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DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]

DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]

[ Cameron Henshaw | Isley's Quarters | Deck 05 ] Attn: Kaligos

With a certain stride in her pace Cameron Henshaw made her way over to the quarters of Nathaniel Isley. The incident that had occurred was horrible to say the least. The death of a fellow pilot by your own actions must always feel like the most sickening thing there is Cameron believed and she had been given the advise of Jien to pay Isley a visit. To be fair she wanted to talk to the pilot herself, just to get some bearings down on him and to see how he was holding up. Her past as a counselor made the job more fitting to take him through the emotional process and she believed the pilot could benefit from a talk like this.

She noticed the two guards at the door and halted in front of them before looking them in the eyes "Afternoon. I'm here for a counseling session with Isley. Should have been approved from the brass, but feel free to check." she said with a smile as he waited for the confirmation of the watch posts. After that she chimed the door and opened it, walking in and letting the door go shut behind her.

She waited a few seconds until she was sure that the door was shut before she looked around in the rather messy room of Nathaniel. She didn't spot the man off the bat so she called out for him "Lieutenant Isley? It's Cameron Henshaw... I'm here to see how you're holding up." she offered carefully as she stepped in further into the room.

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #1
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley | Senior Officer's Quarters| Deck 05 ] Attn: Lucan, & Nolan

Agreement was certainly a word that could be used for this situation though Nathan wasn't sure if he agreed with it. When Ida left he picked up the lamp and hurled it at where she had been standing watching with mild satisfaction as the small thing shattered into several more pieces. He felt like destroying the entire room, he wanted too. But the anger passed. He understood why she was doing this, why it had to be like this, but at the same time it was driving him crazy.

Skye had been a friend, a fellow wolf. Ida could have been more, and now two women of whom he had respect for had somehow walked out of his life, and the guilt was insane. Silence returned to the room and Nathan fell back onto his bed. Angry yet as seething as it was he didn't feel like doing anything more about it. He couldn't go for a run around the ship, he would have to forgo replicator rations if he wanted anything to work out with, and so he had no way to work off the physical aggression he felt.

Well one way... but considering that at any minute a counselor would be walking into the room he wasn't entirely sure that was a smart idea.

Speaking of which, Henshaw came to him when the day had worn on to evening. Any remaining anger left him as he sat up in his bed. "You will have to forgive the mess, though I think you will find it currently reflects the state of my life rather nicely."

Nathan's voice was dry, sarcastic and in pain. If there had been any doubt that the actions had hurt him the proof was in just how destroyed the man had become following Skye's death. She asked how he was holding up and he chuckled. It was the same wording Ida had first used, and the sarcastic question that first crossed his mind was 'have you come to break up with me as well.'

"I accidentally just killed one of my best friends, and I'm facing a criminal trial where the least they will do is court marshal me if not blow me out an airlock. Oh, and I just got broken up with... I'd say everything is just fucking peachy." As angry as Nathan wanted to be he knew he had to take this seriously. He knew he had to try and have a conversation with the doctor, so he let out a deep breath and sat up again. "So Henshaw... what can I say?"

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ Cameron Henshaw | Isley's Quarters | Deck 05 ] Attn: Kaligos

Henshaw could feel the pain that surged through Nathan as he spoke, yet she didn't need to be a rocket scientist to see how angry the pilot was. The room spoke clearly for him instead. She had to weigh her words and be careful in this situation and she took a seat opposite of Isley as she looked into his eyes. She didn't say anything at first as he had asked her what he could say.

She moistened her lips softly with her tongue before she spoke up again "I want you to talk to me." she said plainly and she straightened her jacket before sitting up straight "I want you to tell me how much pain you feel inside. What you want to do about it, if you're feeling guilt or remorse? I want to know if you see yourself flying in the future after this incident? " she broke it down plain and simple to him. Those were the things she wanted to know, just for the record, yet in her role as counselor, she wanted to see how the pilot coped with it all. Would he have violent out brakes of rage? Would he crash down and snap under the pressure? That's what she was interested in. Did the person fit the profile?

It was a very special way of thinking, not something you could find in any of the manuals as a counselor, yet Henshaw trusted in what she had learned over the years. It was as if she wanted to see what made the man tick, to crack his skull open and look what fueled the gears inside of his mind.

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #3
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley | Senior Officer's Quarters| Deck 05 ] Attn: Nolan

Nathan shot a glar towards Henshaw for a moment when she asked him what he was feeling inside. The line sounded so corny that at the moment he felt like he wanted to smack her for it. At the same time however he saw in looking into her eyes that she was curious about him, and how he was feeling. He supposed at this point curious was about as close as anyone would get for concern. When she asked him if he would fly again he gave a hard chuckle. "Of course I want to fly again. It's my life were talking about, I've always been a pilot, it was what drove me to joining Starfleet in the first place. The question isn't if I want to fly, the question is will anyone let me?"

There was a dark sigh as Nathan shook his head. "In the last two missions I have been responsible for the death of two different wolves. In both situations I have been powerless to prevent it. Even when I am found innocent of the accident that... took Skye's life. Do you really think anyone is going to look at me and think 'yeah I want him at my side'. The wolves have a level of trust between us that needs to remain unbroken. If there is even a shadow of a doubt that I actually did kill Skye, and it wasn't technical. If they can't find out why my ship locked onto hers, and it's judged as a piloting error.... what do you think happens to me?"

