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2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

[Cadet 3rd Christopher Slayton| Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy] Attn: @Brutus

Chris was walking around his dorm and getting everything ready for his study "date" with his fellow cadet Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers who he had met in Advanced Command Tactical Theory under Admiral Chekov to prepare for the first major exam of the year which had lead him to inviting her over to go over some of the materials that he had.

Chris quickly went over to the kitchen area and checked on the sauce that he was making that was one part of the meal, adding a little bit more pepper to it before stirring the vegetables before adjusting the heat and walking through the living room where he caught sight of his reflection in a turned off monitor.

He had changed in the five years of his life and the massive changes that he'd gone through as he often times didn't recognize the man before him instead of the roguish looking young teen who had left Asgard to try and find his own path to the man that was looking at his reflection, toned and defined arms that was uncovered from the standard issue gray tank top with a hint of the scar that flowed from his right shoulder into his upper right arm was visible but not too much which gave him a bit of a pause.

Chris had to take a deep breath and shake his head to clear it as he went back to preparing for Faye's arrival.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #1
[ Cadet 4th  Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: @DocReno 

I'm a diplomat, not an armchair general, Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers thought bitterly as she tucked a stray strand of dark, mid back length hair behind her ear, that had, as always, come loose from the bun on the back of her head. I should cut these damn things short and be done with it she added as she hurried from one set of Cadet berthing's to another. As a fourth year Command Cadet with a focus on Diplomacy, fast tracked for the newly operational Babel advanced Diplomatic post graduate course upon graduation, the last thing that Faye wanted to do was study theoretical tactical stratagems. Even in the wake of the finally finished Dominion War. Even if the professor was Adm. Pavel Chekov. Yes, that Chekov. Enterprise, Reliant, Excelsior, Potemkin, he'd served on them all, captaining the latter for quite some time.

It was a stellar class to join in on, but she was, at her heart, a Diplomat. Her entire career path, her life goal, was to keep from having to be in a situation where they were shooting guns off. If she thought about it, knowing tactics probably would help her with that. But she was miffed. The first test was coming up and she wasn't looking forward to it. A part of her was tempted to cheat, but Faye was not the kind of girl to probe someones mind uninvited. Far too many cultural taboo's. So that meant a study group. And that meant a bit of stress relief. If she were going to have to bone up on tactics to get that degree and get to Babel - And I will be at Babel - she would damn well have something pretty to look at while she studied. She'd just split things off with the girl she'd been dating the year prior, and was looking to let off some steam, and not get into anything serious.

And she was only interested in serious, with women.

Thankfully, there was a third-year in the class that was easy on the eyes and probably good for some fun. Quiet type, paid attention. Practically hung off of every word the Admiral said. Which, to be fair, they all did. There weren't all that many living legends from the Federations pioneer glory days of the 23rd century around any more. And at 132 years of age, Adm. Chekov had seen it all. This gentleman though, had approached her and invited the normally bubbly Betazoid over to his bunk in John Harriman hall for dinner and a study session.  She hadn't poked and prodded, but she'd noticed him paying her attention after she and the Admiral went back and forth for half the class on, as the admiral had put it, 'gun boat diplomacy." She'd held her own, based by the smile on the craggy mans face, and it was easy to tell that Cadet Slayton had respected that.

Given that Cadet Slayton was clearly attracted to her didn't hurt things. He wasn't thinking with the bits between his legs, which was impressive, for a male, but there was that desire as well. Since he was easy to look at - all muscles in the right places, if his uniform was any indication - sweet to boot, and seemed to know what he was doing, she was more than willing to accept. A year behind her, sure, but a class like this, that meant nothing. If something more than getting a good grade on a test happened, well, it had been a while since she'd had a boy to play with. The Cordinite she'd dated was very monogamous, after all, and while she agreed the split was for the best, she was a bit bitter. The girl had an itch that needed a scratch.

And thus, she came to a stop in front of unit C7, adjusting the bright red collar of her standard light grey cadet uniform. Four silver bars bedecked the collar, denoting her years at the Academy. Not the most uncomfortable outfit, but not the flowing robes and dresses she preferred.

And yet all the same, Faye drew a few stares - and she knew why - but nothing out of the ordinary. Senior Cadets did not have the same curfews as plebes and sophomore midshipmen did. It gave her the freedom to bounce around the campus, and more relaxed fraternization rules applied the more years you had under your belt. There was an old axiom: "never give an order that won't be obeyed." The Academy was strict, but it held to that ancient truism.

Clutching her books at waist level, Cdt. Eloi-Danvers reached out and triggered the bell to signal to the third year that she had indeed arrived.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #2
[Cadet 3rd Christopher Slayton| Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy] Attn:  @Brutus

As he worked on the dinner, Chris found himself ruefully enjoying  the fact that he was actually enjoying the life of a cadet after the events in his life prior to him joining as it helped to give his life some structure which is what he opposed to the other thing that he wanted but he knew that could happen one day

His mind went to his dinner companion for the evening which in turn made him smile as he added just a little bit of fresh olive oil to the water for the noodles. Faye was the last person that he would suspect to argue the finer points of Admiral Chekov's theories but she did so with such a fire and passion that surprised him for a Beta Zoids which had earned his respect as well as the admiral's.

He lowered the temperature on the water once it came to a good solid rolling boil as he wondered what it would be like to even have a chance with such a woman, much like a pyre incarnate but it had been a while since he allowed himselfor to actually enjoy himself, let alone entertain the idea of even trying to become close to someone as his last two attempts at building something in the years following his freedom from Rue Penthe had been anything but healthy...or long.

Chris had been stirring the sauce when the door chime went off and he went over to open the door which allowed him the honor of seeing the lovely young cadet on the other side of the door. "Welcome to my home, Faye. Please come in." he said in a respectable tone to the female cadet, his clear green gaze catching sight of a couple of his fellow third years giving him the stink eye for having such an attractive woman stop by his quarters, but as he glanced at them those same cadets quickly  ducked out of sight .

He then moved out of the way to allow her to enter, "I hope you don't mind but I thought you might enjoy some real food, Faye. It's a light pasta dish with a rich white sauce." He said to her as he watched her enter in a warm tone, enjoying how her body moved in her cadet's uniform before making him focus on his guest.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #3
[ Cadet 4th  Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: @DocReno 

It was hard for Faye to decide which she enjoyed more: the feelings of admiration and envy she sensed from the cadets behind her (a little vanity never hurt anyone), or the sudden burst of fear when they got caught starring by Mr. Slayton. Both were truly enjoyable for a social creature such as Faye. A socially starved creature at that, it could be argued, considering how small the local village had been on the farming colony she'd grown up on. Faye had taken to life in San Francisco like a fish to water.

And she was also taking to the sight of all those pretty muscles being displayed by her host. She practically bobbed up and down on her toes as she looked up at the well sculpted third year cadet. So maybe, just maybe, she put a bit of a sway into her hips that she might not otherwise have done. Maybe. Good luck prying the answer out of her. She knew it was appreciated though. She'd never felt like her Cadet uniform was all that flattering - nothing like what she'd wear back home when she wasn't working in the fields.

