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Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Juzzie

It had been a fun night.  At least she thought it had been a fun night.  She remembered at drink three, pretending to nuzzle the new Trill scientist, Asra Tek.  She didn't seem to want to play though, so she'd grabbed another drink, or was it two? then practically dragged Rhys to the dance floor.  Anything beyond drink number six was a little fuzzy.  More of an out of body experience seemed to follow as she'd gyrated and sidled all over the Welshman.  At least she thought she'd did since she was enjoying herself.  The rest of the night had passed in a blur of sound, light, sweat, and synthehol fumes; and now the Andorian had found herself merrily hanging off Rhys as they made their way to his quarters.

Thankfully, most of the quarters were about the same, so even the intoxicated Andorian didn't have too far to go from the door to the living area as she went in.  Stripping off her cropped jacket, Zark took a moment to look around and spotted a bench nearby where she tossed the article of clothing leaving the blue woman in her near form fitting club wear, the most notable being the amount of leather involved and her exposed flanks and shoulders.  The ship's ventilation system brought a nice amount of cool air to her exposed sides that helped the Andorian to relax as her body was furiously working to vent the excess heat she'd accumulated.  Fortunately, she had a solution to that as well as she made her way over to the replicator in the corner before leaning on the device.  "Computer, two glasses Bolian tonic water with ice."  The shimmering light in the alcove created the requested beverages that Zark managed to grab without spilling.

Turning around, Zark spotted the quarter's owner and her blue cheeks darkened when she realized the number of faux-pas she'd managed to commit.  Offering a wry smile to her shipmate from the Cayuga, Zark held out one of the glasses to her counsellor and friend as she went for broke.  "Rhys, it's been ages.  Take a load off and sit with me.  Tell me about what's been happening with you?"

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #1
[Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] attn@ @RyeTanker

In his own quiet way Rhys had also enjoyed the night. His kind of music had been playing, the bar had been well stocked on his favourite drinks and he had at least known Zark. He had hoped she had not found it too annoying as Rhys had hovered around her most of the night like a socially anxious butterfly. He had seen her flirting not so subtly with Asra Tek, clearly overcoming an tense moment between them earlier. Rhys didn’t know how to flirt so that had not been on his itinerary.

Clearly the flirting had not gone anywhere for Zark as she had soon dragged him on to the dance floor. Rhys had been floating around the edge of a group of other officers. He had not really been engaging much in their conversation. He was simply engaged in humming along to the songs he knew and making mental notes of the ones that he didn’t. There were a couple he thought he might be able to play if he had the music.

He wondered if Zark had been surprised that Rhys did not resist being dragged on to the floor as much as he would normally. Someone as self-conscious as Rhys often found doing things like dancing in public to be scary.  However, by that point Rhys had had more than a few G&Ts and was loosened up, his head feeling light airy. Zark’s reassuring presence meant he only gave a few half-hearted protestations before joining her. Her dancing had been invigorating to say the least. He wasn’t sure if she knew how much her gyrating around and sometimes against him had turned him on. Rhys was not that good at hiding his feelings and she had been so close at times he felt it would have been physically obvious to her, but then she had been drunk.

Eventually the party had started to wind down. Rhys was buzzed but perhaps a little more stable than Zark was so she had hung off him a little on the walk back to his quarters. He wondered why they had ended up going back to his rather than hers. Perhaps they were both enjoying each other’s company so much and Rhys on automatic pilot had led them back to his rooms.

Once they arrived the Andorian had started making herself at home. She removed her coat and dumped it on a bench. Rhys winced a little at the untidiness of it. The two of them were so different, yet they got on so well the epitome of opposites attract. Rhys could not help his eyes trailing over her body as she made her way to the replicator. Under normal circumstances Rhys would have avoided looking at her so directly, but with his inhibitions lowered a bit he found himself unconsciously watching the pleasing way she moved. If Rhys had realised that his admiring of her figure was so obvious, he would have been horrified. As it was, he was not in the mental space to be aware of himself as he normally was.

Rhys removed his coat and hung it neatly in his closet space. Underneath he had worn a red t-shirt, that thanks to the sweat from their dancing and the heat of the room was clinging to the contours of his chest.

As Zark turned around he saw her face had coloured in a blush and smile. He smiled back and shook his head, “Come in make yourself at home.” He teased. Rhys was clearly relaxed as he was making jokes. He took the chilly glass from her blue hands. When she offered that he sit down in his own quarters, he raised his eyebrow before laughing heartily, a rare thing. “Oh, why thank you. Such a courteous host.” He took a seat on the sofa corner unit and took a sip of the tonic.

“Well, I went to a fun party, and this cruel Andorian woman made me dance all night.” A part of his brain registered that this sentence sounded flirtier than he had intended.  It was also a deflection, an attempt to push the conversation in a different direction. ‘Great’ Rhys thought, ‘Now I am analysing myself.’ Of course, that’s what he was always doing.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #2
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Juzzie

It was very fair to say that Zark didn't land very gracefully.  If pressed, she would admit she plopped herself down on Rhys' couch.  The timing of all this was quite bad as her counselor called her cruel and Zark did a small spitake into her cup.  A free blue hand shot up to cover her mouth while she proceeded to try to laugh.  This ended with her chocking slightly and coughing as her balled into a fist and covered her mouth.  The coughing quickly subsided, and Zark moue'd.  The Andorian straightened up as she took a deep breath causing her chest rise and fell as her lungs expanded with the oxygen intake and she couldn't help but offer a wry smile to actual host as he'd offered an opening she couldn't pass up, especially with her current lack of sobriety.  "That! Is a very serious charge Mr. Williams! Especially since you appear to much worse for wear now."  Zark dragged herself across the sofa, bouncing a couple of time and getting much closer to the Welshman.  She'd gotten so close that she'd entered his personal space and the only thing preventing her from colliding with him was the fact that her leg had run solid into his.  This didn't phase the very physically inclined Andorian at all as she grabbed her cup with both hands as some water splashed on his leg.  Her face became mock serious as her eyes continued to dance.  "Lucky for you, I am both Security and Medical, so I can evaluate you from bother perspectives."  A blue hand lanced out and an index finger landed on the human's lips.  "Hush!  You're being examined."

