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DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

[ Simon Tovarek | Turbolift | Deck 02 ] Attn: Heather McMillan

Tovarek had just entered the Turbolift after a quick run back to his station on the bridge. He had checked it for any abnormalities after he had entered some queries for scanning and to keep an eye on the away team as he didn't want them to run across any troubles. The long range scanners were functioning fine and it seemed like tactical was keeping a close eye on them as well. Honestly though, he could have checked all that data from his station back in his office, yet he wanted to be about and around in the ship. Instead of being constrained to his office.

The elevator stopped at one of the decks, and Simon looked up from his PADD to notice McMillan entering the lift. "Ah, Miss McMillan." He said with a smile and nodded at her before he realized that he actually still had a question for her. "Sorry to intrude, but would you happen to have some time for a chat?" Thinking about that on second thought, he probably should have brought this up otherwise. His eyes seemed to squint a bit together as he smiled and shook his head "It's because I have a proposition for you. Seeing that you're a trained scientist, I was wondering if you'd want to work in our science labs. We've got a few open spots and I'm sure our team would have a great asset with you in our ranks." He continued as he recovered his stance and looked more determined about what he had to say.

In the meantime the lift wooshed back into action and Simon checked how far the were off from the Science labs "If you want really, I could even give you a tour now if you have the time." he offered her with respect.

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ Heather McMillan |  Turbolift | Deck 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Simon Tovarek


McMillan was more surprised at herself than anything else, with how much she was willing to get out and about in the ship now. Wearing a simple white sweater, a knee-length brown skirt and matching small boots, she tottered into the turbolift, and smiled politely at Simon Tovarek. He was doing well, she observed, to her relief. "Tovarek," she greeted, and tilted her head, her hair floating up with the motion, "sure, I-I...I've got time."

She was a bit nervous about it really. Did he find something in one of her jury-rigging that was causing catastrophic failure? But no, that didn't seem to be the case, as he revealed that he had a proposition for her. "Oh."

Her eyebrows arched, and the flecks of light in her eyes started to shine a little brighter as her curiosity was piqued, and caused emotional sensations to stir up, affecting the way she began to glow. "That's flattering, sir, really. But I'm just a civilian. I've never had anything but the most rudimentary training on standard protocol, and even then I barely recall most of that. B-but...I'd be take the tour. Yes."

She blushed and looked uncertainly at the console of the turbolift.

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ Simon Tovarek | Turbolift-> Upper Science Labs | Deck 02 -> Deck 04 ] Attn: Heather McMillan

Simon smiled as Heather tried to pull herself together, or so it seemed and replied to him "Oh, don't worry Miss McMillan, I am aware that you are a civilian. Yet I'm sure you could contribute to our cause and our mission." For a second Simon paused and wondered how much he sounded like Vasser now. With a slow shake with his head he continued "Perhaps you could work freelance for us at the start and if you really get the taste for it, who know... Perhaps we could get you in Starfleet after all." he winked as the lift reached it's destination.

When the lift stopped at Deck 04 the doors slid open and Simon stepped out to waited for McMillan to join him through the corridors before they reached the Upper Science Labs. As they walked through the corridors Simon gave Heather a short breakdown of what could be found on this deck and the other decks below. "So over here we have the Upper Science labs, my office is also on this part of the ship." he said and pointed towards his door. They walked further now and Simon now gave Heather a closer look to the labs, letting her enter in one of the labs so she could figure out for herself what could be found here. "We have pretty advanced tech compared to most other ships and some labs on certain planets." He continued as he let her roam about.

"Now further down, we have a hydrophonics bay and another deck lower we have the Astrometrics and MiddleScience Labs. On the same level as Sickbay we also have the Lower Science Labs. Now don't get me wrong that we're always stuck in our labs or offices. I do promote my people to test out improvements in the fields in which they are specializing in. By doing so we have people working down in engineering, trying out new gadgets and improvements that could give our ship just the slightest advantage when needed. But we could also help out in Medical, Operations and so on." he concluded.

"Anyway, how do you like it?" he asked curious now and looked at Heather closely now.

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #3
[ Heather McMillan |  Upper Science Labs | Deck 04 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Simon Tovarek


McMillan marvelled at the fact that she was wanted for further assistance. For the longest time, she had stayed out of sight, because she was afraid that when asked to help, she wouldn't measure up. But she supposed she had proven herself sufficiently in light of this recent misadventure, right? She smiled at Tovarek shyly, and nodded at his offer to be freelance. That was probably for the best. Nothing binding, but still able to contribute.

She trailed quietly after him as he gave her an impromptu tour of the science labs. She had this to consider: She could certainly do more with this much resources available. Like a little kid in a candy store, McMillan scampered over to take a quick look at everything, taking care not to trip over her own feet as she was prone to doing, and her hair trailed behind her, glowing in wisps of golden light as her eagerness and excitement caused tiny, faint-yet-visible bursts of colourful light to flash, mostly around her head, eyes and hands. "Ooooh...!"

