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Day 01 [0010 hrs.] Considered Variables

CM 1 Nara Nueva | Federation Embassy Barracks | First City | Qo'noS

Personal Log: Nara Nueva, 19th April, 2381 0010hrs

Nara takes a few deep and ragged breaths, panic edging the tone of her voice. Exhaustion lent itself to the majority of her tone. "This goddamn planet has been on fire for days. And I don't even really understand why. The politics of the Klingons are beyond me...but it's Internal for now. I know its still internal because the Klingons haven't killed us yet."

She pauses, staring off into the distance away from the camera of her PADD, the device whirling wildly as she re-orients in the cramped room she was supposed to be sharing with one of the other embassy staff. Nothing outside the darkened privacy screen of her coffin-sized bunk is seen, though.

"I think it's internal anyway. I've heard rumors that the Theurgy is in orbit? I don't know if that's true or not. But I do know that the Embassy staff were shouting about Federation signatures." Nara goes silent, her rich voice fading off into silence interrupted only by the sound of the air conditioning system in the small room.

"And we're not expecting another courier for some time yet. It's not like Qo'nos is an economic backwater. We're not going to starve or run out of supplies. The Mo'kai might turn us into supplies. I've heard rumors that they're anthropophagus. Klingons aside, all I get is rumors. V'Qol is terribly reticent even for a Vulcan. Cute enough, but each time I see some emotion in her. I think she'd rather shoot me in the back. All she knows about me is that I was demoted and was 'deemed a liability'. " The sound of silence again and then a sharp cracking sound, like a fist striking composite material. Nara had just punched her bunk hard. a soft curse, probably in what could have been Turkish follows.

"Liability, my ass. If the loss of the Enterprise-E showed us anything, it's that the Romulans are far more dangerous than we think they are. We know that Shinzon used Thalaron weaponry and that the observed data matches my theories. Complete carbonization of organic tissue. Likely dissolution of the hydrogen bonds in water and carbonaceous molecules. Thalaron radiation is the ultimate in lethal weaponry, and its observed effects appear to be cleaner if the not more destructive version of what Cohen theorized would result from the detonation of a neutron bomb." Nara sighs again, letting her head drop back against the pillow. It was clear from the dim lighting in her PADD that she was frustrated by the whole mess that comprised recent events. The look of consternation on her face etching lines across her forehead.

"Not why I'm making this log, though. All of my work is well documented, or it should be unless those bastards erased everything. If the Romulans are on the move like they say they are, we'll need effective..." Another curse, this time in English, maybe it wasn't precisely picked up clearly by the microphone on her PADD. She'd been biting her lip to hold it in, and her eye twitches slightly, feeling the anger she'd felt at her commanding offer back at the Daystrom Institute.

"Tangent again, sorry. Back to the ship in orbit. They say that the crew of the Theurgy is a group of renegades and pirates. If they do come down here and knock on our door, I'll see for myself. I've heard rumors that they aided Martok in the last few days. Martok is allied with Kopek, and Kopek wants out of the Khitomer accords. What puzzles me is that the Klingons always have a reason for anything they do, especially if it's a matter of military or security. If the Klingons want out of Khitomer, then there's a reason. They see a threat somewhere on the horizon. And again, Martok, he's half the damn reason the Klingons pulled it out during the War. Even on the Oberth we'd heard of the exploits of the Rotarran at the side of the Defiant. And then there are all of the rumors about changeling infiltration and that Martok was one of their targets. Honestly, I'd rather trust someone who was a Dominion target than someone they saw as ineffective or not worthy." The most prolonged sigh yet as Nara trails off in thought, working out what she could. She hated politics, and just thinking about them gave her a damn headache. This wasn't simple or easy, and people were always complicated. The whole situation with the Klingons, House Mo'kai, and House Martok was complicated beyond all reckoning." Nara bites her lip, chewing on it, looking 'through' her PADD, thinking, her eyes rapidly shifting direction. It was a look of considered thought, the weighing of options and considering of variables.

"Ok, if the crew of the Theurgy come and say hello, I'm going to try and speak with them. Find out how much of the rumors are real. If They let me look at data, I can analyze it and parse it. I'm a scientist. Data-sifting is basically my job. And coming through dense reports has been my job since my mast. In best case scenario, they let me help out in some way. Worst case, they're rogues, renegades, and mutineers that shoot me dead on sight. Then my body will match my career." She laughs dryly then, pinching the bridge of her nose, barely able to believe she'd made the joke about her own career.

"Dad, Pop, I hope that you get to see this someday. Whatever they may say about me, I'm not a traitor or a renegade. You know that I always think everything through. I won't act rashly. I promise." Nara blows a kiss at the camera of the PADD and then it shuts off.


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