Zark sat back as she ran her eyes over her patient as she smiled.  "Ahem!" she began by dramatically clearing her throat. "The victim here claims to have been accosted by a cruel Andorian.  Since there are no such things in the known galaxy, only highly practical Andorians, we must conclude that the victim is suffering from exhaustion."  The blue head tilted from side to side for a moment shaking platinum locks to and fro.  "There are several signs supporting this conclusion.  First off, his posture is somewhat sprawled indicating the need for relaxation Hmmmm.. His skin is shiny indicating he has been sweating, especially since his skin is usually on the drier side aaaaaaaannnnnnnd "  The Zhen was honest with herself that she was enjoying the view as an eyebrow quirked momentarily over Rhys' tight red shirt that seemed to cling to his well formed pecs.  "Hmmmmm.  He's still breathing harder than a human male at rest really should."

Zark smirked as she tsked disapprovingly.  "Well, as the investigating officer, I don't really hold out much hope for the gentleman's mental state, but we must be thorough."  The teasing Andorian placed her elbow on the low sofa back and leaned her head on a hand.  "Tell me Rhys, can you describe this cruel Andorian and what they did to you specifically to get you all hot and bothered?  Dancing with one all night hardly counts as cruel."

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #3
[Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

It was an absurd scene. The usually graceful Andorian descending on his couch like a ton of bricks. At the same time his mock accusation that she was cruel contributed to both of their amusements. Rhys was chuckling but Zark was choking on her drink. Rhys patted her back firmly but gently. “Be careful, so clumsy.” He said teasingly. Most would have been surprised to see this side of Rhys, the fact he was in good humour and gently mocking his friend showed he was actually for once feeling comfortable.

When she indicated that what he had said was a serious accusation and accused him of being worse for the wear himself, Rhys raised his eyebrows in amusement. He did not outwardly react to her clattering into him her leg coming to his. He had been about to speak, but clearly anticipating this Zark’s finger pressed against his lips shushing him. She seemed to focus on his eyes for a moment this physical contact with him along with her direct stare caused a bit of his usual shyness to re-emerge. He blushed, his cheeks colouring a little he nevertheless obeyed and remained quiet while she ‘examined’ him.

Rhys maintained a small smile as she did her medical examination. He wondered for a moment whether she was checking him out or if he was just imagining that. Zark was clearly amusing herself. Soon she was leaning on the back of the sofa and focused on him her head resting on her hand. Rhys took a moment before saying, in a similar mocking tone. “Firstly, I am the only one here qualified to make an assessment of someone’s mental state.”

The question of how to respond to her asking him what had him all hot and bothered was a trickier matter. ‘Your dancing made me harder than a quadratic equation’, felt like an inappropriate thing to say, though this new more fun loving voice in his head desperately wanted him to say it. Instead deciding that she must know what had him hot and bothered he fixed her with a ‘really?’ look. He decided to play along anyway. “I’ve seen her around. She is a bit of a menace, tends to just leave things anywhere.” His eyes flicked over to her jacket for a moment. “So disorganised, a real wild child.” He said his gentle mocking belied a kind of admiration, a wish that sometimes he could be more like that to. “Anyway, this beautiful, sexy terrible woman spent most of the night dancing all over me. That’s why I… feel how I do.” He said going red again as he realised what he was about to say. His heart also beat a little faster as he realised, he used the word sexy to describe her. The drink had certainly helped some of his feelings more obviously come out of him. Still his small smile remained in place as his eyes flicked away from hers to look at the floor for a moment. The shyness again asserting itself.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #4
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Juzzie

Oh Rhys, you were doing so well, but it's still cute. The sexy and still border line drunk Andorian sighed mentally as she saw him flick his head away.  Zark wasn't that inhibited to start with, and with alcohol, her neurons were less impeded than before.  Being more impulsive  made the situation more entertaining for her. Maybe he'll come more out of his shell. "Okay mister qualified head reader" Zark took a sip of tonic water before putting the cup on the coffee table. As she sat back up, the blue woman gave the sprawled out counselor a final look over and mentally nodded to herself.  Physically, she shimied over.  The problem of already being in contact with Rhys' leg meant she moved right onto his lap and leaned over as she supported herself with an elbow on the back rest of the sofa.  The burgundy lace on her outfit teased the valley of the cleavage underneath it as she used the welshman's legs as a cushion.   Her free hand began draw circles on the hard pecs and Zark couldn't help but let out a small moan of appreciation.   Zark knew something had changed in Rhys as she continued to gently draw figure eights on his chest.  Sure, he was still the shy counselor from the Cayuga, but there was something else.  A certain boldness he'd picked up along the way despite having all the head mending knowledge parked in his brain that could have given it to him from the get go.  On the other hand, if he did use that knowledge, he wouldn't be Rhys, so this was better. 

Zark filed away that particular bit of anaylsis for later, she was in a good spot.  Rhys, in her opinion, was in a very good spot, so she'd ride it for all it was worth.  "Since you're obviously the one with keen analytical mind, " the Zhen continued conversationally as if sitting on someone's legs drawing on them was the most normal thing in the world as her voice began to slide into the smoky and sultry.  "do you have a description of this .... wild child?  What she's done to make you feel all these things, and possibly, what you would like to see done. to. her as a  "  Zark leaned over and Rhys' ear as her hand stopped tracing his chest, and grabbed a free hand before lifting up high up her thigh. "reward you for all your hard work tonight?" she breathed into his ear.


Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #5
[Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

In a way Rhys was relieved that his clumsy attempts at flirting hadn’t scared her off. If anything, she seemed more amused than annoyed. That did not mean he had stopped being so shy, that instinct was still there but her response to him made him feel that if he wanted to push and be a bit bolder, he probably could. He still was not prepared for her next action. After calling him a head reader, she basically positioned herself, so she was sat on his lap. She drew circles on his chest, and he heard from her what sounded to him suspiciously like a moan. Rhys shivered, at her touch his heart rate increased so much he wondered if she would be able to feel it or hear it through his chest. He could not stop his eyes tracing over the contours of her body and back to her face.