Reluctantly, she pulled away from all the fancy gear to follow Tovarek. "Have you managed to input into the medical area much?" She asked, curious and starting to formulate ideas. Access to the hydroponics bay along with medical had her theorizing on something she had been considering to help out in. "I was conducting research on plants that we've picked up in our travels, and also considering medical applications with some of them. In fact I just discovered the properties of one of the plants can be turned into..."

And she went on and on, excited and eager now.

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ Simon Tovarek |  Upper Science Labs | Deck 04 ] Attn: Heather McMillan

Simon had to chuckle a little as he saw McMillan dart around the labs as if she had hit the jackpot. He noticed the feint light glow around her as she moved across yet chose not to comment on it further as he wasn't sure how much she wanted to open up to him about her alien origin. He imagined that in time she might bring it up to share. It was amusing and fun to see, yet he did keep the idea of recruiting her in his ranks in the back of his mind.  He listened to her now as she mentioned the input of science into medical. 

 "Well so far we haven't been able to help out medical all that much yet. Again we've been spread rather thin on the science team... Plus some breakthroughs take longer..." Simon admitted. "Though your research sounds interesting. What did you discover?" he asked her curiously.

As he listened to her the prospects of using herbal medicine could be interesting. When used correctly theoretically the ship could stock up on non conventional medication and treatments. It was something that intrigued Tovarek despite his lack of knowledge about further flora.

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ Heather McMillan |  Upper Science Labs | Deck 04 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Simon Tovarek


McMillan's eyes narrowed, and her lips pursed a little, thoughtful. "Wellllll...maybe I might be able to change that soon enough. I mean not being able to help out in medical very much." This was something that concerned her very much. With such diverse races and species on board, and without any secure means of regular supplies, especially medications, any and all avenues for constant and easily-acquired supplies had to be taken into consideration. She looked up at the man, and gone were any traces of the shy, nervous young woman. Her eyes were flaring, literally. Blue and gold flecks of light practically shot out in tiny particles of light from her eyes as she spoke.

"As I was saying earlier, the Volorian Firegrass that I am growing in my own labs can synthesize a most spectacular enzyme that, when applied with just a hint of Oxydendrolon, can be used to promote healing and increased recovery, along with improved immunity to sickness. So far, I've found no species that's incompatible with this. It would certainly bolster our supply of medication for treating minor injuries or even sicknesses." She looked longingly at the labs, then back to Tovarek, "I want to help wherever I can, sir. Let me do this. With a lab like this, I could make tenfold more discoveries in half the time I normally would take with my own labs."

Her eyes were lighting up, and her entire body was glowing a white-gold light, that seemed to reflect her own eagerness and elation.

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ Simon Tovarek |  Upper Science Labs | Deck 04 ] Attn: Heather McMillan

Simon his eyes narrowed at the mention of this new botanical breakthrough. This could indeed hold a lot of prospect and Simon nodded at first before he replied. First he wanted to hear what else Heather had to say. "The prospects sound nice indeed. I'll give you the freedom you require to make your breakthroughs miss McMillan. However, Starfleet personnel will stiff have priority on using the labs if needed. Of course, you can always apply to join Starfleet." Simon answered her and added the last bit with a wink. He truly believe that McMillan would be an asset to Starfleet, despite the alien nature of her people, the CSO was convinced that the young race and woman would certainly be worth it.

"But, do tell me! How did you stumble across this discovery? Surely you must've had a hunch or anything in those lines to find out such a groundbreaking discovery." He carried on, intrigued by how far the young scientist had come with such limited resources. He also made the assumption that her breakthroughs would come more quickly in the advanced labs. The future looked bright for the young scientist and Simon was glad he could help.

In the meantime he noticed the change in demeanor of Heather and he bit his lower lip as she seemingly glowed with eagerness. It was a sight to behold and Simon would bet that a million people would want to see such a wonderful thing. It made him wonder if Heather would be open for topic of finding out more of her species, so he asked her as he couldn't help himself anymore "Say, Heather... Is it alright if I call you Heather? Would you mind sharing more information about me about your people?"

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ Heather McMillan |  Upper Science Labs | Deck 04 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Simon Tovarek


McMillan's eyes narrowed with suspicion, but her lips curved up into a smile, overall, giving a playful expression. "If I didn't know better, Mr. Tovarek," said McMillan, "I would say you're trying to strongarm me into joining Starfleet."

She smiled sweetly, and rolled her eyes upwards, "But I guess if it's what needs to be done to get access to this lab, then I'd do it. As for my...ah-heh...groundbreaking discovery...well," she gestured with her arms in a odd shrug, "I've always been fascinated by plants and herbology. I mean on Earth itself, there have been so many discoveries of plants with medicinal use in history, so when we came out here, I've been able to learn more, and that's how I eventually came upon my latest discovery."

