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Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours

Stardate 57571.91
Monday March 16 2381 15:48:00
USS Theurgy

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen

It had been quite a productive day for the wolf as he had flown his patrol duty earlier that day and filed up with the latest mission findings. If anything though, the job of SCO entailed a lot more paperwork, even while the ship was in space dock. The latest sortie returned, under the command of Miles Renard, most of these wolves were original pack members. A thought that always brought a smile to Ravon's face. He was about to put some work on his own fighter as the other fighters rolled into their allotted slots and powered down. Thomas wasn't in the work suit overall just yet but in the hoodie and recreational sporting gear. His eyes looked over the pilots as they gathered and moved over to the changing rooms, one stood out as the tall Klingon wasn't easy to miss.

Khorin Douglas was one of the Versant survivors and whilst there he had been accused of murder. It was something Ravon hadn't dug into yet with the pilot. A reason for that something entirely else. Zephyr Praise. It was time however to open this particular can of worms as the saying went and Thomas had to determine whether the effects on the Versant still affected his pilot. After all, he would be the one to be held responsible if anything would happen during missions if the man wasn't checked on. Initial reports though showed no change, even an improvement in flight statistics and the sorts. Even Miles hadn't brought up any objections about letting the Klingon fly.

"Khorin!" Ravon shouted, turning a few heads in the fighter assault bay as the pack leader waved the man over "Do you have a minute for me?" he asked as he waited for the Klingon to break away from the squad. A few deck hands were still looking at the two pilots yet eventually started to work again. Ravon crossed his arms as he chewed on his lips for a second. Khorin was an impressive man to say the least and with the exosuit on, one might even say intimidating. "Glad to see you back in the pack, first of all. I've read the reports from security and medical. I'm honestly surprised you haven't checked in yet with me sooner. How have you been feeling considering the last chain of events?" Thomas asked, his voice cool and calm. He didn't specify which event he wanted to focus on, his command lessons from Dewitt coming in handy to figure out where the pilot would think he'd been fishing about.

Ravon eyed Khorin from head to toe, whilst that outburst of jealousy still sparked deep within his heart, he couldn't let it cloud his judgment over the man "If you prefer we can have this conversation in my office. To avoid people overhearing us." he added with a smile, faint as it was on his lips.

Re: Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours

Reply #1

[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai|  | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy| Aldea System]

att: @Nolan

Khorin took off his helmet. It had been a fine day. The patrol had been mostly routine and boredom, which had compelled Renard to perform some basic exercises to sharpen up their teamwork. Khorin made a joke about that with Icarus, as he unleashed his long mane which spread over the top of his exosuit like a dark waterfall. Then he passed an arm over Tessa's shoulders and complimented her for a particularly daring manoeuvre. Just in front of the three pilots, Iron Fox walked alone, absorbed by his own thoughts. Although he was not involved in the conversation with the other wingmates, the vulpian also seemed satisfied. For an moment, the young Klingon felt that it was one of the old days. Before they began their escape through Federation space and beyond. Before the old Lone Wolves began to die.

Someone shouted his name and the strong pilot halted his steps, a moment that Goldeneye used to escape from his arm and flee forward to join the rest of the pack. Khorin's expression grew sour as he recognized to whom the voice belonged. Ravon. Khorin stood still for a moment, as he hesitated to answer the call or ignore it and keep walking towards the locker room.

 However, a swift glance around revealed that there were too many witnesses to choose that particular option, so, reluctantly, he headed towards where the Alpha Wolf stood. "I'll catch you soon!,"he bellowed to his mates as he moved slowly closer to Thomas. He knew he was taking too long to reach the SCO. Much longer than he would have taken before the Versant. Much longer than he would have taken before he knew what had happened in the Aldea between Ravon and Zephyr.

"What's up, boss?" he inquired as he finally arrived at his side, his voice far more sullen than he intended. Unconsciously, he puffed his chest and raised his chin in a challenging stance. A display to prove to the human in front of him and to everyone who observed them why he was a better specimen than Razor. However, he was irritated to discover that, even though he stared at the man from above, he did so mostly thanks to the lift that the Exosuit gave him. His frame was still wider and more muscular, but it still bothered him that Ravon was not just a short, feeble human that he could crush between his index finger and his thumb. It was both irrational and instinctive, but he still regarded the human as his opponent through Zephyr's heart. And his Klingon instincts urged him to react in a violent manner towards him.

