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Day 02 [1545 hrs.] Sacred Lotus

[ Ens. Cir'Cie | Hydroponics | Deck 07| Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Humans had an expression: 'Home is where the heart is.' This expression was illogical and irrelevant let alone physiologically perplexing. Ensign Cir'Cie had heard the saying approximately forty-seven times in a dozen occurrences in her over twenty years of biological existence. Human idioms and expressions rarely ever made practical sense. Most Vulcans could never comprehend their simplistic and rudimentary means of thinking. However, having endured the obstacle of a four year education at Starfleet Academy, later paired with her time spent aboard the USS Theurgy, Cir'Cie was beginning to understand these absurd sayings. Perhaps it was because of her time spent working alongside the diverse crew of the Theurgy or perhaps it was due in part to the side reality that she had undergone a deep connection on the psychological level with several individuals, including one whom possessed the genetic makeup of a Romulan. The rawness and savagery of emotions had caressed her mind on more than one occasion now. It had gotten to the point that her psyche needed rest. It needed healing less she lose herself, lose her individuality to the tempest of emotions. Nevertheless, these experiences had changed her somewhat. Whether these changes were 'good' or 'bad' was irrelevant. Changes were neither good nor bad; the philosophy that anything was good or bad was emotionally charged and fundamentally flawed.

She was beginning to understand 'Home is where the heart is' though it was not heart that had any relevance to her. Home was where she felt most at peace with herself. Home was where she could escape the turbulence, escape the current carrying her away. Home was where she could swim to when the storms came and seek shelter in the deep depths of her own subconscious mind. Home was not Vulcan and home was not exactly the Theurgy either. No, her home was in fact among the plants. They were her refuge. Hydroponics aboard the starship was where she felt most at home. Even when she was technically off duty, it was where she preferred to be. Maybe it was because very few people outside of the science department would disturb her. It was not uncommon for another scientist to come by and check on her or ask her for some assistance on something given her botanical expertise. The Assistant Chief Science Officer would stop by from time to time. This seemed to be more the case as of lately. Ensign Cir'Cie understood why. It was illogical of her, but she had arguably been negligent in her duties as the hydroponics science officer.

Ensign Cir'Cie of course was getting her reports completed in a timely manner. These reports were done as they always had been by her. This meant they were without error, thoroughly checked, and efficiently compiled. She condensed areas logically as to cut down on the amount of reading. She learned very quickly that the human attention span was minimal. She was in the process of carrying a volumetric flask containing a peculiarly yellow-green liquid to her work station when she heard the doorway to hydroponics open. It was beginning to become almost like clockwork. After having set the flask down, the Vulcan botanist turned to address her company. "It will be approximately another two hours and thirty three minutes before I have completed my most recent hydroponics report, Sir" she said to the man without any prodding on his behalf. She spoke without emotion. It was simple and straight forward. "Is there something you wish to see me about?" she inquired after examining his physical posture and the expression on his face when she delivered her update. His expression read as though he was not there for her hydroponics report. His posturing and physical movements suggested a sense of caution.

Re: Day 02 [1545 hrs.] Sacred Lotus

Reply #1
[ Lt Simon Tovarek | Hydroponics | Deck 07| Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @StarDuster 

The rather productive talk with deputy Z'Whann had brought Simon to the science labs once more. Not to check up on Cir'Cie as he had done in the past, yet more to inform her this time of the discussed items. It wasn't exactly a surprise when he entered the hydroponics bay that Cir'Cie simply acknowledged his presence by providing him with a time template of when her reports would be filed. it made the officer smile a little before he heard the door close behind him.

"I take note of your estimated time of completion for your reports ensign." he replied as he walked over to her and inspected the plants present. Despite his concern for the well being of the ensign, it seemed that the hydroponics contents didn't miss any attention that was needed. Perhaps it had been because they would be taken care of more adequately now that Cir'Cie wouldn't be commandeered by Security as Simon ha believed. As she asked him if there was anything else he'd want to discuss he nodded as he took a seat behind her. His hips leaning against one of the research tables as he didn't really sat on it, yet did more than leaning.

"I have had a talk with Security Cir'Cie." he started off as he crossed his arms "It has come to my attention that you've aided them tremendously in their efforts to secure this ship. However, I've also noticed that your time here in your lab has diminished quite exponentially as well." he stated, placing the facts out there first as he studied the Vulcan before him "Therefor, I have asked Security to no longer use you as an asset." he concluded "Not because your work is becoming less productive for the science department, more that I'm worried about your mental health." He paused for a few seconds now to see how she'd react.

