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Topic: [2381] Andrew Fisher. Communication Logs. (Read 3924 times) previous topic - next topic
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[2381] Andrew Fisher. Communication Logs.

STARDATE 57650.2
APRIL 16, 2381
2009 HRS

[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]


That was all that would be, or even could be afforded to the Chief Intelligence Officer by his old ‘friend’ Sub-Commander Alarak, an agent within the Romulan Tal-Shiar. Years earlier in 2378, when Fisher had first taken over the role of Operational Lead for a small Intelligence Cell working out of Starbase-718, he’d been approached by the Romulan with something of a strange proposal. For after Alarak had espoused a personal belief that the Federation and Romulan Star Empires were not truly enemies, he extended an offer to maintain a communication back-channel that had existed before he, or Fisher had been assigned to their respective sides of the border. It had been established by a pair of their predecessors, who had agreed to occasionally share information that might threaten the peace. It was an intriguing proposal and given the tenuous state that existed between the two galactic powers at the time, Fisher had agreed to do his part in upholding it.

As such, there were a number of safety measures that he, and Alarak had put in place in order to protect each other from being discovered, if one or even both of them were compromised by their respective governments. One of those measures, was a strict adherence to time windows. If either of them would attempt to make contact outside of the agreed upon time windows, then the other would assume that they had likely been compromised, and thus purge all connections permanently. However, once an attempt to connect was made within the proper window, a seven-hour and one-minute countdown would begin, after which they would have thirteen-minutes of secure connection that they could communicate safely via, before anyone on either side might grow suspicious, and look into the matter.

Taking a deep breath, Fisher watched as the time-index on the upper-right corner of the wall-mounted viewer ticked over from 2008 to 2009.

[Commander Fisher. I have intercepted a secure subspace communication uplink meant for your eyes only. Patching it through now.] Thea announced perfectly on cue, and an instant later, the sharp brow lines and pointed ears of Alarak’s Romulan features dominated the screen.

“Fisher. It’s been some time. I hadn’t expected to receive any further communications from you, especially after I discovered your ‘AWOL’ status.” The term was clearly something of an unfamiliarity to the Tal-Shiar agent, as he seemed uncomfortable with its use by the tone of his voice. It had been Admiral Anderson’s decision that Fisher simply disappear from where he’d been posted aboard Starbase-211, under the guise of a disgruntled Starfleet Officer that had abandoned his duty. If anyone later discovered Fisher’s presence aboard Theurgy, then it would be assumed that he had defected of his own accord, rather than being sent under order. At the same time, AWOL status didn’t exactly throw up a ton of roadblocks in the form of active pursuit. Sure, Fisher would be listed as such, and would face arresting if discovered, but given the events unfolding throughout the Galaxy, it wouldn’t be of an immediate focus. And later on, if everything turned out alright, Fisher’s status could be corrected with nothing more than an input command of someone with that kind of authority.

“Judging by the look of it, and your uniform, perhaps that report was incorrect?” Alarak began to surmise, though he still had no official indicators of Fisher’s status or location. The communication relay had been shunted through several dozen re-routing points and would have been nearly impossible to trace back to Theurgy as it was on the move.

“Stop digging.” Fisher warned sternly, clearly not as amused by this communication as Alarak was.

"There is little that I know, beyond the extent of what I'm sure you've already gathered. The bombing was made with a Thalaron weapon. The death toll thus far has reached as high as six-figures and is expected to peak at seven.” His Romulan counterpart had sensed the desire to dispense with pleasantries and dove right into the matter at hand. “Immediately in the wake of Praetor Tal’aura’s public admission of responsibility, a number of Fleet Commanders along the Neutral Zone were given orders to stir into active preparations for an ensuing war, while other elements have already begun taking action against Donatra and her allies.” With an exasperated sigh, Alarak sat back in his chair and crossed his arms uncomfortably over his chest. “The implicit guilt of this war is being laid to rest at the foot of a Starfleet vessel, and it’s overt support of Donatra. Though, I cannot yet myself confirm whether or not this tale of overt support is true, conjecture based, or merely fabricated in order to justify the Praetor’s actions against Donatra, and the Federation.”

Fisher nodded in acknowledgement, however he let Alarak remain in the dark on what he knew for the time being.

“What I can further divulge, is that the opinion of this new war is not entirely positive. To be honest on my part, it makes little sense from a political point for Tal’aura to seek war against the Federation while still contending with Donatra. It weakens the Empire, and if anything ensures our destruction. As I’m sure you’re more than aware of the fact, that we’re simply are in no condition to rival the combined strength of your Federation and the Klingons. Not alone anyway.” There was clearly a mixture of desperate aggravation and abject exhaustion belied in Alarak’s face as he shook his head. Without the knowledge that Fisher was privy to aboard Theurgy, none of the events of the morning would have made sense to anyone. Only when you knew the boxscore, could you see the full picture of the game at play; a game that would lead to the mutually assured destruction that the ‘Nameless Darkness’ was seeking to bring about with this outbreak of war.

