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CHAPTER 01: The Ring of Fire [2200 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: The Ring of Fire

[ Theta Eridani IV | Sparring Arena | 2200 hrs. ]

The clearing was hazed in fiery mist, almost a ghostly sight in which one could eye apparitions moving in their eternal limbos at the edge of the firelight. The cold grass seemed almost blackened with this hellish hue and its dancing flames. The sky was dismal, a blanket of darkness above everything, as if the suns had fled and never meant to return. The cranes worked ceaselessly, echoes of machinery penetrating the roar of the lit torches. Like phantoms, the crowd appeared out of the smoke - gathering around the ring of fire.

Commander T'Rena stood in the middle of the sparring arena that had been raised - a circle of tall torches that marked the perimeter of combat. For many years, she had taught hand-to-hand combat at Starfleet Academy until she had embarked on her deep space career. There was not a hint of emotion in her Vulcan eyes - the firelight dancing upon her impassive countenance - and she awaited until the crowd settled into silence. This would be her contribution in the evenings to come; an opportunity to went anger and frustrations. To cleanse the crews from emotions with the means to exert themselves under orderly supervision. The personnel were tense and strung out. Overworked and in need for distraction.

T'Rena looked around, seeing that some parts of the crowd were inebriated and dressed scantly in wet undergarments - undoubtedly arriving directly from the Thermal Springs Lounge that had been set up. Others were in full uniform, their double-shifts just having come to an end, others about to watch a few fights before they returned to their duties. Regardless, it was a sizeable crowd, and it appeared many had a wish to exert themselves to the best of their ability. T'Rena has asked the Harbinger's Yeoman to assist in collecting names with stylus and PADD, the roster of fighters gathered.

"Greetings," she said loud enough to override the fires, "we will gather in these evenings on Theta Eridani IV so that we might measure ourselves against another in hand-to-hand combat. I am Commander T'Rena, Executive Officer of the USS Harbinger, and I will be overseeing these events. The rules are as follows...."

Pacing in a circle around the walls of torches, she spoke clearly - making sure that the officers in the back heard her as well. "Competitors will be drawn randomly from the list with submitted names of volunteers. All competitors must fight without uniform jackets, without shoes or any other sort of foot padding. Flight jackets and jumpsuits are not allowed. Fighters must tie their hands and use Starfleet-issue light fighting gloves and feet-protection, all of which will be provided to you. Mouth-guards will be provided and must we worn during the whole duration of the fight. Fouls will be called at the event of the following actions: holding or grabbing the torches; eye-gouging of any kind; throat strikes of any kind, including, without limitation, grabbing the trachea; attacking the head of a grounded opponent; any unsportsmanlike conduct that causes an injury to opponent; attacking an opponent during a break; timidity, as in avoiding contact, consistent dropping of mouthpiece, or faking an injury; throwing or pushing an opponent out of the ring and into the torches; and lastly, attacking an opponent after the chime has sounded the end of the fight. I declare the winner of the fight and the fighting lasts for ten minutes, I put a stop to it, or until either combatant yields to the other."

Looking around, T'Rena made no motion when the Yeoman came with the PADD that contained the volunteering combatants. "Any questions?" she asked as she took the tablet and keyed in a simple command that would declare the combatants one at the time. "Then without delay, let the evening's duels commence. Our first fighter is..."

OOC: Cue to Aron Garow. Feel free to have T'Rena announce his opponent in your post. Please note that these events take place just after the two previous threads in this Chapter.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #1
[ Theta Eridani IV | Sparring Arena | 2200 hrs. ]

Compared to the damaged environmental systems that continued to pump excess heat from the plasma manifolds into their damaged vessel, the planet they'd landed on was hell. He'd been able to put up with working in such humid and suffocating conditions when his mind was focused on fixing any system that needed attention, here, on the cracked surface of their temporary home however, there was no distraction from the boiling heat. Or at least there wasn't a distraction, yet. With the moist air soaking him through, he quietly wondered why he'd agreed to attend the sparring competition in the first place and considered cutting back through the crowd that had gathered around the clearing and heading back to the relative comfort of the ship.

There was a reason he'd joined the rest of the crew and with his gaze fixed on the Vulcan - T'Rena, it was easy to recount exactly what that reason was. She offered an emotionless and overly analytical run-down of her strict rules and Alex scoffed, frustrated by her ability to take the fun out of any task the crew might enjoy. Frustration was the main reason he'd shown an interest in the competition - holodecks were perfectly realistic in creating such scenarios but the real thing offered a far more gratifying experience that allowed one to truly vent their emotions. It seemed though, that T'Rena was perfectly happy to have the contenders spar for show and not for the real glory of competition and rivalry.

When she finally offered the opportunity for a competitor to nominate themselves, Alex didn't hesitate and raised his arm, stepping out of the crowd to stand firmly before T'Rena with a pleased smirk spread across his dark features. He hadn't really seen eye to eye with the senior officer during their time serving together and if he was given the chance, he probably would have chosen her as his opponent.

As expected, T'Rena held control of the competition though surprisingly, she didn't challenge his offer. Instead, she gave a small nod of agreement before announcing his name and rank to the fascinated crowd. Still Alex stood, waiting for her to call his opponent with a fiery gaze scanning the faces staring back at him, his mind wondering who exactly he'd be up against.
"Our Engineer will fight a worthy opponent, one well-versed on the art of combat and control. Commanding Officer, Jien Ives."

The emotionless words rang through the air, capturing a shocked collective gasp from the audience and even Alex thought he saw a wicked glint cross her dark eyes. Whether she experienced thoughts of revenge or not, Alex was sure her choice was intentional.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #2
He had not consulted with Edena, but made this decision on his own.

When his name was called, Jien Ives raised his hard eyes and looked to the Harbinger's XO and the opponent that had volunteered to the first spar. After the confrontation with his Ash'reem Temporal Affairs Officer, Jien had come to decide that he would partake in this event; where one might gain respite from thought... and solace in instincts alone. Whether or not it was the right thing to do in his position as Captain was secondary to this specific need, and he had decided to partake on equal terms - to look at it as a way to be a strong presence amongst the crew. Who knew, perhaps his presence might forestall a deserter or two, perhaps even postpone a mutiny?

In entering the throng of people minutes past, Jien had heard the instructions and altered his form so that his uniform was reduced to pants and a white tank - shoes rendered into bare feet. Even the gauze bindings of his hands were an effect to his appearance, and they would serve their purpose as much or as little as real bindings would. As he stepped past the wide ring of lit torches, he took a moment to appraise the Harbinger officer that he was going to face. The brief chats with Captain Vasser had rendered names personnel file photos on the Harbinger's Senior Staff, and unless he was mistaken, the man opposite him was their Chief Engineer.

