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DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

[ USS Theurgy | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Triage (Rez & Henshaw)

Following the ceremony in the Fighter Assault Bay, people dispersed - returning to their duties. If it wasn't their shift, the returned to their quarters or found some means to handle their grief. One of those means were evident, and that was to head to the ship's lounge and have a drink in memory of the fallen.

Captain Ives was inclined to do so, and he walked in the throng of people next to his Yeoman. He was 'wearing' his dress uniform, Arashi still sheathed in his left hand. The atmosphere was solemn, and everyone walked as if they were in a funeral procession, even though the caskets had already been beamed out of the ship. There were few words spoken, and Jien was silent as well - thinking about the officers he had lost and all the events that had led to the unfortunate outcome. For while they had won the battle against the Calamity, and the mutiny had come to an end, the cost had been to great.

Slowly, the procession of people in dress uniform reached Deck 07 and the entrance to Below Decks. The lounge filled up with people, some seating themselves by the tables and others heading to the bar counter. Jien gestured towards a table in the far corner, right by the panorama windows that were no windows at all, but monitors that depicted the view outside the ship. Someone had complained about them being broken the night before, and an engineer had come by to fix them in time for the funeral service and the likelihood that people would amass in Below Decks afterwards.

Seating himself, Jien leaned his dai-katana against the table and glanced towards the view outside before looking to Cameron Henshaw. It was time to take stock of the aftermath, and what could be done to handle the current crew morale. Henshaw looked good in dress uniform, Jien noted, but since they could be overheard, he did not make such a comment. "So where do we stand now that the survivors from the Harbinger will need to integrate with the crew. How bad is it, and what can I ..."

As he was about to ask this questions, people were raising their voices by the bar.

Jien looked there, and it did not take many moments to realise what the problem was. It seemed the Lounge Proprietor was nowhere to be seen. Rory Callahan had been given the proverbial keys to the place after they escaped Theta Eridani IV, but it seemed that he was failing to own up to the responsibility. Jien spotted Deputy zh'Wann, her blue complexion easily discerned against her dress uniform, and she appeared to be trying to locate Mr. Callahan with Thea's help, but judging from the Andorian's dark expression, she wasn't able to get a hold of the man.

The timing was disastrous, and Jien shook his head, meaning to resolve the situation by heading over there and settle things down, then using his clearance to activate a few holograms to cover for the missing Irishman. "Thea, is the hologrid operational here?"

[Negative, Captain. While repairs are underway across the ship, Below Decks was deemed a non-essential area and has therefore not had its holo emitters repaired yet.]

Evidently, the engineer that had fixed the monitors had not taken the time to take care of the emitters as well...

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ Cameron "Cam" Elizabeth Henshaw | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Captain Jien Ives and...everyone else


Throughout the entire time, Ensign Cameron Henshaw maintained a steady presence by Captain Ives' side, seldom ever leaving. After she had paid her last respects and taken a moment to gather her thoughts, the young woman had composed herself, and quietly took up a position next to Ives. She didn't need to be asked to do so. This was her job, and she took it seriously. Her feelings for Ives aside, Henshaw was fully capable of handling herself professionally. So even though her following Ives around like a second shadow might have caused some murmurings about her being attached to the captain at the hip, which sometimes led to murmurings of other goings on behind the scenes, her behavior provided little actual fuel for it. As they moved about, she paused to speak to a few people here and there, spending more time listening than actually talking. Much like her old position on board the Harbinger, where she was a counselor, Henshaw was good at listening and gathering information as much as she was in distributing and sharing them for the Wolves in Tactical.

Right now, she was trying to gauge how everyone, the survivors of the Harbinger and the remaining crew of the Theurgy were holding up, and how they felt about all the recent events. She was doing this in anticipation of Ives putting the question to her, and so that she would be able to provide a sufficient response, and allow him to make an educated, well-informed decision. In a ways, Henshaw believed in the value and importance of her position. She could easily manipulate the captain's decisions. Reflecting for a moment on this, the young woman realized now, why Ives didn't have a hard time believing that she could have used him and betrayed him and his loyal crew. She had a precarious position, and one of high import. She could be salvation, or doom. It wasn't a power she craved to use for her own ends. No, she would only ever use it to help Ives steer everyone out of dangerous waters, keep the crew's morale up, and to be a beacon of light for the captain when he started to look like he was falling under pressure.

When she thought no one was looking, especially Ives, she looked up admiringly at him, a private smile gracing her lips, as she promised herself to remember why she took this position. For him.

When they entered Below Decks, Henshaw discovered she might actually not be as pressure-free as she thought. For a moment, the place looked somewhat more damaged, and she saw Rory Callahan, Wenn Cinn and the other rebels opposing the takeover of the Theurgy by Vasser and T'Rena, gathered in a group, discussing a plan of attack. When she blinked, there was a brief flash of light, and Henshaw found herself back in the present. The memory and sight of what she saw was so vivid, and being brought back to reality, was like a jolt to her, and she was briefly unable to hide the unnerved expression she suddenly had. The lounge was given some repair, though nothing quite near complete just yet, as she soon discovered. Settling herself across from the captain, she sat up straight and studied him. It wasn't like she had a hard time keeping her eyes on him, she could do that all day. But she did keep herself focused, and when he asked about the status of everyone, Henshaw proudly produced her PADD, and was about to state her responses as soon as he completed his query. But he wasn't able to due to a commotion that she too was beginning to become aware of.

Twisting around in her seat a little, Henshaw saw the same thing that Ives did, and her jaw lowered a little. Where was Callahan?

"Wasn't Callahan supposed to be here?" said Henshaw, "Oh, what a horrid time to go missing!"

While Ives inquired with Thea as to whether the hologrid was working, Henshaw had risen from her seat and made her way over to the noisiest part of the crowd, and she started talking to them, maintaining an even, calm tone, no matter what they said, and did her best to keep the situation calm whilst Ida did her thing. I hope he shows up real soon... thought Henshaw desperately.

[ Edena Rez | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Attn: Captain Jien Ives and...everyone else


(( "So much sorrow over death..." )) said Iillya to Edena, her expression one of amusement, (( " makes me almost want to cry." ))

(( "Don't be so insensitive, Illya," )) said Kiya, walking around to look directly at the red-haired ghost, (( "They will never be able to see these people ever again." ))

(( "True, I suppose," )) Illya shrugged, her arms folded over her chest, (( "They can always imprint their memories into a symbiont..." ))

At this, Edena joined the conversation, internally, (( "It still wouldn't be the same thing. Even you lot, you're not really here, not really alive. Kiya, Illya and Jona are all long dead." ))

Kiya went silent and moved to stand behind Edena, with Jona, who maintained a grim silence. Illya made an action and expression as if she were hurt by Edena's words. (( "Sweetie, has anyone ever told you that you have the sensitivity of a Klingon?" ))

Rolling her eyes upwards, the young woman sighed, and said mentally, (( "I'm sorry." )) Then she looked at Illya, (( "And yet, just a moment ago, you were making fun of the people here." ))

Grinning, Illya studied her nails, (( "Yes, well, I'm dead. What do I care?" ))

Quirking her lips a little, she resisted the urge to shake her head, lest people see and think she's talking to herself, which technically, she was. But no one needed to know that.

When the session ended, she had made her way to Below Decks, having resolved to ask Rory Callahan for permission to help out there. Unfortunately, when she arrived, it was to find the proprietor missing, and there was a growing number rather dissatisfied people at the bar. Captain Ives was there, and Ensign Henshaw was trying to placate the crowd, and her most "favourite" person around, zh'Wann, was also trying to search for Callahan. Now if the Andorian couldn't find him, who could? This didn't look good.

