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Day 01 [2240 hrs.] Sisterly Love

LT JG Alessia Garcia, Callsign "Angel"| Alessia's Quaters | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

For all the scene that the two women made getting to the Fighter Bay, they barely showed any public displays on the way to Alessia's room.  They were in too much of a hurry to stop, but what affections could be shared while on the run were definitely in place.  Alessia never once let go of Dev's hand, and when they slowed to take a corner or enter a doorway, she stole playful kisses from her sister wolf. 

Alessia was all smiles.  The heady veil of lust had parted and now she was giddy as a schoolgirl.  Reasoning escaped her mind; it was all she could do to focus on the path to her new quarters.  She'd only arrived on this ship hours ago and she hoped she remembered the way.  She began to take each turn slower, paying more attention to her sister wolf than the quest objective.  Would Devyrie blame her?  She didn't think so.  The Romulanlooked just as smitten as she was.  How strange that they had worked together, changed side by side, even seen each other naked before and the thoughts never crossed her mind until tonight.  Alessia blamed Dev for that, but she wasn't angry.  Quite the contrary.  This woman had awoken long dormant needs that Alessia shoved into the pit of her soul and tried to forget.  Those memories were bound so tightly with tragedy that to pull just one feeling out would unravel the peace she had worked towards for all these years.  But this was different.  The touch was different, the scents were differnt, even the species and the gender were different.  And that was good.

When they finally arrived at the correct corridor, Alessia rushed to her door and pulled Dev along with her.  It chimed and opened for Alessia as the two women entered.  First things first..  "Computer, please lock the door to everyone except myself and Lt. Junior Grade Okhala."

[Door is locked according to your specifications, but be advised that all officers above LT JG will be given access, if required.]

Alessia glanced up at her ceiling, where the voice of the computer always felt like it originated.  She wasn't used to having an AI like Thea aboard yet.  It was disconcerting to say the least.  But her eyes fell back down at Dev's touch and all other thoughts were unceremoniously dumped on the floor.  This woman was the reason they had hurried here in the first place, the cause for the path they were treading.  A shy grin spread across Alessa's Spanish features.  The hand that had held Dev's all the way here finally released it and her fingers traveled up the back of Dev's palm.  Alessia marveled at the curious difference in their skin tones and textures as her fingerpads slid up Dev's lower arm.  She was being careful with this touch, keeping it light and sensual.  Exploratory rather than rushed.  They had all night, after all.

Her fingers crossed to Dev's upper arm as her eyes lifted to meet her lover's.  Her lover?  Well what else would Devyrie be at this point?  Even if it was only for tonight, yes, that's what this Romulan had become.  The corners of Alessia's mouth upturned as the realization set in.  Her eager eyes were locked onto Dev's, even though her hand hesitated.  Her fingers were now gliding across Dev's collarbone and nestling against the woman's neck, among her stunning dreadlocked hair.  Her other hand slid up and over Dev's hip and found a home at her waist.  Alessia pulled her sister wolf closer, until their hips met.  She was suddenly very aware of how quickly her heart beat and how loud her breathing was.  It came and went much faster than it should.  Her mouth felt dry, but she was salivating at the thought of tasting those lips again.  So many thoughts danced in her head, but they were all eclipsed when their lips touched.

Alessia's fingertips pressed against Dev's suit and skin.  She wanted to be closer still, but their bodies were already sandwiched together with naught but clothing inbetween.  Lips sucked on lips and tongues twirled with tongues as they kissed.  Alessia's desire became frantic.  Her hands slid to better grip Dev, her pelvis gyrated against her sister wolf.  She wanted more.  More.  Alessia palmed and squeezed Dev's shapely ass.  Yes this.  All of her.  That's what I want.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 01 [2240 hrs.] Sisterly Love

Reply #1
[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala | Alessia's Quaters | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Even Angels Cry 
The time it had taken them to reach Angel's quarters had been altogether too long, but once there, Devyrie could hardly remember a second of it. She faced her sister wolf inside the door, and there was hardly any need for words. They were of equal mind about what they wanted, or at least Devyrie believed so, but any doubts that lingered were shed when Alessia stepped up to her and began the ancient dance.