With little to no information, his thoughts left the human and led to the battle against the Calamity, where his own Chief Engineer had sacrificed herself to protect Jien from being shot down. The image was still vivid, how Nicole Howard disjointedly fell to the floor with a smoking hole in her chest. The smell of her caused him to shiver. What had made things even worse for Jien was the onset of a romance with Nicole prior to her being shot, which might not have gotten far... yet where the feelings for her had been new, raw and unexplored.

The Harbinger's Chief Engineer faced him, and there was no room for further thoughts of the past. Now was the time to focus on the immediate present.

"Initiating count-down. Please stand ready," called the Harbinger's First Officer, a Vulcan with an impassive face that held a thin scar diagonally across her stoic features. "Three, two, one, fight."

Locking eyes with the man, who's permanent form was rather easy to look upon in the firelight, Jien began to circle this Alexander Rosek - awaiting him to make the first move so that he might counter the attack and gauge the man's ability in hand-to-hand combat. He said nothing to the man, but focused on the fight at hand - his own brown eyes unblinking. Waiting.

OOC: More posts to come on the morrow in the other threads! 00:47 am here now so I have to call it a day.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #3
The gathered crowd shared Alex's shock and amazement as a familiar but unacquainted figure accepted his challenge and moved to stand before him in the middle of the ring. The Theurgy's CO was a changeling of sorts and a well respected leader of his crew - even his own CO had made it his mission to support the other Captain's quest to end the treachery that had risen inside Starfleet. The Engineer had heard comments made in regards to the other ship's crew and the rumours that their combined efforts as a single crew would continue permanently. It didn't make much of a difference to Alex, it simply meant there were more people to try and avoid.

What did confuse the Lieutenant was the reasoning behind Ives's decision to partake in the current challenge. Surely he'd understand that there was the possibility he would alienate the newer officers that were subordinate to him? Perhaps he wished to show that he was simply one of the crew - nothing more than an officer who'd been thrust into a position of rebellion. Alex didn't know the individual well enough to make any judgements at that point, though he couldn't deny that it was strange having the CO change from male to female at any given moment. Both forms were attractive though, so that at least counted for something.

When Ives's figure changed, removing clothing to the parameters set out by the lovely Vulcan spoilsport, Alex studied him out of curiosity. The uniform he/she adorned hid a surprisingly sculpted physique, leaving Alex to again wonder if the form was natural or had been enhanced to appeal to the onlookers. Unfortunately, Alex didn't have any such luxury and without any real objection, he too started preparing himself for the fight. The work-stained uniform jacket he'd worn was quickly tossed to the ground behind him and he continued to peel off the grey undershirt and vest, leaving his own sweat-sheened form exposed to the spectators. Luckily, he kept himself in shape using various high-gravity holodeck programs and could enter the fight without fear of being physically outmatched.

Tugging on his boots, he removed them one by one and threw them to the floor beside his other garments, the soft texture of the organic ground feeling unusual beneath his now bare feet. They weren't given much longer to ready themselves and after the matter-of-fact countdown from the Vulcan, Alexander began circling as did the Captain. Their gaze met, determination flowing from both of them and Alex's confidence had him take the first move.

When they'd reached the distance that he'd calculated was the shortest between them, Alex's legs tensed, pushing him forward at speed and with one arm outstretched, he grabbed for the Captain's arm, his other fist pulled back far enough that he could throw his first punch perfectly into his opponent's abdomen.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #4
When the engineer closed the distance with a grappling technique, Jien Ives' response was immediate and uncompromising.

Instead of retreating - where he could unbalance the opponents forward momentum - Jien instead made use of the grip upon his arm. In a blur, he spun on his feet while stepping behind Alexander Rosek. It made him end up back to back with the advancing engineer for a fleeting brief moment... before Jien's elbow impacted with the back of the human's head. The Captain did not exactly pull his attack, yet he also made sure he did not cause a concussion either.

Regardless how true the hit landed and provided that the grip was even there afterwards, Jien twisted his forearm free against the engineer's thumb. Thus free, he stepped after the unbalanced opponent, used the moment of distraction from the elbow strike by dealing three consecutive and brutal blows against the torso. After this, he retreated - the firelight dancing over his frame as he regrouped from the counter-attack.

On the defensive again, with gloved hands raised in a rigid guard and brown eyes trained upon the opponent - jaw locked around the mouth-guard he had between his teeth - Jien said nothing. He merely waited, the trial he held transcending the basic reality of the spar between them.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #5
Alex didn't expect the senior officer to retreat, although just how quickly he countered Alex's move was surprising. The Captain seemed to move with a blur of motion, bringing himself behind Alex and before the Engineer was able to turn himself to face his opponent once more, the hard thump to the back of his neck temporarily disorientated the younger man. His grip quickly loosened as the Captain's arm broke free, the shooting pain now running down his spine immediately followed by three sharp, powerful blows to his abdomen. The force was enough to drive the air from his lungs and Alex fought to steady himself as he shot an angry sneer in the commanding officer's direction.

Pride and ego took order of his thoughts and Alex immediately backed off, his gaze studying the Captain, who simply stood unflustered by the flurry of hits he'd bestowed upon the other man. Sizing up the distance between them and the limitations of his assaulted body, Alex circled once more before diving in for an attack of his own. This time, he turned to the side as he approached and aimed a solid fist in the direction of the changeling's stomach, his feet sliding easily over the dusty ground beneath them.

There were no words uttered, only the low murmur from the crowd and the sound of his own adrenaline fuelled heartbeat. There were no emotions expressed upon his enemy's face and no indication of whether he'd anticipate Alex's latest move. He'd taken the risk though and as his form moved behind the Captain's, he followed up his fist with a deliberate kick aimed towards the back of Ives' left knee.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #6
To anticipate. To read. To know. To act. Yet not to think. Not to analyse. Not to speculate.

No. Because the strategy, the tactics, the planning. All of it boiled down to the costly maintenance of one's experience - ever sharpened. Never to be dulled by the lack of said maintenance. Grinding, gruelling practice. Daily. Bodily knowledge maintained by repetition, lest forgotten. The more to sharpen, the more it became a part of one's life, the more time sacrificed. For Jien Ives, martial arts had been a part of his life since the very beginning of the Ives-Pétain experiment, where he was raised from infancy among humans. It was not a skill as much as it was a way of life for him.

For the pool of one's knowledge as a fighter was only as wide and deep as what experience and repetition you refilled it with. No motion was ever perfected, only ever repeated. Else the knowledge would dry out. Drained by the other preoccupations of the mind. In the end, one might say that fighting someone else was to drown him in that pool of steadily, ever, replenished pool of deadly knowledge. A knowledge barely known consciously, since by some pinnacle point of a long life of practice... active thought ceased to be... and became deadly instinct.

