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CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

[ Lt. JG Jovela | Upper Gym| Deck 6 | USS Theurgy ]
attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela hurried down the main corridor of deck 6, she carried a medical kit with accompanying medical Tricorder. She should be starting her rounds already but to go to them was too much. After everything they had done, those damn Devoted. Drauc would know what to say, maybe even come with her, yes that would be great. Why was she acting like this? She had covered crisis management in the Academy, all you had to do was compartmentalize the experience and treat the patient as dispassionately as possible. See all patients as those in need, she had been told. Every person no matter their past was deserving of care, we are healers not judges.

Yeah right, just look at them as sentients that need medical care, of course, piece of cake. They only attacked me, I could have died.

"I should just have Security come with me, but why am I going straight to Drauc?" she muttered as she headed to the upper Gym, he would be there. She knew why she had to ask him, it had to be him and not some security officer. She is Risen, violence was so unnatural to her but with him she felt stronger. He taught her things about herself, it was funny really. They should be so different and have nothing in common but there was something there, she didn't know what it was. Confusing was the word that sprang to her mind. She just felt, well, safe with him, was that OK? Things had not been the same since she had been taken out of stasis.

She hurried to the Upper Gym her uniform skirt whipping against her upper legs as she moved, her dark hair loose flew about her shoulders as the gym came into view and she felt that rush of relief and a smile rose onto her lips. As she made it to the gym entrance she slowed down and took a breath, no point in looking like a frightened girl in front of him. She stepped through the main door way looking around for that familiar face

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #1
[ Drauc T'Laus | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Lex Dalton
After the ordeal with Dyan Cardamone, Drauc T'Laus might not have lingered on what had befallen him, even if the taint of the Asurian's mind upon his own was still there. An accord had been made, to give her what she wanted, and in compensation, she were to leave him alone. This agreement might have been taken lightly by the Asurian - her chaotic mind not keen on honouring it - but at least she had left him there in the communal changing room. He had respite, and he meant to use it in order to find his equilibrium once more.

Yet as he walked towards the exit of the gymnasium, his hair damp from the shower and clinging to the scars upon his forehead and dressed in his threadbare apparel, Drauc locked eyes with someone whom he hadn't seen since the Theurgy split up. If she had survived this rumoured battle with the Klingon named Martok, he still had assumed the Risian would be on duty for many hours to come. There she was, however, and judging by the surface thoughts of hers, she had been looking for him. It had something to do with... the Devoted?

"Nurse Jovela." he rasped as he came to stand before her, trying to put the Asurian from his recent memories. Unlike Dyan, this officer aboard the Theurgy meant him no ill will. In fact, he found Jovela to be the polar opposite to Cardamone, and as brief as their first encounter had been on Earth, it had shaped his fate irrevocably. "I am pleased to see you again, gratified that whatever your Vector had to endure, you remain."

His half-brother was still missing, hearsay naming him one of the abducted by the Savi, but it would appear Drauc's benefactor still drew breath. It seemed, somehow, a compensation after having survived the toxic mind of the Asurian with his soul intact. She was still there, crawling beneath his skin, but the mind of Jovela seemed a balm to soothe him.

He waited, in grim and customary politeness, for her to phrase her request, even if it was right there for him to perceive. The unsaid need for help.

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Jovela | Upper Gym| Deck 6 | USS Theurgy ]
attn: @Auctor Lucan

She straightened up as the man she had been seeking locked eyes with her, something about him made her stand to attention. The smile on her lips however remained. The scars on his head attracted her eyes for a moment as they often did, she wondered why he kept them. That however was a question for another day and he always seemed like a deepy private man, her eyes flicked over his physique openly. Her mind turned to him training her, pushing her. The thought of a Risen brandy slipped into her thoughts and she imagined him to be the ice, cool and refreshing against the burn.

"Drauc, I'm really happy to see you too. I do indeed remain. In fact I survived Klingons, I think you might have been quite pleased with my performance."

The Risan shifted from her straight almost at attention stance, placing her weight more on her left hip. Her skirt moved angle and she unconsciously smoothed the left side down with her hand. "Working out?" she asked, the words popping out of her mouth before she had a chance to think about them. Working out? No I just thought I'd take a shower in the gym for no reason, what's wrong with you Jovela?