When she told him that he had a keen analytical mind, he almost laughed. At this moment his mind felt anything but keen or analytical. It was misty confused and trying to make itself heard of his body’s more lascivious instincts. Then her voice changed, it seemed to slide into an inflection and timbre that made his skin feel tingly, especially as her mouth moved closer to his ear. Soon his hand was high on her thigh. He wasn’t really sure if he had put it there or if she had, that’s how discombobulated he had become.  Then in the most unfair of ways she was now asking him questions. Questions, he barely knew where he was!

It took him a moment to think and to analyse what was happening. In a way it was unavoidable. For some reason, maybe because they were both drunk or maybe she did think he was attractive. However, it was obvious to Rhys now on some level that she was trying to engage him in intimacy. There was no way, sat where she was she could have no idea that he was hard. He was breathing hard, she was touching and her voice was doing things to him as well. The question was what to say. How to respond, he was certain a more confident person would have had something pithy and sexy to say.

Rhys took a moment before deciding what he was going to do. He swallowed and took a risk. The hand on her thigh slowly rose sliding over her hip and backside. “She is a beautiful Andorian woman, with sumptuous curves…” his hand continued along her side. “She has beautiful eyes, an amazing sense of humour.” He smiled a smile that was some how both nervous and sultry. “About your height…. Named Zark.” His other hand completed the same journey on the other side of her body. “I’d… like her to come to bed with me.” He said softly looking up at her, his eyes shining. It was amazing he and testament to drink that he had said even that much.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #6
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Juzzie

The curvacious Andorian's breathing got heavier as she felt the warm hands brush up her side, and get teased away by body suit.  The sound alone was erotic and exciting as she could only feel a ghost of his touch.  When his strong arms wrapped around her, her breath caught as her eyes began to smoulder.  Lithe blue arms encircled Rhys' neck as she pressed her body into his, and she gasped as the rock hard bulge pressed into her.  Looking into those shining eyes, she gave a small nod of her assent to his request and closed her eyes to lean in and kiss him.  The feeling was electric as she gently pressed her lips into his.  Laying herself on him, the sensual Andorian pulled herself higher till the bulge was pressing against her sex.  She broke the kiss and gasped quietly as she bit her lower lip.  Opening her eyes and seeing those solid, hard, pecs, memory motions took over as she began grinding his crotch with hers.  The sexy blue alien gasped and moaned as the rubbing rocketed ripples of pleasure through her.  She was becoming more slick as she easily slid over and around him hard member, and her eyes fluttered close as she bit her bottom lip again at the feathering tease of her womanhood.

She wanted it in badly, but there other considerations for the two of them, and she gave him a quick kiss as she pulled back to stand and took a few steps back.  It was also quite tempting to just fall to her knees on the deck and pull the full length of his dick out, then just suck him off right there.  But she wanted to give a show, and she wanted to feel the closeness of another body more. 

Zark turned around, then bent over pointing her well formed ass at his face as she lifted one leg, then the other to remove her boots. She could have kicked them off, but she set them aside as a proper pair beside her before standing up.  Unbuttoning her pants, she slowly began to wiggle left and right to push the near form hugging pants down till the wonderful rush of cool air could be felt all over her leg.  All that was left was the burgundy body suit since the whole outfit had been too tight to fit any sort of underwear.  Running her hands up her sides as she stood back up, the sultry woman pulled her platinum locks to one side.  The blue head turned to one side to look over her shoulder, eyes still smouldering.  "Rhys, can you help me get this off?"  Zark breathed to the sitting human.  She hoped he wasn't too frazzled, or was horny enough now to help her.  She could still think though and she got ready to spring her trap.  As soon as she was free of the clothing, and the strong Welshman was close enough, she planned to grab his hands and let them roam all over her with insistence that he feel her. Everywhere.  She'd plead if necessary, but she wanted him to feel her before the main event.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #7
[Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

Clearly Rhys wasn’t the only one who had been affected by the night’s excesses. The dancing and flirtations between the two had left him not knowing what to do with himself. She seemed to be in a similar position, except she knew exactly what to do in this situation. Her arms were around his neck and as his hardness became obvious to her, she seemed to be pressing into it and moving against it more.  A part of him had been worried she would reject him just as a part had been worried, she would accept him, but once she lent into kiss him his brain stopped functioning in a logical and rational manner. She was a good kisser, he hoped he was to no one had ever said he wasn’t but that didn’t mean he was good either.

Once she had broken the kiss Zark began to grind on him in earnest. He watched her face, the way she bit her lip and the sounds she made was more pleasurable to him than anything he was feeling below his waist. Soon she was slipping off his lap. She bent over the curves of her rear now pointing at him as she theatrically removed her boots, then her pants. Soon she was down to just her body suit and asking for his help.

This was going to be interesting; it did not look like the easiest garment to remove. However, Rhys was more than happy to give it a go. IN all honesty had she asked him to do pretty much anything he would have done it. Rhys was shy and reluctant to overstep bounds, especially with someone he was fond of, but even he could not miss the giant neon sign over her head that practically said, ‘I want you’. Rhys stood and approached her; he again placed his hands on her hips. They slid along her sides again brushing the sides of her breasts. He placed several small kisses along the side of her neck and took perhaps a little longer than was required to find the openings to her body suit and began to remove it.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #8
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Juzzie

The Andorian purred as she felt the warm weights grab hold of her hips, and brush their way upwards.  Pressing herself back, Zark sighed in contentment as she came up against the soft and solid muscles of Rhys' chest.  Feeling the way his head was headed, her head tilted to one side and offered her neck to the feather light kisses that tickled and caused her to giggle as they sparked waves of warmth that rippled out and lingered.

