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Topic: CH02: S [D01|2315] Mending a broken wing. (Read 2510 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH02: S [D01|2315] Mending a broken wing.


STARDATE 57653.04
APRIL 17, 2381
2315 HRS

[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Shandala

The night had barely just begun for Kate, and the rest of the Medical Staff aboard the Theurgy. But already she knew it would be a night of difficulties. Between the three sickbays of the starship, they’d seen and treated almost two-dozen serious cases of injury, resultant from the explosion that had occurred in the ‘Spearhead Lounge’ on Deck 14. Already there were whispers of a saboteur spreading among the Nurses, which Kate had caught wind of, and the thought had troubled her just as it had them. The mission was already something of a precarious one, without also compounding the issue with a sense of dissent and distrust now spreading among the crew, as they invariably started pointing the fingers of blame at one another. It was a clear-cut recipe for disaster, and Kate and the rest of the Medical Staff had already had their hands full in dealing with this one. So, it was that she’d attempted to shutdown that gossip and chatter, reminding everyone of the need for expediency when providing care for wounded. That non-relevant discussions needed to wait for when things died down. If it re-clarified the need for attentiveness, at the expense of her popularity among the Nurses and Assistants, then it was an easy trade to make. Besides which, those that she’d already been privy enough to work with, would recognize what she was doing, and appreciate it wholly.

Yet, as the chaos of the night was slowly starting to wind down, the majority of those with severe wounding having been tended to, as well a number of unpleasant death pronouncements having been made, Kate was finally relented to let some of that gossip resume among her preferred staff, and in fact the staff at large.

They’d more than earned the distraction.

“Was it one of the Klingons, you think?” Ensign Janteel asked of her in a hushed tone as he leant across an unconscious wounded crewman, raising one of his thick eyebrows. Janteel had quickly become one of Kate’s favorite people to work with; a steady hand, and a smart head making him something of a natural. He was destined for greatness, she presumed, given his impeccable credentials, and surgical record. Were it not for the fact that he’d favored his own sex in terms of partnering, Kate imagined she would have taken a pass at him, however unprofessional it may well have been on her part. Too bad for her, and for him, she’d mused when that particular revelation had been made by one of the Nurses during a bit of gossip a few days earlier. With her tangerine-hued eyes, Kate glanced up from the panel attached to the bio-bed upon which the crewman lay, offering Janteel something an amused admiration as she shook her head. “C’mon Kate, you’re the only one who hasn’t weighed in on it yet.” He pressed, to which she offered only continued silence.

“I think I’ll go see to some of the less prioritized patients now.”

With a roll of his eyes, Janteel grinned in a surrendering acceptance of his superior’s intent. “Fine. I’ll keep an eye on things here. Spoil sport.”

Strolling out of the ICU, Kate felt a yawn escape her as she passed by a number of idle Klingons as they stood guard over their wounded comrades, casting distrusting and aggressive glances down at her. They had been through a lot, she tried to remind herself so as not to return her own distrusting glances, accepting their implicit invitation for confrontation. Another time, another place, she would have been more than happy to engage in a shouting match with them, regardless of their larger size and overall better prowess as fighters. After all, she’d more than appreciated a good bit of contention, and could slur Klingon profanities and insults with the very best of them. But for now, she knew it best to just sidle on by without raising any issue, even forcing something of a false yet disarming smile to her face; a smile she knew would later haunt her, as there was no way at least one of them wouldn’t take it to mean some form of a reciprocated physical interest in them. The only thing more annoying than the pungent smell of two-hundred Klingon Warriors having been stationed aboard Theurgy, was having to fend off the advances from those same two-hundred Klingon Warriors.

“Woman! You should keep us company tonight, as we beckon our brothers to Sto-vo-kor!” came the voice one of the boorish Klingons as he stepped in front of Kate, blocking her path to the Primary Care Unit, as a boisterous laughter erupted among the others.

Agitated at having been stopped in her tracks, Kate stifled the urge to bark back an insult about the oaf’s mother, and instead let out a bit of her own laughter as she patted him gently on his abdomen. “No... I’m sorry, I have to see to your friends first! Maybe later?” She imparted a flirtatiously faux-tease, before slipping by him, and in through the door which led into the PCU. And after it closed behind her, she let out an exasperated sigh in addition to a flurry of pointed and aggravated utterances in a mixture of Klingon and Federation standard, much to the amusement of Nurse Duncan. With weariness evident in her face, Kate in turn offered Duncan something of a reassuring smile before she approached one of the bio-beds upon which a rather fierce woman was sat upright. From the onset, Kate could see that her left arm was slumped rather unfittingly low at her side, while being gingerly supported by the opposite. Approaching her, Kate offered a smile to the woman as she retrieved a PADD that was slotted into the foot of the bed, which contained a report filed during triage.

