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Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Loading Dock | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

Having finished his tour at the Hall of Warriors but still with a few hours left before needing to report, Cross wandered through the twisting city streets of the First City. He had no motive aside from seeing the sights, experiencing the culture, and perhaps purchase a surprise for Hathev if something stood out. Cross grimaced as a fetid wind tickled at the table clothes of the open-air bazaar. He was still growing accustomed to his fully Vulcan body, thanks to the Savi, and after his first excursion planetside, Cross had quickly adopted the use of the nasal sprays he’d once teased his Vulcan mentor about before returning. It didn’t block out everything but it did make his visits to the city streets far more pleasant.

His aimless search producing nothing of note, Cross continued his meandering course until he wound up alongside the Qam’Chee river just northeast of the Hall of Warriors. The air was cooler here, the scent more pleasant, and with a self-satisfied smile, Cross joined the families and couples who were already taking a late afternoon stroll on the pathway that bordered the river’s edge. Glancing down at the dark waters, he could see the blob-like forms of the freshwater drownfish bobbing up to the surface before sinking back into the murky depths for their prey. No one had yet given him a clear understanding of why they were called drownfish, but Cross didn’t intend to fall into the river to figure it out personally.

His attention snapped back to the pathway when he felt more than saw a presence move to intercept. Aside from the naked geriatrics at the art museum, Cross had not found himself at odds with the locals. For the most part, they either ignored his presence entirely, tried to rope him into buying things he didn’t need, or they sneered from afar. The lack of threat didn’t stop Cross from stiffening and shifting his weight onto his heels as he stopped to face the interceptor.

“You like the river?” It was an older Klingon woman, not quite as old as those who’d danced for Kahless in the museum, but close. “You hungry?” Cross raised an eyebrow, curious how she was going to connect the two seemingly separate questions together. “How about you join the dinner cruise?” It was her turn to shift her weight, gesturing for his gaze to move past her to the ticket kiosk where he read in Federation standard, D’oKlok’s Dinner Cruise.

“How long is the cruise?”

“Two hours.”

“What’s for dinner?”

“Whatever you can catch.” Cross inwardly chuckled. Of course, it would be that way on a Klingon dinner cruise. But then she added, “We have dirt beer, shell squid, and zilm’kach included with the ticket price, but if you want more options, you have to catch it yourself or bring it yourself.” Crossing her arms over her chest, the woman looked damn proud of the set up. “You want a spot on the boat?”

Cross was half tempted to ask what the boat looked like and if they would have to piece that together first too, but kept his mouth shut and nodded. If it turned out well, he could bring Hathev later.

“One ticket.”

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #1
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn’s Quarters

Miranda was waiting for Daniel to finish writing reports, she had convinced him to take a riverboat cruise on the Qam’Chee River.  She had dressed up in a patchwork denim jacket with matching patchwork denim shorts and a simple white halter top and white knee high cowboy boots.  She liked getting dressed up for shore leave whether it was on a planet or a starbase and she always chose her outfits carefully.  She knew what Daniel would be wearing and she was a little disappointed by his choice, she wished that he would dress up every now and then instead of wearing his uniform all the time. 

“Are you about done yet Danny?”  She asked him, their cruise was due to begin soon and she didn’t want to miss it.  Daniel looked up from his report towards the beautiful woman sitting on his couch and laid his report down. 

“Almost, I’m checking it for any spelling or grammar errors.”  He replied.  Miranda sighed as she got up and stretched a little.  “Please tell me you’re going to change into something more comfortable.”  She said as she walked over to him.

“I’m comfortable with my uniform, they are designed for comfort in even the most extreme circumstances.”  Daniel replied as Miranda just sighed.  “If you insist then I suppose there’s nothing I can do.”  She said as Daniel finally put his PADD down and stacked it on top of the other four that were already finished.  “Finally!”  Miranda said.  “Let’s get going already Danny, I’m excited to see what a Klingon riverboat cruise is like, from what I heard we have to catch our own meal.”  She said with excitement.

It should be interesting.”  Daniel said as he stood up, Miranda grabbed his arm and practically dragged him towards the door and as the two exited his quarters and made their way to the turbolift.  As they waited for the lift to arrive, Miranda wrapped her arms around Daniel and held onto him.  “I’m glad that I’ve got you alone and all to myself.”  She said.  “I am as well, though I didn’t count on you wanting to go down to Qo’nos.”  He said as she frowned a little at him, she knew that he preferred to spend time in the holodeck or the bedroom.  “As much fun as the holodecks and the bedroom is Danny, I want to get out and see the galaxy as much as we can while we’re trying to show the truth to everyone.”  She said. As Daniel nodded, he could understand that even if he didn’t agree with her.

The lift arrived and opened to show an empty lift and the two of them entered.  “Deck 12, Vector 2.”  Daniel said as her heard the familiar confirmation tone and the doors shut and the lift started to go down.  It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the deck requested, and the two exited the lift as another pair of crewmen got on after them. 

Deck 12, Transporter Room 3

They enjoyed a nice walk down the corridor together and joined a small line outside Transporter Room 3, it seemed several people were going down to enjoy some shore leave as well.  It took them a few minutes to get through the line but they soon took their place on the pad and were energized down near the river docks, their boat not far from their beam-in site.

Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos

Daniel and Miranda approached the boat and a Klingon standing guard at the entry ramp asked for their tickets.  Miranda pulled a pair of tickets from one of her pockets and showed them to the Klingon who looked them over and then bid them a good time.  Daniel didn’t like being on the planet without being armed but he knew regulations wouldn’t have permitted him to carry his sidearm, and he knew that Miri would have disapproved as well.  As they made their way around the boat Daniel noticed the fishing poles that lined the outside railing, it seemed that would be how they were to catch their meal.  Miranda meanwhile was excited at the whole prospect and the fact that she had managed to get Daniel here made it all the more fun.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #2
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Loading Dock | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

Already deciding that Hathev would likely NOT like this sort of excursion, Cross still followed through with the purchase and accepted the ticket with a polite nod. He had nothing better to do with his time now, and it seemed to be an intriguing prospect worth exploring. Turning toward the gently swaying vessel, Cross was quick to take note of his fellow shipmates as they boarded the boat with pre-ordered tickets. He recognized Havenborn from briefings but not so much the woman he was with. Waving his ticket to the guard at the end of the ramp, Cross walked the length of the swaying gangplank to the boat. The other patrons had already selected their “weapon” of choice for dinner, leaving a few poles, nets, and at least one spear for Cross to choose from.

“I’m still on the fence if I appreciate that I have just paid someone else to allow me to catch my own dinner,” Cross sarcastically remarked to Havenborn as he stood assessing which instrument to choose, “but it is certainly an experience nonetheless.” Finally settling on the classic, a fishing pole, Cross took hold of the rod and turned to face the man. “I don’t recall formal introductions onboard, but since we are both on shore leave, about to fish for supper, please call me Cross.” He smiled at the woman before returning his gaze to Havenborn.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #3
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Daniel nodded to Lieutenant Commander Cross as the man joined them.  He smirked at the other man’s observation about having to pay for catching their own food.  “I like to think of it more as we’re paying for the use of the boat rather than them letting us catch our food.”  Daniel responded as he chose a fishing pole for himself and Miranda.  He’d heard of these devices before but never actually used one, he’d have to hope that Commander Cross or Miri had used one before, or watch the other patrons and copy what method they used to operate them.  Miranda also nodded at the Lieutenant Commander as he approached them, she knew who he was from the senior staff updates but she’d never really had any reason to interact with him before this.

“Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn.”  He said.  “I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced before however we did meet under some unfortunate circumstances a week ago during a disciplinary issue I had to take care of for my RIO.”  Daniel added referring to the incident in which he and Petty Officer t’Jellaieu had caught his RIO, Knight, in an unfortunate situation where Knight, Uriah Ahern, had brought an Aldean woman onboard and had lost track of time.  Cross had ran into himself and the Petty Officer as they were escorting the young woman off the ship.

Miri returned the smile to the senior officer, she was a little annoyed that she didn’t have Daniel all to herself not that she’d say anything, the man was here on shore leave as well and she reminded herself that if she had wanted Daniel all alone she could have taken him to the holodeck, something he probably would have preferred.  “Hello sir.”  She said.  “I’m Ensign Miranda Dove.”  She said introducing herself.

Daniel nodded at the informal way that the Commander asked him to refer to him, he didn’t like informality amongst acquaintances but he would try to respect the senior officer’s preference, though that might take some getting used to he thought to himself.  “Have you ever operated one of these fishing rod poles before?”  He asked.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #4
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

“True,” Cross’ gaze carried over the length of the boat then back to Havenborn, “let’s hope that they’ve put the fees to good use and we don’t sink in this tub.”

It took a moment before Cross recalled the exact scenario Havenborn referred to, but when he did, Cross busied himself with glancing at his fishing pole to keep from giving off any sign of amusement. Of all the reasons to get a disciplinary infraction…Cross straightened his posture and gave a polite nod to Havenborn’s beautiful companion at her approach, his attention on both her pleasant smile and Havenborn’s reminder of when it was they’d last met.

“Pleased to meet you, Ensign Dove, and now that you mention it, Lieutenant, I do recall that incident.”  He held up the fishing pole and pointed to the various features, “There are some features on here unique to Qo’Nos, I can only assume, but basically, you put the bait on the hook here,” Cross looked around until he found the pail of squirming gagh and seized a worm, quickly stabbing it and wrapping it around the hook at the end of his line. “Before you cast the line, point in the direction you want to cast, bend your knees a little lower than your center of gravity to give a stable base.” He demonstrated the posture. “Have your hips and shoulders square with the target area as well. Then reel in the line, turning the reel crank clockwise, so the lure, or the bait, is about 30-38cm from the rod tip,” Cross again demonstrated the movement, “then grip the handle of the rod with your thumb just below this reel button,” he lifted the rod to show both Havenborn and Dove, “once you’ve positioned yourself push the reel button, raise your casting arm until your hand is in front of your face. The movement should be from your elbow, now your shoulder, because you’re going to need to snap to get a complete cast. Also, be sure to keep the handle of the rod above waist level at all times, and don’t raise your arm too high otherwise, you’re likely to hook a Klingon and not a fish. Then, once you’re ready, sweep the rod forward quickly, stopping it at around the 10 o’clock position, depressing the reel button at the same time. Only press the reel button again once your lure reaches your intended target, and then it is a waiting game until some unlucky bastard falls for the bait.”

Cross soon followed through with all the instructions he’d given and had his line drifting alongside the boat within seconds. Looking back to his companions, Cross quirked a smile.

“My human mentor taught me how to fish, and I found the activity relaxing, even if I don’t normally eat much fish.” He tipped his head to the side as if they’d managed to forget about his pointed ears. “Though I find it to be the more pleasing of meat sources of the ones I’ve been exposed to. What of you?”

