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[2376] Help in the Himalayas

[ Cadet Jhozahosh sh’Avhennes | Starfleet High Altitude Wilderness Survival Training Excursion | Himalayas | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos

Day two had begun well. The night had been warm, hovering just a few degrees below freezing. To most that would have been horrible and cold, but not to an Andorian. Nonetheless, that did not warrant complacency, even she could freeze to death. Jhozahosh ate a cold breakfast of bland, but nutritious Starfleet rations, a rather familiar taste which brought back memories of the Dominion War. Shaking her head to clear away the memories she stood and shouldered her small pack. She set off, cutting across the side of the mountain, beginning her long journey to they designated check in point.

She could actually see the point already. It wasn’t far as the Atlirith flew, but she was not an Atlirith. She had to take the long route, around the sides of two mountains and up the third. There was a steep gully below her, with the silver glimmer of a river cutting through the middle. At some point today she would need to cross that river. Footing was treacherous, changing between hard packed snow, and loose shale. She was glad to have crampons fixed to her boots to assist with keeping her grip, and should she slip there was an ice axe close at hand to help slow her decent.

As the hours rolled by she made significant progress. Shortly after midday she crossed the river she had spotted. It was much smaller up close, and she stopped for a minute to drink some and refill her water bottle. It was all uphill from there, and much harder going. She unhooked her ice axe from its loop on her pack and was forced to use the implement to assist in her movement up the side of the mountain. Her antennae twitched as she drove the metal into the hard snow. Moving carefully and slowly she dug in with her crampons. Move axe, step up and dig in, move axe, step up and dig in, and repeat.

About half way up there was a resounding crack as she dug in the axe. Instantly Jhoza froze in place, fearful of a landslide. She stayed in place for a full minute, and when nothing bad happened she relaxed. She moved her boot out of the small niche she had dug, and disaster struck. With increased weight now on the axe, the loose sheet of ice broke free and slammed into her face, knocking her back. She tumbled down the hill dazed, head over heels until she slammed head first into a rocky outcrop and came to a halt. She gave a small moan of pain and passed out.

[Some time later]

The first things that came back to her were feelings of pain in her head, left shoulder and right thigh. Her antennae twitched as she opened her eyes and squinted up at the sun. She groaned as pain pulsed through her body. She tried to move. It was a bad idea. Jhoza cried out in pain as her shoulder and leg protested her movements. Her head spinning she looked around. Her shoulder was wedged tightly between two rocks, and she could see her blue blood staining her torn uniform and the skin beneath. Further down she could see her ice axe. That was odd, she was sure she had dropped it. Her antennae swung back and forth in agitation as she struggled to see her leg.

It wasn’t good. The ice axe was buried in the meat of her thigh, and blood was slowly oozing out around it. She groaned and collapsed back onto the rock. She felt around her chest with her uninjured arm, eventually finding her combadge. With a groan she tapped it, opening communications with the emergency rescue team that was on standby in case of her exact situation. [”This is...I am...owww...Jhozahosh’Avhennes...I’m...I can’t...going up a mountain...I did...the my face...owww! Shut up! I’m gonna take a nap.”] She tried to explain her situation, but her mind felt slow and heavy and it was not clear to her that she was simply rambling. Perhaps taking a nap would help to clear her head.

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #1
[ Ensign Zark | Starfleet High Altitude Wilderness Survival Training | Himalayas | Earth | Sector 001 ]   Attn: @The Ostrich

Newly graduated Ensign Zark was present at the base in the Himalayas. She was into her post grad work at Starfleet medical. This wasn’t actually a school assignment. She liked this sort of thing. She had grown in the northern Irinari district of Andoria. The mountains had a blue sheen there. Where sharper a bit colder but the Himalayas actually reminded her of her childhood home. So when the Academy gave survival training here, she signed up to help out as often as she could. As an adjunct instructor and assistant to start. Now that she had a pip, as a Medic.

She had been watching a group of Vulcan cadets quite closely. As illogical as it might be, the Vulcans were from a hot arid planet and while there _were_ mountains, they were not like _these_ mountains, and Vulcan pride, being what it was, could turn out harmful or deadly. They might not call for aid or evac even up to and including bodily harm to themselves. So as the medic on the detail, Zark had been monitoring them via hidden camera’s in the training area and observing their biometrics quite closely.

She had not, how ever been watching the Andorian as closely. She had thought, being Andorian that the woman would have a hand up in this aspect of survival training. If she ended up in a hot desert it might be one thing but this, Zark figured, she had it covered, here.

Then the alarm sounded. Zarks fingers reached out and rapidly tapped the controls. Blue green painted nails gleaming in the reflected light. Accessing the cadet who’s vitals had spiked and pulling up the cameras. She found Jhoza at the bottom of the defile at an odd angle. Zark’s Antennae craned forward in intense interest. The biomonitor was checked. Oh yeah. That wasn’t good. Could be worse but wasn’t good. Zark was up and moving to the locker. Grabbing out a back pack she slid it over her shoulders and strapped it on, over her breasts and at the hips. She bounced once or twice to settle it and then headed for the door.

