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Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #25
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga ] @Veridian

Ekon couldn’t help but smile as Lieutenant Vanya decided to throw him a lifeline rather than simply watching him flounder and drown.

Now stop babbling like a small boy, Eboh! He chastised himself.  You’re probably twice as old as she is. She shouldn’t need to try and put you at ease like this.

As Vanya reached up and removed the pips from her collar, then unzipped said collar, Ekon let out a small sigh.

”I apologize for being so awkward, ma’am. As I said, I am out of practice.” Ekon chuckled as he reached up and removed his rank insignia as well. ”Although if we’re going to take ranks out of this, perhaps your should call me something besides Chief.” He gave Vanya a teasing smile as he slipped the CPO insignia into his pocket, then laughed at himself as he realized he had called her “ma’am” in the same sentence as he suggested not calling him Chief. Ekon was feeling much more relaxed now, and his body language reflected the fact. His shoulders were less tense, and his smile came more easily. He tilted his head slightly to the right, listening to the music. A slower song was starting now, and Ekon smiled as he regarded Vanya with eyes that held a slightly mischievous twinkle.

”Tell me, Vanya. How would you feel about going for a swim?” Ekon asked with a grin. ”I know the holodeck is not the same as a natural spring, but at least you would not have to worry about any minerals getting into your system.”

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #26
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga ] @Fife

Vanya smiled at him, pleased that he was starting to relax a little.   She took a moment to think things over, swimming would, ironically be a very welcome respite from the stressful day or two that her last swim had caused.   Further, she was eager to try it with someone she found so interesting like Ekon.   However, despite their frank conversations, she felt that her personal habits may set things back a little so she decided to throw him another proverbial bone.  

She noticed that something else was different.   She had two periods in her life, the life as a spy and the life she lived now.   Despite an interest in ideas that her superiors would have considered subversive, she would not stop at killing someone that she was told to for example.   Now, in her current life, she would question that order and even find ways around it if she could.   Similarly, she had seduced three men, and one woman in her old life.   During those initial interactions, she would play her role – a longing gaze here, a dialation of her pupils there, they were parts of the script that she could control.   Yet in her new life, she found that she was beginning to do these things, and finding herself preoccupied with Ekon’s emotional state   This was very different.  She realised that she had been silent for too long, so she spoke at last.   

“Ekon, that sounds like a wonderful idea.   But first we should stop by a replicator.   I’m conscious that my preferred dress when swimming makes people uncomfortable…”   

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #27
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga ] @Veridian

Ekon watched Vanya as she remained silent for some time, just as she had done on several occasions throughout their conversation. He didn’t mind the silences, as they afforded him some time to observe the woman who sat across the table from him.

He knew Lieutenant Vanya made some members of the Cayuga’s crew feel nervous or uncomfortable on account of her background, or due to the fact that she was an android. The fact that she had a rather precise manner of speaking did not help matters, as some found the way she spoke cold and calculating. She had a habit of not mincing words, which some mistook for bluntness or a lack of tact.

Ekon was not one of those people.

He didn’t exactly have the most reputable of backgrounds himself, a fact that allowed him to look at the dark haired woman sitting opposite him without the judgment that many of the crew would bring to the situation. The only aspect of their interaction that he had been worried about was their respective ranks. But then Vanya had made it clear that she was not concerned about the fact that she was an officer, and he an NCO. Now Ekon allowed himself to look at Vanya and see only the woman. A very beautiful woman, who’s dark hair framed the romulan ridges of her forehead and the blue eyes that threatened to captivate him.

Finally she broke her silence, speaking in favour of going swimming, but suggesting they stop by a replicator first.

”We can stop by a replicator on the way, if you wish.” Ekon said as he rose from the booth and held out his hand to help her to her feet. ”But if you are only concerned about making me uncomfortable, you should not worry yourself.” He continued, giving her a broad grin that held a hint of mischief. ”I’m sure I will survive the shock.”

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #28
[ Vanya | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga ] @Fife 

She’d had some weird ideas, even planning to ask him his favourite colour so she could replicate something appropriate, but was glad that her precious time didn’t have to be taken up by replicating suitable swim wear.   She drained the last of her tea and pressed her lips together a second as she thought.   

