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EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Yeoman's Office | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

Kai had arrived at the Yeoman's Office five minutes before the scheduled meeting with Captain Ives. His father had always said, If you aren't at least five minutes early, you're late, which was something that had stuck with him ever since. As he sat in a chair waiting for admission to the Captain's ready room, he couldn't help but feel like he was waiting at a principal's office in elementary school. Kai's mind had wandered a bit as he sat there. After all, a lot had happened since they were in the Azure Nebula.

Had it really only been this morning that all hell was breaking loose? he thought as he replayed the last hours again in his mind.

He thought back to having seen Cross again. Thinking he was dead, then getting the chance to see his friend again. Even though Cross looked awful and had clearly been to hell and back while aboard the Savi ship, it was heart warming and a relief to see him again.

Kai pondered his talks with Ducote, Vael Kaeris and Elro Kobol . They had all supported Kai's plan and wished him well. Kai trusted them all implicitly and he was sure that if any had an objection to his idea, that they would have told them. Vael had even mentioned that he had no concrete goals on the Theurgy, but like Kai, felt like he was the one of the best options for the jobs available. The talk with Vael had proven very fruitful and reassuring for Kai that his plan was the best course of action.

The large man sitting in the chair thought back to the talk with the Andorian, Ida, who was now acting Chief of Security. Kai didn't think that she had taken too warmly to the large and boisterous man who was new to the Theurgy. Kai had felt it was only right to talk to her before approaching the Captain with his plan. If she had shot it down outright, he would have cancelled the requested meeting with the Captain. 

"Sure, if you feel you can fill Cinn's shoes, I'm not going to stop you. Just bear in mind that you have a lot to live up to, if Ives agrees, in both my eyes and that of this whole department." he had recalled her saying to him. It still echoed in Kai's mind as he sat there, wondering if he was doing the right thing.

All Kai had wanted to do was to go home, back to Earth, and take a nice relaxing holiday. Unfortunately fate had other plans for him. He was now aboard the Theurgy and had been told of the infestation at the highest levels of Starfleet and the Federation. Like it or not, he was here now. It had become clear to Kai that this wasn't a trick, nor was it misinformation. The Theurgy crew was right, and the oath they took as Starfleet Officers compelled them to act, regardless of how it may look to the people in the Federation. 

With the Endeavour destroyed, Kai also began to look at the Theurgy as home. The notion of leaving the ship never even occurred to him. He was in it, and with this ship and her crew, for the long haul.

He felt like he was the best person to take over the role of Chief of Security aboard the Theurgy, which was recently vacated by the selfless and heroic actions of the previous Chief whom had sacrificed himself to save a lot of people. 

Kai's mind had cleared and reaffirmed his plan in his own mind. Regardless, it was too late to change his mind as he had already sent a letter, outlining his plan to the Captain, just minutes ago. Kai was sure Ives would have read it before the meeting and would already have a decision made, one way or the other, Kai would find out shortly.

The large man was soon told he could enter the Captain's ready room. He stood and adjusted his uniform as he walked to the door and the doors slid open to the ready room. He took four steps into the ready room and the door closed behind him.

The large man stood at attention, "Lieutenant Kai Akoni reporting, Captain"

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #1
[ Captain Ives | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @trevorvw
In her female form, Jien was seated behind her desk, authorising actions due to be taken to keep the Theurgy operative all the way to Aldea in the Epsilon Mynos system. She had paused only to take a needed shower in the adjacent room, her mimicked hair still damp while she flicked through the screens on the padd in her hand. She had taken a break from issuing orders on the computer console and instead giving her consent to any drastic measures Engineering and Ops felt required.

Through it all, working diligently as she was to get the Theurgy to safe harbour, she couldn't quite shake just how alone she started to feel. The Senior Staff never remained the same, each battle ripping people away. With Nicander being Infested and locked up, and Wenn Cinn sacrificing himself for the sake of the mission, none of the Theurgy's original Senior Staff remained. On top of it all, word had reached her that the Chief of the Deck - Sten Covington - had died fighting the Borg.