“Lieutenant Garcia? I’m Dr. Foster, I’ll be tending to your injuries.” Kate began to explain, granted her a cursory examination with a trailing gaze that seemed to lock onto the pilot’s face. Though she’d sustained something of an abrasion to her left brow, which had bled, there was something else that was nagging at the back of Kate’s mind, which she couldn’t quite put a finger to. Regardless, Kate had another patient to accede to, and though she were officially listed as the 'Chief Surgeon', it wasn't out of the realm of her scope to take on non-surgical patients when the situation dictated, as was the moment she found herself in now. “From the sounds of what you’ve described, it’s likely that you have a broken bone in your arm. Would you mind laying back on the bed, so that I can get a proper scan of your injuries?” Did she know her from somewhere, or sometime ago? What was it? Kate wondered as she motioned for the fit woman to lay back unto the bed, ready to initiate a more thorough scan, which would reveal the true full extent of her injuries.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0211] Mending a broken wing.

Reply #1
|-| Lieutenant Junior Grade - callsign, "Ghost" Alessia Garcia |-|  | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

"Joder Joder de Mierda," Alessia muttered over and over again in Spanish as she gingerly supported her left arm that hurt like hell.  She knew that her injury was not life threatening and the medical staff had their hands full with more serious crew that were injured in the explosion.  While she sat there and a nurse did triage to ascertain the extent of her injury she replayed in her mind on what had occurred.  She was in the Spearhead Lounge facing her own demon and thinking about the past, present, and what the future might hold.  A frown surfaced as she can not recall how long she was sitting at the small table and she was to lost in thought to really remember any conversations that happened around her.  Some faces she would remember.  She had made a choice ... one that wasn't simply decided in a moments worth of time, a choice that events of her life lead her to make that day.  She was almost to the turbolift when ---

"I am awake. I am awake," said to the nurse who seemed intent that she stay awake.  A smile/smirk surfaced on Alessia lips as she lost her train of thought, her  mind a bit hazy, and she focused on the cute nurse tending to her.  "You are cute as a button.  Do you like holo-novels?" Harmless flirtation ensues for a bit until the nurse moves on to treat other patients in the triage.  After awhile when the drugs the nurse gave her worked their magic she decided to make room for some else that needs the care more than her and started to get up.  It was the same nurse from before she got her to sit back down.  The nurse calmly explained that she was brought in unconscious and is to remain until cleared.

Alessia ended up spending the next hour or so engaged in conversations with a few Klingons that were also held captive by the dutiful nurses.  These Klingons that follow Mar'tok she held a common ground with and understood, doesn't matter if we stood shoulder to shoulder, or served on different ships, we are warriors that lived through the Dominion War.  Alessia respected the House of Mar'tok and his allies.  It was when a rather stunning and attractive blonde haired doctor came into the triage that the conversation died down some as it drew Alessia' attention.  She really liked the hairstyle the doctor had and could tell the doctor was extremely tired; however, was setting the example for those around her on duty.  The ensignia showed her to be a Lieutenant Junior Grade, whom suddenly went on a short outburst in both Klingon and Federation standard, much to the amusement of everyone including Nurse Duncan.  As Alessia watches her going over the information on the PADD she starts to think they might have met before but when/where as on the Theurgy seems to recent.  A glance made at the Klingons she was speaking to earlier and they just shrug not saying a word, it speaks volumes when a presence can make Klingons be quiet.

"Doctor Foster is it?  A pleasure to meet yoouu," the last word comes out in a painful groan.  She had been sitting there for so long not moving much at all completely engrossed in the stories she was exchanging while she had been waiting the pain in her arm numbed from the drugs the nurse gave her.  When she cautiously moved to lay back for the Doctor and moved that arm the pain flared back to life.  She tried to remain still while being scanned and spoke.  "Yeah, I was assaulted by this wall that reached forward and cobbered me.  I've had this shoulder out of socket before - this feels different."
Alessia closes her eyes a bit and lets out a breath, there is nothing like being treated on a Starfleet ships medical bay for Alessia, she is a combat pilot and the scans would show old injuries that have healed.  Some of them sports related; however, the severe ones where from shrapnel when she got shot down during the Dominion War.  She blinks opening her eyes and looks at the Doctors, "What about you, Doc, do you like holo-novels?"

