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Re: SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #25
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox
Loosing herself in the sweet bliss of the Risian's company, it might not have been a surprise to feel those fingers scurry up her own thighs and into her sex, but nonetheless, Ida moaned into Jovela's mouth when it happened.

The foreplay was certainly over, all clothes shed and their fingers delving in and out of each other. Ida was thankful to be bare instead of wearing clothes in the sun, even though she might have preferred more shade. Gone were all those notions however, as she hovered over the Head Nurse and exchanged sweet bliss on top of the blanket. As she kneaded her fingers into the other woman, she had begun to rub her chest across the Risian's as well. Ida could feel the hardened peaks graze across her own with each heaving motion they shared - words and thoughts alike lost to the maelstrom of pleasure they rode together.

With her free hand, she raked her fingers through the nurse's luxurious, dark hair, and enjoyed the added impressions that her antennae gave her - picking up some things beyond the mere visual range of most species. Picking it up a notch more in pleasing the other woman, infinitely grateful for what she'd done for her, Ida put her thumb against the Risian's swollen pebble, rubbing it while churning her fingers into her. The anticipation of what had been built between them was getting the better of her, and Ida felt her own breathing coming more quickly. The euphoria was close at hand, and it was clear from the sounds that began to come out of her throat.

"By Lor'Vela," she breathed, and when it hit her, her eyes widened momentarily - a cry slipping out when the waves of pleaure crashed against her shores. She rode it out with her hips undulating against Jovela's hand, and eventually, once it passed, the aftershocks made her shudder in the bronze sunlight. She had never thought she'd be ready to feel is to soon, but the Risian knew her craft.

"Shelat but you are good..." she whispered against those full lips beneath her, mind blank in the immediate aftermath.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #26
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Continuing to work her fingers deep inside the warm, wet depths of Ida's sex, Jovela loved the way the woman moaned into her mouth, such a lovely sound the Andorian made and Jovela certainly loved making her make it.

On the flip side, she was also enjoying the feel of the other woman's fingers pumping away inside her, feeling her own arousal building as her wetness coated the security officer's fingers. Moaning back into the other woman's mouth as her hips thrust up and down in time with her hand. They had certainly moved past exploration and foreplay by this point and Jovela didn't care at all. The lack of clothing and sex in general was never something she shied from as a Risian, but even if she did care about such a thing in such a public case, she was too far gone to care, loosing herself in her pleasure and the pleasure she was giving the beauty above her. Gone even were the thoughts that she was doing this to help the Andorian with her issues, there was just her desire for the woman.

Feeling Ida's breasts rubbing against her chest, those hard nipples rubbing against her own made her who body tingle as their bodies moved together, each enjoying the pleasure the other was providing them. Softly moaning and whimpering into Ida's mouth, hips thrusting and body trembling beneath the Andorian, Jovela raised her free hand to caress and squeeze her lover's breast but soon let out a long groan when she felt the thumb against her clit, forcing her back to arch up. The action spiked her pleasure and the head nurse knew she was going to go over the edge soon and based on the sounds Ida was making, she too was reaching that same peak.

Opting to return the favour, Jovela placed her own thumb against Ida's swollen nub and pumped her fingers faster, wanting to please her lover and drive her over that edge into orgasmic bliss. She wouldn't have to wait long as Ida broke the kiss, looking up at her, she saw her eyes widen for a brief second before crying out as her orgasm hit. My god did the Andorian beauty look gorgeous as she came, continuing to pump her fingers deep inside the woman while rubbing her clit to enhance and prolong her pleasure. The sight of Ida cumming, the feel of her hips bucking against her hand and the way her fingers worked inside Jovela's own pussy was enough to drive her over the edge as well.

"Oh fuck! I'm cumming..." she cried out, a series of whimpers, moans and groans escaping her lips as her hips bucked, her body trembling as the two pleased each other through their release. Riding it out, Jovela slowly started to come down, her body trembling, much like Ida's with aftershocks.

