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Day 02 [1100 hrs.] The Wrath of Time

Day 02 [1100 hrs.] The Wrath of Time

[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Kaligos
The hum of the turbolift surrounded Martin as she looked over her itinerary for the day. Her new position as the Theurgy’s chief of science was, without a doubt, not something she felt she was ready for whatsoever. But it was her job to do, and she fully intended to perform it at the best of her ability. She sighed, as she took a sip from her coffee, steeling herself for her first test aboard this ship.
As the turbolift doors opened, she walked into the corridor, completely caught in her own thoughts until at one point she realized that there was a small cluster of a couple of personnel that were now following her. Martin began to quicken her pace before she rounded the corner and found yet another crewman greeting her. She glanced around and observed that she was now surrounded on all sides by three individuals. Trying not to panic, she turned and attempted to address the group as a whole. “Excuse me, is there something I can do for you?”
One of the crewmen towards the back let out a short chuckle as the brawny individual standing closest to Martin simply droned emotionlessly as if quoting. “And so the second false usurper has come, hailing from a cursed vessel, to act as a challenge from time for the Devoted."” Martin opened her mouth to protest before a second spoke directly to her. “You do not belong here, poor fool of an officer.”
His words cut in like a knife, and it took a few seconds before Martin was able to respond. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean, what is this?” Her mind raced back through everything that had reached her ears the previous day, trying to narrow down what this could possibly be. She did not have long before the Devoted that had spoken to her continued.
“You stand now in opposition of the Devoted, the followers of Time, the apostles of the Morali, our savior.” The mad cultist advanced a step, prompting Martin to retreat slightly and bump into the wall behind her. The man carried on, seemingly unfazed. “Do you stand with us and relinquish your position to the Man from Time, or do you stay, and label yourself a sinner who opposes the promised way?”
The pieces clicked together in Martin’s mind. ““You… I know about you, Commander Trent mentioned a uh… a few members of the crew who ‘deified’ the temporal specialist? I will have no- no part in this.” She retorted, her voice wavering slightly.
The lead cultist sighed and stepped forward, a look in his eyes- not of anger, but of pity. “Then it seems.” He uttered quietly, “That we must show you the error in your ways.”
Just as Martin moved to react, she just barely registered a blur of movement out of the corner of her eye. The blow to her head came swift and hard, sending her thoughts spinning and desperately attempting to piece together what happened. She hit the floor of the corridor, stunned, blinking rapidly as the entire side of her skull flared with pain. The man leading them loomed above her, menacing as he simply whispered, “I am sorry dear child of Time, I wished it did not have to come to this.” before a brutal kick landed in her gut.

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | Corridor | Deck 07 ] Attn: Hastada

In Jack's experience, on every world there was one undeniable god. His time first among the Klingon Empire, and then moving to the Federation was so wide spread that the dominion and pull that it held over sentient life in the universe was absolute. Sure there were a rare few that could survive without this god in their life, a few who found themselves able to move and think without the intervention of the roasted god each morning. "Coffee, hot, black with two sugars."

This was Jack's second mug of the stuff, and he knew that it would also be his last if he wanted to wait out the month and keep his replicator rations. He couldn't go about spending them on six coffees even if his head did feel like he would need it. After all he had done yesterday to try and get away from the pain, the headache had managed to last and now his entire body was sore... because reasons.

Considering he was back at the rank of Junior grade Lieutenant and on a new ship he wanted to make sure he had a better life than what he had on Starbase 84. Currently that meant checking over the science labs. Even though he was no longer the assistant chief of the department as he had been on the starbase this was still his chance to leave a lasting impression. Besides his old boss had been such an ass that his title had basically been in name only.

So this wasn't so much a demotion as it was any other kind of transfer. At least that was how he was trying too look at it. As long as I don't have to deal with another Xenophobic asshole I will be fine.

Rounding a corner he basically stumbled right into the men who were currently beating a woman on the ground. Even with the headache he was nursing and the second cup of coffee still attempting to charge his fog addled mind he knew this was not something he should be witnissing on any starship, Federation or otherwise.

"I am sorry dear child of Time, I wished it did not have to come to this."

Okay that's a new saying.
Jack shook his head looking at the scene for a moment before sacrificing his coffee pouring the still burning hot substance on the nearest attacker's face. It wouldn't blister but it definetly stopped his attack on the woman. Before the second closest could react he shattered the mug against the back of their skull knocking him down to the ground.