When Tovarek asked about her people, she looked a little wary, but finally nodded her head, "Y-yeah, you can call me Heather, sure. And I suppose there's no point hiding it any longer...or a need to. I mean this is the Federation, after all."

She leaned back on one of the tables, resting her palms on the surface, and looked at the man thoughtfully, "What would you like to know first?"

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Simon Tovarek |  Upper Science Labs | Deck 04 ] Attn: Heather McMillan

Simon smiled as Heather insinuated that he'd be strongarming her into Starfleet. He laughed a bit afterwards and shook his head "Not at all miss McMillan, it's just a reminder to make in case you wish to use this lab." He answered her, yet soon realized that the woman wouldn't be opposed to joining their ranks. Yet already she started about her groundbreaking discovery and Simon was all ears. "Ah, that does make sense, though I had imagined that our scientists had depleted all what they could find about Terran vegetation... Yet you seem to amaze..." He answered playfully, teasing even.

"Well, you can openly show it to us here. This is considerably save since we're cut off from any contact with other Federation ships or allies at this point. It could even be a perfect habitat to experiment on how people would react to your species." Simon suggested and leaned against the doorframe. Yet Heather asked him what he wanted to know about her species and there certainly was a long list of questions on Simon's mind yet he didn't want to strain the poor woman directly.

"Well, I'll keep most of the questions to myself for now, or I might even scare you off the science section." He chuckled "But, the most curious question that I have for you is... Where did your people come from and how did they get to Earth without getting spotted. How did you even to blend in so easily?" He asked her. She could see that the SCO was excited about this new information. It was as if he was a kid in a candy store with only one choice of sweets to make.

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #9
[ Heather McMillan |  Upper Science Labs | Deck 04 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Simon Tovarek


McMillan chuckled softly, then shook her head, whilst looking at Tovarek, "In all honesty?" she said, "You can go over the same thing twice, even three times, and if you're observant, you'll never cease to discover new things from the same subject. This applies to books, materials and just about anything else."

Looking at the lab, she added, "That's what my father told me."

She shrugged shyly, "I suppose so..." She was only afraid someone might react in a violent manner. She had very little in the way of physical defence.

Listening to his questions, McMillan smiled and settled back, thoughtful. She began to recount the history as she knew it from her family, "Well, to be quite honest, I don't know where my people came from originally, we've lost that information with time. As for how we got to Earth. My ancestors were explorers and researchers. They arrived over Eart in nineteen-eighty, and due to a catastrophic engine failure, had to crashland. They landed in England, where they scrounged what supplies they could from their ship and destroyed the rest. In those years, technology wasn't advanced enough yet to detect people like us. My people are very adaptive to new cultures, so most of us disguised ourselves as an Amish community. Only a handful moved into and lived amongst humans, like me and my family. We have ways of fooling even modern day bioscanners using our photokinesis and limited psychokinesis. Though there is a limit to how much we can fool. I'm the first Radiant to ever go anywhere near Starfleet, so I had to rely on friends to help me fool my biology scans so as to pass off as human. Not my proudest moment, I'll admit, but you have to understand, we have grown to naturally fear humans and virtually all other races. We're not strong or durable, and it doesn't take much to kill a Radiant. To us, you're like gods and giants."

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Simon Tovarek |  Upper Science Labs | Deck 04 ] Attn: Heather McMillan

Simon nodded as Heather spoke the words of her father "Well, it sounds to me like your father was a wise man." he answered her eventually as his words did heed truth. Simon had indeed made minor breakthroughs in his research by just rechecking what he had done, but also by delving into research that dated way back, getting more plans out of them and even information that would probably never be dug up if nobody had checked it.

Simon sat himself down against one of the tables in the lab now as he heard out what Heather said about the Radiants. It was intriguing to be the first one to find out about a new race that has never really made actual contact with Terrans. She could see his eyes flicker with interest and curiosity yet the CSO kept most of his questions to himself. "That long huh... Must have been... weird really.." He murmured to himself. "Was Earth the first planet that your people went to? Or are there no records of that?" He asked on "As for the fooling of bio scans and the sorts... It sort of sounds normal. In order to remain your true identity concealed, you have to bypass and fool some people. Yet It's only normal if you're trying to evade any sort of unwanted attention. I won't hold that against you or your people."

The comment about being compared to Gods and giants made Simon chuckle a bit in the end "If only we were giants or Gods... I'm afraid humans have made far too many mistakes to be compared to that... After all, which God would usher time after time to self destruct his own race?" He smiled faintly as his mind took him back to the history books about the earlier era's filled with war and atrocities. "I can fully understand why your people would fear contact with us." he concluded.

