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Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: CH 2: S [Day 01 | 1857 hrs] Expectations
Last post by Ellen Fitz -
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum Cafe | D. 20 | V. 3 | “Ranger” of USS Theurgy] Attn: @joshs1000

Cross gave a half-shrug, “They aren’t very forthcoming with their records. A constant ‘need to know’ basis but what we do know is on file for you to read at your leisure. I advise you not to do so just before bed if you’re the type to get nightmares easily.” After giving a quick glance to see if anyone was within earshot, Cross leaned forward. “I’ll give some personal background as to why I may seem a might unprofessional in my references to them.”

With a low, clipped voice, Cross gave the Kzin a summarized version of the events aboard the Versant. He took time to name all of his friends and former colleagues who’d been recycled by the Savi, as well as those, like himself, who’d been “corrected.” While he didn’t use emotional language or body language to try and convince Lok to distrust or dislike the Savi, Cross also didn’t try to hide his own sentiments. By the time he finished, Cross felt the need for another drink, perhaps a stronger one, but refrained.

“With their civil war,” Cross finished, leaning back once more in his chair, “we have a temporary alliance with the Savi who wish to return to the ‘old ways’ of mere exploration and science. They certainly don’t seem perturbed with still presuming superiority, but at least if that faction wins, we won’t have to worry about another repeat of the Versant incident.” He gave a mirthless chuckle. “’Beware the bedfellows you keep, for when the morn breaks, you may find yourself in eternal sleep.’ An old saying one of my mentors shared during my re-education. I find it fairly apt for our circumstances.”
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]
Last post by Stegro88 -
[ PO3 Lorad | Corridor | Romulan Station | Romulan Space ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6 @RyeTanker @P.C. Haring @Hans Applegate @BipSpoon @Dree


“Our station has been breached by Starfleet personnel.  They are here to steal from us, to destroy us; we cannot let them.  All station personnel are to remain armed and on the alert.  Do not attempt to question the intruders.  Incapacitate them in whatever manner necessary.  Once you capture them, take them to the command center for that deck for further processing.  Do not abandon your stations; do not give up ground.” The words had been in Romulan but that had meant nothing to Lorad. He had learned the tongue of his so-called overlords at the same time as he had learned his own. The Terran that followed, that was a surprise. “We know you are here, Starfleet.  We are hunting for you, and we will find you.”

Lorad was stationed at the rear of the advancing party, using his considerable bulk to shield those in front of him from any threat that might approach them from behind. He would have preferred to have been at the front of the group, actively clearing compartments and ready to respond to any encounter with the Romulan crew of the station. But it was not to be. And because of that, when the shouting and shooting started, Lorad found himself having to turn away from it and split his attention behind them back down the passageway in case it was a trap.

Every fibre of his being itched to charge ahead and join the fray. He knew several of the group engaged in the compartment. Or at least he had before his sojourn. Or during it though he knew that they were not the same person. It still wasn’t easy for him to stand there. Thankfully, the decision to move and engage or remain and guard was taken from him as a wall panel shifted, revealing a turbolift car and, more importantly, 3 armed Romulans. Lorad reacted instinctively.

His rifle came up and gut shot the middle Romulan just as they were taking a step forward and bringing their own weapon up. Lorad’s shot was both accurate and fatal to the Romulan but in his final act, his momentum carried him forward into the Reman, encumbering him and preventing him from bringing his rifle around to engage the other two. But he was also protected from their return fire by the corpse of the Romulan he had just killed.

Releasing his hold on his rifle, he dropped his hands to his sides and grasped the phaser with his right and his knife with his left. As the body fell, Lorad fired, catching the Romulan to his right in the side even as he felt the impact from a Disruptor on his shoulder. There was no immediate suit breach alarm, nor did he feel pain, so he ignored it and focused on the last remaining Romulan as he stepped out of the car and raised his own weapon.

Stepping forward, he kicked out and caught the Romulan, slamming him back against the bulkhead, stunning him. Wasting no time, Lorad advanced and uppercut the man, slamming his head again into the wall. That left Lorad with plenty of time to roll his hand over and stab the Romulan in the neck. Green blood spurted out and the Reman was glad he had decided to leave his helmet on as some of it splashed across his faceplate.

“Contact rear,” Lorad notified everyone. “Three neutralised. Standing by.”
Parallel Universes - "What if?" / Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Last post by Ellen Fitz -
[Ens. Enyd Isolde Madsen |  Federation Embassy Compound | Cardassia Prime ] ATTN: @RyeTanker

Enyd took advantage of the newcomers. Figuring either Zark or her wife would update her once this new meeting was concluded, she darted away to shower and change. It couldn’t be a long, lingering shower to ease the tension in her muscles, as much as she wanted it to be. She had no doubts that either Andorian would be happy to override the security on her door and barge into her quarters if they felt she was taking too long.

