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Topic: Day 25 [1600 hrs.] Contemplations (Read 6634 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 25 [1600 hrs.] Contemplations

[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 22, Arboretum | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel was seated on one of the benches contemplating.  Two days ago Amelya, a woman he had been courting and falling in love with, hadn’t felt the same way as him and ended their relationship.  She was polite about it but for her there was no spark which he understood although it still didn’t make it hurt any less.  He had only been courting her for a few weeks and it wasn’t like they had made any major plans or anything. 

Either way it was over now and he was back to being alone, he never enjoyed this feeling but he had hope that somewhere on this ship he could court a woman, or two, or three.  His mind kept wandering back to his people’s form of group marriage, called a harem marriage, it took on the form of a large family unit, several people united together usually for a common goal.  He hadn’t always been sure that was what he wanted but recent events had made him contemplate it more.  However finding women onboard this ship that were willing to join together like that was far more difficult, he’d just have to keep searching he supposed.

He looked up and smiled as he saw Riley taking a jog through the arboretum, He hadn’t seen her in a few weeks, though he was sure that was due to the patrols and his spending time with Amelya.  He wondered what she had been up to, spending time with Faye no doubt but maybe she’d be willing to catch up with him and take his mind off his thoughts for a bit.

He waited for a moment as she got closer and stood up, waving her over.  “Hello Riley.”  He said greeting her as she slowed down, his eyes scanning across her body, she was still as beautiful as ever.  "How have you been?"
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #1
[ PO3 Riley Patterson | Deck 22, Arboretum | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Havenborn 

After her shift Riley had figured that she had some time to kill before Faye would be back in her quarters as she was still on duty. She decided to change into some running clothes that weren't standard issue and after drinking some water she began to do her trek around the ship. Dressed in a white sport top that equally would function as a bra and a pair of long black leggings that had some striping on it, she moved from deck through deck. Enjoying the scenery and working up quite a sweat. She'd always end up at the Arboretum as last, the place just so peaceful and more oxygenated. Or so she believed with all the trees. It was the perfect place to stop and stretch before returning to her quarters.

Riley had been clearing her mind and paid no attention to people around her while jogging unless they called out to her. This was the case when she heard her name, her head spinning towards where the sound came from. Her eyes focused on the male figure that got up and she recognized him as Daniel. She smiled vibrantly and waved as she came to a stop and panted a little "Oh, hi Daniel."

She came to a full stop as she looked over and saw him looking her over "I've been alright, yourself?" she asked as she was still catching her breath. Her skin glistening with the sweat covering it and her cheeks slightly pink/red from the exertion. Her chest heaved as her lungs did their best to take in as much oxygen as they could.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #2
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 22, Arboretum | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel smiled as she spoke, he quite enjoyed listening to her.  He also to admit that she looked as amazing as ever, especially in her workout clothing.  “I’m-”  Daniel paused for a moment as he thought about how to answer her question, she was one of the few women onboard the ship that he’d been intimate with early on.  He knew that he could be open with her about his relationship with Amelya.  “I’m not sure if you knew but Lieutenant Rez and I were courting.”  He said as he paused again.  “We’re no longer courting as of two days ago.”  He said softly.  It sort of felt good to say it out loud.  Part of him wasn’t quite sure how she’d take it, they had been intimate sure but it’d been a bit since they had seen each other, he just assumed that her duties and spending time with her paramour had taken up her time, much like his had been taken up mostly by his duties and courting Amelya.

“Other than that I’m doing alright.”  Daniel added.  The ending of his courtship with Amelya was really the only issue that had been a dampen on his week thus far.  Although running into Riley was definitely a boon that perked him up a bit.  “How is your courtship with Faye?”  He asked curious as to how their relationship was advancing.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #3
[ PO3 Riley Patterson | Deck 22, Arboretum | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Havenborn

While listening to Daniel, Riley began to her stretching exercises since she couldn't really afford to let her muscles cool down. He spoke about courting Lieutenant Rez and Riley did know her as one of the doctors in Sickbay. HAving worked with Rez on a couple of occasions, she did think that the Trill doctor was a kind figure. She figured the doc might be a good match for the pilot, yet he informed her that they had no longer been courting since two days ago. Riley smiled somewhat faintly and nodded "I'm sad to hear so for you." she answered softly and looked over his features.

