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Topic: Day 17 [2000 hrs.] Joining The Ranks (Part 01) (Read 3075 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 17 [2000 hrs.] Joining The Ranks (Part 01)

[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Chief of Security's Office | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Stegro88

It was nearing the end of his shift, however, Kai had still hoped to get approval today for what he wanted to happen. The man reviewed his workout plan as he sat at his desk, sipping decaffinated coffee. He would have loved to have had the real stuff...but he also enjoyed being able to sleep. He knew that if he had any caffeine now, he wouldn't be sleeping later. As he reviewed the PADD in his hand, his attention was stolen by the beeping from his workstation, alerting him to a new message that had arrived. 

He skimmed the message, which was formal in it's content. He kept skimming until he saw what he wanted to see.


The Security Chief rubbed his eyes and read it again just to make sure he was actually reading it properly. He was happy that his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. He stood up from his desk and walked with purpose over to the replicator.

His fingers danced on the display until he found the exact item he had wanted. He confirmed the request with the computer and watched the item materialize in front of him.

The small metal piece was on top of some black velvet in a simple, yet beautiful wooden box. Measuring just six centimetres by six centimetres, it was tiny in his rather large hand, but still he knew the significance it would mean to both a lot of people and its intended recipient.

Frankly, she had earned it. What she had been through on the Endeavour, the Savi ship and how she was instrumental in helping retrieve the hostages on Aldea. He figured it would have been a long shot to get it approved, but it was, and he was happy it was.

He knew that she wouldn't want a big deal out of it, so Kai figured he'd just gather the people in the security centre for a small, informal ceremony.

He tapped his combadge,

"Akoni to MacGregor, please report to the Security Centre. Akoni out" he said as he walked out of his office to gather people for the small ceremony that was about to take place. 


Re: Day 17 [2000 hrs.] Joining The Ranks (Part 01)

Reply #1
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @trevorvw

Mickayla's duty shift had ended mid-afternoon and she had taken the time afterwards to get in a workout in one of the ship’s gyms. She’d chosen the Helmet’s for today’s exercise and had found it mostly empty. Only the Reman, Lorad, had been present, working on the weights. Even with her now completely Klingon strength, the amount of weight that that Reman could lift was borderline obscene. Mickayla herself had opted for the punching bags. Once her workout was completed, Mickayla had returned to her quarters for a shower. Now, she stood in front of the window, looking out at the space beyond and gazing at her own reflection. The piercing she had received the week prior stood in stark contrast to the Klingon around it but to Mickayla, that was ok. Her species may be Klingon, but she was an individual, free to make her own way.

"Akoni to MacGregor, please report to the Security Centre. Akoni out."

The Chief of Security’s voice sounding off inside her room told her that something was amiss. Sighing, she set aside her drink and turned to get ready. Not five minutes later, Mickayla looked once again into the window, seeing herself garbed in a freshly replicated uniform and checked her hair was regulation. Satisfied, she headed for the door.

The turbolift ride was swift and Mickayla exited just down the passage from the main entrance. Without pausing, Mickayla strode forward through the doors to be confronted by a gathered assembly of fellow security officers. 

“Shit!” she thought as she looked around. “What’s fucked up this time?”

Re: Day 17 [2000 hrs.] Joining The Ranks (Part 01)

Reply #2
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Security Centre | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]


Kai smirked at the comment he heard from Mickayla as she entered.

”Attention to orders!” Kai ordered to the people assembled in the room, which in turn caused them all to come to attention.

He looked around the room at all these individuals he was ultimately responsible for. Although he had been Chief of Security aboard the Endeavour, this was a first for him. He’d never had the privilege of promoting someone until now. The man felt a little nervous, if he was being honesty with himself.

He wondered how he should approach it. Formal? Casual? Mix?…fuck it, I’ll wing it he finally decided before he got back to the business at hand.

”Petty Officer MacGregor..step forward” he ordered while looking into her eyes. He hadn’t known her long when he thought about it, but felt like he knew her better than he knew most people now under his command.

MacGregor stepped forward and came to attention just around a metre in front of him. Kai kept a stern look on his face for a few moments before opening his mouth to speak.

”You’re out of uniform Petty Officer” he said to her. Kai could see her eyes barely moving, but she was questioning what he said internally.

Kai’s stern look turned into a big goofy smile that he was known for.

”Petty Officer 1st Class Mickayla MacGregor, as of Stardate 57599.9, I hear-by promote you to the rank of Chief Petty Officer with all the rights and responsibilities commensurate with that rank.” Kai said all whilst smiling. He then handed MacGregor the box with her new rank insignia in it, then reached out his right hand to shake her hand.

”If anyone deserves this, it’s you. Congratulations” he finished saying just as their hands touched to shake.

Re: Day 17 [2000 hrs.] Joining The Ranks (Part 01)

Reply #3
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Security Centre | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @trevorvw

“Promoted?” Mickayla thought as she stood there and listened while Commander Akoni announced her promotion to Chief Petty Officer. After the incident on the Artemis and her transfer to the Endeavour, she had believed that any promotion would be at least a year away, if not more. When she had finally reached the Theurgy and discovered that she had killed Gideon Drake, Mickayla had resigned herself to remaining a Petty Officer for the remainder of her career, however long that turned out to be. Now, her mind was awhirl as she tried to process what Akoni was saying.

“Ah, thank you, sir,” Mickayla managed to stammer as she reacted out of instinct, her hand coming up to shake Akoni’s. “I’m not sure I deserve this.” The bald man’s reply to her was honest, she could tell, and a little part inside of her forced her to accept another little bead of hope, adding it to the pile within. “I won’t let you down sir,” she promised, her eyes meeting the Commander’s own.


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