The nearly naked Zhen waited with all the patience she could muster, and it was pretty close when the quiet sound of a zipper unlocking the teeth could be heard making they're steady march downward. Rhys seemed to be taking his time as Zark tracked the downward progress and the breeze of blessedly cool air on her back after what seemed like an eternity instead of the few seconds it really was.  When solid resistance was hit, the blue arms that had been holding up the hair dropped behind and sought out the strong one's that had been helping her. Delicate finger tips brushed their way down the Welshman's arms till they found his hands and gripped them. Twirling around as if in a dance, Zark turned to face Rhys and paused for a moment to give him a kiss and a smile that had sin written all over it. Bringing his arms up, she placed the unresisting hands on her shoulder and had him grip the body suit before pulling it down, steadily exposing her naked bright blue skin for his viewing pleasure. 

First came the neck, then the shoulders made their appearance. She wiggled them a bit to get the clothing off and to him something else to look at.  Finally, Zark's large and pert orbs bounced free. Loosening his grip, the Andorian pulled the rest of the suit off and let it pooled at her feat. Zark closed her eyes for a moment and sucked in her breath as she shuddered involuntarily at cool air on her damp sex. Giving him mischievous smile, Zark walked by the human and drew a finger along his chin all the way back to his ear and stopeed right next to him. Standing on her tippy toes, she leaned to get closer to his ear so he could feel her breath on him. "Rhys, are you going get undressed and join me, or did you want to listen to me pleasure myself on your bed?" Leaving him with those options, Zark sashayed her way to the bed and hopped on, then flipped over and lay back giving the counsellor an unrestricted view of everything he was about to enjoy.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #9
[Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] arttn: @RyeTanker

It amazed Rhys what things most had an effect on him. Zark was beautiful and she felt perfect in his hands, the skin as smooth as glass, the way her body moved. However, if he had been in a better place to analyse Rhys would have been surprised to know that the sounds, she made seem to have the most direct effect on him. The purrs, sighs, gasps and even giggles sent messages up and down his nervous system at breakneck speeds.  If felt nice just to feel her body leaning back against his chest, she seemed to like that to.

As he worked on unzipping her remaining clothing, he could feel the tension in her body, he was taking his sweet time after all. He felt the same hint of frustration at himself, but Rhys was a man to take his time to enjoy the moment for who knew if it would come again. Plus, he knew the more time he took the better everything would feel for both of them in the end.

Once the zip had gone down as far as it could Zark gracefully span to face him. She gave him a kiss and a smile that made him twitch and seemed to offer unfamiliar possibilities. She took control of his hands and used them to lower the body suit off her shoulders. He allowed his hands to caress the smooth azure skin of her shoulders and arms as she directed his hands down. His eyes followed them as if they were part of the removal process. The temptation to bury his face in her neck and chest was pretty strong as was the desire to just look at her. “Beautiful.” He said softly. Whether directly to her or just giving a voice to thoughts in his head was unclear.

Soon the Andorian was back to whispering in his ear, her warm breath making him shiver paradoxically. She asked him if he was going to get undressed then seemed to stalk out of the room. Her hips moving hypnotically. Rhys swallowed and began to peel off his tight shirt. Revealing a swimmer’s build with a very light dusting of strawberry blonde hair on his chest. He lowered his trousers next. Forgetting to remove his shoes initially he hopped awkwardly on the spot for a moment before those went to. Underneath he wore a tight set of boxers that clearly displayed his attraction to her. When those were gone, his member seemed to bob menacingly between his legs. It was totally incongruous with his personality.

He walked over to the best nearly tripping on his own discarded clothing, before getting on to the bed over the top of her. He was hyper careful to avoid putting all his weight on her or accidently connecting with his knees or elbows, sure fire ways to ensure that this incredible moment would end there.  His chest pressed against hers as he lent down and kissed her deeply, leaning on one arm. The other arm slid along her side and down over her hip and along the pleasing curve of her thigh. Teasingly her bottom lip found its way into his mouth and he gently nipped and sucked on it.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #10
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Juzzie

The blue siren lying on the Welshman's bed nearly giggled as Rhys moved quickly to get naked at her request, but instead she just smiled and waited as he bounded over and soon he was on top of her, and her sensitive tips tingled at the sensation.  The strong arms were still holding him up and keeping him from crushing her, and she was about to grip him and pull him down when his lips connected with hers and she moaned delightedly at the heady brew of his musk and the sensations in her mouth.  It ended all too quickly, and the Andorian mewled in protest as her mouth was pulled open.

Zark's body began to make her wants very clear as she arched to press herself into the human's body.  Long, taut blue legs quickly joined the rest of the close contract by straddling those strong hips as her arms circled around his neck.  All the sudden weight caused Zark to get suddenly squished, but she wanted, craved the closeness of the touch.  She didn't care as her eyes closed and she locked her lips ferociously on to his like the Andorian warrioress' of old.  Her tongue left it's home and moved to seek out the partner's to thrust, parry, and taste.  It was all happening blindingly fast, and not fast enough at the same time.  Parts of her pelvis had been pressing into the rock solid shaft, yet frustratingly, it refused to go in.  It was a tease as some times his phallus would brush against her slick petals and the kiss would change with a gasp or a moan.  Other times, it was the tingling electricity of her rock hard nipples as her efforts to grind him and get closer stimulated them even more.

Her mind decided at some point, there had to be a better way, and she broke the kiss before lying back in the bed.  Zark's already sultry smile became more salacious a thin strand of saliva that linked the two lovers broke and fell on her.  Biting her lip and giving Rhys the siren stare, one hand came off his back and entered the space between them.  It felt and sought out along the human's body and a moan of appreciation would escape as it passed over certain areas like his arms, and pecs.  However, it was only when the questing blue hand had ventured further down and soon encased the hard member, did the work really begin.  Zark gripped the shaft with just enough force to give it guidance to where her inviting petals lay.  She inhaled suddenly when the tip of the phallus made contact with her sensitive clit and the hand soon began stroking the girth it held as she brushed it up and down her sex.

"Rhys" Zark pleaded despite having his member in her hand. "hurry up or I swear I'm gonna sit on you."


Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #11
[Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

It was clear what Zark wanted, even someone as sexually oblivious as Rhys could tell. However, he was enjoying slowing it down and taking his time. It not only heightened what he was feeling but produced the most amazing affects on his Andorian partner. Frankly it also felt nice to have her body wrapped around him, her legs around his hips and her arms circled behind his neck.