She stopped herself and held his gaze for a moment and then broke it looking behind him into the Gym, time to be honest.
""I need your help, I have to go and check on the Devoted we have onboard as part of my rounds. Thing is I want somone with me I can trust because, because..." She realised she had looked away from him and turned her eyes back on his again. As her words stopped she pursed her lips and looked up making eye contact with him, he was so different to everyone else she worked with on the Theurgy. My Savior, the word was there but it's meaning was more complicated than that. What exactly was this man to her? She felt a slight rush of nervousness and her cheeks flushed, she might as well be standing infront of the Captain.

"I feel fear again, what do I do?" There, it was said. She held her eyes on his despite wanting to look away at the admission.

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #3
[ Drauc T'Laus | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Lex Dalton
The upcoming request for help in facing the Devoted anew would be expected, having sensed her intent before she spoke, but what hadn't been expected was the prior imagery. Brandy and ice, as if that was how she envisioned the two of them. Moreover, there was the comment about Klingons, which he addressed first.

"Klingons are worthy adversaries in the battlefield, for all the questions this battle may raise for me, you should feel proud of your accomplishment. They are notoriously difficult opponents, born and raised for war," he rasped but he wasn't sure what to say in comment about what he was doing in the Gymnasium. The truth of it was he didn't know entirely what had happened between Dyan Cardamone and him, but he knew he felt violated - somehow - and he wasn't comfortable sharing the experience. Not so soon. "I went to the steam room. I needed to think. Clear my head."

Truth, only with some omissions about what happened after that. It would have to suffice for the time being, until he was ready to say more. When this was, he did not know. He had waited for her to state her request, and when she did, he inclined his head. Her question about what she might do when feeling fear, he had a very simplistic and crude answer to.

"Often, it is not the enemy that defeats you, but fear. In order to conquer your fear, you need to become accomplished. Self-reliant in your skills, confident in your acumen." Having said this, Drauc walked past her, lingering only to let her catch up with his stride. "This, is no easy task. Not something you do overnight. It takes time. Practise. Experience. What you may wish to do, regardless your intentions, is not to sit idly and wait. You should strive to challenge yourself. Expose yourself to your fear, your weaknesses, and you will find how you best defeat this unseen foe."

Clenching his scarred hands inside the sleeves of his frayed robe, Drauc turned his head to look upon her. "You must already have challenged your fears, if you fought Klingons on the second hull of this ship. Remember it. Draw from the experience," he grated, before falling quiet. He had yet to solve his own question. "Why would I be 'ice' to you?"

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Jovela | Upper Gym| Deck 6 | USS Theurgy ]
attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela took a hurried step to get into stride with Drauc she walked at his left side moving her hands behind her back cluching at her medical equipment, the posture made her straighten up and push her chest out. She listened to his words and considered them, it was the kind of answer she had been expecting.

"Well Risen Brandy is really quite strong you see, and most like to take it with ice. It burns the tongue and throat,in a good way. Thing is I like the ice, the burn is fun but the ice is calming. I don't usually drink to get intoxicated like most, I drink to feel the rush and then enjoy the calm afterwards."
She turned her head towards him a moment as they walked, her dark eyes on the side of his face.
"I am the brandy and you are the ice, always have been. Well, I think so anyway..."

She turned her head and looked down the hallway as they walked and she thought "You confuse me Drauc, I can't work out what you are. A brother, mentor, possible lover perhaps. No those boxes seem to simplistic to be right. I aspire to be you I think"

Her eyebrows raise and she realises he can hear her thoughts, it should make her uncomfortable but for some reason with him it was alright. Some people found it to be a violation of some secret part of them, she knew she would have no secrets from this man.

"I should face them I suppose and do my duty, the thing is when I think about them I have so much anger. Starfleet is about being better than that but since I was removed from stasis I get so angry about things, hateful almost."
She glanced over at him trying to read his reaction to her words, he was enigmatic and she had not worked out how to do that. If indeed she ever would be able to. She wanted to know him inside and out, it was important to her but she didn't know why.

"If I ask you to come with me to treat them, will you come Drauc? I know you are right and I should face this fear of them and myself but I don't feel ready and need you in the room."

She knew he would give her a straight answer and his choice would be final it felt good to place this in his hands and out of her own, it was a weakness and a choice she should have made. However the feeling of weakness when walking beside Drauc felt freeing, he could ask her to do anything and she would do it.
To be this weak with somone so strong was empowering and she smiled as her footfalls joined his, walking in time down the hallway.