Nathan wanted to fall back, or shrink away, maybe even attack. He so desired to be angry rather than sad and pathetic as he was. Wanted to grieve kick something and scream."I have been replaying those moments over and over in my head. I didn't see any warnings, didn't notice that I was off my flight path, didn't think for a moment that anything bad could happen, and because I didn't do any kind of flight check I may have been responsible for the death of a friend. I am going to live with the fact regardless of how this inquisition finds me."

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ Cameron Henshaw | Isley's Quarters | Deck 05 ] Attn: Kaligos

Henshaw noticed the rage in the glare he shot at her when she had asked her questions. A normal reaction yet it troubled her to see that he bottled up his emotions. It could lead to an explosion at any given time perhaps, resulting him to be a time bomb. She fiddled a little with her fingers while she continued to observe his behavior and listened to what he said about the possibility of his wings being clipped. She could understand that flying was everything this man ever cared for, but she wondered what he'd do in case the results would point to pilot error. Would the former pilot stumble into a depression which could lead to negligence for his new assignment?

She kept looking in his eyes as he summed up what could happen if the trust was lost among the wolves "I understand that our fighter group is a close group, perhaps even different from the overall crew. Yet there must be moments where you have made the difference with them? You can't focus on all the negative criteria that you just summed up." she said calmly to him. It was easy for her to say after the series of events yet she noticed that the pilot was on an edge. "Presuming that you are suspended for active flight duty. Do you see yourself function on another level? Somewhere where you think you can make a difference too?" she asked carefully. The idea here was to offer him a view on what his future might be if the outcome of the investigation would be awry.

His confession about skipping pre flight checks and having to live with the fact that he had been responsible for the death of Carver made Cameron look away from the pilot. She might have to return for more sessions after this one, to help him cope with the loss and the guilt stuck behind him. She had one big question still remaining to ask yet she waited for the right time to ask it and right now, wasn't the right time.

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #5
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley | Senior Officer's Quarters| Deck 05 ] Attn: Nolan

"If I'm suspended then I likely won't have any duties. More likely I'd be knocked down to civilian, and loose everything. At which point I could see myself maybe becoming the ships drunk." It was a joke, but it was one dripping with raw dislike for the situation. Loosing his wings would mean a considerable shift in his life, he wasn't sure what he would do. It wasn't exactly like he could reapply if he was found guilty. He would be lucky if he wasn't in the brig for eternity a prisoner of the ship until such time that he could be released.

Considering that their mission would have them fighting against Starfleet even after their return to Federation space... No one knew when they would be able to get to the next legal prison. There would be no talking his way out of the brig to help. It would be mind numbing madness. If he had his rank removed and placed down to a civilian than he would loose just as much, and be even more useless. If he lost his wings and was forced into another section of the ship command?

Where would he go? That was a question he didn't know how to answer, and so for a long moment he let the silence build. "Flying has been my entire life, who knows maybe if i'm really lucky they will let me fly Thea herself, she has three bridges, I'm sure one of them needs a pilot. So long as they keep me away from weapons controls I'm sure everyone will be just fine."

Maybe he could even negotiate with Captain Ives' be a Starfleet observer, civilian in rank but keep duties on board the ship so that he didn't go completely mental. Of course even that situation was as far as he could tell one of the worst. "But of course I wont know anything till I sit down and have this trial."

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ Cameron Henshaw | Isley's Quarters | Deck 05 ] Attn: Kaligos

Cameron remained silent as she let the pilot reflect upon her questions before she shifted in her seat. She didn't answer his responses as he offered them to her and she kept her hands folded while she let her eyes run over the tall man. "Alright. Well, we'll indeed have to see what the outcome is of the inquiry. Until than... I believe that they might put you in a bit of an isolated state. You won't be seeing much visitors and such, but if you want someone to talk to or if you want to ventilate your feelings feel free to contact me." she said calmly before she stood up from her seat.

Her eyes went through his room and she hesitated to take her leave right then and there. "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss with me Nathan?" she asked softly as she stood there and straightened out her uniform jacket. She would do anything for him to open up just a little more so she could figure out what the pilot would be planning to do during the time of the investigation.

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #7
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley | Senior Officer's Quarters| Deck 05 ] Attn: Nolan

Nathan's hand shot out and grabbed onto his counselor's wrist. He knew perhaps better than most that this was the only human contact he was going to get for a long time. If left to his own devices he was unsure of what would happen. He could feel the paranoia nipping at the back of his mind like encroaching ice it afflicted every part of his vision, and made him think. He wasn't crazy, but at the moment he could feel thoughts that weren't like him surrounding him, and he felt like if he let the woman go, and he was left alone insanity would follow shortly after. There wasn't a decision that the pilot couldn't second guess from his life.

For now Cameron was the only anchor he had to the world outside of his door. "I have a request, before you go."

Nathan knew she couldn't stay. Knew that he would be alone, and knew there wasn't anyone he could ask for that would come to his aid. He was alone... at least as alone as any Traitor could be. If he was left to this room to rot he knew he wasn't going to survive the night. He didn't know how, maybe the guards outside? The paranoia combined with his lack of sleep gave him ideas that he didn't like. "I.. I would like to go to sickbay."

The request was the last thing he could think of really. He glanced around his room, and gave a soft sigh knowing it was needed. "Could you put in a request for me? I... haven't been sleeping well. I'd like to see a doctor... maybe... get a brain scan?"

