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Topic: Plot Discussion | EP05 P2 CH02 Vantage Points (Read 25857 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #50
Excellent idea! Could bring in quite a dilemma to those in the vector.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #51
New development for everyone writing in Charades! Link:,2332.msg16420.html#msg16420

7 days response time - set in the new locations and 3 hours later than previous events - begins now. :)

A poll will be run for 7 days as well, where everyone can make their vote on the story development!

Poll link:,2381.0.html


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #52

Tomorrow, 7 days have passed, and there are a lot who have yet to post their characters in the new time and location announced above. Please notice how three hours have now passed since the earlier events in this chapter!

Three different locations announced, and I have crossed out the names of those who have posted in the new time-frame (instead of the old one, which some have done to wrap things, but its time to move on now):

Conference Lounge: Here, the high-ranking officers on the Sword have been debating for an hour about what to do. These are the present characters around the table in the room:

Commanding Officer: Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn @chXinya
Executive Officer: Lt. Simon Tovarek @Nolan
Tactical: Lt. Keval ch'Rayya (NPC) & T'Less @Vox
CONN: Ens. Jaya Thorne @Even Angels Cry
Operations: Lt. JG Nator 159 @Top Hat
Science: Lt. Tyreke Okafor @Auctor Lucan
Squadron Commanding Officer: Lt Cmdr. Thomas Ravon @Nolan
Guest: Cmdr. Ducote @Top Hat
Guest: Lt Cmdr. Vael Kaeris @steelphoenix
Guest: Lt. Kai Akoni @trevorvw

Tactical CONN Briefing Room: In this cinema-like room adjacent to the fighter bay, both the fighter pilots and the deck crews have gathered to listen to Ensign Cameron Henshaw (Mission Ops role for Tac CONN), her just having told them about the discussion taking place in the conference lounge. She stands on the podium together with Sten Covington, answering questions and listening as the pilots and deck crew voice their opinions about what they ought to do. Borg or RV? Here are the characters present in the briefing room:

Mission Ops: Ens. Cameron Henshaw @Nolan
Fighter Bay Ops: CWO1 Sten Covington (NPC)
Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley @Multificionado
Lt. JG Tessa May Lance @Doc M.
Lt. Daniel Havenborn @Havenborn
Lt. JG Krystal Tancredi @Triage
Ens. Christopher Slayton (NPC)
Lt. JG Alessia Garcia @Even Angels Cry
PO1 Vinnie Ferris @Auctor Lucan
Lt. Talidenai zh'Idenna (NPC)
PO2 Amyn Reshi (NPC)
Lt. JG T'Zantha (NPC)
Ens. Freedom Running Moon (NPC)
Lt. JG Cameron Ward (NPC)
Ens. Tallanyreen sh'Kandros (NPC)
Liam Herrold @Auctor Lucan
Eun Sae Ji @Blue Zephyr
Sithick @Masorin 

Primary Surgical Suite, Main Sickbay, CMO Office: Here, surgery on Nicander is underway. The surgical team is large, given the circumstances, and the process is being carefully monitored by three security officers in sanitised exosuit gear,phaser rifles and Mk II Pulse Phase Pistols. Talking between the medical personnel and the security guards are perfectly allowed, of course, even if there might be some suspense in the CMO Office and the primary surgical suite. Even here, the decision between the Borg and the RV could be the focus, aside from the procedure itself. Check Tyreke Okafor's character page to learn how he could have aided in the preparations for the procedure on Nicander. Here are the people in the room:

Doctor Rez @Nolan
Doctor Maya @Doc M.
Doctor Elro Kobol  @Mathis 
Nurse Jovela (NPC)
PO1 Varder Ridun @Jm Von Cat
PO2 Eliska Bremmer @CanadianVet
PO2 Kino Taer @patches

Hope you all who have yet to post can do so soon!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #53
We're doomed. DOOMED.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #54
Doomed I doubt. But an edge there is. I'm looking forward to how the plot develops. :)

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #55
For email readers or those not on Discord, I updated my last Charades post with a few extra lines at the end of Ducote's segment.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #57
For email readers or those not on Discord, I updated my last Charades post with a few extra lines at the end of Ducote's segment.

Thanks Top Hat.  I needed the head's up.