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #5
[ Drauc T'Laus | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Lex Dalton
The explanation about the ice was... not entirely clear to Drauc, but he made no further comment, choosing to try and divulge its meaning on his own and in his own time. The allegory might be about his person, how he balanced her with his temperament, or she was referencing how she had tried to make him discover pleasure of his own, by being inside her.

That experience, in her quarters, had become a reference in stark contrast to what Dyan Cardamone had done to him, and he had yet to digest the distinction. Her gratefulness and wish to give him pleasure, even though he could only be a mirror to hers, was the polar opposite of the wild, selfish need of the Asurian, who cared naught about him. He had been a breathing toy to her, and it somehow... defiled him, even though he lacked the understanding of how that may be.

His own ruminations were brought up short by her thoughts, which were almost directed as a wordless question to him, where she asked what he was to her. Her conclusion that she aspired to be him made him want to dissuade her, for he did not wish his fate upon her. It did beg the question what he considered himself to be for her, and in all honesty, he lacked an answer just as much as she did. Therefore, he made no comment, instead listening when she asked him to accompany her, even if she graciously heeded his advise about fear.

"I will accompany you," he rasped in answer, without pause for deliberation. For of course he would protect her. She might have had training in hand-to-hand combat, but she sought a higher level of mastery, which he aspired to give her. She had protected him all those years ago, like he had protected her, only they did it in different respects. Now, it was his turn to guard over her again, for he knew she would fight on his behalf in other ways.

"I am not your brother," he grated next, more quietly, and gave her a glance while they walked down the corridor. "Nor am I a role model to aspire for, so I can't be your mentor either. You are a healer, and I am the opposite. In that regard, you are rather my mentor, in how you try to teach me to feel things on my own. For in being my lover, you seek to teach me what it is I lack as a person. Unfortunately... you have tried to build carnal understanding on a foundation the Tal'Shiar tore out of me. I am... not ungrateful, only doubtful of the outcome."

Drauc turned his head to look ahead, coming up with another epithet for what they were.

"I venture to say that we are both masters and apprentices, in vastly different skill sets."

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Jovela | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Nolan @Auctor Lucan @lisavw


As the two walked down the hallway towards their destination she thought about his words, he was right they where vastly different people.
"You are right, I am a healer of sorts. I look to build and repair, to fill in the gaps in a person's health I suppose you could say"

She kept in stride with the taller man his strides were wider than her own but she was used to that and her skirt did restrict her from taking wide strides anyway, for a moment she wondered how practical it was and a grin spread her lips in amusement. They walked for a few minutes in quiet and she felt that pride of being next to the man she admired, he had been dealt a bad hand and it pained her that he was looked down on by some.

As they moved through the decks she thought about his words, "we were in some ways both masters..."

She took a few fast steps and rounded on him placing a hand on his chest, she stood there her right hand pressing against his chest in the hallway. She took no heed if there were any other crew walking past or near, tilting her head up to look at his face.
"The Tal'Shiar might have taken something away from you but I can give it back to you."

She looked at him making eye contact her own dark eyes had a touch of fierceness about them and her brows drew together giving her face a serious intense look.
"They can only take what was there, I was not there so can give you back the thing they removed. It's going to be hard and will probably hurt. I know you are no stranger to pain but this pain might be different so we can hurt together."  She said resolutely.

She looked at him for a few moments her hand not moving off his chest, her fingers curled a little and relaxed as she went on.
"You have to hurt me too, you have to take me to my fear and throw me into it Drauc. I can't face the things that scare me alone, I need someone to be hard on me, to hurt me. I need you to hurt me. I can't trust anyone else to do it. Since I was taken out of stasis I have been avoiding things that scare me. I've been a....." She stopped speaking and broke eye contact looking to the side.

"Cowardly" She said her eyes on the hallway wall.

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #7
[ Drauc T'Laus | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Lex Dalton
Listening to the Risian nurse, Drauc suspected that she might be right about what she could give him. His doubt was still prevalent, but as difficult as it might be for him to develop carnal desires of his own, he might let her try. Yet as it were, he did not see the merit in it. Especially then, in the wake of what the Asurian had done to him - exploiting his body for her own gratification. If desire was about greed, he had witnessed what such led to in the minds of countless species. Greed, however mutual, was still about the egos of the lovers. This had become his understanding of the matter.

