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Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations

Stardate 57569.18
Friday March 13 1345 hrs
Aldea: Street Market

[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Street market | Aldea ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow

With a large, deep breath, Silim Parnak took in the smell of the air. This was not the filtered waft of recycled shipboard ventilation. It was fresh, a cacophony of scents, each blending into the mass but deliberate enough to be detected on their own. There were aromas of baked goods, hints of soil, fragrances of freshly cut plants, and the delicate perfumes of oils and spices. In the background, like a muted tone tying it all together, was the smell of the river.

Parnak had started his journey there, beside the body of water at the Ibai Besi Promenade, but had soon moved on. It felt too much like it catered for tourists. He was one, of course, but as a Cardassian, he attracted enough attention without falling into the stereotypical tropes of the travelling visitor. Instead, he had let his feet guide him, moving among the throngs of people until they started to disburse. It was immensely gratifying to be off that infernal ship. Theurgy wasn’t bad, per say, just rigid in their Federation ideals. Here, there was hustle and bustle. It was noisy, it was chaotic and there was a warm breeze.

Aldea was still colder than he would have liked and, as such, he dressed appropriately. Parnak wore a large thigh length coat made from an almost suede-like material. It was multiple shades of brown, each matting and joining under the texture. Silim had chosen it carefully and he did like the way it looked on him, even if it was relatively closed-necked. The fact that it hid most of his neck was useful in helping him keep a comfortable temperature on the alien world.

The weather wasn’t going to stop him from enjoying himself. His wanderings had taken him to a remote market. With an almost temporary look in nature, the stalls seem to reflect the aldean fashion aesthetic. Long, flowing fabrics were interwoven like braided hair and hung from post to post creating shady spots for merchants to hawk their wares.
One stall in particular held his attention more than the others. Operated a small old man, the stall stocked various pieces of wood and Silim had taken the time to inspect the grains on a few samples. He had run his hands over them, feeling the textures. He had plans and those plans needed some good materials to work from. As the elder Cardassian looked over what was available, his mind wandered, lost in thought.

He was so distracted that he didn’t hear the sounds of the footsteps approaching from the side.

Re: Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations

Reply #1
[ Dyan Cardamone/Sar-unga Neleo | Street market | Aldea ] Attn: @Arista

To Parnak’s credit, Dyan had long ago mastered the art of stepping silently. It involved taking off one’s shoes. Protective though they may be, she was far quieter without these dumb Aldean sandals. The robes were stifling too. They hid too much. On top of it all, she wore a head wrap, which hid her beautiful hair and the wicked curve of her horns. She actually felt the need to wear lipstick, and she never wears lipstick. Some sort of pink faded stuff, glossy. It made her face stand out just a little bit more.

She struggled with the robes for the first part of her ‘hunt’, but luckily it was in the tourist-packed area, and she could follow at a distance and practice walking in a way that didn’t accidentally show off her tail. She found wrapping it around her left thigh again was the only thing to do. Her target was a grey-skinned, ridged man with a spoon on his forehead. Intelligence had supplied her with everything she knew about the Cardassian people and their myriad conflicts, but she hadn’t gotten to see any up close until now.

She continued to stalk him all the way to the quieter market. Curious that he would choose here, it wasn’t catered to foreigners such as themselves. Perhaps he, too, was a spy? She’d had great fortune rooting out spies lately. Wouldn’t she love to out him as one too. She felt a shiver rumble down her spine and had to actively suppress her tail quivering in delight.

Her target stopped at a stall selling wood. Weird choice. What was he planning? She couldn’t take it much longer, she had to announce herself, try and toy with this strange grey man and his shitty fashion choices. So she began stepping normally, letting herself be heard. He didn’t notice her, how cute! She got up close to him, so close she could smell the product he used in his hair, and laid a hand on that flared neck--not his shoulder. She gave it a pinch, like testing fruit at the market. He was taller than her, so it was a challenge, but she elected to act as if she didn’t give a shit, because she didn’t.
“Look at you, all dressed up warm like somebody’s grandpa. Did you roll in mud before you got here or was the jacket pre-muddied when you got it?” She smiled at him, showing off her teeth. Her very sharp teeth.