He did inform her that he was doing well otherwise and the nurse smiled vibrantly at him as she placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze. He asked about her courtship with Faye and Riley couldn't help but laugh a little as he kept using the word courtship. "Thing between me and Faye have been wonderful, we've been enjoying and relaxing a lot with the given downtime." she answered Daniel. There had been plenty of fun times with Faye, on so many levels really. She had fallen for Betazoid hard and fast, luckily for her, the same had happened to Faye.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #4
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 22, Arboretum | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel admired Riley as she began to stretch and exercise, she did have quite a sexy body that he did enjoy to watch.  He nodded at her as she expressed her sadness for the ending of his courtship.  As she placed her hand on his shoulder and softly squeezed it he smiled at her.  Hearing her talk about her paramour also made Daniel smile, he did enjoy hearing about her relationship with the diplomat.  “I take it the two of you spent a lot of time down on Aldea then?”  He asked her.  He knew that Riley was quite taken with Faye from the way that she always spoke about her.

“Do you have some free time, maybe we could head up to the café and catch up some more.”  Daniel said.  He was starting to get a little hungry and wouldn’t mind something to eat.  He kind of wanted to hear about some of the adventures that she and Faye had gotten into, and maybe even share some of his with her.  Although if she wanted to change out of her exercise clothing he could also understand that and maybe he could take her to the Spearhead Lounge for a proper meal.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #5
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Deck 22, Arboretum | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Havenborn

Daniel seemed to be alright despite his recent break up., he could even smile which was always a plus. He asked about her and Faye, how they had spent their downtime. She gave a nod "Oh yes, we had loads of excursions. Beach time, we even went on a yacht!" she answered him enthusiastically. She finished up on her stretching exercises and looked up at the café as he  suggested to head up there to catch up.

She looked pensive about it and shrugged "I wouldn't mind, but I am rather sweaty and all. Not sure the other crewmembers might appreciate it. I could use a drink though... Maybe we can have on one the go? Just walk about here or settle down somewhere in the Arboretum? Unless you want me to go shower first?" she suggested and ended up with a giggle before looking into Daniel's eyes.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #6
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 22, Arboretum | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

“Well it sounds like the two of you had a great time on the planet.”  Daniel said with a smile, happy that she had enjoyed herself.  He continued to watch as she stretched, he couldn’t help but enjoy watching her stretch in front of him.  As she finished up Daniel thought to his own physical training regimen, with the ship due to leave at some point he would need to create a new schedule.  As she commented on being sweaty he smirked, as far as he was concerned that was no issue and if other crewmembers were uncomfortable they could deal with it but he decided that it was better not to make that an issue.

“We could grab something to go sure.  Then maybe we could head back to your quarters, or to mine, so you can grab a shower and then maybe go out for a bite to eat in Spearhead?”  He asked her, hoping that plan would sound appealing.  He had offered his quarters for her to shower in as he wasn’t sure if her roommate would be around and since he was a Lieutenant he had a room to himself so there was no one there to interrupt.  He was fine with either choice really, just so long as he got to spend some time with her again.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.


Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #7
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Deck 22, Arboretum | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Havenborn

Finished up she placed her hands just above her hips and and licked her lips as he offered to grab something on the go before heading to either of their places for a shower and possibly head for a bit after. The nurse looked Daniel over, the man was rather easy on the eyes and they did fool around when the ship had been in multi vector mode "I think your place is closest to the lounge right? I won't mind grabbing a sonic shower there if that's okay with you." she answered him.

"In the meantime, I think we can just skip the café in that case, I mean if we're going to go have dinner together anyway? Right?" she smirked and slid her arm in Daniels as she got closer to him. She looked up at him "Lead the way lieutenant." she said softly, knowing how he liked ranks, having seen his holoproject. They started to stroll out of the Arboretum and towards the turbolifts as Riley ask Daniel "Any other things happen with you since we last spoke? We sort of lost touch didn't we?"