"Do not see this as an act to deny you the possibility to help Security. I admire your willingness and courage to do so. I do advise however that you take proper training and perhaps even help from a counselor due to your recent encounters with the cultists and what more." he said carefully. He could only hope that the Vulcan would see the logic in his actions and reasoning. He didn't see her as just a number in his department. She was a valued member of the crew and it would be irresponsible as a former department head to let this case go unresolved.

Re: Day 02 [1545 hrs.] Sacred Lotus

Reply #2
[ Ens. Cir'Cie | Hydroponics | Deck 07| Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

His words hit her numbed, hardened, and cold exterior psyche only to be simply deflected dismissively with the woman's winter green stare, level eyesight with his own from their distance apart from one another. Her frosty green gaze showed not the slightest bit of emotion, but rather a deep contemplation as she processed his news and analyzed it before mentally shipping it off to be compartmentalized. So, that was the end of that. She had not made the decision to terminate her supportive efforts with the security department. Instead, an external factor played a part in that decision making for her. An emotional response would have been in line to reply bluntly with an opinion about his involvement, but she was Vulcan. It was not in her controlled nature to let outside forces and the uncontrollable elements of the world around her enslave her to emotions. She simply raised a brow, gave a curt nod of her head almost like a bow, and then gave him the 'cold shoulder' as some would say. Ensign Cir'Cie turned away from him and proceeded to walk over to a small community of plants. She needed to increase the amount of abscisic acid. “Likewise, Lieutenant Tovarek. I take note of your involvement on my behalf to readjust my duties and responsibilities back to hydroponics. Your 'concern' for my mental health has also been noted” she commented as she increased the acid levels. A small gaseous mist sprayed over the plants.

The Vulcan botanist continued to go about her work as though the other man's presence was only a phantom imprint left behind from a temporal event. Some would perhaps say she treated him as thought he were a ghost or spirit, and she a scientist who clung to logic for an explanation to his appearance. “Your 'concern' for my mental health sounds emotionally driven, Lieutenant. You provide reasonable examples of situations that have occurred as supporting evidence, but your case thus far has been driven by an emotional concern for my mental well being rather than a logical concern for potential under performance aboard this starship. If I were to allow emotions to dictate my actions on behalf of other members of this crew, they would likely have no social life, take little risks, not experience a 'healthy sexual appetite,' and potentially hinder any possible opportunities to prematurely advance their career with Starfleet” she said making a observation about emotions. She took a deep inhale and let out a smooth steady exhale. It was a meditation practice that kept her disciplined and her mind clear and focused.

She had, in the process of speaking with him, made her way over to a culture of bacteria. It was a bacteria from a remote planet in the Beta Quadrant near Klingon space. She was growing it because of the special properties it had. She had a bit of a theory that introducing this particular bacteria to one particular plant that was difficult to grow would actually increase the chances of said plant living and fully developing. “I do not see your actions as an act to deny me anything, Sir. I simply see them for as they are. Your actions were an emotionally driven act that have now presented me with obstacles to overcome. Logically of course, you did not mean for anything negative to come about from your actions” she said nonchalantly. Though that has historically been the case with humans and other emotionally driven species. You trek into space and encounter a people or person that you do not understand, and in your attempts to help them, you end up causing more problems she thought to herself. “I do not believe seeing a counselor aboard the Theurgy would be prudent nor productive. Is it an order that I see one, or is this merely a suggestion out of concern for my mental health, Sir?” she inquired. 

Re: Day 02 [1545 hrs.] Sacred Lotus

Reply #3
[ Lt Simon Tovarek | Hydroponics | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @StarDuster

Tovarek had a feeling that the Vulcan would not be dashing out any heated words about his involvement as it was not exactly the Vulcan way. In case she should, it would be more proof about the tendrils of corruption that had been bestowed upon her by working alongside Security. The damage that her psyche could've suffered was unfathomable. The lack of any emotional response though didn't make it easier either. Supposedly this could be the way a double edged sword would slice. As she gave him a cold treatment, Tovarek was left wondering if it was on purpose to display her displeasure of his action or if it was just simply Cir'Cie being Cir'Cie.

As she finally spoke up he remained where he stood, arms crossed and eyes probing her for more. It was like playing a game of chess without actually seeing the paces laid before you. Too used to human interaction, Simon was missing the emotional concept in this conversation as he tried to adjust his responses as good as he could.

Tovarek weighed her words as he diverted his eyes from her and looked at the deck plating. His tongue running over his teeth before he nodded slowly "All I care for is for the well being of my scientists." he said eventually "While I can not prove any of the claims that I've made, the records show that you've missed several hours that were meant for you to spend here in the lab. Plus, the state I've seen you in when I was appointed as CSO has left a rather... Distinguished impression." he stood back up on his feet and looked at the lights in the hydroponics bay "Can you honestly tell me that you haven't endured more stress in these last few days? That it hasn't played it's role on your function as a scientist?" he asked her before he shook his head "Neglect that question." It seemed that he had changed his mind during that lat sentence.