Certainly not as flattering as Cdt. Slayton's more relaxed attire. And yet she knew it looked good on her. Or at least, both Chris - that was his name? Yes, that was it, Chris memory and surface impressions gold her - Chris and the cadets outside thought she did it justice. Flattered by his interest - his reserved interest, at that, Faye couldn't help but smile a bit. Considering how much smaller some of her proportions were than say, the average human female's, it was a heady ego boost. The telepath had to wonder what Chris would think when -if? - her clothes came all the way off later.

"Thank you very much, Chris," she replied, keeping a tight hold on her books as she looked around the quarters, clutching them to her chest. Her onyx black eyes roamed about, noting the decor, and then she shut them and simply was. She allowed herself to be aware of her surroundings in every fashion but sight. It took barely a moment to get a feeling for the place. An impression, the sounds, the smells, the surface emotions of the man living there.

A deep, slow breath flowed, in through the nose, held in the back of her throat, before it trickled down to her lungs, then back up and out her mouth. Sighing on the exhale, Cdt. Danvers opened her eyes and smiled. "It smells lovely in here," she said to him, turning back to meet the green gaze of a pleasantly chiseled face.

"I have to say, those poor, envy filled cadet's outside should be jealous of the meal you're cooking." And not just me.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #4
[Cadet 3rd Christopher Slayton| Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy] Attn:  @Brutus

As he watched Faye enter his quarters, he couldn't help but enjoy how her firm hips swayed as she walked into his quarters and how her ass moved in the restricting cadet's uniform but he quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of his head as he wanted to enjoy this time with her as it wasn't often that he invited anyone back to his quarters for anything.

"My apologies, Faye, for forgetting to let you know that if you wanted to be dressed comfortably then you could've." Chris said in a warm but respectful tone to her as he moved to stand in front of her to take her in fully, quietly admiring the young woman that was standing in front of him with his eyes covertly tracing over the swell of her breasts and noticed that even though the cadet uniform was one of the most unflattering things that he'd ever seen on a woman even after his travels, on her it did nothing to take away from her beauty.

He was a man who enjoyed smaller proportions, found them much more real and attractive with Faye's uniform top helping to give him a highlight to them with their gentle slopes into a perky yet plump shape that made his throat dry as he wondered what they would look like without the clothing in the way as he felt something long dominant stir within him as he motioned at the couch. "Please have a seat and be comfortable, Faye." he said with that same warmth and honesty that he spoke with prior but then a wide smile crossed his face at her complement. "Thank you, it's not often that I invite people over so having a guest is a truly a grand occasion."

He then couldn't help but smile at her comment as he bowed his head again. "Perhaps, but I only like to share my food with those who'll actually enjoy it such as my present company."

Chris then walked over to the kitchen area and stirred the white sauce just a little bit before reaching over and uncorking a bottle that was next to him to add a little bit of a splash to the sauce. "By the way when I said real food, I meant actual real noodles, vegetables, and everything." he explained as then held up a bottle with a very deep and rich looking red liquid within it. "Cabernet Sauvignon, bottled on my home world of Asgard, circa twenty two eight eight."

He then reached over to a cabinet and pulled out a wine glass which he held up for her to see. "Would you like a glass to try?" he offered up respectfully.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #5
[ Cadet 4th  Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: @DocReno 

This was not, by any means, the first time Faye had felt the distinct appreciation for her body. One could argue that it was the first time she'd ever picked up a surface thought that seemed to indicate that she made this hideous uniform look good, but she'd been under the pleasant scrutiny of a man (and women) that admired what they saw. Faye found herself tugging a bit at the light grey sleeve of her shirt. It was flattering, however, to know he liked the shape of her. At least, what he could see, and what his mind was filing the blanks with. Hmmm, quite a wandering mind at that. She placed a hand on chest, above her heart, well aware that it would draw his eye there, but acting like it was an innocent gesture.

Pleased that she was clearly having an effect, Faye sauntered over to the couch he had set up, that looked back at the small kitchen that Chris was puttering about int. She daintily seated herself, wishing - as he had apologized for - that she had known about the dressed down dress code. She would have had time between her class, and this, to change.  A skirt would have been delightful just then. Something a bit sheer - not completely, of course - comfortable on her skin and revealing. Just imagine what that motion would have done to him, she thought to herself. His tight shirt was doing plenty for her.

"I'm not sure how grand I am, Chris," she replied as she bent forward a bit and placed her books on the floor. "But i appreciate the compliment. A kind word will get you everywhere." There would be studying. Dinner and the distracting eye candy were important. And what might happen with said candy was very much on the forefront of her own mind. He was charming and genuinely sweet. Not like most of the boys she played with. But she needed to pass that class too. Those books would come into play later.

Mmmmm, right now though... The brunette telepath's lips curled into a slow, pleased smile. Time to relax.

"A glass of wine sounds fantastic," Faye replied, leaning back in the sofa and wiggling about from side to side, settling in. The couch seemed to wrap itself around her, and it was delightful. Cadet Eloi-Danvers  watched, politely, as Chris cooked, dark eyes darting about. Truth be told, the whole scene reminded Faye of her father cooking for her mother after a long day out in the fields. He would tell Mother that he found it relaxing, soothing, to cook like that after a long day of hard work. She wondered if that was something similar between the two of them, her father and her soon to be study budy.

"This truly does smell delicious. I'm flattered that you'd take the time to do this for a study session."

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #6
[Cadet 3rd Christopher Slayton| Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy] Attn: @Brutus

As he was working on the meal, he noticed Faye's movement and felt his pulse speed up just a little bit by her action and while hiss training told him one thing but his attraction to Faye caused him to ignore what he was being told as his face turned a little bit pink before he poured a nice amount of wine into the glass before bringing it over to her. "Don't sell yourself short, Faye. You have a certain zeal about you that I can both respect and find somewhat infectious, especially following your argument with Pavel." he said with a warm smile. "I also don't just invite anyone....actually you're the first one that I have cooked for since I joined the academy."

He couldn't help but blush just a little bit at that as he turned around and headed back to the kitchen area to pour himself some wine too before he went back to wrapping up cooking and then expertly dished the meal and brought the plates over to the table before also pulling an actual fresh loaf of bread that had a slightly spicy scent to it. "Thank you and your welcome." He said with a bow of his head as he took in the young woman who was now relaxing on his couch, enjoying the sight of the svelte woman.

As he watched her wiggle, he couldn't help but admire how her muscles moved in a manner much like some of the dancers he had seen on Pacifica during his travels as part of the Aurgia's crew, very flow lyrics and sensual but when his eyes moved up to her lips and he saw the smile-one thought came across his mind as he took a drink from his glass that held nothing but a real bit of honesty to it mixed with an earnest attraction to this woman:

What would it be like to kiss her?

Chris blinked athe the thought and his blush returned along with a warm smile. "So, shall we eat and enjoy each other's company before we tear apart the books?" He offered up.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #7
[ Cadet 4th  Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: @DocReno 

Gently swirling the wine in her glass, Faye tilted it at an angle to watch the light filter through the murky dark wine. A wine dark sea she thought, recalling the phrasing she'd heard, many years ago. The gesture, just like the words, were something that she'd picked up from her mother, back when she was younger. Much younger. It wouldn't be a sweet wine, she knew that - most Earth wines weren't, at least not when compared to the wines made on Betazed. And even if this was made on a far off colony as Chris had stated, she knew the type of wine.