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #8
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 22, Arboretum | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

“That is fine with me.” Daniel replied to her question.  He had no problem at all if she wanted to use his sonic shower.  He nodded as she suggested skipping the visit to the café, after all she did have a point if they were going out to eat there was no sense in stopping at the café first.  As she slipped her arm into his he smiled at her and as she called him by rank he internally smiled.  He always did enjoy listening to her voice.  As they left the arboretum and were walking down the corridor towards the turbolift.  When she asked her next question he nodded.  “We kind of did, although I just assumed that you wanted to spend time with Faye.  I was also busy with patrols and courting Amelya and working on my holonovel.”  Daniel stated. 

“And from what you’ve said it sounds like you and Faye definitely had a good time together.”  Daniel said.  “I made some more progress with my holonovel and with my other holoprojects.”  He continued.  “Although I did miss spending time with you.”  He added with a smile, he hoped that the feeling mutual but he wouldn’t be offended if it wasn’t.  He knew that their romantic interlude had been more because of coincidence than anything.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #9
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Deck 22, Arboretum | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Havenborn

They left the Arboretum and made their way through the ship corridors towards the lifts. She listened to him and snorted as she nodded when he figured out she'd want to spend time with Faye. Her eyes looking up at him when he mentioned courting Amelya on top of his regular duties as a pilot. She wondered how he felt, Daniel didn't seem like the kind of guy who would openly show his feelings she imagined. Perhaps he would be the kind of typical fighter jock, keeping up a façade to hide his true emotions.

They arrived at the lift and were lucky enough that it was open for them to hop in. She let him designated the floor as she broke away from her holding onto his arm. She leaned against the turbolift wall and crossed her arms just under her breasts "How does the novel work go?" she asked, changing the topics, not wanting him to be reminded too much about Amelya. She had to laugh a little when he told her he missed spending time with her. She shook her head and poked his leg with her foot "Now, you're just saying that cause I'm here." she grinned teasingly.

With a chime the lift arrived at the designated floor and Riley stepped out, as if she knew where to go. She remained still once she was out of the elevator and looked left and right before turning around to face Daniel. Her eyes telling him enough that she didn't know where to go.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #10
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 22, Corridor > Turbolift > Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn’s Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

As they entered the turbolift Daniel waited for the doors to close.  He watched as she broke from his arm and leaned up against the turbolift wall.  “Thea, Deck Eight Vector Two.”  He said as he heard the automatic confirmation.  Her question about his novel work took him by surprise.  “It goes well, I’ve completed a few chapters but I haven’t play tested them yet, that’s on my to do list when I get the motivation.”  Daniel said, he enjoyed working on his holonovel but sometimes he just didn’t have the motivation to actually play test it.  That came and went, thankfully he didn’t have deadlines or any sort of schedule that he had to adhere to.

He looked her in the eyes and smiled at her comment.  “Doesn’t make it any less true.”  He said.  A few moments later and the turbolift stopped, he watched as she stepped out and looked like she was about to head to his quarters which surprised him at first since she hadn’t been to his quarters before, at least not to his new quarters, he had requested new quarters that were on Vector 2 having learned his lesson from the time the ship had been separated from the other Vectors.

He stepped out of the turbolift and walked up to her as she turned around to face him, he could read her face enough to know that she didn’t actually know where his quarters were.  “Shall we?”  He asked as he held out his arm for her to take then escorted her down the corridor.  It didn’t take them long to reach his quarters and as they stepped into the room the lights came on automatically.  “Washroom is to the left through the bedroom.”  Daniel said motioning towards the left hand side of the room.  “I’ll be out here when you’re done, unless you need some help.”  He said with a sly smirk.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #11
[ PO2 Riley Patterson |  Deck 22, Corridor > Turbolift > Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn's Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Havenborn

She listened intently to the progress heh ad made on his novel and smiled as he mentioned that he had added a few more chapters. She watched him as the pilot leaned against the wall of the turbolift. She had to snort when he told her that it didn't make it any less true. She only shot him a wink with a grin on her face and pushed herself off the wall she was leaning against when the lift doors opened up.

Clueless to where they were, she simply hooked her arm into his as she lead him lead the way to the his newly situated quarters. The walk wasn't that awfully long and when the doors opened up, she let go of his arm and stepped inside, looking around. The place looked smaller to what Faye had, though she'd been downgraded recently as well. It still beat Riley's quarters by a lot though. Daniel pointed out where she could find the washroom and she nodded as she kicked her shoes off in the center of the room.

