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Topic: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] (Read 12691 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #25
Eun Sae felt two of her punches strike their designated target namely Jien's face. A small smile formed on her lips glad that she'd finally been able to land a proper blow on her opponent that wasn't negated or nullified in some way or another. But her small moment of satisfaction was cut short as her hook was batted aside and before she could react Jien had spun his body. The strikes came in quick succession a hard elbow striking the outside of her shoulder followed by a knee that managed to catch her in the side knocking a great deal of the air out of her lungs. What finished off the combo was a hard punch to the side of her head luckily softened by the padding of Jien's fighting gloves.

Nonetheless the blow sent Eun Sae's mind spinning as she stumbled a few steps before dropping to the mat. She managed to push herself up bringing a hand to touch her cheek with the tips of her fingers. Her hand upon the mat curled tightly into a fist she wanted to keep fighting but somehow she could only think that if she kept on she'd continue to be outmatched. Pushing herself back up to her feet she winced as she felt her side ache in protest along with her shoulder. "I concede sir..." Eun Sae said. She gave her superior officer a slight if a bit pained smile "Match well fought hopefully we can spar again sometime." Eun Sae said.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #26
Jien stayed his advance, about to pursue her as she stumbled. She yielded the spar to him, and he stepped back, lowering his guard. As he did, his physical image flickered again, his morphogenic matrix still compensating for the strike she had landed to his face. Physical violence towards his form forced his matrix to compensate, and as it did, it drained him of energy. That she had unbalanced his matrix served as a testament to her skill, and he was pleased that she had challenged him so. He did, however, want to continue fighting against a new opponent before stepping out of the tournament.

"Well fought indeed," he said with a faint smile, "and I would very much enjoy going a round or two against you again, Petty Officer. You are not only quick with your feet, but also know how to use your body weight's momentum in your strikes. My apologies if you might have to visit Sickbay, but if Mister Covington gives you trouble for it, give him my regards."

And so the fight was ended, and Jien turned to see if there were any new challengers. He saw that the Deputy had also been victorious, but she seemed worse for wear. As stubborn as she might be, Jien was not certain if the Andorian would win another match against a fresh and rested challenger.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #27
[Ensign Christopher Slayton | Port sparring ring] Attention : Ida & All

Chris was wearing a pair of black workout pants with a white tank top that left his arms and shoulders bare as he  approached the "ring" and crossed his arms over his broad chest, not in an arrogant manner or way but one of patience.

"I stand ready for a good spar, if you are willing?" He respectfully announced even though he didn't know who his opponent would be but he was actually looking forward to this as Sniper would've called it "Captain pummeling day" back in the good old days prior to the bad ones back on the Harbinger.

At that thought, a smile crossed his face as he uncrowded his arms and started to shake them out to get ready.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #28
[ Captain Jien Ives | Starboard Sparring Ring ] Attn: DocReno

After Eun Sae Ji left, Captain Ives was left without a challenger, having finished his fight ahead of he Andorian Deputy. Momentarily, however, the new fighter pilot from the Harbinger stepped forth to join the tournament, and the security guard who stood in for the Deputy while she was in the ring announced the man as the Captain's new challenger.

"Good evening, Ensign," said Jien while currently in his male form, inclining his head towards the human that was due to step into the starboard sparring ring. He had raised his voice a bit to override the cheering crowd. "We might just have spoken briefly before the rescue shuttle collected you, Doctor Duv and our Deputy over there, so I suppose I will have to welcome you aboard the ship in this fashion instead. In lack of a conversation in my Ready Room, I suppose I will have to gauge your character in this crude fashion instead."

Jien rolled his shoulders and raised his guard, waiting for the two whistles to announce the commencement of the fight.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #29
[Ensign Christopher Slayton | Starboard Sparring Ring] Attention: Ives & All

Chris was slightly thrown off as the Captain hirself stepped up to accept his challenge and so he in turned respectfully bowed towards the Captain as he stepped fully into the ring before cracking his knuckles.