Now true, they could have just stolen the name and run with it (like the various "Champagnes" she'd tried over the years), but she assumed there was a connection. A dryer wine. She took a sip, wondering how it would pair well with the pasta. She felt confidence coming off of Chris (about the meal at least) and decided it likely would.

"Well I'm certainly flattered to be your first guest," Faye said. That kind of statement might have been a warning signal from another person, but she was getting none of the emotional or mental signs. And sadly she had encountered a few people since leaving the colony back home where she now recognized said warnings. Chris came off like a coiled tiger, but the kind you might want to scratch under the chin.

Maybe I'll try that when he gets around to acting on his impulses she thought, shyly. However, this was cheating, so to speak. The deck was stacked in her favor. She just needed to decide if that was a problem or not.


"I think that's a lovely idea, yes," she replied, uncrossing, then recrossing her legs. Deliberately. She rested her wrists on her knee, gently rolling the wine around in her right hand. "Whatever do you have in mind, Chris?" she didn't quite purr his name, but it was close. Letting herself enjoy the moment, she brought the glass up to his lips again, and sipped, letting her eyebrows wag up and down on her forehead as she locked those coal dark eyes onto his.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #8
[Cadet 3rd Christopher Slayton| Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy] Attn: @Brutus

As he waited to hear what she thought, Chris had moved to gather a couple of plates and silverware when heard her comment about being honored at which point he turned to look at her and how she was sitting now but when he does, his mouth goes drier then the sands of Nimbus Three.

Faye's sleek form was recrossing those lovely legs of hers before she rested her wrists on her knees, stopping long enough to take another sip from her wine glass before asking him a question in a tone that was like a low, seductive purr as those lovely solid black eyes locked onto his clear green ones.

There wasn't a single though in his mind as Chris sat the items he had down and set the stove to keep things warm without burning anything as he quietly walked over, his eyes never leaving hers as he walked over to sit next to her on the couch.

Ever since she had joined the class, Chris had not only had a reserved attraction to Faye but there was also an admiration for this woman as she had a passion that made her more attractive to him then her physical appearences, a fire that seemed to always be simmering in those lovely dark black pools that were her eyes.

His pulse started to quicken as he was now close enough to inhale the tangy and sweet scent of her, a rich array of strawberries, lemons, pomegranates but there was an underline scent that only served to heighten bouquet that hit his sense of smell as he leaned in, the strong and calloused fingers of his left hand coming up to gently cup the left side of her face, revealing lightly in the sensation of her silken skin under his fingertips.

The entire room was silent as he softly said "This."

He then leaned in and kissed her fully on the lips, he didn't try to deepen it or anything but was lightly lost in the pomegranate taste of her rose petal soft lips.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #9
[ Cadet 4th  Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: 

Boys would be boys, as the saying went, and there was something intimately satisfying about getting them to act on those natural impulses. A visual delight, as Chris moved towards her, stalking almost. Primal. Inviggorating. This is what she needed tonight. Oh, she needed the studying too - no pretending otherwise. But the fire that stirred in the the wake of the junior cadets approach gave truth to the craving that had been needling Faye for a few months.

It didn't have to be Chris, to satisfy this craving. But as that strong hand pressed in against her cheek, setting a blush into Faye's face, she was glad it was him. When she got a peek into his mind as he brought his lips down on hers, after the whisper of one little word, crammed full of intent, she was glad it was him. And when she got to taste his lips and the hint of wine there, smel lthe spice of the food he'd been cooking and the underlaying sent that was 'Chris', she was glad it was him.

Who knew his thoughts could be so poetic. Desptie how patronizing some might find it, she found it adorable. Something to be encouraged in a male. And despite a relatively sheltered youth, Faye had learned a few ways to encourage and entice. With the confidence of three plus years at the academy and the assuridity that she was at the top of her class bolstering the insight she gained from her own innate gifts, Faye acted.

She started with a moan that she felt no need to repress, her body responding to Chris' advances. With delicate care, Faye set the wine glass down, then wrapped her arms loosly around the broad shoulders of the man above her. She fluttered her eyes and took a slow, deep breath through her nose. She liked the way he felt about her, the glimpses and impulses she was picking up. It bolstered her confidence. She was always so much more confident with boys then with women. It came from wanting different things from the different sexes, she reasoned.

Carefully, she allowed her full lips to part, just a hair, and for the tip of her tongue to poke out and lap, curiously at his lips. Her eyes were half closed, but burned all the same, smoldering with amused desire. Yes, she was craving - it was the right word - what this man might have to offer. And she wanted to bask in a little adoration. She'd had scaresly enough of it the past few months.

To help that along, she  deftly slid one foot out of her shoe, and moved it up the inside of his thigh. She couldn't get it as high as she wanted - the angles were all wrong and she didn't want to let go of Chris (yet) - but all the same, she added that teasing contact. "I like 'this,'" she purred to him as she pulled away a little bit to lap her lips.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #10
[Cadet 3rd Christopher Slayton| Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy] Attn: @Brutus

Chris was feeling a warmth that he hadn't felt in a long time as he more FELT the moan from the young woman as he kissed her before he felt her slender toned arms wrap around his broad shoulders but then something unexpected happened.

As they kissed, he felt her lips part just a little bit, only a hair, before the tip of her tongue to poke out and taste his lips as her solid black eyes became smoldering with that passion he knew she possessed and it made him want her even more as he felt the toes of one of her feet trace up the chorded muscles of his right thigh which started to make not only his pulse race more but also parts of him that he had ignored for a long time..he felt a craving for this young woman and it only made him want her more.

She broke the kiss at that moment and told him that she liked "this" before bringing her tongue out to lap lightly at his lips but it was at this moment that he moved his hands down from her face to wrap them around her slim waist as he leaned in and kissed her, gently running the tip of his tongue against hers as he leaned back on the couch, pulling her ontop of him.

As he lightly deepened the kiss, his hands started to slowly roam over the Betazoid's body but he wasn't "pawing" at her but instead every swipe of his broad hands across her curved, toned body in a way that was to stroke the fire that she had started in him back into her, fingers slowly running across the expanse of her through her cadet uniform as he broke the kiss long enough to look into her eyes as he reached down to take one of her hands and placed it on his chest as a silent way of giving her permission.

He then leaned up and once again found himself lost in the wonderful taste of her lips as he deepened the kiss just enough to slip his tongue into her mouth to get more of her taste as he wrapped his tongue sensually around hers as he held her, his hands going no further then the skilled and gentle caresses across her body as he let out a moan of his own as he felt the fire continue to build.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #11
[ Cadet 4th  Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: @DocReno 

One moment, her back was pressed in against the couch and then the next, she was being pulled up and over, onto the junior cadet's lap. Well this is a pleasant change of circumstances she thought to herself, smirking against his lips as she settled back, rocking her hips nice and slow. She could feel those powerful hands on her hips and perhaps it wasn't the most 'correct' thought she'd ever had as a refined Betazoid woman, but she rather liked that power that thrummed in his muscles. Boys do make the best toys

Hands began to wander, and it was clear to Faye that Chris knew how to use them. She was purring like a kitten by the time that he cradled his hand in hers, and drew it to the expanse of his chest. His mind had already screamed the permission that his actions were giving, but she liked the touch. And she liked knowing that he enjoyed having her here. Because as she wiggled down, she was pretty sure that he liked her. Or perhaps it was the kiss that gave it away, as he leaned back in to capture her lips once more.