Those who survived did not always remain either. Trent had only served as her First Officer for a couple of weeks, but he had failed her - not being ready to shoulder the responsibilities to begin with. Edena Rez dies at Starbase 84, but there was an Acting Chief Medical Officer with the same symbiont down in sickbay. Rez had given up her position because of Jona Rez - the very same former host that squandered the chance to send the Simulcast. Edena had done the right thing in rescinding her position as First Officer, but it hadn't been enough to stop Jona. Now, Jien couldn't shake the idea that Jona still lingered in Amelya Rez, even though it was both unbecoming and unusual of her to harbour such deep suspicion.

The chime was heard, and the next meeting was one she had agreed to since it was a break from the norm. One of the Endeavour, seeking to transfer, and with an ambitious request.

"Enter," she said, and put the PADD aside. She rose to her feet and walked around the desk. The man that entered made it clear his personnel file hadn't lied about his height and weight. Wenn Cinn had been built like a tank, so Jien didn't quite know what to equate the mountain of a man that entered her Ready Room. "Welcome, Lieutenant. I have read the reports about your conduct in facing the Klingons and the Borg, so I thank you for your efforts to further the mission, and protecting the crew in the capacity you did. Please, have a seat. Can I get you anything?"

It was after hours, technically, even though she would continue into the small hours of the night. If he wanted anything, she'd make it for her, and then made her own order. "Aldebaran whiskey, neat," she said, and brought the glass with fiery green liquid to the desk. There, she seated herself. "So, you spoke with Deputy zh'Wann about becoming her superior officer, and she told you to come to me with your request. I am not entirely sure what to make of that... but perhaps you can explain further why I would make you the Chief of Security of this ship instead of her."

While he let the man speak freely, she sipped her drink in quietude - her unblinking eyes locked on the man throughout the explanation.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #2
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 1 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

As Kai entered the Captain's ready room, Captain Ives made her way around the desk and came to stand in front of him.

"Welcome, Lieutenant. I have read the reports about your conduct in facing the Klingons and the Borg, so I thank you for your efforts to further the mission, and protecting the crew in the capacity you did. Please, have a seat. Can I get you anything?"

The Captain motioned towards a chair about a metre to Kai's left while finishing her statement. Kai made a move towards the chair while simultaneously saying "No, thank you."

The large man lowered himself into the chair whilst the Captain ordered a Aldebaran whiskey from the replicator. She retrieved the glass from the replicator and made her way back around the desk and had a seat in her chair. Kai stared straight ahead while this was all happening. He knew that he'd be judged for every action and every word.

First time meeting the Captain and I come in with this plan of mine, he thought to himself as the Captain began to speak again.

"So, you spoke with Deputy zh'Wann about becoming her superior officer, and she told you to come to me with your request. I am not entirely sure what to make of that... but perhaps you can explain further why I would make you the Chief of Security of this ship instead of her."

Kai felt the unblinking stare from Captain Ives as he organized the thoughts in his head and attempted to articulate as to why he would be the better choice. He realized this was a fair question as the Captain knew zh'Wann and what she was capable of. The Captain didn't know Kai at all, other than what was in his personnel file.

Akoni took a deep breath and spoke.

"Captain, we need each other.  I've been groomed to be a Starfleet Officer since I was still wearing diapers. As you know, I was Chief of Security under Captain Amasov and he very particular about the officer's he chose as department heads. I'll admit that when I first came aboard your ship, I questioned everything I was told. Now though? I've fully bought into what I'm told about the parasitic infiltration of both Starfleet and the Federation. I feel like it's my duty, as both a Starfleet Officer and as a person, to help end the threat to the Federation and help this ship and her crew accomplish that. That being said, I am an ambitious person by nature and would gladly embrace both the challenge and opportunity of being the Chief of Security aboard the Theurgy, as this is what I would excel at.

Kai paused, thinking about what he was going to say next. Any remaining apprehension began to wash away as he found the courage he was looking for to continue. "I was the Chief aboard the Endeavour for over a year before her destruction. I have both the experience and knowledge to do a fine job aboard this ship. Also, If I may be frank... I feel like Lieutenant zh'Wann doesn't seem to have the ambition to become Chief, because if she did, she would have shot down my plan and we wouldn't be having this meeting.