Hearing her lover whisper about how good she was caused Jovela to chuckle slightly before pressing her lips against Ida's for a deep, passionate kiss, letting her hand run up the back of the Andorian's head, fingers running through her hair as she kissed her a little longer. Eventually pulling away slightly. "Thank you but so are you." she whispered back against those lips before softly kissing them again.

Re: SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #27
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox
For a long time, whilst the sweet tremor of the aftershocks raked her panting frame, Ida continued to kiss the Risian - the unexpected benefactor having climaxed against her hand as well. Perspiration mixed between their shivering bodies, and with her tongue occupied with Jovela's, there was no chance to thank her yet for what she'd done.

Eventually, when the lethargic aftermath had set in, Ida laid down next to the Head Nurse - sharing the the blanket with her but still having her arms around the Risian. In comfort, and shared intimacy, Ida laid her head back against the ground, and closed her eyes. Her chest still heaved, and she swallowed, before closing her eyes. She was trying to make sense of what had just happened, and how it might make a difference. The sensation wasn't one of shame for what she'd done, exactly, but that she was shirking her duties for personal gains. Then again, she knew that Jovela would call it therapeutic and that Ida needed it.

"My gratitude," she said, opening her eyes and raising her antenna a bit where she laid. Her blue orbs sought the other woman's. "You have showed me that I am still capable to feel passion, without feeling fear. I... can't push aside the guilt, since it's too soon... but I have heard you. I will accept the truth eventually. Rationale and logic doesn't cure how one feels immediately. Just like it's not your place to forgive me on behalf of all the victims of the Niga Incident, it's not mine to just... dictate my own emotions towards what happened."

She took a deep breath, and shifted so that she laid on her side, propping her head up with her hand so that she could look down into Jovela's eyes. Her antennae squirmed slowly in rhythm of her receding heartbeat, she smiled with one side of her mouth as she regarded the woman - her white hair lit by the bronze sun. "I am just grateful that... that you have shown me that I am still myself, and not just a husk of what I used to be."

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #28
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Panting heavily, her own body trembling in post-orgasm bliss, she held Ida's own shaking body against hers, the two exchanging kisses in the afterglow of their mutual release. The Risian enjoyed the feel of the other woman's naked body pressed against hers as they trembled together, while both sucked and licked each other's tongues gently.

Eventually the two parted and Ida rolled beside her, keeping her arms around her much like she held the Andorian. Jovela watched Ida's eyes close and smiled as she started lightly drawing shapes into the bare, sweat glistening blue skin of Ida's firm stomach. Starting at her belly button and tracing circles, stars, squares and other ships lightly with her fingertip down to her pubic bone and back up again, as her gaze watched the woman's chest rise and fall with each breath, those wonderful breasts jiggling slightly as she did.

The Head Nurse was certainly pleased that she had not only managed to please the Security Officer and bring her to orgasm but that her lover had seemed to enjoy it without any issues while simultaneously bringing her to her own orgasm too having taken control of the situation and doing so herself. Which had been her goal as a healer. Even if she had ended up enjoying it herself in the process, not that there was any particular harm in that.

Jovela was brought out of her thoughts when Ida started speaking, watched as she opened her eyes and turned to look at her, their eyes meeting. The Risian was pleased to hear that she had managed to show the beauty that she could still feel passion and enjoy sex without feeling fear, although she could not forgive herself just yet. Jovela hoped that as she said, with time she would do so and smiled "I'm happy to have helped, at least in one aspect of your recovery. The rest will come with time I'm sure and there are always people you can talk to..."  she replied, referring to the ship's counsellors, unsure if the Deputy Chief was already seeing one or not. "...Myself included if you wish to do so." she added with a warm smile.

