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Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Putting Her Back Together
On Day 02, 1415 hrs., a number of engineering crises occur simultaneously, so the first thing on the checklist if you want to participate in this scene is... is your character available at that time? So far we have three emergencies taking place simultaneously:

  • On the outside of the ship, engineers are repairing the exterior hull while pilots and helmsmen pilot shuttles so that their bussard scoops vacuum up the highly combustible and possibly explosive sirillium gas away from the worksites.   Unfortunately the Devoted have detonated a small pocket of gas and is holding the engineering teams and shuttles out there hostage and threatening to detonate all the gas if Ives doesn't step down as Captain. Check with MasterRat if you want to join that subplot and coordinate with him.
    • This subplot is potentially available for CONN Officers who's flying a shuttle or runabout (just not the Tigris, which the GM has plans for). Nolak Kalmil has ordered all available shuttles to try and save Rihen Neyah (see below) Interested, @Even Angels Cry ?
    • Varder Ridun and Jonas Arisaka have been ordered to suit up into EVA-suits and try to save Rihen Neyah where she is tumbling about and being on fire after the first detonation of sirillium gas. - Rescue attempt pending @Jm Von Cat
    • Carrigan Trent, Natalie Stark and Leon Marquez have all been summoned to the Main Bridge on Deck 01 by Captain Ives. -Pending arrival @CanadianVet @Brutus & @Striker N7
  • In the meantime there are two subplots in Vector Two, the "Sword".  Sithick has found an undetonated but live photon torpedo in a Jeffries tube and this is an excellent time for someone from the [color=redTactical[/color] department to get on the phone and talk him through it.
    • Leon Marquez will respond to this. - Pending @Striker N7
    • Sithick also asked for a small medical officer to try and reach him and inoculate him (iodine, against the radiation). Nicander has demanded of Captain Ives to release Doctor Maya for this task, for several reasons (see post in the thread). @Doc M. coordinates this in an upcoming post with Security NPCs unless there are PCs available. Thea will help too.
    • Currently, Morgan Song is in communication with Sithick to try and help before Marquez can give further instructions.
  • Suq has managed to get himself trapped a piece of damaged plasma conduit.  Check with FolltowTomorrow if you want to join this subplot.
    • Sinead is wih Suq in this scene atm.
    • Unknown if there are more characters inbound! :)
  • Upcoming: A Resolve engineer attempt to take the warp core hostage.  Any players playing security personnel who are interested in responding to the call should contact Doc M. or post in this thread.
    • It has been suggested that Dyan Cardamone and Suq are available for this development.

This list has been updated as of the date mentioned as "edited" below in this post.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #1
So who would be called to action here for obvious repairs and security measures?  I'm just wondering if either of my ladies would need to show up, or if it would only be by my choice.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #2
I think that can definitely be arranged! Nolak Kalmil asked for all shuttles to converge on Vector 01, so Jaya could be flying the USS Thames, one of the Runabouts?

Attn: @Doc M. @Kaligos @Hastata-Nerada @MasterRat @FollowTomorrow @Triage @Striker N7 @Brutus

...I will be posting with Ives tonight, so stay tuned for orders. :) You can all wait on me to do so. Doc M., it looks to me like Kaligos fixed the discrepancy mentioned in your latest post, so no worries there either. I love the development on all fronts, and I am sure we can make something even more awesome out of this.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #3
Oh boy, this thread is super helpful! thank you based lucan *bows down*

I'd like to make a note here: if anyone thinks Suq is making a stupid decision that doesn't line up with his experience with engineering, please let me know, because that's just the downfall of playing a character smarter than me 8P I am always and forever 100% open to criticism. I want to make this thread as awesome as possible!

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #4
I think we can put it down to fatigue.  When was the last time Suq had shore leave?  The United States Navy 7th fleet has been plagued with accidents because too many naval ships have been putting in too many hours because there are not enough ships to relieve them.  After three years on the Resolve, Suq is bound to get sloppy and make some rookie mistakes. 

In the meantime, time to address some requests that I haven't gotten ever since the alerts from this site started being shunted to my spam file...

@Doc M. , could you help us with a sitrep on this one? :)

Let’s see.  On Day 02, 1415, a number of engineering crises occur simultaneously, so the first thing on the checklist if you want to participate in this scene is… is your character available at that time?  

So far we have three emergencies taking place simultaneously:

On the outside of the ship, engineers are repairing the exterior hull while pilots and helmsmen pilot shuttles so that their bussard scoops vacuum up the highly combustible and possibly explosive sirillium gas away from the worksites.   Unfortunately the Devoted has seized an engineer and his holding her hostage and threatening to detonate the gas if Ives doesn’t step down as captain.  This subplot is potentially available for pilots or flight control officers to “happen to be in the area” flying a shuttle or runabout.  Check with MasterRat if you want to join that subplot and coordinate with him.  