"You know where I come from when you want to hit someone you give them a weapon first. So, While I'm not at my best right now... I think I can safely say that you should let the woman up, and at least make it a fair fight. Otherwise you're just cowards."

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Kaligos

Martin felt the wind go out of her as the cultist’s foot connected with her torso. Wheezing, she tried to lift herself to her knees, trying to resist the tortured feeling from her lungs. Just as suddenly, commotion seemed to erupt around her. She heard a man scream, and watched as he fell and clutched his face. She heard a shattering noise and saw as another cultist fell beside her, broken ceramic littering the ground. It was then that she heard the voice of her savior speak aloud, "You know where I come from when you want to hit someone you give them a weapon first. So, While I'm not at my best right now... I think I can safely say that you should let the woman up, and at least make it a fair fight. Otherwise you're just cowards." Martin’s mind raced as she lifted herself. Who could this be?

Her question was answered as she finished getting to her feet, her eyes alighting upon the half-Klingon man before her. Martin remembered him from the other day, had, in fact, wanted to speak to him personally as one of her first tasks today. Was his name... Jack, or Hi’Jak? She did not know whether this was a moment of chance, or if God had chosen to smile upon her this morning, but her moment of relief was short lived as she watched the cultist who remained standing standing aim a swift punch directly towards Hi’Jak’s face.

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | Corridor | Deck 07 ] Attn: Hastada

When the man struck him Jack didn't flinch or back away. Rather he rolled with the punch feeling his jaw sting from the hit but aside from that he was fine. He looked at the man for a moment who had just brazenly punched him directly in the face. He chuckled for a moment looking at him like the man as he probably didn't even realize his mistake. "Was your intention to start a mating ritual here?"

Before the man could answer he grabbed both sides of the cultists head and slammed his forehead against him, the hard ridges protecting him the human on the other hand not so lucky as he dropped. Jack did however move a hand to his head after the fact kind of regretting the reply. "Cause you hit like a bitch."

Unlike all the times he had to use self defense against the security teams on starbase 84, this had actually been fun. Probably due to the lack of weapons they were using. Jack had to lean against the wall for a moment as he regarded the woman who was getting to her feet. He didn't know her name just yet, but he did recognize her, as well as judging by her uniform and rank that this was probably his boss. He turned towards her giving a smile. "Thick skull."

"Are you okay, do you need medical attention?" He was of course still paying attention to the men on the ground, if they were smart they would know when the fight was over, but of course they were not. So Jack was caught off guard when the one he had just knocked down grabbed one of the shards of the cup he had used earlier, springing on him and stabbing him with the porcelain shard in the shoulder.

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]
Despite the impressive display, Martin was more focused on getting herself suited than anything else at the moment. “I think I’ll actually be okay for now?” she answered, in response to Hi’jak’s question about medical attention. But her own attention was quickly caught off guard when she caught sight of the lead cultist raising a ceramic shard to strike with.

“Wait, look out-” she shouted in alarm, but it was too late, the shard was already in Hi’jak’s shoulder. Had Martin been able to think more logically she would have deduced that such an attack would leave only a minor injury at most due to Hi’jak’s half-Klingon nature, but she was not thinking logically at that moment, nor was she when she tried striking a blow at the man with the shard. Time seemed to slow for her, and yet even in that moment she was unable to shift herself fast enough to avoid the grasp of the cultist who was splashed. He rose from the floor, with clear anger in his face, and reached out a hand, grabbing hold of Martin’s arm.

“Not… so… fast…” the man grunted through obvious pain. “We still need to teach you a lesson!”

His hand knocked Martin in the face again, and he spun her around and slammed her face into the wall. Fresh pain flared in Martin’s face as one of her lips split slightly, and the taste in her mouth turned metallic as blood began to flow. Panicking, Martin did the first thing she could think of and jammed her heel into the man’s shin. His grip weakened as he yelled out in surprise.

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | Corridor | Deck 07 ] Attn: Hastada

Jack let out a shriek of pain as he felt the porciline jam into his own shoulder. As far as Stab wounds went it was light little more than a deep cut, but it was always the little ones that hurt the most and it was right along his ribs meaning every time he breathed it sent a shock of pain through his body that annoyed and aggrivated the half klingon, three lungs meant that his chest expanded a lot when he breathed after all. He grabbed the man, who was more surprised that Jack didn't just go down. He twisted the man around to come face to face with him.