When Ida rolled onto her side to look down on her, those blue eyes meeting hers, Jovela felt a small shudder run through her and tried to push the thoughts of more intimacy with the blue toned beauty aside as she smiled and told her that she was greatful to her for showing her that she was still herself and not a husk. Smiling back, Jovela reached a hand up and pressed it lightly against Ida's cheek, lightly caressing it with her thumb.

"I never thought you were a husk for a second. I'm just happy that I could help show you that the beautiful, passionate woman that I saw you to be was still in there. To deny yourself and others such beauty and pleasure would be a very sad thing, especially when one is as beautiful and good at proving such pleasure as you are." Jovela replied honestly.

Re: SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #29
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox
Not being ticklish, Ida had enjoyed how the Head Nurse brushed her fingertips over her abdomen - especially so given how sensitive her whole body was in the wake of what they'd done. She'd closed her eyes and made appreciative sounds deep down in her throat, and if counselling with Jovela would be anything like what they'd just done, by Lor'Vela she'd make sure to shedule another session soon.

When she'd rolled over to her side and looked down on the Risian, her lover had complimented her in ways Ida had difficulty to answer - not being sure how to handle compliments. The idle notion came to her to continue this exquisite kind of healing that Jovela offered. Ida put her hand on the pink skin of the other woman's abdomen and ran it up between her breasts. She leaned down to answer the compliment with a deep kiss...

...when she remembered something - making her pause.

"After the Devoted attacked you," she said, her brow furrowing a little, "you just told me in the bar it was Drauc who had helped you. How come you didn't tell me there back then in the corridor, after I had the two officers dragged away, who it was that helped you? You said you didn't know who it was back then, just a... shadow in a robe."

Her lips drifted further from the Risian, realising that Jovela might have been hiding Drauc from Security because of some guilt she had towards the Romulan. Was it just because Drauc had helped her against the Klingon back there in Starfleet Medical, or had she a personal interest in Drauc not being caught by Security on the Theurgy? In fact, how could a Romulan patient escape an Earth facility so easily? No, surely Jovela couldn't have helped him. She was just a Cadet back then. Unlikely as it seemed, Ida had just realised that there were gaps in the nurse's account of events.

Perhaps she was on duty after all...

And perhaps Jovela hadn't learned about Drauc's identity until much later? Likewise, perhaps Ida was just seeing shadows, just like Jovela had claimed she done herself?

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #30
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela had continued to brush her fingers across Ida's abdomen based on the sounds the woman made in response although deep down, she also didn't want to stop touching the other woman either. Her own body still sensitive in the aftermath of their 'therapy'. While the head nurse certainly wouldn't want Ida's issues to continue, she certainly wouldn't complain if the Andorian came to her for more therapy in the future.

With her compliments she could tell that the security officer didn't really know how to respond, at least not with words as she placed her blue skinned hand on Jovela's abdomen and ran it up between her breasts, causing her to shudder slightly and let out a soft moan, her eyes following Ida's head as it lowered towards her and happily returned the deep kiss, feeling her arms naturally come up and wrap around the other woman.

The kiss suddenly stopped however when Ida asked her about the Devoted that attacked her, the woman's lips barely inches from her own still. As the Security Officer continued to speak, Jovela had to focus somewhat to listen to what the woman was saying and not on how much she wanted to press her lips back against Ida's and taste her again. The fact that Ida pulled her lips further away from her did help in that aspect but it also made Jovela feel somewhat rejected, although she couldn't explain why.

"You're supposed to be off duty remember, medical grounds." she smiled softly, although knowing that it wouldn't work on the Deputy Chief and sighed softly.

"I didn't know it was him at the time..." she said eventually, although there was a moment's hesitation. "...although I...suspected that it might have been him. I didn't know for certain though and I had no proof either way. I didn't want to say it was him if it turned out that it wasn't. He's already been hunted once for a crime he didn't commit, I didn't want to be the reason why he was hunted again for something  else he didn't do." she replied, sounding sincere in her response. "I didn't find out until later that it was him and by that time you had left and he'd already turned himself in." she answered.