Out and down the hall to the transporter pad. Stepping into the room she punched in a destination about 300m above and to the north of the Fallen Andorian. “Energize” and the Transporter took her there in a chime and glow of energy.

She materialized and the cold air brushed her cobalt skin and her antennae quivered. Ahh how she missed such. Turning she looked down and pulled a compact pair of binoculars from a pouch on the backpack’s shoulder strap. Holding them up she found the blue at the bottom of the slope. A few moments were taken, to assess her path down when her com badge warbled.

“Ensign, emergency request from that cadet. Putting it through”

Zark then heard the woman’s voice. "This is...I am...owww...Jhozahosh'Avhennes...I'm...I can't...going up a mountain...I did...the my face...owww! Shut up! I'm gonna take a nap."

Zark shook her head and tapped her badge “That’s a negative cadet! You are absolutely not rated for a rest period in this evolution! Stay awake. Help’s on the way.”

Finding a stable rock she pulled the auto-anchoring pylon from her back. Pressing it to the stone she triggered the stud. PEW the compact charge fired and sunk the pylon deep into the stone. Rope was pulled out and fed through Zark’s harness and the rest flung out and down the slope. She could go down butt first like the humans tended to, but she wasn’t human. She was Andorian and they met challenges face first. So she headed down the slope in what humans would call “Australian style” Face first, bounding down the hill lightly. Her dexterity playing out quite well as she bounced and descended. Years growing up in those Irinari mountains paying off. In just a few minutes she was almost to the cadet and could better see what she was working with. She made a slight adjustment and came down and to a stop beside Jhoza. Crouching down, Zark’s dark bluegreen eyes sought out the other Andorian’s. Antennae craning forward in interest. “Well hello there. Looks like we’ve had a tumble. Not to fret. You’re especially lucky this day Cadet Jhozahosh. Your Medic is Andorian like you!”

Zark glanced up the slope, and her eyes found the bit of rotten ice that had come off. Damn. That sucks. That could happen to even experienced mountaineers. Sometimes you just never knew and it looked almost exactly like good ice. That had just been bad luck.

Attention returned to Jhoza and Zark pulled out her medical tricorder and scanned the fellow blueblood. “Well you’re a mess. But I can help you out. here’s the thing…. You’re injured, Cadet… I could beam us both back to the command center right now, and you could go in with a full doctor, get fixed right up, short amount of time.. but you’ll --fail-- this evolution of training. Or… if you’re not hurt… I can render aid, get you back on your feet and you can get your blue ass up that mountain.” 

Zark’s antennae shifted to what could only be read as a grin. A challenging one. “Choice is yours. Make the call.”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #2
[ Shaklas Jhozahosh sh’Avhennes | Side of a Mountain | 1 Kilometer West of Dominion Outpost | Volon II | Cardassian Neutral Zone | 2374 ] Attn: @Cosmos 

Everything was a blur to Jhoza. Something had clearly gone wrong if she had been injured. They had gotten in and out with the data with no problems. Perhaps one of the dead guards had been found. No, that wasn’t possible. th'Rhyllerh was an expert shot, he had taken them out with a pair of shots through the head. Jhoza and Kivuq had been waiting just around the corner and dragged them out of sigh, burying them under the snow and setting up holographic projectors to make it appear that the guards were still in place. Nobody would have suspected that.

Maybe their data downloads had been detected. sh’Qianohr was an expert with computers, and had sworn they would not be discovered, but it was possible that she had been wrong. If Jem’Hadar had attacked while they were moving up the side of mountain to the extraction point they would have been easy targets.That explained the burning pains in her leg and shoulder, and the thumping in her head, she had been caught in a grenade blast.

Dimly she became aware of someone standing over her, speaking to her. Jhoza’s antennae twitched as she opened her eyes and tried to focus ”...get you back on your feet and you can get your blue ass up that mountain. Choice is yours. Make the call.”

”Give Captain Drohl...the data...leave me here...give me my rifle, I...I’ll hold them off. The...the mission comes first...go!” Jhoza’s head pounded as she spoke. Her hand scratched around in the snow as she tried to find her weapon. She tried to sit up. It was a bad idea. Her shoulder pulled free of the small gap it had been wedged into, and she felt blood splatter out of her wound as she did so. She stifled a scream and lashed her antennae about.

After a moment she regained her focus and looked at her teammate, noble and honourable in her Starfleet uniform...wait...Starfleet? Jhoza’s antennae leaned towards Zark, twitching in confusion. When had Starfleet arrived? It was a neat coincidence that she had been found by another Andorian, but she didn’t have time to dwell on that. She took a moment to clear her head and looked the other Andorian in the eye.