Re: Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations

Reply #2
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Street market | Aldea ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow

With his digits splayed across the sample piece of Aldean bonewood, Parnak felt the grain underneath his fingertips. The texture and hardness of the wood was right, but he just wasn’t sure on the colour. Silim had a specific purpose in mind and he wanted it to be perfect. If that meant spending a long-time deliberating, then so be it.

He was about to hand the wood back to the elderly vendor when he felt a warmth touch his neck. A Cardassian’s neck could be quite a sensitive place and to caress it was an intimate gesture. Turning, Parnak moved to see who would be doing such a thing in this place but, before he could, he felt the short sharp pain of a pinch. It was immediately uncomfortable, like someone twisting hard on a nipple. 

Parnak swatted away the hand quickly and rounded on the intruder with a heavy frown. He had quite intended to either return the favour or lodge the sample piece of wood he held between their teeth as a comeuppance. What he found was a small grinning Aldean woman. She had green eyes, small wisps of light, white hair escaping from under a head wrap and questionable dental habits.

Her cheeky grin and comments on his clothes betrayed her intentions. Silim felt the tension in his shoulders relax a little. This wasn’t the start of anti-Cardassian fight. It was just a presumptuous malcontent trying to grab his attention. Well, she had it.

“I got it in the same store that you got your tact.” He quipped back with a wide grin. She wanted to play? Well so could he. “It looks like we both need a refund.” 

Handing back the bonewood to the merchant, Parnak mouthed ‘I’ll be back’ and then proceeded to step back to further assess his assailant. There was obvious shape to her body, but it was hidden under frumpy, ill fitting robes. This was different to what he had seen so far of the other females on the planet. There was something off about this woman.

He didn’t offer his hand, like the humans. Nor did he offer his palm. Instead, like the civilised individual he was, he kept them to himself.

“Rakul Diroka.” He said by way of introduction, using the fake name given on his Aldean ID. It was a boring Cardassian name, but it would do. “Commodities broker.”

Re: Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations

Reply #3
[ Dyan Cardamone/Sar-unga Neleo | Street market | Aldea ] Attn: @Arista

Ooh, he fired back! Fiesty! She decided she liked him, or at least, in this moment she happened to like him. She might hate him later. He had a face that made it just so easy to hate. Maybe it was the spoon on his forehead? As he approached, her smile never faltered.

“Your name? Rakul Diroka? Riiiight. Whoever named you that must’ve been slow in the head.” She laughed, a dry, sarcastic laugh. She eyed his ID, but no longer than a few seconds. She was wholly uninterested--she knew exactly who this gentleman was. Sort of. Okay, not really, but she knew that he would be on this planet with a fake ID. She wrapped her arm around his, uncomfortably tight. She was stronger than her body looked, and she was making sure he knew this fact.

“Come on then, I’ve got some commodities that need brokering, yeah?” She started to lead him away from the stand selling blocks of wood. How boring! She’d be much more interested in--yes! A food stand! Spicy things! Meats! When she spoke, her voice was low.

“I’ve been on something of a spy-busting kick this week, and I’ve decided you’re my next target. How about you buy me a meal and I won’t start using your real name in front of everyone?” She gestured to the meat stand just as they stopped in front of it. Without waiting to hear Parnak’s reply, she ordered.

“I’ll have the uhh…Ooh, that looks good. And that too, and that…” She pointed at the food products she wanted, rather than reading their names. She did not know their names. She did not particularly care to find out either.
“Anyway, I was thinking we could talk business over in the gardens. Seems private enough, doesn’t it? And I could use a breeze.” She kept grinning as she laid out her plans to abduct the poor Cardassian.

Re: Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations

Reply #4
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Street market | Aldea ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow

The situation had devolved in what he had expected. An innuendo giving away her real reason for being here. She was selling herself for a price. He couldn’t say he wasn’t tempted but he did have other things to do rather than be targets of streetwalkers looking for an easy tourist. It was only after she grabbed his arm did Parnak figure out that something was amiss. She was strong. Stronger than expected.

She pulled them towards various stalls, rambling about spies. Parnak tried hard but failed to avoid rolling his eyes. Another who had been swept up in the enigma of the obsidian order. He was tempted to go on a tirade, proclaiming that not every Cardassian was a spy. Especially that if they were, walking around in the open would not the smartest of ideas. Then he remembered the alias he held on an ID in his pocket. That was different, of course. It always was.

