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Topic: Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Shaking That Itch (Read 5700 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Shaking That Itch

Reply #25
[Ensign Sarah Bjørge | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff

“Lucky you~” She teased, giving him a quick wink before moving on towards the data screen that was only just finishing up with the entirety of his DNA code.

“We were informed of the virus aboard the Oneida- it was a danger to us as well being in proximity to your ship. The medical staff was given a full run-down with universal precautions in place with anyone who’d been in contact with Theurgy officers, so you do not need to lighten details for my sake~” She replied with a small smile, hoping that it would put the other officer at ease if he knew that she was not ignorant of the details surrounding the virus. Even when she’d arrived she’d been able to access their medical database and had read all the notes that medical officers aboard Theurgy had made during the entirety of the outbreak. Wild stuff.

“Well, if the ship’s EMH said you were cleared, then I suppose there is no real reason for concern..but I still find myself uncomfortable with the traces being active. You are not completely ‘clear’ if there is still activity, it just might spreadable. I would like to keep you under watch for a few days just to ensure your active traces do not increase or that you gain symptoms.” She gave a quick pause before starting again, hoping it did not sound too harsh. “A cortical monitor at best- like I suggested at the beginning.”

A few taps on the conn screen sent his DNA code to his medical chart, as well the blood screening and tri-corder readings. His chart, which started off bare-bones, was going to be a chubby little thing by the time she was done with this exam. “The last exam is a visual inspection. I will be running a UV light over you while you are disrobed and checking for physical blemishes, possible Borg hardware attached to you, or otherwise questionable marks. Is that okay?”
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Shaking That Itch

Reply #26
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @SarahBerry


Alistair visibly deflated a little at Sarah's concern, but he nevertheless nodded as she explained everything. His education on virology was limited to a handful of half-forgotten classes back at the Academy, but he had to concede that she had a point. Perhaps the EMH made a mistake, had a flaw in its programming? Perhaps he got reinfected somehow afterwards? Heck, the temporal transports might have had something to do with it. Regardless, the virus could not be underestimated.

"Sure," he said in response to Sarah's question, nodding. "And, uh, alright Sarah, I'll wear the cortical monitor for a couple of days if you think that's best. I've seen what this virus can do, and I'm not taking any risks."

Alistair rolled his shoulders awkwardly, glancing around the curtained area, before resigning himself to the inevitable. He got to his feet and knelt down, first untying one boot, then the other, setting them neatly on the biobed next his uniform jacket and shirt, followed shortly afterwards by the socks. Not wasting time, Alistair then reached behind the back of his neck and pulled the grey vest over his head, depositing it on the biobed as well.

Shirtless, Alistair cleared his throat, smiling nervously as he unfastened his pants and slid them down his legs, depositing them too before rapidly folding the pants and setting them aside. With that, shy of some tight black underwear that left little to the imagination, Alistair was quite exposed; muscular, fit, and besides the scar on his forearm, seemingly unblemished.

"So, I'm guessing you need..." Alistair asked hesitantly, pointing at his one remaining item of clothing. At Sarah's nod, he sighed, turning around away from her and bending over slightly as he pulled his underwear off and laid it on the biobed. Now fully nude, he covered his groin instinctively with both hands as he turned back around to face Sarah.

"Alright, go for it," Alistair said with feigned enthusiasm, still smiling awkwardly. Realising how dumb he must look, he forced his hands away from his groin to his sides. The question of blood flow (and the potential horrific embarrassment therein) was foremost on Alistair's mind, and he purposefully concentrated hard on that report he would be writing soon...sure, calculate the temporal mathematics involved in jumping between the two stardates, that should keep everything properly relaxed...

Re: Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Shaking That Itch

Reply #27
[Ensign Sarah Bjørge | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff

She nodded at his agreement, a small smile etching onto the pink of her painted lips. It seemed he wasn’t so finicky of a patient after all, and quite agreeable. She wouldn’t mind being the nurse who did his physicals from now on..considering he was subject to quite a bit of hypochondria. Well, that wasn’t really true, seeing as he did thus far have something ‘wrong’ with him, it just wasn’t what he’d been likely expecting. Giving a quick few taps into her ongoing charting, her similarly pink-painted nails clacking quickly across the glass of the screen, she made a nurses’ note that she would be advising Lieutenant Leavitt to wear a cortical monitor for the next three days. From there, she typed in the make and model she would replicate and added it to his file. Replicating a UV light as well as the cortical monitor he would wear, she took it out of the return slot and turned it on and off with a click of a switch on the bottom of the light shaft. Satisfied it worked, she faced Alistair, her smile pleasant and her gaze professional.

“I know this part can be awkward, but the context is medical in nature and nothing more.” She reassured as she sat the cortical monitor down on the surgical tray nearby and began to wave the purple UV light over his body in small passes, looking for any kind of skin anomaly or metal. “The circumference of your head is 57 centimeters. The throat is 38, and the width of your shoulders is 44.” It was always awkward, even for her, to do a nude exam, but it seemed rattling off numbers always seemed to help a bit when sickbay was a little too quiet and she could almost hear her own breathing.

