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Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night


[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Number6 

Natalie Stark smothered a yawn and pinched the bridge of her nose as she meandered out of sickbay. It was entirely too late in the ship's night for her preference, and it had been an unreasonably long day. It had started too early when the Gamma shift watch officer and woken her with a request from Qo'noS, that had led to the first officer spending most of last day down there, attending a high level conference with members of the security council as to the events within the Praxis Debris field. To call it trying was a vast understatement.

Having not wished to give offense, she had dined with the chamber after the meetings had ended, well into the night, and suffered the tang of blood-wine. Not wishing to be a drunken fool, she had herself inoculated beforehand. This did nothing to prevent the well meaning but utterly painful headbutt she had received from one of the Klingon commanders, a towering woman who had helmed one of the vessels that fought alongside Theurgy while Natalie had been in command. As she had stumbled out of the bar in an effort to get to a clear point to beam up to the ship, the skies had opened up, thoroughly drenching her.  While the atmospheric damage done to the planet by the detonation of Praxis almost 90 years prior had been heavily mitigated in the decades since, there was still a high level of acidity to the downpour.

Thus Natalie had returned to the ship, sore, grumpy, and slightly singed, making her way immediately to sickbay, where she was treated for what was a borderline concussion, the beginning of a hangover, and mild corrosive burnings on the palm of her right hand where she'd caught herself against a water barrel. An hour later, she was still tired, but her head no longer swam and her hand was already on its way to being fully healed by the morning. She was mostly dry, and decontaminated, with orders to get a solid 8 hours of sleep before returning to duty under the penalty of an angry doctor. To this end she sported a Neuro-cortical monitor, designed to track her sleep patterns for the evening and report back to the on duty doctor to confirm that she did as she was told (as well as to monitor for the unlikely potential of complications from the already treated concussion). And she was still grumpy. She wanted nothing to do with anyone at that point.

Almost anyone.

She had made it halfway to her quarters before she'd stopped the turbolift mid journey and frowned. She bit her lip, and then decided that she didn't want to be quite alone at that point in time. Drumming her fingers on the LCARS display, she queried the computer. "Computer, what is the location of Lieutenant Vanya." Nat was positive that Vanya was no longer on a duty shift but that did not mean that the Romulan Scientist was in her quarters (or Natalie's) but could be busy with any number of projects, or possibly have pulled an extra shift.

[Lieutenant Vanya is in the Xeno-biology and Cybernetics Lab on Deck 17.] Natalie raised an eyebrow, a thin trickle of worry crawling into the pit of her stomach. There were few better equipped locations for the android to make repairs or engage in some sort of tune up. Exactly the kind of thing she would do on her own, when she should have a second set of eyes on hand. Having been that set of eyes during their Academy years; Natalie had been prepared to step back into that role the moment she found Vanya stranded aboard the Theurgy. Never mind the fact that the two were now in a more intimate relationship.

Of course, she knew that there were plenty of other reasons that, as the Sciences Department head, the Romulan might be in that lab. But it had been a hell of a day for Natalie, and she wasn't able to shake the (hopefully unfounded) worry that something had happened to her friend. "Redirect to Deck 17, Cybernetics lab."

A two-toned chime of acknowledgement followed the order, and Natalie soon found herself whisked away across the length and breadth of the ship, crossing from one vector to another. In less than a minute, she was deposited onto Deck 17, a short ways away from the lab. Pausing long enough to smooth out her rumpled skirt and sweep her damp hair back behind her ears, the XO strode out of the lift and made a bee line down the hall for the lab. Blessedly, she did not run into anyone on the way, but then, at this hour of the ship's evening - near midnight - that was hardly a surprise. Even the lights on this deck had been dimmed slightly to mimic the general effects of a day/night cycle, as most gamma shift personnel were berthed elsewhere aboard-ship.

She didn't even break her stride as she moved up to the lab and walked into the lab, whose doors opened for her moments before she would have slammed into them. Nat would later count herself lucky that the lab had not been locked. With the way her day had been, that would have been par for the course. Instead she strode through, and came up short, looking around the quiet room, the consoles trilling and humming in the background. The man desk by the door was empty, as was the far station across from the entrance. Pursing her lips, Natalie paced around the dividing wall and stuck her head out, hand braced on the support beam, and called out, "Vanya, are you hiding back there?"