His comment about her possibly needing some help made her smirk and she looked the pilot over. Deciding to tease him a little, perhaps a lot, she started by hooking her thumbs into her leggings and shimmying herself out of them. By doing so, her breasts bounced slightly for him to see whilst she unveiled her matching underwear to the sports bra she was wearing. She flung the leggings to the wall where the replicator was before she gave him a wink.

"Well, I might need some help for my back... Though sonic showers usually do ensure my back is nice and clean too.." she thought out loud, turning around and walking into this bedroom. Giving the pilot an eyeful of what was Riley Patterson. From inside his bedroom though, she undid the bra and flung it out, just out of the door to land in the living room. Giving the option to the pilot to decide what to do next.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #12
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn’s Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel watched as she first removed her shoes then as she removed her leggings and underwear he couldn’t help but admire her finely shaped body.  He did enjoy watching her breasts bounce as she removed her leggings, he could feel himself becoming aroused as she slowly got naked.  He watched as she flung her leggings across the small room near the replicator.  He wasn’t sure if she had aimed at the replicator or not but either way she had good aim.

Daniel listened to what she said about the sonic shower and as he was thinking of a reply he stared at her shapely form as she walked towards the washroom.  He watched as she removed her bra and before it even hit the floor he had made up his mind.  “My sonic shower has been acting odd lately, I may need to give you a hand.  Just in case.”  He said as he removed his pants and boxers in one swift motion before walking into his bedroom and removing his jacket and undershirt a moment later and tossing them onto his bed following her into the washroom.

“We could also use the water option if you’d prefer to get wet.”  He said.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #13
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn's Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Havenborn

"Acting up?" she asked as she had made it to the washroom and looked at the standard issue sonic shower setting. Still out of sight of him, she had the dirtiest grin on her face, it was perhaps the truth, though she figured it would probably be a weak excuse for him to join her and help her. By the time Daniel made it to the washroom, Riley stood in nothing more but her Adam's costume. Her underwear left by the door as she stood with her back to him.

When he mentioned a water setting, she turned around, offering him a full frontal of her nude frame whilst making no effort to cover herself up. She wasn't shy about herself and spending time with Faye had given her new perspectives and stances towards nudity. Her brows arched "You have water settings? I thought those were only for the department heads?" she asked him with slight surprise.

While having enjoyed water on Aldea, nothing beat a good old water shower, sonic showers might be more efficient though, yet the warm gush of hot water really felt blissful at certain times.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #14
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn’s Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

“Yes, it only works if two people are in it.”  He said with a sly grin and a chuckle as he stepped into the washroom.  He hoped that the joke would amuse her.  To be honest Daniel was never really good at jokes, at lot of times they fell flat but he had been working with Uriah on changing that.  He stood behind her admiring her shapely body from the rear and was about to place his hands on her hips when she suddenly turned around and giving him a full view of her, it wasn’t his first time seeing her nude but he always did enjoy her naked form.

“As far as I know they’re pretty standard.”  He said as he reached around her form and tapped the console, selecting the water setting and activating the shower.  Daniel was fine with either setting really, his people still used water showers and he had never known anything different until he had left his home and had been introduced to sonic showers, that had been a whole ordeal all on its own, having to explain to the maintenance engineer how he had broken the sonic shower entirely by accident having tried to find a water setting.  “Ladies first.”  Daniel said as he motioned for her to step into the shower.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #15
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn's Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Havenborn

He mentioned that the sonics or water shower only worked when there were two occupants in it and Riley had to snort at that joke before she shook her head "So you don't shower often do you lieutenant?" she teased him. He reached out for her and around her before the water began to course down over her back and moistened up her hair. She stepped back further to let the water run over her body, feeling the water cascade down over her skin, over her neck and eventually down her chest as it created two waterfalls at her breasts and a third running down her skin as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the water.

"Are you going to keep standing there to watch me Daniel? Or are you going to make sure this shower doesn't break down?" she smirked and pushed her hair out of her face, her eyes linking with his and reaching out for him to join her.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #16
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn’s Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel chuckled at her teasing and watched as the water flowed over her body.  He stared at the water flowing down from her hair to her chest to the floor with admiration.  He couldn’t help but just stand there watching her, she had an amazing body and truth be told he quite enjoyed watching the water as it flowed downwards.  When she spoke again essentially asking him to join her, he wasted no time getting into the shower with her.  He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her in for an embrace letting the water flow over both of their bodies, feeling her pert breasts against his chest.