"Check that i'm still..." He laughed at the thought. In control? when would I have lost control? Nathan shook his head. "I'd like to see a doctor... when they have time."

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Cameron Henshaw | Isley's Quarters | Deck 05 ] Attn: Kaligos

Cameron jumped a little and gasped as Isley grabbed onto her wrist. It had been something that she hadn't counted on and her eyes widened a little in shock. She quickly got her demeanor back and she pressed her lips together as her jaw clenched together. She looked down to Nathan carefully as he made his request and she frowned "Sickbay?" she repeated slowly before nodding and closing her eyes "Yes, of course..."

She placed her slender hand on his now to comfort him "How long have you been having these sleeping problems Nathan?" she asked him carefully while she looking into his eyes. The fear that had gripped her at first had faded now and she stepped closer now, perhaps even close enough for some people to feel their personal bubble being breached. "I'll see if I can get you a doctor to check you up, just wait here for a few minutes alright, I'll just be at the door. I'll probably have to report this in to the security detail as well." she told him calmly what was about to happen. With that she let go of him and waited for him to let go of her. With her hips swaying just a little she walked to the door and reported in to the security detail, next she informed Sickbay about the matter.

A few minutes later she returned to Isley and she nodded "We're all set. Ready when you are." she said with a friendly smile. They'd walk over to sickbay where Doctor Duv had already been briefed. For Nathan's security they had opted to not put him in with the general population. He'd be secluded to one of the isolation chambers as it would probably be the best to be followed up there.

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #9
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley | Senior Officer's Quarters| Deck 05 ] Attn: Nolan

"A few days." In truth it had probably been since the mission before last. He wasn't sure what had changed in him that day, but the loss of one of the wolves had helped shaped every event that had followed. It was almost like someone else was controlling Nathan since that day. He shivered at the thought considering their unseen enemy he was not a fan of the idea. He watched Cameron leave his eyes drifting selfishly to her ass.

If there was one thing he could have wanted that he knew would help settle his nerves it was female company. The thought died as quickly as it came as he knew he wouldn't really be able to perform any task like that. When Cameron was back Nathan was standing. He was a full head taller than Camron and his broad chest and muscles showed through his uniform. If it weren't for the fact that his eyes were slightly vacant and his dower expression he probably would have been handsome.

He nodded to Cameron and stepped outside for the first time in hours though in reality it felt like days to him. He rubbed his neck and felt some level of soreness from laying down. His back and muscles enjoying the fact that he could take more than nine steps in any direction. He was of course under security escort, but he was more free now than he would otherwise be. Oh how easy it would be to just launch out an attack. He could break the guards necks before they would have a chance to fire their heavy phazors.

The thought didn't register on his face which seemed to have some elation as he walked. "Any chance we could take the scenic route? I do so enjoy walking."

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Cameron Henshaw | Isley's Quarters | Deck 05 ] Attn: Kaligos

A few days could indicate for a problem with his skills. Sensory deprivation perhaps or anything along those lines. She could feel his eyes linger over her yet shrugged it off as at some point she found him a handsome guy. Yet with everything going on, now wasn't the time or place to give such thoughts any attention. When she had returned it had surprised her how much taller the pilot was in comparison to her and she nodded at him to follow her out his quarters.

The security detail took point with another one closing the ranks behind them as they marched through the corridors. Cameron was still in front of Nathan her hips swaying causing to bounce her perky ass to bounce with each step. This because she had taken a quick stride to keep up with security. She looked back over her shoulder now and again to see how the pilot was doing and she smiled faintly "I'm afraid we can't let you take the scenic route." she said calmly to him and smiled just a bit.

From there on out they went over to the Turbo Lifts which carried them over to the correct Deck. The next walk they made was into Sickbay. Cameron looked around left and right before she spotted Duv in the distance. "Alright. The guards will escort you to your new accommodations. If you want to speak to me again just give the word, I'm here for you nathan." she said before she laid her hand on his chest. It felt a bit odd to do so yet she smiled and let go before she turned aroundto walk over to Duv. She nodded at the guards to bring Isley to one of the isolation rooms.

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #11
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley | Senior Officer's Quarters| Deck 05 ] Attn: Nolan

The denial of the long walk was to be expected, and every step of the way from his room too the isolation room in the sickbay his mind strayed. How easy would it be to just grab one of the security guys guns? Were they set to stun or kill, would they vaporize him? Would that be easier than waiting for some grand court decision to get rid of him?

What would happen if he resisted and was found guilty of his crimes? Normally he would only be in the brig till the ship had the opportunity to dock and then he would be sent to a Federation prison... this ship didn't dock anymore, would that leave him in the brig forever? A blanket punishment that lasted until Thea was destroyed in combat or such time that they what?... what was there goal? after they exposed the enemy then what, a civil war between those who believed the errant message that the higher ups no longer had control over Starfleet and those that would follow orders and not believe the word of one heretical ship? For the first time ever Nathan actually thought about what they were trying to accomplish instead of one mission at a time and he honestly had no idea what steps they would take after that.

Even if giving over the information of a hidden enemy convinced half of Starfleet they would probably just be causing a civil war, would they have any allies outside of the Federation? What if something larger happened  while the Federation tore it's self appart, like the romulans regained control of themselves and then attacked while the Federation was at war with it's self? Or heaven forbid what if the Borg or species 8472, or anyone of the myrriade of threats from deep space decided 'fuck earth lets blow that shit up' while the races and people of the Federation were at war with one another.