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #5
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

“It’s been my experience that Klingons make things to last, they may not look pretty but they’re sturdy.”  Daniel said, he’d fought against the Klingons a few times and destroying their fighters wasn’t easy.  Daniel nodded as Cross mentioned that he remembered the incident he had mentioned.

Daniel and Miranda watched as Cross demonstrated the proper use of the fishing rod.  Miri understood how it worked having gone fishing with a few friends during her academy days back on Earth, though he was right that the Klingons did have some extra add-ons, but it was very similar to one from Earth.  Daniel nodded as he watched and slowly mimicked as Cross explained; he had a near-eidetic memory, it allowed him to learn faster though it had been meant for learning to pilot rather than for leisure activities but like his stamina enhancement he had learned other uses.

Once Cross had finished Daniel picked up one of the fishing rods and put bait on the hook and then put bait on the other hook.  He followed through with the instructions and cast his line out watching it plop into the water he then handed the fishing rod to Miri and smiled at her.  “Here you are my love.”   He said as she smiled at him and took the fishing rod.  “Such a gentleman.”  She said in response.  “Isn’t he such a gentleman sir?”  She added.  Daniel took the other rod from her and following the same procedure he cast his line into the water and with a plop it splashed into the water.

“I don’t eat much fish either, but that was due to my upbringing.  Meat was a luxury and most of us in the military didn’t get it unless it was a special occasion, I prefer beef or pork mostly.”  He said.  “Although I thought that Vulcans didn’t eat meat at all?”  He asked.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #6
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

Cross laughed, nodding his head in agreement with Havenborn. “That comment may apply to their elderly women as well.” After glancing at Havenborn’s companion, Cross decided to share the potentially scandalous tale of wrestling with nude geriatric women at the First City art museum with Tessa and Lauren at his side. Those fierce women had been proof that Klingon’s themselves were built to last, even if they were not the most attractive in Cross’ opinion. Shaking his head, Cross smiled at his fellow crewmates as he finished his story. “Sturdy is indeed but one word I’d use to describe Klingon grandmothers.”

Cross kept half an eye of attention on his line and watched Havenborn see to baiting a line for Dove and nodding in placid agreement to her comment about Havenborn’s gentlemanly behavior. Cross began fiddling with some controls that were unique to this Klingon version of a fishing rod when he heard Havenborn’s question. His lips quirked upward into a wry smile before Cross replied.

“No, they don’t. I am not a very good Vulcan. I wouldn’t even be considered a full one if it were for the da-“ He caught himself. He didn’t want to descend into a fit of self-pitying rage in front of either Dove or Havenborn. Clearing his throat, Cross continued, “The Savi ‘corrected’ me from my half-Bajoran state into full-blooded Vulcan glory. And even though I am ‘corrected’ into this state, I am still not precisely Vulcan. My early years were spent in a Cardassian lab, only my ‘sister,’ a fellow lab experiment, and a drunk Cardassian guard for company. Once ‘rescued,’ I was taken in by a human and later a Vulcan attached herself to my plight and they both sought to educate me on how to be Bajoran, or Vulcan.” Cross shrugged. “I never quite affixed myself to either culture and instead just focused on my service in Starfleet and THAT is my culture, my identity. Starfleet. I am not Vulcan, I am not Bajoran. I am Starfleet. That, perhaps, may come across as a tad bit over-enthusiastic for some, but if it weren’t for Starfleet, I would have been killed by my Bajoran liberators or left without a future.” Cross nodded toward the passing river smiling, “I am only here now, fishing alongside you both, because of Starfleet. So it can’t be too terrible to consider it as the core of who I am.”

His line tugged. Cross was quick to follow his earlier instructions to Havenborn and Dove as he reeled in the catch. It was one of the ugliest fish-like creatures he’d ever seen, and very nearly bit a finger off Cross before a crewmate from the tour came over and literally punched the fish into unconsciousness, demonstrating how to take the hook out of the fish without losing fingers. The crewmate dropped the limp fish into a bucket placed between Cross and Havenborn and wandered away, muttering in his native language. Cross blinked at the bucket, then looked to Havenborn and Dove, his laugh at the odd experience bubbling out of his chest. Shaking his head, Cross re-baited his line and recast.

“That was a very long way of answering your question, Havenborn. I occasionally eat meat, but since the correction, I’ve realized I desire it less than before. Though for me, I am the opposite to you. Fish and chicken are more palatable than the heavier meats like pork and beef. Klingon targ is vomit-worthy for me, but their gagh is actually pretty good. Have either of you had much experience with Klingon food? Or Vulcan and Bajoran food for that matter? I prefer the spices of Bajoran food, but some Vulcan dishes are soothing as well.”

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #7
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

As Cross shared his story Daniel couldn’t help but smirk as Miranda laughed at the whole situation.  “Well being a warrior race seems to help with them being sturdy.”  Daniel added.  “Klingon architecture is very sturdy as well.”  He said as he gestured with one hand to the buildings the lined the river.  Miranda leaned against Daniel as she enjoyed watching and listening to the two of them speak, smiling as Cross nodded his agreement about how much of a gentleman Daniel was.