Then, Jovela spoke of herself, and her shortcomings, and while Drauc understood what she meant, he believed she was being unfair to herself. He did not lower his eyes to her hand, but he felt it against the hard planes of his chest. During the events of the last 12 hours, the shirt he wore underneath his frayed robe had been torn, and hung open down to the top of his abdomen. Another reminder about Dyan Cardamone and how she'd forced both her mind and body unto him. He did not flinch from the memory or her touch... just because she was altogether different from the Asurian.

"Pain is a good motivator for progress," he rasped to her, looking down into her eyes while her hand was still upon his skin. "Though only to some extent. Progression made merely in order to avoid further pain does not take you further than the pain you've already felt. Therefore, you should come to terms with your fear, and focus on conquering it. Avoiding pain and fear is useless, since you cannot escape those factors in your training. The only way to progress... is to accept."

The skin of his shoulders stung underneath the threadbare fabric of his clothes, reminding him about the pain from Dyan's nails, which would eventually abate. Jovela had not hurt him. Quite the opposite. His body had been animated by her desire for him, like a puppet on the strings of her notions, and it had been an altogether different mirror image than the blackened reflection in which he'd seen himself when reading the Asurian's chaotic mind.

"Make peace with your fear, and elevate your focus above it. Then, you will be able to avoid having fear paralyse you," he grated, and then a small frown touched his brow. He tilted his head a little where they stood in the corridor. "What have you experienced that made you so afraid? Was it the Klingons?"

Little did Drauc know that she might be referencing what she'd experienced in sickbay, on the day the Savi attacked.

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Jovela | Upper Gym| Deck 6 | USS Theurgy ]
attn: @Auctor Lucan

"It was the betrayal of it all Drauc, I suppose I am not used to being lied to for a long time. Those "things" they make my sin crawl."

She took her hand off his chest and fell back to his side and began to walk down the corridor towards the devoted she needed to check up on. Her steps where a touch slow though not faltering as she moved at his side.

"I know that I, we won't always be in touch. I don't know what your plans for the future are." She frowned as she thought about what she was saying. She tried to stay on subject and refocused on what she was saying.

"I feel like after I got shot something broke inside me, I don't know if that makes any sense. She paused a moment and pursed her lips together. "How does one deal with the fact that a ships medical bay can be a place of betrayal and violence? Starfleet does not prepare you for that at all."

As the two walked she leaned into his side, keeping step with him as they made their way down the hall, she tilted her head to the left side and placed it against his right arm. She thought about how there would be times, many times when she could not come to him for help and guidance. He was unique to her, a man like no other on the ship.

"I was thinking that maybe you could tell me about what happened to you, perhaps it might help me deal with this stupid weakness I have. it's really embarrassing Drauc, I really wish I could be fearless like you." Her heels clicked on the deck plates as they walked and she became aware of the sound. "Oh, I am talking to much again right? I do that sometimes. When I am troubled I babble, it's like the thoughts come tumbling out of my mouth. I'd drive you mad...

She thought about driving him mad, talking to much all the time. How long could he stand to be in her presence? Everyday, waking up in the same place, sharing meals. He would strangle her in her sleep after a week, after all she could be annoying. A smile formed on her lips as she thought about that. The two closed on the quarters assigned to the Devoted.

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #9
[ Drauc T'Laus | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Lex Dalton
Walking next to her, Drauc was not used to the open companionship she showed towards him, but then again, they had never trod the corridors of the ship together before. The times shared had been either in her quarters, or in the sparring ring, never in the public areas. Not because of any kind of aversion, but since he had been hiding from the Devoted and Security both - mindful about staying too long in the open and never settling into any kind of daily routine.

"Speak," he rasped quietly while she leaned on his right arm, "for who am I to steal your voice?" It was merely a passing comment, since she had both asked what had befallen him, and she had been very candid about what it was that had scared her so. She spoke of when she was shot. This, he knew of, and how she'd spent a lot of time in a cryogenic stasis chamber. She had been thawed just a couple of days prior to the battle at Starbase 84, and he'd come aboard. Yet she must be speaking of a second event, taking place in sickbay? She must speak of something that happened then the ship was split in three parts.