As she looked up at her lover she hated that she had bit been entirely truthful with her and after meeting her gaze for a moment found herself looking away again. "If I did know it was him though I...I probably wouldn't have told you." she whispered softly. She didn't care about the fact the she had lied to a superior officer to protect her friend but for some reason she cared about the fact she might have hurt Ida's feelings. Perhaps it was just the emotional moment and connection between them as a result of their relations but she found herself hoping that the Andorian know she was being entirely honest with her lover, for whatever good it would do. "I know he defected but why he did so was because he had no other choice, he didn't deserve to be hunted the way he was and I wouldn't have been able to turn him over to go back to a cell for something he didn't do. I just wouldn't be able too." she said sadly.

Jovela had always been one to wear her heart on her sleeve, be that whatever she was feeling, her empathy and compassion for others or her loyalty to her friends and in Ida's case both care for her as a patient and the stronger connection of a lover, even a brief one. She didn't know what she had just had would mean for her or how Ida would take it and as much as she wanted to look up at the still naked woman she couldn't seem to do so.

Re: SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #31
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Coastline Beach, Aldea Prime ] Attn: @AlyFox
Little did Ida know the truth of it, that Jovela had not just helped Drauc T'Laus escape that fateful day in Starfleet Medical, but that she had let him hide inside her quarters after he'd incapacitated the two Devoted that attacked her. Much less did Ida know how Jovela had shown Drauc her appreciation that night.

Ida could, however, read between the lines, and see how this witness had a deep affiliation with the Romulan. To the point where she'd not tell Ida even if she had known his identity when he helped her on the Theurgy. It didn't take a Betazoid to know that she was a compromised witness. It was not just implicit, but she'd just said something that made it explicitly clear. It was a split matter of guilt and truth, both of which were intrinsic to Ida's trade. Two founding stones, no less, of her duties.

"A crime he didn't commit, you say," a frown on her brow. She lifted her hand from Jovela's chest. "Something he didn't do, you say."

Sitting up Ida took a deep breath and looked out over the vast expanse of the Aldean ocean - stretching the entirety of the horizon. She folded her arms on top of her knees, her stoic side given voice by Jovela's misconception. "Whether Drauc is guilty is not the question. That is a fact. The reports show clearly that he used excessive force when he stopped that Klingon. You were there, the reports said. You saw what he did. He broke the Klingon's head against the disinfected floor with his fist, and he didn't stop hitting him until long after he was rendered unconscious. Today, unlike the state of affairs back then, we know why the Romulan did it. If you had been honest about what the Klingon meant to do, it would have put your actions in regard to his disappearance into question. You may have helped him escape, or you did not. This, I don't know, but I do know that Drauc isn't innocent of the crime of killing that Klingon when he didn't have to."

Ida paused there, knowing that Jovela might dread a question in regard to her own involvement in Drauc's escape. She just turned her head to look at the Risian out of the corner of her eye - expression unreadable. She didn't speak for several seconds, the truth remaining like an unspoken wall between them. When Ida spoke, she turned back to look at the ocean.

"You are making the common mistake of conflating motive with guilt. It's more common than you know. In regard to the Devoted there might have been mitigating circumstances, protecting you as he did, ensuring that you weren't hurt. There is no report filed on what he did then, but what happened back in Starfleet Medical... that's something else entirely. Regardless the motive, a man or woman isn't less guilty of their actions. Federation law... is still the law."

Just, in its blindness.

Having said this, Ida slowly got back to her feet, looking out along the stretch of the beach while still wearing nothing. Finally, she turned back to the blanket and picked up her clothes - making a fist around the Andorian apparel she'd replicated. Her eyes briefly darted towards Jovela. "Thank you, Ensign Jovela. I already told you in the bar. While Drauc is a murderer, he did help us against the Infested, the Asurians and the Borg, and he will not stand trial unless the Klingon Empire or the dead one's House decides to revisit those events."