Letting herself get lost in turn, her dark eyes fluttered shut, she moaned again into the kiss. Her fingers curled into the collar of his shirt, squeezing there as she let her hips grind down on him again. There was an impression that Chris hadn't acted on urges like this in some time, and she found herself flattered and touched. Then again, she hadn't been with a man since before she started dating her now ex-girlfriend. So it almost seemed fitting - two cadets ending each others dry spells

Pulling back from the kiss, Faye reached out with her hands, touching any bit of exposed skin she could find, tracing her fingers down around and under the collar. Plenty of delightful muscles to play with, to trace and...well. Feeling bold, Faye leaned down and nudged her nose against his jaw, until she could get her lips under there, and press to his neck. The men back home didn't like it all that much, but she had a feeling Chris might enjoy this. She kissed there, then nuzzled, then licked, before letting her teeth latch lightly onto his skin, digging in a hint. And all the while her hips worked back and forth across his lap, before wiggling into a determined, circling motion, pressing herself in close.  It wasn't direct stimulation, but she figured it would help stroke him up a bit.

What she wanted to do was slide that hand down underneath the waistband of his pants and do some direct stroking, flesh on flesh. It had been too long, and a girl had needs. "needs to satisfy," she murmured against his skin as nuzzled were she had bit before. Her tongue lapped out, and then her lips pressed to Chris' cheek. Fingers curled into his biceps, as she breathed gently. "What needs can I satisfy, Chris?"

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #12
[Cadet 3rd Christopher Slayton| Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy] Attn: @Brutus

Chris was allowing himself a rare moment of letting loose and as such, he was enjoying it as he could feel Faye slowly starting to become lost in it as well as he felt her start to run her slim hands running all over his muscles as she broke the kiss to nudge her nose against his jawline which he relented and let out a very deep moan of pleasure as he felt her lips that were like small red hot irons searing his skin with her kisses.

She kisssed.

She nuzzled.

She licked.

She bit, all the while those lovely hips were moving in a pattern that allowed him to feel the heat of her motlen core through her slacks which only served to make him even more incredibly hard then he'd ever been before as he leaned up and kissed her hard on the lips, his tongue seeking out hers again before he broke the kiss to start working his way down the pale curve of her neck, kissing and nipping as he went.

As he did this however, his left hand moved up her body slowly until it reached the hemline of her uniform top and then he slipped his hand under it, his sstrong and calloused finger trailing uper the bare skin of her torso until her reached her left breast, the aching mound of flesh was bare to his touch, his thumb expertly manipulating her nipple there until it was hard under his ministrations.

He then herd her murmurs as her fingers gripped onto the muscles of his thickly built arms as she whispered hotly into his right ear about what needs she could satisfy which only made him growl hotly in pleasue before he moved his face to capture her lips again with his own, his dark green eyes looking into her dark eyes.

His right hand then slid down her toned, curved body to her ass and he squeezed it tenderly before he dragged the very tips in a teasingly slow manner around from her right ass cheek, over her hip, around the curve of her outer then inner thigh to just below the inner curve of the junction between her legs and slowly, painstakingly slowly started to caress her there.

Only then did he speak and when he did, it was in a low and very passionate growl into her right ear, his lips close enough that he could be loud with a whisper:

"what if my needs is to worship your body first, Faye. to strip you naked and worship you with my lips and tongue until you cry out in a release that you CRAVE and NEED?"

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #13
[ Cadet 4th  Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: @DocReno  

Given that she was a telepath, Faye couldn't help but think that she should have seen Chris' desire coming a mile away. But she had been lost in her own waves of pleasure.The ones that sparked when he tugged up her shirt, and boiled over when he cupped her bare breast. She delighted in his delight, at finding her breast bare under the uniform. Given the size of her...physical gifts, she'd rarely ever bothered with that standard issue bar that came with the uniform. Or with bras of any kind for that matter, unless she was working out, or feeling playful. She regretted ,to an extent, that she hadn't worn something for Chris to take some pleasure in removing.

But his hands felt good on her breasts - warm, rough, and big, not the smoothly small and delicate hands of a woman. She loved both. She craved this, here, and now.

He devoured her mouth - there was no better way to put it-  as he worked her nipple into a hardened diamond. Gods, but I've missed this she thought as she felt her lips swell from the assault, bruised ever so slightly with desire. She could taste the wine on his tongue, before she arched her own to scrape across the roof of her playmates mouth.  And that devious bastard was groping her all over below the waist, but from the outside of her pants. She was wiggling about in his lap, feeling heat start to pool between her legs, and he was keeping his hands out of her pants! So cruel she thought with a mental pout, her lips still too busy to manifest the feeling physically.

Finally though the kiss broke and Faye was able to lean back and catch her breath - kind of. It did seem to stick in her throat as he growled out what he wanted. She knew men like him, the kind that almost needed to get the girl off before she did much of anything to him in turn. Humans were like that, often. Betazoid men were...a mixed bucket. Not quite as passionate as the human's shed been with. More so than some other species she'd experimented with, of course. Middle ground, she supposed, then stopped thinking about it as she met Chris's gaze and allowed her coal black eyes to flicker and burn with smoldering need.

"Then what are you waiting for?" She asked him, forcefully grinding against his fingers. "Get me the hell out of these...all of these. Theres nothing I want more than to prance about this place as naked as the day I was born -" She punctuated her words with another rock of her hips. "- and make enough noise to test the sound proofing they build into these quarters." Another roll a groan, and her lips were back on his. "Be a good boy...please?"

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #14
[Cadet 3rd Christopher Slayton| Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy] Attn: @Brutus

"As you wish."

That's all he said to her in a passionate tone as he picked up her up and carried her easily into his bedroom before he laid her out on his bed before helping her out of her uniform top and leaving her upper body bare and exposed to his eyes.

He took in the beautifully formed plump mounds he reached out and took her breasts into both of his hands and slowly started to tenderly massage them in his strong hands, enjoying the warm, heavy weight in his hands as he leaned in and devoured her sweet lips once more before he broke the kiss to nip from her lips down her jawline and into the graceful slope of her neck, down the creamy but firm expanse of her naked upper body until he reached her left breast.

Then he very slowly lowered her onto her back as he leaned in and slowly...painstakingly slowly...started to trace the tip of his tongue around her left breast, going over every curve and inch with his wet and warm muscle without even touching the more sensitive skin of her areola or nipple as he was focusing on the actual breast itself and after a couple minutes of this, he dragged his tongue from the inner curve of her breast to the flesh around her nipple...taking great pains to avoid contact with the actual nipple at that...until finally he focused on the actual nipple itself, slapping it with his tongue for several long seconds before he took the aching, hardening flesh into his mouth were he started to bath it with his tongue.

While he was doing this, his right hand slid down her natural curves, lovingly stroking her firm muscles as he went until he reached the front of her uniform slacks and started to undo them but much like how he started working on her breast-he did this very slowly as he wanted her to enjoy every single moment of this fire.