The thoughts spiraled from there using the walk and the silence to spin out dark, darker, yet darker scenarios none of which even mattered past the execution of one prisoner. When he was finally snapped back by Cameron some color had drained from his face and his smirk had faded. "Yes of course, sorry for the wait was just thinking."

Nathan followed the guard and as he looked at Cameron it was clear that everything was weighing on his shoulders at this moment. "Don't worry Shrink.. we will see one another again... I am going to have a lot of free time in the near future."

Sorry this took so long.

Re: DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Maya | Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward| Deck 07 ] Attn: Nolan, kaligos, any sickbay staff.

When Nathan and his security escort arrived at sickbay, Chief Petty Officer Jacques Hebert, formerly of the Harbinger was at the reception duty station, filling in for Maal who had temporarily left.  Hebert had been recovered from the desert planet where his escape pod had landed and he and his fellow survivors were still trying to assimilate themselves with the veterans aboard the Theurgy.  "Lieutenant Isley?" he asked for confirmation.  "Doctor Duv was called away to a patient but Doctor Maya is expecting you in Isolation Room One." 

"Come on, sir, let's go," Senior Chief Petty Officer Calvin Reagar grunted as he resisted the urge to give the lieutenant's shoulder a gentle push.  Lieutenant Isley was under suspicion but not formally charged so he had been instructed to treat him with the respect due to his rank at all times.  Even if Isley had done the unthinkable deed he was suspected of, it was probably not his fault.  A lot of good people killed a lot of good people during the mutiny, and it was wishful thinking to think that all of the stragglers had been caught.  But after seeing his shipmates turn on each other with his own eyes, Reagar wasn't going to take chances. 

When Nathan arrived at Isolation Room One, the doors hissed open to reveal a small rectangular room dominated by a biobed that was currently upraised to resemble a dentist's chair.  Standing before the biobed just left of the door was a short slender woman of indeterminate age.  Doctor Maya had allowed the rather severe haircut favored by most of her people to grow out a bit and now her pageboy haircut had grown enough to hide the pointed tips of her ears. Likewise, she had allowed her dark bangs to grow enough to hide the severe slant of her eyebrows.  Her almost egg white skin indicated that her ancestors lived even closer to the poles of her home world than those Nathan or Cameron.  Considering that her homeworld of Vulcan was known for its blistering heat, it was understandable that the denizens would tend to cluster at the poles.

"Welcome Lieutenant, have a seat," she greeted.  "You're here to determine if you have any residual effects from Commander T'Rena's mental tampering," she announced in a professional tone as she handed Nathan a PaDD.  "If so I should not only be able to diagnose it, but I should be able to treat your condition as well.  Now as I understand it, you have agreed to undergo a mind touch to check to see if you have been psychically influenced.  If that is correct I'll need you to sign this consent form and we can begin.  Now I must admit that the mind touch procedure can be rather invasive, but I assure you that doctor patient confidentiality will be enforced unless I discover something that is a danger to yourself or others.  If you consent to the procedure just sign in the space provided and sit down in the biobed."

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #13
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward | Deck 07 ] Attn: Doc M, Auctor Lucan

Nathan let out a sigh. He didn't like Vulcan's much, probably due to the fact that he had been raised by one. His mother though he had always gotten the feeling that there was some kind of love between them was distant due to the emotional withdraw. He supposed in someways that was a good thing as he had plenty of freedom growing up, but at the same time he could only now remember his mother as someone distant, and cold. While she had encouraged him to follow his own path towards and follow his feelings there had never really been much more than that. Those memories seemed faded now.

He sighed looking at Maya, and having to admit that was what he more or less saw with her. An emotionless machine based off his own internalized racism. He nodded when she introduced herself feeling no need to extend the conversation anymore than was 'logically necessary'.

"While your digging around in my head, I'd like to go over my memmories of two prior incidents as well." Nathan said looking at Maya, and taking the PaDD, in all honesty he had no idea how the mind meld worked. It was not something he was familiar with, or even really thought possible. Being half human he had to wonder if his psychic potiental was ruined due to his half breed status, or if it was something he could learn... he doubted he would be able to talk the doctor into teaching him considering his current situation. "The raid on black opal, i'd like you to check over my mind to see if it was in sound judgement at the time, and also... The time during the mutany in which my orders caused the disappearance of Razor."

He sighed. "I will warn you ahead of time." He stopped her from coming closer with a hand as he signed the PaDD agreement. "I have never been good at collecting my emotions. Half Vulcan or not I never went through even the basic steps of the Kolinahr, at my choice. You will be stepping into a mind with unshackled Vulcan emotions. I believe this will be as dangerous for you as it is for me, two way street and all." And with that he handed her the permission. "Are you so sure that you want to continue with this?"


Re: DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #14
[ Maya | Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward| Deck 07 ] Attn: Nolan

"I am intimately familiar with unshackled Vulcan emotions," Maya announced in what could have been a brisk, businesslike tone.  Something about her large hazel eyes hinted at an unpleasant memory.  Or maybe her upswept Vulcan eyebrows made her always appear to frowning.  To be honest it was pretty hard to tell.  "I started my medical career treating patients with emotional and neurological distress back on Vulcan so this will be nothing new, I assure you."  She caressed her hands that seemed too large for her short and slender body and rubbed her long spidery fingers.  Did that mean that the conversation had moved to an uncomfortable topic?  Or was she preparing for the ordeal ahead?