The large Lieutenant eased back into his chair a little as he continued. "All I'm asking for is a chance. A chance to show you that I am the right man for the job. In my time aboard this ship, I have seen kindness, compassion, hard-work, and above all else, friendship. I believe I bestow all of these qualities. I have made friendships here that will probably last a lifetime. I only need you to give me a chance, and if you do, I won't let you down."

Kai swallowed and noticed his throat was dry. It was at this moment he had wished he got a drink when offered, while he saw a look of contemplation on the face of the Captain and he patiently awaited her reply. 

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #3
[ Captain Ives | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @trevorvw
A quiet smile touched Jien's lips when he mentioned how the Deputy didn't appear to want the position. She had her thoughts on why Ida might have said what she did, but she'd bring that up later.

Listening to Lieutenant Akoni, Jien picked up her glass and leaned back in her chair, sipping it once while observing his mannerisms and turn of phrases. He seemed earnest enough, to his credit, but his pitch about why she would need him felt a little... rehearsed. Most likely he'd been thinking about how to answer that very question before he came in. Jien held no judgement on that, of course, but she decided to take him out of his comfort zone a little.

"Do you have any family or friends aboard other starships?" she asked without preamble, setting down her glass without releasing him with her stare. "Imagine yourself put in a situation where you faced them in your duty towards this mission of ours. They have yet to understand that we are not their enemy. The tactical scenario would be one that you'd have to face them in combat. What would you do?"

Listening in quietude to the answer, the follow-up question was immediate.

"What qualities do you think are necessary to be a leader? Such a leader that might command a Department of crewmates that might - or mightn't - be court-martialed for performing their duties. How do you expect to make them follow you, when they know there might be nothing more than a Penal Colony waiting for them, even though we'd succeed in our mission?"

Jien knew she wasn't making this easy for the man, but it was a clear necessity that he had to know what he was getting himself into, and have a plan of action. If he hadn't thought about these things in advance, it might be too late.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #4
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 1 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

Kai sat stiffly as he awaited Captain Ives' next question. He hoped he didn't look as stiff as a board as he felt, but he was sure he did. He watched as the Captain sipped from her glass, still wishing he had taken her up on that offer. Kai had been caught off guard by the question that Captain Ives had asked. The large man shifted somewhat in his seat, hoping that it wasn't obvious how surprised he was.

"Do you have any family or friends aboard other starships? Imagine yourself put in a situation where you faced them in your duty towards this mission of ours. They have yet to understand that we are not their enemy. The tactical scenario would be one that you'd have to face them in combat. What would you do?"

Kai had to think of how to respond to that. It seemed like an impossible question, one that most Starfleet Officers would never have had to answer in their entire careers. As he thought about his answer, he began to put himself into that scenario. Kai imagined seeing his old friends, as they held a phaser towards him, ready to fire. A scenario he didn't think he would ever have to face; but one he realized, could be a distinct possibility. Kai thought back to when his father gave him some advice on the odd occasion that he was on leave from his assignments in Starfleet. He realized his advice was the perfect to answer the question that he was expected to answer now.

"Well..that's a tough question to answer. I'd have to echo what my father told me when I was young. He always told me that my first duty would be to my ship and my Captain. I'm not saying it would be easy to face my friends in combat if it ever came to be, but I would do the duty expected of me by you. You know, I had a few Vulcan friends growing up and they loved the whole 'Needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few' thing, and that really resonated with me. I've tried to build my career around that mantra and have always tried to realize there's a bigger picture that we're not always privy enough to see."

Kai didn't even have time to take more than two breaths before Captain Ives asked an immediate follow up question. This question was less surprising to Kai, so he felt like he could immediately answer it without hesitation.

She wanted to know about what qualities make a leader and how to get people to follow you. This was something that Kai imagined would be asked of most department heads, no matter which ship they were on.