Her mind, when speaking of the medical facilities of the ship, contained images. Brief flashes of a tall Doctor with tattooed hands and pale grey eyes. In one memory, whisking by, a phaser beam tore into his side, and the next... he was still standing, spewing hateful things, eyes ablaze. Then, darkness. Screaming. The silhouette of another Doctor being cut open in the dark, pushed forward, and her bowels splattering on the carpet of the medical office. Panic. Shooting. Flashes of light in the horror. Then, Jovela, defending herself, firing a phaser... together with a Bajoran with one side of her head shaved. Next, the undead demon of a Doctor was subdued, stunned and immobile.

Besides her injury, that had to be the second event. The Doctor, or what he represented, had to be what made her skin crawl. The Infested. The subject of the mission that the Theurgy was on. He had heard the briefing.

"After the ship split in three, and carried on this mission of yours, I was treated for wounds I sustained against the Asurians. One of them serve in Security, named Dyan Cardamone, and she was there fighting at my side. So was another Romulan wearing a Starfleet uniform, but I have surmised she ended up serving on another Vector. Cardamone and I, however, were on what you call the Helmet - the saucer-section of the ship."

They turned an intersection, leading into the crew quarters, and the section in which the Devoted were held confined to quarters. "Yesterday evening, Cardamone insisted on drinking. I drank little, she drank more, and she proceeded to insist on joining her in her bed. Remembering what you've taught me, I obliged her," he grated, speaking with little emotion about the first time Dyan had wanted him. "Like with you, her desires bled into me, and I was able to satisfy her, and with her passion saturating my own mind, my body was satisfied as well."

Drauc paused his step there, since he knew not which one of the doors they were headed to. She would have to show the way. He finished the brief story in an even tone. "Today, however, it has become clear that her Asurian mind in - in it's constant chaotic state - was affecting me in ways I did not want. I no longer recognised myself when too exposed to her, so after heated words, we parted ways," he rasped, his scarred hands clenching into fists inside his frayed sleeves. "She would not leave me be, however. She found me in the Gymnasium, before I met you. She exploited my body against my wishes, and her needs undermined my revulsion. I made her promise that if I gave her what she wanted, she would leave me be. She may have given her word... but I doubt she will honour it. I know her mind, and I expect her to return.

Jovela had asked, and he kept no secret. Not to her. He felt no shame in his mind and body being taken advantage of... merely resentment.

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Jovela | Upper Gym| Deck 6 | USS Theurgy ]
attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela nodded as she listened to him, he was a man of few words so to speak this much must mean something. Her dark eyes watching him as he spoke. His body language gave nothing away as usual and his face seemed matter of fact and impassive.
As she listened to him talk her mind wandered a bit, she wondered if it had been the same with her as it was with this other female. Was that a touch of jealousy there?
Couldn't be, she was trying to give him back this side of life so why would she get all weird over him finally starting to explore it.
She pulled herself out of her own musings and listened to him.
As he talked of his experience she smiled at him, that charismatic and warm one that was a staple of her bed side manner.
"She exploited my body against my wishes." The words rolled over her and she blinked, "Wait, what did he say?"

She stepped closer to him and listened intently to what he was saying her dark brows meeting as her face started to become serious, his description starting to invoke an unsettling feeling inside her.
"I made her promise that if I gave her what she wanted, she would leave me be" He rasped.

She stood for a moment still as a statue the words an their implication seeping into her mind and throwing up suggestions of what happened. She swallowed and listened to him, her fingers started to tingle as her blood pressure was rising. She felt that rush as her body reacted to her emotional state.
"I expect her to return."

She stood there and looked at him, this strong man and how he had been humbled by this female, this creature.
"Drauc, no no, it's not right." She said her eyes flicking from his eyes to his chest and back again.
The medical kit she had been holding slipped from her fingers and dropped to the deck making a thumping noise. Jovela took a step toward him and got up onto her toes, throwing her arms around him.

She drew him into a hug, having to lean against him while on tip toes. A torrent of emotion swept through her as she realized someone had taken advantage of this man, her left hand swept up behind him and into his hair. She was not tall enough or strong enough to draw him into an embrace so she lent against him.