“To be honest, Fisher...” Alarak began to continue after letting a short silence settle. “...I don’t know how, or even if the momentum of war can be counteracted at this point. Tell me there’s something on your side that I might be able to find some solace in. Something I could pass on to the others on my side that also don’t wish for open war with the Federation.”

There was a long moment of consideration on Fisher’s part as he weighed how much he could offer in disclosure to Alarak, but given the tenuous situation, and the fact that he’d been burned by him once already, he knew he couldn’t risk it. “I’m sorry. There’s nothing concrete I can offer you at this point. I’m honestly still trying to make sense of it. All I can tell you, is that the accusations the Praetor has made as justification for this heinous act, are categorically false.” Of course Fisher wanted to sing to the high-heavens of the reality that he knew, revealing this great plot to entwine the Galaxy in an all-consuming inferno of war, but he knew he would have to settle for sewing a modest level of discord among those elements within the Romulan Star Empire that weren’t entirely on board with Tal’aura’s machinations for war. It would likely have little impact, but it might still do some good in raising the suspicions of those elements and leave open the possibility of pursuing or stalling for peace sometime down the line.

With a dissatisfied grunt, Alarak leant forward in his chair and pointed an accusatory finger at Fisher.

“If you’re holding back on me, because of what happened with that traitorous scientist, then you’re a fool of a man, and you would sew the fate of us all!” his words were pointed barbs, meant to incite, but Fisher wasn’t going to give in, especially when there was an element of truth to them. Instead, he saw that the time indicator had begun to reach its final stages, and he reached for the console to break communications.

“Stay safe. I’ll contact you when I do have something you can use. I promise.” The final sentiment may have been just that, but Fisher felt it necessary to maybe stoke whatever little hope his Romulan counter-part might have been clinging on to. There had been a betrayal between them in the recent past, one that had resulted in Fisher’s withdraw from the Operational Lead position he had inhabited for nearly three years, but to a point, he still had a strange sense of trust, perhaps even a misplaced trust in Alarak. Maybe it was a trust spurred on by his own lingering desire to cling to hope in a time of great sorrow and unknown quantities. A fool’s hope no doubt. But, a hope all the same, and he wouldn’t turn away from it out of spite. Not when he understood how that little hope might mean the difference between annihilation, and survival.

Nodding as though he too might have understood the shared sentiment, Alarak reached for his own console before hesitating just a moment. “We’re about to lose our window, but I must heed you a warning; watch for Klingon developments.” The topic beckoned one of Fisher’s thick eyebrows into raising ever so slightly, though to a seasoned spy like Alarak it was a dead giveaway. Still, the Romulan didn’t seek to pry into the reaction, instead elaborating on his prescient warning. “I’ve heard rumblings of a matter that might undo the Chancellor’s grasp of power. Rumblings that stem from those closest to him. And as much as I dislike him, I recognize that Martok represents a somewhat moderate position within the Klingon Empire in regard to my people. It would be best if he remains in power.” With that said, and the time reaching 00:00 on their secure window, Alarak touched the console and terminated the commlink before Fisher had any chance of questioning him.

There was a moment of pondering for the Chief Intelligence Officer, as he tried to make sense of the warning. But his brain ached, and he was far too troubled to focus clearly. Reaching for a nearby PADD, he punched up an authoritative order for Ravenholm to enact. It was dangerous to spy on an ally, especially at the behest of someone with as much disdain for that ally, but Fisher knew he couldn’t afford to ignore Alarak’s warnings. So, he would have the Warrant Officer intercept, decrypt, and relay all communications to and from those aboard Theurgy that were closest to the Chancellor. Maybe it would shed some light onto the matter. All the same, it was just more work that demanded doing, but it would need to wait, and indeed it would as Fisher carelessly tossed the PADD onto his desk, sending it clattering loudly until it fell to the carpeted floor.

Left in silence a moment, Fisher stared up at the emblem of Starfleet Intelligence on the screen where Alarak’s image had been just a minute before, and he read the motto of the organization over and over again in his head. “Unity.” He scoffed at aloud as an anger began to well up within him and recognized that the sense of hope, he had tried to share with Alarak was a false one. That in truth, the sentiment served only Alarak, because he himself could feel no actual hope for himself on the matter. In fact, the day had only further re-iterated that lack of hope in Fisher, as he was once again seemingly resigned to face this effort alone. No one would be there to stand beside him when things grew their darkest. He knew again that he would either face that dark alone in further abject defiance, or finally surrender to it. Regardless, he understood that the time was rapidly approaching when he would no longer be capable of walking along the proverbial line drawn in the sand. When he would be forced to cross it, and never look back.

“Thea, please lock down the CIS. I’m headed out for the night.”

[Yes, Commander Fisher.] she responded duly.

“I need a fucking drink.” He announced to no one in particular as he bounded out of the CIS.

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