"Very true, Captain." He admitted as the quickly entered into a brief warm up kata before moving into a full fighting stance, "I will try and not go full tilt unless you don't want me to hold back...captain."

Chris then adjusted his stance just a little bit more, rotating his left fist by six degrees as his fingers tightened into a fist with his thumb on the outside, his left foot exactly six inches out and he bent at the knees..ready to go.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #30
[ Captain Jien Ives | Starboard Sparring Ring ] Attn: DocReno

With his guard already raised, Jien gave the human a faint smile after the first whistle was sounded, and he said, "Have at me as you will, for how could I otherwise judge your character?"

In the corner of his eye, Jien thought he saw Ida looking towards the fighter pilot from where she stood in her ring - another challenger due to face her. Jien took little note of the fact, and did not see the unreadable expression on the Andorian's face when she looked at the man. With the fight at hand, he did not remember how he had noticed the two of them speaking in Below Decks a couple of hours earlier, and had no knowledge of what had been said between them.

Then, the second whistle rung, and the second fight in the starboard ring commenced.

Noticing how the pilot chose to remain on the defensive, Jien obliged him by issuing the first strikes in their spar. He closed the distance and led the advance with a left hand jab followed by a right hook towards the face. Then, he changed his form... to her female and more shorter one, and she ducked down to level a straight punch towards his midriff - perhaps ducking underneath any counter that the pilot had in store after her first two punches.

OOC: I edited the heading of your post since it mentioned the wrong ring.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #31
[Ensign Christopher Slayton | Starboard Sparring Ring] Attention: Ives & All

As a practitioner of Hleshvalath, Chris waited to see what kind of offense his new commanding officer could put up and he did not hesitate as he blocked the first couple of blows but when Jien flowed from his male to female form, the direction of the blows changed to and Chris moved to match them.

As the Captain went for a blow to his midriff, Chris took it as he started moving with his own move the moment that the blow struck, allowing the Captain's momentum to start Husker's turn into a downward angled strike to the inside of hir left shoulder blade, just enough to cause her to be thrown off balance as he followed it up with Chris wrapping his right arm up and over the opposite shoulder and neck, almost like he was going to use a move commonly known as a "cobra clutch hold" which could be transiting into one of two different moves.

But Chris chose neither as he then attempted to lift the Captain up in a dead lift, using only his own upper body strength. "You will forgive me if I am not gentle, Captain, none of my sensei were masters of that field." Chris said respectfully to Jien as he attempted the next part of his move.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #32
[ Captain Jien Ives | Starboard Sparring Ring ] Attn: DocReno

Caught in a grapple technique that her opponent issued as a counter to her third blow - having been caught since he had managed to unbalance her with the strike behind her left shoulder - Jien could but chuckle strenuously at what the man said. This, before he either slammed her whole body into the ground or twisted her down into a choke-hold.  "Nor were mine," she said and then she changed back... his male form, which was taller and gave reach, strength and an element of surprise. As his mass increased, he counted on that to compromise the hold, and his feet still touched the ground. He drove his elbow straight into Ensign Slayton unguarded side - the grip the man had opted to use not offering much in terms of defence. Three times Jien drove his elbow into Slayton, and when the man was properly unbalanced by the blows, he turned the loosened grip against the man. He seized the arm that was in front of his neck and with it, he twisted around and threw the fighter pilot across his hip and straight down into the floor.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #33
[Ensign Christopher Slayton | Starboard Sparring Ring] Attention: Ives & All

Chris was a born fighter and had fought a number of things in hand to hand combat from the klingons to romulans, cardassians, and even targs and he knew how to handle himself quite well..

..fighting a shape-shifter was a new experience.

Chris took a second to analyze his options before quickly moving to a standing position once more and switched to a guard position but he kept his hands loose in order to help with the blocks. He was still taller then the captain in his male for by three inches and heavier by a few pounds..but the captain had twenty two years of combat experience on him..