In the meantime there are two subplots in Vector Two, the “Sword”.  Sithick has found an undetonated but live photon torpedo in a Jeffries tube and this is an excellent time for someone from the [color=redTactical[/color] department to get on the phone and talk him through it.  (We really need to decide which decks the photon torpedo tubes and the phaser banks are on and add it to the Theurgy page on our Wiki site.) 

Suq has managed to get himself trapped a piece of damaged plasma conduit.  Check with FollowTomorrow if you want to join that subplot.

Before the scene is over, I'm planning for a Resolve engineer to attempt to take the warp core hostage.  Any players playing security personnel who are interested in responding to the call should contact me.

I think that about covers it.  Is there anything I forgot?

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #6
Because we resolve problems! No need for a magical intervention. :P

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #7
Mild curiosity - why a Resolve engineer?

Three reasons:   The first, from all accounts, the members of the Resolve have had a tougher time in their three years out than the crew of the Voyager did in their seven.  And their "Welcome back to the Federation" party went as bad as it could possibly go.   Not exactly a recipe for mental stability.

The second reason is that it is likely that there are members of the Resolve crew who will not want to believe the truth about Starfleet Command and will believe that the shapeshifting Ives is the bad guy because that is what they want to believe.

The third and most important reason was that I wanted a PC from the Resolve to talk the engineer holding the warp core hostage down.  I had originally intended Suq to do it, but it could just as easily be Leon Marquez or Zelosa Ejek.  Bonus points if Suq talks the unstable engineer down while trying to free himself or Leon talks him down while instructing Sithick how to disarm that photon torpedo.

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #8
I'd still like Suq to be useful too! I also understand if Marquez or Ejek do it, I just don't want him to look too useless.  :p

Dyan is on shift during that time, if i recall correctly she'll be in the middle of a 'conference' with Wenn Cinn. If they're both called away at the same time, I can offer up Dyan to do some work, fill in gaps if nobody jumps to join our chaos

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #9
Dyan would be perfect, for it would guarantee that Suq would have a chance to talk the engineer down before some trigger happy PC playing a security specialist tries to steal his thunder.   I have an image of Suq trying to talk down the engineer while trapped as Dyan keeps repeating "I have a shot," and Billy Bob keeps telling her to hold her fire.   Bonus points for Suq being trapped under tons of rubble or in an awkward position like hanging upside down as he tries to convince the engineer that everything's going to be okay.   I see this moment as being one where Suq, who has been played distrusting and pessimistic so far, steps up and gets to be the voice of hope and reason, solidifying his position as part of the Theurgy's crew.

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #10
Doc you are so good at sculpting scenes! The whole thing sounds so theatric and cool, I just hope I can pull it off!! And you're right, it would make suq a better part of the crew, which is why I was hoping to do this. Does anyone mind if i use dyan then?

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #11
Top post updated!

One small correction about Rihen Neyah, she is not a hostage of the Devoted's. She was just hit by the blast of the first, small detonation of a sirillium gas pocket and is spinning through space, on fire, awaiting rescue by some valiant hero, lol.

Awesome coordination of this plot overall, and I look forward to read the development on all fronts. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #12
This subplot is potentially available for CONN Officers who's flying a shuttle or runabout (just not the Tigris, which the GM has plans for). Nolak Kalmil has ordered all available shuttles to try and save Rihen Neyah (see below) Interested, @Even Angels Cry ?

Yes.  Jaya is free at this time, and it would make sense for her to be on Standby since the repairs are happening and she can pilot the shuttles.

I do not know yet when her Ensign test takes place, but it would either be shortly after the department head speeches or later in the evening, after she returns.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #13
Just thought I'd check in.  I'm planning to have O'Connell to beam Petty Officer Karmak of the Devoted to the brig and then have him contact Suq to talk down agent McGee.  Before having an NPC do the beaming, I've sent a PM to Jfiddle to see if his transporter officer is available for the scene.  If someone is playing the transporter officer, before writing a scene where someone is transported, it's always polite to ask the player the playing the transporter officer first.  I'll give Jfiddle a week to get back to me before posting with an NPC in the transporter room.

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #14
@Doc M. I think we'll definitely need to JP the next post! I tried to make a beefier one this time, but I don't think I can make the next one beefy without your help! Would you like to do that over discord, emails, PM's here? I'm not picky about where

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #15
Okay, I just posted before reading this, but go ahead and start the JP.  Who knows?  Maybe when Suq discovers that Sean is looking to him for guidance Suq will let Thea rescue him.

Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #16
One quick note! Since beaming people in and out of holding cells in the brig is a big issue in terms of security risk, and since we already established that Ives and Rez could not be beamed out of their cells in Episode 03, any culprit beamed to the Brig would have to be beamed into the Security Center's main area instead, and guards needs to be alerted to apprehend said culprit there. I volunteer Ida to be present and available for an alert about the incoming culprit(s), if so needed! :)


Auctor Lucan


Re: Putting Her Back Together Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #17
I have a post almost ready, but I'll wait on @TrexelCat with the EMH, since I need to fill it in more with a response to her. I am present and paying attention, just trying to include everyone is all!

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