"I feel like a good leader has to be firm, but fair. You can't rule with an iron fist, so to speak. At the same time you can't be their best friend either. I think the best leaders are those who can strike a balance between the two extremes. A leader has to be confident in their abilities and have the ability to see the bigger picture like I alluded to in my previous answer. One of the biggest things though, and I tried to show this on the Endeavour, was to practice a little humility and not pretend you know something, when in reality, you don't. Behaviour like that is what gets people killed."

Kai adjusted himself again in the seat, took a breath and continued on with his answer.

"If a department head exhibits those kinds of qualities, then his or her subordinates will follow. Not necessarily because of their duty as Starfleet personnel, but because they want to, and a crew that wants to do something, is more efficient than a crew that has to do something."

Kai had felt pleased with himself and his answers to the Captain's questions. Albeit tough, he felt he gave well thought out, detailed answers. His only hope was that she would feel the same way.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #5
[ Captain Ives | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @trevorvw
While Kai Akoni spoke of his image of what a leader should be like, and how he'd like to lead, Jien had slowly got back on her feet, leaving the glass of whiskey on the desktop while she stepped towards the viewport. The man spoke of humility, and inspiring people to follow.

"One of the best ways to make people follow is to lead by example," she said and then turned towards Akoni. As she did, she changed... into his male form. His impulse was not one of effect, but necessity - his morphogenic matrix not just restless after his captivity, but in need of healing. By alternating between his two forms with an elevated frequency, he hoped to curate himself from the time spent in the quantum stasis field. "Should I give you the chance, you would find that Deputy zh'Wann would tolerate no less."

And in there was something that Akoni would deserve to know, should he prove himself a candidate. Jien would not tell him what to expect ahead of time, doing the Deputy a disservice if he did... but he wasn't finished either.

"You already know that I have released the Bellerophon crew from their confinement in their cargo bay. Right now, the Deputy and the other officers are pulling extra hours in order to man the secured areas of the ship. This, in the event either one of the former prisoners might try something to compromise the ship. Thea is aiding, of course, maintaining surveillance through her internal sensors."

Jien said this while he walked back to Akoni, coming to stand a meter or two from him where he sat on his chair - looking like he was as rigid as the back of that chair itself. Silent for a moment, Jien folded his calloused hands behind his back - eyes leveled on the man.

"Pray tell, Lieutenant," he said quietly, "do you understand why I overruled protocol and set them free into the public areas of the ship? Tell me why you think I did it... and I want your honest answer when you also tell me if you agree with my judgement."

Having asked this question, Jien listened quietly while Akoni answered. At one point while he spoke, Jien slowly began to pace the ready room, walking behind Akoni - just so happening to tread out of his field of vision. The next question came from behind the Lieutenant.

"In your duties on the Endeavour, you made judgement calls all the time, and you put the safety of the crew in the first room. You assessed threats and you responded to them. You profiled people based on statistics and reports in order to stay one step ahead. You investigated crime and while you sought the truth... was it always blind justice and equal treatment of all aliens that kept your mind open to finding that truth?"

Jien stepped into view again, on the other side of Akoni's chair. His oaken eyes unblinking, he looked upon the massive figure seated there in front of the desk - appraising his every motion.

"I ask, for you fought in the Dominion War very early in your career. Younger. Impressionable. Officers of your generation suffered the worst. So tell me truthfully, Lieutenant Akoni, what you think of our old enemies now... for they make up parts of my crew, and our singular ally is now the Empire."

He spoke, of course, of the Klingons... and the Cardassians.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #6
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Captain’s Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

Kai sat in the chair in the Captain’s ready room, feeling about as uncomfortable as possible. This had been the first time that the large man had met the infamous Captain Ives. She had talked about one of the best ways to make people follow the lead, is to lead by example. Kai couldn’t argue that point as it was very true.

Captain Ives followed her statement by changing to his male form. This caught Kai a bit off guard as he wasn’t expecting it and had assumed that changing forms would be something the Captain would rather do in private. The large man shifted in his chair and wondered if this was, at least in part, just another test for Kai.

He had pondered this partly before the Captain kept talking about how Deputy zh’Wann would tolerate no less than Kai leading by example. To this end, this had confirmed what Kai had gathered during their conversation prior to this meeting. The deputy had struck Kai like most Andorians; tough exterior and expecting nothing but the best.