"Hey Doc, do you want Gonzalez and I to stick around?" Reagar asked as he indicated himself and the petty officer who had escorted Nathan to sickbay.

"That shouldn't be necessary," she assured him.  "The biobed has restraints.  You can wait outside Petty Officer."   The mind touch would be an invasion of Isley's privacy as it was.  To have anyone present who wasn't a member of the medical department was a violation of Maya's personal ethics, particularly two enlisted people who would gossip.

"Okay," the grizzled chief said in a tone the suggested she was making a mistake.  "You're the doc, Doc."

The door hissed shut and Nathan and Maya were alone.  "You mentioned two incidents prior to Ensign Carver's tragedy," the little Vulcan said without preamble.  "Yet you only specified the one that took place during the mutiny.  What was the other one?"

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #15
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward | Deck 07 ] Attn: Doc M, Auctor Lucan

"Well with that tid bit of information no reason to delay." Nathan said laying back into the medical bed, and feeling the restraints come to live to hold him down. He was not going to enjoy this, he already knew he wasn't. He looked at Maya for a moment, did he trust the woman? there wasn't much there to trust in all truth. He thought over it and shook his head. "Nope just those two, Carver and Ravon. I want to know exactly what happened."

The question was odd. He had fired, one way or another he had shot at Skye's ship, which of course meant he had killed her. Even if there was something in his head that told him to do it, even if he had been used it meant he was still responsible. There was no taking that weight off of his shoulders. He wanted to be in denial, or bargain away the thought that he had done something wrong.

With that Nathan tried his best to make himself comfortable. He closed his eyes and laid back on the table awaiting Maya's touch into his mind. A mind that she would soon find out was extremely cluttered, disorganized and wracked with guilt, and sickness. He tried to remember some part of his Vulcan heratiage, something that would help to bring order to the massive fire that was his emotions, but as he had never trained himself to do so he had no experience with it, only his life time of dealing with his emotions controlling him not  the other way around.

This was going to be a long day for both of them.

Re: DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #16
[ Maya | Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward| Deck 07 ] Attn: Nolan

Maya raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.  There was no point pressing for an answer.  They were both going to know far more about each than either was going to be comfortable with.  "Very well we shall begin," she announced quietly as she moved a chair next to the biobed and seated herself. "Computer, activate restraints."  An invisible band of energy pressed Nathan's arms to his sides and kept him fastened to the biobed.  "Now hold still," Maya's mezzo soprano voice said in what she thought was a comforting tone as her long spidery fingers reached for his face.  "You may experience momentary discomfort."

"Mmph!" she groaned as her face flushed green and she drew her hands back.  She coughed and blinked rapidly as she took a step back to steady herself.  "You did not exaggerate about your emotions," she commented before stretching her fingers and wiggling them.  "Center yourself," she cooed in a strange dreamy voice as she placed her cool dry fingertips on his face again.   "Relax.  You are quite safe here."

The telepathic contact was disorienting to say the least.  Nathan had a sense of being in two places at once, sitting on the biobed and standing over it.  He gained an intimate knowledge of Maya on an instinctive level and was aware of surprising things about her and her self-image.  For example, Maya shared many of his opinions about Vulcans and possessed similar sentiments about her own mother.  Underneath her cold unreasonable façade was a woman who sincerely believed that she was a warm empathic person who would be ostracized by her fellow Vulcans, if she ever allowed them to get to know her.  Images of Vulcans wearing anachronistic clothing over two centuries out of date filtered through her consciousness.

She was extremely uncomfortable with touching the mind of someone with as much Vulcan DNA as he had, and strangely enough seemed to be under the impression that he was going to sexually assault her.   She knew this wasn't the case; it was merely an instinctive reaction that she brushed away immediately.  Her mind was strangely compartmented, with parts of her memories sealed away and isolated from him.  He had no time to dwell on this for he was soon reliving his own memories.

He had been happy, even elated, when the mission had started.  He was in the cockpit of his bird and it was all coming together.  It had been two days since Ida had cracked his ribs but he had been put back together and the painkiller that Doctor Maya had given him had done the trick.  He had felt like a ton of gold pressed latinum when the fighter bay doors opened and he launched into space.

And that's when it started to go wrong.  His Valkyrie seemed to list though space drunkenly trying to flight a straight line.  Nathan overcompensated, flying out of formation and finding himself in back of the squadron.

"Lock primary weapons in attack position and prepare to fire on my orders," Miles Renard's voice instructed over the communications system.  "Nearing firing range.  Prepare to open fire on my mark."

By now Nathan's memories had become a confusing series of double images, the way he remembered the incident and the way he imagined the incident, and in his chaotic state of mind it was impossible to tell which was which.  It was as if his heads up display was playing double images, one into his left eye and one into his right eye.  Nevertheless, Nathan armed his tetryon pulse launcher and locked onto...

The friendly fire warning blared in his ear but Nathan seemed to ignore it.  He was locked onto both the base and Wolf-02 at the same time, even though they were two entirely different firing solutions.   In one eye he was locked onto Black Opal base, and in the other he was aiming at Kestral.  And the conflicting views seemed to switch from eye to eye almost constantly.

"Fire."  Renard ordered over the comm system.

Nathan fires as ordered, and Skye Carver's Valkyrie was adrift and her shields were down.  It didn't matter; the tetryon pulses hit and neutralized Black Opal's shields.  Then Black Opal let loose a volley of phaser beams and photon torpedoes that tested the Lone Wolves' piloting skills to the limit. 