She had the feeling that the next few hours would set her on a brand new trajectory.   She was excited to take things further, but she wasn’t quite sire how it would work yet   However, that was the thing about being a true sentient, and not a programmed automaton.  You had  to make your best call based on scientific data.   There was so much she was eager to learn about and she couldn’t wait to get started.  

“Well Ekon, as humans say, “Time’s a wastin.”  

She gave him a playful wink as she tapped her combadge.  

“Computer find and reserve a vacant holodeck for immediate use.” She said.  

“Holodeck 4 is vacant for three hours.   Would you like to specify a programme?”  

Now that flummoxed her.   She had swum in recreations of many rivers and seas.   Lake Ataria on Betazed, Lake Windimere on Earth, the Mud Seas of Prollax 4.   And yet, while she could pick a favourite, she knew that there would be a great chance to learn more about her companion.  


Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #29
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga ] @Veridian

Ekon grinned as Vanya gave him a wink, the smile spreading as she booked holodeck 4 for the next 3 hours. However, when the computer prompted her to pick a program she hesitated, looking at him as if she wanted him to decide on the location.

”Computer, load program Okotie-Eboh-One-Four”

[Acknowledged. The specified program had been loaded in holodeck 4. You may enter when ready.]

Stepping closer to her, he reached up and placed his hand on the small of her back.

”Shall we go?” Ekon asked, enjoying the excuse to touch her as they made their way to the lounge doors and out into the corridor.

As they moved out into the corridor, Ekon reflected that this was an unexpected development. Once his duty shift had ended he had expected to be sitting in his quarters reading for the evening. Instead he found himself enjoying the company of an attractive officer, one who he had not really spoken to before today. It felt strange how circumstances seemed to work together, and not for the first time Ekon wondered if his step-father hadn’t been at least partly right all those years ago with his talk of divine guidance. Despite the cross he wore around his neck, Ekon had never had much faith in that, but who knew…

Ekon glanced over at his companion and all those thoughts slipped from his head as he studied the raven-haired woman, having to remind himself yet again that she was cybernetic rather than organic. Not that it made much difference to how Ekon looked at her, or about how their evening was going. When she had agreed to go for a drink, a part of Ekon had been worried she was only humoring him out of a sense of debt for helping her with her system malfunction. But now she seemed to be genuinely enjoying herself, which flooded Ekon with a sense of relief.

You’re 88 years old, Eboh, but you’re still giddy like a teenage who just got a date with his schoolyard crush. Ekon smiled despite himself, glad to be feeling this sensation after so many years of keeping himself closed off.

”If you don’t mind my asking, how exactly did you discover your love of swimming?” He asked her, stealing another glance at her blue eyes as he spoke. He felt his pulse quicken as he met that blue gaze, smiling at Vanya as he waited for her answer.

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #30
[ Vanya | Corridor | USS Cayuga ] @Fife

Still smiling from the touch at her back, Vanya thought about her answer carefully  

“I suppose you could call me a sensualist” she admitted at last.   As they walked out of the door, she gestured behind them.   “That door is designed to fulfil a purpose.   When we left, the motion detector picked us up and opened.  When a certain amount of time passes with no person passing the motion sensor, the door will close again.   In the meantime, it can be told to remain closed when the Warp Trail closes, or remain open if they are adding new furniture and are carrying them in and out.”   As they continued to walk she was worried that she was rambling.   It was a habit she had picked up, ironically to prove that she was more than “just a machine”.

“In fact, that door could be reconfigured so that there is an automated welcome when someone enters, and wishes them farewell when we leave.   But people would argue that there is no real welcome there, that it is just words that it is programmed to say, that the real emotion comes from the person who programmed it.”  

She was almost sure she was rambling now, so she calmed herself.  

“There are those who would lump me in the same category as the door.   They would argue that I’m a machine designed to fulfil a purpose and that the emotions I have aren’t real.   But sensations against my skin, the water, its different shapes and temperatures remind me that I am not just a machine, that I am a being that feels and is alive.”  

As they approached the holodeck she shrugged.   “I know it sounds silly.   What about you?   What do you like about swimming?”  

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #31
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Corridor Outside Holodeck 4 | USS Cayuga ] @Veridian

Ekon came to a stop just outside the holodeck doors as Vanya finished speaking.

