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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #75
No worries at all. I did not manage to post with Ida last night either. I was literally standing up while finishing the sorry excuse of a post just so that I would not nod off by the laptop all the time. I'll have the Captain's Yacht segment of the post up shortly.

In related news, we have a new member about to join the Group, and he will announce himself as soon as his character sheet is finished and approved.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #77
Hello all,

I have been talking with the captain so to speak on jointing the RP as Wolf 12 once the First episode is winding down into epilogue mode.  The big Problem I am facing is what interactions my character has had with the crew before he went MIA presumably KIA.  THe race is a race I made up called Vulpinians, a canine humanoid with the ability to shift into 3 unique forms. Natural anthro-canine, Non furred Humanoid, and Bestial quadrupedal canine.  He has a friendly, flirtatious, kind , soft spoken, and amorous personality that prefers feminine personalities for friendship and sexually is strait.  He has a mild form of holo-addiction.  His ship was destroyed presumably with him killed was early in the fleeing from Federation authorities in one of the earliest engagements with Federation vessels the Theurgy had.  He came on board the Theurgy the same day the Mark 3 fighters arrived.

I prefer not to assume any friendships of interactions with role played characters and instead have any interactions approved first by their respective players. To be honest, I would prefer if some of you could collaborate with me on getting a feel for how he sees his fellow crew members and how they see him.

If ya want further info on him feel free to hit me up in the Chat room or IM/PM me.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #78
Welcome to the game, Iron.  There are some fabulous writers here and even though I'm new too, I'm having a total blast.  Sent you a PM, figure Wolves have a little passing knowledge of each other.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #79
Hey guys, just wanted to announce that I've created a new character who will be joining the story once Episode 02 gets started. You can read his bio here.

He's a member of the Lone Wolves, he was badly injured during that last battle just prior to Episode 01 and has spent the whole episode unconscious in Sickbay. I'm looking forward to bringing him into the game, he should be a lot of fun.  :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #80
Hello all,

Aye, yet another Fighter Pilot of the Lone Wolves have surfaced with a face and a name. :)

With the growing numbers of pilot-characters, I thought I'd add some more info to the Tactical Conn part of the board. It has its own post now with some cool gadgets and info:



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #81
Its pretty awesome to see the Tac Conn unit get built out. Got a lot of interesting new characters :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #82
Yay! more members to the squad.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #83
A quick announcement! Taguiera has decided to dedicate his time and effort into writing our current Asst. Chief of Engineering, one lovely Irish-Bajoran lady named Nicole Howard. Check the crew manifest for more info.

Furthermore, it has come to my attention that me posting the Epilogue passed at least two members by completely unnoticed at first, so I just wanted to say that I will henceforth send you all PMs when a new Chapter/Episode comes up. That is, unless someone has not posted in this OOC thread, and I can announce stuff here that generates a notification to your inboxes. :) This, so that you all don't have too much reading to do when you do find the new stuff.

Looking forward to finishing the Epilogue and letting you all roam free in an interlude-thread between Episode 1 and 2. Unofficial R&R with free-form roleplay for an IC duration of 1-2 weeks (or longer depending on your wishes)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #85
So, Episode 01 almost done, so I would like to take a moment to thank everyone for the awesomeness you have contributed with in the creation of this story and this crew.

Feedback on the episode? Which were your favourite parts and what would you like to have focused more on? Pace and how I am doing as GM, what I can do better etc? The word is free. If I note some kind of pattern in your replies, I might post a poll or something.

Again, thank you for everything so far!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #86
I just wanted to put this out there for everyone to know.  I am very much lookign forward to my character being recovered from the transporters when the time comes. Secondly i have read almost all of the story skipping a few parts here and there to make sure i read all the meat of the story as it was.   all that will be required for my character to be up to date on.  as for the events of his recovery i wont spoil much but it will include first him debriefing the captain on his actions in the fire fight that lead to his being trapped in the buffer then all that Lucan will have to do for my character to be caught up will be for him to give me a datapad with a run down on what has happened since he went MIA.  just letting you all know I am very aware OOC of what has happened and my character will learn of important things via reading it via debriefing.   Just letting yall know I am up to date on everything and eagerly await making my first post.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #87
Lucan, from what I can tell so far you are running the game very well.  The pacing for the most part is quite good.  Also, I appreciate the gentle prods and you have been tremendously helpful with questions outside of the game.  You certain had me biting my nails wondering if I was going to absolutely fail or blow up.  :D

Ironferrox, I'm looking forward to another Wolf coming home and a chance to build on the budding friendship that had started before you were 'lost' in the battle.  The game is exciting for sure!

