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Topic: CH02: S [D01|1800] While The Cat’s Away... (Read 2369 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH02: S [D01|1800] While The Cat’s Away...

[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Security Center | Armoury and Weapons Maintenance | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Just in time, Adam found Deputy zh’Wann before boarding the Allegiant and left. He had just finished the wargames he'd set up with several security officers both testing their skills and exosuits. Adam had to make sure the department was tip top shape for when they left Aldea.

”Lieutenant, so glad I caught you. May I help you?” He asked. A momentary flashback to when the Niga Incident and the Andorian in front of him had been driven to use him to spread the virus. He still couldn’t recall his actions after that day until the virus was eliminated where his memories resumed.

He quickly dismissed wherever his mind was going to go with that and gestured to whatever his superior was doing. ”Are any of those not working? I cleaned and tested just about all equipment while we were at Aldea.” He said proudly, he hoped none of them were not working, if so he’d quickly grab more.

”I wanted to wish you the best of luck as well as ask if you and Chief Akoni had any orders you two had for me while you were away?” Adam added after a moment. Though he wasn’t sure if there would be any since both he and Akoni together could handle just about anything without Ida, but on the off chance he wanted to check.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D01|1800] While The Cat’s Away...

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann ] Attn: @Sqweloookle
Standing next to the anti-grav sled she was loading, Ida turned her eyes and antennae towards the sliding doors when the Master-at-Arms entered.

"Kingston," she acknowledged with a small smile and a nod, even though her thoughts were on the mission ahead and where it would take her as well as the small security team she would be bringing.

"Please," she said when he asked if he could help her load the sled and stepped aside to make room. Kingston had been thawed from his stasis chamber while Ida had been an abductee on the Versant, and the reports following that had shown that the pinkskin had recovered quite quickly. He hadn't just dispatched the Asurian commander that had led a jailbreak on the Cayuga, but also fought side-by-side with Commander Akoni when the Borg had boarded the ship. He'd shown himself a good pick for the Master-at-Arms role after Ryuan Sel died in that battle.

Little did she know she'd been the one to infect him during the Niga Incident, but there was something there... in the back of her head, that she just couldn't quite grasp, but made her feel guilty. In the end, the guilt she carried as the first vector of the virus wasn't something the crew tended to attribute to her - with a few lingering exceptions - but that didn't lessen the shame of defeat and causing such harm to the crew she'd sworn to protect.

"The readings I get says the rifles and pulse phase pistols are well maintained, so I don't doubt you've done you job well, Lieutenant," she said and hiked up the sleeves on her uniform before leaning down and picking up two large boxes from the deck next to her. It was the cases holding the two Accipiter rifles that had been approved as inventory for the mission to Breen space. Ida doubted that kind of fire-power would come of need, but the dry-firing concussion mode was a handy problem-solver to have on hand if they faced opposition in large numbers. "Did you have time to go though all five of these as well? We'll be bringing two of them."

Kingston wished them luck as well, and wished to know if she had any additional orders. "You may have to check with Commander Akoni as well, but if I were to suggest any priorities while I am away, then I think making sure the Savi delegation that lives close to Main Engineering remain separated from the Klingons we have aboard. Chancellor Martok has been briefed about their existence but not the name of their species, but I have understood it that the Klingons find the female Savi attractive."

That called for a rueful smile. "The Klingons are housed on Vector 01 and the Savi on Vector 03. Try to have the patrols aware that the ridge-heads may try to venture below decks to catch a glimmer of the Savi females, and dissuade any further contact. The leader of the Savi - the Voice - has been clear on how they do not wish to draw any attention whilst serving on the Theurgy."

Re: CH02: S [D01|1800] While The Cat’s Away...

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Security Center | Armoury and Weapons Maintenance | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Adam was not surprised at all about the Klingon males finding the Savi females attractive. However, why? He couldn’t fathom any answer his human mind presented to him. "Oh that’s not good, I will be sure to keep them segregated." Adam said.