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #1
[Lt. Vanya | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn
Vanya’s face was a mask of concentration as she glanced at the item.    A pale blue beam would scan along the contours of the asset, then would go red and the computer would announce “Sequence unsuccessful” and the process would begin again.   In the four hours she had been here, she had been through this hundreds of times, and there were trillions of calculations that she could go through.    

The asset was a an android brain identical to her own.   She had liberated it from the Breen homeworld, during their mission there, and was actively trying to unlock its secrets since.    Time was a  precious resources on Theurgy, and it wasn't a priority for duty shifts, so she had been workin on the time as a personal project.    Unfortunately her efforts had it a brick wall.   

With Nat on extended diplomatic duties, Vanya didn’t have a great deal to do in her extended downtime.    Things were mostly ticking on as she got used to her new role.    She found herself drifting towards the subject of the brain in the jar.   She had established that it was Romulan in its construction, rather than a duplicate, raising more questions about how the Breen would come to get it.   The questions haunted Vanya in her off duty moments, so she moved to answer them in her free time.  
She was in the one of the auxillary science labs, sitting at a console,  wearing the skirt variant of the standard uniform.    At least, 2 thirds of it.    Her uniform jacket was flung over the back of her chair, her boots were currently next to her bare feet.    She still wore her blue undershirt, unzipped to the middle of her chest, the maximum level of coverage before her bust would spill out for all to see.  Although she was working on a personal (of sorts) project in an unoccupied space, she was conscious that her preferred method (or lack of) dress was still inappropriate especially given her post as Chief Science Officer.   

She was about to go through everything Starfleet had about her origins, looking for some other clue she could use to unlock the brain when a familiar voice called out to her.   

Nat.    Nat was here for her.    She briefly entertained the notion of asking her to wait as she at least put her jacket on and zipped herself up.    But this was Nat.     First officer or not, she’d understand.    “In here” she called, the smile visible in her voice.    She saved the progress of her testing, and stopped the scans.  There was a buzz as the overhead forcefield deactivated.   A split second later a transporter whisked the device out of the scanner and into the sealed storage area of the science labs.  

She turned and faced Nat.   She immediately registered the neurocortical monitor at her neck.  

“What's wrong?” she asked immediately.  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #2
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Number6 

A part of Natalie was impressed that Vanya was still mostly clothed. The bare feet were hardly a surprise, and that drew a ghost of a smile across Natalie's face, easing some of the worry. She was still wearing a shirt, mostly ad hearing to norms of proper attire. Had this been one of their quarters, Natalie was quite sure that there wouldn't be any clothes on for the Android. Nothing new, even if it caught her off guard from time to time. That was less the shock of it and more the newfound enjoyment of it. Not for the first time she marveled at all the little cues she'd missed at the Academy. She had to grow up some, she reminded herself, to be in a position where she could allow herself to explore things with Vanya. Even if that had other, unintended side effects of broadening the Martians likes and dislikes. 

On some level, the distress in Vanya's voice mirrored the worry that Natalie had harbored. Seeing that Vanya was fully intact was certainly a relief, though it did raise the question as to just what the Android had been working on, given that the lab table was suspiciously empty now. Remembering that she herself had a monitor on her neck and probably looked worse for wear had her feeling slightly foolish now. A wave of affection bubbled up with the mild embarrassment as she waved off the concern, moving fully around the dividing wall and leaning gently against it. A tired smile replaced the amused grin that had flickered over her face, and settled into place.

"Klingon bureaucrats, diplomats and starship commanders are still, at the end of the day, Klingon's," Natalie began, a meandering explanation. "Even when they like you - and they did like me - they are just...violent. One showed her appreciation for my skills in combat - if you can believe that - by headbutting me full on. This was about....5 flagons of bloodwine in? Really testing the anti-alcohol tablets from sickbay, that." As she spoke carefully made her way further into the room. Unlike the scientist, Nat had kept the pants version of the duty uniform for her sojourn planet side. Given the rain that had fallen, it had been a wise call. 

"Between that, the booze, and the acid rain I had to get a check up when I got back. Turns out I had a mild concussion." She spoke as if it were nothing at all, fully knowing that if an officer under her immediate command had returned from a missing in such a state she'd be far less nonchalant about the affair. Funny how she fell back onto childhood habits of dismissing worry about herself. "The duty shift doctor tells me I'll be just fine but that I need to keep this on over night, just in case. And that I should get a full 8 hours of sleep before returning to duty. As if I could sleep right now."