Her eyes wide, Edena stood there, looking at a loss as to how she might contribute to preventing this from turning into a sour situation, when Illya cleared her throat and said, (( "Well, to quote a human phrase: The show must go on." ))

Without further ado, Edena found herself taking the backseat of her own body, and she was forced to watch, as Illya piloted her. On the outside, there was no physiological change, but the way she moved, every step causing her hips to sway in a sultry manner, every movement seductive, using whatever feminine charm Edena had and amplifying it tenfold, Illya placed a smug smile on Edena's lips, and she confidently, and quite without asking for any permission whatsoever, slipped around the bar and inserted herself into the place where Callahan normally stood. She fixed everyone with an even, confident look, and said in a strong, clear voice, "Now everyone please calm down, and place your orders one at a time. No need to rush, all right? Long as I'm here, everyone's going to get their drinks, food, and whatever else in between, okay?"

She winked at one of the men, and at zh'Wann too, because...Andorian. In the back, within her own body, Edena was rolling her eyes.

(( "You calm down, Illya. I can feel what you feel, you know." ))

(( "Oh hush." ))

There was no time to ask for permission, to offer, or to look for someone else. Which was why Illya had taken over Edena, because she knew, the young Trill would have done all of the above, even if she was more than willing to do what was asked of her, she would never assume to offer herself up, or to try and take control of the situation. That was Illya and Jona's specialty. Rather than waste time, and as it looked like no one appeared to have thought about it, who said she couldn't do the job? She knew plenty about bartending, having played such a role once in a holodrama. It wasn't exactly rocket science now. So, keeping a cool, confident smile, she set about to serving the drinks as the orders came in. Having a good ear helped, along with a good memory, all of which Illya had. She glanced up at Henshaw a moment, and nodded at her. The young woman could go back to her captain now. She had everything under control.

(( "Enjoying yourself?" )) asked Kiya as she hovered next to Illya.

(( "It certainly feels better than sitting around, reading books all the time." )) said Illya privately to the other ghost.

(( "I thought you enjoyed that last book we read!" )) said Edena in a hurt tone.

(( "Sure, I did," )) said Illya, (( "But can you deny you don't find this more...fulfilling?" ))

(( "Uh..." ))

(( "Sorry, forget I asked. Slipped my mind who I was talking to." )) Illya mentally rolled her eyes.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | By the Bar | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Rez

Repeatedly, and with more sharpened steel to her verbal efforts, Ida had tried to get a hold of the damnable pinkskin that she had entrusted to take over the Lounge after Bill Regal's unfortunate demise, yet neither her nor Thea's methods had proven fortuitous.

It was clear, from internal sensors, that the man had last worn his issued combadge in his VIP quarters right after the memorial service, and that he had not been alone - one of the Gamma shifts young crewmen having joined him. Ida had more or less decided to go there, break up whatever compromising activity the two of them were engaged in and drag the pinkskin to the bar by his blonde hair just so that he could serve the crew. He was probably a  good bartender, as much had been evident, but he obviously did not know how to run an establishment.

Yet just as Ida was about to leave and confront him, she saw Edena Rez step up to the task. No, it surely wasn't  the Trill that had stepped down as First Officer. Given the way she carried herself, and with wink she gave Ida, she somehow knew that it was Illya Rez. With such ease and practice in dealing with people and the way she seamlessly handled the situation, Ida saw the tension in the crows just drain away over the course of a couple of seconds. Seeing it, Ida couldn't help the small smile that came to her stoic mien, and she came to think about what had happened between them in an altogether different lounge, back down on Theta Eridani IV. Strange, how things had begun between them... and how they had ended up. In fact, the last time Ida has spoken with the Trill had been when they were both naked and intertwined in the shadows of the night.

With this in mind, Ida stepped up to the bar and waited her turn. She adjusted the cuffs on her dress uniform and watched with ill hidden satisfaction how Illya handled herself at her task, and then spoke to her once it was her time to order, only she asked for something else entirely than a drink.

"You know, after I left the Imperial Guard and my home planet, I worked as a bouncer on starbases all across the Quadrant," she told Illya without preamble, and gave the Trill a lopsided smile, "so sufficed to say, I have seen my share of people doing what you are doing now. Few could with the kind of ease that you show... So, even if you have resigned, it is good to see all that potential you and the other hosts hold is put to good use for the crew."

Having said this, Ida let someone else place an order, and waited until there was an opportunity to speak with Illya again. Her eyes never truly left the Trill until then.

[ Captain Ives | By the Tables | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Henshaw

Seeing the situation at the bar being resolved, Captain Ives never got to catch Edena's eye and - if wordlessly - thank her for stepping in and handling it. Strange to see Edena there after having been at Jien's side, but if there was anything to be said about the former Commander, it was that she was resourceful. So, Jien walked back to the table and waited for Cam to return as well, her having done her share to placate the discontent that had grown among the present crew.

"It would seem Miss Rez has found an alternative way to aide us along this Voyage, should she be interested," said Jien with a quiet chuckle when the Ensign came within earshot. He let her seat herself again before he leaned back and changed... into her female form. She crossed one leg over the other and raked back her dark hair from her face, thinking about what they needed to discuss first. Her dress uniform was just as impeccable as her male form's had been, and she adjusted her collar a little before laying her hands in her lap.

"First," she said, "do you think what I said at the service was enough? Should I have said more, and if so, when can I say it instead? Do we have any public announcements that I need to make? Such would then be the time when I can add upon the message I wanted to convey to the crew."

She had spoken of redemption, and it was something these two crews that served on her ship would hold close to heart. After the mind-melds were treated, a lot of the crew had to come to terms with their defeat at T'Rena's hands, and find ways to handle the memories they kept. Redemption was something people sought, actively or not, and Jien had thought it right to say so something about it during the service.

Secondly, Jien wanted to know what Cam had picked up since the battle had come to an end. The Ensign had never had much of a chance to gauge the crew until then, so it was time to hear it - news bitter not not. Having spent most of her life on starships, the Yeoman had a unique understanding about the machinations and psychology of a starship crew, and it had been the deciding factor in giving the position to her even if the Yeoman rank was usually reserved for enlisted personnel. It was only afterwards that Cam had extended her service into certain... philanthropic areas.

"So, how do we fare? Do you think the crew is ready for the mission to Starbase 84, and if not... what can I do? Are there any people in particular that I should speak with?"

It was all a matter of what Cam's many eyes and ears in the crew had relayed to her.

OOC: For sake of reference about mutineers, check the last couple of posts in the Epilogue thread. This discussion could also foreshadow Ives ambition for the sparring tournament in "Finding Strength" on this board.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #3
[ Edena Rez -> Illya Rez in control | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All present Below Decks

While Illya did her thing with the bar in absence of Calahan, Edena and the rest stood by as the tumultuous situation got resolved after everyone got their drinks and orders in. As the big rush subsided, Illya moved along to clean up the bar a bit so she could set it a bit more to her hand. Repositioning some bottles and glasses so she could more swiftly do her new found job. A few more people came to order, yet Jona suddenly made a cold remark towards Illya ((Have you noticed that the Andorian is still staring at you?))

Illya looked up from her spot and now made eye contact with Ida. Illya looked into the blue woman's eyes and gestured to come closer. Once she stood at her bar she smiled "So, what is your poison for tonight?" she asked relaxed "Also, I could always use a bouncer in here you know? Just in case after your hours." she smiled playfully towards the Andorian.

Edena sighed inside of her head as Illya was clearly enjoying herself too much in her opinion. Yet she was too tired to actually put up a fight against her. Besides, Jona still lurked in the darkest corner of her mind, waiting probably to try and take control once more if the situation would arise.

[ Cameron "Cam"  Henshaw | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Captain Jien Ives

Cam returned once most of the racket seemed over. She took her place in front of Ives and glanced over the people having a drink and talking before she looked up at Jien and smiled. It was still something to get used to, the one moment she was speaking to his male form and now, here she sat.