Chris' eyes narrowed as he slowly moved in doing a few probing strikes seemingly at random which was standard for probing strikes in CQC as a way of probing before he finally moved into action and switched Hleshvalath for Vershaan, an Andorian martial art that was a form of Andorian jiu-jitsu but it was rarely taught to other races due to the dedication that it required and some masters of the art viewed most pinkskins as not having the patience for it as it was a serious art.

But Chris wasn't like most pinkskins as he started shifting his blows so that instead of the simple straight forward blows that he'd been doing only a few seconds before was now much quicker, allowing the fighter pilot to focus more on the power behind his reflexes rather then on using the pure force behind his build.

He kept it up before he feigned a step to the right and halfway followed through with it before he rolled sideways behind the captain and quickly locked an arm around hir waist then did a rolling hold so that he was in a scarf mount position as he tried to lock in another hold.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #34
[ Captain Jien Ives | Starboard Sparring Ring ] Attn: DocReno

Initially, Jien indulged the human when he tested his defences. The crew was riveted by the development, anticipating that the build-up would lead to something spectacular, and it came when the fighter pilot changed his manner of approach. From strikes that Jien rather easily deflected to a few ones that seemed more earnestly thrown at him. Seeing no direct openings, Jien remained on the defensive.

Then, suddenly, the pilot dove into a roll that forced Jien to try and turn around with his rear foot leading in a retreating step. Jien needed distance to perceive what the man was about to do, but Slayton had been too quick - the hold around his waist secured before he could turn around to face him fully. Down into the floor he went, and while he kept his head from connecting at the impact, his side and shoulder was jarred, and he had lost orientation. Before he knew it, Slayton had him in a preliminary wrestling hold, and Jien was forced to do something about it before the pilot could secure a better grip.

Again, he changed... to her female form, and with her more diminutive size, she used the opportune moment to slip ut underneath the man. It was not without complication, the sudden change still allowing for Slayton to use superior weight against her, but she evened out the odds of slipping out by delivering two consecutive elbow strikes - one towards his face and the second one into his ribs.

Regardless if she stuck true, she managed to squirm out from underneath him - hair on end and with bruising along her side. Her morphogenic matrix compensated for both, making her ripple in the eye of the crowd, as she tried to secure a choke-hold from behind Slayton's back. With an attempted half-nelson hold, and trying to wrap her legs around him from behind, she meant to make him tap out. He was strong, and successful or not, her breaths wheezed through her bared her teeth as she meant to make him yield somehow.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #35
[Ensign Christopher Slayton | Starboard Sparring Ring] Attention: Ives & All

Chris had to admit that the captain really, truly and honestly knew what she was doing when the elbow strikes landed in the perfect spots and would've done the desired effect if pain and Chris weren't old friends at this point and he simply grunted in frustration and effort as he felt her quickly maneuver around then slip him into a attempted back-mounted choke-hold, which would be a good idea except for the one problem.

Chris took in just enough breath to inflate his lungs just enough for what he was about to do as he fought to stand at his full height of six feet four inch height and quickly slipped one hand the best that he could around to the back of the captain's head while grasping at hir lower back just above the right asscheek as he used the pain to focus himself for the next part of the move.

Chris then tensed his legs and threw himself backwards, combining both his weight and that the weight of his captain's female form into a move that was simply brute force but once the hold was broken, Chris then grabbed one of the captain's legs while moving into a standing position with his right arm wrapping around hir left ankle so that the top of hir foot was under his arm-pit with his hand resting on his chest before sitting back down between the captain's legs with hir left leg between his.

He then wrapped his right leg around hir left leg as a way to prevent hir from sitting up as he quickly placed his left hand just below hir knee as he grabbed his left wrist with his right hand and then leaning back as he locked the captain's Achilles Tendon into a submission hold of his own.

It was one of the slightly more serious moves of Vershaan, one that had required a lot of pain of Chris' part over the years that he spent on Andor to learn how to effectively hold as he now held the captian, hirself not only an accomplished hand to hand fighter but also a shapeshifter which made this hold a serious but dubious attempt at best.