So. There was neither thought, analysis or speculation as Captain Ives turned with Lieutenant Rosek's advancing movement, never turning his back to him as he blocked and led the punch wide from his own torso. Anticipation allowed him to read the lower attack, and he acted on the threat by raising his knee with the turn to block with his lower leg. With the engineer thus left wide open, the grinding, gruelling repetition of forty years lay behind the right hook that came afterwards - going straight against Alexander's head.

The subsequent spinning kick came in from the same direction - brutally aimed for the torso. The left hook was merely an emphasised punctuation.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #7
Miles had made his way towards the ring as he smiled hearing the sounds of civil combat.  What he had found had more than pleased him as he stood along the rim of the ring making his way towards the one who had arranged this needed form of stress relief.  Seeing the Vulcan XO, he made his way towards her and stopped behind her as he half watched the fight. "I must commend you for the arena you have created,"  he said professionally, "and I apologize that I was not able to accept your invitation to join your pool of fighters.  Still I must say It seems you have quite the group arranged."

He couldn't help but admire the fight going on.  He was far from surprised at his captain's seemingly effortless ability to counter his opponent's attacks.  It was nothing more though that what he had expected.  He knew of Captain Ives' reputation as being nearly unequaled on the ship in his ability with not only a blade but at those forms of combat when one was without a weapon.  Most importantly though was his skill in the art of equaling the odds when your opponent held the advantage of being armed and one's self did not.  "If I had known the captain was participating, I may have been more tempted to throw my hat into the ring."  he said half to himself having wondered for quite the while how his own abilities compared to his superior.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #8
Watching the ongoing fight between the Harbingers Acting Chief Engineer and the Theurgy's Commanding Officer, T'Rena turned her head around but briefly to identify the speaker behind her. Then she turned back to watch anew, with her face not betraying the slightest shade of emotion.

She did answer the SCO of the Lone Wolves though, this Vulpinian who had managed to attain a rather elevated position on the Theurgy-class starship's chain-of-command. "Whether or not you chose to fight tonight is your choice and not mine," she said in her flat-line intonation, "therefore it is not any lament of mine that you make that choice. Fighting in the ring is entirely optional."

T'Rena continued to watch the bludgeoning of Junior Lieutenant Rosek dispassionately, until - after the Vulpinian had mused about wishing to fight the Chameloid -  another voice spoke up. It came from another man behind her, one standing on Commander Renard's left side.

"I did not know foxes wore hats," rasped the voice, and despite the gravelly tone, there was a certain amount of amusement coating the vowels. "Nor did I think they could truly fight either."

Turning her head around casually, T'Rena saw the face of the speaker, and despite what she saw, she did not even pause before turning her eyes back to the fight in front of her. "Have you been cleared by Medical, Commander Kilinvoss?"

"I am here off duty," came the guttural rasp in reply, "and I had my share of fighting yesterday, so I think I will remain a spectator just this once. I am growing old, after all, even if the doctors seem more concerned with my appearances than my ability to kill. Perhaps I should feel offended."

T'Rena supposed that Mr. Renard from the Theurgy did not understand his pun given how he was standing on the 'wrong' side of the Harbinger's Wing Commander. She made no further comment besides tapping her combadge. "Commander T'Rena to Security, please escort Commander Phantos Kilinvoss from the Sparring Area. He is not free to leave the Triage Centre without medical clearance."

"We are on first name basis, T'Rena, so please, call me by my new name. My pilots gave it to me just today." T'Rena rather felt than saw the gray-haired freak of the flight hangar turn his head to give Miles Renard a half-grin. "From here on out, I am 'Phantom'."

OOC: I leave the description of what Miles sees to you, Ferrox. ;)

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #9
Miles tilted his head a bit at other Pilot's comment, "Odd, among my species it's more common to wear headwear than body coverings.  Accessories such as hats or jewelry is more central to my people's fashion than covering one's own body.  Of course, our hats have little slitted holes cut out for the ears to poke through.  I guess without those it would seem painful for a candid such as myself to wear something that would smash my ears to the head," he said before responding to his comment on his fighting ability.

He was able to tell this was probably an attempt to challenge him into some form of fight, probably as an excuse to circumvent whatever medical restrictions he had.  "Then you have never seen a Vixen determined to protect her kits.  Besides a fighter pilot should know better than judge an enemy by size and apparent armament alone. After all, is it not a fundamental law of nature that force is a function of both mass and acceleration?"  He said attempting to imply to the other SCO that his ability to fight relied less on his physical strength and more on speed, agility, and looking at a fight as a form of physical chess.

Miles could not help but catch a scent that he felt was off for the area.  There was a scent of blood in the air, far closer than the combatants, and a certain scent of burnt...something.  Little did he know of his counterpart's injuries from the battle, nor was he quite prepared for the sight and the realization of the scents that he was trying to place.  Upon seeing the charred remains of the other half of the SCO's face the blood like scent was all too clear. He could see raw muscle and small patches bone white through the barely closed wounds.  Some of injuries were far from fully closed giving the raw flesh a glistening appearance of weeping plasma over exposed muscles.  The burning scent was even more obvious now that he saw the charred edges of skin and muscle and the freshly burned away areas of his head that now created a new hairline.

He had seen his share of injuries in his time of combat but this was far from the most crippling, though it was quite possibly the most gruesome. Internally he was repulsed by what he saw but he held his stoic face well making little physical reaction to the sight before him.  Instead he set his mind on trying to place the reasoning of his name.  At first he was thinking about the word.  It meant a specter or ghost, an illusion, something that appears there but isn't. 'Phantom, phantasm, fantasme...' whispering its root word and the word in itself barely aloud in different Terran languages.  He realized its significance when he said the word in French.  'Fantôme,' he stopped as looked to the figure before him in a strange way admiring the choice in names as he spoke aloud, "Le Fantôme de l'Opéra, quite fitting. Though you might want to replicate a mask to go with the name; even a nursing cadet would know that leaving your injuries exposed as they are now could lead to infection."

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #10
While Phantom had not made any comment on the Vulpinian's cultural oddities, he did take note of the retort that adhered to fighting prowess, even if he hardly believed the mutt would pose that much of a problem inside or outside the cockpit. Then again, he knew better than to underestimate any opponent, and therefore withheld his challenge until the topic of his medical condition came up - added with some strutting about irrelevant history.