Ida began to walk away while she spoke, slowly getting dressed in the process. "I would have appreciated honesty from you, however, since while I have no evidence, you and I both know you were complicit in his escape." There it was. The unsaid at last. Ida's look was partially introspective when she glanced towards the nurse. "I will not report it, because I know the fate you'd suffered at the hands of that Klingon."

Indeed, a violation upon their person. Drauc had preserved Jovela's modesty, while Ida's had long since been compromised.

"Consider this breach of my ethics a measure of my gratitude... and know how the guilt of it will linger in my thoughts."

Donning the last pieces of clothing, Ida left the enclosure behind. Eventually, she attached her Aldean communicator. "Ida to the Theurgy. One to beam up."

Back to duty, despite everything that had happened.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #32
[ LT. JG Jovela | Coastline Beach | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

A long silence passed between them as Ida seemed to think until the Andorian eventually spoke, removing her hand from Jovela's chest in the process as the blue skinned woman sat up and looked out over the ocean. The Head Nurse watched as the Deputy Chief folder her arms across her knees and thought, remaining silent herself. It was hard to listen to Ida's words and Jovela found her eyebrows narrowing slightly as she continued to speak out how Drauc had used excessive force against the Klingon, perhaps that was true, perhaps it wasn't. Jovela for one was glad that Drauc had killed the monster that had tried to rape her, he deserved it as far as she was concerned.

What hurt was that as someone who had been through similar experiences, worse in fact as Jovela had at least avoided being violated unlike Ida had, she of all people would understand that? Hell she might even want to hurt or kill those who had violated her for all Jovela knew, and yet the Risian held her tongue, remaining silent as the Deputy Chief continued to speak.

"Sometimes the law can be wrong." Jovela whispered softly, a deep sadness in her voice. "That Klingon monster tried to rape me. I was a cadet, in no size or shape to fight off a Klingon warrior yet if I had stabbed him through the eye with a scalpel and killed him, it would be called self defence, yet someone who steps in and does it to protect another that's murder, how is that fair?" she asked, although whether it was rhetorical or not was another matter entirely. "I was there and I did see everything, I saw a good man protect me from a monster that tried to violate me." she added and although her voice remained soft there was an edge to her voice that hadn't been there before. One that clearly stated that she was glad the Klingon had been killed for what he had tried to do.

Jovela went quiet after that and she didn't look at Ida either, her gaze looking down into the sand. She felt the Andorian stand up and eventually pick up her clothes. The woman clearly back in her work mode it seemed as she addressed her not as someone who a few moments ago had been her lover but as the cold, closed off Deputy Chief of Security Jovela had seen and heard about for quite a while, as if a switch had been flipped.

Then she spoke again as she walked away, slowing getting dressed. It wasn't the fact that Jovela had been involved with what had happened that had...perhaps upset the Andorian, it was that Jovela had not been honest with her. The Head Nurse remained silent as Ida told her that she would not report what happened, despite it being a breach of her own personal ethics as thanks to her and how guilty she felt about doing so, which only made Jovela feel worse.

She vaguely heard the Security Officer request a beam up, leaving her alone and naked on the beach. It took several minutes and the wiping away of a few tears that had slowly started trickling down her cheek before Jovela put her own clothes on and requested a beam up too.

Aboard the Theurgy

The second she had stepped out of the transporter room, Jovela had asked the computer where Ida was and had pretty much sprinted down the corridors to the turbolift and down several more corridors after that until she spotted the woman up ahead, her back to her. Stopping and panting a little, she realised that there was nobody currently in the corridor with them when she decided to speak.

"I wasn't just complicit in his escape." she called out. Taking a moment to pause, what she was going to say next would quite possibly end her career but she owed Ida the truth. "I actively helped him get away."

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #33
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @AlyFox
Hearing the running steps behind her, Ida had come to a stop there in the corridor, wearing her sandy Andorian apparel. She didn't need to turn her head to perceive more than humans might, her antennae sensitive to their sensory spectrums. She already suspected it was the Head Nurse before she spoke.