Re: CH02: S [D02|0211] Mending a broken wing.

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Shandala

Kate regarded Alessia with something of an appreciative smile in recognition of the courteous greeting that had been offered. Needless to say, it was refreshing to receive that modest form of respect and generally polite advance. Especially given the number of boorish Klingons she’d dealt with this evening, which had just about worn down the last shreds of her temperance.

“Whoa... easy!” Kate reached out with one of her delicate hands to gently touch against Alessia’s bare arm, just near where her shoulder was clearly distended in an unpleasant fashion. “I’m sorry for the delay in seeing to your injuries.” Kate apologized, her hand tenuously caressing soft skin out of a need to comfort and reassure the pilot of the importance her injuries represented to Kate, even if technically they hadn’t outweighed some of the other more pressing situations that she and her colleagues had been busy dealing with. Still, her injuries were very real, and demanded attention now. So it was that she offered something of a nod, her hand remaining placed gently against Garcia’s shoulder as laid back unto the bio-bed, while the other set the PADD down, and went to actuate the controls just above her head. Immediately there was a softly ambient hum that radiated from the bed, as the viewscreen gradually updated with a read-out of the most recent scans, indeed outlining what Kate had already assumed just by the manner in which the pilot’s arm had been set beside her.

She listened to Garcia explain how she had been ‘assaulted’ by the wall, letting something of a little chuckle escape her at the idea of it. Given the harrowing situation that the night had been, every little bit of levity was sorely necessary.

“Well, that’s because it is different.” Kate began to explain, tilting the pate of her head slightly to the left as she leant lower to Alessia, her unusually hued eyes catching a momentary glimmer of the overhead light and flaring with an orange glow as she appraised the pilot. “According to this, you’ve sustained a displaced fracture to your left greater tuberosity, as well as a non-displaced surgical neck fracture of the humerus.” The medical jargon likely lost on the pilot Kate withdrew her right-hand awkwardly from where it had continued to rest against Alessia’s shoulder and ran through the asymmetrical tuft of medium-length blonde hair which had cascaded down across her face. “Sorry, umm... you broke your shoulder.” She amended, in an easier to comprehend way. “It also looks like you’ve sustained a minor concussion, which would explain the momentary loss of consciousness you experienced.” Turning to her right, Kate approached the med-cart just adjacent of Garcia’s bio-bed and retrieved a hypospray.

“I’m giving you a twenty-cee-cee dose of vertazine, which should help with that concussion.” Pressing the hypospray to Garcia’s neck, the neurological stimulant rather quickly dispersed into Garcia’s system would almost immediately lessen any sense of dizziness or malaise she’d been feeling.

“Hmm? Oh... holo-novels?” Kate thought for a moment on the question posed to her, fighting back the first thought that came to mind, which would have only served to aggravate her, as Stellan, her half-brother, had written a few of them in his time. Visibly shaking her head to dismiss his presence from her mind, she instead decided to focus on the far more pleasant presence of the woman before her. “Sure. I mean, maybe not as much as some other people, but I’ve enjoyed my fair share of them.” Kate swapped out the hypospray vial with another before she pressed it gently against Alessia’s injured shoulder this time, applying a concentrated dosage of anetrizine which would help to dull the ache of the fractures while Kate could proceed with mending them. “Though, it’s been a little while since the last one.” She admitted, returning the hypospray to the cart, now selecting a different medical implement.

“This is an osteogenic regenerator I’m putting on your arm; it’ll speed up the healing process of your bones. It may feel a little... tingly.” Kate knew that Alessia had seen her fair share of fractures prior to this evening, and had likely encountered an osteogenic regenerator already, but she’d still found it necessary to explain each aspect of treatment as she went about it. She pressed the device against Garcia’s shoulder until it attached itself, and then actuated it so that it could work its magic, stimulating micro-cellular regrowth at an astonishing rate. After which Kate retrieved a cortical stimulator, and leant in closer to Alessia once more, her arms reaching delicately across the pilot’s body as she went to place it at her left temple; it would gradually regulate the healing process which was taking place within her skull, accelerating and steadying her concussion recovery. “What about you? Had any good one’s lately?” Kate asked, forwarding their pleasant bedside discussion, and not finding it necessary to explain the function of this tool.