Daniel listened to Cross explain his childhood, he cringed slightly as he spoke about what the Savi did to him.  Removing what they saw as imperfection, he could only wonder at what the Savi would have done to him had he been captured by them.  Would they have corrected him as well?  “I would agree that Starfleet is very much a culture of the Federation, it accepts a wide variety of individuals and considers them all to be family of sorts, no matter what species they are.”  Daniel said agreeing with Cross.  “I too feel that my culture is more Starfleet based now than the Neo-ECON where I was raised.”  He added.

“Good catch.”  Daniel said as he watched as Cross pulled a fish out of the water, though seeing the Klingon come over and punch the fish into submission seemed to be on par for them.  Miri looked at Daniel with a frown.  “Don’t worry I’ll make sure to knock your fish out for you.”  He said as he noticed her expression.

Miranda nodded when he asked about what foods they liked.  “I love Bajoran food, the taste of all the spices is amazing.  I love making hasperat souffle.”  She said.  Daniel shook his head.  “I tend not to stray too far from Terran foods, I know what I like and I try to stick to it.  Although Miri has been quite insistent that I try her hasperat souffle.”  He responded as Miri gave him a look he understood well.  “I typically need to eat a lot of protein and I find Terran foods such as beef and pork have what I require, though I have tried Klingon targ before and I did enjoy it.”  Daniel said, he left out the reasoning as to why he needed to eat a lot of protein; if Cross asked he'd explain, it’s not like it was really a secret just not well known.

“It seems you’ve had quite the shore leave experience thus far Commander.”  Daniel said as he adjusted his fishing line a little watching for any ripples in the water.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #8
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

Before Cross could carry the conversation further a “sturdy” Klingon woman brushed past the trio. Her mannerisms and scent made it obvious she’d been imbibing long before boarding the ship. She wasn’t the slightest bothered when her stumbling nearly crushed Dove against the side of the ship or that her groping attempt to right herself had her nearly manhandling Cross’ privates. Her husband rescued him, marginally less inebriated than his wife, who grabbed the woman away from them and back into his lap with a grunting laugh. And assuredly, no apology.

Once they were left alone again, Cross snorted, “Sturdy is one way of putting it.” When Havenborn mentioned a bit of his background, Cross raised an eyebrow in curiosity. He wasn’t very well acquainted with Havenborn’s file, not having had much to do with him in the line of duty and only having passed the man on the ship prior to this outing. “Neo-ECON, would you mind sharing more about that? I must confess to being fairly ignorant on what that must’ve been like.”

Dove’s interjection on Bajoran food had Cross smiling and nodded, his smile growing when Havenborn displayed some resistance to the concept. He again piqued Cross’ curiosity when he mentioned the need for protein.

“I’m not familiar with the need for protein to that degree. Is it connected to the Neo-ECON background?”

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #9
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

As the sturdy and very drunk Klingon woman came towards them Miri hugged Daniel as best she could trying not to get squished by the very large woman, while holding onto her fishing pole, before her equally large husband came and collected her.  Daniel did his best to protect her from the situation though it was obvious to anyone that he didn’t mind Miri being pressed up against him like that.  ”Well that was unexpected.”  She said still staying close to Daniel for some now extra protection just in case the woman came back.  Daniel had to smirk a little at the situation as the woman had attempted to grope Commander Cross.  “It seems you can’t catch a break sir.”  He said, the story that he had regaled to them not moments ago about how his shore leave had gone thus far it seemed like a trend that continued to follow him.

Daniel nodded, “I would be happy to share a brief history of my culture.”  He knew that not many, save for those in the diplomatic department or those that were from Mars, really knew about the Neo-ECON.  “The Neo-ECON, are the descendants of the surviving members of the Eastern Coalition that fought in World War 3.  We, or rather they, believe that the Augments should be revered for their superiority and for a long time I did as well.”  Daniel said.  “Though breaking myself of those beliefs hasn’t been easy and to some extent I don’t necessarily disagree with the philosophy behind it, I don’t however revere them anymore.”  He explained.  “My family and my culture are separatists that the Federation allows to exist, for what reason I cannot say but originally we left Earth and settled Mars with the intent to completely colonize it before Earth could, that obviously didn’t happen so my ancestors settled for a pair of domed cities and the lands surrounding and between them as their territory, fairly small all things considered.”  He said taking a pause to watch his line for a moment before continuing.  “As for my needing to eat a lot of protein, I am genetically enhanced, not augmented.  My enhancements were added post-birth and technically need to be reapplied for them to remain effective or require larger amount of protein intake and a strict physical fitness regimen to maintain if reapplication isn’t an option.  Both of which I do to help keep my enhancements intact.”  Daniel said.

Suddenly Miri’s line starting reeling and she immediately began to reel her line in.  Before she knew it she had managed to pull a fish out of the water, she had the biggest smile on her face as she pulled the fish out and closer to the boat; and true to his word Daniel punched the fish to get it to stop squirming before carefully removing it from her hook and dropping it into a bucket next to them.  Miri stood on her tip toes for a moment and planted a kiss on his lips.  “Thank you my love.”  She said with a smile as Daniel began to put new bait on her hook.  “Well, one kiss is definitely my price now for punching the fish.”  He said with a chuckle as she hugged him.  “A price I am more than willing to pay.”  She said.  Daniel looked back at Cross.  “I’d be happy to answer any other questions you have of my culture sir.”
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #10
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

Cross sighed, shaking his head at the annoying couple, then nodded in agreement with Havenborn. “It seems that I cannot. It must be the culture, as I’ve never had this much trouble before on other planets.” Cross stopped, recognizing how terrible the comment may have sounded in judgment against Klingons, and quickly added, “Though there is something to be enjoyed from the trouble that occurs here. Keeps me on my toes, almost as if it was another training program from the Academy.”