The only thing Enyd lingered over was a new communique from Javec. Since their joint mission, he’d been kept busy and well away from her. Perhaps he’d intentionally requested the business, especially since she’d broken the rules of the game and named the elephant in the room, or perhaps it was truly with a lament that he’d been so unavailable. In either case, his message was sweet enough and with a bit of a surprise. An invitation to visit his family’s ranch in one of the smaller provinces, mercilessly left untouched for the most part from the orbital bombardment from the Dominion. Smiling, Enyd filed the message for the time being and finished getting dressed. She’d have to mull over the implications of his invitation before responding.

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as her grandmother would say, Enyd left her quarters and opted to make her way to Zark’s. Enough time had passed for some sort of deal to have been made between Ryzit and Herasen, and though Enyd had worked harder in their training session, she knew Zark didn’t particularly like to walk around all sweaty. Besides, it was quite clear what both women preferred to be doing, and such actions were best done behind closed doors. Allowed more privacy for exercising one’s imagination.

Enyd gave her uniform a final tug before pressing on the chime to Zark’s quarters. She hoped this time Zark would be clothed but knowing her luck they’d both be naked and shamelessly in the act of making love and STILL invite her in.

Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 1: Outside Looking In [ Day 1 | 1345 ]
Last post by Ellen Fitz -

@BipSpoon  @Stegro88   @RyeTanker  @Sqweloookle  @Dree  @Number6  @Nesota Kynnovan  @P.C. Haring @Hans Applegate

Much like the game of Russkaya ruletka, this game of chance would prove lethal for some among the Theurgy crew intent upon this risky mission. Some would walk away unscathed yet burdened with the guilt of surviving another no-win scenario. And others would die, floating in the vacuum of space, incinerated by weapons’ fire, eviscerated by unexpected technology, and more. All the training in the world comes to naught when the round enters the chamber, and the trigger is pulled.


And so concludes the opening thread of  Chapter 1. As you know red and blue team threads are already underway so go mess shit up!
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 1: Outside Looking In [ Day 1 | 1345 ]
Last post by Stegro88 -
[ CM3 Samala & PO3 Lorad | The Apache| Romulan Space ]

Samala looked down at herself as she ran her hands over the suit of armour that she was wearing. The security exosuit was unlike anything that she had worn before. It was form-fitting but not constraining, only hindering her movements in the slightest ways. It was enough to notice but not enough to worry about given the increased protection she was granted from wearing the exosuit. The colour was a bit off-putting, but she doubted they would have taken kindly to her redecorating it. And needless to say, customising it was out of the question. Her weapons though, that was a different situation entirely.

Turning to her bunk, grateful once again that this was her ship, and she retained the use of her own cabin, she looked over the weaponry she had laid out as she had checked it over. The Type-II Pulse Phaser Pistol went into a holster on her right thigh. She was still a little miffed that they had both denied her using her own sidearms as well as denying her a second Type-II but there wasn’t time anymore to argue about it. 

Next came her blades, each in a new sheath that magnetically attached to her exosuit. Her knife was in its customary spot at the small of her back, ready to be drawn with her left hand. At her left hip was her tanto, Shinrai while over her right shoulder sat the handle, something her brother had called a tsuka, of her wakizashi, Shinkō. Their names meant Trust and Faith respectively and they had been gifts from her brother for her last birthday. There had been a longer sword too, a katana called Saiken but Samala wasn’t as good with the longer weapon and so had chosen to leave it behind. Lastly, she added some plasma and stun grenades to her suit, just in case.

Picking up her helmet, the door to her quarters opened behind her and she turned to see her brother standing there. In his own exosuit, he looked like an armoured behemoth, ready to break anything that stood in his way. In a way, she guessed, that was exactly what he was.

“Sister, before we go, there is something that I need to tell you,” Lorad started but Samala held up a hand, forestalling any further comment from her brother.

“There isn’t time now Lorad, we both know that. You can tell me afterwards,” Samala stated truthfully despite the urging of her curiousity wanting to know why and how her brother had changed so much. He had kept his mind closed to her but the fleeting thoughts she had caught seemed to reveal that he had been on some sort of sojourn and had only just returned. Obviously, that was metaphorical, but it had changed him in subtle ways, and she was dying to know more. “Did you get it?”

“I did,” Lorad confirmed, bringing his hand up to reveal the EVA variant of the Type-III Phaser Assault Rifle. She was qualified on standard version of the Type-III, like the one her brother had over his shoulder, but she was more comfortable with the EVA variant and had better scores with it.

