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Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets

[ Lt. Simon Tovarek |  Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan

With a swoosh the doors opened of the turbolift as lieutenant Simon Tovarek stepped out of the confines of the lift and his feet clacked on the floor as he made his way to the security center. His eyes went over the present security personnel that looked at him, some even staring at him as the science officer certainly was not on the right deck for his department. The man however seemed to have a clear destination as he continued his way through the heart of security.

He came to a stop at the aide duty station, the person seated behind the desk looking up to the Russian scientist as he smiled faintly "Afternoon, I'm looking for deputy zh'Wann. I need to see her privately to discuss a certain matter. Are you able to hail her for me?" he asked clearly as  his eyes narrowed a little to check if the security staff had understood his request. Ensign Colin McArthur looked up from his screen and nodded at the man before him as he seemed to doubt for a second whether or not to disturb the deputy in whatever she was doing.

"Yes sir, I'll call for her." he told Simon "Please, have a seat in our waiting area. I shall inform you when the deputy arrives and has time for you. "You better double time that ensign, I have places I got to be." Simon replied dryly before turning on his heels and went to a free seat in the waiting area. He sat down and crossed his leg as he idly looked around at the passing security staff. McArthur followed the scientist with his eyes and waited until he was seated before he tapped his combadge "Deputy zh'Whan, sorry for the intrusion. I have lieutenant Tovarek here at Security for you, he claims he needs a word with you?" he said and awaited the reply of the deputy.

Re: Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets

Reply #1
[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Office | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Leaving the evidence storage area in the back area of the security centre, Ida got the message from the Aide's station before she reached her office. Wearing her duty uniform, she tapped her combadge to reply.

"This is zh'Wann, I am entering my office now. Please have the scientist wait for five minutes so that I can review a case file first," she said, carrying a PADD that three other officers had been working on. It was about the actions of the Devoted that had been incarcerated, and it also included the reports about casualties on the Tigris. She had not been directly involved herself, and she wanted to be fully briefed before she met with Wenn Cinn and discussed additional duty shifts and precautions to make sure something of the kind didn't happen again.

She seated herself behind her desk and began to read, knowing that the minutes passed quickly. In the spirit of effectiveness, he was making notes on the same PADD with the case file as she was reading, and when five minutes had passed, she believed she had grasped the overall situations on the three Vectors and how the events were - in part - related, while others weren't. Noticing what Varder Ridun had to do on his first duty shift, she sympathised with the difficulty of having to handle such a situation. She made a personal reminder that she would check on the Petty Officer.

"Enter," she called when the door chirped, and she looked up`- antennae rising. "Lieutenant. How may I help you?"

Re: Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets

Reply #2
[ Lt. Simon Tovarek | Deputy's Office | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

As time ticked ever so slowly for the scientist, Simon couldn't help but tap his foot on the ground as his time would be more well spent at research. "These sookas..." he murmured under his breath as he cursed in the waiting area. It would seem that patience was not a forte for the scientist, at least not when he felt like his time was being wasted. On a more scientific basis it might've been a different story. When he was allowed to proceed to the office of the deputy, the officer waited for the door to open before he stepped in and noticed the blue skinned woman's antennae perk up.

In essence though it reminded the lieutenant of the other Andorian at the Stellar cartography suite. As the door shut closed behind him and Ida addressed him, he raised his hand and brisked forwards to her desk, stopping there and placing both hands down on the desk as he looked her in the eyes. "Help me... Lieutenant, you can start by NOT using my botanists for cleansing or whatever brainwashing therapies Security deems itself fit for." he hissed. His posture and tone were pretty much meant to be intimidating as the former CSO was clearly annoyed by the series of interaction Cir'Cie had been forced to do.

"She's not trained for these situation and she's sure as hell not mentally prepared to be used by you hooys to do whatever she's doing." he continued "She's a fucking botanist nothing more, nothing less!"  he ended his tirade as he remained in the same posture while he looked at Ida with a certain anger and annoyance still present in him.

Loosely translated Russian bit:
Sookas = Bitches

Re: Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets

Reply #3
[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Office | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
If anything, Ida felt reserved in her irritation at the scientist's verbal attack. She remained seated, but her jaw clenched, antennae betraying her annoyance. Her hands remained clasped upon her desk, and she met the pinskin's stare without flinching. Once he had finished, she took a breath, and schooled herself from resorting to the kind of profanities that the other Lieutenant had spat at her.