He had his line refixed and cast when Havenborn finished sharing portions of his past. Cross leaned forward when he heard Dove’s line reeling and remained quiet as Havenborn helped her haul in the catch and took care of the fish for her. When Dove kissed Havenborn in gratitude for his help, Cross snorted again.

“I will NOT be kissing the Klingon who helped me. I’ve had enough trouble as it is. I don’t need that sort of misunderstanding added to it.” He grew silent apace when it seemed as if his line was nearly hooked but then stole his bait and got away. Cross glanced at Havenborn as he pulled in his lure, making ready to rebait it. “Considering my very existence is because of scientific curiosity over what might and won’t work in genetic manipulation experiments, I will not lift one finger of judgment for or against Neo-ECON or any others who use augments or enhancements.” Finishing his task, Cross recast the line and settled back into his lean against the railing. “Personally, I find a lot of the red tape against it foolish. It allows the more nefarious groups to operate in the shadows and keeps the more above-the-line groups from creating legitimate countermeasures to those potential threats. There is such a thing as too much involvement, and I think the Federation has fallen into that trap quite a bit, not just regarding genetic manipulation.”

Cross watched the eddies of the river for a moment while he calculated what he wanted to share in mixed company and what might be best to keep to himself.

“I joined Starfleet because they saved me from the Bajoran prisoners who’d rioted against the Cardassian guards. Ask a Bajoran, and they’d tell you they liberated me, but they didn’t. They killed my sister, or at least I considered her my sister, and they killed the only other being who’d ever been remotely compassionate towards me, our Cardassian guard.” Cross sighed as he recalled Bab’s face and once more heard the drunken songs of the guard in his mind. “The human man in charge of my education became my mentor, almost like a father, and the Vulcan woman who tried to teach me how to be a good Vulcan became akin to an aunt. Either way, it was through their work and how they handled bringing me out of the lab and teaching me about life that I grew interested in Starfleet. Since then, it is all I’ve ever known and all I’ve ever wanted.” Glancing over to Dove and offering her an almost apologetic smile at the momentary lapse into the melancholy, Cross then looked to Havenborn. “What of you? How did you go from Neo-ECON separatist to Starfleet?”

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #11
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

“Indeed it does, though to me those training programs always felt far from challenging.”  Daniel commented.  He had come from a military upbringing so he’d been better trained and had excelled in many of the survival and tactical training programs.  “I’ve always felt more at ease onboard starships and starbases than out in the open world.”  He added.

Miri chuckled at the comment of Cross not kissing the Klingon who had helped him out with his fish.  “Danny could punch your fish and I’ll pay him with a kiss if you’d like sir.”  She said with a smirk, anything to show the world that Daniel was hers, and of course their other lovers but right now it was just the two of them and that made her extremely happy.  “It is very therapeutic to punch a Klingon fish, you should give it a try sir.”  Daniel said with a chuckle as he nodded in agreement with Cross about his views on the Federation and eugenics.  “Indeed they do, I personally see nothing wrong with genetic enhancement, being enhanced myself.  Although I do understand the fear when it comes to genetic augmentation, though other species have used eugenics and never had the experiences Terrans had.”  Daniel said.

Daniel nodded as Cross shared more of his childhood, Miranda nodded along as well as paying attention to her line, Daniel looked at his line and tugged it a little but found no resistance and assumed that no fish had taken his bait yet so he’d keep waiting.  “I was groomed to be a pilot for the Ouranos Air Wing, I was one of a handful of students allowed access to the restricted section of the library where I read about the original ships that brought my people to Mars, they were meant to be the basis of a fleet of warships meant to get revenge against Earth.”  Daniel explained.  “Once I had learned about those ships I felt an urge to explore beyond Mars, explore the galaxy if I could.  I spoke to my Aunt and Uncle who supported me but warned me that leaving would mean exile and expulsion.  I can never return to my homeland and my contact with my aunt and uncle is limited as they’re the only ones who have maintained any contact with me.”  Daniel said as he paused again to look at his line but saw no change.  “After I graduated my primary schooling I left Mars and with the help of the Federation Embassy in Daedalos Dome I was allowed to enlist in Starfleet.  Three years later my CO on the USS Navarre sponsored my application to Starfleet Academy.”  Daniel finished as he looked at his line again to see no change.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #12
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

“I like exploring new places and observing new cultures, but I agree with feeling more comfortable aboard a starship. And I think Starfleet does what it can with offering various courses for trainees tailored for the position. For example, my recent adventures here on Qo’Nos could not have been prepared for in a training course back at the Academy in precise details. But much of survivalist training did come in handy when some of the geriatric Klingons started getting rowdy.” Cross kept his terminology light and casual, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of Dove.

He smiled at Dove’s suggestion, “I think I’d rather punch my own fish moving forward, but thank you for the offer.” Cross returned his gaze to his line, checking for any hooks, as he listened to Havenborn speak of eugenics and Terran issues. He nodded in agreement. “The Illyrians, for example, use augmentation to adapt to new homeworlds as needed. So there is definitely a place for it, in my opinion.”

Cross had no concept of having a family but being forcibly separated from them. This foray into the unknown on Theurgy did separate him from his mentors and other close friends, but as close as they were, they were not family. He’d lost most he’d consider family either back in the Cardassian lab or on other ships, with a few more recently on Theurgy itself. So while Cross could empathize with a sense of loss, he had difficulty in doing so with the sense of exile.