"You would be amazed at what the human body can withstand, Fox," he rasped and looked back towards the fight with a derisive and lop-sided smile, "not to mention what kind of anaesthetics Dr. Duv keeps in that handy hypospray of hers. You know how dreary the Sickbays can be, so I made sure to inoculate myself with a fine cocktail of analgesics and opioids before I left. Otherwise, the good doctor's time would be wasted on me, since there were others there that need her healing touch and vapid comfort more."

Before them, T'Rena turned her head and shot Phantom a blank stare before turning back to the fight. "Your actions will be taken up with the Captain."

"So be it," snarled Phantom, almost surprising himself with the suddenness of his cold ire. He turned towards the Vulpinian again, eyeing him closely as his spiteful words fell - his left eye dead yet still moving in its socket. "My Valkyrie pilots cannot perceive me as weak, lest they will break the line. For two months they have watched their Dor'GhItlh comrades die... and die... and die... yet still fought on because I have not given them the respite that begets doubt. Now they doubt, as we speak, so if the Captain wants his last line of defence in proper order, he will let me parade like a freak in order to instil fortitude in their hearts again. They will not falter because I won't. They will think their hurt a piss in the sea compared to mine, and they will be ready for the Calamity when she comes."

Even if his words had been in answer to T'Rena, he made the implications quite plain to the leader of the wolf-cubs. He would not tolerate weakness if they were to fight side by side again. Only the strong would stand. The rest would fall... and fall fast. "I have a mind to savage that shape-shifter snout of yours, both for the sake of squadron morale and to prove myself well able to manage without rehabilitation," he rasped like a sword being drawn from a rusty sheath, speaking right into that stoic face - giving Mr. Renard a closer look on the scars of a truly dedicated man.

"Yet I suppose you live by the old words 'the strength of the pack lies in every wolf, and the strength of those wolves lies in the pack'. Meaning that if I would hurt you... I would make your pack scatter like household pets in a storm. They serve me better dealing cover fire for my men, and your women might even warm their beds."

His face inches from the Vulpinian, he amused himself with the cheap allegory of sucking some air through his exposed teeth - making an morbid and ominous wolf-whistle.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #11
[ Theta Eridani IV | Sparring Arena | 2200 hrs. ]

High in the atmosphere of Theta Eridani IV Soo Young sat in the cockpit of her Valkyrie Mark III Fighter. The air within her cockpit was getting harder and harder to breath as the small ship's life support systems continued to recycle the same air repeatedly lowering the quality of the filtration each time. The heat from atmosphere entry wasn't all that pleasant either as she changed her approach vector toward the direction that Evelyn's thoughts seemed to be strongest. As she approached however she clenched her eyes shut as her head was filled with a barrage of thoughts and emotions. The lapse in focus caused her fighter to take a sharp turn downward, but she was able to take control of the fighter back as she heard alarms blaring through the cockpit warning her of increased atmospheric entry temperature. Pulling on the flight stick of the fighter she quickly righted her course and decreased her speed of entry into the atmosphere. She breathed out a sigh of relief as the temperature of the fighter lowered considerably.

"Unknown craft this is USS Theurgy mission ops identify yourself immediately." A voice sounded over the communications panel of Soo Young's fighter. Soo Young flipped a switch activating the panel's transmit function. "This is Lone-Wolf 05, Callsign Oracle, Service Number 077-Alpha-343-Foxtrot-141." Soo Young said. The voice on the other end of the line was silent for a moment before they spoke up once more. "MCPO Seung, Soo Young you've been tagged as MIA for the last 4 weeks where have you been?" The mission ops officer said. Soo Young shook her head "I'll explain more later I'd much rather get out of this fighter my craft has taken slight damage and requires repair. Requesting permission to land." Soo Young said. "Permission granted Oracle we'll set up a approach vector for your craft are your navigation systems active?" The officer asked. Soo Young looked over her system status and frowned "Negative my navigation systems are damaged my Visor was damaged during combat and is currently inactive as well I require alternative landing assistance." Soo Young reported as she began her approach to the planet's surface.

"Oracle we are located within a valley 4 klicks from your current location shift your current course 30 degrees starboard  there is a red ring within the vicinity of our location utilize the ring as a landing beacon and make your approach how copy?" The officer said. Soo Young nodded "Acknowledged USS Theurgy I'm making my approach stand-by for further updates on condition." Soo Young said switching off her communication panel. After adjusting her course toward the valley she could see the red ring mentioned by control. The valley seemed enshrouded in a thermal mist the only visible thing within her line of sight being a large ring that seemed composed of flames. Pulling back on the throttle she decreased her speed stopping over the ring the flames of the rings whipped about violently as Soo Young activated the VTOL systems on the ship. Those within the rings and those around it backed away as the flames licked at their flesh and ship landed. As the ship landed Soo Young lowered the landing gear and set down in the center of the ring letting out a sigh as she took off her helmet.

She pressed a button on the command panel causing the hatch of the fighter to open with a low hiss as the recycled air vented out of the cockpit. Soo Young stood up squinting her eyes as they adjusted to the sudden change of lighting. All around the ring were crowds of people she tossed her helmet aside having worn it for quite some time she didn't even want to see the piece of head wear for a long time. Climbing out of the cockpit she let her boots hit the ground below and stretched. The cockpit of the Valkyrie wasn't cramped but being inside of it for so long made her bottom ache and her back tense. Her eyes looked upon the crowd looking for a familiar face. She grimaced as thoughts of those around her flooded her mind. She closed her eyes leaning against the hull of her fighter pinching the bridge of her nose it had been so long since she'd had to shut out the thoughts of others that with her current state of mind it was nearly impossible. Each thought invading her mind was yet another presence that she couldn't handle within the personal space of her mind.

"Get out of my head..." Soo Young whispered biting her lip. As hard as she tried she couldn't shut out the thoughts of those around her it was all just a huge mix of voices and feelings all mixing together into a large overwhelming presence weighing on her mind. She patted her flight suit looking for the Holo-pod that she kept within her uniform. Finally finding it she pushed the headphones into her ears and began to play an old song for the 20th century that she often enjoyed. As the musics soothing tones filled her ears and mind she could breath easier. The thoughts and feelings dissipated as if a drain had been pulled inside of her mind flushing out all other thoughts but her own.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #12
((Before AdaKoch21's Post))
Miles looked over at the other SCO becoming tired of his annoyingly prodding statements. "You are implying their true alpha is a mere fighter pilot.  We are Lone Wolves, all of us.  We belong to no pack, we have no Alpha wolf.  Lone wolves in nature starve unless a human takes them in for shelter and food.  Enough lone-wolves and you have a pack of disciplined wolves.  Not mere dogs, but not tame either. Their alpha is no wolf but is a man who they see as their Alpha.  Our Alpha is our keeper, the mighty huntress that lets us loose to aide her.  I merely serve to organize the pack for our huntress.  Given that you were tasked with hunting my huntress I assume you are very familiar with how powerful the lone wolves True-Alpha is and how wrathful she can be to those who cause harm to any of her adopted pack."