"Comma-" Cameron paused for a second before choosing her words once more "Edena has indeed proven to be a lifesaver in this event" she said smirking "But I have no doubt that she'll prove herself to me more resourceful than we could imagine." she concluded before leaning forward. She let her hand move through her hair while closing her eyes for a second.

"Mm, for now I think you've said what had to be said during the memorial. The words spoken there came from the heart." She commented "I'm not sure what your future plans are, but perhaps you could relay a few more messages to the crew in the days to come. I wouldn't spam it to them, for else it would almost sound like indoctrination. And to be fair, we've had our fair share of that.." she said with a faint smile before she shook her head "I would advise to let the message sink in for now. We'll see in the coming days what it's effect was. I suggest before we attack Starbase 84, you give another speech, one that truly rallies all of us behind the mission." she concluded and smiled warmly.

She nodded slowly at the second question "I feel that a lot of people are still boiling up from the inside. As you could witness it here just moments ago, everyone is on edge. The last few events were stressful and enraging to say the least so perhaps we should find something that would allow the crew to blow off some steam. Perhaps physically or even mentally. I do however need to add that another festival as before might not do the trick. It might serve as a reminder of... better times, but the after taste might be bitter now." she advised him as she looked her in the eyes and hoped that what she said would help her in her judgement and future actions. It was a rather fragile time right now.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | By the Bar | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Rez

Antennae rising a little, Ida walked over to Illya Rez, for it surely was still her, and put her hands on top of the bar. Rez and her had decidedly come a long way since she had entered the Trill's quarters and threatened her in the sonic shower - meaning to kill her if she would decide to betray the crew again. Instead, Edena and her hosts had done the opposite, becoming the First Officer of the ship and proving that Ida had been too hasty in judging the Trill by her original assignment aboard the Theurgy. And here they were, by the bar, as if there had never been any kind of unease between them. After the night at the Thermal Springs, perhaps it would be expected, but Ida had learned about what Jona Rez had done when Declan vasser tried to escape, so she was still a bit guarded when she smiled to the woman.

"I'll have an Andorian ale, please," she said, glancing out over the lounge area before looking back at Illya. "While I might not be able to have a permanent posting here, as much a pleasure as it is to see you in your right element... I do propose you consider taking over this lounge on a more regular basis. This place has been run by holograms since William Regal passed away, and the bartender from the Harbinger seems to have gone missing. If you are interested, I could clear it with the other staff, and you'll know what to do with the time you'll have on your hands now that you stepped down."

What she didn't say was that this was also an environment that was safe to keep Jona Rez, not giving him access to the kind of systems he shouldn't touch. "Would you be interested? I am sure there is staff to recruit among the civilians we have aboard, unless you want to continue using the holograms."

Ida did not try to come off too guarded, but she just couldn't help thinking that there was a traitor behind those inviting eyes too. In retrospect, it seemed there was a smidgen of truth to the suspicions Ida had held when she entered that shower with a phaser in hand... even if she might have broken protocol with her actions. She would, perhaps, not do the same thing again, but with Jona Rez openly having betrayed Jien Ives and the crew, she did not know how to shake off her suspicions. After all, she had sworn an oath to protect her crew, no matter what.

OOC: Remember what happened between the aforementioned William Regal and Rez during the Niga Incident? It ought to spark some kind of reaction, I'd think.

[ Captain Ives | By the Tables | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Henshaw

Listening to Cameron, Jien nodded where she sat - taking heart in how she had done enough.

"Agreed," she commented in regard to the mission ahead of them, "I will give it some thought, and see if there is an opportune time to speak to the crew again before we enter the tachyon defence grid and approach Starbase 84."

The more difficult matter was to try and come up with a way to give the crew some kind of pressure relief. Jien had not told Cameron, but one of the medical officers had been raped during the Festival of the Moon, and she was not prone to host another kind of event of that kind, even if the crime had been committed by a man that might - and might not - have been mind-melded by T'Rena. Silent for a bit, Jien considered what kind of means they had on hand, and what little time there was to arrange for something complicated.

"What do you do to blow off some steam?" she asked idly, looking at the tabletop between them as she thought on what could be done for the crew. Considering how much the people on the Theurgy had been through, perhaps there was no way to give them some kind of reprieve. Perhaps it was better to tell them to steel themselves before the mission to Starbase 84, to duck down and focus on the task at hand. Perhaps there was no way to make them ease up now, lest they would fall apart.

OOC: Cameron gets her new hairstyle as of Day 04 and the Weapons Raid thread, or at least that's what I was counting on. Do you want to make an edit? Let me know. Oh, and as previously stated, the discussion could lead to the sparring idea.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ Edena Rez -> Illya Rez in control | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:Ida

Illya nodded at the request for Andorian Ale and made work of it while she heard the blue skinned woman out. She was suggesting her to take over the establishment or at least serve it more often. It was what she was going to ask to Rory, but he seemed to be missing at this point. Yet bringing up Bill Regal was something Illya didn't need to hear. Edena scoffed in the back of her head while Kiya advised her to keep it calm.

They hadn't forgotten what Bill had done to Edena. True he was infected by the spores from Niga, yet the emotional damage had been dealt. Perhaps eliminating everything that could bring thoughts back to him would please some of the former hosts and Edena. "Urgh, don't mention Regal..." Illya blurted out annoyed as she rolled her eyes. In the meantime she passed the ale on to Ida on the bar and looked at the holograms.

Edena could feel the shame slowly creep up again to her as her own memories thought back of Bill and how he had forced himself upon her during the Niga incident. Yet the worse part was that she had just given in physically to the lusts, how he eyed her while he took her...

Illya could feel Edena's growing sickness and repulsion and she closed her eyes for a second "I might be interested yes. Though I'm not sure wether I should make it a full time job. I'm sure some of the civilians would be persuaded to join this place, but you'll have to let them come by for explorative talks with the owner. You know, just o make sure they're all on the same page." She said eventually with a smirk. Hoping that Edena would have something else to think about. Hoping perhaps that Edena could already plan ahead to have interviews taken, yet it was a long shot.

Kiya seemed to look after Edena now, comforting her and telling her it'll be alright, that is was over and a thing in the past. Jona let his voice be heard from darkness "Move the show along Illya." he said to her in her head.

"What about you Ida? Wouldn't you fancy to work around here? Serving up some drinks and such. I know some of the clients would appreciate it." Illya said ever so teasing to Ida. Knowing that it was most probably the worst plan ever. She could still have some amusement in imagining the Andorian serving around drinks in a waitress outfit.

[ Cameron "Cam"  Henshaw | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: Captain Jien Ives

"Me?" she asked a bit in surprise and laughed a little "Well, when I'm too stressed I like to go take a swim or do some climbing. Yoga helps too, but I doubt you'll get some crew members in a yoga session. I mean, have you ever seen a Klingon do yoga?" she asked with a bit of a snicker. She shook her head as she imagined it herself and couldn't suppress a small laugh "Oh no, I was thinking..." she looked at Jien and leaned back a little now as she kept eye contact.

"Seeing that some of the crew might have pent up feelings, I would suggest a physical form of blowing off steam. Perhaps a tournament of some kind?" she suggested and wondered how Jien would react to the idea "You know, it might even help with some of the underlying problems. People could vent out underlying problems and cropped up frustrations." she clarified the idea behind it.

Of course holding physical tournaments held disadvantages too, medical staff might get more work from it ad some crew members might be under performing due to injuries. Yet that was all outweighed by crew morale and a better view on the entire status on crew behavior. Would former mutineers show up to vent their anger or different views? Or would they just stay away from the event?