Khorin merely nodded at Thomas' first words, with a brief growl. But as soon as he referred to the security reports and the reason he had not spoken with him yet, the Klingon tensed up and squeezed the hand with which he was holding the helmet more tightly. "I've been busy and I haven't found the moment," he excused himself. Even he noticed that it was a poor excuse. In fact, Khorin had been avoiding the SCO even before he knew what he knew at the time. There was too much to report. And he didn't feel like bringing any of thos memories back, nor did he feel like having to justify his actions. It wasn't a conversation he was looking forward to. "I'm fine, the treatment works fucking A, so there's no reason to be grounded" he rushed to reply to Razor's question as he ran his free hand through the new ridges that bedecked his forehead.

As soon as the words left his lips, Khorin regretted saying them, so he hastened to shut up again. He clenched his jaws firmly before taking a loud breath through his nose. Around them, some NCOs had turned their heads in their direction once again. Khorin's fingers clung tighter to the edge of the helmet. "I guess we'd better deal with this baktag in your office," he grunted in the end.


baktag -> Garbage or Shit

Re: Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours

Reply #2
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen

If anything the Klingon pilot walked over to him after he checked his surroundings. Thomas noticed it yet didn't pursue it as the man came to a stop before him. Everything about Khorin was intimidating, even more so whilst in the flight suit. The man could easily destroy him should he try so. Thomas read the man's nonverbal stance. The challenging pose and the stern look on the pilot's face. It almost screamed aggression. The response the Klingon gave was a weak one, one that Thomas simply allowed to raise a brow. The pilot quickly responded with the treatment working and Thom couldn't help but scoff lightly.

With the suggestion to deal with this in his office, Ravon couldn't help but snort a little "If anything Khorin, this isn't baktag." he replied as he lead the way to his office. The deck hands followed the two figures as if they knew something was brewing. Of course that could also be just paranoia kicking in as Thomas knew there was more tension between him and Khorin besides the security reports and the full transformation to a full blood Klingon. The SCO however had no interest in showing that to the outside world though, his face almost as blank as it could be when he was playing poker.

He could hear Khorin follow in his wake, the heavy suit making quite a distinctive sound against the deck plating. The doors slid open to the corridor leading to his office After he got in his office he sighed as he waited for the other wolf to enter and the doors to close. Liam wasn't in the office, so that was a plus. Ravon turned to face Khorin once more as he looked him over. He could start about why the pilot couldn't find the time to speak to him. He could break him down from a superior's position and wash away any objections he had. Though it would worsen the relation between them undoubtedly.

"Take a seat. Get out of the exosuit if you prefer." he told the pilot as he walked over to the replicator "Do you want anything to drink?" he asked as he produced his own brew of coffee. After hearing what the Klingon wanted or not, he took a seat behind his desk and stirred in his cup "First of, I'm not going to ground you or clip your wings. Medical and security have assured me that your condition is under control. I do however want to understand. Why don't you walk me through what happened on the Versant. " he said with a somewhat sternness in his voice, yet his eyes didn't look hostile to the Klingon, if anything, they seemed true to understand his particular situation.

Re: Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours

Reply #3
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai|  | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy| Aldea System]

att: @Nolan

Khorin clenched his teeth at Ravon's retort to his bravado, the muscles of his jaw tightened beneath his skin becoming manifest even despite his dense beard. The hand holding the helmet closed even more tightly on its edge, which emitted a groan of maltreated plastic-ceramic material. A sound that every pilot knew too well and learned to fear, as it usually pointed to a crack that formed on the device covering their heads. The Klingon eased the pressure on the helmet a bit, it was not what he wished to crush between his fingers. With great effort, lips reduced to a thin line, the pilot managed to remain quiet and followed the alpha wolf to his office. All along the way, he had to make serious efforts to remain composed. He was at the limit of the effect of the shot that kept his hormonal balance on check, he was tired and the man walking in front of him was a rival. No. HIS RIVAL. His enemy almost. Someone who had dared to TOUCH his Kyamo. Despite his struggle to prevent it, his nostrils dilated and the corners of his lips curled, leaving his sharp teeth exposed. Luckily, nobody would witness that expression of aggressiveness, only the corridor bulkplates and Ravon's back.