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #11
[ Heather McMillan |  Upper Science Labs | Deck 04 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Simon Tovarek


At the mention of her father being a wise man, McMillan gave a wry grin, her arms folded, and she said, "On that, I absolutely agree."

She shrugged at his observation and responded to his questions. "I don't think Earth was the first planet. We're...around. Also...we didn't want attention because...well, our ancestors on Earth found out that humans used to dissect any aliens they came across."

She shuddered involuntarily at the thought, imagining herself on an examination table, dead, and cut open as humans ripped her apart in the name of science and discovery. Her light completely and utterly snuffed. She gave a wan smile to Tovarek as he refuted her claim to humans being like gods and giants to her. "Well," said McMillan, "the thing is, the Radiant are very frail physically. A human child, about seven years old, could easily kill me with just a touch. All right, that's a slight exagerration, but not too far from true fact."

She became slightly nervous again, and there was a pulsing glow of light building around her body. She couldn't fully suppress the light whenever emotions became strong in her. Was it wise of her to reveal so much about her physiology and weaknesses to complete strangers? But they're not really strangers anymore, right? She wondered privately to herself. No, these people are people I need to trust, if I want to live.

"Not all gods were benevolent, so what I said stands," McMillan straightened up and slowly approached the man, rising to her tip toes. "I'm entrusting you with knowledge about myself and my people, Simon, because the crew of the Theurgy needs to understand, if I begin to expand my level of interaction from non-existent to frequent contact, that for all my looks and appearances, I am not human, and I should be considered glass to them. I doubt anyone would appreciate being branded for accidental murder..."

Tovarek needed to understand, McMillan mused, so she stopped in front of him and looked sincerely into his eyes, whilst her hands wrapped around one of his, and he could feel how brittle and frail she was, and how...light, she was. If the man was so inclined, he could actually lift her up with one hand, almost effortlessly. "There's a reason why I hardly spoke to anyone initially," said McMillan, "it spared me from accidentally revealing myself, and minimized the risk of physical harm to me. But I've decided this won't work anymore; I need to spend more time around the crew. Feel my hand. Do you feel that? Like you can break my arm with just a tiny amount of pressure on your part? That's because you can. If you imagine I'm made of matchsticks, that is good, because as far as humans, Klingons, Romulans, Andorians and just about any other race out there should be concerned, I am."

She slowly and gently slipped her hands out of his and looked up expectantly at him.

Re: DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Simon Tovarek |  Upper Science Labs | Deck 04 ] Attn: Heather McMillan

Early Earth scientists were perhaps rather crude in examining aliens. Especially after what they had hidden in Roswell. Yet Tovarek could relate to McMillan her point of view. "Do you know if you ever got discovered on other planets?" he asked again as he listened further and seemingly remained intrigued by the entire history of her people.

"Hmm, your fragile condition... Should we invest in a sort of body armor for you when things turn badly?" He inquired, seeing that he might turn Heather into a Starfleet member, she would fall under either his or Lucan's department. Yet regardless of her choice, he was already thinking ahead to the safety of this new acquired member. It would be a shame to lose her so easily when they had only scratched the surface of her race. There was certainly a lot to lose. Simon's expression on his face could probably say it all to McMillan as he looked at her concerned.

As she clarified the situation to him, Simon began to wonder how he would let the other crew members know about McMillan's condition so to speak. Sure there were humans that were known with brittle bones, people who could snap bones by just the slightest touch. Yet Heather her case seemed to be a level ahead of that. Perhaps a single touch could hit vital organs or cause massive bleeding. What did they know about her physiology for that fact. he looked at the woman before him as she stood before him on her tip toes. He couldn't deny that past her charming and rather good looking facade, there was probably a complex system of nerve strains and unknown DNA. "Hmm, perhaps we should let Doctor Nicander take a look at you in case of any accidents..." he mumbled "If you agree with that of course." He knew that this probably sounded like exactly what she didn't want to do. Lay on a table and get probed and investigated at. Perhaps scanning would suffice? A problem for Nicander no doubt.

Simon slowly feels up on Heather's hand and forearm. It's amazing how light and fragile she feels. He nods slowly as he opens his mouth, yet no sound comes out. He just slowly lets his fingertips run over her skin and he bites down on his lip. "I understand... I'll inform all the personnel in the science departments about your... condition. Yet I won't specifically mention that you're not human. I'll leave that choice to you. Who you'd like to tell and who you wouldn't. It's not that I'm afraid of the reactions of my fellow scientists. It's just something I think you can tell them personally. It would greatly improve your relations with them in my opinion." he explained to her and felt her hand slipping away out of his. He looked at her with respect now and with honor "Anyway, I'm glad you're aboard this ship and crew Heather. If there's anything that I can do for you... Personally or work related... Just let me know okay?" he smiled and nodded at her.

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