I'm working on a second character to pull in, tidying up her back history right now and hope to have her in for Lucan's perusal within the next 24 hours.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #88
oooh what kinda character is she cause i was considering adding a civilian to the crew at some point that was hiding in a secret safe room that regal had in below decks.  Ironicially once he saw the chaos was an orgy he was all FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU cause he couldn't get the saleroom to open and he was locked out of the fun to be had in the infection.  Anyone else think that would be hilarious.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #89
No civilian, sorry!  Eve is a Starfleet trained nurse.  That would be rather amusing, being locked away from all the "fun" though from the looks of things it wasn't all fun.  Lots of owies as my child would say.  :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #90
lol well what makes it funny is the civilian i had in mind was a ferengi male ship cook.  now can you see why he initially was hide like a coward then wait wtf its an orgy NO FAIR!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #91
*snorts with mirth*  "My lobes .... my looooooooooohbs!"

Soooo many levels of wrong there.  It's way past my bedtime since my mind is warping faster than 9.9.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #92
Glad to hear you're adding a new character, Searcher. The more, the merrier! She's going to be a nurse? Maybe she could be present when Khorin wakes up from his coma. (I imagine someone would have to be.) What do you think?

lol well what makes it funny is the civilian i had in mind was a ferengi male ship cook.  now can you see why he initially was hide like a coward then wait wtf its an orgy NO FAIR!
That's actually a pretty awesome idea. Would this Ferengi also have bartending experience? We could use one now with Mr. Regal out of action.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #93
WyteKnyte, not sure if she would be there when he awakens ... all up to Lucan.  She's not on board yet and will be found in the next Episode.  She will certainly knock him back unconscious if required.  :D  *cough*hypospray!*cough*

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #94
Actually, our new Head Nurse will be picked up during a brief away mission during the Interregnum between Ep 1 and 2, so not in the next episode, but no worries Wyte, I have a plan already for Khorin's awakening. Something that will be arranged for within a couple of days as long as the last few question-marks are straightened out in the Epilogue.

The Ferengi chef idea is a good one, IronFerrox, but I like I've previously mentioned, I would like you to first establish your Wolf-character before submitting a secondary character. I realise that you could have done so already by now, but we'll see how it goes. I would certainly not mind a Ferengi Lounge Manager if not simply for the DS9-nostalgia, lol.

Thanks for the feedback, Searcher! Most appreciated and thank you for your kind words. If anyone else would like to leave feedback on what you liked and what could have been better, it would be awesome else I wouldn't know how to improve things from my end.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #95

As far as feedback goes, Lucan, I agree with pretty much everything Searcher said. It's tough to coordinate a story like this when a bunch of different people are telling it (especially with a year-long gap in the middle!), but you've done an excellent job so far. You're very good about keeping in contact with the writers and answering questions promptly when they're brought to you. Whatever mishaps there might have been, you seem to have already recognized them and are making steps to correct them (such as informing players when new chapters are posted, etc.)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #96
Thanks for the feedback Wyte! Glad I know I'm doing ok so far. As for the hiatus... Was it a full year? It felt shorter. *shrugs*

Oh, here is something that is a part of the new trailer project of mine, but since it s a stand-alone thing too, I thought I'd post it here. Its fairly large, so it might take some loading time.





Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #97
So I'm guessing with the new thread actually going now I should go ahead and post for Skye?  I was waiting on getting Iron's Wolf out of the pattern buffer since there was an indication to not post unless were willing to recant and edit.  I can go ahead and plow on if that's what's needed though.  :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #98
You can keep it very vague and open in the Interregnum thread, Searcher, since Miles Renard left her, Lucan and Lin Kae behind and left the shuttle bay. In my latest post, I give the only pointers needed, with how Miles is grounded because of stuff before he got stuck in that buffer. As for what happens Skye specifically besides the attendance in Transporter Room 01 in the Epilogue? Nothing much, if at all, so no worries. I think you can safely post in the new thread. :)

Let me know if you have any further questions!


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #99
That was kind of my hope.  Just didn't want to plow through too much and be told I messed up the carrot patch by making rows for taters.  :D

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