“You know- Once we are done, you will be free to go. Do you have any plans for today?” She asked quietly, going over the back of his head and down to the small of his back in sweeping motions.

“Your chest is 46cm, your waist 32, and your hips are 35. You have quite a figure! How did you bulk up like this, Alistair?”
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Shaking That Itch

Reply #28
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @SarahBerry


Much to Alistair's relief, the exam was as banal as Sarah said it would be. Her professional demeanour, reciting of dry numbers and the alien look of the ultraviolet light all helped ease the process. As foolish as Alistair felt for wasting Sarah's time with his hypochondria (ever-so-slightly justified though it might be), he at least was able to relax a little as she worked.

As Sarah scanned his back, however, her question about his plans caught him off-guard. It sounded like...but there was no way, that was ridiculous, she wouldn't...would she? Was she? In that moment, Alistair grateful that Sarah was behind him so that she couldn't see him puzzling it out.

"After this, I don't have anything planned," he said more casually than he felt, still baffled as he pondered. Sure, both women and men had asked him out with such questions...but no, Sarah had been a perfect professional, and she had shown no obvious indications of interest. "I don't start work officially until tomorrow. All I'm doing today is writing reports, learning about this monster of a starship and meeting Captain Ives for a debrief."

Then Sarah commented on Alistair's figure, and his cheeks flushed. Okay, that sounded like interest. That was textbook interest. Saanvi had said much the same thing back in the Pioneer's gym, and that had lead to all sorts of...distractions, and he hadn't been anywhere near as fit as he was now...

Alistair cleared his throat, trying to stay still and keep looking ahead into the bland curtain. "I...uh...thank you," he said, praying that Sarah remained behind him. Additional distraction while thinking of being hot and sweaty in the gym was not helpful. "This is a recent development. When I was assigned to the Eclipse, there was a lot of downtime while we were en route to the wormhole. Some of the scientists liked working out in the gym, getting competitive. They roped me in to their contests and it turned out to be more fun than I expected, so I stuck to it. It's nice pushing your body that hard, right?"

Re: Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Shaking That Itch

Reply #29
[Ensign Sarah Bjørge | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff

“Oh! Well, have a great first day of work!” She hummed with a smile, lowering the light further and scanning his glutes, backs of his legs, and feet. Really in a clinical situation, the Human body was less sexy and objectively pretty. Alistair was a beautiful man anyhow, but his muscle tone was peak..he must have really gotten into it over the last couple of years. “I have not met Captain Ives yet, so here is hoping the meeting goes well and you are not so terribly burdened with hero stuff~ Though, I am sure you are going to do well at it.” She chimed, finally moving around to the front and scanning the front of his chest and his arms.

“Your upper arms are 40 centimeters, your forearms are 32. Ah, I do not know if this is helpful, but when I have patients who work out often, I find it is helpful to call out their measurements.” She offered, scanning lower yet and finishing off the exam with his legs and groin. “Thighs and calves are 23 and 15 respectively, and your privates are very normal at 11 centimeters. So very good job! Nothing physically indicates anything active with the Niga Virus, nor do you have any metal bits, bruises, cuts, wounds, or anything that would otherwise signify something amiss.” She explained with a smile, pleased with a job well done as she clicked off the UV light and took a step back to rid her pockets of all the tools she’d used on this exam into the recycler, as well as to give him some space to redress and her some freedom to chart. She quickly brushed out of the white curtain with a slink of the metal curtain rods moving along the metal pole, leaving Alistair by himself for a moment.

“You may redress and I will adhere the cortical monitor once you are dressed and ready, ja?” The sound of nails clicking against glass once more sounded off, she obviously already beginning her own report. “They truly must have had a lot of free time, I do not often see muscular science staff. The Eclipse must have been a showboat of fleet personnel~ But they say some ships do get awful lucky.” She chuckled softly, her voice now much quieter having been blocked by the curtain.
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Shaking That Itch

Reply #30
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @SarahBerry


Fortunately, the rest of the conversation was much more normal, and Alistair relaxed as Sarah worked, mentally admonishing himself for his foolish thoughts earlier. As she came close to finishing, he realised with bemusement that in his distraction, he hadn't even thought about worrying if Sarah would find anything. Well, that was a bonus, at least. Her compliment about the normalcy of his groin size earned a chuckle, while Sarah's conclusion that everything was normal caused Alistair to sigh in relief.

"Thank you," he said simply down to Sarah with an earnest smile, matching hers. After she left him alone, Alistair wasted no time getting dressed. "Oh, you'd be surprised," he added in reply through the curtaiin as he pulled on his pants. "Scientists in Starfleet tend to be real adventurous types. You know, the ones who join up to seek out new life, walk on alien worlds, see amazing phenomena. They like being active."

Alistair laughed at the memory as he pulled on his gold shirt. "The security officers onboard the Eclipse couldn't believe that they were getting shown up in the gym by a bunch of physicists. Poor guys. Really, Sarah, if you ever want to meet some gorgeous and amazing people, those little Nova-class frigates are bristling with them. Not that the Theurgy is really lacking in that regard."