"You presume that I am giving orders to Cir'Cie, making her use her abilities to ease our investigations," she said evenly, and then she shook her head slowly. "I would not give such an order, for I do not presume to know what kind of toll is involved. What kind of cost it might be to the Vulcan. What we have done, is to ask her to aide us, and her services have been offered voluntarily. Therein is the difference. She willingly aided in helping Doctor Maya, whom has likely been manipulated into freeing Sonja Acreth during the battle at Starbase 84. With Cir'Cie's help, we could make progress in the investigation of what truly happened."

She had a lot of other things she wanted to say, to cut down this pinkskin with her tongue, but she refrained stoically from any such inclinations. "Would that be all, Lieutenant?"

Re: Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets

Reply #4
[ Lt. Simon Tovarek | Deputy's Office | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  

Despite his fuming entrance, the deputy remained seated and seemed to be keeping her cool about her. The antennae might be giving away how she truly felt in combination with her clenching jaws, yet it were hardly things Simon noticed as his eyes were deadlocked with hers. As she mounted her defense, Simon couldn't help but roll his eyes at her as he turned his back to her and shook his head.

"Bozhe moy..." he murmured under his breath as he turned around once more once she was done speaking. "No it would not..." he bit back almost lashing out like a viper as he squinted his eyes together "You are missing the problem here lieutenant."he sighed annoyed "Name me one Starfleet officer who would refuse a request to help out on a critical mission parameter." He gave it a pause before continuing "You might've well given her the order to help along, who on Earth would refuse?"

"As for not knowing what kind of toll it involves on the Vulcan, perhaps looking in to it before having her do such actions would be wise in the future for the use of certain assets." he continued, not giving Ida a chance to interrupt him "The time it takes for Cir'Cie to recover from these actions is just preposterous. I've seen the after effects of these mind melds, what toll they take. It leaves the poor zhenshchina in ruins. She has to meditate for hours before she can present herself for duty."  he finalized before he sacked himself down in the chair opposite of Ida in front of her desk.

More Russian for beginners:
Bhoze moy = Oh my God
Zhenshchina = Woman

Re: Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets

Reply #5
[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Office | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Momentarily puzzled by the saying 'who on Earth', since it held bearing for neither Vulcans nor Andorians, Ida understood his argument quite well. When the second-in-command of the Science department aboard stepped away, she took a deep breath and rose to her feet, folding her arms underneath her breasts in thought.

"I was not given the impression that she was prone to accept such a request if there was such a toll involved," she admitted, frowning as she looked towards the top of her desk. "What she has done is indispensable, able as she is to attest to the veracity of some claims the Devoted are making, aside from the Maya investigation. Our holding cells are full, and we have been forced to confine some Devoted to their quarters with force-fields and constant surveillance. With so many attacks, we have been hard pressed to keep up, but Cir'Cie has made us handle the security situation without us being too bogged down in investigations when new attacks happen. We also have the Virus 117 outbreak, which has us allocating personnel to assist Sickbay in maintaining the quarantine."

Pausing, she clenched her jaw, wanting to know more about Cie'Cie's difficulties. "When has she been absent from her duties in hydroponics? When has she been forced to meditate? Since she had not informed me or my investigators, I need to know more, so that I can raise this issue to Wenn Cinn and see how we can cope without her aid."

Re: Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets

Reply #6
[ Lt. Simon Tovarek | Deputy's Office | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Tovarek withheld from rolling his eyes at the Andorian as she mentioned that she didn't know that such toll was involved for Cir'Cie's actions. He shook his head and waved his hand to make her stop, yet she continued. "Deputy... Whatever security problems you're facing... I feel for you and your team as you seem to be understaffed in the current situation. Yet I still find it no excuse to use our botanist for such matters. Clearly, you can ground those suspects in their quarters. " he answered Ida, yet this time more calmly as the bulk of his frustration and anger had been vented.

"I don't know how long you've been using her for these matters. Yet when I was appointed to CSO, she was already feeling the burden of her actions quite clearly. I had given her the day off at that time to meditate, yet I'm sure if I were to pull the logs..." he paused as he shook his head "Needless to say, I believe she's been neglecting duties in order to support your section as good as she can. Knowing Cir'Cie, she wouldn't be the kind of person to retain her abilities if she knows it will help the ship for the greater good. As her superior officer however, I am to look after her duties and her well being." he stated to Ida as his eyes looked over the blue skinned woman before he locked his eyes with hers "I'm sure you'd do the same for your own staff should you stand in my position?" he countered her.

Re: Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets

Reply #7
[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Office | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
"Of course I would," said Ida immediately, without hesitation. She simply hadn't been aware that Cir'Cie had been taken time off her duties in Science because of the toll, and she would definitely seek other venues for the needs of the Security department.

But one thing puzzled her. "Wait, did you say she had to meditate on the day you were installed as Chief Science Officer?"