But Chris couldn't help as he looked into Jien's face and broke into a smile, not one of someone who was full of cockiness that his victory was close at hand or anything like that but a smile of someone who was actually really enjoying himself truly as it had been a very long time since he'd sparred with anyone this good...

...not since before Sniper and their "mutal partner" left the Harbinger as the three of them were serious students of their arts and hence he was enjoying himself and he hoped that the captain was enjoying hirself as well.


Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #36
The pilot was good, well trained in his arts, and Jien was caught in the foot-hold - her facing the man across the hold and catching his smile. It was a show of good spirits, and Jien returned the smile with a faint one of her own. It was a friendly spar, and Jien did not think the smile cocky, rather made in good humour. Likely, the fighter pilot knew that she could alter her form with her morphogenic matrix and escape the hold easily, yet she was not too keen on using her abilities in such a way to secure victory. Escaping the hold determined whether or not the pilot had won, after all, so she would give him and the integrity of the match its due by not liquefying and reforming outside that footlock.

Instead, before the strain on her mimicked ligaments became too painful, she changed... to his male form, and from the lock, he vested his experience in the task of kicking the human as best as he might in order to disorient him. He judged it required to prevent him from seeing how he meant to escape. It was an awkward angle, and Mister Slayton was barely in range, but Jien did what he could before he pushed Slayton's foot down into the floor and rolled sideways across it. It reduced the pending pain to a discomfort, and with the roll, Jien tried to either straddle him across the chest or - if he was quick and Slayton was disoriented enough - he would catch his opponent's arm and enter an arm-lock instead. With his back on the ground, he would try to force the pilot to tap out.

If he - instead - only could get on top of Slayton, he would not be shy about using a rapidly plunging fist to further dicombobulate the man.

OOC: So sorry for the wait man. New applicants, work and family ruined my planning the last week. :) Hope the move above is clear enough, otherwise, .

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #37
[Ensign Christopher Slayton | Starboard Sparring Ring] Attention: Ives & All

Husker had to admit that the captain had done a gutsy move as he felt the captain's body shift under his grasp and the kick to his head was well timed and actually quite well executed but it forced him to release the lock on his captain's tendons before he quickly gathered his wits.

Pain wasn't new to him and it only brought things into a sharper clarity.

Husker rolled to his left to avoid the plunging fist but instead he quickly wrapped his legs around the captain's waist, locking his feet together as he quickly wrapped his arms around the fist that the captain had just tried to hit him with before Husker forced his whole body to roll, not only with his already muscular bulk but also with the captain's shifting build, so that the Captain was now the one on the ground as Husker quickly rotated his body around

Once he was in the right position, he moved the two of them up into a sitting position with Husker behind his captain as he took his right arm around the front of the captain's neck with his elbow directly below hir chin before he grasped his left bicep with the right hand.

As he continued the move, a surge of red hot fire rushed up his side and Husker gritted his teeth as he felt it. By doing the roll, he possibly had aggravted the muscles that had been shredded during the fight against the Reavers a few days before hand and while medical science had removed the reason for lengthy periods of healing, it hadn't removed the situation of over stressing those very same injuries.

As Chris gritted his teeth, a sharp intake of breath escaped him as he forced himself to continue with slapping on the submission hold.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #38
[ Captain Jien Ives | Starboard Sparring Ring ] Attn: DocReno

The fighter pilot was strong, and Jien ended up in the lock - having pried his fingers between the hook of Slayton's arm to relieve the stress against his throat. It was not easy, not the least, to work against a hold such as that. There was little leverage to withhold the pressure, barely any room to slide one's fingers more firmly between the brawny arm and his own throat. For a couple of seconds, Jien tried to kick himself around and to roll out of he submission hold - using every technique he had at his disposal - but the pilot seemed fully bent on trying to win the match.