We've got another time skip in CH04 Charades to allow some other threads to be written.  I think we should share ideas for any character development or personal progressions any of our characters in the meantime before the window closes.  We can then see if any of our ideas intersect and can contact each other and get those threads started.  For example, Nolan had an idea about the Lone Wolves doing karaoke in Below Decks in an attempt to raise their spirits.  Are any of the pilots available during that time to participate in the thread?  So I'm going to list what I hope my characters can accomplish or face between 1800 and 2300.

Maya:  With the reveal of Nicander, Maya is now a free woman.  What challenges does she have reintegrating herself into the crew and is everybody that forgiving or understanding?  Of course, considering Maya's poor social skills and introverted nature it could be weeks before it is addressed, but assuming we're on 'TV time' we've got ample opportunity to address this sooner.

Tessa:  The concept of the Savi, the Borg, and the parasites that have infected Starfleet all attacking the Federation at once has plunged her into a pit of despair.  Does anybody have an idea how to get her out of her funk so that she's fit for duty by 2300.  Sadly, all of the counselors seem to be on Vector 03.  I suppose that NPCs like Christopher Slayton and T'Zantha could help her out but I feel that PCs should always get first crack at any challenge or role-playing opportunity. 

Well, that's my two cents worth.  Feel free to discuss any character development or thread ideas you have for Chapter 04 (Vector 02) and what you want your characters to accomplish during this time, and we can see where ideas intersect.   Even if your characters aren't coming near mine, there must be other characters in Vector 02 your characters can build a scene with. 

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #58
Awesome initiative, @Doc M. ! :)

As for myself, I have Liam Herrold present, whom will likely have some time with Ji now that they might get assimilated by the Borg, @Blue Zephyr ? I think we can wrap the current "Jiam" thread first, though? Liam is, fo course, open for other scenes too, since its a 5 hour window to fill.

I have Tyreke Okafor on Vector 02 as well, and he is a brand new character for me, so I would really welcome some character building scenes for him. He'd due on the bridge as of 2300 hrs., but before then, he ought to have had some time off duty. There is also a potential follow-up on how well his research fared to fix Nicander.

Nicander is already in the main thread, and he's been in surgery up until then, so no openings for him, I'd say.

Oh, I have this NPC, Vinnie Ferris, who is Alessia Garcia's RIO, but I only write him as-needed. Just let me know if he is still relevant for something. :)


Auctor Lucan


Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #59
That party's an excellent idea! :) Granted, on Rawley's side of things (The Rawley Supplemental "Wolf's Intuition") Rawley has her own things to tie up, but I plan to follow that up with her one-on-one with Ravon later; Nolan and I were discussing something between Rawley and Ravon, and the party looks like a great place to do it. Granted, I had imagined a quiet moment between the two of them and a bottle of whiskey or a cup of tea (the former would be more into Rawley's character), but that party's an excellent idea and setting! :)

Being the morale booster as it is, I can also see Rawley trying to cheer Goldeneye up, and given Rawley's forgiven Maya (under Nicander's influence, she was messing up minds, like with Ravon and another Lone Wolf) it makes things okay.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #60
@Doc M., if you like, Meony could give Tessa a hand with cheering her up and encouraging her. She already did talk to her, kinda? Right? I could start a supplemental where she invites or drags Tessa along for a holodeck practice session using projectile guns against Borg hologram targets, and they could also discuss the pros and cons of replicating a bunch of actual projectile weapons in anticipation of the Borg drones invading the ship. How's that sound?

Also, I don't think you answered, @Auctor Lucan, but can we have 21st - early 22nd century projectile weapons like pistols and shotguns, even a gattling gun? I just feel like those would be useful alternatives once phasers are adapted to by the Borg. That, and explosives, of course. I think Meony knows enough about the ancient weapons to be able to replicate the parts and build a few revolvers and a shotgun. And the bullets of course. If you approve...

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #61
Projectile weapons? Against the Borg? Not a bad idea! I think I remember that one DS9 episode (season 7) where Ezri solves a murder involving such a gun. :) Still, a Gatling gun's a great idea! Heck, I can imagine Rawley packing such a gun, the way she packed an Isometric Desintigrator against Reavers. :) I'm so reminded of "Predator."