He lowered his head a moment, "She has lost lead dogs before; it will not surprise me if in time I fall like the one before me.  Perhaps all of us will fall in service to her.  Will they scatter at my death?  Doubtful.  There will be another to take my place and lead them, or perhaps Mission Ops will command them from the ship with the XO taking over the office duties I leave behind.  As for your other comments.  I will attribute that to the painkillers talking and will assume that in your right mind you would not make such Neanderthal-like statements."

With that said he began to walk away from the ring.   He had come to enjoy the entertainment of watching competitors engaged in contests of martial prowess and instead found himself being goaded by his contemporary-whom he found to be acting more like a common barbarian than the polished military officer he had expected.  Before he could leave the SCO felt a strange shift in the winds as a faint sound could be heard from above the arena.
((After AdaKoch21's Post))

Within the ring the Acting Engineer of the USS Harbinger had not proven himself a very worthy opponent, and Captain Ives had been on the verge of winning the match, when the sound of a fighter engine overrode the crackle of the torches - causing words and actions both to cease and make everyone look to the nocturnal sky.  The lights of the fighter were plain enough, and as it decelerated above them, the collective crowd of both the present crews withdrew from the sparring arena.

Miles looked to the sky seeing the approaching fighter.  He made his way towards the two combatants nodding to his captain as he knelt down and helped the Harbinger's engineer to his feet then helped him make his way out of the arena to a safe distance with the others.  That done he Watched in silence along with his superior as the craft descended and landed on the ground.  With the dust settling the markings were revealed. Because of the scratches the Lines of markings on the fighter indicating its Homeship, Squadron number, Pilot, and Callsign were barely readable though the unmistakable numbering of 05 was more than visible beneath the char and scratches.  It was fitting he supposed that in the wake of losing the pilot that had been reassigned to the Wolf 05 designation that the original 05 would return.  In a way this coincidence and the scene itself made for a sacred moment, a serene time where words were unwelcome.  A wolf was returning to the den.

But, even the most pristine silences are broken.  Miles' com badge chirped as he answered.  "Mission Ops to-"

Miles interrupted, "I already know, it's Oh-Five, she landed in the fighting ring.  By the way, who gave her permission to interrupt the Captain's fight?"

The Voice from the mission ops station began to stammer a moment, "Don't worry 'bout it, Miss-ops. The fight was getting boring anyways, Captain had it in the bag within 30 seconds of the opening bell, Renard out."  He said in a whimsical tone eager to welcome the Lady wolf back into the fold.  Of course it would be the Captain's job to do so first which was more than evident by how Capt. Ives had already begun walking toward the fighter.  Miles simply Joined the captain and began walking towards the fighter as well a few yards behind and about a yard to the side as his dark-russet and gray-black toned fox-like tail practically wagged behind him-like a dog's greeting his owner who had returned home after a long time-betraying his happiness at the sight of another Wolf's return.

((OOC: Particularly to Ada:
Lucan asked me to write in the little bit of captain Ives actions in this post and he will be making a post tomorrow, Please give him some time to make a post before you reply again as he has something in mind but wanted me to bridge the post gap of time from Phantom's last comment The end of the fight and the craft landing as well as setup the scene of Ives and Renard walking towards the fighter. 

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #13
As he walked towards the landed Valkyrie fighter, Captain Ives passed through the torches with his oaken eyes fixed upon the woman whom had emerged from the cockpit. He said not a word on the way there, with his Squadron Commanding Officer following in his wake.

More than half of the torches had been snuffed out by the landing thrusters, leaving the night darker than before. Yet the remaining firelight licked the deadly silhouette of the white beast that had descended from the sky, just as it cast the bodies of the people all around the ring aglow. As Jien headed out to meet the returning wolf, his own bare upper body was also glistening in the sweat from the fighting - a spar that had come to a premature end.

Jien had only directly spoken with Chief Seung a few times during her service aboard the Theurgy. She was to him simply one of the wolves, and one of the more withdrawn characters in the pack too. Yet he still recognised her, perhaps even definitely so when she put on her headphones in order to centre her thoughts and shut out the silent crowd. It was evident that she had travelled far in that cockpit and quite alone too, so he approached her slowly, respectfully, with his bindings-wrapped hands loose by his sides.

Eventually, he reached the halfblood Betazoid, with the torches illuminating his frame from behind and Commander Renard coming to stand behind his left shoulder. Standing there, he sought her gaze, and even if Captain Ives was a stoic creature that relied heavily upon protocol and regulations in times as dire as theirs, he allowed a faint smile to touch his lips - a spectre of compassion cast by the dancing flames all around them.

"Chief Seung," he said loud enough for her to hear despite her headphones. Despite the extraordinary fact of her return, he cast a rather casual glance upon the attack fighter she had brought with her. "I admire the humility of the entrance you made. Now, please, report."

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #14
Soo Young's eyes were closed as she let the soothing tones of Beethoven fill her ears easing the burden upon her mind, She opened her eyes to see the silhouette of two people approaching her she narrowed her eyes trying to identify the two people approaching through the darkness. As the light of the few torches illuminated them she felt relief overtake her as she recognized the two approaching her.

She knew her Captain when she saw him or her depending on how they felt that day. She remained silent as they both approached the entire crowd gathered around the ring seemed to gaze at her making it blatantly obvious she had interrupted something with her unexpected entrance. She lowered her head looking toward her boots she hated these types of situations, during her time upon the Theurgy she'd always shied away from others and being the center of attention now was something she didn't particularly enjoy. The music playing in her ears helped focus her mind but it did nothing to sooth the sense of fear building up in her chest. She could fight off Hirogen raiders in her Valkyrie just fine but being in front of a crowd terrified her. 

As Captain Ives and Iron Fox approached she focused her attentions upon them watching as they came closer eventually stopping not far from her. In the dim light of the ring she could see the sweat glistening off the Captain's body obviously he had been involved in some sort of physical activity before her arrival. She blushed as she found her eyes lingering for a moment too long upon the Captain's sculpted torso. She turned her eyes up to the faces of her Captain and Iron Fox

Even with her music on the sound of her Captain's voice was hard to miss. His voice had a sharp commanding tone that you couldn't ignore even if you tried to. Both in his male and female form he held an aura of command and discipline that she couldn't help but be drawn to. Lowering the volume on her holo-pod she gave the Captain and her Iron Fox a sharp salute "I apologize sir...I didn't know I was interrupting something. Wolf-05 reporting for duty I apoligize for my delay sir after our departure from Earth I was rendered unconscious during our engagement with the USS Sydney it took me some time and effort to find my way back to the Theurgy." Soo Young said holding the salute.