“Perfect,” she said, accepting the weapon and looking it over. “I promise brother, after today, we will sit down and talk. But for now, let us join the others and remind the Romulans why they should fear Remans.”

“As you wish, sister.”
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 1: Outside Looking In [ Day 1 | 1345 ]
Last post by Ellen Fitz -
NOTES: Considering the number of writers in each team (red and blue) if there is consensus on which story prompt for the chapter (listed on the story prompt wiki) you’d’ like to collective opt in for, please let the GM know and you can work that into the currently open threads (Smash and Grab or Triggered Much) and at the conclusion of those threads collect your tokens.

Please refer to the calendar here ( and remember to make threads like this Ch # S  [ Day #  | Time  ] Title for supplemental threads.

As always, please talk to the GM before killing any of the NPC’s in either the main threads or supplementals.

Also, for funsies, there is a list of serious and silly in-game “side quest” prompts that you can opt-in for to add to the fun and mayhem of the game. These prompts are considered “private,” so once you have your prompt, only you and the GM will know, and it’ll be your task to work it into the story to earn the credit. Successfully working four or more private prompts into the game during the chapter will earn 1 token.
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 3: Stand and Deliver [ Day 1 | 1258 ]
Last post by Ellen Fitz -

Attn: @Stegro88 @GroundPetrel  @Nolan  @Juzzie  @Eirual  @JacenSoloDjo @Brutus  @AbsintheDeux  @Tae

As the crew of the Theurgy, or what remained of it aboard the Helmet, settled into their duties and prepared for the arrival of their hoped for allies, each carried the weight of their own insecurities or fears. The cosmic chessboard was set, the players established, and now was the abhorrent time of lying in wait for the game to commence.


This concludes the opening thread for Chapter 3. And as you may know the next major thread “The Meeting of Heroes or Villains” is already in full swing (even with a murder mystery in the works). Please refer to the calendar( as you make supplemental threads (remember to make threads like this Ch # S  [ Day #  | Time  ] Title ).

For all story prompt threads (please check those out as there are some pretty heft ch 3 story prompts that can have great impact on the ending of this episode) and supplemental threads, ask the GM before you maim/kill a Theurgy-based NPC). If you have questions regarding this, please let any of the GM’s know. GM’s indicated earlier that if you are maneuvering an NPC, try to stick to NPC’s in your own department.

Also, REMINDER for funsies, there is a list of serious and silly in-game “side quest” prompts that you can opt-in for to add to the fun and mayhem of the game. These prompts are considered “private,” so once you have your prompt, only you and the GM will know, and it’ll be your task to work it into the story to earn the credit. Successfully working four or more private prompts into the game during the chapter will earn 1 token.

Parallel Universes - "What if?" / Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths
Last post by AbsintheDeux -
[ PO1st Artimis Saugn | Public Baths | Deck 12 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Krajin @tongieboi

Though she had been trained and her body prepared for such things, Artimis had had only a few sexual encounters in her life and none of them with more than a single partner. She assumed there was a degree of balance necessary to please both partners, but it would be a gamble to figure out the balance and still please both men.

She considered it for a moment, thinking about both men pushing against her body as they thrust into her. She could not deny it was an arousing thought, she could feel her lower petals moisten in the anticipation of it, but there was still a careful dance of foreplay before they got to the thrusting part. She wondered what the men would want to do. Though perhaps she should take the initiative and give them a little poke?

She looked from one to the other and got to her feet. She was unashamed of her nakedness and stood as proudly as a woman of her height could. "Well, I guess this is the foreplay part right? So, would either of you like me to suck your cock?" She could not help but giggle at her own vulgarity, but she knew simple and direct language was often best for these kinds of things. She looked from one man to the other and smiled hungrily. It was an easy place to start, plus saliva ensured lubrication for other activities that were to follow.
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ch 4 : Knock Knock! [Day 1 | 1800+]
Last post by Dumedion -
[PO2 Cora Davison | Habitation Hull Common Area | Aft Recreational District | Erudite] Attn: @TWilkins @Brutus @RyeTanker @ob2lander961 @Tae @Eden @Sqweloookle @Griff @Eirual
After the update announcement in LT Leavitt’s strong but undeniably weary voice, Cora realized her time-table had been absurdly optimistic. Given the current attitudes of the Savi she’d observed and the obvious friction between them and the Theurgy crew, the non-com quickly deduced the odds of getting what she needed by building any sort of sociological rapport with their hosts and ‘allies’ simply wasn’t viable. It was time for plan B, which honestly wasn’t going to make this alliance of convenience any bit warmer…But only if she got found out.