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | By the Bar | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Rez

It seemed mentioning the original proprietor of Below Decks was not a good idea, given what Illya told Ida, and she could respect that, even if she did not know the details of what had happened between William Regal and the Trill. Not the details, but what she had learned - much to her own regret - was that she was the one that had infected William Regal in a turbolift, and then sent Regal to 'enlighten' Edena Rez. This was, however, something that that the hosts of the Rez symbionts knew since Regal had told them, and they had forgiven Ida because she wasn't herself, but sufficed to say... Ida knew that she had overstepped her bounds by bringing that name up. Even if it was hard not to given the place they were in. "My apologies..."

The hurt was brushed over quite quickly , at least for Illya, and Ida should have suspected that she would end up teasing her, just like she always did. The Trill's former host had often resorted to charm and wit when Ida came near Edena Rez, even back when she had entered the sonic shower with her handphaser drawn.

Now, Illya wanted her to start taking shifts at Below Decks, saying the customers would love to have her there, and Ida could all but imagine what the former grifter had in mind when she said that. Ida could not help the quiet chuckle that escaped her and shook her head. Illya kept managing to undermine her stoicism, and in spite of herself, Ida did allow herself to become less like the Andorian guardsman she used to be, and be the artist that she had become. While she cherished her past and its gifts, she had learned to appreciate some of the benefits that her choice of exile had given her... and 'letting her hair out' once and a while was such a boon.

"That would be the talk of the ship, I'd imagine; serving drinks alongside you," she said as she leaned against the bar counter, sipping her fiery ale. "I could only imagine what closing time would be like."

She said this and looked at the Trill with Theta Eridani IV in mind, the double meaning perhaps plain to the Trill, even if the words themselves were quite innocent. Having made this remark, Ida caught herself... knowing that she was talking to a quarter of a traitor. She cleared her throat.

"If you and Edena are interested in the contract of running Below Decks, I will arrange for the paperwork and notify the Quartermaster." She downed her ale after that, putting the glass down on the counter. "Mister Callahan barely got around to improve on this place, so consider yourself free to shape it up to something more than the seedy Mediterranean tavern that... the original proprietor had made it. We already threw out most of the sordid décor, but don't be surprised if you find some less than Starfleet approved entertainment holograms in the memory banks of this place. I trust these will be deleted upon discovery..."

Being torn about how to act around Illya, Ida did not know what to add without an answer.

[ Captain Ives | By the Tables | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Henshaw

Listening to Cam's suggestion, Jien looked at the tabletop between them - sorting her thoughts.

"We are a fighting crew, and the past couple of months have surely made it more so," she said quietly, considering what options were truly available. It was a matter of doing what could be done in the least amount of time. There was no room for careful arrangements and invitations, nor gauging of interest or getting support from the rest of the Senior Staff. It would have to be a quite an impromptu thing, and executed in a way that brought enough people from the crew to the event.

"Perchance I will find some way to arrange this without all the preparations that it would require. I will think about it some more, but I think I can host a tournament without anyone feeling ordered to attend, even if someone of my rank would be present. The gymnasium is, like you say, the right kind of location, and we'll go from there."

Looking at Cam across the table, Jien could not help but think that she had come to know the human far too late. If they failed at Starbase 84, then these last couple of days spent on the Theurgy in preparation for the mission would be their last, and she would be the last Yeoman she'd have the privilege to work with. Cam took her new assignment quite seriously, and even went so far as to offer herself for comfort, and while Jien had not been able to wrap her head around the development between them, they brief talks they'd had made it clear that Cam was doing it out of the goodness in her heart, and for the crew to have a Captain that could handle the pressure. It was difficult, though, how there was no way to justify their conduct - the secret of what happened between them just as quickly becoming something that would ruin her image as Commanding Officer.

This risk - by itself - verified for Jien how important Cameron thought her attendance to her needs were, that she would subject Jien to this risk. For if their private sessions were discovered, they could spark another mutiny, which was the very thing Cameron was responsible to help avoiding. Jien had realised that Cameron had to think she on the verge of breaking apart because of the burden of command. What other explanation was it for her to offer such... distraction from the dangers ahead?

The idea that she had come to learn Cameron for such a short time made Jien think about the rest of the crew. Were they not also contemplating their past, and things that might be left undone?

"The crew needs time," she said, speaking her thoughts, "time to grieve for today, for the lost. Yet they also need time to say farewell, should they not survive Starbase 84. The day before we arrive... I want everyone to have an extra hour of time off-duty. I want to make the three holodecks that are in working order opened up for them all, to do with as they will. They need escape, and they need time to write their last personal logs."

Trailing off, Jien frowned. "I... want to encourage that everyone makes a log on that last day, and I want those logs protected, uncompromised. But that is not all. I want those logs transmitted from Starbase 84 as a data package, carried with the message of truth. So that even if we won't leave the starbase after the transmission has been made... the surviving families and friends of this crew will learn what the lost wanted to say. Unless you think it is a bad idea... I want this order to be relayed to all departments."

The galaxy would learn the truth, from the lips of all that knew it.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ Edena Rez -> Illya Rez in control | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:Ida

Illya couldn't help but show a lopsided grin "Oh, closing times will be the most fun times this place has ever seen." she replied and winked playfully at Ida. Given their past regressions on Theta, the two of them had truly grown closer to each other. Even if it was perhaps to the disliking of other hosts. Illya let her eyes go over Ida now while she cleared the space before her and then leaned forward.

"Mmh, well let me think about it for a day or two. I was planning to ask Calahan if I could aid him here, but becoming the proprietor in a whole... That's something entirely else." she said to the Andorrian security officer. However while saying this she did keep a close eye on Ida, reading her body language and also, just admiring the blue skin.

A quirky remark came to mind as she mentioned giving the bar a new look "Perhaps your artwork would find its true purpose here." she said teasing, yet not loud enough for others to hear. She didn't wait for Ida to respond before continuing "Well, the bar does look like it could use a new touch. I'd have to think about what I could do with it. But for that, I would have to be the owner wouldn't I?" she smiled and looked away as a crew member came to order a drink. After serving him she came back to Ida "Either way, let me think it over and let me know if you'd join me in this endeavor or not." she concluded, sounding rather serious about having Ida help out if she could at the bar.

Perhaps the bond between them could improve at least as they worked more together and who knows, perhaps Ida would truly start to trust her. Illya was keen to feeling things and she could feel that the Andorrian was somewhat in a duality fight on how to behave around her.

[ Cameron "Cam"  Henshaw | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Ives

Cameron nodded at the words of her captain as she told her that organizing an event for everyone to attend to without force behind it. She nodded at the suggestion for the gymnasium "Sounds like a plan to me, I'll make sure we'll have the gymnasium free at that time." she answered him before tapping on her PADD. She bit her lower lip while doing so and could feel the eyes of Jien looking towards her while she did so. When she was done she looked up at the woman and smiled faintly.

She could see that she was sunken in thought, probably sequencing thoughts about the crew or the mission. Cam worried about Jien at times like these, fearing that the pressure of command would cycle her into a spiral of thinking things over so much that she wouldn't have any time for herself. Henshaw wondered if she needed to do something to give her captain some free time, a distraction perhaps from her daily duties if only for a few hours. Yet would she forgive her if she distracted her from important matters? She sighed softly and let her be for now before she slowly started to speak again.

The yeoman listened to the new idea of the captain and she tapped her fingers against her PADD as she thought about it "Keeping the data uncompromised on our end won't be the problem. Yet if we do send their last logs out to family, friends or anyone related... It'll be a dual edged sword in my opinion. It's true that we'll have the truth out there, to everyone to be heard. Yet we must think of the consequences too. All those people who will have learned about the truth... Won't they be at risk with their own lives too?" she asked worriedly "You've seen firsthand to what extent they'r going to hunt us down, risking families and loved ones of the crew to this danger might turn the ship against us once more. Especially if they find a way to get messages back to us about loved ones being prosecuted or killed because of it." she continued to voice her opinion about it.