Only when the office door closed behind them with a hiss, did Khorin manage to serenade his facial expression. Or at least disguise it a bit. Still, anyone who had spent more than two minutes with the happy-go-lucky Lone Wolf would know he was FAR from happy. And that he would prefer to be anywhere else on the vessel at that time. His mood didn't improve when he could finally see the Alpha Wolf's face and was unable to read any expression on it. Khorin was, more than ever, a Klingon. Which entailed confronting whatever came openly and frontally. The fact that he didn't know what Ravon intended not which way he wanted to conduct the conversation made him even more nervous than he wanted to admit. Almost as much as the fact that the human had his future in his hands.

When his superior officer asked him to take a seat and step out from the exosuit, Khorin tilted his head with confusion. An expression that became even more puzzled when he offered him a drink. It was all a scheme to make him relax and then to have him comfortably at his mercy? He thought while frowning. It was then that he remembered a proverb he had heard as a child at the Federation's Embassy in the Homewolrd: bIQapqu'meHtarDaSop 'e' DatIvnIS. To really succeed, you must enjoy eating poison. Oh well, people could say a lot of mean things about Khorin, but they could never accuse him of cowardice. "Raspberry smoothie" grunted as he loosened the fasteners of his suit. The exosuit hissed when the interior pressure equalized with the ambient air to let the Klingon exit its interior. "And fourteen sugar cubes" he added as he stretched at full height to loosen his aching muscles. Immediately afterwards, he plunged into the chair with a soft, damp noise. Khorin had the custom of not wearing any clothing under the exosuit, so when Ravon looked away from the replicator, he found a very sweaty, very naked Klingon sprawled on the chair in front of his desk. A Klingon who did not feel the need to be shy and hide any of his newly corrected physical attributes.

When Ravon sat across the desk, the first thing he confirmed was that the Klingon would not lose his wings. Khorin's shoulders relaxed and his posture became even more confident, more boastful... until the human finally stated why he had removed Khorin from the rest of the pack. "The Versant" grunted, while he combed his wild mane with his coarse fingers. "Surely Dragon, Neko and Icarus have already told you what happened there..." he evasively remarked. When he looked the human right in the eye, it became clear that he was not going to accept just that as an answer. "After we were taken from our fighters... I woke up in a liquid-filled tank. I was told to choose: human or Klingon or dead. And the countdown began." Khorin shrugged and extended his arms to the sides of his torso, putting his new body on display. The muscles of his chest and shoulders bulged, the ridges on his back bristle slightly. Two fresh scars stood out his bronze skin: one in the arm, where the bone has pierced his skin, just before Nerina's dead. The other, over one of his livers, still pinkish, earned under Stark command. "I chose the form that would allow me to present a fiercer battle" he explained with a savage grin etched in his face. A childhood dream come true.

Re: Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours

Reply #4
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen 

The heavy footing of the Klingon behind him ensured Ravon that Khorin was following in his wake. It was slightly visible that the pilot didn't want to be here. Though Ravon could imagine that it was for more than one reason in particular. Nobody liked to be dragged into a senior officer's office after a shift, though in Thomas his eyes, it was needed. Khorin had neglected to seek him out on his own, thus the Wolf had to undergo the consequences of those actions. WHen asked what he wanted to drink, the reply somewhat surprised Thomas as the Klingon asked for a raspberry smoothie. Nevertheless he produced the drink, straw and all.

When Thomas returned to face the Klingon, he saw the man in his full nudity. Muscles on display and sweat running down his body in the tight confines of the exosuit. It wasn't something to be surprised about, some pilots favored nothing at all underneath the suits and Ravon himself had flown nude underneath the suit on many occasions. The Klingon hadn't warned him and it was fine really as Thomas didn't have any objections to it. He placed the cup in front of Khorin before taking his seat and cutting into the desired subject.

"Dragon, Neko and Icarus have provided me with some insight, yes." the eyes of the alpha wolf focused on the man before him "Though like them, you've undergone some... Radical changes." he concluded as he leaned back in his seat, seeing the muscles contract. In a way it was perhaps better to have to have Khorin butt naked in front of him. The whole body language even easier to read for the SCO. Thomas listened to the story he had heard a few times by now, no radical changes there. The reason why he chose the Klingon form creating a bit of a grin on his lips "Practical thinking..." he complimented the man, though a slight hint of teasing was laced into the way he said it.