But yeah, by then, we’ll all be proper fucked anyway, yeah? Right. Lets work the mission then, and save the broody bit for later, then, shall we?

Cora rested the shoulders of her petite frame against the cool alloy of the bulkhead near the entrance to one of the domiciles assigned for the crew’s use, arms folded under her bust. For all intents and purposes – at least to the casual onlooker – she appeared simply as one of the many Starfleeters that had ‘zoned out’ in the face of the extreme circumstances; just waiting for the call. This was an intentional act, much like everything she did or said, at least while she was on the clock; Cora had been on the clock ever since ‘King’ had pinged her for this op – charming Klingon escort and all. Full lips curled at the sarcastic thought, while milk chocolate eyes drank in the scene and her mind cataloged persons of interest. Off to her right, Chief Benson (who Cora really couldn’t stand, honestly – despite the fact that Benson herself was none the wiser) was heard over the voices of the group engaged at cards.

Yes, play another, please. Have a lovely holiday too while your at it.

Cora watched their watchers, especially; the few Savi that entered their ‘accommodations’ weren’t shy with their attentions, which didn’t surprise her, given everything she’d read on them. Good scientists were natural observers, studious in recording every detail and ruthlessly efficient in the pursuit of minutia – as far as their interests were concerned, anyway. The analyst in her respected that about them; the agent in her planned to use it against them.

Unfortunately, given the information and patterns in behavior she’d been able to observe thus far, Cora felt less than confident in her ability to get what was needed, but the odds meant little in the long run. The more data they had, the better the chances were of everyone getting out of this mess in once piece. Risk analysis and situational circumstances being what they were, there was little choice, really. If she was going to make a move, it needed to be soon, and it needed to be done with utmost discretion – even from her own. Well, moreso the Savi, but she doubted Benson had the clout with Leavitt to pull her ass out of the fire if things went south.

Bloody brilliant, this is, the non-com huffed to herself, arms dropped to her sides as she kicked off the glossy material for a few steps – then turned back to collect her kit from the floor; the handbag containing the various tools of her trade was positioned on one hip, strapped across her torso. Both hands raked the dark, glossy mane of hair from her face before the sidearm leg holster was re-buckled to her slender waist with a slight grimace; the thought of actually using the blasted thing meant she hadn’t done her job, and if that came to pass, well…Cora doubted it would be much use at all.

Oh, stop it, alright, she sighed, then worked the tension out of her neck and took a deep breath to steady her nerves. When her eyes opened again, Cora’s attention was drawn to one of her fellow crew, mostly by the contrast of his copper hair and pale complexion. Observing without truly watching, she idled by adjusting her bag and strap, then fiddled with a PADD, all choreographed behaviors to avoid drawing attention to herself.

He seemed lost at first, hesitant, as if unsure of what to do with himself – then quickly seemed to reach some internal decision and glanced around as if searching for someone – but that only lasted for a few seconds. Cora blinked, calculated, watched a bit more, then decided to alter her strategy. Improvisation might prevail beyond what guile and cunning offered, and after all, they might even have a good laugh along the way, despite it all. Worst case, she’d make a friend only to end up burning him in the end - which wasn't anything new. Such was the life, for good or ill.

Nothin’ ventured, nothin’ gained, eh?

SI bred some of the worst people; it was a necessary evil, when faced with the perils of the galaxy - Cora knew it and accepted it, but that didn’t mean she liked it. That didn’t stop her stride however, and certainly didn’t stop her from adopting a carefully practiced mask of sympathetic concern – kind eyes and gentle smiles – as she approached him. The closer she got, the more attractive he grew; solid frame, handsome jawline...cute didn’t quite do him justice. Cora allowed some of that genuine interest for him into her soft spoken British accent when she spoke; a consciously added layer of authentic flavor that was vital at this stage of the game.

“Um, s-sorry. Hello,” Cora stopped behind him and off to the side, a hand reached out in a hesitant gesture as if to touch his shoulder, but stopped herself with a nervous giggle that she didn’t try to stop.

“I um...I thought...well, sorry, introductions first. I’m Cora Davison, aren’t I,” a hand raked the hair from her face with another chuckle.

“I um...well, I thought you could do with some company,” she laughed again with a hint of embarrassment. “Ah, I’m sorry I’m just a mess of nerves. What with the...everything going on and such. So, right,” she smiled happily at him, “care for a walk and chat, then?”

OOC- Meet PO2 Davison - she has been added to the Intel NPC wiki page and I'll puppet her for this chapter only. What's she up to, you ask? Guess we'll find out ;)
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