In the whirlwind mess that this female was pulling him into, Parnak pondered attempting to remove himself from her steel-like grasp. Before he could do anything, they had settled in front a purveyor of food stuff. Had this all been an elaborate ruse? First the prostitute angle, then the spy hunter, now the beggar.

Fair enough, she had gotten him. A first-class gambit.

Surprising though, it was not yet over. Silim had barely enough time to pay the merchant before he was pulled away. She babbled about business and gardens. Very well, he’d listen to what she had to say but he would be prepared to defend himself against the crazy if needed.

The gardens themselves were a lush, verdant affair. Specifically designed by someone who was well versed in urban design. Enough nature to feel, well, natural. Plenty of paths and links back to the various side streets to be useful. If it wasn’t for the most unusual circumstances that had brought him here, he’d otherwise be delighted.

“I must say, my dear.” He spoke, attempted to regain at least a semblance of control. “Where I come from, it is considered polite to at least introduce yourself before attempting extortion.”

Re: Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations

Reply #5
[ Dyan Cardamone/Sar-unga Neleo | Park | Aldea ] Attn: @Arista

They arrived in a garden-like area, and finally they were free of the crowd. Though easy to blend into, she was getting tired of trying to blend in. She needed to stand out after all--especially to her new prey.

He was fun prey too. Witty! He didn’t fight back though, which was a shame. She had hoped that grabbing his neck so unexpectedly would start a fight near instantly, but sadly this did not happen. Maybe if she continued being an ass, she’d antagonize him into fighting her.
“I don’t need to introduce myself.” She grinned again. “And I’m not trying to extort you. Though I’m not exactly against the idea either, heh. I’m just here to ruin your life.” She guided him to a bench to sit down on, his arm still locked in her vice-like grip. She sat down, pulling her along with him. She sat much like a man, with her legs spread.

“See, you’re a spy. I know that one as a certainty. Your ID is fake, you’re not really selling anything here on Aldea, and your real name isn’t whatever the hell you just tried to feed me either.” She leaned to the side, draping an arm on Parnak’s shoulder, looking up at him as she invaded his personal space once more. She unwrapped her tail from around her thigh and had it slide out the back of the bench. Free at last, she maneuvered it to Parnak’s waist and slipped it under his shirt. It was chilly, smooth, but like a snake. Her smile only widened.
“It takes one to know one. And kid, you’re not very good at this spying business just yet.”

Re: Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations

Reply #6
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Street market | Aldea ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow

She was being deliberately antagonistic. Parnak could tell. After all, he had played the other side of this a few times, though, never as clumsily as his companion. She still desperately clung onto his arm in a feeble attempt to show physical dominance. Yes, yes, she was strong. Silim understood that.

The tail, however, that was surprising. Up until this point he had not fully grasped that he was in the presence of a non-aldean native. Parsing his memory, he attempted to triangulate her species from the information he already knew. High strength, light skin and hair, prehensile tail and questionable dental hygiene. He also knew was that she was easily distractible and scattergun in her approach. He could use that.

“For someone who apparently doesn’t like my coat, you do seem to be holding onto it a lot.” He changed the topic, ignoring her jibes about ruining lives. That was only a smoke screen, designed to try to get in him off guard. So far, there had been no weapons, no pain, just an attempt to dominate. So, now he would be need to careful, deliberate and particular in the way that he worked.

Whether his comment managed to unbalance her train of thought enough or not, Parnak moved onto the next stage of his plan. His hands followed her tail under his clothes until he reached the up towards the base of her appendage. Applying soft pressure, Silim felt along it, mapping bone structure and expected composition in his mind.

“It’s interesting you cared to share this delightful tail with me, my dear.” He kept eye contact with his would-be life ruiner, smirking as his fingers deftly worked about. “You see, this sort of appendage provides more of a window to the soul than anything else. With the right application, you’d be amazed at the results you can create.”

He was ready. By applying pressure in exactly the right spot, he could trap some nerves, giving his assailant great pain. That, however, was not what he was aiming to do. Instead he would trigger a different cluster.

“Ah, just like here.” He declared.  “This small innocuous spot. When you touch it in just the right way…”

He trailed off on purpose, massaging his fingers into the right area. He couldn’t wait to see the reaction. He had always been told that pleasure was always a better motivator than pain and, right now, his would-be kidnapper would be under the pressure of substantial bliss.