Thinking back, Ida remembered this to be the same day she had left on the Allegiant, heading out with Lietuenant Commander Stark, Chief S'Iti and Doctor Maya to collect the Harbinger officers that had ejected from their Akira-class ship. She knew for a fact that Security had not...

"Whatever ailed officer Cir'Cie that day was not Security related. We had yet to ask her to assist us then. Are you sure?" She did not say this in any kind of reproach, or meaning to contradict the pinkskin. He had due cause for his concerns, but the question was if the Vulcan's troubles had another root cause. Tovarek had mentioned logs, and Ida frowned, gesturing towards her computer console.

"Feel free to check the logs, mine and yours. Search for Cir'Cie and you should see all the instances where she aided this department, and if you log in with your name, you can see what she reported that day."

Re: Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets

Reply #8
[ Lt. Simon Tovarek | Deputy's Office | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Tovarek nodded twice to the question posed by Ida as he crossed his own arms against his chest. Looking like a stubborn man before her, he kept his eyes on her face. His eyes trailing the blue skin and the antennae whilst glancing into her eyes from time to time. Yet as she mentioned that during that time she wasn't in use of Security, he frowned lightly. "It wasn't security related, yet it did have involve a mind meld with another crew member." Simon replied as he had learned the specifics from that situation to Cir'Cie.

With a sigh he walked over to the deputy's side of her desk as he looked at her screen and waited for her to move aside a bit more to grant him the room to search through his logs. "Whilst I imagine Cir'Cie to be more in control of herself or her actions, I believe her duty to the ship is overstepping her own health perception." he continued as he tapped away, the logs changing to a more Russian lay out as it was easier for the lieutenant to guide himself around in his native language.

His eyes scanned through the logs and he nodded slowly "She's been here a couple of times whilst she was on duty, not full shifts, but at least thirty minutes before or after a shift end." he murmured as he tapped his foot on the ground. He changed the logs back to the language they had been set in for Ida before he straightened himself and turned himself to face the Andorian. "Either way, the point of this conversation was to make clear that the Vulcan shouldn't be used that often for Security related actions. Unless she gets the proper training to deal with the situations she gets tasked with. I think that's a fair compromise no?" he asked Ida, his voice and stature no longer on the offensive side yet more calculated and calm now. It seemed that the fury inside the officer had subsided somewhat.

Re: Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets

Reply #9
[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Office | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Ida nodded slowly, having noticed how he had been looking at her. Her antennae turned inquisitively towards him in reaction, but her answer related to what he'd said.

"The proper training we can provide here, all parts of the exams taken for our officers, but it sounds to me like she needs to see a counselor as well," she said and put her hands on her hips, squaring her shoulders while looking to the deck plates a moment in thought. "This would take away from her duties in the Science Division regardless, since her mental health has been impacted by this root cause for her distress. I think a sound compromise would be that I keep her away from here - regardless of her insistence to help in our current investigations - until she has undergone a psychological evaluation. Depending on the outcome of that, I allow her to start undergoing training."

She leaned against the desk with her hip, looking the pinkskin in the eye while folding her arms underneath her breasts. "Should she want to, of course. It is not like I am trying to make her shift to Security, as much as it might seem to you. I do respect the wishes of my fellow officers. If this department or I have given your any other impression, then it's incorrect."


Re: Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets

Reply #10
[ Lt. Simon Tovarek | Deputy's Office | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

The goal of the science officer had been met. He had managed to let Security see the follies of their ways with Cir'Cie. Yet it did seem to come at a cost as counseling indeed did seem like the way to follow. This in turn would make the science department lose another able hand. Yet Simon didn't protest, he was here to prove a point about the well being of a member of his department. "Counseling it is. I shall inform her of our pleasantries." he offered back to Ida, a sarcastic undertone still heard, yet the man seemed to faintly smile as he logged his access out of the Deputy's console.

As Ida rested against her desk Simon noticed the rather defensive posture she took once more. Granted it did accentuate the breasts of the blue skinned exotic as he nodded slowly. The words making him more milder than his earlier lash outs. "I understand and I truly appreciate those words lieutenant." he answered and paused for a few seconds. He seemed to be debating with himself rather or not to apologize for his behavior earlier on. "It seems all we wanted was the best for their respective department. Thank you for listening to my pleas." he concluded as he chose to not apologize, yet smoothed the talk at least a little.

"I have nothing else to report further to you lieutenant. Unless you have anything else to add, I shall take my leave." he said as he folded his hands behind his back and took the at ease posture that had been drilled in them during the academy days.

"No, and thank you for coming. It might make things more difficult for us, but we are supposed to protect the crew, not exploiting them in ignorance. Good luck out there, and mind your step," she said, returning to her desk. "There might still be Devoted at large."


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