After the engagement with the USS Sydney. Soo Young did have quite a difficult time locating the Theurgy considering all she had to go off of was the thoughts of Junior Grade Lieutenant Rawley. The entire ordeal had put an immense amount of strain upon her mind.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #15
Standing in front of the weary pilot, Jien Ives listened to her brief report with eyes unblinking - his body not moving an inch even if the firelight played over his frame. The idea came to him that she might be one of the enemy.

Was she replaced or puppeteered by this new force or species in Federation space? The odds for the real Oracle - which he believed was the wolf's callsign - to find her way back to them, to even avoid the entire fleet that was out to hunt them down... The odds were against her, yet there was still no way to gauge the likelihood that the enemies would possess her, so there was no means to which Jien might tell if either case was the most probable.

Being in command gave you a somewhat tactical and cynical mind, and especially after the past couple of months where Jien had been forced to kill Starfleet officers in self-defence and in the name truth. Truth was, in this instance, that he had to put himself in the enemy's position. To think like they should. What did they gain by planting an insider amongst the wolves and his crew? Plenty, yet was there not a better way to use her..?

His brown, unyielding gaze drifted to the hard-points mounted underneath the wings of the Valkyrie fighter. She carried an additional Micro Torpedo Launcher besides the two that were standard armament, each of them carrying 55 rounds each when fully stocked. She also carried a Mark XXVII Photon Torpedo, while the last of the four slots was empty - probably used in the battle where she went MIA. Her phasers were fuelled by her Quantite Reactor Core, and thus fully charged as she entered Theta Eridani's atmosphere. If Chief Seung had been one of the enemies, the best tactical choice would have been to unload all her armament into the valley after she got past Mission Ops. She would have been able to kill hundreds of people and cripple both unprotected and powered-down starships permanently.

"At ease, Chief," said Captain Ives and turned his gaze back to the stray wolf, that faint smile returning, "and welcome back. The fact that you chose to return to duty despite your chance to leave for a life led anywhere your Valkyrie might have taken you is something that warms my heart. Let everyone look upon you, for you are an example to those that have a mind for desertion or mere doubt of the need to complete our mission."

Jien reached out to shake her hand firmly, eyes piercing even when filled with gratitude - the bygone counsellor and diplomat now truly a creature of war. Or more accurately, a crusader for justice and truth. "My thanks, Soo Young Seung, for your fortitude, and your belief in what has to be done."

When releasing her hand, Jien turned towards Commander Renard and gestured. "In your absence, Mr. Renard has become your new SCO. You report to him now, and he will take your full debriefing. Yet I imagine that you would like to eat and bathe first, so I will let him accompany you to the thermal springs that we have found in this valley. He can also brief you on our current status."

Turning his head towards Miles, he changed... into her female form. Where her upper body had been bare before, the black fitness bra that materialised was immediately soaked in sweat from the moment she changed her form. Even her long hair was damp with perspiration. Nonetheless, her voice was cut with the same vowels, only more crystal clear than deep and resonating. "Would you mind, Commander? I think your wolf need to feed and bathe. Let the Valkyrie be, for I think the tournament will have to continue another night."

The crowd did not seem too displeased with this announcement, and some dispersed right away. The Wing Commander and First Officer of the Harbinger remained a bit longer, watching, before they too vanished into the darkness.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #16
Soo Young stood still under the scrutiny of her Captain she was sure the nature of her return likely roused some suspicion. In her flight back to the Theurgy she'd passed so many different planets that she could have taken refuge on. If she'd wished she likely could have even traveled to Klingon space and defected using her fighter as leverage in exchange for Asylum.

But her sense of duty to her Captain and to the Federation took priority over any thoughts of betrayal. The Federation may have betrayed them but she wouldn't stoop to their level by reciprocating that action. She'd had so many opportunities to just turn herself in and submit herself to the Federation's judgement, under any other circumstance that would have been her first action but now the Federation wasn't what it once was. It was corrupted and tainted with forces unknown to them all.

During the engagement with the USS Sydney she recalled her mother opening a private hail to her fighter saying things that pulled at her heartstrings. Pleading with her to cease and surrender offering to speak to Starfleet Command to get her a less serious sentence. When Soo Young had refused her mother was furious and resorted to using hurtful insults declaring that "Her daughter was dead and she was only speaking to a traitor." Her mother's words had wounded her deeply and unfocused her leading to her error in combat.

"Thank you sir...You're to kind." Soo Young said shaking Captain Ives' hand returning the smile. She looked toward Iron Fox as the Captain explained the change in leadership and nodded toward Miles before giving him a quick salute "Congratulations on the promotion sir." Soo Young said nodding. At the mention of real food and a bath she nearly lost her stern composure she'd been trapped within the cockpit of her fighter for nearly 4 weeks living off rations and doing unspeakable things to acquire water to keep herself sustained. She was aching to eat something that wasn't cooked in a heating bag or vacuum sealed to ensure "Freshness". And being in her fighter so long did nothing good for her hygiene. If it wasn't for the fumes coming from the engines of her fighter she had no doubt everyone around would be able to smell her.

Soo Young looked around at the crowd wondering what exactly she had interrupted before she'd arrived but decided not to question that matter at the current moment. "Lead the way sir." She said to Miles giving him one of her brief genuine smiles. It felt great to be back with the crew of the Theurgy. She hadn't been the most social person when aboard but she knew the rest of the squadron and some of the crew and that sense of familiarity was a feeling she enjoyed. Especially after being alone for such a length of time.

She spotted a few people who seemed to be soaking wet and wearing little clothing walking away from the ring and could only assume they were going to the bath that the Captain was talking about.

(Apologies if my response is a bit short ^-^ )


Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #17
"Thanks Chief," he said to the lady for her congratulations on the promotion.  He led the way towards the springs which were not too far away.  "I wish the promotion had been under happier circumstances though."  He said somberly, before resuming the conversation with something less morose.  "If you were wondering, the other ship is the U.S.S. Harbinger.  Apparently, they were also sent to hunt us down, but like us they discovered the truth and now share our unique predicament.  It's their lounge's tender that's operating the place in the hot springs by the way.  As for the debriefing, we can do that after you have taken care of the more pressing necessities." 