"I simply want to offer you the proper education and skill set in case you wish to help further with Security. It would be unwise and perhaps even dangerous to let you continue without the proper training." he corrected himself "If you'd wish to transfer you can hand the needed paperwork with Lieutenant Commander Martin." he said as he kept his distance from the Vulcan "As for the note to visit a counselor... It's more a concern of my own indeed. I wouldn't think of it as an order, yet more like a strong recommendation. One can meditate all she can, yet a second pair of eyes to help you can't hurt."

Re: Day 02 [1545 hrs.] Sacred Lotus

Reply #4
[ Ens. Cir'Cie | Hydroponics | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn @Nolan

If the Assistant Chief Science Officer had wanted her attention, he had most certainly snared it by baiting her with lure of a transfer. It was not necessarily something she had considered, but that lure was doused in something foreign, something new, and ultimately curiosity and intrigue was the way to captivate a Vulcan, especially a Vulcan woman like Ensign Cir'Cie. She stopped in her tracks amid tending to her bacterial cultures. Her back was once more towards him. So, the lieutenant probably could not see the subtle dilation of her pupils and the minor cocking of her head as an eyebrow shifted upward and inward at the slightest of inclines with an intrigued arching. She took a deep and steady breath as she brought her hands behind her back at waist level before turning around to face him. “You begin a line of insinuations and lay the groundwork of a question only to backtrack and ask me to neglect the question as though you had not asked it” she said making the observation. “I am Vulcan, Lieutenant Tovarek, to neglect your line of questioning would be illogical” added Cir'Cie.

She proceeded to walk closer towards him, advancing on his position. Their was nothing on her face except for the blank cold gaze one would anticipate from a Vulcan. She breathed steadily and blinked at normal intermissions as she looked at him with her winter green eyes and cold as duranium. “Can I 'honestly' tell you that I haven't endured more stress in the last few days?” she said nearly repeating his question word for word with only a subtle variance of word choice. “I can honestly tell you a vast abundance of facts, statements, analysis, opinions, and observations, Lieutenant. I can do this because I am Vulcan and we only answer with honesty. Deception is not in our nature for it is an emotionally driven charade” she added, not breaking her gaze even an inch. “I am a botanist, Lieutenant Tovarek, not a psychologist. However, I will inform you that the Vulcan psyche is more durable than that of a human. Perhaps what I have been through these past few days is more than what a human can handle, but my physiology can and has” she stated as she crossed her arms. She then proceeded onto the other portion of his questioning. “Of course my participation in cooperating with security these past few days has played a role on my time in hydroponics and my function as a scientist. However, need I remind you, Lieutenant that I am also an officer in Starfleet and a member of this crew?” she said non-rhetorically. “As a scientist, I have a high regarded respect for the nature of life. Life in essence involves change and adaption in order for continued existence. What I did for this crew was adapt. Perhaps that has changed me in some way, but what does remain as a constant is that I am a scientist” she added.

Ensign Cir'Cie stood her ground where she was and gave a slight nod. “I did miss several hours that I would have spent in the hydroponics lab under normal circumstances. However, aboard the USS Theurgy, there are no normal circumstances, at least not that I have experienced as of late” she made a note to point out. “The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few or the one. In this case, Lieutenant, I only acted logically. It was my understanding that I was a valuable asset to the security department. Now, because of your actions, the security department no longer has access to that asset. You have essentially stripped them of a tool and hindered them” she said shaking her head solemnly almost mournfully as though human. However, her behavior was not emotionally. “Perhaps it is not I who needs to consider seeing a counselor nor preparing paperwork for Lieutenant Commander Martin” stated Cir'Cie. She then looked up at her superior whom she did have respect and admiration for. “I will continue my duties as a botanist because that is where my expertise lies” she  added simply.

Re: Day 02 [1545 hrs.] Sacred Lotus

Reply #5
[ Lt Simon Tovarek | Hydroponics | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @StarDuster

The Vulcan before him seemed to freeze for a second before she turned around to face him. The Russian scientist keeping his eyes trained on her as she began to talk. The somewhat more aggressive choice of words cautioned Tovarek as he braced himself for the rest of her reasoning. The cold blank gaze on her features made it impossible for the lieutenant to figure out what was playing on in her head and he just had to endure what she continued to spill. The senior officer said nothing as he let her talk. In truth, she did have a fair amount of points. What she said made sense and he couldn't help but see the logic in most of her reasoning. Perhaps being human was a downside after all as the Vulcan laid it out before him. Was he risking the crew by holding Cir'Cie back from Security? Should he second guess the decisions he made?

