouth, and through her coiled tongue, all the way being stimulated and wiped clean before, with a pop he was pulled free of Hylota's warm mouth. Smirking Hylota reached up with one of her hands a wiped along the corner of her mouth before she smiled more confidently.

Hylota the stood up and moved to sit back down on the couch in a casual manner before she spoke to Lucan again. "And that was a practical demonstration of my special massage, it utilized sonic stimulation concluded with a rubbing finish to sooth the nerves after the intense vibrating." She turned and leaned against Lucan with a smile. ''So tell me doctor, do you feel that this massage helped to stimulate and relax you? And did I manage to avoid getting your ribs to ache?" She let out a happy chirp as she relaxed.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #22
Heart still beating in his ears, and his breathing uneven, Lucan could but revel in the means she applied to treat him. Being fellated by an Ovri was arguably one of the best oral experiences he'd had, and her question beggen an honest answer. It was rather amusing how she spoke of her technique with such pride, and it made him chuckle while he ceased to ride the wind of passion that she'd stirred. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he spoke.

"My ribs are unhurt, and I can but compliment you on your excellent technique," he said raised his other hand trace his fingers down her face - touching those lips of hers as he looked into her eyes. "And while I feel stimulated and relaxed, I can't help but think that you deserve something in kind."

His hand dropped to her inner thigh, massaging the area upwards to where her digitigrade legs met. As he did, he laid his lips to hers, revelling in her special taste. He was not forceful, despite how he'd rather claim her mouth, so that she might pull back for an answer, or a protest. For as sated as he was from her technique, he was not certain he'd be able to do more than please her with his mouth and his hand. Before too long, perhaps, he'd be ready, provided that she wanted him.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #23
Hylota's special taste was now only a shadow of what it had once been, with her body no longer going through a heat she was not producing as much of her sexual pheromones. As Lucan's hand slid along her thigh Hylota pressed back into Lucan more passionately, partially finding it funny that he was wanting to have such a kiss so soon after she had just fellated him. Happily Hylota kept going with the kiss as she just let herself forget the stress of her life, f an impending pregnancy, of all the things that had gone wrong with her life, how her brother was broken, she let it all was away as she enjoyed the kiss.

As Lucan's hand drifted closer to her pussy Hylota slid her legs apart to allow him easier access to her pussy. For a moment though Hylota puled back, gazing into Lucan's eyes with her own large dark orbs. "When you fully heal, I want to have proper sex with  you sir, no more of this teasing, our simple acts of one upping each other will not sate me forever, and I want nothing more than to show you my body in the throws of ecstasy." She blinked a few times, her eyes seeming to sparkle as she did so. "I want to show you what sex means to the Ovri, what it is like when we do it of our own accord." With that she leaned back in and resumed the kiss, and her hands moved in tandem to caress Lucan's face, and move his hand up to her crotch where he could tease her directly.

Re: DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]

Reply #24
While Hylota spoke, pausing the progress made, Lucan looked down into her dark eyes with understanding of her sentiment. She wanted to make sure his injury would not worsen, even if the fibre of his bones were restored already by the osteo-regenerator. The bones needed a day or two to recover from the treatment, else another treatment had to be made. It was wiser to let the first treatment settle, else there would be another two days of recovery before he was fully healed. As frustrating as it was, she was correct, of course.

"I'm looking forward to it," he said for short, intrigued by the promise of what she wished to do. So was the thing inside, frustrated with the damaged state of its host.

Guided by her hand, he soon slid his fingers down across her folds, tracing her slit with his fingertips and spreading them index and ring finger. His middle finger teased inside her - wet as she had become by fellating him but far from being as wet as she'd been earlier that day. Already, he had defied his injuries in order to have sex with her, so perhaps he might again, or perhaps that was all the more reason he should heed her words and not exert himself more than he absolutely had to. Either way, he teased her with his fingers as aptly as he could, delving into her and trying to find exactly what she liked the most. All the while, he kissed her where they sat, his other hand working to shed any more clothing that lay between them, hers parting like water beneath his free hand, and his own shrugged off his shoulders and pooling around him.

Before long, he helped her lie down on the couch so that he might lay kisses down her minutely scaled body, enjoying her lean musculature with lips and fingers. At the end of his path, his head was betwixt her legs, two fingers churning in and out of her, and his tongue joining the fray with attentive strokes. His free hand roamed her body, and he lay comfortably on the couch while he stimulated her. He was not used to Ovri, but he was learning as best as he might to be a lover to their kind. If only he could sample Hylota's brother too some day, but he reckoned he wouldn't be able to without ending up like Patrik Andersson had. To say that the sister was being quite protective of her brother was an understatement.

Nonetheless, the thought of that brother of hers was slowly quickening him again, perhaps even more than the taste of her did.

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