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Main OOC Thread

Here announcements will be posted, questions can be asked and plans be made. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1
I will take this opportunity to send out a request to the players!

I am compiling a little movie for the RP, and since I do not know the names of the models or actors that some people have submitted for character pics. please let me know where or how I might find videos that would apply for the project. I am using Windows Movie Maker, so I am limited in what kind of formats I can use...

Furthermore, Sci-fi fighting, explosions, space battles, space scenery movies, and all such things to fill out the tribute/ad for this rp are most welcome too.

I have an ample stock of footage already, so don't be surprised if your contributions does not fit into it. In short, I hold the creative licence and in the progress, things might not add up well with the "wrong" kind of shots (either/both quality and content-wise).

For last, thank you everyone for your awesome posts so far! :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2
Update on the movie project:

It is completed, but I am having issues with Windows Movie Maker (it won't convert the project file to any kind of result atm) but hopefully I will be able to resolve it momentarily. otherwise, I have to start over using another software. *grumbles* Hate to have my time wasted... Perhaps a codec or two will do the trick.

Anyway, let me know if you have any requests for the movie, but I have already solved many questions over PM to you guys.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3
Update on the movie project:

I have spewed burning blood upon Windows Movie Maker (piece of shit product) and damned it to eternal agony in the deepest pits of hell...

...and instead ordered the Pinnacle Studio 15 HD suite. While not free, it will serve to make the result a bit more professional. It does also mean, however, that I have to remake the whole thing. Yet at least I have collected the material and I have a sequence visible in Movie Maker that will save me considerable time.

In related news, we still have new members in the cue, and I am waiting eagerly for their applications.

Furthermore, feel free to add me on AIM, MSN, Yahoo or whatever be your preference. The necessary info can be found on the left side of this post.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5
ooohhh I likes :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #6
First off, awesome vid!

Secondly, I must admit, with all my problems in RL, I've forgotten where/what my guys were up to. Had we worked anything out?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #7
Thanks! As for your chars, here are we go:


- Nerina and Nathaniel in the Prologue (which you just replied to, and I look forward to see how it might develop)

- William and Edena in Chapter 2: Contamination (if you guys feel up for it!)

- Jovela is yet to be introduced into Episode 1, and as I recallit, you were on the fence on what to do with her. Feel free to have her show up during the uncoming scene in the Medical Lab (Chapter 3: Violation). She might easily be the timely entrance that tips the scales and saves Amikris and Lucan from being contaminated. Just keep your eyes open to the development. Kittykat and I have some rudimentary ideas for the progress, but nothing solid besides... well... I would hate to reveal a part of the outcome in advance... *grins and glances to Kitty*


- I am greatly looking forward to take the scene forward in Taylor's quarters! I figure with all that is going on, Thea is bound to try and address her concerns... ;) Please send me a PM if you wanna brainstorm a bit.


- See note about Edena and William above, as well as the Nathaniel and Nerina scene.

- Now that Jien and Nathaniel have finished up in Chapter IV, I will soon be posting the plot development for that morning after the (now being written) incident in the Med Lab (Chapter III). I just need to know a bit more about the outcome before I can post there. Though I guess I can... now that I give it some thought... post something that sets the scene for the crew (as in, the progression of the contamination aboard.) I'll look into that tomorrow now that its 1.40 am here in Sweden.

In other news....

As I have mentioned to a few of you, we have new writers incoming, and do not be surprised to find a few new faces surfacing from the crew aboard the ship. They are stuck on RL issues currently, but these are likely to resolve themselves eventually.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #8
Anyone interested in joining for humanity's good? a game i'm starting :P I have a large NPC cast avalible for players and you can play custom PCs if i approve em

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #9
Sorry for the delay in posting folks, I was out last night and had a terrible hangover today. Its 03.35 am my time and I am just about coming awake... heh. In my lesser inspiration towards making qualitative posts this day I have instead spent some time on graphics, and I am happy to inform that Version 1.2 of the Promotion Trailer for the USS Theurgy Group is almost finished.

Furthermore, I just wanted to say how fun it is to read up on the great development in the story. We have had some great activity lately and I suppose it comes with some new blood in the crew manifest, heh. Anyway, you will all find posts up from me shortly.

If you have any story development you wish to discuss with me, I am available over PM, MSN etc.

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #10
Looking forward to seeing the new promo! You did a great job with the last one.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #12
It kicks ass.