“Do you think things will change for your people any time soon? Especially once the truth of the Infested is broadcast to all of the Federation?”

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #13
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Daniel nodded along as Cross spoke about his experience with exploration and being comfortable aboard starships as well.  ”Indeed, Starfleet does its best but you’re right not everything can be prepared for.”  Daniel said checking his line again but finding no change.  He had experienced things that he hadn’t been prepared for as well, getting lost with the Resolve crew, losing those under his command, etc.  He’d never taken command courses at the academy, all of his command experience came firsthand or from mentors like Captain Kendrick the Resolve’s CO, Lieutenant Grant, the Resolve’s original SCO and Lieutenant ch’Rayya the Resolve’s CTO and Second Officer.

Miri smiled at Cross as he rejected the offer and shrugged her shoulders, it made no difference to her, other than she wouldn’t have another excuse to kiss her Daniel.  She tugged on her line a little to try to attract another fish as Cross spoke of another race who used eugenics.  Daniel nodded as Cross spoke about the Illyrians.  “I’d heard of them before, though it is unfortunate that they aren’t allowed to join the Federation because of their eugenics program.”  Daniel said.  Adapting oneself to a new world rather than adapting the world to suit the species in Daniel’s mind was the better way to go, some worlds had a natural beauty to them that was destroyed when the terraforming process was used.  “I do agree with using eugenics to adapt to the world rather than the other way around though.”  Daniel said.

“I honestly don’t know if it would change anything for my people.  On the one hand it might allow the Reformists, a group of senators that want to change how we interact with the galaxy, a chance to seize power but on the other hand it could push my people further into isolation.  For me it wouldn’t change anything I’ve been exiled and the only way of ever returning is by a majority vote from the senate, which my father has extensive influence in.”  Daniel said, his father was the reason why he could never return home after all.  The man had done everything in his power, which was quite extensive, to punish Daniel by not only exiling him but also by making sure that Daniel could never return home again.  ”Though in all honesty I don’t know that I would want to return to my homeland, I’ve made a new home on the Theurgy with K’Ren, Miri, Cammi and Becky.”  Daniel said.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #14
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

Cross nodded as Havenborn walked him through the surface-level ins and outs of his home. At mentioning the women in Havenborn’s life, Cross couldn’t help but glance at the blonde standing close to the man’s side. So recently thrust into the realm of a viable relationship, Cross couldn’t fathom how that sort of relationship worked.

His voice was forming the words born on curiosity before he thought better of it, “Is having multiple partners common in your home as well or is that something you developed on your own?” Cross grimaced, sparing a glance at Dove, before securing his gaze on the passing waters below. “My apologies, Havenborn, if the question comes across as rude. I did not intend it as such. I’m sure you can imagine my mentors' difficulties in educating me on the reality of life outside a science lab. The education they gave was good, and so was the one I received at the Academy, but I’d be lying if I said I knew everything and had encountered enough of everything to a point where I don’t still feel damned curious when I come across something I’m not at all familiar with.”

Another fish, or perhaps something larger, stole the bait off his line and as he waited for Havenborn to either answer or change the subject, Cross occupied his hands with reeling in the bait-less line and fixing it for another try. In truth, the one fish would suffice for a meal, but he was curious if he could get at least one more.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #15
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Daniel had kind of given up on fishing, Miri had enough fish for the both of them and he was far more enjoying the conversation he was having with Commander Cross.  “It’s common amongst my culture to have what it called a harem marriage, the name is a holdover from my ancestors.  The best way I can describe it is that’s it’s similar to a group marriage, with some differences.”  Daniel said.  “I can go into details if you’d like or we can talk about something else.”  Daniel offered.

Daniel shook his head and chuckled a little.  “No apology necessary sir, you’re not the first one I’ve had to explain my culture’s customs to.  I honestly don’t mind explaining it.”  He added as he tugged on his line again but nothing seemed to bite.  Miranda’s line started to pull and with some effort she managed to snag another fish as she pulled it from the water and towards them Daniel took a stance and readied himself before punching the fish to get it to stop moving.  He removed it from Miri’s hook, placed it in the bucket next to them and put some more bait on her line.  She handed her rod to him, planted a kiss on his lips as Daniel recast her line out into the water.  As he turned his attention back to the Commander.

He listened to what Cross said and he understood that feeling all too well.  “I understand that, my own education was military biased and I learned that there was far more to learn after I left my homeland.  I do enjoy hearing about others upbringing and how it differs from mine.”  Daniel said.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #16
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

Noting how Havenborn had slowed down in the actual work of fishing, Cross realized how thirsty he was. Holding up a hand to pause the conversation, Cross carefully braced his line in the appropriate holding vice, with matching ones spaced along the deck. He was quick about snagging three ales from the small vendor at the front of the ship. They didn’t offer much, and the drinks weren’t even cold, but it was worth not being parched to sip at a lukewarm ale. Returning to the pair he’d left behind, Cross set two ales on the bench just behind them, nodding to them as he took another long sip of his own.