"Your a science nerd you shouldn't be this strong."

"I'm a klingon." As if the man had somehow forgotten he slammed his fist into the mans gut winding him in the process but he didn't stop there as he grabbed the man with one hand pulling him back by the collar, and then slamming his other fist hard into his kidney. Then again a second blow, and a third blow, till the fourth one caused the man enough pain that he screamed and fell to the ground clutching himself.  As he fell down Jack's foot came to rest on the man's knee cap.

"I'll give the three of you a choice. Since I have gone above and beyond appropriate protocols here, and don't want to deal with security, if you leave now I will let you walk away, crawl into some turbolift and be out of my mind and sight so you can lick your wounds. Stay, and I will make sure none of you walk again."
To add menace to his threat he pressed the heel of his shoes into the mans knee getting more and more ready to break the bone into tiny pieces. "I make this offer because you caught me on a good morning, and I will not make the same offer again."

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Kaligos, FollowTomorrow

As the man holding her loosened his grip, Martin scrambled to come free, dropped to her knees and attempted to evade the mad zealot. She tapped her combadge and hastily shouted out, “Lieutenant Commander Martin to security, emergency on deck six, my location!” before she spun around in time to see the man tackle her.

With a thud, she fell to the ground and braced for the blows to come from her assailant. But to her surprise, the man seemed to pause. Martin turned her head and saw Hi’jak with his foot pressed against the leader’s leg, pain evident in the leader’s face.

"I make this offer because you caught me on a good morning, and I will not make the same offer again.", said Hi’jak, as the man above Martin lifted himself with his hands up.

Unsure of what to do, Martin simply raised herself to a standing position, her movements hesitant and deliberate. “Mr… Hi’jak? Maybe just restrain him for now?” She said, tentatively. “It’s going to probably look very compromising to anyone who comes along… And I think he probably gets the message.” She didn’t really know whether the cultist got the message or not, but at the very least she could do her best to try and impose some measure of sanity over the situation.

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | Corridor | Deck 07 ] Attn: Hastada

Jack wanted to scream internally when he heard Martin call for security. Turning towards her he puffed up in annoyance. The fact that she had just done the one thing he wanted to avoid in this situation made him more than annoyed with the commanding officer.

"Why on Qo'Nos's green sky would you go and do that! I wanted to avoid security on my first day here!" As he shouted he carelessly stomped his foot down not realizing in the moment where he was standing or rather what he was standing on, as their was a loud if sickining snap under his foot. He looked down to realize that the heel of his foot had gone partly through the mans leg breaking his knee cap.

A soft blush formed over Jack's face as he pressed a palm to his hand and removed his foot from the situation as the man screamed. "Oh... Um sorry."

But that was it, the moment security arrived he would get the reputation of the violent Klingon, on his first day of work, despite the fact that he had only been trying to help a woman who had been beaten. There was no evading that stereotype anymore, and of course once he was boxed in with that the chief of the science department whoever that was, was just going to end up assigning him joke tasks. This ship was supposed to be his fresh start, but how was he supposed to be taken seriously now?

It was like a dark cloud seemed to form over Jack as the depressing realization came in. He moved away from the two that he was fighting not that either of them had much of a will left after he just shattered a mans leg.

He sighed mumbling to himself as he seemed to wallow in the moment of self pitty, though clearly loud enough that anyone in the hall would be able to listen to his debate with himself. "Great, now not only am I on a foreign ship with no allies, or friends but my reputation is going to be ruined already. This was supposed to be my chance to start over, and because of security's involvement official reports are going to get drawn up. Not only am I probably the only Klingon on this ship, now I'm the violent klingon, and to top it off, I was from Starbase 84, which were the bad guys in the last fight. At this rate I'm gonna be completely surrounded, how am I supposed to make a full lieutenant if I can never catch a break."

"And what's worse is now I'm the crazy guy who talks to himself! oh that's just gonna go great on the next psychiatric evaluation. Who even takes a klingon scientist seriously anyway? I should have just stayed in the empire married and became a house husband."

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Kaligos,
“What?” asked Martin, as her expression shifted from worried to surprised. “That’s not what-mmmmff” She stopped in surprise as her voice was cut off mid-sentence, when a large hand clamped over her mouth. Martin felt panic begin to rise again as she glanced around, dread hanging over her mind.