”Ensign” She saw the Zhen’s rank on her neck ”I am Shaklas Jhozahosh sh’Avhennes of the Imperial Guard, part of an elite commando team on assignment to the Klingon vessel IKS Chol’Vok. We’ve just infiltrated a Dominion listening post one klick west of here. We have information vital to the war effort. ch’Athytrel was carrying it, find him, the tall Chan with the scar on his chin. Get that data back to command.” Her hand moved to her throat and she removed her Shapla, holding it out toward the Starfleet Officer. ”Return this to my bondmates, tell them...tell them I’m sorry I died here. Tell my children I will watch over them always. Tell them I...I...tell them I died to protect them.” She could feel tears in her eyes as she spoke.

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #3
[ Ensign Zark | Starfleet High Altitude Wilderness Survival Training  | Himalayas  | Earth | Sector 001 ]

Zark was hoping that the cadet would rally, ask for some aid. Where in Zark could remove the ice axe from her leg. Seal the wound, get her patched up a bit and then make sure she made it up the ice wall and mountain to pass the training test.

That….. didn’t seem nearly as likely to happen just now though. Jhoza started talking and it was groggy and incoherent.

"Give Captain Drohl...the data...leave me here...give me my rifle, I...I'll hold them off. The...the mission comes first...go!"

Zark blinked and her Antannae twitched widening into a bit of a ‘V’ shape for a second before snapping back erect. The Icy hell? Then Jhoza went to sit up and tore her shoulder out from between the rocks and Zark’s white brows went up and her Antennae quivered in surprise.

Strong hands gently rolled Jhoza onto her back. Zark’s pack was pulled off and the med kit accessed. First a hypospray was loaded with Alkysine, and pressed to Jhoza’s neck. HISS, the drug was administered. It was indicated for immediate use when neurological damage was suspected and could lesson the effects of the damage. Then Zark grabbed out the dermal regenerator. Looking to Jhoza she also reached to her belt and pulled out a grip. A flick of her thumb and the memory metal unfolded, clink click clink chang! Into the form of Zark’s Chaka. The scalpel sharp triple blade gleamed in the light.  She used the center blade of the three to cut away Jhoza’s cadet uniform near the wound.

“Lie still cadet. I gotta patch up your wound before you lose too much blood.”  Andorian’s veins and arteries were sub-musculature. They ran under the muscles. Near the bones. IV’s didn’t work on Andorians for that fact, but the muscles were infused with a good amount of blood so, as a species they most certainly would bleed if cut or rent. Jhoza was proving this quite aptly.

Once the uniform was cut away, Zark assessed the wound. This one she could fix. The leg too most likely but the cadet was babbling about a mission, either remembered or fully fabricated and that indicated a head wound beyond Zark’s ability to repair in the field.

"Ensign, I am Shaklas Jhozahosh sh'Avhennes of the Imperial Guard, part of an elite commando team on assignment to the Klingon vessel IKS Chol'Vok. We've just infiltrated a Dominion listening post one klick west of here. We have information vital to the war effort. ch'Athytrel was carrying it, find him, the tall Chan with the scar on his chin. Get that data back to command."

Zark cleansed the wound and then started the the regenerator. Passing it over the light blue flesh. Healing the cut or torn muscle. Stopping the bleeding and repairing the flesh.

“Jhozahosh, that mission is done. You succeeded and survived. You’re currently on Terra, on a training mission in the mountains. You’ve banged your head and are experiencing some tangled antennae. You’re confused, ok?”

She looked at the axe in the Andorian’s leg. That would be a bit more involved. As they were going to require beam out for the head wound anyway, Zark leaned back once the shoulder wound was closed and tapped her com-badge.

“Medic Zark to base. The Cadet has a head wound and is altered. Requesting medical beam out”

The reply was almost instant. “Negative Ensign. The high metal content of the rocks in that defile prevent beam out. Your patterns would be scrambled. Seek higher ground”

Zark laughed. “Oh.. right. Of COURSE it would!"  She looked up the slope she’d so easily bounded down on the rope. Then shook her head. Nothing for it now. 

Then Jhoza was offering forth her Shapla. Zark’s antennae craned forward in sympathy. “No no, Jhoza.. you hold onto it. You’re going to need it. Your bondmates will remain whole. As well as your children. I’m gonna get you out of here. Promise.”  A beat and she looked up the slope. Well shelat.

“Just have to get that axe out of your leg first. Ok?”

Picking up the medical tricorder she took a more detailed scan of the ice axe and cadet’s leg. “Tell me of your children. Are they  zhei, shei, chei, or thei?” The biological details were displayed on the screen. Thankfully the axe hadn’t bisected the bone in her leg, and wasn’t dangerously close to the sub-musculature veins or arteries. Opening the med kit she sorted through the vials, choosing Anetrizine. “Administering a local to your leg. I need to get that axe out before evac. Ok Jhoza? So… tell me of your lil ones.”   HISSS! The drug was administered and the medic double checked the Medical tricorder scan and pivoted her Chaka around, she’d have to cut a bit more to remove the axe and then mend what was damaged. Only then could she hope to get the other Andorian out of this defile and to the top of the ridge where they could be beamed out. Thankfully she had the Anetrizine, so it wouldn't be carving the woman’s leg with out the benefit of pain nullification. Still. This wasn’t going to be Tellarite cake. 
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #4
[ Shaklas Jhozahosh sh’Avhennes | On leave | Family Home | Andoria | Late 2375 ]


It had been a silly fall, down the stairs. But that was why you should always keep your Ushaan-tor sheathed when not in use, otherwise you would fall and put it through your leg. It hurt a bit, but Shry would be home in a couple of minutes to patch her up.