Fully dressed once more, Alistair pulled open the curtain, still cheerful, out of place though it looked given his unintentionally fierce appearance. "So, cortical monitor?"

Re: Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Shaking That Itch

Reply #31
[Ensign Sarah Bjørge | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff

"Oh no doubt, I almost joined science myself you know. But my love for people outweighed my love for plants. I think I would have taken up xenobotany." She murmured with a slight shrug of her shoulders in response as if shrugging off the very thought. She wished she had more experience in the harder sciences, but as it stood, her career had aligned in medical and she was quite pleased with it. Should'a could'a would'a as the old saying went.

"But! You know, I can always just have it as a hobby. I am starting to amass a garden in my quarters via said hobby~" She smiled, looking up from her PADD report as he exited the curtained off-portion of the biobed redressed and looking a bit better than he did before the exam had started. At least, he had a bit more color in his face now.. Reaching out and picking up the monitor, she scanned it with the PADD to record and match the make and model she'd typed in previously, as well as turning it over in her hand and taking a picture of it for his file should anything go amiss. Walking over to him, she unclasped the attachment sticker of the monitor and reached up with a sanitizing wipe with her free hand, dutifully wiping a square clearance of skin just behind and below his ear. Once he was sanitized, she effortlessly attached the cortical monitor with a soft 'beep!' as it adhered. A dull,  blue light flashed once, twice, and then disappeared, indicating it had attached properly and was now feeding a stream of medical information to her workstation.

"I will send you the cortical monitor link to your own PADD so that you can keep watch for your anxiety. Otherwise we will just keep monitoring you for any changes. Atop that, you can keep to your regular duties without any interruption." She smiled politely, but there was a slight hesitance in her motions as she pulled away from him. "It has been so nice chatting with you Alistair, we should definitely do this again sometime..maybe outside of sickbay though." Her smile grew wider, exposing the whites of her teeth as she took a step back and gestured for him to follow her, allegedly back out to the waiting room.

"Do you have any questions for me before I send you off to write that report you have due?"

Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Shaking That Itch

Reply #32
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @SarahBerry


There was a distinct dazzling effect to Sarah's smile that Alistair was becoming more aware of as time passed. Unfortunately, he was also learning that frequent exposure didn't appear to mitigate the smile's efficacy, though if he was honest with himself, Alistair was quite happy to test that more. After Sarah attached the cortical monitor and once again dazzled him, he could simply smile back as the happy idiot that he felt like.

"No, no questions," he said, reaching up to his neck and tracing the outline of the monitor as he followed Sarah to the waiting room. "This really makes a difference, thank you. No need to worry about it now." Alistair half turned to the Sickbay door, but he hesitated, glancing back at Sarah. "And, uh, it's been lovely chatting with you too. This has been really pleasant. That's probably weird to say about a medical exam, but there you go." There was a moment of silence then, the awkwardness growing. "I'll see you around sometime, Sarah. Or you'll see me, I guess. Either way, it'll be nice."

With that (and privately moaning at his terrible closing line), Alistair turned and walked through the Sickbay doors. He told himself that he didn't have time to overanalyse things; the preliminary report had to be written far faster than he liked, and the contents of the report were bound to bring up some horrible memories. It was Alistair's solemn duty to attend the memorial ceremony later that afternoon, dreaded though it was, and the meeting with Captain Ives afterwards was bound to be critical. Lives might literally depend on it.

Nevertheless, as Alistair stepped into the turbolift to return to his quarters, he couldn't help but smile as he thought about those pretty green eyes and the kind soul that lay behind them.

Re: Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Shaking That Itch

Reply #33
[Ensign Sarah Bjørge | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff

She nodded in response to his thanks, not thinking very much of it as she had really only been doing her job. While she might only be a nurse, mitigating his fears with a soft voice and gentle suggestions was part and parcel to the job- and admittedly something she found she was quite good at. Sarah led him to the waiting room with only a few short steps, she stopping just short of the threshold with her PADD in both hands as she bid him goodbye- even though it was the first time in a long time she was sad to see a patient go.

"Ah, hardly. Some of the best conversations I have had have been with other nurses over a cadaver." Too much, too much. While it had been arguably true, not everyone thought of dead bodies as so interesting and as an opportunity to learn, she'd probably scared the poor guy! She flustered with quick laughter to change the subject and waved him off, her voice smaller than before in her embarrassment, mentally kicking herself for ending that whole lovely conversation with talk of a cadaver. Honestly, what the hell was wrong with her!

"But yes! See you soon, be safe!" And with that meek, awkward send-off, he had spun heel and headed down the hallway towards the lift at the end of the hall and out of her field of vision. It was only when she was absolutely sure the Lieutenant was out of eyesight did she breathe out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding and began to wordlessly give herself several small, but soft smacks on the forehead with her PADD, her face an alarming shade of pink.


Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


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