“Not the best, but by far, not the worst.” His line was still drifting untouched and the vice was doing a sufficient job for him keeping it steady. Leaning against the rail, Cross nursed his ale for a few more sips before continuing the conversation. “Is a harem marriage much different from an Andorian quad? I mean does the harem marriage require multiple males or females or is it predominantly one female to numerous males, or vice versa?” Cross would take Havenborn at his word. If the man said it was no problem to share, and he enjoyed sharing, then Cross wouldn’t hold back on his curiosity.
Note: I do apologize for the lateness.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #17
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

As Cross took a moment to go get something to drink Miranda firmly planted her lips on Daniel’s, slipping her tongue in a little before the senior officer returned then broke the kiss as she noticed him coming back and went back to her fishing.  She hoped that Cross hadn’t seen it but some part of her also hoped that he had.  Daniel was left speechless by how brazen Miri had been, he knew that she had no issue with public displays of affection but he did when in front of senior officers, among other members of the crew or even among his friends he wouldn’t mind if she did that, but in front of the CTO and considering the last time he had met Commander Cross had been because of the indiscretion of his RIO, he had a slight issue with what she did but there wasn’t time right then and there to say anything as Cross had returned with three drinks.

Daniel nodded as Cross spoke about the drinks, he tugged his line a little but as Cross asked for more information about the harem his attention focused back on their conversation.  ”They can be all male, all female, one male, numerous females, one female, numerous males, or any other combination, typically they’re predominantly female with several males.  There is usually a courting period in which each potential member of the harem spends time together getting to know each other and deciding if they want to join together.”  Daniel explained.  “I myself am hoping for a total of five lovely ladies to share.”  He said as he hugged Miri and she let out a giggle as she felt him embrace her tightly.  ”For the most part each potential member brings something to the harem, whether it’s as simple as being fertile or being a good listener or-“  He said as he was cut off by Miri.  ”Being an amazing kisser.”  Miri said with another giggle as Daniel nodded to her suggestion.  “It ranges from physical, to social, to emotional to mental qualities.”
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #18
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

The idea of a harem intimidated the shit out of Cross. He had a difficult enough time trying to understand Hathev and not fuck that up that the concept of dealing with another woman at the same time had his stomach churning. There was nothing remotely attractive about a man in Cross’ perspective to allow for even a glimmer of thought to mull over what it might be like to share a sexual relationship with one. Yet, his mind did stray into the territory of an “open” relationship, something Blue had talked to him about some time before—and gave him hell for not knowing what it was. A part of him was curious what Hathev would think about that sort of relationship, yet that part didn’t quite know what HE thought about it.

Cross nodded to Havenborn, ready to carry the conversation further, when a series of high-pitched sirens pierced the moment's serenity. His body immediately rapt with readiness to respond, Cross turned to observe the deckhands and captain as they barked a series of orders and replies to one another. Unskilled as he was in the native tongue, Cross leaned close to another Klingon patron, drawing their attention away from the unfolding fray.

“What is happening?” he questioned in a voice that typically got answers and compliance.

The older Klingon man looked more alert than afraid, his movements methodical but unhurried as he began to break down his fishing rod and secure his fish, “A pod of n’nthk was seen heading in our direction. The captain and crew are preparing the boat for the inevitable encounter.”

“What are n’nthk?” Cross glanced at Havenborn and Miri as he prodded for more information. “Should we do anything to prepare ourselves?”

The Klingon man paused to look the trio over before snorting and shaking his head. “As long as you came armed and capable of swimming. N’nthk pods are known to sink boats twice our size if they’re in a particularly annoyed mood, and more than one fully grown Klingon has been drug to their deaths just for the sheer fun of it. They are blood-thirsty menaces.” He pulled out a double-edged dagger and shot them a grin, “And go great with a side of gagh and ale!”

Cross wasted no more time pulling in his fishing gear and following the Klingon’s efforts to secure what fish he had caught. While he didn’t have the same type of armament as the Klingon man, he had a smaller boot knife he could use if necessary. If pressed to extremes, he could use his phaser, but as this was supposed to be a cultural experience, he would refrain from shooting until the locals did the same. He had no concept of what this creature looked like or how it was they could both sink and boat and drag a Klingon to their death, but it seemed they would soon find out.

“Brace yourselves,” Cross directed his words directly to Havenborn and his paramour, “it seems we are about to become acquainted with more local wildlife, whether we like it or not.”

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #19
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Daniel acknowledged Cross’s head nod and then also noticed the sirens and the Klingon crew reacting to them.  He was suddenly very acutely aware of his surroundings as he went from enjoying himself to wanting to make sure that Miri was safe.  Listening to Cross talk to a Klingon nearby who explained that some of the local fauna were coming made Daniel a little more concerned and wishing that he had taken the precaution of leaving the ship with a weapon of some kind, even a Type-1 Phaser would be handy if a tad bit tiny.  He began to slowly reel in their lines, first Miri’s which was pretty simple, it seemed that whatever was coming had scared away all of the fish.  Once her line had been reeled in he began to take the fishing rod apart as he had watched the Klingon do just a moment ago. 

Once Miri’s was secured he began to reel his line in and as he did he suddenly realized why he had gotten no fish, his line had been severed near where the hook had been.  He looked at Cross and smirked.  “Well I guess that explains my bad luck”  He said as Miri giggled next to him as she helped by securing her fish.  Once the rest of his line was reeled in he quickly disassembled the rest of his fishing rod and secured it with the other one.  Hearing the instructions from Cross to brace themselves Daniel nodded, he may not have a weapon himself but he did have his own combat training to fall back on and part of that training was hand to hand, though he wasn’t quite sure how he was going to fight hand to hand against a Klingon sea creature.