”That doesn’t sound silly at all.” He said, looking at her with a serious expression. ”Just because you are not the same as someone else doesn’t make you less sentient, or less alive.”

Ekon leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. ”There are plenty of different species that have been encountered that do not conform to the same definition of “alive” as a “typical” humanoid. The Federation has encountered being made up of photonic energy. Beings we don’t even understand. Look at the Q, for example.” Ekon smiled. ”To consider them less alive than say, I am, would be nothing more than ignorance.” Ekon shrugged now, still keeping his eyes on hers. ”I am half El-Aurian. My lifespan could potentially be 700 years, much longer than that of a human’s. Does that make their life less important than mine, since their life expectancy is different?”

Ekon uncrossed his arms and pushed off the wall, stepping close to her.

”But enough philosophy for the moment. I have an idea.” He said, mischief creeping into his smile. ”Consider it a test of hypothesis.”

With those words, Ekon reached up and placed his right hand on Vanya’s cheek, cupping it gently. At the same time, he moved forward, bringing his lips to meet hers. The kiss lasted only a moment, then Ekon pulled away, the smile returning to his face.

After taking a breath, he spoke again. ”As an organic, I can tell you that after that, my heart feels like it is trying pounding right out of my chest, and my whole body feels a bit jittery.” Ekon spoke softly, then chuckled. ”And considering I have never had any desire to kiss a door, I think we can safely assume you are not in the same category as one.” He looked into her eyes again, his own eyes twinkling with amusement. ”So, Vanya, how did it make you feel? Did you feel more than a door would have?”

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #32
[ Lt Vanya | Corridor Outside Holodeck 4 | USS Cayuga ] @Fife

As an android, Vanya didn’t need to grow up, her dimensions now, were the same that they were when she was created.   Nevertheless, following the kiss on her lips, she imagined that this is what it felt like to be a “teenage schoolgirl”   The sensation drove her wild.   She felt a mixture of so many emotions, excitement, lust, curiosity.   She had trouble processing all of these fully, but one thing that she was absolutely convinced about was that she wanted to take this as far as she could with this man

Her eyes danced as she gazed into his.  

“No, you make me feel… real.   But maybe I need more data”  

She held the back of his head, leant forward and kissed him on the lips.   Once again, her mind was lost in a sea of emotions.   She lingered slightly longer on their kiss this time.  She broke the kiss, but stroked the back of his neck with her long, slender fingers.  

“I can confirm I am definitely enjoying this.” She said with a playful wink.   “And I definitely don’t feel like a door.”  

Her lips twisted into a smirk that could only be called dirty.   “Well, there will be one similarity.   I think I’ll be open tonight…   for anything.”

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #33
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Corridor Outside Holodeck 4 | USS Cayuga ] @Veridian

”No, you make me feel… real. But maybe I need more data.”

As Vanya leaned in and kissed him, Ekon couldn’t help but notice that it felt different kissing a woman who was the same height as he was. Not unenjoyable, but different. Putting the brief thought aside, Ekon focused on Vanya, savoring the feeling of her lips. She stroked the back of his neck as she broke the kiss, sending a shiver down his spine.

As Vanya spoke, giving him a playful wink, a grin spread across his features. A thrill surged through his chest as she hinted at things to coming, giving him a sultry smile that set his heart racing.

”Promises, promises, Vanya.” Ekon chuckled, slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her close, pressing her body against his. He kissed her again, passionately this time, revelling in the feeling of her body pressed against his, the taste of her lips. Breaking the kiss without loosening his hold on her, he stared into her eyes, his breathing a little faster than before. When was the last time he had felt like this? He couldn’t remember. Years, though it hardly mattered. He was intoxicated by the woman.

”We’re only five feet from the doors, but if we keep this up we will never make it in there.” Ekon chuckled, stepping back but keeping his hands on her waist. ”And if I am being honest, I look forward to seeing you in your… swimwear…” With a mischievous grin and a wink, he turned towards the door, keeping his right hand on the small of her back as they moved. The doors to the holodeck slid open, and they passed though, stepping onto the shore of a large lake. Green, tree covered mountains sloped down to the water to their left and right, and beyond the far shore 2km away more mountains would be seen, with snow visible in their midst.