What she said was... conflicting, in a word.

"I already suspected that," she said quietly and turned around. The fact that Jovela had said it, at last, mattered in its own respect, but it had been plain down on the beach that the Risian held no remorse in regard to the Klingon. Of course, Ida wasn't defending the rapist dolt. The true issue when it came to Drauc was quite another, and something that Jovela mightn't have understood fully. "The guilt of the Klingon does not allay the guilt of his murderer, and it was no longer in your defence that he killed the Klingon when he used excessive force. Worse yet is that Drauc, having served in Security at the time - even being a Junior Lietuenant in the fleet - knew this."

Having said this, she folded her arms, facing her newly found lower. "Do you really think he deserted because of the political implications of the Klingon being killed whilst in Federation care?" Ida shook her head, not so sure. "Drauc T'Laus knew that if he were to be put to trial for his actions, any jury would find him guilty. He knew that he should only have averted the threat to your person, immobilising the perpetrator and calling for help. Instead, he seized the Klingon's head and struck it against the floor, and then beat that head to pulp. Let me give you perspective before you answer: If the Klingon suffered from a temporary mental instability because of the war and his injuries, would it be just that he was killed? Let's say that the Klingon had family, children and a House behind him, would it be just that he was killed when he could simply have been detained?"

Ida let Jovela think of this for a moment.

"Drauc T'Laus deserted because he knew that he would end up guilty for his crime, and regardless your motivations in helping him... you did serve to help avoid a political scandal at the time. You helped a murderer get away, but it may just have helped keep the peace with that Klingon's House - making it look like the murderer escaped by his own means. That way Starfleet could swear off any involvement."

She shook her head, the matter complicated.

"You acted, perhaps, with your heart, and the result was beneficial, but your motive... I am not sure I can support it. By Lor'Vela, it was a long time ago, and there are no repercussions, but can you truly not see the guilt of your saviour? The Klingons are our allies now, and they were in the end of the war as well. Actually," Ida took a deep breath, not sure what she was supposed to do with his cold case, "forget it. You may have wanted the Klingon dead for what he tried to do. Did he deserve death? Since it was merely an attempt...I don't know. All I know is that the Romulan could have avoided killing him."

Ida wasn't sure she was making sense since she and Jovela came from different worlds, their line of work completely opposite in many regards. "Thank you for telling me... regardless what you may think of my thoughts on the matter."

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #34
[ LT. JG Jovela | Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela had suspected that Ida knew or at least had suspected that she had aided Drauc's escape much like she was sure that her very recent lover could tell that she had absolutely no remorse over the fact that the Klingon was dead, not that she had tried to hide it. Still she stood there and listened to Ida speak, taking in every word that she said.

The Andorian didn't know what Drauc had been through back then and  why he had lashed out the way he had under the circumstances. While it didn't exactly excuse it, there was at least an underlying circumstance to it. It wasn't just that he was a bloodthirsty maniac that liked violence and caving people's heads in and part of her wanted to explain that, but she wouldn't. It wasn't her place to tell, it was Drauc's should he ever choose to do so.

Jovela continued to listen as Ida continued, her arms folded across her chest as she faced her. "Of course I know he didn't desert because of the political implications of killing him." she replied, although admittedly it might have been a part of it. Given what had happened back then and how events had played out he was clearly emotionally compromised and lost and so many other things that Jovela, even knowing him as well as she did now in comparison now to back then she still couldn't imagine, all played a part in it. "There were so many things that happened back then that aren't known and it's not my place to say what they were." she added, meeting her gaze.