"That's not right, she had no right. it's as much as you want it to be. A deep connection or just fun but NEVER against your wishes."
She turned her head to the side her cheek against his chest as she spoke. "She is a deeply horrible person for doing that to you, if she returns you have to tell her to get lost. Or just avoid her altogether, people like that are poison." She said out loud.

In her mind the anger grew like a cold spike her thoughts spilled out as they stood in the corridor.
"That bitch, I'll go and see her. how DARE she do this, I will make her BEG for forgiveness." All thoughts of treating the Devoted gone from her mind.

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #11
[ Drauc T'Laus | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Lex Dalton
Whatever reaction might have come, Drauc had not expected Jovela's - the embrace sudden and without clear explanation.

Hearing her, however, it seemed like she thought he'd fared ill by what the Asurian had done to him. Of course he felt resentment towards Cardamone for lying - or potentially lying - when she agreed to leave him be after he'd complied with her desires. Yet did he feel exploited? It was difficult to ascertain, since carnal relations held no stigma for him. Nor did they hold import. He lacked the emotional component - or feelings - towards gratification or hurt when it came to such matters. That drive he saw in all living creatures lost to him, lest fanned by the flames of others. A mimicry of their wishes, but without mockery.

"What she did to me held no relevance. It was the presence of her mind that I sought to distance myself from," he grated, raising a hand in an almost awkward way to put it on her back. "Her body and her actions, the actions she wished me to preform, they were irrelevant. The act itself holds no meaning to me. If that was her requirement, I obliged her, hoping she will stay true to her word."

When the embrace ended, Drauc saw how Jovela wore her feelings on her sleeve - her mind reflected in the mix of of feelings on his behalf. It was elusive, the way her care for him might spark feelings of his own. He knew that, over time, the brain of all species adapted to injury. What the Tal'Shiar had done to him had removed much of him, but perhaps - spectres as the feelings were for him - his ravaged mind would someday share those emotions he saw now, in the Nurse's face. What usually drove him was lost, his companionship with his brother Kraun gone, and there were no battles to fight. Rarely did other incentives come to him, beyond the will to fight... and to feel alive.

"She is gone now," he rasped, and raised a scarred hand to Jovela's face. Calloused fingers brushed over her smooth, feminine features. He was not sure what had made him do such a gesture. Gratitude? He knew not. "If she returns, I know her word means nothing, and I will grant her no more favours. She was not like you... who tried to teach me, and who's greed for more was without compassion. She was not generous like you were. I knew the difference from other minds, though this was the first time I experienced the difference myself."

Re: CH05: S [D06|1003] Treating Those Who Wrong Us

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Jovela | Upper Gym| Deck 6 | USS Theurgy ]
attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jovela stopped as he touched her with his hand. He was as always so calm and matter of fact, he was the ice again to her Risan brandy.

A smile spread over her lips and she nodded at him holding eye contact, people usually broke eye contact but Drauc never seemed to. The anger she felt was still there, it's fuel was confusing and she chose to not explore that right now. He seemed alright and that was what mattered to her.

She bent down and picked up her fallen medical kit, throwing the strap over her left shoulder. With a wriggle of her hips she straightened her uniform skirt and looked at Drauc.

"Well, I am glad. Sometimes I forget how strong you are 'Dru'."
She let the nickname hang in the air a moment before pointing down the hallway to were her patients awaited her.

"follow me, it should not take long." She said as she started down the hall, feeling Drauc step easily into stride with her.

As the two closed on the first set of quarters she took a breath and pressed the call button to open the door. Her eyes flicked to the side and she watched Drauc a moment before the door slid open.

"I would have done it you know." She said as she took a step towards the room. "I would have kicked her ass for your honor." she stated, she looked into the room and saw one of the Devoted sitting there. The anxiety rose in her chest and she pursed her lips.

"Nurse Jovela, I'm here to check on you all. I warn you I am not alone. Any agressive actions will be punished."
She declared to those in the room.

She imagined she could feel Drauc behind her, his calm strength a balm for her nervousness. A thought of him and that woman slipped into her mind and she bit her lip, she should not care.

Part of her did, he was her brother, mentor, student and friend. Again those words were insufficant descriptions, she would do anything for this man. The insane part was, she had no idea why. The thought of that gave her strength and she felt a need to show him she could do this, a rush of confidence surging up through her.

Fixing her case and raising her chin with a toss of her long black hair she walked into the room, the door closed behind herself and Drauc.


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