”Welcome to Lake Louise, on Earth's North American continent.” Ekon said, turning away from the still surface of the water to look at Vanya. ”I went swimming in this place once with a  friend, and fell in love with the view. Although…” Ekon gave Vanya a teasing grin as the holodeck doors slid closed behind them. ”It’s fed by a glacier, so it’s quite cold, and I seem to remember you complaining about the temperature in the shuttle bay.” Ekon looked into Vanya’s blue eyes, his own eyes glinting with amusement. ”So as much as I enjoyed the feeling of goosebumps on your skin…” Ekon ran his hand lightly up her back, brushing the back of her neck with his fingertips. ”We can alter the program to make the water warmer if you would like.”

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #34
 Lt Vanya | Holodeck 4 | USS Cayuga @Fife

Vanya was stunned by the beauty she beheld, despite the clear blue sky, the mountains around them were peaked with crisp white snow, yet down on ground level, there were chutes of green.   She dashed forward and stepped out of her boots.   The cold in the cargo bay was less than ordeal, but Vanya didn’t have a problem with it.   As Ekon started to catch up to her, she turned around to face him and unzipped her uniform overshirt.  

“The temperature in the cargo bay was a discomfort, a distraction to the goal at hand – namely fixing my problem.   But I told you, I’m a sensualist.   Away from duty, or other priority I love feeling sensations, heat and cold, the rough and the smooth, the soft and the hard.”  

She discarded her uniform overshirt and pulled down the rest of her undershirt zip.  

“At least this time you’ll be able to peak because I want you to.”   She lifted off her undershirt, exposing her pert breasts to the cold air of the holodeck   She felt, and acted on, the urge to give him a playful wink.  

“So, I want this to be as realistic, and as tactile as possible.   And the lake you have chosen is perfect for us.  

She turned her back on him, and pulled down her black side on view to the man who a short time ago was little more than a passing acquaintance, but was now becoming someone that she wanted to spend time with.  

“So Ekon, where should we start?”  

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #35
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Holodeck 4 | USS Cayuga ]

Ekon smiled as he watched Vanya run towards the water, stopping to kick off her boots. He kicked off his own boots before following her, smiling at the raven-haired woman as she turned to face him and began to unzip her uniform. Ekon followed suit, unzipping his uniform tunic and then the undershirt as Vanya spoke.

”At least this time you’ll be able to peek because I want you to.” She said as she removed her undershirt and gave him a wink, causing him to grin mischievously as he once again let his gaze trail over the bared flesh or her torso, enjoying the sight of her pert breasts reacting to the cold air. He shrugged out of his tunic and undershirt, letting them drop to the ground behind him and baring the dark skin of his muscular chest and shoulders.

”If I am being honest,” Ekon began, raising his eyes back up to meet Vanya’s gaze. ”I might have peeked once or twice in the cargo bay as well…” He chuckled, undoing his uniform trousers as Vanya turned away and continued to disrobe. His gaze fell on her backside, which was nicely presented before him, and his grin grew wider as he let his pants drop to the ground to join his tunic, leaving him clad only in black boxer-briefs.

”So Ekon, where should we start?”

Ekon moved up behind Vanya and moved his arms around her, sliding his hands gently across her abdomen as he did. He did not think of the woman before him as just an android. She was intelligent and witty. She showed obvious emotions. And she stirred in him emotions that he had long thought to be dead. His hands sliding across her stomach felt the woman’s soft, smooth skin. He felt the warmth of the flesh of her back against his chest as he pulled her to him. He planted a soft kiss on the tall woman’s slender neck, catching a whiff of the scent of her hair as he did before he answered her question.

”Well, Vanya, I have a few ideas of what we could do. But I suppose since we’re here, the water might be a good place to start…”

He moved quickly, scooping Vanya off her feet before she could react. Carrying her in his arms, he moved forward towards the water. He waded in until the ice-cold water was above his knees, then smiled a devilish smile at the Lieutenant.

”If you want a realistic sensation, then how about we start with being dunked in a glacier-fed Canadian lake?” Ekon asked, his tone carrying a teasing threat.

And with those words he heaved Vanya forward with a laugh, sending her arching towards the icy water.