“Holo-novels, I mean.” She added as her tangerine-eyes momentarily found Garcia’s brown ones, as she'd been set out to examine for any immediate reactions to the cortical stimulator, as well as needing to take an outward glance at the abrasion above her left brow.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0211] Mending a broken wing.

Reply #3

|-| Lieutenant Junior Grade - callsign, "Ghost[" Alessia Garcia |-|  | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

Alessia honestly let out a deep sigh as some tension in her eases, she often puts up a tough demeanor in front of others.  Something about Kate made her relax, she always trusts her instincts and they told her she could trust this Doctor.  Her thoughts ponder over this as she listens to Kate and watches as Kate tends to her injuries.  The doc is obviously very cute and she likes how Kate got the Klingons to settle down, but that wasn't it.  "I broke my shoulder? All right I am going to bring that wall up on charges!" she said as she tries not to think of the crew lost in the explosion as she doesn't know who .... she also tends to hide her sorrow with humor.  Once the neurological stimulant hits her system, Alessia quickly becomes more clear headed and her eyes focus more.  Now able to truly see the Doctor's face she decides cute isn't appropriate - sexy that would be.

A bunch of questions that she wants to ask is delayed as the osteogenic regenerator is placed on her arm as she listens.  The pain now dulled in her arm, replaced with the tingly sensations.  When the cortical stimulator activates she is surprised at how much the concussion had been affecting her.

"Oh, I am designing a holodeck novel currently.  It's a mystery that people can try and solve based on a book,"  said with a genuine smile.  When Alessia looks into those tangerine-eyes of Kate's she has a flashback.

The high pitched sound the Hopper transport as it does a rapid descent on AR-558 pushing the stabilizers to their limit sends chills through Alessia.  It takes all her training and experience not to lose control and crash in the dangerous maneuver, but she had little option with the Jem’Hadar shooting anti-air weapons at her.  She volunteered for this mission to bring vital supplies to the troops attempting to hold AR-558.  The maneuver worked as her Hooper transport descended so rapidly toward the marked coordinates where the troops indicated for her to land most of the anti-air weapons did not get a good lock on her small vessel.  Of course that wasn't what worried her.  It wasn't until the Hopper transport finally touched the ground that Alessia stopped praying in Spanish.  The violent thrashing and screaming of the transport as it attempted to slow its descent.

She knew this could be a one way trip until the USS Hornet could provide support against the anti-air weapons the enemy had set up.  Alessia once took part in holding HT-997 and knows personally the hell these troops were in.  As she scans over the panels gauging what damage her Hopper sustained on the trip down the sensors pick up movement approaching and suddenly over the com is communication from the ground forces.

When Alessia lowered the rear ramp and stepped outside her Hopper, rifle in hand, it was one of the troops that saved her life as a Jem'Hadar decloaked and almost took her head off.  She never had time to get his name.  It was while they quickly unloaded the weapons and medical supplies that the wounded started to be brought and their commander was asking the status of her Hooper. This was when she saw an Angel amongst them that had tangerine-eyes, she was tending to the critical troops brought to her Hopper.  She never got her name either.  Suddenly explosions began hammering the ground in the vicinity as the enemy was trying to use ordnance to destroy the Hopper.

She remembers lifting off the ground loaded with wounded troops knowing that their chances getting past the anti-air weapons were not good at all.  It was the sudden barrage from orbit that announced the USS Hornet's timely return.

The flashback hits her suddenly and would probably make her heart rate spike as she stared into those tangerine-eyes.  "You were on AR-558."  After a moment of pause she adds, "He made it by the way.  Jenkin's - the one your were worried about the most.  I heard the Doctor's on the Hornet was able to because of ... well, you."
Normally Alessia does not invade the personal space of someone she did not know very well; however, with her good arm she reaches out to Kate and softly places a hand on Kate's arm.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0211] Mending a broken wing.

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Shandala

The fiercely beautiful pilot had a sense of humor that Kate definitely appreciated, especially given the general mood of the Medical Staff in the wake of the bombing, which had prompted each of them into a surge of unpleasant activities. Kate herself, having had to declare a number of her shipmates and their Klingon guests legally deceased. A simple enough procedure, but one that she had derived no small amount of personal anguish over. Being the one to finalize someone’s journey through life, by demarcating a time of death, and ascribing your name to such a pronouncement meant that you were forever tied to the penultimate memory of that someone. It felt like something of a surrender to fate in the matter, which most people were unwanted, or unwilled to do. For Kate, as a Doctor, it was an inevitability to accept such surrender, and in fact it was a necessary part of being a Doctor. It was something that all Doctors needed to learn to cope with, and that they all struggled with at times, because in this case, surrender literally meant life or death.