"Pray tell, Lieutenant, do you understand why I overruled protocol and set them free into the public areas of the ship? Tell me why you think I did it... and I want your honest answer when you also tell me if you agree with my judgement.”

Kai took a few breaths to think about the answer to that question before opening his mouth and hoping he interpreted the situation correctly.

”Well, in my interpretation, I feel like you’ve overruled protocol as a way to extend an olive branch, so to speak. We…you…wouldn’t want to keep these people locked up indefinitely aboard ship. While at the same time, you’d want to show the Bellerophon crew that what Starfleet Command may have said about the Theurgy was wrong. You’d like to show them that we aren’t bad people, and they have misjudged the situation given the ill advised information.” As Kai had finished, the Captain, whom had started pacing the ready room, left his peripheral vision and presumably stood behind Kai.

”If I’ve interpreted the situation correctly, then yes sir, I completely agree with your judgement. Even if I didn’t agree with your judgement, I would still execute your orders without hesitation.”

The next question, as predicted, came from behind the large man.

You investigated crime and while you sought the truth... was it always blind justice and equal treatment of all aliens that kept your mind open to finding that truth? I ask, for you fought in the Dominion War very early in your career. Younger. Impressionable. Officers of your generation suffered the worst. So tell me truthfully, Lieutenant Akoni, what you think of our old enemies now... for they make up parts of my crew, and our singular ally is now the Empire.”

Kai thought back to his time on Cardassia Prime following the Dominion War and how much of a mess that planet was. The Dominion had employed a ‘scorched-earth’ policy and started levelling Cardassian cities before their surrender. However, after the war was over there was still bound to be hard feelings between the two previous enemies. Kai thought back to the man that he beat, nearly to death, that was unfortunate enough to say he wished more Starfleet Officers had died during the war. Kai was never caught for that and he wasn’t about to admit to it now.

The large man looked up to the Captain, who had moved back into his line of sight.

” I’d like to believe that in the course of my duties on the Endeavour, I helped to administer blind justice. There were no open or obvious biases to my recollection; however that’d be up to you or rather, Commander Ducote to decide as he was my XO at the time.” Kai told the Captain, not really sure how to answer that party of his query.

The man then continued on with his answer, ”As for our old enemies? The Klingons I have no problems with. I’ve met Chancellor Martok once before and I would be hard pressed to find a man that I respect more. As for the Cardassians? I hold no ill will towards them. Both sides did unspeakable things during the War, and the Cardassians were just being good soldiers following orders. If you had asked me immediately after the war that question, my answer would have been less friendly, but now I have no problems towards the Cardassians.”

Akoni sat in the chair and hoped the Captain would be appreciative of his honest answers. Kai looked up at the Captain and awaited what he would say next.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #7
[ Captain Ives | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @trevorvw
The man's answers, in themselves, were to the point and clear enough, leaving little to wish for.

Kai Akoni had spoken of leadership, shown that he understood Ives' line of reasoning when it came to releasing the Bellerophon crew. He'd left a reassuring answer about upholding an unbiased view upon different species, and he'd described on two occasions that he was the kind to follow orders even if he might not always agree with them. Such was a double-edged statement, though, in how Ives did expect him to still uphold Starfleet protocol in regard to at least questioning orders that clearly put the crew in danger. Of course, if he had served a Chief of Security on the Endeavour, surely he had these exceptions and special circumstances well known from training, even if he had yet to get that third pip.

Still... the prevalent impression Ives got from the Human was from the unsaid. His mannerisms. How he sat and how he struggled with his dry throat. He was uncomfortable, clearly so. Clearly it was situational. The interview itself. The question was why, and this may be the most important question yet.

"Do I intimidate you, Lieutenant Akoni?" he asked without preamble, and giving him a smile then could be thought condescending. Nor did he channel some kind of antiquated interrogation scene by leaning down into the man's face. No, he merely folded his arms across his chest and looked at the man, coming to lean against the edge of his desk. "Is it because I am a shapeshifter, not truly Human? Is it because of what the Federation News Network has been feeding you about my character and disposition? Prey tell, is it because you are here, applying to forsake an ignorant fleet and ally yourself with me, even if we've just met?"