He wanted to give her an orgasm worth of his respect for her .

Of his passion for her.

Once he had the fasteners undone, he gently slipped his hand into her pants, just far enough in so that he could feel her panties, allowing two of his fingers to slowly trace over every inch of the lace before gently pressing down on the spot just below where her clit hood was and then slowly dragged his fingers upwards to the waistband of her panties.

As he was doing this, Chris’s dark eyes sought out hers after he got her left nipple as hard and sensitive as one could make such a nub of flesh before he slowly slid the tip of his tongue from the tip of her left nipple down into the valley of her lovely breasts and then repeated the same process to her right breast that he had done to her left, enjoying the taste of her, worshiping her creamy skin with only his tongue until her right nipple joined it’s twin.

At that point the Asgardian slowly started to work his way down her body, kissing some places while tracing muscles with his tongue the other as he wanted to work Faye up into a solid, slow boil of sexual heat as he worked his way down her body until he finally reached her boots which he removed along with her pants to leave her only clad in a pair of lacy and very skimpy panties until he very slowly peeled those off of her as well before simply taking in the beauty before him.

As he took her in, he didn’t say a word or think a thought as he looked at her flawless beauty as every bit of her was simply formed and perfect in its own way with her bare breasts rising and falling in perfect harmony with the flushed patches of skin adding more to the exotic beauty before him.

Dark eyes met dark eyes.

Chris then gently parted Faye’s legs as he moved between them, gently kissing his way up the inside of her left leg until he was between her creamy thighs and leaned in to gently lick the outer lips of her warm, dark haven and finding it just as sweet and tangy as her kiss as he slowly started to eat her out, his tongue slashing to the left of her before swishing to the right as his hands slipped back up to her perfect breasts and started to knead and caress them as he devoured her pussy.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #15
[ Cadet 4th  Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: @DocReno 

She let out a girlish little yelp as she was lifted up in the strong arms of the junior cadet. This too was something that men were quite good at as, to be fair were some women - not, however, her ex. A lot could be said a bout a pair of strong arms that could pick you up and be oh such a dear, carrying you about so you didn't have to bother moving away, or stopping your assault on their neck and shoulders with your lips. Delightful, really.

"As you wish." There was something about those words that conjured up a sense of familiarity. Something reaching back, back into her past, a story maybe? Something her mother used to enjoy, from her time on Earth, before she met Daddy. But Faye couldn't recall the specifics, just that she'd heard the words in a distinctly less intimate setting and that they had an amusing connotation now, as a result. Truthfully though as she arched her back and reached up to let her hair down, to fan around her head as she met the mattress in the bedroom, Faye didn't care where the words came from - just that Chris was following through.

Thoroughly, if the attention he was giving her now bare breasts were any indication of how the evening was going to meander from here. A pleasant diversion, oh yes more than that she thought to herself as those coal black eyes burned with heat. Bare shoulders wiggled into the cushion beneath her as breath hitched in her throat, and then bubbled up in delighted moans of 'oh yes,' and 'mmmmmm right there' that became whines of "pleeeasse," as he did his damnedest to avoid her nipples. The cruelty was back, but Faye delighted in this all the same, and allowed her heel to dig into the side of his leg when he finally went after that rock hard little peak of flesh.

The warmth of his mouth was a shock compared to the cold of the room and teased a mewl out of Faye. She was quite honestly purring like a kitten, and her hands snapped up to rake across Chris' scalp. She felt his heat and desire, his longing and sheer enjoyment and selfishly relished her mental gifts to feel that pleasure. Shame he couldn't in turn, but that was the price she paid. It would take a lot more than a study session fucking - and she was sure there would be fucking if she had anything to say about it - to form that kind of feedback bond with a non telepath. Faye knew it could be done, but she'd certainly never grown that close to someone, male, female or otherwise.

the sound of a zipper slowly being pulled down elicited a squeal of anticipation from the Betazoid. As a culture, they were all about openness, responsiveness and honesty - and she was honestly responding to his attentions and very much wanted to spread her legs nice and open for him. The pants were still on though - he was teasing her with a patience that she lacked at the moment.

Devilish Bastard she thought with exasperated affection.

The squeel surfaced again when he pressed fingers against her clit, through the utterly soaked lace of her panties. These weren't the nicest, or the prettiest lace panties she owned, of course, but Faye never (or hardly ever) wore the standard issue panties. Panties, yes, but not the crap that the Starfleet Academy Quartermaster's Office provided for Cadets. So far, it had yet to raise any disciplinary issues.

So when Chris finally peeled her pants off he would be presented with a pair of black & nude lace panties, that managed to conceal anything important but nothing else. Skimpy was an understatement, she thought to herself, delighted to watch him over the curves of her body. She wiggled bared toes (he'd taken care of that for her already, such a good boy) in the air behind him, the nails painted a dark Ruby red, and slowly worked her hips from side to side, trying to entice. Tong stringed back, for what it was worth. And then he peeled those off too, taking his time - she could feel them stick slightly to her folds, damp as they were, and then they were gone.

A coy little smile curled on her lips as she let a finger run along the cut of her bare hip. She didn't ask if he liked what he saw - she knew he did. That certainty could be a problem at times, but not right now. Oh, oh no, it was perfect. She dragged her left foot up, and spread her legs a bit, giving him a better view. The bare shavent lips and mound. The patch of curls above, to visually entice, but out of the way for what she hoped he'd do next.

They're always rougher she thought to herself as her butt left the bed and her body arched again, moments later, when his tongue found her petals. Mens different from womens. Their lips as well and god the stubble! She mewled again as he went after her breasts, feeling the heat pool and her pussy cream with desire in response to the very male attention she was receiving. It was delightful and she found herself panting soon enough.

"Chris," she moaned his name out. Men liked that, right? Her head fell to one side, waves of hair all around now, and she panted, a sheen of sweat working itself into her tanned flesh. She could feel the damp line of it between her small breasts, trickling down her ribs. That was hardly the only trickle either she realized, as a mix of spit and creamy juice worked down from her folds. She was sure if he lifted his head Faye would find Chris' jaw glistening. She was also pretty sure her cream had made it down between her ass cheeks at this point, causing her to wiggle more.

That was going to leave a stain on his sheets.

She dearly hoped it wasn't the only stains they left.

"right there, mmmmm such a good boy," she moaned out. She wasn't going to hold back on that at all. Her hand moved down to stroke and caress his head, deft fingers tracing his ears, sinking into the short, short hair, and pull his head forward to her monds. Then she looped her legs - or tried at least, if he'd let her - up over his shoulders. She needed the leverage to begin to find her sodden core against his mouth. She was close, so close, more friction, more, more , "Please more...."

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #16
[Cadet 4th  Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] ATTN: @Brutus

Chris happily lapped at Faye's pussy, enjoying the sweet and tangy taste as he dragged his tongue against the slick wet heat of her for a few minutes before pulling back and gently blowing on the swollen lips of her sex before looking deeply into her eyes, his face lightly covered with her juices before he leaned in and thrust his tongue deeply into the petal-soft folds of her womanhood, burying his face deeply.