So again, any added levity to such a sorrowful situation was welcome.

“We’ll need to get the people down in Security to file an arrest.” She teased in kind, a brighter smile baring her teeth as her lips pursed slightly, a little wink coming from one of her exotically colored eyes.

All the while, Kate too was struggling to place where she had known the Lieutenant from, about ready to dismiss the lingering thought outright, as though maybe she were just confused, and the difficulty of the evening were getting the better of her. She was resigned to listen to Alessia speak of the holo-novel that she was ‘writing’, and in fact thought up a few follow-up questions on the matter, that might further the pleasantries of their conversation, when instead she could see a sudden realization come to the other woman’s face. Raising one of her sharp eye-brows again, Kate assumed there would be an explanation of sorts, which indeed came a moment later, as the pilot pinpointed where it was that she had seen her before. AR-558. The hellhole of an assignment. In fact, Kate’s first real assignment in the field, which damn near claimed her life in the process. Garcia had been on a mercy mission for the detachment that Kate was working with, dropping off much-needed supplies, and evacuating the wounded.

As it came rushing back to Kate, she nodded in acknowledgment as she smiled once more, an instinctual reaction to having solved the puzzle which had plagued her mind for a short time now.

“Oh wow!” Kate appreciatively exclaimed.

There had in fact been something of an interlude for Kate and her comrades when Garcia’s ship was settled on the surface of the barren world, having offered her a chance to care for her outgoing patients, one of whom was a Michael Jenkins. A young Ensign, from what she could remember. He’d been shot in the abdomen by Jem-Hadar during one of the many battles being waged across AR-558. His liver severely damaged by the disruptor bolt he’d taken, leaving Kate worried that he wouldn’t survive another twelve-hours. In fact, she’d just assumed that the pour young man had died after she’d said her good-byes to him, but to hear that he’d made it, brought some sense of comfort to her now. She wondered if the man had survived the entirety of the war, and what he was doing now, if anything at all. She’d need to look him up, she realized.

“I remember you now! Yeah!” She added, unaware at first of the gesture being made by the pilot, her hand touching against Kate’s sleeved arm. “Small world, huh? Or... rather Galaxy.” She shook her head, as her opposite hand went to find that tuft of asymmetrical blonde hair that had once again slipped free from behind her hair, having settled over the periphery of her face. “I’m happy to hear that he made it out of there alive.” She mused, the memory of her own departure from AR-558 rushing back, though Kate suppressed the memory with an audible swallow, not wishing to relish that far less pleasant thought. “You guys... you pilots were our guardian Angels back then. I guess I never got to thank you then, so I guess I will now... thank you!” there was a sweetness, and again a genuineness to her offered sentiment.

Realizing now that Alessia had embraced her arm, Kate’s shifted a little as she appraised the woman with a reciprocated warmth, but at the behest of an alert tone, Kate’s attention re-shifted back to the bio-bed above the pilot’s head. An indicator that the cortical stimulator had completed its process, in a rather quick fashion, which hinted at the relatively minor-concussion that the woman had sustained. “Ding, means your head is cleared.” She moves to retrieve the stimulator from Alessia’s temple, once again leaning in across her body so as to reach her. The proximity a little unnerving, as Kate’s eyes once again found the other woman’s as she plucked the little disc free from where it was attached. “Another few minutes, and your arm should be good too. You’ll be able to escape me, and hopefully go back to not being assault by walls.”

“Doctor Foster?” came another voice from behind, Nurse Duncan once more. “We’re pretty well situated here if you want to take a bit of a break. We’re cycling through them while we can, and I think we can afford to lose you for a little while. You should try and get something to eat while you can, Kate.” Duncan smiled to Garcia as well, offering a pleasant wave before turning back to tend to another patient.

Kate was feeling a little hungry, though she was far more interested in a Cup of Red Leaf Tea, and the caffeine boost it offered.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2315] Mending a broken wing.

