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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 564545 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1925
I'm a professional too...just not at that.
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1926
Jeeze you even ported over the OOC posts? Daymn dude, that's some serious dedication.

 Brutus applauds

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1927
Llama Llama Llama, Testing 1, 2, 3,  The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.   Ground Control to Major Tom.  In the garden of Eden  baby,

Second Star to the right and straight on till morning.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1928
Feedback: the default layout alternates the colors of posts on mobile: every other message is pale ass link on white background and almost impossible to read on a phone. Plus the login option does not appear unless I rotate the screen. Anyone else have this issue using an Android phone/Chrome browser??

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1930
I am not having that issue at all Brutus, I'm posting from my android phone, using a chrome browser. It looks similar to the PC version of the site

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1931
Weird and annoying. I should have a new phone in the next week, so I'll compare then and see if i still get the same issue.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1932
I am having this issue as well on my phone. Was trying to find a way to fix it but it seems beyond me atm.  I have made due by highlighting the text of someone's post as if I we're going to copy it. That allows me to read the white words of the white background for alternating posts.

I have an android (Samsung galaxy note 3) and use Chrome as well, but I don't think that's the issue.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1933
Hi there!

From the upcoming newsletter in the making:

"I am not too keen on the layout for the cellphone view of the forum. Like Brutus just mentioned in the Main OOC thread, the results can be a bit skewed, colours not coming out right. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the results either, just wonky overall. Therefore, until I have had Elkarte staff agree to completely disable the mobile view of our forum, making all devices only show the desktop version of it, I recommend you switch to Desktop view when accessing the forum on your cellphones. It might be Elkarte staff or John74 is able to fix the mobile view too, so we'll see how it turns out. For now, just use the desktop view until further notice. You can switch to it in your phone's setting easily enough."

Hope it helps for the time being! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1934
OK cool!

 So here is something interesting that i just noticed because I opened this post with my phone in a different position than before. When I have my phone vertical,  every other post is white on white and no one has signatures or titles.  When I turn my phone horizontal, the issue is fixed and I can see and read everything normally (as well as everyone's signatures and titles)

It's crazy weird but there you go.  Try turning your phone sideways and see if it fixes things for you
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1937
Yeah, I have been told by Elkarte staff what to do, but it goes over my ability, so I will have to ask for help from my webmaster, lol.


In other news, I have just put us in cue to have the site SSL protected, changing the URL of the site to https://. We will see if all links will be automatically redirected, even if my web provider company swears they will. If all links are broken, I will switch back and make the switch when I have the time to fix all the links everywhere (again).

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1938
Lol  I skimmed your post and saw Protection and my mind went someplace else XD
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1940
Shouldn't that be a disclaimer in all posts? "Not responsible for where reader's minds go while reading."
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1941
Lol yes it should be,  but then again my mind tends to live in the gutter   *IN\ LOVE*
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1942
Lol yes it should be,  but then again my mind tends to live in the gutter   *IN\ LOVE*
Lol Well, I won't hold that against you :)

As a general question, is there a place to post ideas for character growth to kind of flesh out before posting?
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1944
Yeah, it's more brainstorming than actual posts. Developing ideas and having some suggestions to make it fit in to the overall world, that sort of thing. One aspect, when Dev is finally on the Theurgy is holodeck programs of interest to pass the time, etc.

Again, just kind of spitballing and wasn't sure were that would be appropriate. Nothing pressing, obviously, with the transition. Just thinking out loud.
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1945
Awesome post in Director's Cut, Waffles. :) Thanks for the read. If you want to write with someone in that scene, then DocReno's and EAC's characters ought to be there, right?


I am updating links all over the place from http:// to https:// so you can all update your own saved links to and for the forum and wiki respectively.

Not sure why Chrome still says the site isn't secure, but John74 will be installing an auto-redirect script for all site traffic to https://, so perhaps that will solve the issue.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1946
Thanks, Auctor!

Also, just a head's up on the tech side, I've got a partial secure connection. Firefox is saying that the images may not be secure. Not sure if that helps or confuses.
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1947
Thank you, it does help. All links to DeviantArt are http://, so I am ahunting...

With a joint venture between John74 and I, the site may be secure on the morrow. With all the Wiki content, its quite a lot to go through.

Eventually, I will ask everyone to look around for errors in this regard, but atm, it's a work in progress. I will keep you all posted!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1948

One does not realise how much pages and links one have accumulated until one does something like this. The entire site, forum and wiki, should all be secure now, marked by that little quality stamp of a green padlock before the url in your browsers.

Now, please keep in mind that if you upload or link an insecure image in a post - preceded by http:// instead of https:// - that page of the site will loose the green padlock. Nevertheless, the site will still be secure if that happens.

Please, look around at your leisure and let me know if you find any pages I missed.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1949

Well, since we already had the forum page and the wiki page in separate folders on my domain, I made a quick and easy slider main page for the parent,

Nothing fancy, and no images you haven't seen before, but just a clean first impression.

Now, after the hours spent on the SSL protection and this page, I am quite fed up with programming for a while, lol.


Auctor Lucan

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