As he kept at it, he showed Faye something unique about him as his tongue went deeper into her then perhaps anyone else has before him as he delved deeply into her very slowly, wanting her first orgasm from him be something worthy of note for her.

A thought then came to him as Chris pulled his long tongue out of Faye and went for a little area between her clitoris and the opening of her vagina as he reached up and started to also stroke her clit at the same time, coaxing the small nub of flesh out of it's hood as he then was extra "mean".

Chris slowly dragged his right hand down Faye's shivering body, his broad fingertips tracing the curves of her muscles on the way down until he reached the now even hotter and slowly...very slowly...pushed one of his fingers into the private satin flesh as her tight depths started to stretch around his broad finger as he started to slowly pump the finger in and out of her as he worked on both her clit and her u-spot at the exact same time.

He stopped licking the spot in question to ask Faye one question, "So am I still a good boy?" in a voice filled with need for her before he buried his tongue back into the spot.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #17
[ Cadet 4th  Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: @DocReno 

At no point did Faye have any issue encouraging Chris along. Or any of her partners for that matter. When he blew across her puffy lips she let out a delighted little hum, and when he dove back in the noises grew deeper, rumbling in her throat, and setting her hips into a grinding wiggle, making a circle there on the bed. She watched his eyes, and her own went wide, when the tongue went deeper....and deeper....and deeper still. "Ohhhhhh helllllo hello," She crooned, the muscles of her walls clenching his tongue, coating with her sweet cream.

There was a moment when he engaged in a bit of dexterous tongue play that had her gasping sharply, her body arching back for a moment. Heels dug into her back and her fingers tried to tighten in his hair, but it was far too short for a proper grasp, so instead she raked her nails along his scalp. It wasn't the first time someone had so diligently spread her so, to make sure that their tongue hit it was the first time that a male had bothered to take the time. Usually they were all "swirl around, flick the clit a bit, suck down and pretty please cum so I can get my dick wet".

"Oh.My.Gods.Chris!" She exclaimed, flopping back down and looking over her sweat stained body, down at his face. That little bastard, she could feel how pleased he was. So be it. She was pretty damned pleased herself. And it was getting just a bit harder to focus as well as she'd like, with his tongue devastating her pussy. Flicking over her clit, that grew more pronounced, more sensitive. She was flowering on her own right now, spreading with desire. She didn't need any help to keep herself wide for him.

There was a flicker of forethought, and Faye was just able to glimpse what was about to happen before it did - not enough time to do anything about it, or really brace for it, but enough to know it was coming and make a little noise of delighted anticipation that kicked up an octave as the thick finger (especially compared to her ex) pushed into her. "Oh fuck me yes," she gasped out, focusing to remember to use Federation Standard, if only just barely able. She followed it with a series of unintelligible noises, something that sounded akin to "Herrrnnngghhhhaaahhhhmmmmmmnnnnnn"

By the time he pulled back to tease her and ask if he was being good, she was panting, cheeks flushed darkly. The blush was serious, as he asked, as he held her there on the precipice, with her cream on his lips, and his finger deep inside her still, pressing against her walls. Her hips were in the air, making little motions, jerking a bit back and forth, trying for more delicious friction. Barely did she get her breath in before he tdove back in and completely undid her.

She could feel the pressure building - pressure she'd felt before, yes, though it had been a bit of a while - and she realized, as her eyes went wider and wider with comprehension and just a trace of worry, that she was going to leave a considerably larger stain than she had expected when she thought about them earlier. Faye  didn't quite scream, when the orgasm hit; but it was a close thing. Her cry cut off sharply as she ran out of breath. Her whole body seemed to pulse with pleasure, those black eyes shinning like two onyx gemstones.

As her hips shot up, off the cushion, her body clenched and a heated rush radiated out from her core. The walls clamped down on the finger inside of her, rippling over and over, trying to draw it in deeper. And then at the same time there was a release, that sweet, hot spurt, emptying out as pleasure stole the very thoughts from her mind, splashing against the bed, and against Chris. She'd be embarrassed about it in a minute, but right now, she was entirely too far gone in the throws of her passions to be self conscious.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #18
[Cadet 3rd Chris Slayton | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] ATTN: @Brutus

Chris was happily enjoying the sounds of pleasure that Faye was making as he worked her most treasured of places, his broad and calloused finger delving with a certain agility deeply within her as his tongue lashed against a particular spot that he had learned of once what seemed a lifetime ago.

Her watched as she became more and more flushed, her breathing hitched and heavy, her beautifully formed small breasts bouncing up and down as her hips tried to get more of his finger into her as the friction that he was causing drove the very pleasure centers of her body in directions that he had a feeling no one had ever done for her before.

That was a true shame for a woman like Faye deserved nothing but the best.

Suddenly something unexpected happened as her hips shot up suddenly and very sharply as he felt her satin smooth walls grab at his intruding finger with enough force that he thought that she could possibly break it as a stream of her juices shot out of her with such force that he barely had time to catch all of it on his tongue as he continued to lap at her swollen sex as her body dropped back down to the bed, twitching heavily.

He gave her a couple of more pumps with the finger buried deeply in her as he slowly started to tenderly kiss his way up her shivering body until he reached her lips as he wrapped his powerful arms around her, drawing her trembling body in close and tight as he kissed her, gently stroking her body in the aftermath of a powerful orgasm until her body quieted down.

He broke the kiss, eyes now a warm shade of jade green looked down into her eyes with a smile. “I am of the belief that if you seek pleasure, then you must also give it...if you cook a meal, then one must be able to enjoy all of the range of tastes, smells, and textures.” he said to her softly, his natural husk as he brought a hand up to gently brush away a few strands of sweaty hair from her face.

He then gently reached down and placed one of her hands on the broad plane of his chest, letting her feel the muscles that rested under the thin material of his tank top. “Enjoy your needs, Faye.” he said softly before he kissed her again. "You are a rare woman, Faye." he added in a tender tone as he whispered against her lips.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #19
[ Cadet 4th Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: @DocReno 

Faye wasn't about to disabuse Chris of his delight at being the first to bring her to a squirting orgasm - he wasn't. But she didnt want him to know that, becuase he had done such a good job, and for a male? Remarkable. She was far too breathless to say anything at any rate, simply trying to catch her breath as sweat dripped between her subtle breasts. It was so hard to settled her pounding heart, as each kiss on her skin was like a searing brand. She felt Chris work up, leaving a burning trail along her body. Soaked, hyper stimulated, twitching body. From her painted toes to the painted tips of her fingers; her throbbing, now empty core, the rock hard pebbles of her breasts, even the tip of her nose. Everything felt alive in the wake of the orgasm.

She shook in his arms, unashamed for now, too far gone, hungry lips closing around his. She could taste herself there, and delighted in it, both the cream and the salty tang of her release. Like a salted caramel, she thought idly, having tried the candy on her mothers recommendation, when she finally arived in San Fransico. The memory there and gone in the wake of Chris's raspy voice. She swallowed, as a blush crept into her face. She'd come for a quick fuck and some much needed study - she was getting a lot more than that, and damn him but his mind was an open book right then. And what she read on those pages made her whole face ripen. To hide it, she tilted her head to the side, and kissed the palm of his hand, still watching him out of the corner of her eyes, listening.