Reply #5
|-| Lieutenant Junior Grade - callsign, "Ghost[" Alessia Garcia |-|  | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

Alessia watched the Doctor lean in across her body to retrieve the stimulator from her temple, the close proximity was not unnerving for her.  Her thoughts for the Doctor had been of admiration at that moment and a feeling of wonder as pilots like her never got to see much of the troops after dropping them off.  It felt very nice to meet the Doctor again.  Her thoughts wandered back to the present when she had noticed Kate brush that gorgeous mane of blonde locks back over an ear again.  "You know if being assaulted by walls puts me in your tender care Doctor.  I think I will not press charges and thank the wall instead."
When Nurse Duncan spoke to Kate and offered her that friendly smile it was returned.  Nurse Duncan was there when she awoke here and had calmed her down - her memories hitting her now that the medical device had done its job.  "Caffeine sounds good with some food also.  Permission to take the good Doctor for some, Nurse Duncan?  You have my word that i will take good care of Doctor Foster."  She winked at the Nurse.

Doctor Foster was like a bright beacon for Alessia right now and the company she would enjoy.  Besides her attraction to Kate, Alessia had found Kates personality to her liking.  She felt comfortable with Kate and she had learned ages ago to trust in her gut instincts,  When she had looked into Kate's eyes she felt a connection that ran deep.  "I have some fresh coffee beans to grind from Aldea Prime in my quarters along with some Leaf Tea I picked up there.  At least let me treat you to a tasty beverage and food for tending to my wounds."  Perhaps it had been a conspiracy against the Doctor or that Nurse Duncan wanted to thank Alessia for the assistance she had given in managing the Klingons in triage for Nurse Duncan did indeed encourage Kate to accept the offer.

When the sexy Doctor indicated to Alessia that she was finished, she would have sat up fully to test her shoulder and neck.  The sensation of stiffness was present when she moved; however, it replaced the extreme pain she experienced beforehand.  A genuine smile was given to Kate, "Thank you."

"Come on.  You know you want a tasty beverage.  Besides I am told the replicator in my quarters has a special way of making salads that taste better than anywhere on the ship.  It is true and has everything to do with me letting a certain engineer borrow some of my trashy romance novels."  She offered Kate a friendly and cheerful cheesy grin.
The explosion that happened in the Spearhead Lounge would have sent the Theurgy on high alert.  Alessia being a combat pilot would need to be ready if called upon.  The deaths and wounded the explosion caused is another tragic event obviously meant to dishearten the crew of the Theurgy and their allies.  She learned during the Dominion War that you take the small moments of happiness during such times to keep your spirit lifted.  It was meeting Kate in the triage that provided Alessia with such a moment and she could tell that the Doctor had been hard at her duties helping to save those very people injured by the explosion.  Alessia was determined to return the kindness that Kate gave to her.

"Will I be fit for duty?  I feel stiff but good enough,"  she asked curiously.

Suddenly the few Klingons still in triage got out of hand as one of them grew to impatient.  The source of the mayhem that began to ensue was one Klingon whom Alessia knew from the Dominion War who decided to vent his frustrations out on another Klingon.  Nurse Duncan quickly had tried to defuse the situation but Alessia knew this Klingon better than the others.  She puts two fingers to her lips and blew as loud as she could before speaking at him,  "QastaHvIS poHmey rurchugh ghotpu''e'!"  Her Klingon was perfect and her words made them stop dead in their tracks ..... then laugh their asses off.

What Alessia said in Klingon, "QastaHvIS poHmey rurchugh ghotpu''e'!" translates in English to "Stop being an asshole or I will tell everyone about that girl on Deep Space Nine you liked."

Re: CH02: S [D02|2315] Mending a broken wing.

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Shandala

Kate had found herself surprisingly swayed by Alessia’s overt and deliberately humorous attempt at flirting. An attempt which had left the blonde Doctor unable, or perhaps unwilling to maintain that proper level of protocol which had generally been demanded of her. Instead, Kate had felt herself melt in reaction to the cheerfully cheesy grin, and in turn afforded Garcia something of a wry little wink as confirmation that her advance was thoroughly appreciated, and in fact being reciprocated. In a way, there was an adorable quality in the pilot, which at first had been obscured by the intensity of her outwardly fierce presence, and the sheer confidence that was often exuded by someone in her position. Bravado, if you will. And sure enough, Kate had often found herself attracted to such displays of bravado, and that much was holding true during this particular social interaction as well.

“If that’s the case, then I suppose I should put out a request for Engineering to ‘Gracia-proof’ the corridors with some foam padding?” the little tease innocent enough in nature, and re-iterated as such by Kate as she pursed her lips in an attempt to stifle a bright smile.