Though something else stood out. "Wait the Leader of the Savi is onboard?" He asked as he lifted a box onto the sled that he’d been indicated to help with.

Another thing occurred to Adam. "Are we having Klingons serving aboard as well?" He asked, he was not in the mood for Klingon-styled anything. He grinned about the rifles, "I did my best to clean those as well but as we are not completely certain of their inner workings, unless I am wrong of course and our engineers know all about those Accipiters then they should be good." Adam frowned.

"Though if any of the engineers are bored and you have time, you may want to double check the Accipiters are in working order." Adam suggested as he helped with another box he was indicated to pick up and put on the sled.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D01|1800] While The Cat’s Away...

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann ] Attn: @Sqweloookle
Nodding, she made a mental note to task one of the engineers that were going on the away mission to run some additional diagnostics on the rifles they had picked from the Reavers when the Calamity had been destroyed. She remembered that battle vividly, in how she and Amelya had escaped the brig on the Harbinger, and together with one of the late Lone Wolves, they had hijacked the Akira-class ship from the commander that Captain Vasser had posted as CO in his absence. She recalled how that commander had set the ship to auto-destruct, but Ida had used the abandoned starship to ram the Calamity just before the warp core breach happened - dealing the killing blow on that A.I.-controlled monstrosity. It had been in the nick of time that she, Amelya and Husker made it to the escape pods.

"I'll handle it, thank you," she said and she had glanced towards the MoA when he mentioned the leader of the Savi and the Klingons. "No, Echtand qi Versant made the wishes of the Savi clear when we came to an accord about the exchange of tech and information - this tentative alliance we have. As far as I know, the Voice has never set his feet aboard the Theurgy himself, and the delegation serving aboard here has had their lungs surgically changed out for artificial ones, just so that they can breathe our air and not die. I don't think the delegation itself has any single representative, but you may have to verify that with Commander Tiran. As for the Klingons, we have Valkra that has requested secondment on the Theurgy, reporting to both Akoni and to Zyrao Natauna - our Klingon Empire Liaison. Besides her, I don't think we have any other Klingons that have active duties aboard the Theurgy. We are merely giving them a lift to Qo'nos, so that Martok can remain in charge of the Empire and not get replaced by someone less prone to help us and our mission."

With the sled fully loaded, she opened the collar of her undershirt a bit and leaned against the main table in the armoury. She folded her arms underneath her breasts, antennae lowered as she looked towards the deck in thought. "We also have the Nicander situation," she said with a frown, thinking of how conflicting the whole thing was. It served to set the record straight when it came to their Infested prisoner/informant. "I know he serves as a point of contention, not without cause. Among our ranks in Security, he's known as a liability, because as soon as the thing inside him takes over, people die like flies around him. He - or rather the thing that possess him - killed three of our own during the battle with Martok in the Azure Nebula just because he used his damned 'farsight', but ever since, the Doctor has been able to keep a leach on the thing."

There was also the fact that Nicander had been right in their midst for such a long time that made people dislike him, even if he was a victim rather than a villain. The damn uncertainty and the bias didn't serve to help matters when it came to the Doctor, however, and their Department was split over the case. "My point is, as long as the Doctor remain in control, we have naught to fear, but if he is hurt to the degree in which the parasite takes over to sustain his life, by Lor'Vela, no one is safe within his reach." She raised her eyes to Kingston and continued. "Visitation is still allowed, the Senior Staff having permitted it as a sign of good grace and willingness to be humane, but those who dare enter his cell are few and rare. I don't know where you stand in terms of the Doctor, but we have our orders. He is still a Starfleet officer, a victim of the enemy's, and while he is a Lieutenant Commander, we cannot allow blind trust towards him be our undoing."

Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair, between her antennae, and concluded with things Kingston likely knew already. "Nicander has insisted upon being locked up, and to not receive any information which might betray our endeavours nor the whereabouts of the Theurgy. The PADD he has in there is stand-alone - disconnected from Thea. That is the sole piece of technology he is permitted, and he cannot communicate with anyone except those who visits him, and his visitors are to be informed what they can and can't tell him about our mission parameters. All visits are to be monitored by the Brig Officer, and all gifts brought to him screened and approved before he receives them."