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #36
[Lt. Vanya |Science Officer |USS Cayuga |Holodeck 4] @Fife

Vanya felt elation as she hit the cold water, the cold embracing her skin like a blanket of sensation.   Although she didn’t need to breath, her simulated cardiovascular system was always on.   Therefore, after a few seconds of struggling in the brisk lake, she surfaced, from the water, her wet skin covered in goosebumps, her breasts made even more pert by the cold, and she made sure that the Eboh had the best view of her figure..    She gasped for air for a second, before landing back in the water.    She floated to the surface again, a wry smile on her face.  

“Careful Eboh.   Its not wise to throw a woman into lake when she a neural net that can work out 87 distinct and unique ways to get revenge before even her pinky toe gets wet.”  

She held out her arms in a cross like gesture and fell backwards, swimming away from him doing the back stroke, giving him a full eyeful of her charms.   

In truth, she valued that playful gesture for what it was.   Even though she looked like an average being, the fact that she was an android meant that many people were a little scared to get too close.   Many thought that picking up and throwing her even in playfulness would be like throwing a console.   That she was Romulan meant that it was like getting close to a console that might very well snap their neck when they weren’t looking.  

But Ekon was treating her differently, and she wanted it to continue as long as possible.  

“Now are you going to get in here and distract me, or am I going to reach five figures?”   

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #37
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Holodeck 4 | USS Cayuga ] @Veridian

Ekon grinned as Vanya uttered her teasing threat. He stood in the shallows of the lakeshore with his arms crossed over his chest, enjoying the enticing view she was so generously presenting him with. His eyes played over her body, the smooth skin of her arms, the pert mounds of her breasts, and the toned glistening of her abdomen as the water ran off of her form.

”Now are you going to get in here and distract me, or am I going to reach five figures?”

With those words, Ekon raised an eyebrow, silently curious as to just what sort of revenge she was coming up with. He chuckled as he bent forward and relieved himself of his underwear, then tossed them onto the shore behind him before taking several steps deeper into the lake. After the third step he took a deep lungful of air and dove forward, slipping under the water’s surface. His dark form was difficult to make out beneath the shimmer of the lake’s face, and made even more so with Vanya facing the sky as she did the backstroke. The water was still aside from the ripples caused by Vanya’s movements for several moments, then powerful hands rose from the depths below her. The dark-skinned hands grabbed her firmly about the hips and pulled her down into the water once more, the right hand sliding up along her back and cradle the back of her head and Ekon pulled her to him where he floated in the cold limbo beneath the lake’s surface.

His left arm snaked around her waist and pulled her to him, and he planted another kiss on her lips as they drifted beneath the ripples left from Vanya’s sudden submersion. The kiss was more aggressive this time, Ekon’s desire no longer being restrained. After several long moments Ekon broke the kiss and kicked his legs, propelling them to the surface. He took a deep breath as their heads broke the calm of the lake’s face, and he grinned at the raven haired woman whose head bobbed right in front of his, whom he still held pressed against him as droplets of water poured down from the top of his head.

”And just how exactly am I supposed to distract you for your plotting, Vanya?” Ekon asked softly, staring into her eyes as his legs worked in a steady rhythm to keep theirs heads above water. ”If you can come up with so many ways to get revenge so quickly, I would imagine you’ve already come up with plenty of options. I can’t help but feel that I am already in trouble!” He chuckled as he spoke, then leaned in and kissed her once more, his arms tightening around her body, crushing her firm breasts against his chest as he pressed her bare skin against his own. He relished in the feeling of her form against his even as he again pulled his lips away from hers.

”Should I beg for your forgiveness?" He asked softly, leaning his head forward and kissing the side of her neck softly. "Or find some other way to absolve myself of my misdeeds?” He kissed her neck again, higher this time, just below her ear. "There must be something I can do to make it up to you!" He pleaded in a tone that was both playful and suggestive before kissing her ear, taking her earlobe in his mouth and gently sucking on it for a brief moment. "Or am I simply doomed to suffer your wrath?" He chuckled, looking her in the eyes once more and planting a playful kiss on the tip of her nose.