Yet, at the subsequent offer of escaping from Sickbay, regardless of wherever that escape was, Kate perked up ever so slightly. Even if it was a tad insensitive of her in light of the suffering which surrounded her, she desperately needed a moment to clear her mind of it all. Some freshly ground coffee did seem incredibly appealing, and perhaps a spot of something to munch on to go along side it. It wouldn’t hurt to have a friendly, and attractive face to sit opposite of, and share in some distracting conversation too. But was it really acceptable behavior to sneak away, just to engage in the friendly companionship of a patient, if even for a moment? She could already hear her asshole-brother answering for her, even if he weren’t actively reaching out to her with his damnable telepathy. If anything, that notion alone made her want even more to give into the temptation that Alessia represented.

And although part of her screamed ‘Yes’ at the dilemma, a greater part of her cautioned against it, and she had been about to politely refuse the offer, when instead her response was co-opted by her pseudo-big sister. “By all means. I think the good Doctor would be well served under your dutiful care.” The playfulness in Duncan’s voice betrayed the professional relationship that she and Kate had developed since the Chief Surgeon had come aboard. Karen could see how there was a general loneliness to Kate, and since the Nurse herself had a family waiting for her back on Earth, felt it necessary to try and elicit companionship for her colleague, however she possibly could. Kate had been about to shoot a comedic rebuke of her own at Duncan, advising her to mind her business, but before she could, there erupted a rather modest commotion nearby, between a few of the other Klingons who were still waiting to be seen by a Doctor. A commotion which was met instead by the pilot, who barked a hysterical anecdote back at them.

‘There was that bravado again.’

Kate thought to herself as she rather absently bit at her lower lip in response to how it intensified the pilot’s immediate attractiveness. Sensing how she had been staring, Kate cleared her throat audibly in an attempt to refrain from blushing, though she still did. “Yeah, you’re fit as a fiddle.” She sheepishly admitted, after having she removed the osteogenic regenerator from Alessia’s arm, hoping in futility that the pilot had been ignorant of the manner in which Kate’s tangerine-gaze had transfixed on her for a moment. “I uhh…” she stammered as she set the regenerative tool down on a nearby tray, and desperately searched for her own confidence to return, though for some damned reason it seemed to lag behind on her. “…I guess…” she let the sound of the laughing Klingons fill the empty void of her consciousness and swore internally at having failed to find her train of thought.

“I suppose it couldn’t hurt.” She finally admitted, awash with a sense of relief at having relented to the invitation. “Duncan, keep an eye on things, yeah?” she hollered over her shoulder at the Nurse before stepping back from Alessia’s bio-bed to give her some room to climb down. At the same time, Kate fidgeted her hands a little uneasily before settling upon entangling her fingers behind the small of her back.

“Lead on, Lieutenant.” She winked.

Re: CH02: S [D01|2315] Mending a broken wing.

Reply #7
|-| Lieutenant Junior Grade - callsign[/color], "Ghost" Alessia Garcia |-|  | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

Alessia had been through a lot since joining the Theurgy.  She is a very loyal friend to make and would sacrifice much for her friends.  However, over the last few major encounters they all have been through on our mission, she had lost many friends that she had made.  Losing loved ones is her weakness.  She knew better as a combat veteran that was not healthy to dwell on the past but she always had a hard time with losing loved ones since her brothers death.  The explosion that occurred in the Spearhead Lounge could have been the thing that shoved her over the edge.  It did cause the entire crew on board the Theurgy to go into a full buzz of action and it without a doubt affected the moral of everyone.  Emergency personnel had swarmed into action.  Once word spread of what had happened throughout the ship people came to find out if friends or loved ones were injured or worse.  Tension had been high between the Klingon guests and the crew themselves, everyone had been going through the motions in their own way.  Whether it had been through throwing  yourself into your duties relentlessly, finding like minded crew to gather with and do anything to feel something else during personal time, or goofing off to ease the tension.  The Theurgy had a complex social structure that had developed over time that had been unique not because of the ships AI, but because we all come from diverse cultures that not even in the Federation would normally had been brought together.  The AI was the soul of Theurgy and we directly or indirectly helped to mold that soul.  The explosion that would have destroyed the moral did indeed wound us all.  Destroy? No it did not.  Weaken the alliance between the Klingon's loyal to Martok?  No it would not.  These Klingon's knew treachery from their own culture before the Dominion War.  As tragic and damaging as the attack within Theurgy was and the overwhelming fear and horror it caused for every person that began to drown in sorrow there was someone there to place a palm on that shoulder.  All the sounds made on and near the Spearhead Lounge by systems damaged and the black wound made within the Theurgy herself it was as if Thea herself had been screaming out in horror and anguish.  Yet Thea was there - everywhere - ensuring that her crew had what they need and monitored the situation like a mother to her children.