She looked up towards Kingston with a raise brow, the silent question being if he had any further questions in regard to the Doctor.

Re: CH02: S [D01|1800] While The Cat’s Away...

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Security Center | Armoury and Weapons Maintenance | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Adam listened and made a few mental notes. Check with Commander Tiran about the Savi delegation. The Savi had artificial lungs to survive on our ship? He couldn’t be more amazed and sacred by the alien species. Meet Valkra and check in with Zyrao Natauna about the Klingons hitching a ride to Qo’noS. Adam wondered why this particular group of Klingons could keep Martok in power.

"I will be vigilant in your absence about the Klingons Lieutenant." Adam said with a grin, he had a stray thought of perhaps doing a little sparring with one. They may be able to show him any ancient weapons they may have had, the Bat’leth notwithstanding being the oldest of them all.

He grinned at his superior. "Any particular Klingons you want me to keep my eye on?" He asked as he leaned on the sled’s handles, it made more noise as it had to compensate for Adam’s pushing on it. Adam growled at it and straightened to his full height, he put his hands behind his back and assumed an at ease stance, though it looked like he didn’t realise he was doing it.

Nicander. The Former Chief Medical Officer discovered as a Parasite host. In all honesty Adam felt sorry for the Doctor, everything he was to the crew went against his profession. Though Nicander had revealed that he had been infested when he was at Starfleet Academy, was it all a lie? Adam wondered, or did some part of the host actually want to be a Doctor?

Adam kind of wanted to ask. What exactly was this ‘Farsight’ and how does it hurt others? Adam thought having not experienced it before, not that he wanted to, but it sounded more like a harmless extrasensory ability. "I think I have to meet with him first before I can decide. I mean if he has the means to simply give us to the Parasites whenever he wants, why does it look like he is actually assisting us?" He asked softly.

"I know he could just be messing with us, we have to plan for that possibility but I get the feeling if it was any one of us instead, how would we be in his shoes." Adam said and a frown appeared on his lips as he looked down in thought considering how he’d be should it have been him who was Infested.

Quickly getting on board with the rest of Ida’s response, Adam added. "I will check in with the Brig officer to make sure all those protocols are being followed."
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D01|1800] While The Cat’s Away...

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann ] Attn: @Sqweloookle
Overall, Ida shared Kingston's sentiment in regard to the Doctor, yet she could still understand how others might not be so quick to forgive him. Old patients of his, and the former Chief Science Officer by the name Vivian Martin weren't going to forgive him anytime soon, the latter being his lover according to the interrogation Commander Ducote had held together with others among the Senior Staff.

"If I were an Infested, and I retained my wits, I'd put a phaser in my mouth," she said, only half-joking as they made it out of the armoury and towards the lobby, about to bring the gear to the Allegiant. "As for the Klingons, I would recommend you keep an eye on Hi'Jak, who once served as a science officer aboard this ship. He has been given a new face in sickbay and has changed his name to Kyle Rutherford, just to hide his true identity. I am sure you've already heard about how Chancellor Martok claimed the Right of Vengeance against him? Well, I led the away mission to the Coreless Moon, and Hi'Jak called Martok's son on the IKS Hakkarl to destroy the SuD Lang facility on that moon. We survived, but the Hakkarl was destroyed with all hands by some kind of moon defence system hidden underneath the Klingon dilithium refinery. One of our former crewmembers, a Heather McMillan, triggered that system, so I wouldn't say the man bears the whole blame, but he compromised the safety of the away team."

Reaching the turbolifts, Ida summoned it with her free hand, the other on the side of the anti-grav sled. "I do not know what the Captain will do with him now, him being hidden right among the Klingons who think he's dead, but if the man has any sense at all, he'll keep his new face and change his name, unless Ives plan on telling Martok that Hi'Jak is still alive. Unsure how well that will turn out, in that case."