“I will do everything in my power to make sure the shower doesn’t break down, even if I have to spend all day in here with you.”  He said with a smile making his own little joke.  Being this close to her however was beginning to arouse him and he could feel his manhood beginning to become erect, he was fairly certain that she could feel it as well although he didn’t really care.  After all she had mentioned to come to his quarters, he had a feeling something like this was going to happen considering their past together.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #17
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Deck 08 | Daniel Havenborn's Quarters | USS Theurgy | Vector 2 ] Attn: @Havenborn

It didn't take long at all for the pilot to join her under the water. His hands easily enough finding her hips. Daniel was quite easy on the eyes and while he stood there with her under the water, soaking himself with the water. She could feel the rising arousal of him against her legs. It made her smirk, wondering if she should tease him about it or not. They hugged one another, the erection only forming more obviously before Riley leaned her head up to whisper to Daniel "Is that a part of the shower Daniel or are you just happy to see me?"

She moved her smooth legs up and against his growing member while she didn't kiss or touch him further, leaving the rest of the interactions to the officer. She could've easily reached down to stroke him, tease him. Though she was in his quarters, she wouldn't just act on impulse here, perhaps he just got aroused by the sights of her, which was a compliment on it's own. Perhaps for some reason, the pilot had no intention at all to engage any further. Perhaps...

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #18
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn’s Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel always loved to see a smile form on her lips.  Hearing her whisper into his ear only aroused him more.  “I’m always happy to see you Riley.”  Daniel whispered back into her ear as he tilted his head slightly and kissed her neck, hoping that she understood the subtle intention.  Being with her like this was definitely helping from his mutual break-up with Amelya.  It helped that he had been with Riley a few times before so he knew what she liked, at least sexually and if friendship with occasional sex was all that they ever had he would be completely fine with that.  After all paramours and mistresses were essential to an harem, it wasn’t uncommon for harems to have dozens of additional partners that weren’t part of the group itself but were just as important.

He kissed her neck this time a little further from her ear and closer to her cheek.  Another kiss on her cheek getting closer to her lips.  He paused before planting a kiss on her lips, looking into her sapphire eyes he waited to see if she would beat him to the final kiss or if she wanted him to.  His growing erection however was a definite sign that he was enjoying their embrace as it continued to rub up against her body.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 25 [1600 Hours] Contemplations

Reply #19
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Deck 08 | Daniel Havenborn's Quarters | USS Theurgy | Vector 2 ] Attn: @Havenborn

She could feel him kiss her neck after telling her he always enjoyed her company. It made the nurse chuckle and giggle for a second before her eyes drift shut. The pilot was somewhat subtle about it though as he traced his lips further to her lips. Forming a line along her skin as if dots that had to be connected. She didn't close the kiss herself, instead looking up into his eyes deeply before he closed the distance. She did kiss him back fully though and moved her arms up and around his neck to pull herself closer and up onto him.

With their bodies pressed into one another, his erection was trapped between them. Riley's soft skin moving slightly, moving up to the tip of her toes to kiss Daniel while letting herself sink back for a second to create the slightest amount of friction, moving her body against his aroused state. Knowing it would only turn him on more, she did wonder how long he'd be able to hold back before claiming her. Taking her...

Re: Day 25 [1600 hrs.] Contemplations

Reply #20
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn’s Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel enjoyed the sound of her voice as and hearing her giggle was always something he enjoyed hearing.  As they locked lips together Daniel thrust his tongue into her mouth probing for her tongue and when he found it he massaged her tongue with his enjoying that sensation.  As she wrapped her arms around his neck to make it easier for her to kiss him he could only smile internally as he also felt her body stroke his erection.  Daniel began to slowly thrust his erection against her body enjoying the stimulation that was being caused.