"Though I imagine with all that raw power comes more side effects. Do not take this the wrong way, but your way of thinking must've changed from being half Klingon to full Klingon? Some Klingon traits are less desirable I suppose or do you disagree Khorin?" he asked the pilot, the eyes of Thomas piercing into him. Whatever the motives of the SCO were, he clearly seemed to be not intimidated by the bulking piece of muscle in front of him. Was it a test to see if Khorin could keep his cool, to see if he would be able to restrain himself if provoked during high tension situations? Or was this just Thomas being a total dick and provoking the pilot for what he clearly had lost to him?

Re: Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours

Reply #5
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai|  | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy| Aldea System]

att: @Nolan

Ravon remarked that Khorin had undergone some radical changes and the former hybrid's lips leaked a deep chuckle at such an understatement. The Savi had turned him inside out, had played with his genetic code and had put him back on his feet... only with an extra supply of bones, organs, muscle mass and some extra surprises related to his now complete brak'lul. He doubted that none of the other pilots had undergone such a level of... experience. Fortunately, the next thing that came out of the Alpha Wolf's mouth was a sort of compliment, praising his choice at the Correction, and Khorin puffed his chest even more as an answer, if that was possible. Total and absolutely ignorant that there was a second intention in the other man's words. All in all, it was natural that his opponent recognized his dominance, physical or mental. No matter how hard Khorin wished to tear out the throat of the human who sat in front of him, he still respected his abilities, so it was to be expected that Razor, who was obviously a warrior of lesser caliber than himself, should praise him, it was something to be expected and to be honored. Satisfied, the Klingon leaned forward and took the glass, and then devoted himself to dropping one by one the sugar cubes into it, until they formed a small white mountain in the center of the recipient. Before even taking a sip, Khorin used the straw to stir the contents, and he attempted to dissolve most of that sugar in the liquid. Obviously, soon the concoction was saturated with sugar and unable to absorb any more, so the white substance simply fell to the bottom of the glass and formed a sort of layer of pinkish-white syrup.

As the Klingon used the straw to take a first, loud drink, Ravon's next question arrived. It was fortunate that his mouth was busy or he would have given an abrupt answer that would have gotten him into trouble. Instead, he let the silence thicken as he sucked on the contents of the glass, eyebrows furrowing deeply over his eyes. Eventually, he inclined forward once again, to deposit the empty glass on the table one more time. Only then did Khorin reply, in a low, deep tone loaded with warnings. "We Klingons have no... 'undesirable traits' as you have called them. Now I' m an improved version of myself, as I always should have been." Khorin had never concealed that he idolized his father's people, and while he had always cherished the human side of his family, he had nevertheless lamented that he was a lesser version of what he could have been. Even more so when he was still younger and his brother's sinister presence strived to remind him of his inadequacy. "Still, there has been changes to which I have needed to adapt," he finally granted, in order to prevent that Thomas could accuse him of disrespect his authority. "My muscular mass is bigger and my bones denser and more numerous which makes me heavier. My new metabolism demands that I should eat more or more often," he stated, signaling the empty glass that rested on the table in front of him, with a remnant of whitish crystals at the bottom. What he didn't say was how unpleasant and cold the vessel's standard temperature was for him at the time, but the growing goosebumps on his skin were a good testimony to that. Khorin had always been kind of shivery, but since the Correction this characteristic had worsened further. Zephyr was a witness of this. And of his renewed devotion to thick sweaters. 

"As for any changes in my mindset... I don't think there have been any," he assured, leaning forward while he etched a grin on his lips. A smile that showed more teeth than it should, sharpened and serrated. "Klingon emotions are more intense and impulsive than half-human ones, but the shots and MY MATE are helping me with that." the Klingon snarled. Khorin intentionally emphasized the word key words, his dark eyes nailed into Ravon's green eyes. The SCO should know that Zephyr belonged to him, as much as Khorin belonged to her. And if Ravon dared to try to interpose between them again, or if he even brushed Zephyr another time, even unintentionaly, he would be in trouble.