“No no, Jhoza.. you hold onto it. You’re going to need it. Your bondmates will remain whole. As well as your children. I’m gonna get you out of here. Promise.”

What was Renna talking about? Of course they would all remain whole. She giggled, antennae facing each other. Renna was being deliberately silly to try and distract her from the weapon in her leg.

“Just have to get that axe out of your leg first. Ok?”

”You? No Renna” She shook her head, braids swishing and tinkling as the small bells woven into one of them bounced about. ”You leave that to Shry, he is the Doctor.”

“Tell me of your children. Are they  zhei, shei, chei, or thei?”

”Our children silly.” Jhoza giggled again ”Pria, our lovely Shei, and Kyre, our little Thei, he started school this year, you never told me how his first day went”

“Administering a local to your leg. I need to get that axe out before evac. Ok Jhoza? So… tell me of your lil ones.”

”Axe? Stop being silly Zh’yi, that’s my Ushaan-tor. Your name is on it you know, I put it there. I’ll show you.” She quickly sat up and yanked the ice axe out of her leg before Zark could even think about trying to stop her. Due to the anesthetic she didn’t feel a thing, however she did notice the blood now welling up and pouring down her leg.

”Oops...I’m leaking. Hahaha!” She began giggling like a crazy person. ”Zh’yi, I can’t even feel it! Ha!” She threw her arms wide and almost took off Zark’s antennae with the axe still grasped in her fist. Thankfully the pain meds had made her woozy and wobbly. She giggled and dropped the ice axe. ”That’s not my Ushaan-tor. Did you hide it Zh’yi?”

Jhoza took hold of Zark’s shoulders and tried to look her in the eyes, but was distracted by her soft lips and slender antennae. Oh how she had missed those. ”Kiss me Renna.” She tried to pull herself up and Renna down so that she could taste those lips and feel those antennae against her own.

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #5
[ Ensign Zark | Starfleet High Altitude Wilderness Survival Training  | Himalayas  | Earth | Sector 001 ]  Attn: @The Ostrich

Jhoza seemed pretty chipper about it, all things told, but clearly still out of sorts, calling her Renna. Zark could only assume that was the Shen’s, Zhen bondmate. This seemed to be confirmed when she said “Our children silly”. Zark nodded as she plotted the best way to remove the Ice Axe from the Cadet’s leg. it’d pierced one of the subdural cartilage-like plates, which might make it harder to remove.

“Pria, what a lovely name. Kyre started school? You must be very proud. Has he been screened yet?”

Zark had administered the local and was giving it a few seconds to work, and had decided on a course of action for removal, when Jhoza announced it was not an ice axe but was instead her Ushaan-tor and proceeded to sit up and YANK it out of her own leg, a spurt of cobalt blue blood shooting half a meter in the air after the swift and sudden removal.

Zark blinked and her antennae folded back against her silvery white hair in what humans would call a total dead pan expression, her brows lowering a little. “Ok… Well that’s not Starfleet Medical’s primary indicated mode of extraction, but we’re on the side of a mountain so I’ll give you a few points for expediency and creativity….”

Zark pulled out some gauze and applied pressure to the other Andorian’s leg.“Oh yes. You are leaking like a stuck Makra.” She applied pressure for a few moments and was reaching for medic bag. Opening the proper pouch one handed, she pulled out the bone regenerator. The cartilage-like subdural plate wasn’t actually a bone, but the Bone regenerator had a setting for that sort of thing. Plenty of Starfleet’s species had more cartilage based skeletal structures instead of full out ‘bone’ ones. Dialing in the proper setting she was about to remove the pressure from Jhoza’s leg when…

Yikes! Zark ducked her head and flattened her antennae, as the ice axe narrowly missed them and looked up at Jhoza with wide eyes. “Ooooooook, time to put down the….” but then Jhoza had dropped it. Zark gripped the Bone regenerator in her teeth and picked up the ice axe with her free hand and placed it well out of Jhoza’s reach. Turning back she took the regenerator from her teeth, and found her shoulders gripped by the taller woman.

Zarks silvery white brows shot up and her Antennae stiffened as well as Jhoza seemed to want to kiss. When she pulled Zark close, Zark gently lifted her hand to place on Jhoza’s chest. “Ummm.. Hold that thought Cadet. Lets get you leaking a bit less before we start in on the smooching and antennae caresses, kay?”

With a bit of a chuckle she gently pushed Jhoza down and pulled the hand off her wound. The bone regenerator, set to ‘cartilage’ setting, was employed and the subdural plate was mended. The device was replaced in the med kit and the Autosuture was snatched. The muscle and flesh were repaired. Then it too was replaced in the bag. Finally the dermal regenerator was used to finish off the repair to prevent a scar on the pretty Shen’s leg.