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #38
[ Science Officer Vanya | Holodeck 4 | USS Cayuga] attn. @Fife 

Vanya stared into his eyes and grinned mischievously.   Lots of possibilities ran through her mind, and she couldn’t wait to go through some of them in detail.   And yet, she was also conscious about how quickly things where going.   She wanted to continue, but didn’t want to take any bad steps.   She decided just a little more data was needed  

“Well, I don’t know.” she said before taking a moment to swim around him admiring his figure.  He was certainly appealing to Vanya, not that she was a vain being who didn’t see beyond the physical, but she certainly found something to like about a humanoid that could keep themselves in tip top condition, despite the challenges from age, genetics and lifestyle that were posed to most species.  

She was conscious that she was keeping the teasing going, and that gave her a certain sence of satisfaction.   Finally she completed a second circuit standing in front of him, and taking a moment to trace a line down his chest with her slender finger,  then back up again past the start point across his neck before resting  on his chin.  

She pressed herself against him, feeling the pounding of his heart against her own chest.   The game they were playing was clearly exiting him too.   Perhaps it was time to take things further, explore the next frontier.  

She brushed her fingers delicately up and down his back, gently probing him.  “I guess that’s the point of distractions.   If you don’t’ know it’s coming, its not much of a distraction.”  

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #39
[ CPO Ekon Okotii=Eboh | Holodeck 4 | USS Cayuga ] @Veridian

Ekon stayed stationary and watched as Vanya swam two circuits around him, losing sight of her when she passed behind him only to watch her paddle into view on his other side. She had seemed to hesitate for a moment, but now she stood before him and ran her finger down his chest, then back up. The sensation was a pleasant one, more so when she moved closer and pressed herself against him. He could feel his heart racing as he savoured the feeling of her body against his, and he reached forward to place his hands on her sides, slowly sliding them down to rest on her hips. Her hesitation from earlier had given him pause, however, and now he voiced those thoughts.

”You hesitated for a moment there.” He said, smiling slightly as his eyes met Vanya’s gaze. ”If this is moving too quickly for you, all you have to do is say so.” Ekon glanced down at her body as he added, ”Though I will admit, stopping now would take a great deal of willpower.” Ekon couldn’t help but notice the stark contrast of the soft, white skin of Vanya’s breasts pressed against the dark espresso skin of his chest. Ekon chuckled and returned his gaze to her eyes, then slipped his hands off her hips and encircled her waist, pressing her to him. He could feel her breasts crushed against his chest, her hips pressed against his. The warmth of her naked skin against his own made a vivid contrast to the cold of the water and air around them.

Ekon stared into Vanya’s vivid blue eyes as he slid a hand slowly up her back, gently brushing her bare skin with the tips of his fingers. The hand travelled higher, between her shoulder blades and up the back of her neck before his fingers entwined themselves in her dark hair. He pulled her tighter to him with the arm that still encircled her waist, and leaned his head forward, kissing her lightly on the side of the neck. He kissed her neck again, higher up this time, and a third time just below her ear. Then he brought his mouth next to her ear, close enough that she could feel his breath on her ear, and spoke.

”So tell me, Vanya.” Ekon whispered, kissing her ear before he continued. ”Is this distracting you?” He kissed her twice, working his way back down her neck. At the same time he loosened the hold of the arm that was around her waist, moving his hand so that is rested in the small of her back. ”Or do I need to try something else?” Ekon slid his hand south, stopping it’s movement when it rested on the upper half of her left cheek. He gently caressed her buttock, having taken the time to admire it on several occasions throughout the evening and now enjoying the opportunity to finally get his hands on Vanya’s shapely behind.

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #40
[ Lt. Vanya| Holodeck 4 | USS Cayuga ] @Fife

 Vanya allowed herself to grind her butt cheek at Eboh's manly touch.   He had proven to be quite the strong type, and that was something Vanya had admired.   Although she was nowhere near as strong as a Soong Type android, or most of the alien androids encountered by the Federation over the years, there was an assumption by many that she was hard, emotionally and physically.  

But that wasn’t certainly true, it certainly wasin’t true emotionally.   Since her reactivation, she was filled with so many contradictory emotions, and one of them was just the urge to let go and be taken care of.   Could Eboh be the one?   Someone to both care for her and be an equal?   Again she wondered if her emotions were real or not.   However now wasn’t the time for thinking.   She gently rose to her tip toes in the water, making Eboh’s hand move lower,

“Well, I have to say I am liking this so far…   but maybe we need to go deeper to see what our limits are…  if we have any.”  