Rawley's voice was heard in his cockpit.  "Ghost here, setting new course, Alpha-Niner-Two-Four. I'm coming around to deal with their torpedo launchers and phaser arrays, over!"  And then she was drowned out by comm chatter regarding Wolf-02.  Kestral's Valk had overshot the target and the Theurgy was reporting that her cockpit had been compromised and there was no life reading from Skye Carver.

Skye was Dead? The news was shocking, but what was more so was that Isley was slowly going over the information. Everything had been going well, they had flown in formation, but his stick... he slowly glanced over his tactical systems, he had fired, but not on the intended target. He blinked for a moment feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders as he was slowly realizing what was going on. Fear gripped him, as he came to realization that his ship had shot Skye's which meant that she had been powered down.

He had killed Skye! The stick felt even heavier as he flew, and his flight path became even more erratic he felt like his heart was going to explode in his chest after a moment. The last thing he wanted was to get sick while in this fighter. He flicked on his communications he had to tell them this.

"Negative Wolf-01 it was not feedback." He spoke as he was putting pieces together. "My console is saying I shot Skye! Repeat wolf-05 took the shot. Valkyre is acting strange, I think it locked onto her during the first shot fired, Sensors did not warn, repeat friendly fire was bent."

Maya groaned as she released him and leaned back into her chair.  A mind touch with someone as emotionally charged as Nathan was painful, but the experience of being in the cockpit of a Valkyrie in combat was disorienting to say the least.  Even though she had been trained to take the stresses of high gravity maneuvers she had never done so while piloting and being connected to such a turbulent mind such as Nathan's.  She needed a moment to center herself while her uncanny Vulcan brain ordered her body to stifle its gag reflex.

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #17
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward | Deck 07 ] Attn: Doc M, Auctor Lucan

When Maya pulled back the first time Nathan gave a chuckle and shrug. "You really just have to learn to live with it." He said in regard to his potient and disorganized mind. Closing his eyes he couldn't help but feel that Maya's hands were cold against his head. Nathan closed his eyes and kept her focused on the memories from the raid on black opal, but she would feel him and know all of his previous experiences.

The first time he had taken to the air in a ship, running cargo around a planet that he had grown up on, the pride he had felt and the feeling of joy he got whenever he was in the air. The memories of the dominion war, and how he had stayed to fight on a world that was eventually lost completely. The good, the bad, and the sex. He knew Maya had a fear of him sexually assaulting him, but at the same time his mind being an unsteady current reproduction and sex was a constant in his mind, and he had rated the doctor almost the moment he had met her just as a habit. She would see everything the feelings he had when Ida had broken his ribs, to how she had treated him after the fact, the morning before the raid, the shower the two of them had shared, and of course the subtle hidden feelings that he actually cared for Ida much more than he would normally have let on.

His feelings for Maya? Aside from the pain they mutually felt for their vulcan upbringing there was a common thread... something that they could have built on, and Nathan couldn't really lie that he would have gone with it, but then it seemed that he would have gone with anyone... literally he had shoved thoughts away near the back of his head but every time he looked at Renard there was a small spike of something, especially with that vulpine body of his.

Nathan was getting off topic and refocused with a breath, and brought them to Black Opal.

It was like valkyri basic training all over again. While she had been in his mind going over everything, he had been in hers, feeling all of the disorientation that came with piloting a valkyrie with the wrong body. What was more with his more clear sense of self and her mind pressing on his, he saw both images with some more clarity it was like going into a flash back and reliving the worst hang over of his life.

And that was what hit him the double vision, the sickness he had been feeling, the complete inability to sleep, and the restlessness of it all, along with the erratic beating of his heart and the pain in his chest reliving it all, and at the same time having another body that was simultaneously fine as well as experiencing several different dimensions in time with their bodies also being in a medical lab and a cold hand pressed against his temple, damn this was overwhelming and confusing.

What was more was the constant changes between reality and perception, that made less sense than anything he had ever encountered. It was like he was hallucinating the entire time he was in the cock pit... and that was it! that was the reality of the situation!

When the mind contact finally broke it felt like an iron vice had been pulled off of Nathan's chest. He coughed and sputtered for a moment clearing his throat and feeling like his head was about to explode. He regarded Maya with a new found respect for a moment, and then shook his head trying to clear it. "What the fuck was that?"

He tried to move his hand to his head only to find that his entire body couldn't move thanks to the restraints. So much for scratching his head and dealing with the ichy nose. "I was... hallucinating in the cock pit? Doc... how is that even possible? What is the logical answer here?"

Re: DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #18
[ Maya | Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward| Deck 07 ] Attn: Nolan  

"What the fuck was that?"  Nathan demanded. 

Maya's large hazel eyes fluttered open.  "My apologies Mister Isley," she replied.  "What the fuck was what?" she asked in a polite and respectful tone as she placed the fingertips of her right hand into his mane of hair.

"I was... hallucinating in the cock pit?" Nathan asked.  "Doc... How is that even possible? What is the logical answer here?"

"Computer, disengage restraints," she said as she took her hand away from his head.  With a nearly inaudible buzz, the invisible bands disappeared and Nathan had full mobility again.  "There are many possible answers," she continued as she rose from her chair in an eerily smooth movement and glided over to a counter where she picked up a PaDD.  "At this time I cannot discount confabulation.  It is entirely possible that you have convinced yourself that you are guilty of the crime you are suspected of.  Memory is not as infallible as a recording," she continued as she reviewed the data the biobed had recorded during their telepathic encounter.  "It continuously writes over itself. It is also possible that you are in denial and have subconsciously suppressed the memory.  I can tell you that there is no trace of Commander T'Rena's influence over your thoughts and memories.  It seems you were never exposed to her mental tampering."