A nod and Zark flicked dark blue blood from her fingers.“Ok. No more leaks.. but you’re going to be low on blood and I still need to get you up this mountain.” She repacked her med kit snugly and looked to Jhoza. “You’re taller than me but seem a little less solid. We probably weigh about the same. I should be able to carry you up an out… but I can’t risk you freaking out or doing something stoopy on the way up the mount…. Can you dig deep cadet? Focus?"

Zark would prefer not having to knock her out. Head wound and altered state and all, but she needed to get Jhoza out of the defile before her head wound got worse, or the loss of blood sent her into shock, or she started getting over amorous. Any of which would not be good for anyone.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #6
[ Shaklas Jhozahosh sh’Avhennes | Not exactly sure where I am | There is snow | Renna is here! | 2376 ]


Jhoza pouted as Zark, or Renna as she thought the Zhen was, rebuffed her attempts to kiss. It wasn’t like her Zh’yi to deny her something like that. She said something about patching her up first. That seemed like a good idea. Jhoza smiled at the Zhen and made little smooching faces at her as she mended the wound in her leg.

Once her leg was mended her bondmate said something about going up a mountain. Jhoza enjoyed mountain climbing. Is that what they had been doing? Her antennae perked up and she stumbled clumsily to her feet, unaware of her proximity to the edge of the ledge she had landed on during her earlier fall.

Still unable to contain her giggles Jhoza extended a hand and pulled Zark to her feet. ”I see your rope is already prepared Zh’yi. Just like I taught you. Do you remember that day Renna? Up in the Enessi mountains. You were so cute and scared, your antennae were trembling like nothing I had ever seen before.”

She reached up to try and stroke Zark’s antennae, but her leg gave out before she could touch them and she fell on her back. Her hand was still around Zark’s wrist, and she accidentally pulled the Zhen down with her. She laughed as the person she thought was Renna landed on top of her. ”Hello Zh’yi! My little avalanche! Crashing down on me from above. Have I been good Renna? Do I get to kiss you now?” She made smooching faces at Zark again, and her antennae leaned forward, trying to reach the stalks on the other woman’s head.

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #7
[ Ensign Zark | Starfleet High Altitude Wilderness Survival Training  | Himalayas  | Terra | Sector 001 ] Attn: @The Ostrich

It was some what difficult to focus on the medical aspects of this patient when she was making suggestive kissy faces and antennae motions her way. Zark kept looking up at the older woman and then back down to her work. If for nothing else to make sure that she wasn’t going to make a grab for the instruments or something. That could be bad.

The sudden removal of the axe had been a surprise and Zark didn’t want another one of that nature to have to contend with. Especially if the cadet chucked the regenerator off the mountain or something. Oh, Zark would staple her closed if need be, and failing that, had some nice blue duct tape in her bag, but it wasn’t Starfleet approved procedure and might set a bad example for the cadet.

Then the leg was done and Zark was packing up her med supplies. The Cadet bounced up and Zark looked up at her some what alarmed before being pulled up with her. “Um………. Dude…..”

Then down went Jhoza and pulled Zark down atop her and the younger Andorian sighed a bit her antennae flattening just a bit. “As pretty as you are.. and you are quite pretty for an older shen, I don’t think that’d be very professional.”

Zark’s hand dipped to her belt. Hypospray was pulled and loaded from the vials on the belt beside the holster for the spray itself. Ambizine was loaded, and Zark thumbed the proper dosage and brought her hand up as if to caress Jhoza’s stems… “Sorry about this sweety...”  but instead ducked it down to her neck and HISSS!! Injected her.

Her free hand kept the Cadet’s head from crashing to the ground again. Not wanting to further damage her. A shake of the head. She hadn’t wanted to induce unconsciousness in the other with a bang to the brain but at this point her altered state was putting both herself and her rescuer in danger.

Zark sat up holstering the hypospray and picked up the medical tricorder again. A quick scan to make sure Jhoza wasn’t dropping dangerously low into unconsciousness. Once confirmed she nodded with an antennae twitch. "Shoshi". Closing it up she finished packing her med kit up and pulled the secondary climbing harness out of the pack and started strapping Jhoza into it. Thighs, waist, up around her shoulders and chest. Zark nodded, the Shen was very pretty and built more like a Zhen to be honest. Zark could appreciate the older Sha’s beauty.

Once she was in the harness Zark got up and turned the back pack, and pulled Jhoza into a sitting position and strapped the cadet to the back of the pack. Then grunting a bit she lifted both and shouldered them. The pack fastening around Zark’s hips, the shoulder straps and over her chest as well. Rotating her shoulders she got a feel for the 27kg pack and the added 55kg of dead weight strapped to the other side.

Luckily for them both they were Andorian. A human might not be able to climb with that much weight, but Andorians were a bit stronger than your average pinkskin, and could easily lift twice their own bodyweight. Jhoza was 10cm taller than Zark, not counting Antennae, but they weighed the same. So even with the med pack, Zark could lift her.