The voice of the cultist that attacked her came from beside her ear, shaking slightly as his hand gripped Martin’s leg and angled it outstretched against the floor. “Y-you, go, please, get out, or… or she loses her leg too!” He said. Martin’s leg strained as she tried to wriggle free from the man’s grip. She could feel it at the breaking point, she could feel the bones grinding together, feel her muscles cry out as they struggled to hold themselves together. She tried to yell out for help, but all that came out of her mouth was a dull and muffled sound, barely recognizable as speech. The crazed fanatic seemed to be shaking, terrified, disorganized, unbalanced. “I mean it!” He shouted, for extra emphasis, “I’ll break it! Just like you did to him!”

More than anything right now, Martin wished she could just take Hi’jak aside and maybe sit him down with some coffee and have a nice conversation like she intended to. Maybe then she could assuage his worries, maybe then things could move towards a bit more harmony and progress for everyone. But now they were in this mess, and as much as she tried to struggle against her captor, all while she repeated obscenities in her mind, the best resolution seemed to be the arrival of security so she could try to sort this entire debacle.

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | Corridor | Deck 07 ] Attn: Hastada

Jack was snapped out of his depressional state when heard the voice threatening Martin. Looking at the man who was trembling as he tried his best not to look like he was actually a threat. If anything it made Jack a little more angry that the man was willing to try and play hero. When he shouted he knew the man was bluffing.

"No you won't."

Jack's voice was calm, almost cold as he spoke turning towards the man and Martin he made no attempt to approach them, but his blue eyes locked coldly onto the other. He had spent his entire life around people who wouldn't have thought to give such a warning or a bluff. "Do you actually see what I did to your friends leg Even after modern medical attention your friend is going to take weeks to walk again, and you know the scary part? I did that on accident. I wasn't even paying attention, now let me tell you something."

There was a step forward, a challenging look. His shoulders remained completely relaxed, he was okay with this. "You now have my full, undivided attention. So let me repeat again, pick up your trash, drag them to sickbay, and say you fell down a jefferies tube and I will let you go I will not tell security, I will just go on with my day, hurt her, and I can promise you that you will not walk again. Not even with modern medical attention."

Slowly a smile crested his lips he took a few more steps forward challenging the man as he did. Still completely undaunted by the way he was holding Martin's leg. "This has been fun, but now I suggest you leave because if I do have to deal with security on my first day at work. Than you are not going to have any legs to stand on."

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Kaligos
The man seemed to stiffen when Hi’jak called his bluff. With palpitation visible on his forehead, he seemed to stiffen further and start shaking slightly as Hi’jack drove the point home. The strain on Martin’s leg increased and she grunted in pain slightly through grit teeth. She looked around, her mind casting incredulous doubt as to the delay of security. “Something’s… up…” she observed, strain evident in her voice.

The man glanced around, panic evident in his movement. “N-no-” he said to Hi'Jak, “No, we have someone in security, you won’t be telling them anything, and- and- there certainly won’t be anyone arriving!” His voice stammered as he spoke, as if the sheer terror of his situation had a vice grip on his heart which he desperately wished to conceal. As if to drive the point home he very unnecessarily shouted “I must prove my faith, and you heretics won’t stop me from proving myself worthy!” He stopped and stuck his chin out in defiance, with only a slight quiver being visible through it.

Martin rolled her eyes, pain notwithstanding. But just then a voice called out, raspy and wheezing as he struggled to deal with his broken mess of a knee. “Pedro,” he whispered. “Your faith has been tested enough today, let’s just… let’s just go. Please. I need to get some help for this.”

The man holding Martin, now revealed to be Pedro, shook slightly before releasing her and backed off faster than a Spaniard’s bedsprings on his wedding night. As Martin picked herself up with a thoroughly displeased expression on her face, Pedro looked at Hi’jak with trepidation, and maintained eye contact as he asked, no, pleaded, “Can we go now?”

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #11
[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | Corridor | Deck 07 ] Attn: Hastada

Jack turned when one of the devoted used the name of the man he was addressing, his eyes scanning the man's collar finding his rank which the man hadn't removed. He watched as Pedro let Martin  go, and gathered up his people. All the while there was a calm, relaxed smile on his face.