To feel her sister wolf's hands on herself made Devyrie short of breath. They had shared so much already, both hand-picked for the Valravn Project and spending virtually every waking hour together on Luna Base. They had fought together at Starbase 84, defected together. They even wore the same kind of Tac CONN hoodie - only Angel's being grey instead of Devyrie's black version - and they both had the Valravn Development patch on the left side of their chests. They were Wolves, their squadron named like the Theurgy's and the Resolve's warp fighter squadrons because they didn't serve as a part of an Air Group. They had no CAG, left to rely on their own squadron alone. Wolves were known to be tightly knit, independent units in Tac CONN, and even as Angel's hands ran across her body, and they kissed anew, Devyrie knew that they were about to cross the final threshold too.

She couldn't help but moan quietly into Alessia's mouth, and since her own hoodie hung open already, she shrugged it off behind herself - leaving her in her loose denim trousers, boots and black tank top. Feeling greedy, wanting to wait no more, she raised her hands to free Angel from her hoodie as well. With her thumbs, she pushed the garment off her shoulders and tugged the sleeves of her arms. It left the other wolf in just her cargo pants, boots and white tank top.

Devyrie's hands didn't stop there, however, sliding up to cup one of Angel's breasts. She could feel the hardened peak through the tank top and the sports bra she suspected her sister wore underneath it. Their bodies were already pressed close, and they hadn't let up on the kiss either. The dance continued, but once Devyrie finally parted her lips from Alessia's, she spared no time to pull her own black tank top over her head, tossing it aside. The motion threw Dev's white locks in disarray across her bare shoulders, but the need to feel the other woman's body against her own made her didn't care the least.

"Hurry..." she said, and since they had shared locker rooms on Luna Base and the Orcus, there were no secrets left in that regard. There was no self-consciousness for Devyrie, only being famished for more of her sister pilot. Left with a grey Starfleet issue bra, she began to tug at the hem of Angel's white tank top too, stealing another heated kiss before they'd have to part for the garment's path again.

With the lights of the quarters left off, they were both bathed in the Azure Nebula's volatile glow - shining from outside the viewports.


Re: Day 01 [2240 hrs.] Sisterly Love

Reply #2
[A Joint-Post by Even Angels Cry & Auctor Lucan]

[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala & Alessia "Angel" Garcia | Alessia's Quaters | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ]

On Luna Base and on the Orcus, Alessia had seen Dev's body a hundred times or more, but tonight, right then, bathed in the glow of the Azure Nebula and in the privacy of her new quarters, it was like she was discovering it for the first time. She took a moment admiring the form of her sister wolf, the tone of her muscles and the curve of her body.  Alessia, in turn, removed her own tank top as Dev's fingers crisscrossed her body. She exhaled her pleasure, audibly, and inhaled Dev's scent.

Then, she pressed her lips against Dev's. Hard. Her palms pulled Dev's body into her own.  Her hips rocked into her sister wolf.  She sucked on lips and tongue and explored Dev's mouth as the last of her control disappeared.

"I want you."  As she spoke, Alessia paused her kiss. She rested her forehead against the Romulan woman's and stared deep into those beautiful eyes.

"I'm all yours," said Dev, hardly recognising her own voice, guessing that all of the anticipation leading up to what they were doing had warped it. Alessia's voice, no, it was her accent. There was nothing of the kind on Alpha Centauri, and when she spoke, Dev just wanted to learn how her voice sounded when it broke. She imagined it to sound even better when raised, panting in pending release.

In quick progression, Alessia's upper body was bared, and while Dev wanted to wait and savor the sight, she also couldn't help herself from touching her sister wolf. Tasting her skin. Somehow, Dev ended up with her hands behind the small of Angel's back, and with her lips on her bared breasts. The bed seemed so far away.

