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Topic: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool (Read 4484 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #25
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

Listening to Jack’s elaborations, the blonde squinted her eyes slightly at the tidbits of Klingon culture conveyed. They surely were an odd and readily contradicting people. “I guess I get that, but having a warrior spin around on the floor, with one leg and one arm, doesn’t seem like a very honorable way to fight either.” she shrugged lightly, knowing fairly well that she was not going to change millennia of culture just with her Human disbelief and Vulcan logic. In her mind, however, she tried to memorize the saying in Klingon, though she had yet to come up with a situation where she’d potentially get to use it. Seemed like rather life-ending last words.

Somewhere along the way, however, she felt like her slight quip had gotten lost and interpreted as her actually not understanding the importance of appearances in any kind of negotiation. She may not have been familiar with chanting blood-wine songs and cheering when someone threw up over the same, or how arguments were solved by head-butting someone, but she certainly knew how unwavering and strong she had to appear if necessary. If not outright physically capable to do so, with her petite frame. “There’s actually a human saying to that affect.” She relayed. Kind of pointless information as it was, but it should’ve conveyed that half of her heritage at least, had a similar understanding. Although the violent days of earth were long behind.

“Oh … great.” The blonde sighed theatrically, slowly rising to her feet. Shaking out her shoulders and limbs as well as rolling her neck, blue eyes finally attached to the man’s one human and one prosthetic orb. Clearing her throat, the diplomat closed her eyes for a moment, long lashes against rosy cheeks, in an effort to collect herself, before blue orbs sparked back free with a newfound vigor. “You spineless targ!” she hissed through gritted teeth, pushing forth a vigor that made her throat hurt. “You think you can stand there and dictate me what to do when you can’t even stay upright without your crutch?” Feeling slightly humbled by the mean spirit that the exercise brought forth, Sam vowed to stay in character for the time being. “If you have just one shred of glory left, you’ll fling yourself out of an airlock and end this tragic existence with a semblance of honor.”


Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #26
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

Being at the receiving end of the Diplomat's tongue-lashing, Hi'Jak found her words cutting far closer to home than he liked to admit.

Inadvertently, he glanced away, having to quell the ire that rose in his chest in answer to the slights. Gone were the initial idea for games and practise, of the idea that she actually meant what she said took root in his mind. Her sharp tongue had pierced his armour, and a low sound escaped his throat.

"That was uncalled for," he growled in spite of himself, catching on to how she mightn't have meant a word of it. Still, her attitude and the unspoken cues about in regard to her attitude towards him became paramount in his mind. "You don't tread upon the honour of Klingons. If you do so, you do it at your peril."

Yet as he looked away, he saw the reflection of himself in the viewport, and he realised when he saw the haggard countenance that he was but a broken shadow of the man he used to be. He'd been the Asst. Chief Science Officer at Starbase 84, before the whole madness with the Theurgy began. What was he now? A reject of the Empire, who's survival soiled the small honour of being killed by Chancellor Martok. Indeed, Ives had taken that from him. Why? So that he could continue to live in the shadows, without honour? Where had it all gone wrong?

He knew 'when'. Of course.

The Coreless Moon.

"Excuse me," he said, his anger abating as he thought of that mission, and how he might revisit those events once more. He couldn't go to Ives, not immediately, but perhaps there was someone aboard who could hear his version of events, and he'd been able to verify the parameters on which he'd been sent on that away mission. "I think 'Kyle Rutherford' needs some time alone."

He raised a hand to forestall any further comment, picking up his cane with the other one. "My apologies, I hold no grudge with you. It was my idea. I just need to think some things through, and look at some old reports. Thank you for getting me away from Martok before he saw through this mask I wear. I'll keep out of sight. I promise."

Hi'Jak headed for the door, not looking back, and not spending any further thought on what had happened in Below Decks, much less the Diplomat. Her words, however, would sting for quite some time.


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