She listened to his words, and his thoughts, and his desires. And they made her body sing with a desire for more. He was a smooth talker, and then some. The mesh of his shirt felt paper thin under her fingers as she purred in his arms, shivering and curling in closer. She felt small, and did not mind this sensation. Not tonight, not right then. Later maybe, not now. "This is in the way," the first words she spoke to him, giving a little tug on the shirt.

Fingers drifted from there, lower. He'd encouraged her and she would indulge. She ghosted over his waistband, and then down his thigh. She wondered, could she be as diligent as he, or would she just succumb to her desire to be full of that wonderful delight that only a very specific organ of a man could provide. She wondered in that moment how big he'd be, and decided that she would find out soon enough, as she let her fingers trace circles back up his leg.

A tremble ran through her and she spoke again, her voice shaking with the tremble of release. "I would very much like to see what you look like without anything on. It'll be easier to enjoy myself that way," she purred, hand jumping again, to the hollow of his throat, as she leaned in and kissed him once more. Slow at first, then probing, letting her tongue slip past his lips and taste herself. She pulled away and pressed her lips to one of his ears, and with that movement, her small body pressed in against the expanse of his chest. "It will be very, very hard to taste you with your pants in the way."

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #20
[Cadet 3rd Chris Slayton | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy] ATTN: @Brutus

"This is in my way"

Chris heard the words and for the briefest of moments was allowed himself to feel concerned for her reaction to what she was going to see but when he felt her little tug on his shirt, the feeling was burned away as he reached down and pulled the shirt up and off of his body to reveal the broad expanse of his naked torso to her view.

His entire upper body was as toned and defined as his arms with every muscle there carefully scuplted and maintained with intense effort but he wasn't big or bulky but instead toned and defined with the skin moving like water with the muscles rippling under them like a trained dancer's, his lightly tanned skin show cased the Chinese characters down the left side of his abdomen with a Andorian tattoo almost center on his right breast... but that did nothing to take away from his scars.

A set of what appeared to be the bitemarks of a large animal on the right side of his stomach, a rather brutal looking slash mark  on the right side of his rib-cage, two claw marks below the Andorian tattoo that looked like it had been a deep wound, and even one that looked like he had taken a shot from an energy weapon near his heart and survived with the coloring of it making it perhaps the oldest one there.

He didn't speak and his mind was quiet as he felt her fingers ghost the waistband of his pants before down over his right thigh which the chorded muscles there twitched at her faint touch as she was careful and mindful not to touch his manhood as it strained against the front of his pants and visibly twitched under her dark curious gaze.

All was quiet between them before he heard her voice as it trembled with a need that he understood fully, he could feel it in his very blood as his own desire for her as his own dark gaze roamed over her wonderfully tight body, seeing how hard the pebbles of her nipples were on those wonderfully sculpted breasts that lay bare before him before he felt her hand at the hollow of his throat, fingertips burning with a heat that he could swear was like being close to a sun as she quickly moved in and kissed him again with a surprising swiftness with a slowness that he enjoyed but then it became probing as he felt her tongue gently caress his lips.

He allowed her entrance, his tongue seeking out hers as he once more tasted herself, that powerful flavor as he kissed her with a hunger that he hadn't felt before before she suddenly pulled herself away, her lips instantly going to his ear as she pressed her naked body against his-her small breasts pressing against the naked muscular plane of his chest, so close to him that he could feel her heart beating hard and fast through their skins.

But then she whispered something that made him groan lightly before he moved his head just enough to capture her lips with his again, pushing his tongue into her mouth to pull her into a very deep, passionate kiss with his powerful arms going around her bare waist to pull him into his lap, her breasts pressed against his chest as he stroked her bare back in a tender, almost loving manner before the dire need for air finally caused him to break the kiss.

"As you wish, Faye." he whispered hotly against her lips.

He then gently lifted her off of him and sat her down on the bed before sliding off of it, then under her smoldering oynx eyes he slowly undid his pants and then slid them down, allowing her to see the muscles didn't just stop at the waistband as but within seconds his iron-hard tumesence was exposed to the naked eye, the hot swollen flesh of his turgid shaft practically sprung out of its cloth prison right at eye level of Faye, it's color right now a rich but vivid shade of plum with need, it bobbed slightly as he stepped out of his pants.

There he was, comnpletely exposed to her with his eyes locked on hers.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #21
[ Cadet 4th Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: @DocReno 

The kiss, before he whispered his consent to her little desire filled demand, had left the telepath breathless. Were all men like this, she wondered, or was it simply a product of her being without the company of a male to play with for so long. Delightful play things, she had to remind herself. Oh, they were people in their own right to be respected, but for Faye, they were fun, play, relaxing. She was wound as tight as a spring right now, and reveling in it as she watched her partner for the evening strip out of the last of his confining attire.

His body was a map of his lifetime, scars and tattoos leaving their marks. He was riddled with them, all over, and she could tell by the way his mind almost seemed to blank out under her scrutiny that it wasn't something he was going to want to talk about. Not ashamed of it. Just, not going to tell her, not now. There was an impulsive desire to place her lips against every cut, and every tat, and kiss them all, from head to toe. To map the trail of hardships in his lifetime with the soothing press of teasing flesh to flesh.

Another time, perhaps

With a smile gracing her face, Faye curled her body about, until she was on her hands and knees. With out a trace of self consciousness, she crawled to the edge of the bed, locking her eyes onto Chris's. It was a challenge not to gaze at the length that hung proud in front of her. Very hard. But she'd get to that in a moment. Every hard inch of it, if she had her way. how the hell will it fit?

She wiggled her way over and leaned in, looking up again at Chris. IF she remembered human anatomy right....she pressed her lips over what she hoped was his heart. Soft, sweet, eyes never leaving his. Her hands ghosted over his bare hips, down the cut there, then out to either side, over his thighs. Another kiss, and another moving to his ribs, as her hands settled back on his hips. Still her eyes looked up at him, the whole while, not down at what she was after.

I wonder... she thought before flicking her tongue over his navel, just to see how he'd react. And then again, over his hip bone, near the top of it, for exactly the same reason. She knew what she intended to do, what she wanted to do, but what did Chris enjoy. She'd cheat with a few head peeks but on the whole this was what she liked - discovering what made a new lover twitch, sigh, purr, moan and squeal. But she was sure they both knew, as she darted her head to the side and kisses his thigh, where this particular journey was going to end.

And end it did, when she let her face drift to the side, and rub up against him. No licking yet, but finally closing her eyes, and pressing her face in, nuzzling, feeling that particular male warmth on her cheek, tickling her nose, and teasing a long, low groan from her throat. And not once did she say a word - none was needed. Nor was a word needed when she turned to look at what she'd nuzzled, purse her lips, and slowly blow a breath over it, from the base, to the swollen tip, as she knelt there, sodden core exposed by her spread legs, hands resting on his hips, both of them naked as they day they were born.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #22
[Cadet 3rd Chris Slayton | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy] ATTN: @Brutus

As he stood there completely naked before Faye's smoldering gaze, Chris watched as her eyes took in every square inch of his exposed flesh, that thoughtful gaze lingering over some spots as her eyes trailed over inch of inch of tight flesh over sculpted muscle, his broad chest moving lightly as his breath was slow as this exquisite beauty before him as she read his body-a map of the struggles of a life less ordinary.