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #62
Do Blades work against Borg in our universe? I was just watching DS9: The Magnificent Ferengi and the knife-throwing Ferengi, Leck, was seen polishing his blade with a tool that Worf often enough used on his Mek'leth, that we all know could slice a Drone, even in space. Which had me thinking about a list of certified personnel who would be considered ready in the face of a Borg boarding party. Throwing/Sec Exo suit Knives, Ushaan-Tors, Lirpas, various Klingon weaponry, etc.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #63
@Doc M., if you like, Meony could give Tessa a hand with cheering her up and encouraging her. She already did talk to her, kinda? Right? I could start a supplemental where she invites or drags Tessa along for a holodeck practice session using projectile guns against Borg hologram targets, and they could also discuss the pros and cons of replicating a bunch of actual projectile weapons in anticipation of the Borg drones invading the ship. How's that sound?

Also, I don't think you answered, @Auctor Lucan, but can we have 21st - early 22nd century projectile weapons like pistols and shotguns, even a gattling gun? I just feel like those would be useful alternatives once phasers are adapted to by the Borg. That, and explosives, of course. I think Meony knows enough about the ancient weapons to be able to replicate the parts and build a few revolvers and a shotgun. And the bullets of course. If you approve...

Firing a projectile weapon with recoil and firing a particle beam weapon without recoil are two different things.  The majority of the people aboard would probably be bigger threats to themselves than the Borg if they started wielding weapons that used gunpowder and bullets.  I'm definitely all for the "training montage" scene, and personally feel that it should be mandatory for all characters who will be packing old school sidearms.  And after watching Star Trek:  First Contact, I would be surprised if blades and bayonets weren't effective against the Borg.  You know how it is with zombies, even space zombies.  If guns don't work, you gotta chop them up or blow them apart with dynamite. 

As for the holodeck scene, we need to schedule a time.  Will it interfere with the karoke scene (assuming that Nolan and I recover enough from our health problems to work on it) or Multificionado's scene in Chapter 04: Supplemental [Day 05 | 1800 Hours] A Wolf's Intuition?

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #64
We do still have the RG-M1506 PT-10 Accipiter, although this weapon is in limited supply and still requires limited instruction to use. (I don't know how many people on Vector 02 have ever used this thing)
Doc also brings up a decent point about the differences between firing a phaser and a slug thrower, the principles are similar but things like recoil would likely be a new concept to the majority of Starfleet Security and Starfleet as a whole.

I now also have a question for whomever may know the answer. Do our Phaser rifles support Bayonet mountings? I have personally not seen any such thing for Starfleet equipment, but it is certainly not an outlandish thought.
If the answer is no, how doable would it be to jury rig something? Between security alone we have a lot of DIY (Mistress at arms, Resistance, Kino...), without even mentioning engineering.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #65
Not at all. That training sequence could start at a different time, say, 2100 hours. It could potentially be set before the arrival but after everybody disperses for personal whatnots.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #66

I now also have a question for whomever may know the answer. Do our Phaser rifles support Bayonet mountings? I have personally not seen any such thing for Starfleet equipment, but it is certainly not an outlandish thought.
If the answer is no, how doable would it be to jury rig something? Between security alone we have a lot of DIY (Mistress at arms, Resistance, Kino...), without even mentioning engineering.

I almost mentioned this in my last post, particularly about pairing a bayonet, but when I asked at one point for potential use in the coreless moon, it was turned down. In the Trek verse, while I haven't yet seen a phaser rifle with a bayonet, it seems like they should, at least in the face of their arch-nemesis weapon: Jem'Hadar rifles have their bayonets on the side of their rifle, though that model appear designed for this.

I'm sure I saw the Klingon rifles have something similar, but if not, then I agree, I'd like Jimmy to pull up something from his sketchbook and present it to Wenn Cinn and security about a Borg-buster. And if it's one of those "Starfleet-doesn't-believe-in-Warships" situations, might I remind that the Federation (what's left of it now, eg Theurgy) might have to jury rig something... or start issuing unconventional weapons and tactics to deal with the Space Zombies in question.

In the last season of Deep Space Nine, Ezri was hunting a TR-116 rifle toting murderer on the station and her homicidal former host nearly got her to kill a suspect who had acquired the transporter pattern for that rifle: He was cited as being an arms collector for sport. I was hoping early on that Jimmy would want to do the same: Making a weapon or extention to aid the troops, citing the inefficiency of Western rifles in a Southeast Asian historic war in the 20th century.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #67
That's a good idea, Mariner presenting a Borg-buster to Cinn. I wonder if that would have to be something in the previous interregnum, considering what happens in the beginning of Chapter 5 in its entirety, but whatever works. :)

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #68
At least, Vector 2 has the main armoury.  We know at least one Accipiter rifle is on Vector 1, but the remainder could be there.  Along with the ship's stock of TR-116's. 