He said this already noticing the scent coming off of her making it a bit hard to concentrate given his ultra-sensitive sense of smell.  More so that the smell though, he was concerned with his pilot getting some real food instead of the rations she had undoubtedly been surviving off of. "To be honest I don't know much about his lounge.  I know that there are a few more private areas near it that have being used for bathing and such other than that I don't know much.  Guess I'll be finding out along with you." he said trying to make small talk on the way there.

((OOC: no prob on the post length for you I barely rounded out 200 words here. 
I am a little unsure where to post for this if you want to RP something out.  the lounge thread has stuff taking place a couple hours before this point and all so that thread wouldn't be the best I imagine.))

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #18
Soo Young felt a frown tug at the edges of her lips as Miles mentioned his wish for the circumstances of his promotion to have been different. She shyly placed a hand on his arm "Things can't always happen the way we want them to Miles." Soo Young said hoping to grant some consolation towards her new superior officer. She bit her lip as she withdrew her hand, she had no experience with consoling others at all she had never really had a reason to do so. In her lifestyle being alone meant you never had to worry about others. It meant that you shared no pain or sorrow and only felt for yourself. When she'd been commissioned upon the Theurgy as a member of the Lone-Wolf Squadron she'd literally done everything she could to live up to the name.

But now she couldn't live like that anymore it wasn't an option. She shook her head ridding her mind of her own negative thoughts before turning her eyes back to Miles. She cocked her head as she noticed his nostrils flaring a bit as if he were sniffing the air. She then blushed as she realized how long it had been since she really had properly bathed. She walked a bit faster trying to hide the blush on her cheeks "I guess we will sir..." Soo Young said she slowed her pace once she was a fair distance ahead of him. She didn't want to force him to smell her scent especially considering she knew his sense of smell was much more sensitive than hers. She glanced back as this came to mind just for a moment. As much as she'd never admit it she'd always felt a strange compulsion to touch his ears.

She quickly turned back around pushing such an embarrassing thought out of her mind. "So...What do you think of these people from the Harbinger?" Soo Young asked regaining her composure. "Can they be trusted?" Soo Young asked. In her mind people who could switch sides without the slightest thought were people who could not be trusted. At least not until they proved otherwise until then however she would be keeping an eye on them. As they walked past a few spring areas she could see members of both the Theurgy and the Harbinger looking toward her. Her arrival at the fighting ring wasn't exactly secret or quiet.

As she walked she attempted to wrap her mind around all these new things. She wondered what had happened since she'd been left behind after facing the USS Sydney. She didn't know who had been lost or who they had picked up in their travels. She didn't even know why they were here on this planet when they could still be running from Starfleet.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #19
Attn: Searcher*

[Thermal Springs Lounge: Miles Renard]
He looked over hearing the statement about trusting the Harbingers crew, "I can't say I trust any of them aside from one.  When they were sent after us the fleet put one of the leads on the Valk-three design team onboard to help hunt us and counter the advantages of our fighters.  I remember him very well from when I was one of the test pilots on our fighters.  I trust him.  Our counterparts in the Valk-two's I am very wary of though, especially their C.O.  I am not sure about their XO but I have never had much luck with determining the tractability of a Vulcan.  They are a bit too good with their poker faces.  I don't know much of anything about the rest of them though but I would be wary of their S.C.O.

As they continued to walk they approached the actual springs and he looked to her as he pulled off his uniform shirt and pants and folded them up neatly after taking a small object out of the pants pocket. He then took the combadge and pressed it once and held it for a moment "Transfer combadge signals for Miles Renard to secondary receiver."  The standard combadge chime then came once from the object he held in his hand.  As he was doing this his body slowly began to change its form.  Graduially shifting from the appearance of a Vulcan like humanoid with a fox tail to an anthropomorphic Fox like humanoid covered head to toe in fur with tones from russet and black to Light oranges and off white.

The object he held in his hand was much like a dog's collar though its colors matched the white of the Tac-con Uniform undershirt with thin borders of the Federation uniforms signature shades of blue-gray then black.  Embroidered on the collar were the symbls of his rank pips and on the other side was a Federation combadge like symbol.  He smiled as he looked to the MCPO, "That's a bit more comfortable." He said aloud as he stepped into the water walking towards the bar that the young Celt had set up. "Oh and if you were concerned about uniform regulations don't be.  The dress code here as it seems is merely whatever your own modesty requires." He said. His voice in his more canid form had a deeper more animalistic guttural tone laced with a more American accent** as opposed to his seemingly Scottish accented British tone*** that his voice carried in his more human-like form moments before.

*As mentioned before this takes place a few hours after the regular thermal springs lounge thread hence why Lucan said to just use this thread for the scenes.  I guess you see Miles approaching the lounge and his form shifting and the newly arrived pilot approaching behind.  I assume the lounge is a bit less crowded than before so Rory woudl be more winding down rather than busy with suveral people ordering drinks.  Aplease belay making a post as him until Ada's next post
**His natural Vulpinian form's voice is sort of a mix between the voice actors Dan Green (Pharoh Yugi from Yu-gi-Oh!) and Steve Blum (Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop.) and is laced with the expected guttural animal like tones from a canine like creature.
***His Human like form as mentioned has Vulcan like ears but retains the fox tail of his true form.  This voice is identical to David Tennant's natural voice))

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #20
Soo Young listened to Miles' take on the Harbinger's crew glad to know that her distrust of them wasn't restricted only to her. She listened patiently to his description of who could be trusted and who couldn't. The lines seemed so blurred right now and she didn't like it one bit, there were no clear sides to their conflict. Starfleet was their enemy yet not their enemy, comrades yet foes. It was times like these that seemed to irritate Soo Young most. The times when she wished she could block out her own thoughts and the thoughts of those around her. But to do that would be near impossible one had to exist for the other to fade no matter how she yearned for silence.

As they approached the springs she watched him strip off his uniform forcing herself to remain composed as her eyes wandered over his body shamelessly. It took a few moments before she was able to to tear her eyes away from her SCO's sculpted torso. Her attention was drawn once more as he began to change before her very eyes. Taking up a new form much different from what she'd often seen of him. She'd seen this form before but almost never up close. Each inch of his flesh seemed to be covered in soft looking fur. His face and body began to take up a more canine yet still humanoid form. When he'd finished his transformation Soo Young finally decided to strip out of her own uniform.

Turning her back to Miles she unzipped the front of her flight suit and let the top fall from her shoulders allowing it to hang around her hips. Being in her flight suit for so long made her entire body feel filthy mainly due to the sweat built up due to the heat her body had generated within the cockpit and inside her airtight suit. She gripped the hem of her undershirt before pulling it over her head tossing it aside. From what research she'd done into her Betazoid heritage nudity wasn't exactly something to be ashamed of. Her human side thought otherwise however as she felt a blush spread over her cheeks. She pushed her flustered thoughts aside as she bent over a bit to push the rest of her flight suit down her legs along with her Starfleet issue undergarments. She shivered a bit as a breeze washed over her body, She closed her eyes enjoying the feel of the cool air washing over her skin.