Alessia arched her back into Dev's hands,  gasping as Dev crossed the line of no return.  Her body jerked and melted in time with Dev's sucking.  Her nipples were burning up in Dev's mouth but freezing outside of it. The faintest whisper of breath across them caused her body to tense. Her skin dimpled and the small hairs stood on end.  Alessia entwined her fingers in Dev's hair and gripped tightly, more out of pleasure that fear of falling.  Her chest rose into Dev's embrace as she took a shaky breath. One hand slid down and around Dev's back to her side, then under the bra that the woman still wore.  Her palm molded to the shape of Dev's breast, felt the heat of her body. Alessia's thumb flicked Dev's nipple as she grinned.  "You look hot. Let me help you."  Two hands gripped Dev's bra with the intention of pulling it up and off her body.

Dev accommodated her sister, of course, unable to school the hungry grin she wore when she raised her arms and let Alessia free her upper body from the contraption - this undergarment that all Alpha Centauri women regretted to have found its way there from Earth. Supportive were not equal to comfortable, but either way, it would be in the way. She could feel how achingly hard the light brown peaks of her breasts had become, and feeling Angel's hands there made her groan  - pulling her shoulders back. Her hands found Angel's hips again, and she hooked her thumbs behind her waistline, leaning in to kiss her anew.

With both women now topless, Alessia was free to explore Dev's chest at length.  Her hands slid up to Dev's shoulders, then down her sides as the thumbs just grazed Dev's hardened nubs. Hands crossed Dev's stomach and felt her skin all the way to the heavy underside of her breasts.  Alessia tested their weight in her hands. She rolled her palms against Dev's skin, creating pressure on the bottom of those supple mounds. She widened her grip and grabbed a hold of them, nipples in between Alessia's pointer and middle finger.  Then she squeezed each breast at the same time. She pressed them.  She massaged her hands into them. She rolled and rubbed and pinched the sensitive peaks until Dev's pants changed tones. And then brought her lips back in for another passionate kiss

Feeling her breasts cupped and fondled by Angel, Dev was not slow to do the same, her hands - trembling with need for more - running up and down Angel's front and pinching those dark peaks of hers between her thumbs and index fingers. She had abandoned the waistline of hers for sake of the newly exposed skin.

Somehow, through the passion they shared, they had ended up in the small sitting area, still on their feet. But eventually, Devyrie pushed the waistline of Angel's gym pants and panties down from her hips, and her warm hands came to cup her sister's derriere, and to kiss her breasts again. "Lie down... I want to taste you," she murmured through pursed, swollen lips, meaning the divan part of the couch they were at.

Alessia's soft groans disappeared into Dev's mouth with each kiss. Her clothes came off in a rush of hands and passion, but she was warmer, now that she was naked with Dev.  At the request, Alessia laid back across the cushions of the couch and parted her legs. She let one leg dangle off the side so her foot was on the floor and she brought the other knee up along the back rest cushions.  Alessia watched Dev intensely.  Her body was flush with desire but the cool air of the room made her jump as it hit her newly exposed lower lips.

Almost as an afterthought, Devyrie realised that she had her own pants on still, so while Angel laid back - as Devyrie drank in the sight of the human - she hooked her thumbs behind her own loose gym pants and panties, tugging them down before getting down on top of Angel. While the glistening lips betwixt Alessia's legs had beckoned for her, Dev still kissed her way down, feeling their breasts brush across each others, their nipples hard against their soft flesh, before Devyrie reached Angel's inner thigh. By then, she couldn't wait any more, and laid her warm mouth against her sister's damp folds. Oh, but she tasted like gintecha, one of her favourite sweets on Alpha Centauri. "MMhh...."