Growing up in the mountainous region of the Irinari District, Zark had been mountaineering since near birth. Survival training had been insisted on by all 4 of her parents and yes, even practice carrying up dead weight of someone your size or larger had been included. Zark had not particularly anticipated using it in Starfleet who spent most of their time on shiny starships but here she was. Pulling on her climbing gloves she clipped onto the rope and looked up the mountain.

“Ok Cadet. You just hang there and chill.” She addressed the snoozing shen strapped to her back.

The Medic then started the climb. It wasn’t the easiest in her life, with that much weight pulling against gravity but she had the rope and the skill. Up the incline she went. Pausing once to adjust one of the straps. An hour or so and she crested the ridge and gently went to her knees and unstrapped the pack and unconscious Shen hanging from it. Easing them to the ground she tapped her com-badge.

“Ensign Zark to Base. Medical beam out requested.”    She gently stroked Jhoza’s white hair back as the tingeling chime of the transporter beams whisked them to the base and it’s medical facilities there with full out doctors to look at Jhoza’s head. 
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #8
[ ]Cadet Jhozahosh sh'Avhennes | Starfleet High Altitude Wilderness Survival Training Excursion | Himalayas | Earth ]


Jhoza saw the hand approaching her head, she smiled, Renna was going for her stems! Perhaps she could convince her bondmate to give her an antennae massage. However, at the last moment her hand changed target and pressed a hypospray to her neck. Jhoza heard the hiss, and immediately felt woozy. Her head rolled back, but she felt a hand supporting her on her journey to the ground. A moment later her eyelids fluttered closed as the sedative took full effect.

[Some time later]

“Ensign Zark to Base. Medical beam out requested.”

Jhoza’s eyes fluttered open just as she felt the transporter beam take effect. By the time she was fully conscious they had competed the transporter cycle. She struggled into a sitting position. She glared at the transporter operator. Someone was stroking her hair, presumably the Ensign Zark that had requested their beam out.

She turned to berate the Ensign, but stopped upon seeing her. She was a pretty, young Zhen. Possibly the same person that Jhoza had thought was Renna only a short while earlier. ”Ensign Zark? Please leave my hair alone, it took a very long time to weave it this way.”

Jhoza struggled to her feet. Her leg felt a bit achy, and her shoulder tender. She had a mild headache too, but that was easy to ignore. ”Transporter operator, beam me back to the mountain.”

“No can do Cadet. The Ensign requested the beam out on medical grounds. I can’t send you back.”

Jhoza’s antennae twitched and pressed back against her skull as she glared at the transporter operator. It wasn’t actually his fault, so she turned her gaze to the Zhen behind her. ”Why? It was a piece of rotten ice and I took a slight fall. Yeah I tore up my shoulder and put an ice axe through my leg, but I see you’ve already fixed those. So why the beam out Ensign? And don’t give me some shelat about a concussion, I’ve had worse. This training exercise it tame compared to what I was put through in the Guard. Either you tell him to beam me back, or so help me I will knock the pair of you onto your asses and do it myself.”

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #9
[ Ensign Zark | Starfleet High Altitude Wilderness Survival Training Excursion  | Himalayas | Terra | Sector 001 | Starfleet Training Facility ] Attn: @The Ostrich

The beams took them and deposited them in the Training Facility there in the Himalayas. The beams and chime fading and Zark looked down, antennae twitching when she saw Jhoza coming around. Seems she’d given just enough Ambizine. Had she woken on the ascent it could have been bad. For a moment Zark congratulated herself on the dosage, but that was swiftly followed by the thought of “A few minutes longer climb and it could have been bad” So she noted it and would give a touch more should the event repeat itself.

"Ensign Zark? Please leave my hair alone, it took a very long time to weave it this way."

Zark grinned a bit and lifted her long fingered hand away and held it up to gently show that she had stopped. Jhoza struggled to her feet and Zark rose beside her, Antennae leaning forward in curiosity as the other Andorian started to speak. Demanding to beam back to the mountain. Then Jhoza’s antennae folded back and she turned her gaze onto Zark. Zark’s own Antennae perked up as she looked to the slightly taller cadet.

Zark had grown up Andorian, so the… lets call it assertiveness of the Cadet didn’t phase her a bit. Zark’s zhavey was XO of a New Orleans class Frigate, her shreya was Helmswoman in the Guard itself. So she was not easily intimidated. She let a soft smile cross her blue lips.

“Why? Yes you injured your shoulder and your leg. Yes I’ve addressed those. You’re welcome by the way” An antennae twitched a bit. “But to answer your query, it’s not so much about the concussion, which I’m quite sure you do possess, but more about the severely altered state you were presenting.

The impact to the head seems to have tangled your stems a bit Cadet. You were seeing people that weren’t there, talking to people that weren’t there and endangering yourself due to the altered state that you were in.”