She then moved, her sleek figure shined lightly in the low light of the bedroom as the only light in the room was the pure power of the full moon that was out and shined through a window, casting her an almost etheral light as she curled around until she was able to move over on hands and knees to the edge of his bed, her gaze now once more locking with his.

A smile then lit up her face, brighter then that of the sun itself and just as fiery.

She then leaned up and kissed his chest, her lips searing hot on his heart with her gaze....soft and warm and sweet... never leaving his own as he felt the phantom touch of her hands over his hips, down the scars there before they trailed to the outside of his waist before trailing down over his thighs.

He then felt another searing touch of her lips on his body which drew a heated groan from his lips before the phantom touch went up to his ribs for a few seconds before they settled back down on his powerful thighs, the muscles twitching under her ministrations before she drew herself down to kiss his left thigh with another searing moment.

Everytime her gaze dipped lower, the actions that drew it away made him groan or moan in pleasure, things that he had tried to not focus on due to some of his "dates" turning out to be those who simply wanted to use him to further their own academic careers or those who were more interested in the "power" of being in a "relationship" with one of the Oldester families of the fleet.

But Faye...she seemed to know where to know where to touch him to draw feelings that he hadn't felt in quite a while from his lips, hot and wet "slash" of her tongue over his navel before there was another kiss of burning intent over his right hipbone, and where her lips could leave molten rivers of sensations across his bare skin...

...then he felt her face brush up against his swollen staff, her right cheek rubbing against him in a way that she could easily feel the hard pulse of his arousal through the hot distended flesh which drew an even louder groan of arousal from him.

He looked down, hoping to catch a look at her eyes to see those wonderful, smoldering orbs only to see them closed with a look of what could be described as a rapterous look upon her face as his swollen manhood twitched as her satin soft skin pressed against the heated flesh there, nuzzling him as another groan escaped from deep in his throat that was paired at the same time and moment by its twin from her throat as well.

Instead of speaking, he let his feelings take over as he reached down with one of his strong, broad hands that were calloused with years of work and fighting that were surprisingly tender to stroke the side of her face that wasn't nuzzling that rigid part of him as he looked down with a tender expression as he inhaled the very scent of *HER*, that hot pool between her creamy hips was spreading her natural perfume to a powerful extent that only seemed to heighten his feelings of want and desire for this woman as he closed his eyes in pleasure....

...then over the base of his the heated skin of his maleness was a hot, moist breeze that then slowly traveled up which caused scuplted and chorded muscles in his body to tighten all at once as this organic breeze eventually went over the very heated tip of his manhood, it jerked in a way that it lightly bapped her pursed, full lips and smeared the essence of a single semi-clear pearl that was starting to form on the tip of him as he let out the deepest and most passionate growl of desire his body had produced thus far.

He then reached down and ran the fingers of his left hand into those rich locks of hers as his breathing picked up as the swollen head then came to lightly rest on those very lips, his desire for her clear and evident in those smoldering dark green eyes of his. 

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #23
[ Cadet 4th Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy ] Attn: @DocReno 

Despite her telepathy, Faye had little idea of Chris' family history. There was no power play here, not in that sense. She wasn't looking for a relationship with him, let alone one to further herself. She'd come with all honesty and intent of studying together. Betterment for the both of them. And yes, she wanted to see how far she could get with the good looking junior cadet. To the latter, as he purred for her, she was sure she'd be going all the way. He had, after all, left her sticky and breathless. It was time to return that favor, with interest.

A purr of her own lit up the room as Chris' hand brushed against her and his hips shifted. She could feel the anticipation rolling off of him, and his smile was infectious. Even as he placed the tip so very gently against her lips, she answered his smile with one of her own. Her eyes sparkled in the dim light, and she slowly brought her hands away from his hips, small, delicate fingers framing his cock from either side, near the base. Feather light touches, as she opened her lips, ghosting fingers over the heated skin.

So very warm. I hope he tastes as good as i think he will, she thought to herself. Every species tasted different, she'd found, and even in those broad categories, every man had their own uniqueness that stood out from their species. Different from women, universally. Both were satisfying, in their own, respectively distinct fashions. As she let another warm breath escape her lips, in a throaty  sigh, Faye wondered how he would fair.

There was, however, no point in delaying now. He was eager - she didn't need telepathy to tell that much - and so was she. Her legs spread a bit wider, so her head could bob down a little lower. Heat roiled off of her as she let her tongue dart out and start to lap his tip. One side, then the other. A third flick, over the top, swirl around to the bottom cleft. Drawing her tongue back in, she moaned, eyes still on him - eye contact was important - as she used her thumbs to push his length upward, and then allow her to lick him like a Bajoran Jumja-stick, from base to tip, with her tongue flared out wide.

Form there, she took her time, using her thumbs and fingers to gently guide his shaft to one side or the other, until she had satisfied herself that his whole prick - and there was plenty of it - as well as the tight sack that hung between his legs, had felt the warmth of her tongue. Her breath was coming a bit faster, and her hips were wiggling with desire, as she finally opened her mouth wide and closed her lips around his cockhead, starting to hum deep in her throat, and letting her head begin to bob.

Re: 2377/Starfleet Academy: Heat Storm

Reply #24
[Cadet 3rd Chris Slayton | Quarters 7G/John Harriman Hall| East Quad/Starfleet Academy/Five years before the flight of the Theurgy] ATTN: @Brutus

The moment that he felt her tongue lap against the tip of the hot swollen flesh of the rigid par of him, he could not help but throw his head back and let out a very deep and powerful sounding moan of pleasure at the sensations that she was causing before he quickly moved his head so that he could look her in the those eyes again and with his eyes he let her know exactly how he felt.

The next two flicks of that wonderful tongue caused his hips to lurch forward, to try and have more of her on him as the fire deep within him was starting to burn even hotter for her...sensataions so strong that he had to fight to keep his eye contact with her, their respective smoldering gazes locked on each other.

Then everything around him felt like it had slown down temporally to below a crawl as he felt her silken fingers helped to manipulate his prestigous manhood around as she bathed with her warm tongue, every single nevre was alight with the heat that she left behind as she dragged it almost lovingly across his most intimate of parts.

But then his mouth opened as his eyes squeezed tightly shut as he felt her tongue slipped further down and over his very tight shack, the contents within almost being emptied as her moist muscle slid over the heavy orbs there as he fought to force his head to move so that he could look down, seeing her hips wiggling with a powerful desire of their own which he found somewhat hypnotic.

As he watched those lovely and tight naked hips shake that criminally fine ass bounce back and forth, his head was once more thrown back as an even deeper and louder moan of pleasure escaped his throat as he felt the head of his prick slip into the warm and wet cavern of her mouth the first few inches of it sliding across the broad, wet, and hot plane of her tongue with the moan becoming even louder as he felt vibrations start to course through his heavy shaft followed by her head starting to bob up and down on his hardness as his own hips started to thrust in response, helping to push more of the hot flesh into her hot mouth as the fingers of his right hand once more became entangled into those rich locks of her, only very slightly guiding her head.

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