"You know, having a guy in security works both ways. Remember Pedro, I don't want to see heads or tails of any security officers coming after me or Martin . I'd hate to have to go around checking all of the ensign quarters. Why it may take me a full hour to figure out where you sleep." There was a glint in his eye as he spoke as if there were an idea lingering on the back of his mind.

He smiled watching the three men scurry off like rats abandoning a sinking ship. He watched them go making sure that they were gone, and then let out a very loud and dramatic sigh as he leaned against the wall, he ran a hand through his hair and looked at Martin  with a more genuine smile. "Glad they bought all that cause I had like nothing left. Three guys like that i'm kind of surprised were still alive."

"Are you okay? it looked like they kicked you something awful, I can take you to one of the sickbays if you need to go?" He walked up to her looking at her for a moment. He didn't like that he had to get all serious like that, but at least the woman seemed like she would live. Now that he was looking at her however he seemed to recognize her.

"Your from the resolve crew right? I remember you from when we were all in the conference room and the one guy puked his guts out, Anyway I wish our meeting could have been under better circumstances but I'm actually looking for the head of the science department. I was on my way to have a chat with them when this all happened. So if you don't need medical attention I think I'm going to continue my search if that's okay with you."

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:
While Hi’jak fended off the attackers, Martin busied herself in straightening her uniform, disgruntled and surprised at what happened. It was clear to her that this Morali was not taking enough responsibility to stop a cult in his own name which had clearly turned violent. Obviously she had to have a stern talk with him later. Martin tugged on the cuffs of her sleeves to straighten them out before actually answering Hi’Jak.

"Are you okay? it looked like they kicked you something awful, I can take you to one of the sickbays if you need to go?" he had asked.

“Oh, I’m fine Lieutenant. A bit winded and irate, but still fine.” She said, as she breathed a sigh of relief. “I must thank you for coming to my rescue, had you not arrived, I’m sure my injuries would be far more significant.”

Martin observed that realization seemed to dawn on Hi’Jak as he recognized her. She remembered where she had seen him before as well, the distinctive half-Klingon who had walked in at about when Suq had lost his most recent meal. And, as it happened, said half-Klingon was looking for her.

She gained a slightly amused smile as she disclosed her identity. “Ah, well, you might not wish to be so hasty in continuing your search. It just so happens I am the one you’re looking for. And, incidentally, I was just on my way to try and find you, so it was rather fortuitous that you happened to show up.”

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #13
[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | Corridor | Deck 07 ] Attn: Hastada

"I'd say we were both lucky than all things considered. Perhaps we should find a lab to continue this conversation though." He said looking around the corridor that had spilled coffee and blood stains. Someone would clean that up, he was never sure who did exactly but he had never seen a stain on a starship before in his life.

He turned to walk with Martian, it was kind of a shame she was his boss, not that he was looking to add another woman to what seemed to be his expanding options at the moment, but there was always the side of his brain that alerted him when an attractive female was walking around.

When such a woman happened to be your boss however you tended to shelve that idea, and instead look for other things. Especially here. "So those guys they called themselves the devoted? said they were following a master of time, did I miss a briefing? Cause that all sounded like mad rambling to me."

This was going to be frustratng in all honesty. "I just spent the last four years as the assistant chief of the science department on Starbase 84, so I am used too attending the large staff meetings, suddenly finding myself here it's a bit of a change in the command structure. I suddenly find myself having to adjust to feeling like I am going to be kept in the dark. My goal with seeking you out was to make sure that you understand I'm used to helping others, I don't like being confined to a single project, but rather I like to spread my expertise anywhere I feel I can be an asset."

He also wanted to evaluate Martin as a person, his last commander had been less than thrilling. Walking along he would let Martin choose a room to actually speak with her in.

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #14
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Kaligos

“The Devoted are a strange bunch to say the least.” Responded Martin, after Hi’jack had finished. “Commander Trent mentioned them during the assembly yesterday, they’ve deified the temporal affairs specialist, a Mr. Morali, or so I have been led to believe. I certainly hope to do something about this, but that is something to address later.” She sighed hung her head slightly, before she motioned along the corridor.