Re: Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations

Reply #7
[ Dyan Cardamone/Sar-unga Neleo | Park | Aldea ] Attn: @Arista
Asurian tails followed a blueprint that was roughly similar to other tailed species in the quadrant. They were not very thick, usually a string of bones, some muscle, and then scales. Highly sensitive on the underside, and were better suited to touch and explore objects rather than as weapons.

Dyan felt his fingertips on her tail as if he had slid them between her thighs. Unlike humans, he had a texture to his fingers. Scales, sort of like her own. Her head tilted back and the sound she emitted was a rumble in her chest. Her tail quivered under Parnak’s hand. Without any proper foreplay, it was still immensely powerful. She felt her walls quiver as if they anticipated the next touch. It was 0 to 60 in seconds.

In one fluid motion she shifted. She moved from sitting next to him to straddling his lap, her hands being on Parnak’s jacket to one hand balled into a fist at his collar and the other grabbing the wrist of the hand that held her tail, and her face was close to his.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Cardie. I ruin men like you. For good” She pulled at his collar, his face coming closer to her. Dangerously close, her lips almost near his. Her voice came out a husky whisper.

“I’ll take everything from you and then some. And you’ll still wind up in the brig when I’m done with you. So you choose, big boy. You wanna play rough with this bad bitch?”

She grinned. So wicked…

Re: Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations

Reply #8
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Street market | Aldea ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow

And what a motivator it was. Predictably, Parnak’s actions had garnered the expected response. She straddled him and grasped his collar, pulling them close. So close that with a little stretch, he could nip the end of her nose. That, however, wasn’t on the cards. He was too busy being distracted by what she said. 

Parnak laughed. It’s wasn’t the mild mirth of someone titillated. Nor was it the chuckle of the moderately amused. It was a deep, long, belly laugh. It was rude to openly laugh in someone’s face like that, but he didn’t care. The whole situation was preposterous.

“Since when has anything about this interaction been about what I wanted?” He argued, challenging her with a feisty look in eye. He wasn’t wrong. Absolutely everything so far had been around this interloper of what was turning out to be a perfect afternoon.

That said, curiosity was getting the better of him. This woman acted in a most peculiar way, almost entirely on impulse. That, alongside the fact he was still yet to correctly identify her species, meant he couldn’t get off this crazy train even if he wanted. The only thing left to do was to double down.

“So, fight me, fuck me, or free me.” He confronted her with a defying tone. “Just don’t bore me.”

Re: Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations

Reply #9
[ Dyan Cardamone/Sar-unga Neleo | Park | Aldea ] Attn: @Arista

Oh, he was good. That verbal akido of his was beyond match! She hoped all Cardassians were like him, because she could get used to this. That said, he still pissed her off. His sharp tongue was admirable, but she could think of a few better ways to use it. Only half of them involved her fists.

His question made her think though. So she thought, for a few seconds, and then returned to her typical evil smile.
”I guess you’re right. It’s not about what you want, huh. Time for this princess to find out if you’ve got a cock to match those massive balls of yours.” Her grin became ever wider, her tail whipping about in delight. “Don’t worry lizard-boy. I haven’t been boring since I was born.

Then she thumped her chest.
“Two to beam up.”
And she threw her head back and laughed, like she’d like the whole world to know she’d claimed her prize tonight.

[ Sar-unga Neleo/Dyan Cardamone | Transporter Room | USS Theurgy ]

It wouldn’t be the first time Dyan had beamed up in a compromising position, and it wouldn’t be the last either. Beams of light and glimmers of nothing faded away in the transporter room to reveal Dyan, wrapped in robes befitting of a plain Aldean woman, straddling the lap of one Cardassian gentleman. She flourished as she pushed herself off of him, pulling her headscarf off with far too much enthusiasm. Her shock white hair flew free. Her horns caught the fabric and tore a hole in it--she did not care. She let go of the scarf and it dangled freely from her left horn.

“Alright Cardie, come along!” She gestured with a flick of the wrist for him to follow. The technician working the transporter, aware of Dyan and her reputation, grimaced as he saw her pass by. She did not turn her head to him, or even acknowledge his existence.


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