Bound to honour the match by not deviating from his male and female forms, he might be loosing the match, but he had one more trick to play, and that was - indeed - to try and find a way out with his smaller form. So, he changed... to his female form, and with the reduction of mass, Jien tried to ram her forearms up inside the man's hold. With both her forearms wedged there, she had better leverage, and started to pry the hold open - trying to roll out of the grip as well. Seeking strength for her mimicked muscles, she cried out as she tried to get out of the hold - not knowing that the pilot was struggling too with the reminder of his old injury.

During that fierce struggle, Jien was disoriented, unsure how successful she was and unable to offer a good counter. The pilot's lean body was hard against hers, and with the blood rushing through her, Jien was reminded about another spar that had gone out of hand, and the fact that it had been when fighting another pilot as well. The sudden memory of having sex with Nathaniel Isley before the Niga Incident threw Jien somewhat, making her loose focus. Still, she did not give up, trying to deliver an elbow strike towards Slayton's face when he was still behind her.

The ending was inevitable, the both of them wearing out, so it was a coin-toss between them - who would buckle first during the impasse they had reached? Jien was at a disadvantage, even if she had some leverage to keep Slayton's arm away from her throat. She had made both her forms sweat like humans did, embracing their physical functions as her own, and with the struggle, her arms and face beaded with it. She suppressed the memories of Isley as best as she could, and she would continue until her simulated muscles gave out, and Slayton proved himself the victor... unless he gave out first.

OOC: So sorry for the late reply, as you have noticed, we had a new applicant and she took up my time making character images. Here you are, and I love to hear back from you in regard to what Lin Kae actually did. Don't forget to include CanadianVet and IronFerrox in the PM reply on that too. :)

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #39
[Ensign Christopher Slayton | Starboard Sparring Ring] Attention: Ives & All

Chris fought to focus through the pain and forced it down for the moment with the full understanding that he would have to go to sickbay and see if he had accidentally caused some kind of new hell with that injury.

He felt Ives' fingers around his forearm as s/he tried to keep it from slipping around hir throat and thus completing the circuit of the submission hold but as Chris' oldest brother Marcus had once taught him was that the octopus with a mission could be much more flexible.

Mind you to this day Chris still couldn't understand the meaning of that particular saying...

Chris simply adjusted his weight and used the positioning of the arm that the captain was having issue with and moved hir into a better position only slightly as he then bent just enough to provide enough pressure to his captain's lower abombile walls that would provide enough of a distraction to allow him to complete the hold.

Right now it wasn't about winning to Husker, but to see what s/he would do next in an attempt to try and stop him. 

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #40
[ Captain Jien Ives | Starboard Sparring Ring ] Attn: DocReno

In failing to secure her forearms within the span of the pilot's submission hold when she changed from her male form, Jien had ended up being in her physically weaker version and at the pilot's mercy. While inferior in terms of strength, however, she was quicker and more limber - agile enough to offer different methods to get out of the hold - but her opponent was well versed in this type of combat. So, whatever she had gained in the change - failed initial attempt aside - was negated by Husker's skill and experience.

Of course she could cheat, change form and slip out before he realised what had happened, but that would not be fair. She forbade herself to do it, as tempting as it was. No, her Chosen Forms were what she would use, and with that in mind, she had decided to yield. However, before she had a moment to clap out, the man proved he knew what he was doing by distracting her, and completing his hold.  A fair outcome, and to his credit, Jien smiled faintly before she tapped the mat - yielding the match to the new Lone-Wolf.

The fight had her blood rushing, and it was an exhilarating feeling she was left with after the match had come to an end - pleased that she had taken the initiative to arrange for the sparring tournament. Not just for the sake of the crew, actually, but for her own enjoyment.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #41
[Ensign Christopher Slayton | Starboard Sparring Ring] Attention: Ives & All

Once the captain started tapping the mat, Chris released the hold and quickly, a bit stiffly though, into a standing position and respectfully bowed to his opponent before wiping a bit of sweat off of his forehead before dropping down to one knee to rest in the ring.