She looked at Jien seriously now, hoping her captain would heed her words. Eventually the decision was hers after all.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | By the Bar | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Rez

Pleased to her that Rez was not entirely opposed to the idea, Ida made a mental note to go speak with the Quartermaster.

The Trill had ideas about Ida joining the effort, and commented on making the place into some kind of gallery for her artwork, and while flattered, Ida felt she had to lower Illya's expectations. "I..." No, her duties and her role on the ship forbade her to lower her guard that much, or to encourage the former grifter's ideas about putting her in an apron. Then there was Jona Rez, and while there was a point in keeping one's enemies closer, she was not quite sure she could get intimately close to Illya again, despite the compelling nature of the Trill. Perhaps it was better for them both Ida kept herself at arm's length... in case she would have to put a phaser to the woman's body for legitimate reasons some day. "I can't help out here, as interesting as the idea is."

Thinking about it that way did not help, however, for the more she considered Rez forbidden fruit, the more... interesting she became to Ida. She realised that she would nothing rather than to come to the establishment after closing time, despite her better knowledge, and she was not certain she would be able to keep herself away. Officially, however, she had no choice but to turn Illya down. The conflict might have permeated her quick glance to Illya's eyes. "My apologies, but you you should ask someone else. I am not at liberty to do it, even if I'd want to. Please inform me about your choice as soon as you are able, and I will arrange for it to become official. Please excuse me..."

Having said this, Ida walked away from the bar counter with her ale, taking a seat in the far corner of the lounge - collecting her thoughts.

[ Captain Ives | By the Tables | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Henshaw

Cameron had a point, and it was somewhat of a moral dilemma, and it had a potential outcome that could be hard to predict. Jien nodded slowly as Cameron pointed out the risk, and while she had given it a cursory thought, Jien had not thought the risk was as great as Cameron believed it to be.

"Does the benefits outweigh the risks? Are the risks greater or the same after the simulcast, depending on what we send?" she gestured with one hand as she spoke, speaking her thoughts as they came. "Our crew manifest is already well known to the enemy. They already know who we are, and every shred of information the Federation had on us. Starfleet Intelligence has already screened us, our closest and extended family, and our past to see where there might be breaches and leaks to our supposed allies: the Romulans. If we would name our dearest, and leave them messages, Starfleet Intelligence would likely screen the transmissions for usable intel, so we might have to ask the crew to not give away sensitive intelligence... but otherwise, I can't see the harm in giving the crew the opportunity to say goodbye."

The second problem was if the families could become targets, and Jien had her answer without needing to think. "Furthermore, our next of kin are likely already targets by the media, so Starfleet can't touch them without being noticed. Yet more importantly, I can't see how the personal transmissions would make a difference given the nature of the whistle-blower system, because what we will broadcast will make the personal messages pretty candles next to the rampant wildfire. I'd say its a calculated risk, if any, but you are right, the request to the crew needs to be phrased that that they are all cautioned from giving away intelligence that we don't want Starfleet Command to know."

Giving it another moment of thought, Jien added one final instruction. "Just to be on the safe side, I would suggest Thea - as an impartial party - screen the messages in a temporary memory file, and after the messages have been screen for compromising intel and Thea has censored what needs to be censored to preserve the integrity of the mission, the temporary memory file is deleted, which would leave the crew able to say what they want freely. Do you think those measures will suffice?"

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #9
[ Edena Rez -> Illya Rez in control | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:Ida

Illya nodded slowly as she turned down the offer. She couldn't hide her disappointment entirely but nevertheless said nothing more to it. In the meanwhile Jona had made a poisonous remark about the Andorrian that made the other hosts put him back in his place. Jona had rolled his eyes and ventured back into the background, keeping his thoughts to himself.

Ida excused herself and went away from the bar now and sat somewhere more secluded now. Illya let her eyes linger on her before more people came to order drinks. Being busy got her mind of the Andorrian and soon enough she was making rounds to 'her' customers to see if they needed anything else or if everything was in order. She could feel how some of them looked at her, knowing she had been the former commander aboard the ship. Some felt uneasy, others more happy that they could speak more freely.

[ Cameron "Cam"  Henshaw | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Ives

She listened to what she further had to say and nodded in agreement. It would be important for the crew to say their goodbyes, that much was clear. Cameron herself wanted to let her adoptive mother and father know of the fate of their child, her sister. She wanted them to know about the truth! How hard that might be and the risk it took. It was a dilemma she stood by herself yet she wanted to be rational about it. They needed to protect the families of the crew somehow, not risk them even more.

Censoring sounded like a decent plan if any. Free speech was something Cameron would fight for, yet in these circumstances she had no other choice but to agree. "Thea would indeed be impartial and well equipped enough to screen all the messages to loved ones. I think we have an understanding here captain." she smiled and looked into her eyes.

She paused for a second before she leaned forward a little "How about yourself Ma'am... How are you holding up?" she asked softly, not making it loud enough for anyone to  overhear "Or should we let this talk happen elsewhere instead of here in public?" she corrected herself, knowing that opening up here might have it's consequences.

After hearing Jien's response she asked another question "Also, if you don't mind me asking Ma'am... What exactly do we plan to do at Star base 84. Besides the transmission that is... It's... Well..." Cameron shifted in her seat as she thought this might come across as unprofessional "It's my father... My adoptive father... He's the base commander according to me... And well..." she paused as she didn't know really how to proceed further on the matter.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Captain Ives | By the Tables | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Henshaw

When Cameron asked about her personal well-being, and doing so in a quiet voice to not rouse attention from nearby officers, Jien was again reminded about the private development between them, and she was hard pressed for an answer until Cam corrected herself by withdrawing the question. Jien had pursed her lips to say something, to reassure Cam that she was all right despite all that was going on, but that would be lies, of course. She felt like a boiling pan of water with the lid on, keeping the smoke contained and using the heat for energy.

"Perhaps that is for the better," she said quietly, smiling faintly.

Then Cameron brought something up that she had written in her report after the Senior Staff meeting that Jien had revealed their next destination. Folding her hands in her lap, she figured it was just as well that they addressed this fact well before they arrived, and it was a good thing that Cameron asked since it had been something that she had found difficult to form into a proper request. The Ensign had a lot at stake personally in the mission, and Jien didn't want her request to be seen as taking advantage of the family connection between Captain Ian Hawthorne and Henshaw.

"I am glad you asked, and as difficult as the situation might be, I will both give you reassurances and make a request," she said, running a hand over her face to clear the fatigue from her mind. "First of all, we have no stakes on utilising the starbase beyond using the whistle-blower system. There is no benefit in disturbing all the people posted there beyond completing our mission. We have to get in, use the comm system at the top of the base, and we have to get out of there before Starfleet arrives and destroys us. So you can rest assured that we will not resort to taking hostages on the base, or use excessive force. We must complete our mission, and that is our only priority."

Then came the difficult part.

"Given your connection to Captain Hawthorne, I have a personal request to make of you. It stands to reason that you might be able to convince him that our intentions are just, in your own words beseeching him to see the truth as we know it, and to show a recording of Sonja Acreth talking about the nature of herself and our enemy. Besides coming through to him... you are also a life-insurance for our crew. With you remaining on the Theurgy, Captain Hawthrone might not destroy us, perhaps even letting us use the whistle-blower system without having the starbase's collective Security force stand in our way. I hope you understand how... difficult it is for me to ask this of you, given the loss of your sister, but you might just be key for this mission to be a success... and to avoid any unnecessary fighting."