“If you wouldn’t mind following me, I ah… Well, I have some plans in mind and I think you might be receptive to them.” She said, as she began to walk at a steady pace down the direction which she had indicated. “I have no intentions of keeping you in the dark, Lieutenant.” her voice carried affirmation, one which dictated a mental transition into a mindset of a more official nature. “Rather, I plan on a certain ah… project. We already know some details about these parasites, that they are interphasic, that they seem to thrive on-” Her demeanor faltered slightly as she remembered the footage of Acreth. “-uh, sensation, chaos around them. Supposedly they can’t be picked up on conventional scanning methods, but they do seem to need to feed, and if they exist then they can be measured and identified, so…”

Martin turned her gaze to face Hi’jak directly as she delivered her point home. “How would you like to find out how to actually find these things, and if they even exist to begin with?”

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #15
"Did he? hmm I kind of forgot about that." Jack had mostly paid attention to the captain and had been more focused on the larger statement that this other enemy had been messing with time. When that had come up his mind had gone a little wild and he had lost track of the meeting, fantasizing over future warships and fractures in time.

Upon hearing what project Martian had in mind he paused for a moment. "You realize that in order to run any tests on these things we first need a living one right? I want to find someway to track these things as well, but the person in charge didn't leave us with much information, and apparently the living subject they had escaped them, because apparently this ship is full of failures."

True live experimenting was illegal but they needed something, and currently it wasn't like they were bound to the Federation ethical comity. "As important as such a project is, until we have one in the brig a task force would only be able to get so far. What's more we only have one host to sample from, the findings on Sonja Acreath, we have no idea how the parasite reacts with anyone aside from a human female if we even get that. I want a way of detection as well, but the irony is we need a sample size of at least two if we want to find any common ground in how this thing works. In order to identify more of them we first need to have more of them to identify how's that for a catch twenty two. "

"In all honesty I think we should make the capture of one of starfleets admiralty a priority. It might be the most sensible action we can take to make sure we have a parasitic host. The original crew overheard some sort of broadcast meaning the captain knows at least a small fraction of the infected, if we could set a trap and kidnap one of the admiralty than at least we would have something to work with on that front. Until such time while I am not against working with what he have on the Acreath case we are bound to hit a dead end, we should focus our attention on the various temporal anomalies hat this ship seems to attract first." There was something altogether fun about pitching an idea where they would have to conspire against the Federation in order to save it. Lets kidnap an admiral so as to save the rest of the universe. Yep that summed up how bad this situation was.

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #16
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:

Martin listened patiently as Hi’jak shared his thoughts. “Indeed. Captain Hawthorne seemed to be a host, but he is currently incapacitated. The most likely and nearest candidate for another host would be Admiral Sankolov, commanding Acheron.” She elaborated, blissfully unaware of the beast writhing within their chief medical officer. “For now we’ll unfortunately be forced to rely on a think tank rather than a proper task force, and I feel that your expertise would be valuable on it.” She ran through the other members on her list briefly. McMillan would be useful, possibly Cir’Cie given that the parasites had wished to exploit the strange life form on Niga. She would like to add Morali as well if he could take some responsibility about the Devoted first.

“I’m drawing up a list of people that we may be able to start with, and I wanted to know if I can count on you to be a part of that.” Martin said, continuing her ramble. “If you do you would be working closely with other members of the department on a number of projects and idea generation, and I’ll be speaking with Dr. Nicander later to see about a collaboration between the scientists aboard and the medical department.” She paused slightly to allow her words to process a bit. “While the Acreth case seems to lead to a dead end… I fear the implications are quite significant. I do feel that focusing on temporal anomalies is prudent however, and your expertise in temporal mechanics that your file lists is one of the reasons why I came to you to request your aid. These… things… seem to possess an unusual relationship with spacetime, possibly even out of sync. If the fighter sitting in the launch bay is anything to go by, then they clearly seem to be meddling in the timestream as well. In fact, if their goal is to revert the universe to a raw energetic state, then it would benefit them to fracture quantum realities in the timestream."

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #17
Jack nodded as he followed Martian falling in line only slightly behind her. She was asking for his expertise? When had that even happened in his recent memory?

Definitely before starbase 84. That realization that no one had asked his thoughts on a question in at least four years made him realize just why he was maybe a tad angry with the Federation. This ship was somewhere he honestly would have loved to work under better cercomstances he could have seen himself here from day one, but any transfer requests he had put in during his time on 84 had been denied constantly. It was maddening.

Yet as he listened he was actually feeling a sense of genuine excitement, a think tank? medical and science staff collaborating, and a boss that seemed to have a sturdy head on her shoulders. All of these things were traits he wanted in a leader, and he could see himself falling in line here. It was like a play ground of sorts.