That is all.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #14
Sounds great! Glad to hear you are considering to join up. You may find more info about general rules and joining right here on this board in case you have only checked out the Group Request thread.

I look forward to read your application if you do decide to join us in this story. Please don't hesitate to contact me over PM to discuss rank and position as well as general ideas for your character concept.

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #15
A short list of positions I wish to be filled (at the top of my head, since there are many more available), be it by new or current members of the group that does not already have a couple of characters running. PM your questions to me!



The Quartermaster trains and supervises crewmen in bridge operations, repairs, and protocols and sets the agenda for instruction in general ship and starbase operations for the different department officers; maintains the vessels/facilities log, the vessels/facilities clock, and watch and duty assignments for all bridge personnel; may assume any bridge [i.e. CONN] or Operations role [i.e. transporter] as required.

The Quartermaster is also responsible for helping any Officer or NCO who has questions regarding any function of the vessel/facility, giving advise on how to obtain the desired information or directing them to the correct individual. In addition, the Quartermaster oversees the various assigned yeoman. Ensuring that they are assigned as required to the various Departments.

Quartermasters ensure that all officers and crew perform their duties consistent with Starfleet directives. The Quartermaster reports to the Executive Officer.

Captain's Yeoman

The Captain's Yeoman position is for NCOs (not Line Officers, see GR and Joining post on this board) who wish to continue as administrators. Use of a Yeoman's services is completely at the discretion of the Commanding Officer. File work, and sensitive message transport are but two examples of the Yeoman's possible duties. In a sense, this position can be translated into being the Captain's secretary.


Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer

The Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer has the primary responsibility of the Fighter Assault Bay. S/he oversees all of the Flight Deck activity, and organises the flight schedules. S/he also personally oversees and guides many launches and landings.

The Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer is a Section Head and reports directly to the SCO and the XO.


Chief of Security

The Chief Security Officer is called Chief of Security. Her/his duty is to ensure the safety of ship and crew. Some take it as their personal duty to protect the Commanding/Executive Officer on away teams. She/he is also responsible for people under arrest and the safety of guests, liked or not.

S/he also is a department head and a member of the Senior Staff, responsible for all the crew members in her/his department and duty rosters.

S/he is responsible for the ship's weapon system, and is also the COs tactical advisor in Starship Combat matters.

The Chief of Security should be aware of current Diplomatic situations and up to date on the latest technological capabilities of all threat alien races, and even the capabilities of allied alien species.

There is much more to tactical than simply overseeing the weapons console on the bridge. Tactical maintains the weapons systems aboard the ship/starbase, maintaining and reloading photons magazines. Tactical planning and current Intelligence analysis [if no Intelligence operatives are aboard] is also overseen by the tactical department. Edena Rez will, however, is in charge of Intelligence matters.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #16
I've seen other games out there split Security/Tactical into two separate departments (Security in gold, Tactical in red), which always made more sense to me than having two very different departments combined into one. Would you possibly consider separating the two for this game?

Great work on the new promo vid, by the way!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #17
That idea has been at the forefront of my mind, but I have chosen to postpone that decision given the fact that we have neither a Chief of Security nor a Chief Tactical Officer at this given time. It is agreed, of course, that it makes more sense to have these separate.

Thanks for your kind words and your wise input! Depending on interest and the applications I receive, I will be splitting the position in two.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #18
you know i'm willing to take on either or both :P lol but you limit my character number *cries*

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #19
I do have a very basic idea for a potential Chief of Security, but I was holding off in case a new writer came along and wanted the position. But if it's okay to have two characters who are department chiefs, and if you're going to end up splitting Security and Tactical, I think I might start brainstorming harder and actually start filling out the details for the idea.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #20
Lucan when Cir'Cie and/or Adam dies :P can I have another character lol :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #22
WyteKnyte: When/if you at some point during your brain-storming decide to make the character, let me know so that I might reserve the position for you. As for now, I will leave it open for new members. All I require is a PM with your decision and the skeleton of a character concept when/if such a time comes. :)


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #23
You'll likely get a PM from me sometime later tonight, though since you're six hours ahead of me you'll probably be asleep by then.  :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #24
Well... I do have a Yeoman character from the game I borrowed Jovela from. She'll need to be adapted slightly (she's sort of halfway between Jovela and Nerina right now, so she'll need some change) but I do like her... But then I'm probably playing too many characters already. But it's all good.

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