Re: Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours

Reply #6
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen

The nude Klingon pilot before him seemed to be pleased by the words Thomas had used to accentuate his change to a physically complete Klingon. Khorin had always had a knack for it, ever since Thomas had joined the squadron. The pilot seemed to puff his chest even more so, making the SCO wonder if there was a relation to Terran puffer fishes and Klingons. Regardless, he wasn't that great in Biology to really figure out the differences, so he settled for a probable no.

Khorin began his sugary assault on the smoothie in the meantime and slurped it clean as Thomas observed him and talked. When he was done, he spoke up. Underlining the fact that Klingons had no undesirable traits. A notion, Thomas would be eager to reply to, yet he refrained from it. He knew the difference between blurting something out and actually having to be the one that had to be in command.

Khorin did however see the changes that were needed to keep up with this form. Thomas nodding in silence as his eyes pierced through the Klingon. Ravon noticed the slight series of goosebumps starting to form over the skin of the Klingon. His tongue flicking against the back of his teeth to spill out something to him, yet again, he managed to hold it in. Thus Khorin came to the  mindset of a Klingon. Ravon didn't move a muscle at the words of shots and his mate helping him with those changes. Thomas simply looked dead serious to Khorin, leaving a silence in the conversation, letting the words sink in as he eventually tapped his finger against his desk.

"While I recognize the physical traits as a positive side Khorin, I do not believe that the stronger and more intense impulsiveness is a positive trait." Thomas answered calculated "Proof of that is how we slaughtered the Klingon fighters in previous engagements. Their thirst for blood, their need for combat making them flawed as they make too many mistakes in flight." he did not allow Khorin to speak up or interrupt him. The use of the word slaughter, on purpose to see if it would spark anything with the Klingon "Let that be the point where I'm responsible for you. I need to be sure that when you're out there in the cockpit, that you can give yourself one hundred percent without doing anything stupid like an average Klingon would do. I expect the best of my pilots so that includes you." Ravon had stood up during his talk and leaned on both his arms now as he took a more dominant pose, his gaze looking straight into the Klingon's eyes.

"So prove it to me that you're worthy to fly in this squadron, don't make any dumb ass moves to show off to people how much stronger you are. There's no denying that and one would be a fool to contest it. Yet if I get word of you stepping out of line or disregard the standards we have set to ourselves as Starfleet officers... And trust me my friend there will be consequences." he concluded.

Thomas broke away from the desk now, his back towards the pilot "As for your mate." he said after letting Khorin say what he had to say "You might know of our history, but consider having her as your mate a privilege. You better not hurt her in any way possible for she has seen and undergone far too much. On a personal note, you better be the one for her or I swear I will make you regret your further life."

Re: Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours

Reply #7
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai|  | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy| Aldea System]

att: @Nolan

Silence thickened in the room after Khorin's words, like a sort of living thing, which spread and suffocated around itself. For Khorin, the sensation was well known, the apparent calmness before everything blew up. The slight tapping of one of Thomas' fingers on the surface of the desk was the only thing that disturbed the silence. And what allowed Khorin to realize that he had been holding his breath eagerly, ready to... To what? To attack, to retaliate, to jump over the table and grab Razor by the neck? The Lone Wolf wasn't quite sure. But like all Klingons, he knew how to recognize a confrontation when he found himself caught up in one.

So, when Thomas spoke at last, Khorin was ready to hear something he didn't want to hear.  And yet, his fingers closed over the arms of his chair as the Alpha Wolf talked. Belittling his species. Describing the best warriors of the Quadrant as stupid bloodthirsty savages. His fingers gripped the material of the chair until they turned white. Her lips curled, leaving his teeth in sight in a parody of a smile, with no humour in it. But while Ravon warned him, Khorin did not utter a word. He didn't even let his chest rumble with the snarl that struggled to grow within him. After all, and in spite of what was between them due to Zephyr, the human was the Alpha Wolf, and not only was he entitled in doing what he was doing, but he SHOULD keep his pack under control. Khorin could accept that, he even respected it. In spite of how little he fancied the words that he used. Nor how he leaned over the desk, in a manifestly dominant position, trying to frighten him, or inciting him to react. Razor stared at Khorin and the Klingon did not avert his gaze, his dark eyes alert, looking for any sign of weakness. Any sign that it was something more than the typical reprimand he had been subjected to so many times in Deep Space 5. And as expected, Ravon speech ended with another challenge: to prove that he was worthy of belonging to the squadron... or else. That was about to end with the Klingon's scarce patience. However, the straw that broke the camel's back was Ravon's next statement. What he has delivered with his back turned to the klingon. The 'personal note'.