So with the same stare, he put one hand on the desktop, and frowned as he met Akoni's eye. "Because where this ship is heading, Lieutenant... there will be more intimidating things than I."

If there was one thing Ives wanted the man to understand, then it was a lesson they had all learned at that point. "Our enemy... is an eldritch horror resting in the Zone of Avoidance, which seek to consume us all, and possess our flesh in order to prevent any resistance towards the inevitable. That is, unless we can stop it." Jien picked up his Aldebaran whiskey. "Do you know what this ship's dedication is?" he asked quietly, before he sipped his drink.

"It's 'Courage is fear when it has said its prayers', and if I were to let you take the Bridge Officer test, I suggest you live by it."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #8
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

Kai, once again, had been caught off guard by the Captain's questions. Specifically if he was uncomfortable due to the fact the Captain wasn't human.

That obvious that I'm uncomfortable? Kai thought to himself as he readjusted himself in his chair, moving slightly to regain comfort and hopefully look less stiff. Truth be told, all tests like this made him feel on edge, like he could fail at any minute. He was trying his best to keep that part to himself, but it appeared all to well to the Captain.

The Captain kept speaking and the large man wasn't going to interrupt anything that he was saying. What the Captain was saying made perfect sense to Kai. If he was intimidated by the Captain or allying himself with the Theurgy, then he had no business being Chief of Security as he wouldn't be very effective. Any reservations Kai had could hold him back from properly doing his job, which was a rather important one. The security of the ship was of the utmost importance, and he had to be the right man for the job; both from the Captain's perspective, and his own.

"It's 'Courage is fear when it has said its prayers', and if I were to let you take the Bridge Officer test, I suggest you live by it." Captain Ives had concluded with.

After Kai processed what the Captain had said, he had a sudden realization. It was as if someone had turned the lights on, illuminating the darkness. He felt a wave of relaxation wash over him as if he were surfing back in Hawaii. He felt the tension release from his shoulders and just melt away. He suddenly became more careful in his seat and his dry throat became a thing of the past.

"No sir, I'm not intimated by you or by anything else for that matter currently. I've just now realized that I was uncomfortable because this is something I really want sir. I have a lot riding on this and I want to do my part to help you, this ship and the Federation." Kai had felt pleased with his answer, as he elaborated further. "My whole career I've focused on duty and honour above all else. Anything I've wanted and believed in, I've always given my all. During the short time I have spent here, I've realized just what there is to offer. I have seen the duty and dedication of this entire crew and to be honest sir, it's inspired me to want to do this even more."

Kai shifted in his seat, as he finally felt comfortable in the office. Rather than the stiff as a board way he had walked in, he felt as if he was talking to an old friend, as he continued.

"I have always believed in the motto, "Hard work pays off, whatever you do". I learned that from an old instructor, back in my days at the Academy. It plays off of what my father always taught me, which was, no matter what you do, always give it your all. I strive to live by those principles every day, through everything I do. Whether it's fighting the Borg, analyzing reports, or simply helping a friend: I try to always keep this in mind and do everything with the utmost pride. I believe, if you give me the chance, I will be able to show you what I mean."

Kai leaned back in his chair again, relaxing a little, and awaited his reply with baited breath. He hoped the next thing he heard, was that he was about to take the next step in his journey with the Theurgy.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #9
[ Captain Ives | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @trevorvw
The change in the large Human in front of Captain Ives was clear, and he was pleased to see how the reaction was not a feeble denial. Instead, Wenn Cinn owned up to his questionable behaviour and gave Jien a clear and believable explanation. One that not only showed some of the man's character, but also exemplified his honesty. After having had people in his crew lying to Jien and betraying him at several turns, hearing such truthfulness was quite refreshing, and Jien found himself favouring the idea to let the hearing continue.

"Very well then," he said and put his glass down again. He folded his arms across his chest, still leaning against the edge of the desk. "Now tell me, why do you believe Deputy zh'Wann encouraged you to speak with me?"