As he knelt in the ring, he took a couple of minutes to take stock as to how he was and found that old familiar thrill that he hadn't felt in years..not since his time with the Klingons and he found that he actually missed it on a level that he wasn't expecting and in a strange way, he also felt better and this caused his brow to furrow and his eyes to narrow deeply as he processed the information as he slowly started to rotate his right shoulder to try and get it ready for the next match if one happened.

Inwardly however he realized that he was feeling better because he was actually able to "stretch his legs" so to speak in the sense of a fighter and he had fought using techniques that he hadn't used in a while so as he slowly stood back up, Chris realized that he was actually ready for what ever came next.

But then again in a small portion of his brain, it asked why does one always find understanding in the strangest of situations?

"Thank you for an excellent match, Captain." Chris said in a respectable voice before he looked around and saw Ida standing in the next ring, looking for an opponent. "So tell me, ThanIda, will you accept my challenge?"

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #42
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Starboard Sparring Ring ] Attn: DocReno

Having watched the end of the fight between her Chameloid Captain and the pilot from the Harbinger, she had been certain that the Captain would win, but that was before the fight entered a phase of grappling, where she suspected that the Captain would not cheat and change form. As it were, she was right, but most of the crowd had thought their Captain would win, so there were a few lucky crewmates in the crowd that had just earned a lot of replicator rations.

"Likewise, Ensign Slayton. I will be wary of entering a match with you on those terms again. Next time, I will keep my distance." Captain Ives said this in good humour, always having been a respectful winner and now proving that she was just as respectful when she'd lost. "Best of luck in the tournament."

Watching as Ives left, Ida did not see how Husker's gaze fell on her, but when she heard his voice, Ida chuckled and turned her head - meeting the pinkskin's eye. She was still quite sore after fighting the pilot with Vulcan blood, aches all over her body and feeling like she had been sucked out of a hull breach and then tractored back inside again. Still, her blue blood beat in her ears, and she had an itch she had to scratch after the fight with Isley, so why not scratch that itch with another fight? After the talk she had with the Harbinger pilot after the memorial service, she was confident she knew exactly where she had the pinkskin. No doubts there as to where they stood, and how much ground there was to cover given their separate pasts.

"I will," she said loudly in answer to override the crowd, gloved hands by her sides as she stepped from her ring and into Husker's. She might be worse for wear, yet it was nothing like the state she had been in after Husker's old crew beat her to a pulp on that Akira-class ship - the one they'd destroyed together. "I forgot to thank you back Below Decks. I did run into Kalen Jinnai on my mission. Thanks for the heads up. "

Before the match began, she put her hands on her hip and spoke to the Ensign - their words for them alone since the crowd drowned out their conversation. "As it were, when I came face to face with that name, I recognised him. He was one of those that had played a number on me before I was thrown into that holding cell next to yours. Though bastard, like you said. Especially for a greying ridgenose."

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #43
[Ensign Christopher Slayton | Starboard Sparring Ring] Attention: Ives & All

Chris could only smile at his fellow officer but he also gave himself a moment to drink in the sight of Ida standing there in a workout outfit, a faint sheen of sweat adorning her lithe and toned body as she gave him ever so slightly a cocky smile back..

Chris shook his head to clear it as the last thing that he needed to think about was other things before he cracked his knuckles as he slowly stood up followed by rotated his right shoulder before bouncing back and forth to try and get some circulation back into him following the grappling war with the captain as he waited for Ida to step into the ring that he was in before he interlaced his fingers and started to rotated his hands, wrists, forearms, elbows and shoulders all in one motion as he waited.

"I worked with Kalen for a while, Ida. I hope that my information about him was able to give you a leg up on anything that he tried to do because he is a sneaky and snarky bastard." Chris said as he kept getting ready for a fight with a fighter that was not only on equal footing with him and knew the same fighting styles but also was from a race that was stronger and tougher then he was as a human. "One day I hope to hear how you put a rather sizeable number of boot prints into and through his thick skull, Ida."