Maya grew quiet as she studied the neurological scan of his cranium and compared it with her knowledge of the Vulcan and Terran brain.  She was a neurologist; at least she had been over two centuries ago.  She really was a brain surgeon.  A few of his neurological activity during his memory scan could reveal if his memories were accurate or not.

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #19
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward | Deck 07 ] Attn: Doc M, Auctor Lucan

The moment the restraints were lifted Nathan moved his hands to scratch his nose before running them through his hair trying to cope with what just happened. He didn't really agree with the what Maya's diagnoses was. Not the memory playing tricks part and re writting it but there felt like there was more to it. "We saw the alarm go off, but I don't remember that at all. If it were a matter of memory than what we saw would have been different."

Nathan's face paled a little when she said that there was no mental tampering. He had been in full control over his actions, which made the hallucination all the more awkward. What was more was the difficulty he had when flying the valkyrie he had been overstearing it was like he was... high on the job.

"Maya, if there was anything in my system that would have caused such a thing... would there be a way to tell? A drug test that would pick up on anything?"

It was unlikely that they would find anything of course. He was a respectable pilot, he drank sure but never near the job and the replicators didn't make anything hard unless it was a medical replicator so the idea that he could fail a drug screening would be unlikely. But at this point unless there was something wrong with his Valkyrie and he really was just imagining the fact that they just heard the warnings before friendly fire.

It all left him with something more, he scratched the back of his head for a moment. "If there are any tests we can run you have my full submission to check them. I... don't want to go to the brig for the rest of my life."

He looked at Maya somewhere under that logical cold exterior he now knew there was someone who could relate to that fear.

Re: DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #20
[ Maya | Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward| Deck 07 ] Attn: Nolan  

"Rest assured Lieutenant, there may be someone else who will be spending time in the brig," the little Vulcan murmured enigmatically.  "Or at the very least, suspended and assigned the duties of an orderly.  The neurological scans of our mind touch reveals that there was no confabulation at work, but rather a matter of suppressed memory, a condition that can be dangerous for those with a nervous system similar to those of my species.  No Mister Isley, it appears indeed that you were hallucinating.  And with no trace of psychic manipulation a pharmaceutical cause is the most likely culprit."  Her voice was casual, almost distracted but her eyes had narrowed and from Nathan's perspective she almost appeared to be frowning. 

"Before you launched I administered a milligram of hyvroxilated quint-ethyl metacetamin to treat your pain from the beating you received from Lieutenant zh'Wann a few days ago.  I judged the painkiller to have the least amount of side effects for a person of your rather unique biochemistry.  It is possible I failed to take into account was the interaction of the drug with the other medications you had been taking at the time.  Computer, list the possible side effects of one milligram of hyvroxilated quint-ethyl metacetamin combined with two miligrams of axonol and one milligram of neurozine administered eighteen hours earlier on a Terran/Vulcan hyrid of Lieutenant Isley's age and body weight."

"Drowsiness, dizziness, slowed reflexes, and dry mouth are the most common side effects," Thea's disembodied voice replied.  "Extended dosage of over three months could cause loss of memory and impair cognitive functions.  In extreme cases loss of consciousness can occur.   Women who are pregnant should take the prescribed medications at the listed dosage..."

"Computer, any chance of hallucinations?" Maya interrupted.  "Particularly in the hour immediately following the administration of hyvroxilated quint-ethyl metacetamin?"

"There is no record of hallucinations occurring in a Terran/Vulcan hybrid taking the listed medications at the dosage and in the order described," Thea's voice replied.

"Thank you," Maya replied.  Whether she was relieved or disappointed with this information was impossible to tell, but her manner seemed animated and her eyes were narrow.  She turned back to Nathaniel Isley.  "My preliminary diagnosis indicates that you suffered a hallucination while in the cockpit but I am unable to determine the cause at this time.  Neither psychic tampering nor a pharmaceutical cause has been detected.  I'm going to run more tests to see if I can find anything," she said as she picked up a strange handheld device.    

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #21
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward | Deck 07 ] Attn: Doc M, Auctor Lucan

Nathan could feel himself exhale for the first time in hours. Drugged, he could live with having been drugged as the cause for this. If it was an accident he could live with it, he would still hate himself and it would take forever to win back the trust of the wolves. It would never really be fine with Skye still being dead, but he would at least have a way to live with himself at night.

That was up until the computer came back that there had been no record of a vulcan terran mix having that kind of side effect. Nathan blinked for a moment feeling anger and deppresion well back up inside of him. If the drugs weren't the cause of the hallucination than his defense would once again start to crumble. If they couldn't explain what happened that morning.

Nathan paused for a moment then thought about his actions. "Computer, add Caffeine to the chemical mix and cross refrence possible side effects with the additions of adrenaline and a spiked heart rate."

Nathan sighed as he leaned back in the medical bed thinking it over before he explained. "I had a glass of coffee, and I remember the entire time I was on black opal it felt like my heart was going to explode inside my chest. It was like I was one step away from having a heart attack the entire time... until I puked, I hit got to the hanger, and it was like my entire body was on fire."