Jien already knew how the two had been at the Academy at the same time, only he didn't know how well they knew each other. Regardless previous affiliations or meetings, Jien didn't quite believe that had much to do about the Andorian's choice in this matter.

No, with the experience of zh'Wann's service to the crew and the mission, with its many turns for the better and the worse, Jien had a few qualified guesses as to what had caused the Andorian to tell Kai Akoni to come to his office, and so boldly apply for the role of Chief of Security. This, after the woman had more than earned a chance at taking the position herself, already having been Acting Chief of Security now and again during the past month.

"Judge of character is highly important in the role you apply for, and it's not something learned from a Bridge Officer test," Jien continued, remaining where he stood. "That being said, I know that while you graduated the same year, you have likely not met Deputy zh'Wann since the Academy, so I will understand if you fall short of an answer, and I only have theories of my own."

Given the development of the hearing, Jien felt it was apt to deflate the suspense a bit, and not make the man feel pushed into a corner with such a subjective question.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #10
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Captain’s Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

Captain Ives had asked Kai about why he thought Deputy zh’Wann had encouraged him to go to the captain with his plan.

The large man shifted slightly in his chair, while slightly lamenting the fact that he wasn’t telepathic. It would have made the answer to the Captain’s question easier to answer. The thought of this amused Kai to a point, but thus far, the Captain had proven hard to read. The hopeful security chief thought it best not to verbalize wishing he were telepathic to the one asking the hard questions.

He thought back to his time at the Academy when Captain Ives had mentioned that he may have not seen her since the Academy. Truth be told, Kai couldn’t remember even meeting her at the Academy. He had a few Andorians in his class, but wasn’t aware of ever having met her personally. After the distraction he experienced, he thought about what his answer to the Captain would be.

”That’s a good question Captain.” Kai started while trying to buy himself a few more seconds to formulate his answer.

”To be honest, I could see two possible answers to your question. One would be that she wanted me to come here and reveal my idea to you and fail as a way to put me in my place and solidify herself as the best choice for Chief of Security. But…that’s underhanded and definitely not a way an Andorian would conduct themselves.” he finished before realizing that he had just rambled on and that probably would have been better to just think about. He realized about halfway through saying that, that it was stupid.

”Or…much more likely would be that Deputy zh’Wann has faith in you to make the best choice possible for the success of the mission and the ship. It seems likely that she would want you to have all the best possible options for whoever could be Chief of Security. In a way, you could say that she put the mission and the ship above her personal ambitions.”

Kai thought about it, and that had seemed like a likely answer to him. If it were the case, he had just gained an appreciation for Deputy zh’Wann and her selflessness. 

He looked towards the Captain and tried to read the person that stood before him. He still couldn’t get a feel for how the Captain felt about it. The Captain’s body language seemed to have relaxed throughout the meeting, but the facial cues revealed nothing else.

Captain Ives would be great at poker, Kai thought amusingly to himself.

”Or maybe I’m way out to lunch on my assessment…” Kai said as a way to possibly break the tension, but he knew either way the Captain would confirm or deny that their theories matched. 

In only a few seconds, Kai would would know the answer.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #11
[ Captain Ives | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @trevorvw
Captain Ives listened to Kai Akoni in quietude, hearing him speculate about Ida's intentions.

To be fair, some crewmen aboard the ship did not like the Deputy in her way to ensure their safety, and they might say what Akoni said at first - thinking the worst of the Andorian because of their dislike towards her. They might begrudge her the stern means and words she used, and how she held everyone around her to high standards. She never compromised when it came to protecting the ship and her shipmates, and went to great lengths to protect some officers from themselves as well. Perhaps she may have gone too far at some points, threatening Edena Rez after Ives had let her out of the Brig, just a day before the incident in the Mahéwa System. In retrospect, Ives doubted Ida would actually have followed through with her throats - merely meaning to scare Edena and prevent her from betraying the ship. She had acted on instinct rather than protocol.

In the end, Edena Rez - or rather one of her former hosts - had actually betrayed them all at Starbase 84. How ironic, that Ida had been right after all.