"What he did was excessive." the Head Nurse finally admitted "I didn't care what happened to that Klingon back then, he deserved it as far as I was concerned." she said softly, looking down at the decking beneath her feet, her eyebrows furrowing. While she knew that Drauc had crossed a line, even in his emotional state, a part of her was still glad that monster was dead. She knew it was wrong but she doubted she would ever change her mind on that. "You describe it like he's just so psychopath who enjoyed smashing his skull in, he's not. Never has been. Like I said there were other events that had taken place prior that had played a role in what happened, they don't really excuse what happened but they would help explain the mental state he was in at the time." she whispered softly, but still loud enough for Ida to hear. The last line about his mental state was probably enough for Ida to figure out what he might not have been 100% control logically at the time, she was certainly smart enough to figure it out. "You'd have to ask him about that though if you want too, I won't tell you. It's not my place to." she said, returning her gaze to the other woman.

When Ida continued to explain that her action whatever her motives might have helped avoid a political scandal, Jovela snorted a slight chuckle. "Yeah well as much as Starfleet would have had to explain how a member of their house was killed on allied ground, those same Klingons would have to explain why a member of their house would try to sexually assault an "ally" who was only trying to provide them medical care. It wasn't exactly an unprovoked attack after all, the Klingons would have been in just as much shit as Starfleet would have been." she replied, with an angry growl to her voice. Not that it was actively directed at Ida of course, more at the situation.

Still she would shake her head and nod when Ida said that it was a long time ago but said that she wasn't sure she could support it, Jovela didn't expect her too and frankly a part of her didn't care that she didn't. As far as she was concerned it was a long time ago and she was a scared cadet who helped the man who had saved her from a fate she might never have recovered from. A part of her felt like she was now under attack too and when Ida said the words "merely an attempt" Jovela's blood boiled and she glared at the Andorian, her eyebrows narrowing into pure anger. "The only reason it was merely an attempt as you put it was because Drauc was there to stop it, if he hadn't of it wouldn't have been merely an attempt as you so colourfully attempt, it would have been a successful one!" she snarled, unaware of the fact that her hands had balled into fists so tightly that blood was now dropping from her palms onto the decking.

Jovela was angry than she could ever remember being, although if it was because of what Ida had said, the fact that they had gone from a wonderful sexual time to this or the fact that as a victim herself who had been in similar situations she seemed to be getting little to no sympathy from the woman she didn't know but whatever it was in the moment she had snapped.

Taking a moment to stare down the deputy chief and despite being angry she could feel the tears starting to brim her eyes, but unwilling to break down her, she simply shook her head, turned on her heel and started walking away. She didn't know if Ida would follow her or not, either to chastise her some more or seek to comfort her and nor did she know how she would react regardless. Her mind was a mix of anger and sadness and all she wanted to do now was to find someplace out of the way before her sadness pushed back her anger and she broke down completely. It wouldn't do much for the medical department after all if their head nurse was found curled up in the fetal position crying her eyes out in the middle of a corridor after all.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy

Reply #35
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @AlyFox
Hearing the scathing words of the Head Nurse when she departed, there was no way Ida could pretend that she felt nothing. What she had meant to say hadn't come out as intended, and now she was left with a painful ache across her chest and her forehead, feeling like she'd done the worst she could given the situation.

Seeing the Risian vanish, she knew had wanted to say something, to try and clarify that she was only referring to what actually happened, not taking into account other scenarios. By Lor'Vela, of course she had wanted Drauc or anyone to stop that Klingon from doing what he intended. She'd done it herself if she'd been there. Was she damaged by her line of work, in how she only dealt in absolutes and with actual events? Had motives, evidence and Federation law blinded her? Had the protection of the crew made her a cold instrument of justice?

Despite what Jovela had managed to show her, had she lost humaneness and heart - let her compassion be forgotten to ward herself from her trauma? She liked to believe she had merely erred in how she'd phrased herself, but the doubt was there nonetheless.

One thing was certain. She'd speak with Drauc, and hear what he had to say.

And she would write Jovela, and try to apologise for the unintended implications of her words. Perhaps, despite what had just happened, she'd be willing to pose for her.

In that specific regard, there was no doubt in Ida's mind that she'd like that. Very much so.


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