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #11
[ Cameron "Cam"  Henshaw | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Ives

Cameron had nodded as Jien had agreed that talking about her own personal health would be for another time. Yet the question about her father was of a more delicate matter. She heard out what her captain had to say about it and let her eyes rest on her face. As if scanning for emotions or feelings while she poke of the intentions with SB 84. Regardless though, Ives still showed to be tired, fatigued even after all these days. Yet who could blame her?

Cam was glad to hear that no hostages would be taken nor that the goal was to occupy the whole station. That alone would've been nearly impossible to do with the Theurgy crew, yet that's also what made this mission so suicidal. Risk an entire crew and ship to just get a signal out in the hopes that the true identity of their fake admiralty would be exposed.

Knowing her father, Ian Hawthorne would probably not just let these so called defectors/betrayers walk in on his starbase and let them utilize the comm system. Perhaps there is where Cameron would come in handy. A bargaining chip so to speak. What Ives suggested Cameron to do, it sounded correct and just. Yet she knew her father would be skeptical to say the least. She sighed softly as she already started to think on how to convince him. A recording of Sonja Acreth was the truth, but it could be forged all together. If her father would want to know the truth, he'd want the files to be analyzed, processed to make sure it's true. Yet that in turn would take time, time they didn't have.

Yet Ives brought up her sister in the same sentence and Cam looked at her in the eyes. If she wouldn't know any better it might even be considered a rather burning look as she shook her head "I know I'll have to do my best to convince my father about the truth. Yet... I doubt he'll just let us walk in, not with hard evidence. The recordings of Sonja Acreth might be fabricated in his eyes. Knowing dad..." she paused as she let the words linger in the air of the bar "I still need to tell him about Lisa. It'll be hard for him, but..." she paused and sighed as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. How could she possibly be even thinking to use Lisa, her own sister, to convince her father into letting Theurgy crew members to come aboard. She repulsed herself for thinking it and even considering it, yet somewhere deep down, she felt that this could be a key to get in.

"I understand what you ask of me captain." she concluded as she felt tears slowly swell up in her eyes "I will have to take some time to think on how to proceed with it." she continued as her voice trembled a little. She bit her lower lip and shook her head as no more words could be spoken at this time. She saw herself as a monster now, a true traitor.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Captain Ives | By the Tables | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Henshaw

Seeing how her request had affected Cameron, how the hurt of loosing her sister on Theta Eridani IV reminded itself, Jien regretted bringing it up, despite how gentle she had tried to be about it. Fact remained that Cam would have to tell Hawthorne what had happened, how the Captain's biological daughter was K.I.A. Aside from that, Jien was also glad that Cam understood the gravity of the situation and the nature of the mission, and what demands it had on them to succeed. She accepted her request, and Jien could but hope it would not be too hard on her to carry out her part of the plan.

"I am sorry, I wish I could spare you from this," she said, a worried frown on her brow, and she leaned forward to lay her hand on Cam's shoulder. The gesture was going to appear intimate for any onlookers, but consoling, so she had no compunctions about touching Henshaw despite the location. What did propriety mean in the face of such distress anyway? It would not serve to be paranoid, even if the mutiny was only days ago. Jien's request was not a kind one, and she felt she couldn't let the accord between them about secrecy stop her from comforting the Yeoman. "Thank you for understanding why I have to ask this of you."

Having said this, Jien dropped her hand and adjusted her seat a bit, folding her hands in her lap. She was silent for a while, letting Cameron come over the worst of the blow. There wasn't that much she could say to help her either, so she simply waited a little while, her worry for the Ensign plain on her face. "One last thing, then we can leave... Unless you want to do it later, I just need to know if you have anything to report about the crew that I should know? Do I need to talk to someone in particular about what we have been through? While I have read the reports, its hard to know whom might have fared the worst through all of this, but perhaps you have noticed something I haven't."

It was the last think Jien had in mind to ask, then she felt she had to excuse herself from the lounge and head back to work. She was ill equipped to handle the deaths of so many of her crew, and especially so in the open, where she had less ability to hide the regret in her heart.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #13
[ Cameron "Cam"  Henshaw | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Ives

Feeling her captain's hand upon her shoulder felt good, comforting at least. She looked up as she wiped away the welled up tears. She sighed a little as she caught her breath. "It's.. Hum.. It's okay.." she answered rather weakly as she shook her head. She would figure out for herself how to convince her father when the time would come. She wanted to just go back to her quarters and go over this dilemma on her own terms.

She got a grip of herself for as far she could as Jien asked if she needed to know anything else about the crew or if she needed to talk to someone. She tried to think if there was anyone that stood out, but her thoughts were all messed up at this point. She bit her lower lip as she rolled her eyes behind her eyelids and softly she answered "I can't think of anyone right now ma'am." With that she rested back in her chair and looked at Jien.

The silence between the two lasted for a few seconds, yet it seemed longer. Eventually Henshaw beat Jien to it as she parted her lips "Ma'am, can I be excused for now? I need to..." she paused for a second before continuing "I need a moment for myself. Feel free to contact me should you recquire my assistance. Even if it is just for a talk." she concluded before looking Jien back in the eyes. She hoped she didn't overstep any boundaries or failed in her duty as yeoman, yet she needed this moment for herself.


Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #14
[ Captain Ives | By the Tables | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Henshaw

When Cam asked to leave, Jien was certainly not about to keep her there. It was quite evident that her yeoman needed some time alone, especially when having to come to terms with her role in the mission to come. "Of course, I will let you know if something comes up, otherwise we'll have a new meeting in my Ready Room later this afternoon." Jien wanted to let Cam digest it all for as long as possible, but at the same time, she also needed her help with relaying all the orders and messages she would have prepared until they saw each other next. Jien was, however, willing to give the Ensign more than four hours off duty in the middle of the day. It was the least she could do. "If you could report in at 1700 hrs., that would be perfectly satisfactory. I will see you then, Ensign."

She used the title merely because more guests at Below Decks had seated themselves at the tables closest to theirs, and while her weary heart bled for Cam, she could not show it publicly - merely looking thoughtful as the yeoman left. Alone, Jien surveyed the crowd, seeing Edena Rez still at the bar. Deciding that this might be the best opportunity to speak with the Trill again after her resignation, she got to her feet and changed... to his male form. He walked up to the bar counter and set a calloused hand upon it - seeking Edena's gaze. He had not yet figured out whom of the former hosts might be aiding Edena with the task of running the bar, but he had a suspicion that it was the former grifter - the single one of the Rez symbiont's former hosts that Jien had no experience with. Then again, if he came to speak with her, perhaps someone else might possess the Trill's body instead.

"Aren't you a resourceful one," he said with a faint smile, feeling how odd it was that Edena had resigned since there was no rank to add to his statement. "I would never have guessed you even had experience working in a lounge, but then again, I have only lived one life while you are at your fifth, so I should stop being surprised when it comes to you."

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #15
[ Cameron "Cam"  Henshaw | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Ives

Cameron nodded as she was granted some time off by Ives. She was sure she could use it and figured the first thing she'd do once she would get back to her quarters was to take a shower to just loosen up. Perhaps she would read after that or go for a jog. It all depended how tired she would feel after the shower. "1700 hrs it is, ma'am." she replied with a nod. She could feel Jien holding back somehow yet didn't go deeper into the matter as she stood up. She looked at the people around her for a second before she walked away from the lounge area.

[ Edena Rez -> Illya Rez in control | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]

As Illya continued to do her new found job, Kiya motioned her attention to Ives that stood by the bar. Edena bit her lower lip as she looked at Ives and then back at Illya "At least try to behave around him or let me back in control." She said to Illya. Nervous for what the former host my do to her former commanding officer. Illya smiled broadly, turning her smile into more of a smirk at the thought of indecent proposals. Yet Kiya tried to shush both parties in order to not come across as a deranged lunatic.