Akoni's second suggestion rang with more truth. "Indeed, it has become clear to me that Lieutenant zh'Wann does not care for career, especially now, when this mission has taken away any such long-term opportunities. She has sworn an oath towards the mission and the safety of us all, and she takes it quite seriously. I don't know if she actually think that I am a better judge of character than skills than her... She might, but I think it's something more to it," he said and pushed away from the edge of the desk, slowly returning to his seat. "I think she may feel encumbered by the top responsibility in the Department, feeling that she can do more for the crew when remaining 'just' the Deputy. While she will expect you to lead by example - most definitely - she also doesn't care for the added administrative work and being tied up in the responsibilities of the Senior Staff. In lack of other words, she might feel more quick on her toes if she remains in the role she is today."

Of course... there was also this odd, insubstantial report about a Lone Wolf RIO. Ensign Sehl th'Chilnes, and how he'd been in some kind of altercation with Deputy zh'Wann. It had been a half-finished statement, the investigation yet done, but surely it hadn't anything to do with Lieutenant zh'Wann's words to Akoni? Ives paid it no heed, since it had seemed a common misdemeanour report.

"Very well, Lieutenant. I will give you access to the theoretical prequalification questionnaires, and you can reply to them tonight. You will also get access to the material you need for the Bridge Officer test, and you will be given your chance tomorrow at 1200 hrs. Instructions will be sent to you, and if you pass, and with good enough scores, I will consider promoting you and giving you a chance to serve in the capacity you want. Bear in mind this."

Seated, Jien leaned back in his chair - his stare open, honest, and firm at the same time. "My expectations will be high, and no one can replace Wenn Cinn in the capacity of what he was to this crew. Nor can you emulate him. Indeed, you cannot expect anyone to hold you in the same high esteem. What you can do, if you pass the test, is to make a name for yourself, and show them who you are, and gradually, they will trust you like they trusted him."

The silence lingered, until Jien picked up the next report from his desk. "Dismissed, and good luck."


Re: EPIL: S [D06|1900] Here Goes Nothing

Reply #12
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Captain’s Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

Kai was dismissed by Captain Ives after giving his expectations and the next steps to the large man who endeavoured to be the next Chief of Security aboard the Theurgy.

Kai nodded curtly towards the Captain, replied with an ”Aye sir. Thank you.” and made a quick about turn and headed for the exit. As he exited the Ready Room and stood in the Yeoman’s office, the weight of what had just happened actually dawned on him.

Lieutenant Akoni thought about all that had just transpired. He hadn’t truly expected that he’d be working on the theoretical questionnaires later that evening, with a Bridge Officer’s test scheduled for noon the next day. All his life, he worked so hard for this day. This moment. He thought about the exam, the one that felt so unreachable for so long. He thought about the nerves he was going to feel, but for now, he had none. All that was on his mind was the sense of duty that came along with it.

I suppose I might as well get it over with, he thought to himself as he came to a stop in front of the turbolift doors. He also figured that it obviously wasn’t a done deal, far from it in fact. He knew he had to work his ass off and do it right the first time, to show Captain Ives that s/he was right in giving Kai a chance.

He stared at the turbolift doors, clearly lost in space. He wondered about the different stages, the questions that would be asked, the decisions he'd have to make, and he had better be prepared to make some damn good ones if he was going to be the future Chief of Security.

Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni, Chief of Security, Kai thought. It had a great ring to it.

The turbolift doors opened as Kai entered the empty lift and gave his destination to the computer. Kai thought more about the Bridge Officer’s test and what it had entailed. He hadn’t had to do the test yet and all he had heard about it were generalities. General feelings of uneasiness and how stressful the test had been from the people he knew had taken it. The thought of this had made Kai even more resolute in his determination to do the test and show the Captain exactly what he was made of. He was looking forward to it.

The Captain's advice resonated with him. If he was going to be the best Chief of Security he could be, the one everyone aboard the Theurgy needed; he had to not only pass the exam, but come into his new role as well. He had to give it his all not only for himself, but the Captain and the crew as well.

He knew he wouldn’t fail..

He couldn’t fail..

Kai concluded that the fate of the Federation relied on the Theurgy.

The safety of the Theurgy would rely on its Chief of Security…


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