The younger Zhen looked up to the Shen and raised a brow and tilted an antennae to one side a bit. “Do you remember any of that?”  The query not off hand, dark bluegreen eyes were watching Jhoza closely, analytically. Seeming to assess her current mental state. If she was overly worried about the cadet knocking her on her ass, it didn’t show in the gentle smile, set of antennae, or body language of the young combat medic. She seemed concerned about Jhoza and was trying to determine if she ‘could’ continue on with the exercise. She didn’t seem altered ‘now’. Maybe the stint in unconsciousness had rese her to base… perhaps not.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic


Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #10
[ ]Cadet Jhozahosh sh'Avhennes | Starfleet High Altitude Wilderness Survival Training Excursion | Himalayas | Earth ]


”Do I remember any of it?” Jhoza’s antennae lifted slightly, but still remained quite far back on her skull. ”I remember every moment. First I thought I was on mission during the war, then tried to give you my Shapla, then I thought you were my Zh’yi and tried to kiss you. Need I continue?” Her voice was low and sharp as she spoke, her annoyance clear in her tone.

”Now, like it or now, I’m completing this exercise. If you’re so concerned with my mental state Ensign, then feel free to accompany me, but I am” She glared at the transporter operator, her antennae rising up to a neutral position as she waited for him to get to work.

The transporter operator looked conflicted, his gaze switching back and forth between Jhoza and Zark. “I...umm...err...mountain...I can...uhhh...Ensign?” He looked at Zark, seeking her recommendation.

Jhoza also turned her attention to Zark, antennae curving toward her in a querrying manner. ”I was being serious, either you send me back there, or I send me back there and leave you two lying here with sore asses. I swear to you by my Shapla, I am fine. I’ve had worse and it’s never stopped me before.”

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #11
[ Ensign Zark | Starfleet High Altitude Wilderness Survival Training Excursion  | Himalayas | Terra | Sector 001 | Starfleet Training Facility  ]   Attn @The Ostrich

Zark listened and tilted her head at the taller Andorian. “If you remember it, then you understand that you were severely altered. This is not a prime mental state to be conducting survival training in hazardous environments.”

Then Jhoza ‘Told’ her what she was doing, and Zark raised her silvery white brows and her antennae twitched.  When the Transport operator looked at her, Zark shook her head and held up a hand forestalling the beaming. Still watching Jhoza.

Then Zark’s eyes narrowed and her antennae folded back.

“Ok _Cadet._” Her voice going icy like the plains of their homeworld. “ATTENTION!” She snapped out.

“You are a Starfleet –CADET-. You do NOT Give orders to a superior officer! You do NOT make REPEATED THREATS to a Superior Officer! You do not threaten to harm people in Starfleet to get your way! That is not how things are done here. Now. One more word. One more  -syllable- other than “YES MA’AM” and I will fail you for this evolution.”  Her blue green eyes glare at the taller woman.

“And let me be crystal clear. You raise a hand against a superior officer, and not only will I put your ass in the snow. I will bounce you out of Starfleet entirely and you will – never – serve, in ANY capacity!”

On an average day the former commando might kick her ass, but Zark knew that she was suffering from blood loss, a recently mended shoulder and recently severely mangled leg. Not to mention the head injury. This was not a normal day, and if pressed Zark would show that she too had grown up true blue, and learned the Andorian martial arts from infancy. She did not want to. She very much wanted to do anything else. That said she wasn't going to cowtow to an injured cadet throwing a fit.

The young Ensign’s eyes flashed dangerously. “DO YOU GET ME?” Her antennae quivered, and the look on her face meant it. If _anything_ other than “Yes Ma’am” left Jhoza’s lips, she failed this course. And if she decided to go hands on, the officer would see her kicked out of the academy.

Zark hated having to pull rank but this cadet had hit her head and was messed up. Not only trying to sexually accost her but now leveling threats and throwing a tantrum as if she could intimidate people above her to get her way. Some had made the error of mistaking Zark’s kindness for weakness. This wasn’t the case. She was a junior officer, to be sure but she was still an officer and she had earned her rank.

She was still concerned about Jhoza’s health. That she even CONSIDERED threatening a superior, and thought that violent action would allow her to proceed seemed to indicate that she was not thinking with a clear head.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #12
[ ]Cadet Jhozahosh sh'Avhennes | Starfleet High Altitude Wilderness Survival Training Excursion | Himalayas | Earth ]


Jhoza’s antennae snapped back, pressing against her skull, almost hidden by her hair. Her face flushed a deep purple as she struggled to keep herself from lashing out in a fit of rage. How dare this inexperienced child, whose solitary pip still gleamed like new, threaten her. Jhoza’s hand slipped to her Ushaan-tor. Oh how she would love to whip it out and teach Zark a lesson the young Zhen wouldn’t soon forget.