As for coming up with more projectile weapons, wouldn't it be possible to replicate more, with the right access codes and authorizations? 

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #69
Manufacturing them is the easy part, but good luck actually firing them.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #70
It's late and I need to sleep but like I wrote on Discord I will explain here why projectile weapons and blades will not be a good option against the Borg. It's not just a thematic issue with shoehorning 20th century into Trek, but more on that later. :)

G'night for now!

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #71
Both are canonly the only real reliable options so I’m looking forward to your explanation.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #72
It's late and I need to sleep but like I wrote on Discord I will explain here why projectile weapons and blades will not be a good option against the Borg. It's not just a thematic issue with shoehorning 20th century into Trek, but more on that later. :)

G'night for now!

Cheerio. It's your sim, so ultimately we'll agree but for consideration and for the sake of Trek-wide options and case examples, I'll offer one last closing argument,

Exhibits A and B:

I don't know what shoehorning is*, but Phaser rifles firing 12 shots at most is ultimately ineffective, self-defeating and suicidal/BorgAssimil-icidal. Phasers, or variations in disruptor, plasma, tetryon, polaron, antiproton, "laser", or other weapon systems only have so many workable outputs before drones can realistically adapt. If there's one conceivable method. Explosives (Sorry, Patches/Kino) are sloppy and have no regard for collateral damage; up to and perhaps including EMP/Flashbangs or even sonic pulse weaponry (a la 1984's Dune made-for-movie guns) only get so far. Taking out the Borg Queen isn't always as easy as plot-logic makes it out to be. Their presence alone is their adaptability, a villain and as Gene Roddenberry put it, the evils of technology, or words to that extent, and thus exist to test the protagonists against the apparent unstop-ability of technology.

My thesis is that against Borg, there has to be a line that separates organics from the spread of assimilation. The same may be said for graviton beams used by the Savi… or the often-postulated Discord notion of making the Borg find the Savi and duke it out. Whatever the Line can be as much from the 20th as much as the pre-gunpowder centuries, it has to be drawn. Phasers essentially just can't be our only hope against the horde. "Shoehorning" Isn't IRL fanservice, it's a logical advantage against beings with organic parts who can't defy the laws of Newtonian physics.

All this said, I do look forward to what could be better than a variably capable bladed weapon in trained hands against an enemy whose personal shields can ultimately and eventually shrug off energy weapons. Beaming drones into space does seem like a good plan-b.
"Thea/Computer: Locate Ensign Six and Lock onto any other borg life form aboard our sensors can identify and execute emergency-transporter counterintrusion override."

The Defense Rests.

*Shoehorning Definition: [Show/Hide]
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #73
Right! Now I have the time! Not to worry, Theurgists, I have done plenty of research already and I believe there is plenty of stuff to use in writing any possible altercation with the Borg. Sadly, there are fallacies with blades and projectile weapons that make them a bad choice compared to 24th century technology.

Here's from Memory Alpha:

Quote from: Memory Alpha
After assimilation, a drone possessed greater strength than before assimilation. Its organic cardiopulmonary system was reinforced.

A drone's body was covered with exo-plating, which could protect it from the rigors of space, among other things, and the exoskeleton of a single limb could withstand a power surge of five million gigawatts.

When equipped with an eyepiece, a drone had the ability to see everything within the EM spectrum, similar to a Federation VISOR, as well as view the nanoscale, the size of molecules, analyze every facet and dimension of any object in perfect detail, and save perfect representations of those objects in physical memory. A drone's eyepiece was capable of directly observing the geometry of multi-dimensional space-time.

A drone also had a personal force field which protected itself from particle beam weapons such as phasers. The force field could adapt itself to counteract the threat the drone was experiencing. A drone even had the ability to survive after being frozen for at least 90 years.

Exo-plating was the standard armor of a Borg drone. Armor plating attached to the skull of a drone could have over three million microconnectors.

Personal force field
A force field is an energy barrier with many applications and varying degrees of strength.

By the 24th century, Federation Starfleet force fields were commonplace and were rated by intensity, ranging in strength from levels 1 through 10. A level 10 force field was the strongest and was used, for example, during a scientific experiment of which the outcome was unknown, or known to be explosive in nature. Applications ranged from creating holograms to sealing a hull breach to personal force fields designed to keep potential assailants at bay.