"About Hawthorne. I sat down at a table with him every week for about four years as did the rest of the senior staff of eighty-four. I never saw him as a colluder until after I uncovered the evidence about the bombing, when I got the file and found that it was given with a captains security authorization, I immediately went to hand it to him. Our dealings may have been brief but if that's the kind of skin puppet we have to face... it's hard to think my boss of almost six years never aroused a single suspicion from any of the senior staff."

Jack shrugged he had never taken himself to be a poor judge in character. "It would be a lot simpler if their eyes glowed or something."

He nodded after a moment. "Honestly I've been thinking about that as well, the phasic nature of the parasites, and the fact that they seem to have effortless control over their hosts. The fact that it could be a trans-species invasive life-form. Martin, I don't think these guys are naturally occurring. The trill co-evolved with the humans on their world, but a trill host couldn't survive being inserted into a klingon, our blood is too acidic, it's the same reason a Vulcan can't get a tape worm. Parasite and host dependency is a co-evolutionary trait, if these things do exist they were most likely made in a lab, probably in the very very distant past."

"You heard of the discovery of the 'ancient humanoid' the one that claimed to be the first evolution of life in the milky way? It's possible that these parasites could have been a symbiont of it, or at the least a biological exparement of theirs." He paused for a moment to think that over. "Personally I never put too much belief into that finding, but it would explain why so many species can result in hybridization. Oh and just to make things clear, i'm willing to lend myself to any think tank or projects you come up with."

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #18
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:

Hi’jak’s insights were fascinating. The parasite did more than puppeteer it seemed, they likely also had access  to the host’s own memories and inner mind, or exerted some other form of effect on the host. The way Acreth’s voice had changed was interesting, and implied that the parasite might fundamentally alter the host in ways that a traditional lifeform couldn’t. Martin gave a short laugh at the comment of the glowing eyes. It reminded her a bit of some early 21st century media that Lyhn had given her, something about “star gates” that could reach anywhere in the universe, with aliens who would inhabit humans and make their eyes glow. But those thoughts were quickly pushed aside by a point from Hi’jak that captivated her fascination. Even Trill symbionts had difficulties in human hosts, despite the ability to join them to each other. Co-dependency was almost universal in parasites and symbiotes, it was strange that these interphasic beings could attach themselves to seemingly anyone, regardless of species. It was then in which Hi’jak brought up his theory as to their origins.

“Ah yes,” replied Martin, “The Preservers. Supposedly pushed out the boat for all humanoid lifeforms in the Galaxy. Personally I’m not so sure how that would work, maybe something hidden in introns. I mean, they may have helped things along here or there, but most species seemed to have evolved one way or another. Though… I will admit, the idea that they were created certainly holds feasibility. It could be a result of their native environment, or perhaps something akin to the parasites which attacked Deneva. Dr. Nicander already asked this ‘Acreth’ person whether or not the parasite was from Thanatos VIII, which means that particular interphasic species could be a promising lead. Still,” She paused, and smiled. “I am happy to hear you’re willing to help with the project, I think we can make some good progress with you onboard.”

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #19
The walk continued and Jack was enamored more and more by this strange new boss. The fact that she seemed to follow his logic and agree with him, actually made him feel different than he had in the past. Maybe there was a little more of that other guy still in him. that young Jack that had been so ready out of the gates of the academy. He sneezed hard into his shoulder. and shuddered for a moment feeling his head wracked with pain.

So much so that he had to lean against the wall for support as his vision blurred and only for a moment faded before he could shake off the feeling and move past it. "On another note, we seem to have some sort of illness passing along the halls of the ship. One or two of the science staff called in sick today. Now I do not get sick, I have never been sick, it's one of the wonders of Klingon genetics, but maybe we want to talk to the lead doctor and see if their is anything we can do to lend a hand. I'm not much on virology, but we have a large house i'm sure we can spare someone to help?"

For even a moment he knew he was stepping out of line acting more like his former job would entail now that he had someones ear. The sad thing was he no longer had that position or title. He wasn't the chiefs assistant and really had no way of suggesting how she should run the show. "Your gonna have to forgive that. It's been a long time since anyone has asked for my advice. My old boss on 84, never really cared to have a half-breed in his midst, and made a point of stealing my work. It's refreshing to have someone's ear for a change."