”It seems so sir.”  Daniel said as he prepared himself for what would come next.  “I really wish I had defied orders and brought my sidearm or some sort of weapon.”  He added.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #20
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

Cross didn’t have a chance to offer reassurances to Daniel or Miri, not that he had any, before the boat gave a dangerous lurch. Any who hadn’t already taken precautions to secure themselves were tossed to the deck like ragdolls. There was barely a second between the initial lurch and an acknowledgment of hell breaking loose on the ship when a second and then a third heaving took place. He watched with a mixture of horror and curiosity as one passenger, an older Klingon woman who’d been far more inebriated than was likely considered “polite” even for Klingons, was thrown first to her knees on the deck and then by the fifth violent heaving ended up flipping over the boat’s railing. Holding fast to the railing, Cross looked down into the murky waters, watching the flailing arms of the woman. The struggle lasted only a few moments before some fanged tentacle wrapped around her neck and pulled her under.

The bellows from the fellow Klingon passengers and sailors were not what Cross would decipher as alarmed so much as excited. Indeed, he understood marginally more why there didn’t seem to be a high-octane fear of death when the woman shot to the water’s surface, holding the limp tentacle in her teeth as black blood leaked onto her face and into the water around her. Pulling the torn-off limb from her teeth, she cried triumphantly before diving back beneath the surface, armed with the dagger he’d not seen before, likely ready to battle with another tentacled fiend.

The older Klingon man punched a fist into Cross’ shoulder, “It’s a pod of young ones. Perfect! Very dangerous but very stupid!”

When the boat rocked from side to side again, the older Klingon man voluntarily leapt overboard to join the woman in carving off pieces of the n’nthk while the majority cheered from the boat side.

Looking to Havenborn and Dove, Cross could only shake his head, “I don’t know whether to join them or just watch.” Another woman jumped in, shouting a shrill yell as she plummeted into the water. "It seems this is more a cruise for chaos than a fishing trip."

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #21
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Daniel held one hand onto the railing and wrapped his other arm around Miri, he wasn’t about to lose her to whatever was passing underneath this rust bucket that the Klingons called a boat, he just hoped that it could survive whatever came next.  Miri watched in horror as the Klingon woman was grappled by a tentacle and dragged underwater; she was even more horrified when she came back above the surface with the tentacle in her mouth and black blood covering her.  Daniel however was impressed by the situation, he knew that Klingons, both men and women were warriors but it seemed that even in old age they were still effective warriors.  He just hoped that no one expected them to go in after the N’nthk, his primary goal at the moment was just making sure that his lover made it out of this situation safely, she was now his priority.

“Cruise for chaos indeed sir.”  Daniel said as he watched other Klingons pulling out daggers and jumping into the river.  ”My vote is to just stay here and watch.”  Miri said as she held onto Daniel to keep herself steady, she was glad that he was holding onto her as she hadn’t expected this at all.

”Watching seems to be a better route for us in this situation.”  Daniel said, he was trained in hand-to-hand combat but not against Klingon sea creatures and while he could improvise he really didn’t want to, better to let the Klingons do what they do best.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #22
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qam’Chee River | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Havenborn

Cross chuckled at Dove's response and nodded his agreement, "I also think watching would be the wisest course of action. Likely these old warriors have gone head-to-head with these creatures a time or two already in their lifetime. I have no doubt we'd merely make fools ourselves, despite our youth in comparison, out sheer ignorance. I had a situation like that happen at the art museum a few days ago and would rather not have a repeat." Cross shuddered. "Let me just say that wrestling with a naked, elderly Klingon woman is not my idea of fun and I would die a happy man if I never had to do it again."

While the Klingons continued to take turns jumping into the water to fight hand-to-hand the would-be dangerous creatures below, Cross regaled Dove and Havenborn with his woeful tale and how Vance and Pierce had been witness to his misery -- partakers too, in a fashion. The cruise didn't last much longer, the ship turning around at the next bridge, and soon enough they returned to the ramshackle dock from where they'd departed. Cross had caught nothing worthwhile and knew already that this would not be an ideal location to bring Hathev. The woman was a vegetarian after all.

"Well, Havenborn," Cross stood opposite the man and his date on the dock after they'd disembarked the boat, "are you two returning to ship now or are you off to more adventures elsewhere in the city? As for me, I think I'll return for now, save more misadventures for later."


Re: Day 08 [1547] Cruisin' for Chaos

Reply #23
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & ENS Miranda Dove | Qam’Chee River, Qo’nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Daniel and Miri nodded.  ”Indeed.”  Daniel said in response to Cross’s tactical assessment of the Klingons.  He and Miri listened to Cross regale them with his antics from a few days ago and Daniel decided that was an experience he didn’t really want to have while on the Klingon homeworld.  As the cruise started its way back to the dock Daniel looked at his bucket and Miri’s bucket and smirked, he turned and looked at Miri.  ”Did you enjoy yourself?”  He said as she smiled at him and held him close.  “Yes I did, with the exception of the boat being attacked by vicious sea creatures.”  She said as Daniel chuckled.

The cruise back to the dock was uneventful and much faster than their cruise out, many of the Klingons were telling new stories of they had fought the pod of creatures, his universal translator didn’t catch everything but from what it did catch Daniel was able to hear that this seemed like this was a common occurrence and the point of the cruise, at least according to the passengers he had heard.  As the boat finally docked and Cross stood opposite him and Miri.  “I think we’ll be heading back to the ship for a nice quiet meal.”  Daniel said as Miri nodded her head in agreement.  “It was good to see you sir.”  Daniel added.

Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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