As she ended her reasoning, Tovarek was left with little to say. He looked back in those green eyes as he felt baffled really. It took him a few seconds before he actually found the words he was looking for "Security will manage regardless. Either way, should Security want your help in the future... I only wish to give them the best possible applicant for the job. Do not misinterpret my actions as of late to prevent the crew's sake or well being. You're a member of Starfleet as am I and we both swore to the same standards and rules." he blinked and stepped closer until he stood right in front of the Vulcan "If you want to help Security, you can do so with my approval. However, I will not tolerate you to go out there without your skills being honed to perfection for the job." He paused for a second "I do not doubt your resilience or your capability to adapt. As a scientist however I think we can both agree that perfection is something that needs to be strived for. So if you wish to aid Security, do so with the utmost perfection ensign." he concluded as his tone became more authoritative yet still calm without his voice raising to a higher volume.

"Regardless, I'm proud and... Happy to hear that you will continue your duties as a botanist and fellow scientist." he added to it as his eyes looked deeply into the green eyes of Cir'Cie. "If there isn't anything else you'd want to add to that, I think this conversation can be concluded. I will not keep you away any longer from your duties." he said with a slight nod. The Vulcan had proven to him that she had more in her than he anticipated earlier on. Perhaps going to Security was an over hasted decision, yet he didn't regret it. The times he had seen her might've caused for his more human feelings to make assumptions. Clearly, he was mistaken.

Re: Day 02 [1545 hrs.] Sacred Lotus

Reply #6
[ Ens. Cir'Cie | Hydroponics | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Ensign Cir'Cie did not need to be reminded that she was a botanist and not in the security department, investigator, guard, or otherwise. She knew that she did not have the proper training for a wide variety of duties and positions aboard the starship. “Security can manage without my assistance just as those plants over there, Lieutenant, will continue to grow in the few hours I am present in this lab or not. I believe your people had an old earth philosophical thought regarding a tree falling in a forest. If no one is around to observe it falling, does the tree still make a sound?” she said arching a brow. “Logically, if the tree falls, the cracking or impact it makes will indeed make a sound. These plants will grow whether I am here every moment of my shift or if I am away for a few moments time” she countered without falling victim to emotions. “Perfection is an illogical human delusion perpetuated by thirst of the ego and a fear of judgment of your peers that you are not as good as them. Vulcans do not strive for the unobtainable, only the logical and tangible. We quest for knowledge and understanding through statistics and facts” she added.

The Vulcan cast her winter green eyes away from the man for a moment, eyeing a flour in one of the aquatic tanks in the far corner of the hydroponics lab. “That is a lotus flower from Earth” she said directing his gaze over to the tank with a swiftng gesture of her arm. “In ancient Earth, some cultures considered the lotus flower sacred because it grows from muck and mud. Under normal circumstances when it is premature, its 'beauty' cannot be seen. However, when the timing is right and when the flower is ready to bloom it will appear. The unfolding of it's petals have been said to be symbolic of the expanding of the soul” she said. “Your concern for my mental well being is...appreciated. I will obey the chain of command aboard this starship and the structure within this department. If I wish to assist security further while on duty, I will seek your approval, Sir. However, how I utilize my personal time is up to me. Is that not the case? So long as what I choose to do  under my own free will in my own free time does not interfere with my duties or this starship's operations or the safety and security of the crew” she said placing a hand on the top of the work station behind her. “If you have no other news items that concern me, then I will continue my duties and have my report sent to you before the end of my shift” she finished. 

Re: Day 02 [1545 hrs.] Sacred Lotus

Reply #7
[ Lt Simon Tovarek | Hydroponics | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @StarDuster

The words Cir'Cie fired back at him had been enough for the lieutenant as he simply sighed and nodded at her words. it was futile to attempt and work his way deeper into the mess he had found himself in. The good intentions he had shown to the Vulcan seemingly unappreciated or even if they were appreciated had backfired on him entirely. He just let her continue as she started talking about philosophy and the origin of a lotus. His eyes following her as she would maybe help Security in her own personal time, a matter in which he indeed had nothing to say about.

He nodded as she seemingly sought to end the conversation right then and there "Very well, I have nothing else to add to this ensign. File me the reports when they are ready." he said before he nodded to her "May your day be most productive and fruitful." he offered her before he turned 180° and started walking to the exit. before he left the hydroponics lab he shook his head as this encounter was entirely not what he had expected. The doors opened and he stepped out as he raised his head, putting the entire situation behind him and moving on to the next problem he had to attend to.


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