When she pulled him down firmly it surprised him as he had taken such care not to cursh her, but he could not deny he enjoyed the closeness as much as she seemed to. His kisses had been soft and gentle almost timid initially, but as hers got more aggressive he copied her. He was a good learner, he quickly picked up on how she wanted to be touched on how much she enjoyed feeling their tongues duelling together.

Their bodies crushed together, caused his hardness to rub between her legs in both a frustrating and pleasing way. He gasped against her lips as they kissed and enjoyed the feeling of the warm softness of her breasts against his chest.

What happened next though hammered home to Rhys that Zark was the one in charge of this encounter which he was more than happy with. She broke her kiss and Rhys felt a faint hint of disappointment as he was so enjoying just being against her. Soon she seemed to run her hand admiringly over his body, before clasping her hands around his hard member. He found himself watching her hand as she grinned at him, and he felt it pressing against the inviting space between her legs. She begged him to enter her. Her threat was however not so threatening, as far as he could tell he would probably enjoy her sitting on him.

Rhys gave her a small smile that spread across his boyish face. “As you wish.” He replaced her hand on his shaft, the other one gripped her hip firmly but gently as he held her in place. He lined himself up and slowly pressed himself inside her. He gave a soft moan as he slid home. He kept himself propped up on his arms as he began slow torturous movements in and out of her. His eyes held her gaze.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #12
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Juzzie

"Ooooooooooh spirits, fuuuuuuck!"  Was all Zark could moan out as she finally felt the long hot rod penetrate her slick vaginal folds.  Her earlier demanding nature vanished as she felt Rhys begin to steadily press, massage, and pound against her insides.  Zark simply held on to Rhys and pulled him in tighter as she felt the tingly waves each time he pressed into her when he rubbed himself against her chest.  Her nipples refused to soften and remained intensely sensitive as they pressed into him.  With each thrust, a wave of electricity escaped out from her loins and straight to her throat eliciting a moan of unadulterated and increasingly hazy delight.

She didn't know how long that went on, but the Andorian's hips soon began to move in a slight counter motion as her lust filled mind insisted on pressing harder on Rhys' shaft to get it deeper into her.  Zark's eyes had closed and all she could experience was the press against her vagina and the groans of the man on top of her.  Her breathing became more punctuated with gasps and moan that she could have been delivering right into the powerfully built ear as she was rocked back and forth.  Her body arching again to press even harder on to the Welshman.

The lust and endorphins were turning everything into a blur, and her conscious soon became an outside observer as she lustily groaned to Rhys "Spirits yes! Rhys! Fuuuuck me!".

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #13
Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

With surprising speed all pretence of thought and rationality seemed to seep away from them. Considering how much both of them had had to drink before hand it was perhaps doubtful that they had much of it to begin with. Nevertheless Rhys lost himself in sights, sounds and feelings of his blue friend.

He felt a strange primal satisfaction at the sounds she made, the calls moans and mewling’s. The satisfaction of knowing she was feeling good and something he was doing was making that happen. As was in some ways fitting of Rhys he was deeply sensitive to how what he was doing was affecting her, he didn’t really mind if he felt good or not what mattered to him in the moment was her pleasure.

It was just and added bonus that she felt so good wrapped around him. He kept up his firm and steady pace of thrusts. He looked down at her and saw her eyes closed as she groaned at him lustily. He leaned down and placed kisses on her exposed neck enjoying the slightly salty taste that her sweat was creating. Gently his teeth brushed over the skin, and he sucked on it softly leaving a little raised mark. This shifted him a little to the side and allowed a hand to slide along her ribs and brush over her chest. The tip of his thumb brushed against her hardened nipple, before he took it between thumb and forefinger gently rubbing and squeezing. He moaned softly the, sound muffled against the skin of her neck and his warm breath caressing the skin.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #14
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] Attn: @Juzzie

Zark was lost and all she had were the sensations as each thrust into her released a moans of passion and pleasure.  Her body collapsed back on the bed Rhys' worked his magic on her.  "Ahhhhhh!  Unhhhnnnn!  Yeeeeeesssss!" escaped her lips as her core was pounded more and more.  The pressing of the lips added to the melange, and blue arms gripped on to the Welshman's neck as she turned her head to expose more of her neck, begging for more.  And Rhys delivered as she gasped out a silent scream with his teeth gently digging into her flesh.  A mewl of exquisite delight floated out, mixed with the sound of her body rubbing the sheets.  The pulsing sensations were becoming too much "~Ahhnnnnn!~" was all she could get out as those strong warm hands squeezed her rock hard nipples before her lover buried his head against her skin.

Zark's arms pulled her partner in tighter as her legs wrapped around his waist.  She could feel the pressure building inside her, demanding release and her moans were soon taken over by pants of ecstasy.  "Spiritsssss!  Please Rhys! Harder!" The Andorian managed to grind out as her own body began to rock harder on his hot shaft.  "~Hahh!~ ~Uhnn!~  ~Haahhhhhn!~ ~Ohhhh!~ Rhys!! Please fuck me harder!" Zark begged as she grabbed the back of his head and buried another hand in his back, urging on the magnificent beast that was riding her as her entire body tightened on him, getting ready to explode.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #15
[Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker

As Rhys had sucked and nibbled on her skin, the neurons in his brain made a mental not that she liked this in case he was ever lucky enough to do this again. It was not consciously done as Rhys’ mind was far to focused on trying to get her to make as many delightful noises as he possibly could, like trying to coax the right sounds out of his guitar. There was just as much if not more pride attached to the fact, he was getting her to enjoy herself. He revelled in the sounds, taste and feel of her. It felt like very possible sensation was being stimulated.

He loved the way that as the pressure clearly built inside her she wrapped herself more and more around him. It felt so good as the crashed through on a rollercoaster ride to pleasure together. She even begged him to go harder. Rhys had always been good at following orders. AS if on que as soon as those words slipped past her lips, he began to move with very un-Rhys like ferocity. Like her it would not take long for the pleasure to overwhelm him, he could feel it deep in the pit of his stomach.