Nathan sighed shaking his head. This was the last avenue he had, he could rule out the idea that the ship was some how at fault because he now knew he had been sick at the wheel. If they couldn't explain how though then they would be right back at square one.

Re: DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #22
[ Maya | Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward| Deck 07 ] Attn: Nolan, Auctor Lucan  

"Computer, add Caffeine to the chemical mix and cross reference possible side effects with the additions of adrenaline and a spiked heart rate."

Maya blinked at his request and tilted her head to the right as she looked at him.  Until he was returned to active duty the sickbay computers wouldn't respond to his query.  It was a safeguard to prevent the refugees the Theurgy had picked up from accessing files they weren't cleared for.  Lieutenant Isley seemed to be taking the computer's lack of response hard for he let out a sigh and leaned back in the biobed.   "Caffeine?" she prodded before looking at her PaDD.

"I had a glass of coffee, and I remember the entire time I was on black opal it felt like my heart was going to explode inside my chest," he explained.  "It was like I was one step away from having a heart attack the entire time... until I puked, I got to the hanger, and it was like my entire body was on fire." 

Maya's attention seemed to be on his medical readings rather than his response.  Her eyes narrowed and her mouth became a thin hard line.  She tilted her head to the side and blinked once, twice, and three times.  There was something about Lieutenant Isley's genetic markers that seemed off.  The Terran genes masked them, but if Maya didn't know better, certain ethnic markers in his DNA indicated an ancestry to a race not seen on Vulcan for over five thousand years.  "If that was the case, why did you fly?" she asked in a distracted voice as she attached the uncovered data to the report she was sending to Doctor Nicander.  If the readings were accurate, it was possible that Isley's parentage wasn't what it was thought to be.

Re: DAY 04: The Yeoman & the Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #23
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward | Deck 07 ] Attn: Doc M, Auctor Lucan

Why did he fly? The question was deceptively simple but also really hard to answer. He had felt fine up until he had gotten into the cockpit and launched. It wasn't till after he had been out in space where he had felt like he was having the heart attack, and even then he hadn't been in the right state of mind to turn back to the ship.

"I felt fine until after I launched. I clearly wasn't, but at the same time my own senses told me I was fine, and there was no medical screening before we launched. I only had my senses to rely on and clearly they could not be trusted." Nathan said disturbed but understanding the question.

Honestly he didn't know why he had been allowed to fly. Why no one else had noticed that he was off. He shook his head breathing deeply for a moment unsure of why this had happened. "And for the record, I said I experienced those things during my flight, not before."

He looked at Maya. "I like to think that I have enough common sense to call in sick when I actually notice that something is wrong." At the moment being mentally compermised was the only thing he had. He didn't know why it had occured but it was the only defense he was being offered so he was going to run with it.

Re: DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]

Reply #24
[ Maya | Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward| Deck 07 ] Attn: Nolan, Auctor Lucan  

"Ah yes, that's right, you complained of symptoms while you were on Black Opal Station," Maya tilted her head to the right instead of nodding.  After listening to his response, Maya decided to repeat Nathan's question.  "Computer, add the amount of caffeine found in a standard cup of coffee to the previous example.  What effect would it have on a Terran/Vulcan hybrid of Lieutenant Isley's height and weight after receiving a dose of one milligram of hyvroxilated quint-ethyl metacetamin combined with two miligrams of axonol and one milligram of neurozine administered eighteen hours earlier?"

"The estimated side effects would be negligible," Thea's disembodied voice replied, "with a point zero two percent chance of heart palpitations and a decrease in fine coordination.  A point six percent chance of improvement in manual dexterity is estimated."

"Thank you computer," Maya replied before tapping her combadge.  "Maya to Nicander."

"Nicander here," the chief medical officer's voice replied.

"Here is my preliminary report on Nathaniel Isley," she continued as she tapped an okudagram on her PaDD.  It would be interesting to see if Nicander's analysis of Isley's genetic background matched Maya's preliminary anaylsis.  "There is no evidence that he has been telepathically compromised, but I can report that he was hallucinating during the incident.  He has informed me that he experienced a loss of manual dexterity before he took the shot and suffered heart palpitations and vomiting afterwards.  I would like to run some more tests and request that someone in security investigate the possibility that something was slipped into his food or beverage.  In addition I have uncovered genetic anomalies that could indicate a congenital disorder."

"Thank you, Maya. Please continue with the physical examination. I will be along shortly," the chief surgeon's voice acknowledged.  "Nicander out."

Maya looked at Isley with a catlike curiosity stereotypical of her people.  Regardless of any inconstancies in his ancestry, to all appearances it had no bearing on the tragedy that occurred during the raid on Black Opal.  The symptoms he described could very easily have been stress related.  The psychological trauma of killing a squad mate for someone with a Vulcan like physiology and an underdeveloped mesiofrontal cortex must have been devastating.  Psychosomatic symptoms were only to be expected, given the control that the Vulcan mind had on the body.  Unchecked, powerful negative emotions could cause all sorts of health problems including strokes, heart attacks, aneurisms, palsy, and diabetes.  An appointment with Counselor O'Connor was mandatory.  Even if Isley was cleared of Ensign Carver's death, in his current state he was unfit to fly.  The question was, had the stress of the Theurgy's no-win situation caused a psychological episode that caused the hallucination in the first place?

"We will need to run more tests," she informed him.  "In the meantime, let's review your family's medical history.  Tell me about your mother."

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