He then threw her a wink to let her know that he was happy that he was of help before his expression went serious as he was ready for their bout.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #44
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Starboard Sparring Ring ] Attn: DocReno

When he said he wanted to hear the story, Ida gave the pinkskin a lopsided smile. "No, I think I will give you a first-hand demonstration instead."

The whistle blew, and Ida's second match began. True to her word, she went all in, pulling no punches as she launched a three-strike combo against Husker's head and side - ending with a low kick with her leading foot with the aim to either unbalance him or make him fall down. Regardless if he did or not, she stepped back afterwards, on the defensive in case his riposte would be swift.

Indeed, just as quickly as she had closed the distance and pummelled him, she was just as quick when she fell back. A precautionary measure, since she was not about to take any chances with this particular pinkskin. Not since she still felt the aches of the previous fight, and the fact that Slayton had made the Captain yield their spar to him.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #45
[Ensign Christopher Slayton | Starboard Sparring Ring] Attention: Ives & All

Chris was fully expecting only the best out of the Zhen but when she came at him with a flurry of blows, the shorter woman attempted to do what she could to knock the six four pilot off of his center and as quickly as he was able to block the blows-Ida just as quickly moved out of range for any attempt at him returning with his own strikes.

Chris then switched things up from Vershaan which was more grappling based to something more tried and true as Chris narrowed his eyes in focus before he quickly moved into what was a modified version of the basic Muay Thai stance as he put his left foot facing forward with his right foot slightly behind his left foot with his balance on the balls of his feet so that he wasn't able to be caught flat footed with his knees bent in a way that it looked like he was "sitting while standing up" but he kept his chin down with his hands up high.

Chris then sprang into motion leading with a right hook into a left sweep at her knees before attempting a right elbow/forearm strike to her right temple and as he struck out with specific limbs, he would use the others to block with such as if he struck with his right fist, he would block with his left as he kept his green eyed gaze locked firmly on her body-not in the sexual sense or the sense of an artist but in the sense of seeing how her muscles would ebb and flow into the next move.

But Chris wasn't going to try and out power Ida, he knew better from months of training with Paran because she was an Andorian which meant that she had a bit more power behind her feminine appearance which meant that he couldn't match in in the power department so it would come down to who had the better training...but even that was slightly up for grabs because they both were trained by the masters of their respective styles...

As he struck and moved, lashed and withdrew..the man from Asgard couldn't help but to smile at the chance to still just unwind in good company.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #46
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Starboard Sparring Ring ] Attn: DocReno

With her shorter stature, Ida was keen on using it to her advantage. Range was an asset in a fight, but it could also be a detriment if the opponent could use it against you. This, Ida had done before, and she was at it as soon as Husker countered. She dodged below the right hook, and could use both arms to break the momentum of the sweeping kick. When the elbow strike came in full force, she passed underneath it as well, and as she did, she drove her own elbow straight into Husker's torso. She did it in passing too, swaying out to the side of his directed attack. It made her end up halfway behind his back, and she had the opportunity to follow up on her strike against his side.

She did so with her own low and savage kick, aimed straight into the bend of Husker's closest knee - meaning to unbalance him and make him drop down. No more had she put her foot down until she launched the other one, consecutively delivering a spinning kick that would either collide into his centre, or right in his face - all depending on how unbalanced he had been by her first kick.

It escaped Ida how Husker was enjoying himself - hardly able to see his facial features in the flurry of blows exchanged. Nonetheless, despite the aches and bruises it might leave, Ida always found sparring to be invigorating. What made her more keen on the fight in question was how she kept crossing paths with this pinkskin, and she had yet to come to terms with how he reminded her about home. On one level, she could barely stand the sight of him because of it, yet on the other, there was still some strange pull towards her heritage and the family she'd left behind. Sometimes, in the off hours where she was alone and drew in the solitude of her quarters... she would miss her twin brothers.