His hands slid down along her slides to take a firm grip on her hips. Unconsciously his fingers almost digging into her flesh as he was able to thrust into her more firmly while holding her like this. He continued to press his lips to her neck, but his kisses were now interspersed with deep intakes of breath, as he worked to fulfil her demands.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #16
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] Attn: @Juzzie

The aggressive vigour with which Rhys applied into pounding her sex surprised and delighted Zark as she felt his shaft push farther into her and stretch her vaginal muscles even further.  She was being driven crazy as her panting became shorter and high pitched to the point she couldn't control the volume anymore.  Like a bitch in the heat, she rode him, alternatively yelling his name, thanking him, or the deities for what was happening to her.  With each thrust, Zark could feel her orgasm fighting to break their restraints and let loose the ultimate cry of pleasure in her.

There was a warm wet gush in her vagina suddenly and Zark's body tensed for a moment; then the orgasm whiplashed it's way through her body as a the hot electric waves of pleasure began to erupt.  The Andorian's mouth latched on to Rhys' shoulder as her eyes screwed themselves shut while she happily cried her joy into his flesh.  There may have been some words that amounted to Oh Yes! and Fuuuuuuck!!! but they were muffled by the strong muscles that Zark's bucking body insisted on screaming into.  Her vaginal muscles closed themselves around his cock and pulsed in sync with his shaft as the erotic climax reached its peak, and she felt more and more of his warm slick seed pour into her.   The opposing forces that brought her head in caused the rest of her body to grip itself on to the pulsing Welshman while her fingers dug into the human's back and hellacious legs held on for dear life.

And just like that, they were both spent, and she let go of his body with a shudder.   "~Hahh!~ ~Ahh~ ~Hahhhh~ ~Ohhhhh~ ~Ohhhhhhh!~" was the first coherent thing Zark got out as the after glow began to take over.  As she floated back down to reality, the Zhen let go and began to settle on the bed.  Bright happy eyes opened, and Zark couldn't help but give Rhys a dirty lopsided smile.  She wouldn't untie her legs as she ran her hands along the back of his neck, just feeling him, and brought her head up to kiss him fully on the lips.  The blue tongue darted in and lingered a bit longer than she'd intended.  It wasn't a kiss of seduction though, but one of warm thanks for everything he did and when she separated, Zark's expression was one of complete comfort and satisfaction. "Thank you Rhys."  The Andorian told the human as her arms enfolded the man and pulled him in for a post coital snuggle.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #17
[Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

She was wild, there was no other word Rhys could come up with to describe how she was in bed with him. Not that he could think coherently anyway, but even after ‘wild’ seemed to be the word that kept coming back to him. Her orgasm had been like a fireworks display, and as if often the case one explosion had set off another.

Rhys had let out a long low moan, there were no words not even in Welsh, his mother tongue. Just the passionate language without words as he had finally been overwhelmed. His thrusts had lost all rhythm and become erratic as her body had enveloped, clenched and squeezed his to within an inch of its life. 

Finally, their energy levels dropped and the only thing keeping Rhys on his hands and knees was her legs and her body partly holding him up. Without her he doubted his arms and legs would have the strength to hold him for long. Not without a little rest anyway. She smiled that smile. The one that were he not spent would have made him hard in a second. She kissed him, it was a soft gentle kiss nothing like the passionate fizzing events that had started this escapade. It was still in its own way a very good kiss. She then thanked him. He blushed, the redness extending to the top his chest a little. Rhys being Rhys wondered what she had been thanking him for, he felt he should have been thanking her. In very typical Rhys style, he gave an awkward but some how endearing response. “Er.. um… thank you to." She held him for a bit, and Rhys slid to her side so his weight was not still on her. He found himself gently running his fingers through her hair. “I wasn't expecting that to happen.” He said giving a little shy chuckle. He was still to stimulated to be over thinking and worrying about what it had all meant. Instead, he was just enjoying feeling her warmth against him and playing with her hair.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #18
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] Attn: @Juzzie

Zark sighed in contentment as Rhys pulled out and lay next to her.  The warmth was very comfortable and the Andorian rolled to drape her arm across his chest as she pressed her breasts into him.  A gentle tugging sensation caused the white haired woman to purr happily as his hands began to stroke her hair, giving her an impromptu head massage.  Zark on the other hand further contented herself with running her fingers up and down his chest.  Smirking as she stared at his chest, the vivacious Andorian debated running her hand down to his crotch to start stroking his member and get him going again.  Her hand travelled in that direction, but didn't get too far.  She couldn't impose on him like she would on her bond mates, so she just lay there, her head on his shoulder as she idly drew shapes on him.

Rhys' assessment of how the night went caused the Zhen to snort her laugh.  Getting up to plant her elbow on the bed, the blue head settled itself in the upturned hand.  "It's the nature of the beast Rhys."  Zark replied. "The shy unassuming nice ones go to an event to unwind and get their fill of socialization for the day, then they end of being the magnets for the hot ones."  The busty Andorian leaned over and ran a hand along the Welshman's chin and took a moment to marvel at the short hairs that were pretty much invisible under the reduced lighting.  "At least that's what happens to the women who know what a good man is."  Zark's toothy smile flashed like a beacon for a moment before she linked her hands on his chest and rested her chin on top giving her a wonderful view of his chin.  A part of her did wonder if her chest being mashed against him again was doing anything.  There was a way to find out, but she'd let him rest first, then stopped and reminded herself to behave. 

Still, she did ponder about the Rhys that she was lying on versus the one that had transferred over with her for what seemed like a life time ago.  If the rumour mill was true, he'd gotten himself into quite the experience with one of the nurse's and her girlfriend on Aldea.  She hadn't had time to pursue it since she'd been too busy patching various security and medical aspects of the ship after it had pulled into dock and was pretty much a wreck at the time.  That had been long laborious work and she'd missed a lot during that time.  That stop seemed to have done terminally shy counsellor some good in her books. Getting up a bit, Zark decided that a little teasing was in order as the smile stuck to her face. "So Rhys, did your guilty party mange to compensate you sufficiently for all the grief she caused?"