Khorin abruptly rose to his feet, which tossed the chair he had occupied rolling against his exosuit. He jerked his arm forward, grabbing Ravon by the hoodie and forcing him to turn to face him, as he leaned precariously over the table. In turn, the Lone Wolf loomed over it too and, as soon as he had the human in his grasp, he closed both hands over the collar of the sweatshirt. For some minutes, he clutched Razor firmly by the fabric near to his neck, both men's faces inches apart. Khorin took a deep breath....

And he saw it.

That glint, that sparkle in Ravon's eyes.

One of the Klingon's massive fists released the clutched cloth, recoiled quickly.... and then embedded itself a moment later against Ravon's defiant expression.

He did not even think about it. He only felt an immense satisfaction when his knuckles cracked against another bone... and broke it.

The world shrank to a reddish blur for a few seconds.

When that crimson fog faded, it seemed that a hurricane had swept through the office. The chairs they had both occupied had been pulled down... and Ravon was crumbled against the opposite wall.

"Do'Ha'..." was the only thing Khorin managed to growl while he stroked his wild mane. It had happened again. All over another time. He needed his shot. And he needed it soon.

"Don't you dare... Don't you dare to suggest that..." grunted the Klingon with shaken breath. "Don't you ever think about putting yourself between Zephyr and me. She is MINE..." She was his life, and he would die before something bad would happen to her. He would end his own life before hurting her. She owned his heart and his life. However, he said no such words, the words too close to his heart to share them with his adversary. Anger still roaring in his ears so loud that he could not even listen to his own thoughts. "She... vIghatlhtaHvIS" repeated again, his voice firmer in the harsh language of his home planet. He loved her, but at the same time, he was Klingon. And for a Klingon there was always some aggressive or violent undertones in everuthing, even in love. A certain degree of possessiveness. Perhaps, at another time, in front of another person, Khorin would have been able to explain it. But not with Ravon. Not at that moment. His hands shook against his sides. His breath fluttered, preparing his body for battle.

And the little reason that Khorin was able to muster knew that if he allowed himself to be dragged along he would end up in a situation like... like what had happened to the woman with the pink hair.

So he did the only thing he could do. Gradually, very slowly, he leaned forward. He picked up the chair he had knocked down in his initial thrust and placed it straight up again, hauling it against the floorplates. And finally, he dropped back into it. Unable to form any coherent phrase as he struggled with the anger that flowed within his blood.

Do'Ha' → Be unfortunate (swearing)
vIghatlhtaHvIS → She is mine


Re: Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours

Reply #8
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen

The tension in the room was thick, hanging by a thread to just explode into what could become full chaos. Khorin reacted like any Klingon would and Ravon expected him to react. Yet not in the moment where he stood with his back to the pilot. He feltt he jerk as he was brought back to the table, turned around and he looked straight into Khorin's eyes. His mouth just trying to formulate a warning before the Klingon's fist slammed into his face. He hit him right above the jaw, Ravon's left eye socket shattering by the powerful blow. The impact of the physically stronger man sent the SCO to the back of his office, thudding against the wall and almost crumbling down to the floor as his vision on his left eye was fading.

Ravon's initial response was to get back into the fight and show the pilot his place. By sheer pain though he paused as his mind halted him to react so instinctively. He was the senior officer here, a Starfleet officer, thus he had to behave as one. Collapsing and moving into a fight he couldn't possibly win was a foolish move, even more so as it wouldn't fit his rank within the pack. His hand came to the broken bone as he felt his left side swell up. His eyes resting on the Klingon who felt victorious it seemed. The adrenaline pumping through his veins to change his mind and jump him.

"You see Khorin... This is what I meant with not doing anything stupid." he said as calmly as he could. He walked back to the table, his fists clenched "But I'm not convinced of your ability to keep yourself under control. You struck a superior officer and therefor must bare the consequences." he stated as he tapped his badge "Ravon to Security, I need a few men in my office to detain and escort Khorin Douglas to the Brig." The SCO's eyes lingered on Khorin "I hereby ground you from active flight duty. You're a liability Khorin, for the good of the squad and your wingmates... I'm clipping your wings until I can see any improvement in your behavior."