She did not attack however, and remained where she was, eyes fixed on Zark and brimming with rage. She let out a low hiss between her teeth. A great many suggestions for insults swam to her lips, however she stayed them, and through clenched teeth spat out a single word, ”Yes”

She would not refer to Zark as Ma’am, that title was reserved for those who were respected. While Jhoza did respect the strength and coldness Zark was displaying, she did not respect the Zhen herself...yet. She took a deep breath in through her nose, and slowly let it out through her mouth. The purple sufusing her face faded slowly and returned to her natural blue as Jhoza gradually calmed herself. Her hand remained clenched around the grip of her Ushaan-tor, but her expression and antennae were much more neutral now.

”Let me tell you a story young one. Before I joined Starfleet I spent many honourable years in the Imperial Guard. I fought against the Dominion, shoulder to shoulder with Guardsmen, Klingons, Romulans and Fleeters like yourself. I survived brutal engagements with the Jem’Hadar because I had the right training. As thras'chaaki we were put through training scenarios which make this excursion look like a pleasant afternoon stroll. Training which I was forced to put into use on Volon II when our ship, the IKS Chol'Vok, failed to appear. Nearly two weeks, with limited equipment, no survival shelters, and emergency rations for only three days.”

”We managed to stretch those rations to last five days, but we did run out. Volon II has no native wildlife, so we were stuck for food. We contemplated raiding the Jem’Hadar facility again, but as I’m sure you know, Jem’Hadar don’t eat. On day eight we were discovered by a Jem’Hadar patrol, we killed them all, but they managed to get off a message with our location. Half starved we were forced to move from our extraction point. On day eleven they found us again, and for the next two days were were forced to fight a running battle, carrying our wounded with us, up the side of mountains very similar to these ones. Finally, on the morning of day fourteen, the Chol’Vok returned, and beamed us out. Half starved and in a firefight, we were able to climb that damned mountain. So when I say that I can do it now, I am speaking the truth. Now I ask you young one, from one daughter of the ice to another, please let me return to the mountain and complete this training exercise.”

Jhoza relaxed her grip on her Ushaan-tor, but did not remove her hand from the weapon. Her eyes remained fixed on Zark, her gaze as cold and sharp as a winter wind. The fury still festered within, yet she forced herself to remain calm and polite toward the young Zhen.

Re: [2376] Help in the Himalayas

Reply #13
[ Ensign Zark | Starfleet High Altitude Wilderness Survival Training | Himalayas | Earth | Sector 001 ] ]  Attn @The Ostrich

Zark saw Jhoza’s antennae snap back to lay flat against her hair. Her own Flicking forward and leaning towards the focus of her attention. Zark saw the woman’s cheeks flush purple and absently commented internally that such a furious blush, with Jhoza’s blood loss might result in a faint if the other Andorian wasn’t careful.

Then Jhoza’s hand moved to her Ushaan-tor. Zark herself carried a Chaka, that was made of memory metal and folded into the grip when not in use, but her hand didn’t reach for it now. Her blue-green eyes narrowed and she looked up at the slightly taller Chen. Watching the other woman to see if she would move to draw her weapon and escalate this to full courts martial and drum herself right out of Starfleet. Secretly Zark hoped that she did not. Such would be tragic. Starfleet could use all the Andorians they could get, but there was a point to be made here. You do – not – threaten your superiors with Violence. Better that Jhoza learn it here in training while ‘Under the influence of a head wound’ than on the decks of a starship, where it could be much more serious and result in dishonorable discharge or even imprisonment.

The hiss escaped the other Andorian and Zark raised a silvery white brow. The fate of her future lay in the next few seconds. Jhoza replied with a “Yes” not the “Yes Ma’am” but Zark had phrased it in a certain way. Anything other than “Yes ma’am” and.. it had not been ‘other than’. Just partial. Zark would let the wounded woman have that one. The Ensign watched as the Cadet martial her reserves. Good. She was hoping for that. When Jhoza was again under control, Zark nodded that she could speak. Some what resending the ‘No words other than’.

She noted that Jhoza’s hand remained on her weapon, so Zark herself didn’t relax. Being lulled into a false sense of security would be bad should the injured Andorian try and lash out. They taught that trick in Security Division. Zark was newly minted as an officer but not as an Andorian. She’d been blade fighting since primary school.

She listened to the story and nodded. Her own Shreya was a member of the Guard. She listened to the end when the respectful request was made in a tone and timber that seemed to signify clear headed thinking.

Zark stood for a long moment and contemplated her response. Then her hand went to her own belt. Not to the grip of the Chaka… no, but to the holster for the medical tricorder. It was drawn and she popped it open. Lifting it, she passed it a few times about Jhoza’s head.

Zark reviewed the readings. “Your concussion is a serious one Cadet, but it had been my intention to allow you to continue, should you prove able, and finish the exercise. Your concussion remains, but you seem to be lucid at the moment.” 

She snapped shut the tricorder and slid it back into it’s holster at her belt.“I will allow you to continue the exercise, but will accompany you. Not to aid you. But to observe, least your medical condition degrade. If it does.”

A beat and her eyes held firm.

“If it does, I will have to pull you. If your altered mental state resurfaces, or you become a danger to yourself. But I too would want to finish. Injuries be damned. So if you wish to continue you may. I will observe.”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

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