Keeping his hand on her behind, she reached into the water and caressed her long smooth fingers down his abs and to the top of his pelvis.

“What do you say… Darling?”

Re: USS Cayuga - Minor Procedures

Reply #41
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Holodeck 4 | USS Cayuga ] @Veridian

Ekon felt Vanya pushed herself onto her tiptoes, her movement causing his hand to slide further down onto her bum. Not that he was complaining, quite the opposite in fact. He allowed his hand to travel lower, cupping under the curve of the cheek and gripping the shapely flesh. She admitted to enjoying their current situation, suggesting that they see how far this would go. The suggestion caused Ekon’s grin to broaden as he pulled his face back from Vanya’s neck, looking into the woman’s blue eyes, his own eyes filled with desire.

Vanya slid her fingers down Ekon’s abdomen, probing lower until they reached the top of his pelvis, her touch eliciting a low rumble of enjoyment from the El-Aurian hybrid while at the same time causing a stir of anticipation in his manhood.

”What do you say… Darling?”

Vanya’s use of the term of endearment gave Ekon pause, not because he was opposed to it but rather because it had been some time since he had allowed himself to become close with anyone. Now here he was, naked with a gorgeous woman he had barely known just that morning, exploring each other on the holodeck, his heart racing every time his eyes met hers, the fact that she was android not even coming to mind. She was a bit of an enigma to him, bold, yet seemingly hesitant. Sure of herself, yet seemingly new to the experience. Ekon found himself wanting to know the woman better, not just intimately but emotionally.

Ekon extracted the hand whose fingers had entwined themselves in Vanya’s hair, bringing it to the side of her face and gently stroking her cheek with his thumb, his eyes still locked on hers, unable to look away.

He found her intoxicating.

”I would say that sounds like a wonderful idea, my dear.” Ekon said as his thumb stroked her cheek again, gently tracing over her cheekbone and trailing down to the corner of her jaw. He lightly ran his index finger forward, following her jawline before gently taking hold of her chin with thumb and forefinger and guiding her face to his, meeting her in a passionate kiss. As the kiss lingered, Ekon trailed the hand down Vanya’s neck, over her collarbone and down her flank, gentle caressing the side of her breast with the back of his fingers as they passed. The hand continued it’s decent, lightly brushing the soft skin of Vanya’s abdomen before trailing down to her hip, his large hand coming to rest on the shapely curve. ”Though at this point,” Ekon said, breaking the kiss and meeting Vanya’s eyes once again before his gaze travelled down over Vanya’s body, reveling in the view until it came to rest on Vanya’s hand, the pale flesh of her fingers poised over the dark skin of his pelvis, just above the proof of his arousal, ”I think you are doing a better job of distracting me.” The words came out in a slightly breathless tone, the El-Aurian giving Vanya a sly smile.

With a swift movement, he once again scooped Vanya off her feet, cradling in his arms yet again. Rather than heaving her deeper into the lake this time however, he instead began wading through the water towards a wooden dock that floated further down the shore, his strong arms easily supporting Vanya as he moved. He gave Vanya a mischievous grin as he waded along, then quickly darted his head forward. His mouth found the pale skin Vanya's breast, and he lightly nipped the soft skin of the fleshy mound before straightening his neck to look at her once more, a cheeky grin fixed on his features.

As he reached the dock, he lifted Vanya and sat her on the platform. The coffee skinned man stood in front of her, still waist-deep in the water, his hands on her thighs and his head tilted up to look her in the eyes, a beguiling grin on his face. He leaned against her, his abdomen pressed against her knees, though not trying to force them apart. His hands felt goosebumps raise on her thighs as her wet skin was exposed to the cool air.

”You are a remarkable woman, Vanya.” He informed her with a note of tenderness in his deep Nigerian accent, ”You are beautiful, intelligent, and confident, yet sometimes you seem so uncertain, almost vulnerable,” He continued as he slid his hands up her thighs so that they rested lightly on her hips, then leaned forward and kissed her lightly on her left thigh before straightening and looking into her clear blue eyes once more. ”You are a charming contradiction.” He smiled warmly at her as he finished speaking, his head slightly tilted as he studied her.


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