Security showed up rather quickly with four men at Ravon's office as they looked at the chaotic scene of the nude Klingon and the chairs that were thrown across the room. Their eyes came to rest on Ravon and after that the moved over to Khorin "Three days to cool him off in the brig. I'd prefer it if it's not on public display, discretion would be appreciated." Ravon growled as the lead Security officer nodded and walked over to Khorin. The detaining didn't go as easy as planned and Ravon simply watched it happen as his left eyes showed zero vision at the moment. Thomas wondered if Security would go as far as to stun the Klingon. Hearing the taller man shout, insult and curse him, the SCO simply stood there like a statue. The scene probably drawing attention from the FAB in the meantime as Security had a lot of trouble to overpower the Klingon.

Ravon's jaws clenched together, causing a jolt of searing pain to the left side of his face as he turned his back to Khorin, deliberately doing so to show the Klingon that he had lost interest in his words and actions. Ravon closed his eyes as the throbbing pain made it hard to think, even more so with the loud Klingon being dragged out of his office. This was anything but ideal.

Re: Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours

Reply #9
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy| Aldea System]

att: @Nolan

"...Doing something stupid"

The phrase went through the enraged stupor that thundered in his ears.



If at any time in his life Khorin had realized that he had screwed something up all the way and there was nothing that could fix it, that was that moment. And yet he was somehow very pleased to have smashed the face of that insolent man who had dare to threatened him to interposebetween him with his mate. A part of him just wanted to stand up and yell a victorious Qapla' before he finished what he had started. However, the biggest part of him, the part that was a Starfleet officer struggled to stay where he was. And don't make the situation even worse. Even more so. He needed to calm down. Quick.

"... and therefor must bare the consequences."


That was not good. Not good AT ALL.

Khorin's heavy head turned slowly towards Ravon, as he looked at him without blinking, all clenched jaw, furrowed brows and bristling beard.

In sacred Kahless's name, he needed to understand what the Alpha Wolf was saying.

A combadge's chrip, Razor's lips moving, saying something he was unable to fathom. Unintelligible hisses and clicks, as if he were speaking in an unintelligible language. While Khorin was still trying to figure out what he had said, Security made its appearance in the room. The realization came suddenly to his brain, as a physical punch.

"...for the good of the squad and your wingmates... I'm clipping your wings...

"NO!" howled Khorin getting up on his feet. "You FUCKING LIAR" he snarled leaping forward. Someone stopped him in the middle of the jump. The Klingon didn't even turn to see who was trying to stop him and embedded a bony elbow where he intuited the face of his attacker was. A wet sound and a pained groan told him he had reached his target. Khorin tried again to overcome the obstacle that stood between him and Ravon, but more hands appeared out of nowhere, holding him, constricting him, trying to reduce him.

Khorin defended himself, of course, using everything in his reach. His fists, the chairs in the room. The knees, the elbows. Even his teeth. "bIHnuch P'Tok, 'urwl' Pahtak!!!" roared at one point, in a pause where he could face Ravon again. "You promised me, you little dry piece of shit, that little respect you have for your own word?!?!?!!" As an answer, the human simply gazed at him, undaunted, half his face swollen and tender. Soon, however, Khorin had to fight again to avoid being arrested. His naked body, bathed in cold sweat, worked at his advantage, making it difficult for his attackers to grasp him tighly. And, all and all, he was Klingon: bigger, stronger, better than them in every possible aspect.

But that was not enough. Not nearly enough. The jolt of a phaser set in stun reached him just above his waist and Khorin fell to his knees with a surprised huff. Not enough to actually stun a klingon but more than enough to turn him into a shivering mass of muscles and ridges. Security was soon over him again and, this time, they succeeded in subdue him. Shortly thereafter, he was dragged out of the office, his bare feet swept clumsily over the floorplates as he stammered incoherently in his father's language.

The last thing he saw before the door closed behind them was Ravon's back, indifferent to the Klingon's fate.

Baktag → garbage or shit
Qapla' → sucess
bIHnuch P'Tok, 'urwl' Pahtak → Coward spnineless human child, Traitor lowly slave

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