Illya moved over to Ives now and smiled at his remark "Yes well... I'm a person with many traits captain." she answered with an underlying tease in her voice, adding a duality to her message. Edena nearly freaked out by the comment as Kiya shook her head and hailed Illya "Please Illya..." Illya in response bit her lower lip before carrying on "So, can I get you anything to drink ma'am?" she asked on a more professional tone now as she gazed into the eyes of Ives.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #16
Ensign Chris Slayton | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy] Attention: Ida

Chris stepped into the bar lounge with the upper half of his dress uniform before reaching up to run the back of his neck.

It wasn't about the stress of surviving everything that had happened over the last few days but the simple fact that it seemed that whoever designed the current dress uniform needed to be dragged out into the northern wastes of Andoria and allowed to have a large nest of Ice-Bores nest in his arse.

As he walked around the lounge, quietly reflecting for the nth time about how different the Theurgy's crew was to the Harbinger's, especially how the Theurgy's had become something great and noble, pulling themselves together to continue on a mission that many would call crazy but these men and women were true patriots dedicated to the ideals of the Federation.

A spot of movement caused Chris to stop his train of thought as he looked over at the vision in white, gold and black with azure.

Ida was sitting at a table a bit further away then the others and nursing a glass of ale, her lovely face was vacant as most people looked when they were deep in thought. Chris quietly went over to the bar to get another glass and a bottle of Andorian Ale before making his way over to her table.

He didn't sit down at first, instead he stood there for a few seconds and admired her lethal beauty before he said "You have the look of a woman with much on her mind."

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #17
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | By the Tables | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: DocReno

"You have the look of a woman with much on her mind."

Turning her head, Ida looked up at the source of the voice - finding Husker standing there. This fighter pilot that had aided her and Doctor Duv in escaping from the Harbinger's brig and ram the entire starship into the Calamity. True, Ida had a lot on her mind, but the conflict of interest pertaining to the different hosts of the Rez symbiont was not one she would voice for the pinkskin, albeit the man had shown an uncanny familiarity towards Andorian customs and culture. Subtle signs that there was more to the pilot than met the eye... but given her past with her Keth, that did not inspire trust towards him. Rather the opposite. Then again, she could not deny that the pinksin had a certain degree of mystery to him, and it stayed her tongue from lashing out and cutting him off by the ankles.

"And you a pinkskin with too little... else than the ale in his hand," she retorted with a lopsided smile, deciding against saying that he had a woman on his mind because of how he had kissed her on the Harbinger right in the thick of battle. Reason she did  was that she had called him out when he got to her office before her mission, and he had acted completely innocent about it. Yet despite her witty retort, she made a gesture towards the chair across from her table, sitting up more straight to give him some leg room underneath the tabletop.

"How are you settling in aboard?" she asked the Ensign, not about to be formal with him, and quite intrigued about what she could learn from him - if her suspicions about him were true. She downed her ale and pushed her glass over to him for a refill. The fact that he drank Andorian Ale was yet another sign that there was something he wasn't telling her.

[ Captain Ives | By the Bar | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Rez

The former host of the Rez symbiont was certainly unlike both Edena and Kiya Rez, acting far more bold than the both of them combined. It was such a clash of personalities that Jien did a double take, but he quickly settled into the situation as best as he might. "I have no doubt of the fact. Aldebaran whiskey, if you would be so kind. As Edena knows, 'ma'am' might not be entirely fitting when I am in this form, but I would be rather arrogant if I would police titles and pronouns given my dual nature. I am aware that I am not making it any easy for the people that tries to refer to me as an individual."

Having said this, he changed back... to her female form, since this mysterious Illya Rez had chosen to address her that way. Jien had no way of knowing if it was how the host had chosen to regard her as in terms of gender, a Freudian slip-of-the-tongue, perhaps.

"But your current host is no officer, so there is no need to say 'ma'am' either. Call me Jien."

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #18
[Ensign Chris Slayton | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy] Attention: Ida

Chris nodded as he sat down in the offered seat before refilling her glass and setting the bottle down on the table. "Pretty much, just been trying to understand a few things too myself, learning the differences between the two ships and everything if you will." he explained before taking a drink from his own glass.

As he did so, he studied her for a couple of seconds, taking in her posture and her antenna as he weighed something that was on his mind as he recalled their conversation in her office before she left on her SAR and he decided to test the ice so to speak.

"You spoke of wanting to talk to me about something when you returned, ThanIda, and I'm ready but the question is do you want to have this conversation here or some place more quiet so that we are not interrupted?" he asked in a little bit serious tone but not too serious.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #19
The sudden turn of the conversation caught Ida off guard, and she raised her eyes - and only her eyes - to look at the pilot. The immediate thought was that he wanted to speak to her in private, and wanted to take advantage of such a situation. Then again, when she had confronted him about having such ideas before, he had given her tactical information about his former crew members. He had said that his visit to her office had not been a game to win her attention, instead telling her about a Bajoran and a Vulcan that were not the be underestimated.

In counter-balance, there was the fact that he had kissed her on the Harbinger... so she was left not knowing what to think about his veiled proposal to go elsewhere.
"When I said that we'll speak more later, it was not something specific I had in mind - merely wishing to catch up since I had to leave on my mission last we spoke," she said, not wanting to sound guarded, but also not about to be caught alone with the pinkskin so that he might get the idea that it would be perfectly all right to kiss her again without her permission. It was not like she wanted him to. Certainly not. That he reminded her about David Grayson with that stupid fur on his face had no bearing whatsoever in her appreciation of the pinkskin's physique. Did she appreciate...? No, his physique was adequate for a resourceful fighter and a soldier, it was definitely not like the testosterone fog that swept into the room he entered was getting to her antennae.

"There is one question I have, and you better not lie," she said downing another glass of Ale to still her nerves, even though her features were a cliff-face in the deepest winter. "What made you think you could kiss me on the Harbinger? Clearly, it was a poor choice in timing, Security about to overwhelm our position, and you suddenly decide to think with your... ape-genes instead of your evolved brain."

Once, it had served to be a source of amusement when she first heard about how pinkskins used to be the same as the creatures that ate yellow fruit and scratched themselves all the time.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #20
[ Edena Rez | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:Ives

"One whiskey coming up." she smiled amused and reached for the bottle and a glass. Her eyes never really left Jien and her continuous references to callien Jien Ma'am seemed to have their desired effect as the captain indeed changed into her female form. Placing the glass on a napkin before Jie, Illya smiled coy as she looked into Jien's eyes. "Well, a least I saw that for the first time with my own eyes." she whispered just loud enough for Jien to hear.

"Anyway Jien, I was just jinking your chain so to speak. " she carried on with a wink "I was intrigued by the fact that you can just transform like the way you do. I've seen my fair share of shifters in my days but your shifting sure is something." She poured herself a glass of whiskey now as she leaned against the bar, purposely perhaps exposing a bit of cleavage to Jien as she looked fascinated towards the captain "You know, I never really got the difference between your kind and the Founders... You both seem to have the same skill set, but I guess somewhere fundamentally you're different." she said yet with a curious tone in her voice. She nipped from her glass now while her eyes lingered on Jien the entire time.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #21
[Ensign Chris Slayton | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy] Attention: Ida

Chris couldn't help but smile just a little bit at the ape comment..but only just a little bit but he did owe her truth. "I am attracted to you, pure and simple, and there was a strong chance that I could've died during the escape from the Harbinger and I wanted to show you that attraction just in case." he said in an honest tone, his eyes stayed locked on her's.

Chris then held up a hand in a "hold on one second" to postpone any comments.  "My attraction to you started when I heard you confront that arse hat and I heard the steel that you were tempered with like the most well crafted hrisal and that drew me to you, ThanIda. You ask me who I really am and the truth of it is that my following your species practices and forms isn't because of some fad or anything, it's because I was formally adopted into the clan."