To Alessia, Kate was the anchor at that moment.  Finding the Doctor with those eyes she briefly met long ago.  The fact that Kate was returning her flirting advances made her spirits rise.  Kate's smile made her ashamed of almost wanting to give in and instead made her want to kick herself in the ass.  She climbed off of the bio bed to offer Kate her arm with a cheesy smile that reached her dark hued eyes which stared into Kates.  "Do you like romance novels? I have a few holodeck programs of my favorite ones set up?"  "Perhaps if i do not frighten you with the state of my room we can go on a date sometime and i can show you one?" Alessia began to lead Kate out of the Triage area toward the turbolift.

As the two of them took the time together when they could to cope with the tragic events others did the same in their own ways.  A spark that Alessia had lost somewhere along the way returned meeting Kate.  Unaware of this herself consciously it did put a sauntering pip in her step. 

In the turbolift Alessia got lucky as they were alone for a moment and as she said to Thea, "Deck 16, Thea, please."  She reached out toward Kate and this time it was her that brushed those locks of golden hair back over Kate's ear.


Re: CH02: S [D01|2315] Mending a broken wing.

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Shandala

From the onset, Kate had found herself somewhat intrigued by Alessia. There was the outward simplicity that everyone tried to espouse, so as to seem like they weren’t dealing with their own internal demons; that they were perfect beings among a vast ocean of imperfect ones. But the truth was that Kate had always found herself more interested in those who didn’t hide their imperfections. She vastly preferred people whose complexities could mirror, or even outweigh her own. It was why she hadn’t opted to hide her own from the world, instead letting the tell-tale sign of an addiction to narcotics be outwardly visible due to the exotic hue of her eyes. She couldn’t deny or forget her past. It had played an integral part in making the woman that she was, and either people would learn to accept that part of her past, or they wouldn’t, and she would need them in her life. She of course reciprocated the same consideration to anyone else, recognizing their flaws, but not focusing on them, or holding those flaws against that which made someone interesting.

Or alluring.

“Romance novels? Yeah, I guess you could say I do.” Kate admitted, though it had been quite sometime since she’d been through any that were worthy of note, but she did have something of an affinity for them, even if they were cheesy at times. For a moment she even considered which had been the last one she’d experienced, only for her attention to shift back to Garcia as she pressed on with a rather amusing anecdote about the state of her quarters, and a relatively subtle hint that she would be interested at maybe getting together again for something a little akin to an actual date. The suggestion caused the nervousness in Kate’s belly to flare up again as she followed after her guide. It’d been almost a year since she’d last been on anything which resembled a date, and that realization made her suddenly feel rather woefully pathetic. “I might like that, yeah.” She said softly as she stepped into the turbolift with Alessia, finding herself genuinely excited at the prospect of getting to know her a little more, and what had prompted such a cute little saunter in the pilot’s stride. A saunter which Kate found herself admiring a little more intently than she should have, but she couldn't control the manner in which she appreciated Alessia's fit and firm figure.

“Deck sixteen, huh? I'm on Deck eight.” She absently stated after Alessia, so as to break-up a bout of prolonged silence when the turbolift began to move.

A silence when was nearly deafening for the Doctor as her gracious host, patient, and guide extended a hand to return the tuft of asymmetrical blonde hair that had slipped freely from behind her ear once more. The gesture caught Kate by surprise, but not in an unwarranted or unwelcome manner. Instead she found herself smiling a little more brightly at the gentle touch, and how it had sparked an electrical response which surged throughout her lithe body. There was a clear-cut attraction that Kate found herself struggling with, as she recognized that there was a level of professionalism which she needed to afford the situation and Alessia, but at the same time she didn’t feel as if she were abusing her status as Alessia’s Doctor, or crossing the line of Doctor-Patient protocol. At least she hadn’t yet, anyway. She could continue to cast wayward glances at the beautiful vixen that had stolen her away from Sickbay for a momentary reprieve. And while others would have felt a need to break-up the agonizing silence that pervaded them, Kate was more than content to let the sweet moment settle in more fully.

In fact, she was happy to enjoy Alessia's alluring company.


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