After dealing her spinning kick, she sought to distance herself again - not about to enter close-quarter combat with the large pinkskin unless she had to.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #47
[Ensign Chris Slayton | Starboard sparring ring | USS Theurgy] Attention: Ida

*Yep, this is going to be one of those kinds of bouts* Husker mentally chided himself as he felt the Zhen's blows impact where he wasn\t able to get his guard or counter up in time but he was used to getting beat on, not just because of his training but also because he had brothers that he got into fights with and sisters that he had to defend the honor of growing up.

Istead of giving Ida and chance to recover and regroup, he shifted his own game plan by very quickly closing the distance between the two of them, opning up with making that he was going to lead with a left hook but instead quickly lashed out with a savage right snap kick to her ribs instead before following it up with an attempt to go for a body blow with his left knee but instead he went and grapevined her left arm with his left arm, trapping it long enough to land two quick knee strikes, while fully leaving him open to any blows from the shorter woman as he then quickly latched onto her upper body by using her grapevined arm as a connection.

For a brief moment he was chest to chest with her in a manner that he could feel her heartbeat and she could feel his as he looked into that face and he was still smiling from the thrill of their bout before he quickly hit a move from a position that it wasn't commonly hit from as he threw his body backwards while lifting and tossing Ida's over his head..

...but as he suplexed her, the blow that she had landed to his face suddenly expolded into a blinding white array of pain which made him quickly snap his eyes shut while loosing his balance as everything connected to his right eye blazed as he tried to force the pain down.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #48
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Starboard Sparring Ring ] Attn: DocReno

The pinkskin was quick to close the distance even after sustaining the kind of beating that he got from her. Ida had not been prepared for the swift way in which he moved in despite the kick to his head, and yet experience allowed her to try and sway with the directed force of the kick towards her ribs and the knee he tried to drive into her. It was a feint, however, because he trapped her arm instead, making her snarl into his face. She did her best to ward herself from any harm sustained from the twain times Husker tried to drive his knee into her, and she did it by trying to spin them around - to make him loose his footing.

Before he acted on his grapevine grip on her arm, she thus had no opportunity to deal him an definitive blow. Yet it was as if his battered body caught up with him right then, just as he lifted her feet clean off the deck and sought to slam her down. She felt his breath, and she had her teeth bared at him, and that was when he failed - grip loosing enough to make her absorb the blow with ease - her free arm warding off the impact. The half-way disentangled manoeuvre ended up with her knee in Husker's face - slamming his head down. And no intention had she to linger, so she rolled forward - getting back up on her feet a short distance away.

As she rounded on him, the feeling of her body smothered up against her before the fall... it felt like a distraction she could not afford. She refused to let the thought get to her, already saturated with such lecherous ideas from the spar with Isley. No, this shadow of her past was not about to give her ideas. Before he got his bearings back and his feet underneath himself, Ida was not about to be idle. No, she had her guard up and went over to him, twisted her hip and snapped a kick across his already sore head before he got up. Then, she twisted her hip back again, and with that short step, she dealt him a savage uppercut.

Cautiously, she then stepped back twice - gauging the effect and keeping her distance.

Re: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Reply #49
[Chris Slayton| Starboard Sparring Ring|  USS Theurgy]

There was the crunch of Ida's knee against the injured side of his face followed by a wetter sounding crunch caused by her follow up move at which point Chris' whole world exploded into one of white hot pain as he rolled backwards and to his knees as he fought to get the pain under control as the memories of the last time he was in this much pain.

"Hom ghIqtal" "Hom  ghlqtal" "Hom ghlqtal"

The guards chanting as he clutched at his face as the Cardassian moved back, a snarl of triumph on his face.

Chris clenched his fists tightly as he forced the rest of the memory down as he got up to his feet, unsteadily at first as his right eye was clenched shut as he squared back his shoulders before moving in slowly to test her reactions before he started to step them up quickly, hoping to finish the match before the pain became to great.

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