Daniel slowly moved his hands down her body, until both of his hands were gripping her hips.  He lifted her off the ground keeping his lips locked onto hers though and pressed her up against the wall of the shower pinning her into place as he grasped his erection with his right hand and guided it towards her womanhood, pressing tip of his erection against her outer lips.  He let out a moan of pleasure and broke their kiss for a moment staring into her eyes.  “Do you want it Riley?”  He asked her.  He was more than capable of penetrating her from this position but he also wanted to hear her say she wanted it and also give her the chance to impale herself down onto him if she wanted to otherwise he’d take that pleasure for himself once she spoke.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 25 [1600 hrs.] Contemplations

Reply #21
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Deck 08 | Daniel Havenborn's Quarters | USS Theurgy | Vector 2 ] Attn: @Havenborn

Feeling Daniel thrust himself against her body felt a bit funny, though enjoyable as he pleasured himself against her taut stomach. Riley kept kissing him back, sucking on his tongue when he pushed it into her mouth and she moved her own body like a snake against his to stimulate him even further. She felt his hands reach down to her hips and when he lifted her off the floor, she wrapped her legs around his waist. The cold wall making her shiver when she got pinned against it and he wasted little time to guide his manhood to her moist folds.

He asked for permission it seemed and she licked her lips whilst she looked into his eyes. She never did give him an answer, lifting herself slightly up before slipping him in nice and deep, riding him as good as she could given the situation. Her lips pressed back against Daniel's and she pulled him close. Her hands running up into his hair and tugging it slightly as they consumed their union.

Re: Day 25 [1600 hrs.] Contemplations

Reply #22
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn’s Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

Feeling her answer him by sliding down onto his manhood he enjoyed himself as she went deep.  He moaned in pleasure as she began to ride him while he pinned her against the shower wall feeling the water flow down them.  He looked into her eyes and slowly brought a hand up to her pert breasts and cupped it in  right hand, placing his thumb on her nipple and slowly stroking it as it became hard.  He looked straight into her eyes and kissed her lips.  Daniel was enjoying himself once again with Riley and she was definitely making him get over Amelya fast.

He slowly began to increase his speed, pushing her against the shower wall some more as he thrust himself deeper into her until he had fully penetrated her then slowly pulled out and thrust back in hard.  He slowly brought his other hand down up to her waist, applying some pressure to her body before sliding it around to her back to help support her and make it a bit easier for him to thrust in and out of her womanhood.  Daniel was solely focused on making sure that Riley was pleasured.  His pleasure would come from hearing her orgasm and knowing that he did that to her.  He broke their kiss for a moment and stared back into her eyes.  “You’re just as amazing as ever Riley.”  He said.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 25 [1600 hrs.] Contemplations

Reply #23
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Deck 08 | Daniel Havenborn's Quarters | USS Theurgy | Vector 2 ] Attn: @Havenborn

Riley smiled when he told her that she was amazing as always and she let him lead the dance they were having. Her legs did wrap around his waist, clamping down to keep him where he was. She rolled her body into his while she kept up with him and her moans were a bit shallow, though not less real. Her hair turned into a wet mess and she rested her forehead against his. She figured the pilot and friend could use the distraction after the break up and she simply offered it to him.

Her body tensed up against his, her walls milking his member that was moving back and forth inside of her. Making sure the pilot would be feeling as good as she could possible offer it to him. Like him, she wanted him to feel good, so good that he'd reach his peak with her. She ran her fingernails into his hair and messed with it before moaning louder when he hit just the right spots. "Fuck, this feels good Daniel.."

Re: Day 25 [1600 hrs.] Contemplations

Reply #24
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn’s Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel enjoyed the feeling of her womanhood as it attempted to tighten around his shaft and keep it in place.  “Let me know when you’re close and where you want it.”  He said as he began to rub her nipple between his finger and thumb some more hoping that it would elicit an audible moan from her.   He enjoyed the other physical contact that they shared, the parts of their bodies that touched each other and the heat that formed at each location.  He rubbed his nose against hers slowly as he kept his lips inches from hers, slipping his tongue from his mouth to trace along her lips.

He could feel himself getting closer to his own orgasm but suppressed, as well as he could, the urge as he wanted to wait for her release first.  He slowed his pace but increased thrusting his shaft into her womanhood harder.  He brought his free hand down to her clit and slowly began rubbing it between this thumb and index finger hoping that this would help with bringing her closer to her orgasm. Whatever funk he had been in before was gone now and he was solely focused on the pleasure that Riley was giving him and the enjoyment of knowing that he was pleasuring her as well.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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