It took her a moment to realize that she was basically bearing herself to the world before she quickly backed into the water ducking beneath the surface until it reached her shoulders. She closed her eyes letting out a small moan as she felt the warm water wash away all of her aches and pains. All the sores from being in a constant sitting position for 4 weeks washed away. "Mmmm This is nice..." Soo Young sighed savoring the feel of the warm water against her bare skin soothing her and pleasuring her. She turned to Miles before wading through the water a bit keeping her body beneath the surface as she came to the bar. As she came to the bar she placed her arms upon the bar's surface letting her breasts press against the counter hiding them a bit from view of others.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #21
As she slipped her clothes off Miles had turned away to give her a bit of privacy. Obviously anyone could have seen her but given he was her superior officer and he knew she was bearing herself he knew it would only be polite to allow her a bit of modesty, Besides he was sure he would get a decent enough view if they were going to take the time here in the relaxing water to get her up to speed on the current situation.

He slowly waded his way towards the counter and got the attention of one of the waiters, of sorts, working the lounge.  The waiter turned around and walked over to miles asking for his order.  Miles quietly gave him the order and then asked him to stick around for just a bit.

When she got to the bar Miles couldn't help but take a look at the view he had of her and smiled. "Look's like they've got quite the selection from the two ships stocks to work with; still, the stuff I can smell coming from the kitchen makes me think that it might be a better idea just to go with whatever the bar has on special." he said looking what he could see over just a bit with a coy smile He hoped she didn't mind being the center of his attention.  Little did he know that moments before she had been gawking at him in both of his forms.

((sorry for taking so long to make a post))

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #22
Soo Young was in her own little world of pleasure as she savored the soothing warmth of the spring's water. Every moment she spent soaking in this pool of rejuvenation was a moment she took great thankfulness for. It took her a moment to register that Miles had been speaking to her, She blushed deeply at her lack of focus she'd lost her mind for a moment basking in the long denied luxury of warm water. "The special sounds great." Soo Young said smiling. The waiter behind the bar nodded and went to input their orders only to be stopped as Soo Young tapped him on the shoulder. "Um you wouldn't happen to have something for me to drink would you? Preferably something not very strong?" Soo Young asked.

Drinking was a pass time she rarely partook in but drinking nothing but her own sweat and other bodily fluids purified with water purification tablets left her desiring much more than simple water at this point. The waiter pulled a bottle of Synthehol out from behind the counter along with two glasses. The bottle was labeled "Wild Turkey Whiskey." Soo Young observed the bottle for a moment before pouring a shot glass full and drinking the liquid. The redness in her cheeks intensified as the synthetic alcohol burned as it slid down her throat. She placed her glass back onto the counter and turned to face Miles.

Any thoughts of modesty had left her mind. She didn't know why but that small drink had brought an airy feeling to her. She let a smile form on her lips as she could literally feel Miles' eyes upon her. Being in his animal form didn't shield him from her empathy she knew when men looked upon her. It wasn't hard to pick out those feelings. "Like what you see Sir?" Soo Young said leaning forward with a sly grin on her face.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #23
He smiled as he downed his shot glass of Kentucky's most beautiful product.   He then looked up at the bartender.  "You guys must be Irish through and through.  Lady asks for something not too strong and you serve her Bourbon.  I guess by European standards anything from the Americas is soft by comparison." he said chuckling softly through his comment.  "If you would though, please go into the Thergy's stock and pull out a bottle of Vulpinian sparkling cider; not that unfiltered prison wine in the jugs, but the stuff that comes in the campaign bottles.  Heat it up and pour a tall coffee cup of that, add a tablespoon of honey, a dash of apple pie spice and stir it with a cinnamon stick and leave the stick in."  He said before looking to his returned pilot.  "Make that two," he added with a soft smile.

Looking to her he inhaled the air relaxing.  In it he could feel the sting of the sulfur from the volcanic vents around them and the scents of the kitchen making their special and he was far from displeased with it.  Still there was another scent that caught his nose as he smiled hearing the pilot's words. "Like what you see Sir?"

He smirked returning her sly smile as he waded over to her and ran a paw like hand against her face softly.  "You aren't the only one with a sense of emotional awareness."  He said his free hand pointing to the tip of his muzzle where his nose was. "Your scent betrays you as easily as my thoughts betray me."  He said as he looked her up and down no longer hiding his clear interest.

The waiter returned with the drinks made and sat them on the bar top.  The scent of warm cider and spices seemed to fill the air around the cups before he took one and handed it to her taking the other for himself.  As he grabbed them the waiter returned with two baskets of sorts.  Each of them held what appeared to be a few pieces of fish of some sort batter dipped and fried along with a large side of deep fried potatoes.  Miles glanced back at it as he laughed softly.  "Should'a known that a pub's special would be fish and chips."  He said looking at the food a moment before handing her the tall coffee cup. "Here ya go, a Heated-Vixen* for the once astray Wolf," he said taking his cup and stirring it a bit with the cinnamon stick and taking a sip of it deeply inhaling the aroma of the drink as he took his sip.

Re: EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]

Reply #24
Soo Young gave Miles a slight pout "You and that nose of yours take all the fun out of teasing." Soo Young said before her smile returned. She'd only had a few drinks yet already she could feel the synthetic alcohol breaking down her high walls. Her mind was just a fog during inebriation a welcome thing in her eyes but mental serenity came at the price of her modesty. She'd never been able to hold her alcohol well and when it effected her it had a tendency to increase her sexual drive for some strange reason. Perhaps it was the alcohol reacting with her Betazoid genes or some strange mix of human hormones clashing with her Betazoid ones.

None of that mattered to the young pilot however as she felt Miles brush his palm over her cheek. "Oh?" Soo Young moved a bit closer settling herself between Miles' legs pressing her palms against his chest as she moved closer. "What does my scent say now?" Soo Young asked one of her hands slowly sliding downwards towards her Commanding Officer's groin.

However the intimate moment was interrupted as the waiter returned setting their drinks upon the bar top. She smiled accepting the drink from Miles and followed his example stirring it a bit before taking a sip of the warm liquid. She closed her eyes letting a small moan escape her lip at the taste of the sweet tasting drink. She placed her cup upon the table as the food arrived. She had so many urges and desires she wanted fufilled and having them granted so rapidly was overwhelming her. Part of her yearned for Miles' touch while another wanted to satisfy her want for proper nourishment. She took another sip of the drink and smiled at the name of it.

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