Chris finished off his drink and refilled it before saying anything else, letting that sink in. "I am not schnarzzed or anything but how that happened and how I came to live on Andor in Lor'Vela isn't one that I tell openly which is why I asked about going somewhere to talk, if I was going to try and engage you in another way, it wouldn't be with a bottle of ale between us." he offered up with the same honesty that one Andorian would show another...if he was an Andorian.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #22
[ Captain Ives | By the Bar | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Rez

Sipping her drink, Jien was again reminded about how different this Illya woman was compared to the other two female Rez hosts given how she winked at her - not to mention how flamboyant she was with the cleavage of the dress she had worn to the memorial service. She was interested in her abilities, and that was a topic Jien was used to discuss from time to time, even if those conversations had become scarce in-between all else that was going on. Most of the crew was well familiar with her nature at that point.

"Changelings and I both have morphogenic matrixes, but completely diverse in nature. To the causal eye, our nature might be alike, but on the organic level we are nothing of the kind. Consider us different breeds of animals with similar abilities, but evolved on altogether different planets," she said, idly running her fingers along the rim of her glass. "That being said, the Federation doesn't know nearly as much about my nature as they possess databases on the Federation's old enemy. Chameloid are extremely rare, I have come to learn through my life - my efforts to find my genetic heritage having mostly been in vain. As far as I have learned, Chameloids are as good as extinct."

Jien raised her hand in front of herself, and she changed back... his male form, as if to illustrate his point. "In some ways, we are far inferior to the Changelings, that is for certain, but given time, we might just be better in perfecting adaptations on a biological level." He dropped his hand and looked to Illya. "I may have a template from merely observing someone, able to mimic the appearance of humanoids swiftly... but the process of defining a Chosen Form takes years. Decades. Both with subconscious and actively chosen changes to it, and that goes for both the cosmetics as well as the biological adaptation. Changelings have difficulty with details, like ears, and are generally only able to adapt the cosmetic layer. As to why Chameloids are better at adapting our forms is likely due to evolution, like the abilities of any species. In essence, the ability to change necessitate the ability to derive physical form by observation, so I reckon it has been a survival instinct among my species. Even if I have never met another Chameloid that know anything about our origin in this galaxy, my best guess is that we have observed and then adapted in order to survive, and we have been doing so for millennia."

Jien sipped his drink again, getting a distant look in his face. "As to why we are nearly extinct, I am left to guess, but it might be the need for both parents to have a morphogenic matrix in order to create offspring." Jien sipped his drink before continuing. "Being able to adapt as we can, added with space-flight... It may just have led to my species dispersing across the the stars to find their own, unique forms. Finding their own lives together with species and at places where they came to feel like they belonged. Finding partners and joy despite the lack of children. Sometimes, the ability to adapt might make anyone forget who they really are."

It was not lost on Jien how that could even be true for Edena Rez, or any of the hosts residing within her.

[ ThanIda zh'Wann | By the Tables | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: DocReno

In two swift strokes, Husker had both admitted being attracted to her, and not because her was some pinkskin with a fetish for some blue skin to lay his hands on, but because of how she had confronted Commander Trujillo in the brig of the Harbinger - not even having laid eyes on her yet by that time since their holding cells had been next to each other. She had barely collected her words to give him a reply before he stopped her with his second revelation.

He was clan, or so he said.

This made Ida sit back and drop her hands into her lap. A sign of wariness, perhaps, but if he was from Lor'Vela, he could just as well be a spy of her father's. He gave next to no details, merely saying he wished to speak in private again, and boldly so. She said nothing at first, and it felt like they were suddenly playing a game of kal'toh. He shrouded himself in secrecy still, only having dropped part of his veil, and she still could not trust his intentions, perhaps less so given her own exile and his past.

"So you are a pinkskin that have embraced my culture... and I'm an Andorian who has fled it in disgrace... instead embracing yours," she said, sipping her drink without making any indication of rising to her feet, nor to look away from him - eyes unblinking. "You tell me little, behave like the people of my past, and say you are from Lor'Vela. Should I expect you to know my Keth? Should I expect to know yours? I am not inclined to be alone with you, Ensign Slayton, until I know exactly what I am dealing with here. There is a lot of bad blood between me and my people."

She put her glass down - her final word said. "I hope you can show me this respect, and recognise the fact that the customs of my people have little sway with me any more. If anything, they keep me on edge - reminding me about what I left behind. So come clean, or leave me be."

In a way, she felt sorry about the fact that he had a past with Andor. She could recognise how he had acted in desire to kiss her if he thought he was about to die, and was flattered by it... but if he was clan, then it mattered little in the light of all other possible implications.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #23
[ Edena Rez | Below Decks | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:Ives

Listening seemingly captivated by the words of the captain, Illya listened and watched the man closely. It was as if she was hanging on his lips. She did however listen carefully to what he had to say, taking in as much detail as she could now that she could a decent and full understanding of the difference between Chameloids and changelings. It was interesting to hear what the differences were and how the one species simply out bested the other in transforming. From Illya's point of view though it seemed that the Chameloids were ultimately better, yet she doubted about that position as Jien told her about their dwindling numbers.

"Ha, curious." she remarked and carried on with slight nods to indicate that she was still with his story. "You know, some species believe that while their numbers carry on to extinction that it is simply the next stage in life. A sort of ascension so to speak..." She smiled as he spoke the last few words, the faulty joining of the Rez symbiont reminding her that she sort of was a freak of nature herself. "I can understand how some of them might rank joy and partnership or companionship above children." she concluded eventually yet a new question was burning on her tongue. "So to get it straight, you can never have children unless it's with another woman of your kind? Or well man..." she asked intrigued while Edena hissed at the back of her mind, telling her not to go further on the subject. Kiya agreed with Illya as she appeared next to Jien in the eyes of Illya. 'Don't torment the man more than needed Illya, he's been through a lot already and to think about his demise as a species in a whole, might not be in the best interest of his crew.' she sai with a corrective tone. Illya looked at Kiya now, which for Jien meant that the Trill was looking at a vacant spot next to him.

Re: DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]

Reply #24
[ Captain Ives | By the Bar | Below Decks | Deck 07 ] Attn: Rez

Illya asked about his ability to procreate, and it made Jien chuckle. Before he answered, he noted how Illya was looking at a spot beside him and he wondered if she was having an internal debate with Edena, Kiya or Jona. It was impossible to tell, and after having worked closely with Rez since her promotion to First Officer, Jien had come to realise how there was no use in speculation and asking too probing questions about the dialogue between the hosts of the Rez symbiont. It was often an exercise in futility to understand the whole exchange that was taking place, and served only to confuse and muddle the conversation - sometimes even making him suspicious of what Jona was saying.

"Unlike most species, Chameloids have no genders. We have no chromosomes, evolving from a lost society which had no men or women, where individuals shared biological and emotional disposition. To put it in known terms, our DNA are our morphogenic matrix, and each individual matrix is - in lack of a better word - an hermaphrodite. As far as my studies have determined, we were all able to carry children and reproduce. The only reason why I have two Chosen Forms is that I was raised by humans, and I embraced their chromosome-separated existence as a whole. If I were to become human, why would I - with the ability that I have - limit myself to only being one facet of the species? Likewise, if the human species, or the Trill, were able to change their genders at will and were not biologically programmed to be either, then I am quite certain such an ability would come to express itself in a similar fashion to my own. Either as a singular duality, like myself, or a mix of both genders in one physical form."

The extinction of his own species did not, as people might think, cause regret, since he did not identify with them as much as he did the human race.

"I might never be able to bring children to the Galaxy, but that is not any immediate concern of mine. Sufficed to say... I have bigger things to worry about."

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