Alessia squirmed under Dev's playful kisses. Her voice fluctuated from giggles to gasps as Dev drew ever closer to the center of her inferno.  Her thighs jumped at the foreign touch, but opened further to better accommodate Dev.  She wanted this.  When Dev's warm mouth pressed against her neatly trimmed folds, Alessia giggled.  Her hips shook.  Her hands trembled.  And then she felt the firm prodding of Dev's tongue.  Alessia arched her back, pressing her shoulders into the couch. Her hands slid into Dev's hair and gripped it firmly.  Murmurs of pleasure escaped her lips as Dev tasted every inch of Alessia's sweet sanctum.

Feeling Alessia's hands in her hair, Devyrie could tell her sister enjoyed herself as much as she did, delving deeper with her tongue and letting her pale hands roam Angel's thighs, taut abdomen and the swollen mounds of her breasts. Eventually, she let one hand join her mouth, and pushed two fingers inside, knowing from her own experiences to rub her fingertips along the 'ceiling' of her sister's passage. Meanwhile, her tongue flicked against the hardened nub of her clit, and made sounds of delight at the taste of her.

As Dev's fingers pushed in, Alessia moaned aloud.  That's what she wanted! Yes! Yes more of that! Her hips moved in time with Dev's rhythm. The squishing, slurping sounds of Dev's ministrations combined with Alessia's sweet, alto voice made for beautiful music in the sitting room.  And then Dev found the spot.  Alessia squealed as her whole body trembled.  "Yes that! Oh, God, Dev!" Each motion made Alessia's voice grow louder and higher until suddenly she exploded into an orchestra of sound.  Her voice went from melodic, sustained notes to staccato tones somewhere in the high soprano range.  Her legs tensed and fell in toward Dev's head. Her toes clenched.  Her fingers spasmed in Dev's hair and tried to hold the woman in place. Her back arched again and all the musical sounds vanished as Alessia hit notes far above what a human could produce or hear.

Hearing how much Alessia enjoyed herself, Devyrie hadn't let up in her intimate treatment - these tricks she had merely used on herself in times of need. What she had done with her tongue, she had learned from how a lover in her youth had done it, and she was happy Alessia had appreciated it. Towards the final moments of it, Devyrie hadn't been able to help herself.... Hearing Angel's sweet song had made her rub herself with her free hand. Thus, breath uneven, she climbed up on top of Angel again, slanting her wet lips across hers, and she whispered... "You tasted like gintecha, and I loved every moment of it," she admitted throatily, her hands roaming her sister wolf's body.

Alessia couldn't speak.  Her chest heaved with each breath as she stared up at Dev.  She needed to kiss this woman.  Now!  Her hands slid up Dev's back and pulled the Romulan down to meet her mouth.  The taste of her own juices on Dev's tongue was intoxicating.  She groaned as their hips slipped and pressed into one another.  With mouths intertwined and Alessia's hands gripping the shapely backside of her sister wolf,  she rocked and ground their hips together.

Finding herself at the mercy of Angel's grinding motions, Dev fell in rhythm, feeling her own, sodden sex being rubbed by her sister's thigh. She moaned into her mouth as they kissed, and her green eyes fluttered shut - her ridged forehead grazing Angel's as their bodies undulated together on the couch. Dev put more and more into the movements, holding on to Angel, and feeling her nipples scraping against her skin. She had never done this before. "Oh...."

As they sped up, Alessia shifted her leg for better leverage.  With their bodies moving and grinding together, and their combined wetness mixing, it wasn't long before her whole thigh was wet.  Alessia felt the pleasure ramping back up again. It was softer this time, more controlled, but it was there.  She could see the desire in her friend's eyes too.  Alessia let her hands roam freely.  She caressed Dev's sides, breasts, back, stomach and rear.  She stole kisses from her lover's lips as their hips danced in the blue light of the nebula.

Devyrie couldn't keep it in any more. The climax came slowly, building in force, until she gasped hard and shuddered all over. Then the next wave hit, and she cried out a bit louder against Angel's lips. Then, the third wave of pleasure crashed into her, and she threw her head back, nails digging into her sister as she came so hard she lost all restraint. Her white, thick locks shifted against the couch as she moaned in the immediate aftermath - her pointed ear bathed in the light from the viewport. After a couple of seconds, she managed to open her green eyes and look into her sister's, biting her lower lip as she began to move again - her sex so sensitive but wanting to continue nonetheless.