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #19
[Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

Rhys panted softly as his heart rate started to climb back down to a more reasonable level. He felt content and wanted to hang on to that rarest of feelings for as long as it would last. His partner, someone he had always considered at the very least a friend and respected enormously, had enjoyed herself with him.  He enjoyed feeling pressed into his side, her arm over his chest. It wasn’t just because her soft breasts were pressing into him, and her hand was caressing his body and seemed to be moving progressively lower, though that was causing certain areas to twitch. There was just something nice about being snuggled up naked with someone. It was something Rhys had not experienced for a while and that he enjoyed almost more than the act of sex itself.

It was interesting that in spite of Rhys’ shyness, he was very tactile. He always wanted to touch other people and be touched. Not just in sexual ways but just to be in contact with another person. Unfortunately, here the shyness was often the major drawback. If it was hard to express what you were feeling or even interact with someone it was hard to let them know your needs. In fact, sometimes his shyness led some people to assume he wouldn’t like being touched when the reverse was true.

Zark responded to his surprise with amusement her snorting laugh got a chuckle out of Rhys to. Her comment about the shy ones attracting the hot ones, didn’t seem to ring true for Rhys. After all this brief period of his life had had a lot more sex in it than much of the rest combined. However, he had a feeling that he knew what she was getting at. For someone like Zark who clearly was so vivacious and flirtatious a shy guy like Rhys must be a fun challenge. Rhys imagined he was fun to tease as it did not take much to make him go red in the face. An example was when she implied he was a good man, that led to his face going very red though he had no idea how visible that was in the low light.

There was one thing about all of this that surprised Rhys. He had expected to feel awkward after. Zark was his friend after all, but he wasn’t. He felt perfectly at ease. Zark didn’t seem to regret what happened maybe that was what made him feel at ease, or maybe he was changing as a person. It occurred to him that recent events maybe were not aberrations in his behaviour but rather signs of who he was becoming. It was hard to see like trying to observe the exterior of a house from the inside. When she decided to tease him again. Rhys still blushed, but he angled up his head and placed a soft affectionate kiss on her lips before answering. “More than compensated I’d say.” His hand made its way to her cheek, his thumb gently caressing the skin. “I also hope I have been of help to Starfleet Security.” He said attempting in his own way to flirt back. It wasn’t the best he wasn’t good at it, but not bad for someone who was so shy he thought. 

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #20
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] Attn: @Juzzie

Zark giggled at Rhys' attempt to flirt with her.  It was really cute, even though she thought it was pretty corny.  Still, she was game for the fun. "I think Security definitely appreciates your assistance in the matter and is happy to find that you have been well compensated for your troubles."  She began lightly tapping his chest for a moment as an idea struck her.

"Security does have some questions for you Mr. Williams."  Zark climbed on top of him and brushed her skin all the way over as she came to rest along the length of his body.  "I think Security definitely appreciates your assistance in the matter and is happy to find that you have been well compensated for your troubles."  She climbed a little higher and rubbed a finger along his chin as her eyes turned charming for a moment displaying her long lashes that matched her easy smile.  "Although if you do have doubts about the quality of your compensation, we could always insist on a repeat demonstration.  There are many other varieties and variations for you to try, especially from one who normally has three other partners to play with."

Zark giggled at the thought of Rhys in the middle of a quad sex session, especially her quad.  The giggle naturally went away and she stopped rubbing as she thought about that one.  She normally invited what most considered female forms back, if Rhys came over, how would it work with another male form?  Her lips turned a bit from the right side to the left as she worked the concept in her head around a bit.  Then a bit more to get the terms right before she dumped the question on him in her usual comfortable candid manner. "Rhys, what do you think about taking part in an orgy with two other guys, me and my wife on Andoria when we get out of this?"

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #21
[Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

Rhys was glad that his bloody awful attempt at flirting had at least got Zark to laugh even if it sounded cringe inducing to his own ears. It was a good sign that she played along and so he felt less worried about his choice of comment. Soon she was clambering on top of him, her skin brushing over his body. Rhys shivered obviously and blatantly at the touch of her skin to his. With her finger along his chin and her eyes focused on his she had his utter undivided attention. She continued to joke about compensation and whether he would like a repeat demonstration. 

Dense as the Welshman could sometimes be about flirting, he was not so dense as to miss that. This was as obvious and invitation as he had ever heard. His face which had returned to its usual colour again began to blush furiously at the mention of three other partners. He found his hands placed upon her hips as he tried to think of the best way to respond to her. He knew she would be amused at him blushing and getting all shy again, but she would want an answer. For the moment all he could do was shake his head, as in ‘No the quality of your compensation was amazing.’ But words would not come.

As he tried to formulate a response, she spoke again this time making him a salacious offer that through off his plans on how to respond to her. What was even more baffling to him was how she could say such a thing in such a matter-of-fact way. Almost like she was asking what his favourite colour was. It took him what felt like minutes to get his brain in gear again. The little voice was there the one that had been pushing him now for the last few days. It seemed to beg him to say yes. He gulped and simply responded. “Yes.” His voice wavering a little. Though he began to wonder, would these guys like him? Would her wife like him…and she’s married… oh my god. It was at this point he regretted not having researched Andorian cultural norms more thoroughly.

His hands lightly trailed up and down the skin of her back, as his cheeks continued to redden, the blush spreading to the top of his chest. Not only did all this cause a rushing of blood to his head. Blood rushed elsewhere at all; it was almost baffling there was enough of it left. Nevertheless, it headed south.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #22
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] Attn: @Juzzie

Yes had to be the most succinct answer she'd ever received when she made such a request.  It was short and to the point.  More importantly, he'd agreed, though Zark was pretty sure he didn't know what he was agreeing to.  Shifting on his body a bit, her thigh ran into a lump that seemed to be getting bigger.  And with her touch, even bigger.  The Andorian giggled as to the reason why his answer was so to the point.  Maybe his blood flow was being drained from his head and he was having trouble processing.  Maybe he did know what she was asking of him and she smiled as white teeth gently bit the blue lower lip as her eyes narrowed appreciatively.  The Andorian seductress crawled up on him and brought her head close to his ear. "Well, if you're going to play with my husbands and wife, we'll have to see how your stamina is, cause ya know, there are four of us, and my wife is way more intense than I am."  Zark pulled back and took a moment to give Rhys a quick bite on the end of his nose.  She planted her hands on his chest and began planting kisses down his chest, and leaving wet marks down his body as she made his way to his engorged member.