The turbolift doors opened and she stepped inside, but with the sled, there was only room for her. "So, which Klingon to keep an eye on? By Lor'Vela, him, though he's just a halfblood Klingon. Thanks for the help, Kingston. Good luck running things in the Security Centre together with Akoni while I'm gone. Wish me luck."

She raised a hand in parting before the sliding doors closed.

Little did she know what would happen later that evening to their Chief of Security.

Re: CH02: S [D01|1800] While The Cat’s Away...

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Turbolifts outside Security Center | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Auctor Lucan

"Your welcome and good luck." Adam said as he watched the closed door of the turbolift for a moment. He wasn’t sure what to make of Ida saying she’d shoot herself if she ever became Infested and then aware of it. Adam thought about what he’d do if he was in the same position, he knew he’d kill himself before he’d allow an enemy to use his body against his crewmates and Starfleet.

With no real certain way to expel the Parasites it seemed like the only course of action that some may take before being controlled and unable to fight it. Andorians were warlike so it wasn’t really a surprise but Adam hoped that it wouldn’t come down to that, he wondered about how the Anyon and Radiant light projects were progressing. Adam hoped that Heather’s loss of light intensity wasn’t an utter complete shut down of the project’s life, it was one of the only weapons they had.

[ Security Center | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Quickly Adam focused on more Security orientated things as he re-entered the Security Office. Hi’Jak and Lor'Vela seemed to warrant surveillance in Ida’s view. She failed to say why for Lor’Vela, and while Hi’Jak would be more interested in keeping his secret, it may be a problem for more than just Hi’Jak. It could impact Theurgy’s relations with the Klingons, so Adam had to be vigilant on both aspects, maybe he could meet with Hi’jak--Kyle Rutherford apparently, to discuss what his new plans were. That way Adam could see how he could assist, depending on what it was of course.

The Master-At-Arms made his way back into the Security Center and called out. "Find out everything you can about Lor’Vela, and Thea where is Kyle Rutherford?" He asked.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D01|1800] While The Cat’s Away...

Reply #7
Thea supplied the answer automatically via the intercom as soon as he asked the question.

[There are four instances of Lor'Vela in the database. A) Lor'Vela, a historical Andorian clan leader who brought peace to Andor after the Age of LamentB) Lor'Vela, a city, named after the sme person. C) Lor'Vela, an Andorian starship, named after the same person, commissioned in the year 2118. D) Lor'Vela, common invocation of the woman of the same name, used as emphasis by Andorians in general.]

There was a pause before Thea answered the secondary question.

[There is no such individual with that name aboard, but the person which you are referring to was last spotted on my internal sensors in the Senior Officers' Quarters on Deck 07, in the company of Lieutenant Commander Rutherford.]

OOC: This is my last post in this thread, FYI. :)


Re: CH02: S [D01|1800] While The Cat’s Away...

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | [ Security Center | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

"Thank you Thea." Adam said as he glanced around at a few of the security officers smirking and chatting with each other at their Master-At-Arms clear misinterpretation at a saying that Andorians used in honor of one of their fallen famous warriors.

He sighed and then realised what the implications of Hi’Jak being in quarters in the company of Commander Rutherford. Adam wondered if Commander Rutherford agreed to share her surname with the remade Hi’Jak or if it was forced on her? Were they actual lovers? Why didn’t they add the new name into Thea’s database?

Adam would have to go sort this out, though Thea clearly knew it was Hi’Jak but didn’t say which was interesting to say the least. He stepped out of the Security Situation Room into the corridors inside the Security Center and tapped his combadge. "Thea, please make the appropriate personnel file changes for Kyle Rutherford in the database." Adam asked, and she acknowledged him with the usual Yes Lieutenant.

How could the Captain or anyone else involved in that plot not have that clerical error sorted out? Adam wondered as he leaned against the wall of the Security Situation Room. How long ago was ‘Kyle’ spotted being with Rutherford? Adam chuckled.

Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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