The effects of a force field on its surroundings varied greatly. Contact with a force field could cause anything from a slight tingle to death. Most force fields were non-lethal, although some civilizations such as the Dominion preferred the lethal variety. If a force field was active, an object or transporter beam generally could not pass through it, although this was not always the case. The Borg were known to not be hindered by most force fields; they could adapt and simply walk through the field. This was effected by having the cranial implant activate particular nanoprobes to adjust the drone's bioelectric field. However, a Borg drone could be cut off from the Collective if it was surrounded by a Starfleet level 10 force field.

The Borg utilized personal defensive force fields. The force field was sufficient to allow survival in space without a spacesuit. When in combat, Borg drones could be killed by phasers but only for the first several shots. The phaser became ineffective if used at the same setting after multiple shots. The phaser's effectiveness could be extended though by adding a frequency modulation chip, but drones would eventually adapt to this as well.

I think the popular idea about crude projectile weaponry and kinetic weaponry comes from Picard killing a couple of Borg with a tommy gun, and Worf's success with a melee weapon (I fail to remember when this happened, but no matter). I'd say the Borg just don't protect themselves against bladed weapons for a few reasons, not just that it's a rare form of attack. They are also armoured with their exo-plating, and trying to cut common steel with any sword should show how much good that will do. Slow-moving attacks might also be overlooked since they try to assimilate the victims, and need to get within arm's length. With their enhanched strength, close quarters combat with a Borg is inadvisable unless you are Data, I'd say. They can't erect a forcefield against a fist because they need access to the fists of their victims for assimilation purposes.

The detriment with using swords, aside from using them against armoured opponents, is that they also require a very rare skill-set, and the Borg Drones are not alone when the board ships. A single competent swordsman or woman would be outnumbered and crowded up on, blunting their blade against plating in futility. Hitting organic parts would be the goal, of course, but a simple raising of their arm would block the strike and potentially bend the blade. The assimilation tubes would come next at that range.

Projectile weapons they'll no doubt block easily enough, but only after the first few Drones have fallen victim. I am not sure why the Collective chooses to reset their Drone's personal forcefield settings after each time we see them, since no matter what attack or weaponry used against them, it is effective at first, and then, they adapt. The basic defensive technique against projectile weapons would be simple, since force fields can keep physical mass out, making invisible walls in forms of structural integrity fields. So, a standard shield, which is known to be quite effective against conventional kinetic explosions or even ramming attacks. Increase power, and apply a bit of inertia control, and a Drone could quite plausibly become impervious to artillery shells.

The closest thing to projectile weaponry we have in the story are the mass drivers, (the twin-mounts on the fighters) and the Accipiter rifles from the future. Starfleet has phaser technology because there is a stun setting, aka a non-lethal option to handle situations, and that should still be the go-to option because we are writing in the futuristic fiction world of Star Trek. Secondly, in the case of projectile weaponry, normal deflector shields on fighter craft are sufficient to respell the slugs of mass drivers and the Accipiter as well, and phaser energy is far superior in that regard. The mass drivers work in specific situations, in conjunction with the tetryon pulse phase cannon on the Valkyries, which is used to break down shields. Moreover, the mass drivers is an excellent point defence system on the fighters, protecting against torpedo fire, etc.

So, in regard to the Borg, since regular shields can handle the rapid fire solution of mass drivers, which are rail guns, then it should make perfect sense that a gatling gun won't make any difference. Borg are continuously upgrading the defences of all Drones to adapt to new threats.

BUT! They Borg seems to fall victim to phasers every time we see them (instead of just the first time), so in our story, that will be the case again, the Borg assimilation boarders vulnerable at first, but gradually less so. Key argument against projectile weaponry in this context: They only have a single setting, whereas the phasers and all other energy weapons can be modulated to last longer against them.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #74
I think the more plausible reason as to why projectile weapons aren't an option is because it'd take far too long to fabricate and train personnel to use them as the vast majority of Starfleet personnel aren't actually trained to use weapons with any sort of recoil.

Also for bladed weapons, the only reason that it worked for Worf was because he was fighting against a single drone with his sword.

As a side note; the only person I can think of that is actually qualified with any sort of projectile/kinetic weapon is Daniel because his people never developed advanced energy weapons.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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