He paused for a moment looking at Martian judging on whether or not he should say anything more on the matter. "On my way out of eighty four, I was party to his death. At the time he was ready to hand me over to security, there was a struggle and he died but I was already getting ready to deal a fatal blow. I have for the moment kept that information off the record, but I believe in transparency and honesty. My last boss died by my hand because he wouldn't listen to my advice or reason, or accept my transfer requests when I submitted them. I am hoping that you are a better commander."

The thing he would not mention was who killed the chief science officer of 84, Sera was only a civilian after all. Plus it was his kill that she stole so really it was nothing of importance.

Re: Chapter 25: The Wrath of Time | Day 02 [1100 hrs.]

Reply #20
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Kaligos

Martin had loved Jessica Lyhn, she knew that much. And while she was upset that Lyhn was gone, and wished she could make amends, it took the short span of seconds for Jack to reveal the death of his former department head for Martin to realize just how very much she didn’t want to join her former paramour. At the very least she wouldn’t smell like coconuts half the time anymore. She froze slightly as she absorbed the information. She had survived the attack and now… was this lieutenant threatening her? She needed a really stiff drink and a long nap right now, and she’d only been up for a few hours so far. She collected herself and continued, with clear hesitation in her voice from the news she had just received. “I see… I would wonder who was responsible for letting a man that ill suited for such a position become the chief of sciences aboard a starbase, but the command staff of S84 strikes me as a bit unsound as it is. Was.”

Martin wondered how she should approach this. Her first thought was that she should do so with extreme delicacy, but another part of herself was itching to write a report to Commander Trent, directly quoting what she had just heard. She elected to do both, and retrieved her PADD. As she began to attempt to subtly begin compiling her report, she continued speaking. “I’ll have to see how well you perform in the- in my department, but rest-assured your status as a hybrid shouldn’t factor into my judgement at all. I don’t make it a habit to lay bias based on one’s genetic code.” Unless illegally augmented, but that should have likely went without saying as it was merely enforcing Federation law.

Re: Day 02 [1100 hrs.] The Wrath of Time

Reply #21
[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | Corridor | Deck 07 ] Attn: Hastada

"Hawthorne." Like most of the problems in his life, it always extended back to some sort of traitor. Looking back on his life at starbase 84, he was kind of an idiot. Handing the evidence of a traitorous captain directly over to a captain. He should have at least expected that hawthorne could have been involved, but he was far too busy working on his own status at the time hoping that he could have used the incident to increase his own influince. Instead it came back to bite him hard in the ass.

Jack gave a shrug. Maybe that was why he had to serve under an oaf of a science officer. He didn't catch the soft retort that Martin was willing to put him under the brig. "I look forward to working with you." His tone was both honest and exuberant. This was the first time anyone had asked his opinion since he had left the academy.

Sure she could have been lying, but as far as Jack was concerned actually wanted to work alongside her. As he parted from her he set his goal to visit the various labs next. "I'll be around if you feel the need to chat with me, I have a few other things to do today. I do hope our next meeting wont be under such dire circumstances."


Re: Day 02 [1100 hrs.] The Wrath of Time

Reply #22
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Corridor | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]

“Indeed.” Said Martin as she picked up her PADD. On it she opened up a new document and began typing a message upon it. “I think now it is time for us to part ways, but I do intend on meeting with you again at a later point, perhaps today or tomorrow, to organize the think tank.” Her fingers flew across the keys of her message while she spoke, writing out a recounting of what had just occurred, and the apparent threat to her life which she had witnessed, along with direct quotes that she attempted to relay to the best of her ability. Commander Trent would hear about this without a doubt. Before departing, she turned to Hi’Jak again and continued. “I look forward to working with you in the future, Mr. Hi’Jak. But do understand that even though this ship may be rogue, there are still duties and morals to uphold. Don’t take that as a warning targeted specifically at you, I just thought it best to make sure it was said and done. Have a nice day Lieutenant.” And with that she turned and departed towards her original destination. The implications worried her. She had tried to put any risk of Hi’Jak growing to hate her down and aside, and attempted to sound as diplomatic as possible. Hopefully the situation could be salvaged and this was simply a misunderstanding, for if not then Hi’jak had just admitted to murder. As she finalized her report, she thought of what the future might hold for her, and wondered how much of it she would actually live to be able to see.


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