Breath uneven, she touched Alessia's face. "T-This... I never imagined it to be like this... with another female..."

Dev came, and Alessia was glad. It meant she was able to see that beautiful face as the waves of climax washed over her lover's body.  Oh this woman was lovely in the nebula light!  Alessia drew her hands up along Dev's back, trailing them along her sides with a gentle caress as she came back down. A sly grin crossed Alessia's face as Dev started grinding again.

"I know.  I've never done this before either. But this.. you.. feel so good." Alessia reached a hand down in between their sexes and stroked Dev's sensitive skin with her middle finger.

Letting out a sharp gasp when she felt Alessia's finger delving between her sensitive lips, Devyrie's eyes fluttered shut again, and she gripped her sister harder. Not yet having come down completely from her euphoria, she squirmed in reaction, and began shifting her hips against Angel's hands. "Don't s-stop," she breathed, and leaned down, framing one of Alessia's breasts in her hand so that she might take the hardened, brown peak into her mouth.

Alessia's breath hitched as Dev's mouth devoured her breast.  Her fingers inched further in, the tips stroking everywhere she could reach.  Finally Alessia's middle finger found Dev's hidden entrance. It was soaked and slippy, and so easy for that finger to slide right inside.  Alessia buried her finger in Dev, then slid it out and all the way back to circle that sensitive nub, then drove it back inside. After two times, Alessia added a second finger.  Again and again she repeated this motion, thrusting in, then rubbing Dev's clit.

Caught up in what Alessia was doing to her, it took Devyrie a moment to reciprocate the gesture - groaning deep down in her throat as she too reached down between their bodies. Their breasts brushed together as they moved, and Dev laid her mouth to Angel's neck, scraping her teeth against the skin as she slid her fingers across her sister's wet sex - rubbing her swollen clit. In short order, her own hips working in tandem with Alessia's two fingers, she had two fingers delving inside her sister as well. Small beads of perspiration had begun to form on their skin, catching the light of the nebula outside as they moved together. "You're m-making me c-come again..."

Alessia's voice rang out through her quarters as Dev's fingers played with her already sensitive body. But she didn't let up on Dev.  Her own digits moved faster, eager to get her sister off again.  Stroking.  Pressing.  Plunging.  Circling.  Using Dev's own wetness to lubricate her movements.  Pushing further in.  Rubbing furiously.  Hitting those spots that made Dev shake and moan and pause.  Just a little more! Yes, like that! Just a bit-

Dev was already coming, crying out with her eyes closed - shaking all over from the intensity.

"Dev!!" The climax hit Alessia from out of nowhere.  She had been so focused on Dev's pleasure that she had down played her own.  Now it was built up to overflowing and needed to escape.  Alessia shuddered under Dev's talented fingers.  Her hand stopped. Her hips stopped. Her eyes rolled back into her head. Her voice erupted with sound as her body tensed and froze.  Time stopped. For a moment the only thing that existed was pleasure. Pure, decadent pleasure.  And then one by one Alessia's senses returned.  She inhaled the scent of her arousal, mixed with another aroma that was familiar but not.  She twitched as slender fingers grazed over her hypersensitive skin. She let her head lull to the side so she could better enjoy the sensual pants, loud moans and soft whimpers of her lover. 

At this point, Dev's own climax was subsiding, and she shivered as she looked down at her sister. Her knees buckled, finally, and withdrew her hand from where it had kneaded Alessia between her legs. On top of her sister, Dev ran her hand through her dark hair, which was in such contrast to her own white locks - their ends framing Angel's features.

Opening her eyes, Alessia found herself starting up into that beautiful face.  She let her lips capture Dev's and savored the myriad of flavors as her tongue tasted her sister wolf's mouth.  The euphoria stayed long after the orgasm faded, and they were both quite content to stay just like this forever.. or at least for a few more hours.

"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

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