When she reached his shaft, Zark took a moment to admire it, though it looked like it needed a little more encouragement.   The Zhen pulled her lips in for a moment before pushing them back out and licking them.  She didn't wait as she pushed the hair back behind one ear and her wet lips surrounded his member before her mouth covered the human's penis.  The blue head bobbed up and down as she got into the rythm of it and moaned she closed her eyes and ran her tongue along his length, teasing, and massaging the rod out further and getting it to stretch to a greater length she knew it had. With her hand free of keeping her hair in place, Zark brought it to the base of the shaft that she couldn't get to and gently gripped it, then began to stroke and twist.  The penis had a mind of its own as it grew and Rhys responded appropriately as her moaning sent vibrations into his member.  If she really wanted to, she could have sucked the Welshman to orgasm, but she didn't want to do that.  Delighted that he was responding so well, Zark leaned her twisting arm on his thigh and sent her other hand towards her sex and found it wet once more.  Pulling her head off with a soft pop, she kissed the tip and sat up, never letting go of him. 

The seductive smile never left as she crawled on to him till her pelvis was on top of his and pressed her lips together once more as she rubbed the long hard shaft on her wet cunt.  A gasp of pleasure escaped her as she closed her eyes, shutting out all sight and going only for the sensation.  Taking a deep breath in anticipation, the buxom Andorian raised herself off him as she held his cock erect, then gently dropped her sex on his and groaned as she felt him fill her once more.  Opening her eyes duskily at her lover for the evening, she spent a moment revelling of the feeling of having him in her.  Taking his arms, blue hands slowly guided the pale ones to her chest and she held them there as her head moved back in ecstasy.  Zark started by gasping and moaning quietly as her eyes closed and her hips began to rock back and forth on the man underneath her.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #23
[Lt. Rhys Williams | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] attn: @RyeTanker

Rhys felt bad that his answer had been so short. He was not good at flirting that much was clear. He never knew what to say and if the did say anything he tended to verge on the corny. Zark didn’t seem to mind though if her giggles were anything to go by. He felt her thigh slide between his legs as she shifted her weight on him. This of course only made him harder her smile seemed to widen, and she bit her lip in a way he found almost painfully sexy. Soon her mouth was near his hear, her warm breath causing him to shiver as did her words.  Something about playing with her husbands and wife. Rhys got the feeling then he had no idea what he was getting into, which was both exhilarating and terrifying. It could be scary being with a person one on one introduce more people into that equation and it could get more frightening.

Then Zark bit him on the end of the nose. That shocked him a bit into finding his voice again. “You bit me… how rude.” He said with an amused grin on his face. The grin slowly disappeared, and Rhys’ eyes closed as Zark’s soft lips kissed there way along his body. Soon she was back between his legs, his member in hand. His eyes opened as he watched her in amazement and desire, as she made sure he was as hard as hard could be. Rhys moaned softly and noting that she was struggling to keep her hair out of her face, his hand dropped to her hair, both to help and just to touch.

He loved watching her move back up his body. It was like watching a grinning blue wild cat stalking its prey. He could just watch her all day, she moved with grace and an underlying power. He then realised that for as long as they had known her he had watched her secretly admiring the way she moved. He felt the need to speak as she positioned herself over his hips. “You are so sexy, you know that right?” The words sounded trite to his ears but he couldn’t think of anything to say other than the obvious. He mentally reminded himself he desperately needed to get better at this. The thought was interrupted as he felt her body lower on his shaft, enveloping him. He gasped and looked at her face to find her eyes meeting his. She took his hands in hers and guided them to her chest. He was only to happy to obey her unspoken command. Caressing the soft skin gently initially.

There was a clear submissiveness to him whether that was because it was what he liked in bed or because he was shy and had no confidence. She was in charge of this encounter as she had been in every interaction they had ever had. He was a follower and in his head is primary thought was of doing his best to make her feel good. He moved his hips to match hers, keeping her gentle rocking motion. His thumbs gently brushed her nipples, his blue eyes not leaving hers for a moment. He enjoyed watching the delightful expressiveness of her face.

Re: Day 03 [2345 hrs] Antennae and Intuition

Reply #24
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Rhys Williams' Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy] Attn: @Juzzie

Rhys' response to her touch was exquisite as he moved and she felt his hardness press deep inside her once more. Cerulean eye lids closed and her mouth hung open as the gasps rolled into moan with with each drop on to his hip.  Her hands guided his on her still sensitive nipples and the waves of pleasure they produced helped set the rythm.  With the pleasure coursing through her body, Zark's head would gently roll from side to side, never letting up on the natural sounds that kept Rhys' excited.

Her body was totally in control as her brain was left to process the miasma of sensations once more.  Her head dipped forward and strands of shiny white hair draped themselves across her face and she could feel them tickle her face as she continued to rock on his shaft.  A pull back stimulated her clit from the inside and the sexy blue woman let out a loud gasp.  "~Uhhhhnnnnn~ Uh Spirits Rhys' "  She groaned out for what else as there to say?  The hands that held the human's on her chest let go and she leaned over on him with one on his to hold herself up as the other went down to her clit and began rubbing it.  Gentle waves were soon being whipped up into a storm and the gentle gasps and moans crossed into the louder mixed in with grunts of pure pleasure. "~Ohhhhhh~ Rhys squeeze them harder.  Ahnnnnn.  Pleaaaasse."  Zark pleaded with the man who had her chest in his hands as she switched from a rocking swing on to gleefully driving his penis as deep as it would go.

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