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CH02: S [D05|2200] Sisterly Reunion

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2200 hrs. ] Sisterly Reunion

[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala | Observation Pen ~ Sickbay | The Versant ~ USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E ] @YasyraTrill
When that woman by the name Nerina made her announcement on the false Enterprise, her sister's immediate reaction hadn't been lost on Devyrie. She became stock still in their embrace, and Dev knew that there was a lot to explain.

Laurel's immediate thought was, of course, that Dev had been involved with the renegade ship right from the start. She asked it outright before they started to walk the corridors of the Enterprise, the holograms dismissing them at last. Like Laurel, it felt so surreal to Devyrie, finding her sister in this situation, so holding her hand while they walked gave more comfort than she'd thought.

"I ended up on the Theurgy a couple of days ago," she said, but not defensively, since there was naught to defend, only a lot to explain. "The reason why I was off the charts was because I was in a secret warp fighter testing program on Luna Base. Only when the Theurgy agitated Starfleet Command enough, we were pulled out of Luna Base to join the pursuit of the Theurgy. There was a battle at Starbase 84, where a lot of my squadron defected to the Theurgy for different reasons. The truth is, the Theurgy is not the enemy, but a new threat to the galaxy. An alien faction that has usurped power in Starfleet Command, and replaced the people there, much like some of the changelings did during the war."

Devyrie was, of course, talking about the Dominion War, and how they had replaced key individuals on Earth.

"The difference is that these aliens are smarter about it, and harder to detect. As far as I was made aware on the Theurgy, where we saw all the evidence of this conspiracy, an efficient scanning method had yet to be determined, a crude phaser test the only option available at the time." Saying all of this, Devyrie had let go of Laurel's hand to smooth her uniform over her hips, looking at the holograms that they paused in the corridor. Talking so openly about Starfleet Command certainly didn't turn any heads on the false ship. Having given her explanation about the Theurgy, Devyrie had questions of her own.

"How did you..." she asked and looked at her little sister, walking next to her like the ghost of Papa - looking more like him than ever before. "Why are you here, on this wretched ship? Weren't you on the Endeavour? Did something happen to it?"

Had the Savi attacked the Nebula-class ship as well? Why? Surely the Asurians hadn't led the Versant to the Endeavour? As far as she was aware of the situation with the Asurians, they would likely have grievances with the Theurgy and Task Force Archeron because of what happened at Starbase 84.

OOC: Hope this works as a starter for their walk, @YasyraTrill ! :) We should post in the Versant thread too, just dealing with this walk and talk separately to help let the sisters catch up. When you post in Ten Forward, you should assume that Laurel knows a but more than before, as you might notice from what Devyrie tells her above.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2200 hrs. ] Sisterly Reunion

Reply #1
[Laurel Okhala | Observation Pen ~ Sickbay | The Versant ~ USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E ] @Auctor Lucan

Laurel cocked her head studying her sister. She seemed sincere. But they had both been raised by intelligence officers it's not like they didn't know how to lie. But, Dev had been through so much, and it didn't really matter if she had gone rogue or not. Right now, Laurel was just thankful to have her, she was a calming presence next to her raging mind.

Lacing her hand through her sister's she squeezed in reassurance, Laurel wanted her to know that she wasn't mad at her. Her sister who looked so much like their mother. Looking down she gulped, "The Endeavour's gone." She sighed heavily, "We were ambushed by the Borg. We did our best but the damage was too severe, the Captain called for an abandon ship. Just me and five others on the escape pod that I was on are all I can confirm having escaped." She released her sister's hand and hugged herself attempting to hold her tumultuous emotions at bay, "At least one of them was recycled when we were brought aboard." Her voice stuck in her throat as tears tried to block her airway. "I know of only three of us surviving for sure. Myself, Lt. Cross and Lt R'Rori are all former crew of the Endeavour. Lt. Commander Tiran and Lt. jg. sh'Zenne are MIA." She dug her fingernails into her arm hard in an attempt to distract herself as she struggled to give the end of the story. "Ensign Egon Julbi is gone."

She looked sadly at her sister. "He . . . we were . . . .They drugged me and made me watch." She sighed gripping her arm where the needle track marks used to be. "I think they regretted making me Romulan. I was more resistant than they planned for," Laurel allowed a predatory smirk break through the wall of sadness that had crashed with the ever swirling rage. She let a slight growl of frustration through as she attempted to reign in her emotions.

OOC: Sorry it's taken me so long


Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2200 hrs. ] Sisterly Reunion

Reply #2
[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala | Observation Pen ~ Sickbay | The Versant ~ USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E ] @YasyraTrill
Devyrie’s poor sister had been through hell and back again, just like herself, and there they were, together, and trying to make sense of their situation together.

Of all the tragedy spoken by her sister, the loss of someone dear to her stood out the most, but on a grander scale, there was - of course - the ramifications of the Borg being present in Federation space.

"How can that be?" he wondered, green eyes darting in time with her thoughts. "Papa should have written something to us if the Borg were her again. He still has connections... They must just have arrived, struck your ship first, and the Federation has yet to grow wise about it."

If course, the next thought of hers connected the development with what she'd learned aboard the Theurgy. "Perhaps Starfleet Command already knows, only it is in the interest of the parasites that a galactic war ensues. The Borg and their timing can't be a coincidence, can it?" he said, realizing she might be sounding like a mad conspiracy theorist, but she was so strung after what the Savi had done to her she couldn't help but speak her mind, regardless how fickle her thoughts were - quick to leap at solutions without giving deeper thought to the larger scope of things.


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