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Topic: Day 07 [0553 hrs.] - Hydration for Beginners (Read 2041 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 07 [0553 hrs.] - Hydration for Beginners

[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Via Wix's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @RyeTanker [ @Dumedion and other people

Via snorted herself awake as consciousness suddenly came to her. Her mouth was dry, her body was aching, and drool both wet and dry were rolling down her cheeks. She drank til she blacked out, It was an all too familiar feeling except without the splitting headache. In fact, she just felt like she had just woken up from a bad dream or a rather turbulent night. The woman yawned and sat up from her position groggily. She rubbed her eyes and noticed something brushing against her arm which her first thought was a Yellen Snake. The long string-like appearance didn't help matters as immediately her flight or fight response activated and adrenaline rushed into her system. "Fuckin' fuck!" she ripped the "snake' off her arm and threw it as she moved back towards the bedrest of her bed. Panting, Via finally was able to take in where she was. She was in her room, the Snake was just an IV tube connected to an IV bag which was empty.

She sighed in relief, Via hated Yellen snakes after one bad incident with one as a kid. She would place them on number 2 of things she was deathly afraid of, under all and every rodent she could think of. 

"Hmm...." she death stared at the VI bag upset that it scared her. Then she looked to see her PADD was on her bed. Via picked it up, sat cross-legged, and turned it on just to see if anything she did last night was being talked about on the ship's social media. So far nothing but she noticed that the recording function was accessed. When she opened the application she saw an image recording preview of Zark, in medical gloves, recording herself in front of a very unconscious Via with an IV stuck in her arm.

"What in the fuck?" Via said to herself as she quickly pressed play.

"Hey hon.  Zark here."

"Sup, Zark". Via waved said in reply even though she knew it was a recording and Zark couldn't actually hear her.

 "...As you can see, you're totally blotto and knocked out after Talia hit you in the ring."

"Her ass did wa- nah you lyin' totally beated her ass- ouch why my entire body hurtin'?" she said in disbelief.

"Needless to say, you hit the hard stuff way too hard and you're blood alcohol was around 0.3."

"Point .3? Pfft, that's basically nothin'. Not even point uh... .8  shit ain't higher?" She thought for a second then shrugged.
"In short, you almost hit the level where I had to send you to sickbay.  Hopefully, when the sedative wears off, the IV bag should be empty enough and you'll be in better shape."

"Fuck your IV bag. Scared the shit outta me. Lil bitch." Via flipped off the IV bag

"...Try to take it easy and avoid to more alcohol tomorrow..."

"Ugh...whyyyy..." she wined as a child would.

"...Caffeine if you can help it as well."

"Fuck no. " She said certainly. That was not going to happen.

"...You need to let your body rest." 

"Your body needs rest. My ass is rested already. Hmph."

The medic's face turned stern for a moment.  "Now Dixiebee, don't let me catch you drinking that hard again where you get this drunk.  If I have to bail you out again, well, you don't like having doctor's fingers up your ass, but that's the other place I know how to stick tubes of fluids, so consider yourself warned."

Via covered her butt in response. "Whoa Whoa, Yo chill ok ok. I don't want nothin' up my butt. Ain't nothin' supposed to go up there anyhow..." she pouted and crossed her arms.
The medico smiled like an angel as she waggled her fingers for the camera.  "Have a good day and drink plenty of water.  Take care."

The video ended and Via felt lightly more scared of Zark than she had ever been.

"Damn crazy." The young pilot got up, went to her replicator, and ordered a 200mg caffeine Energy Drink slamming down about half after she got it.  Then she sat back down on her bed, took her PADD, opened the holo camera application, and took a selfie with her drink in hand with a playful smile while flipping off the camera with the same hand.

Via would send the holo picture back to Zark with the message.
"Fine alchol free but why do ya caffeine get my ass. Thank ya! Love you girl! XOXO"

She laughed at her own humor but her demeanor quickly went sour when she received a notification that she was scheduled for a mandatory tour of the ship since she was a new transfer...again. Via had been skipping the last ones, it seems like this one was going to have attendance taken and reported to the respective COs. The young pilot groaned.

"Fuck tours..."

OOC: Just a follow-up of: Hope everyone enjoys it. :) 


I FIN:ed it. PM me if you want to continue the scene. :) /Auctor

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