She rolled her eyes and sighed, arms crossed under her bust, watching the android. Natalie was tired, but at the same time, wired. Sleep wouldn't come easily. "So I figured I'd find you and see what you were up to."

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #3
[Lt. Vanya| Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Brutus

Vanya didn’t have any ill will for the Klingons per se, they were people with the right to exist the same as any other sentient.   However, part of the reason why she didn’t get involved with any of the activities on the surface was that her Romulan appearance wouldn’t win her many friends.   Plus, who knows what spies and agents the empire had on Quo’nos that would have happily captured or destroyed her.    That being said, only Nat’s presence with just a cortical monitor to show for her trouble was the only thing stopping Vanya from going to the surface and repaying some Klingons with “kindness” of her own.   Instead she rose to face her lover.    

“A pity I wasn’t around for a few of them to try that on me” she said, as she moved closer to her lover, she took a brief smirk to imagine the pained howls as they collided with her dense skull.   Although the ceramic material her bones were made from weren’t exactly duotronium plating, they were certainly stronger than bone.    Sure it would hurt Vanya too, but she would certainly give as good as she would get.   She looked back to the bench in answer to Nat's question.              

Just trying to crack the riddle of the android brain I ah, liberated, from the Breen.” She admitted failing to hide the frustration from her voice.   “Without a decoding matrix, its impossible to know if the AI inside is destroyed, or just dormant.    If I take it apart it will permanently wipe the AI out, which might have already happened if the Android’s damage failsafes didn’t kick in.    Even if it is in there, there’s a good chance its just a drone personality.”      

She smiled, turning back to Nat, “The puzzle has lasted this long, and it isn’t going to be solved tonight.”  

She turned the last screen off, the two of them reflected in the dark panel.   Inspite of all of the apparent trauma, it was still glorious to see Nat in command red.    The brilliant woman who had been the first person to treat Vanya like a person in her own right, and not a thing to be studied or feared had only been restricted by her doubts.   Now here she was, a first officer.      
And her lover.      

 A wicked grin spread across her lips as she turned back to face Nat, crossing her arms and letting her fingers drift towards the zipper on her blue tunic.     “You know, if you need to relax, I’m pretty sure I can help you in that goal.   Commander."
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #4
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Number6 

Snickering slightly, Natalie allowed herself to imagine the reaction, first, to a Romulan in a Starfleet uniform as part of her official entourage beaming down to Qo'noS for the meetings she'd been roped into. If they managed to even get off the transporter pad without causing an international incident, the idea of Vanya being the one to get the headbutt, and the Klingon ship captain falling flat on her ass, instead of Natalie having done that...well, it was an amusing notion, and her girlfriend would have fared far, far better than she herself had. All the same, it was probably for the best that the android had not been present, even if Natalie appreciated the notion and the emotions behind it. "I'm sure the surprise at how hard your head is would have won you a few fans had you been there."

Blue eyes flickered over from the android to the display that sprung to life at Vanya's command, her head tilting to one side as she swept over the schematics and readout. She had heard of the recovered brain of course, wondering herself more than once if it was a 'sibling' of sorts to Vanya, and had flipped through some of the reports so far. It made perfect sense to Natalie that this was what her partner was absorbed in during her off shift hours. In her shoes she might have been doing the same thing. A flash of sympathy crossed her face as she nodded her understanding of the situation. "I'm sorry I haven't had more time to help. You might want to speak with Lt. Leavitt, in Operations. He has some experience with AI's and has been helping Thea with a few things."

Of course, Alistair Leavitt had a lot on his plate already, and might suffer the same issues that Natalie suffered under - too much to do and not enough hours in the day to take care of it all. His fellow Ops. Assistant, Lt. Reika Sh'laan was a talented woman, but not one who specialized in AI's like Natalie (and to a differing extent, Alistair) did, and Selena Ravenholm...well, holography was related to positronics to an extent, and she knew the field was a hobby for the cybernetic woman. "When we catch a break and can reprioritize, I'll speak with Ops and see about assigning you a few resources to look into this during 'work hours.' If we can ever catch that break."

Even now they were looking into next steps for dealing with the greater galactic threat, likely going deep into Romulan space as the developments continued. Something that would surely put Vanya in direct danger. No time to dedicate focused study of the 'rescued' AI.

Turning her gaze from the now dead display over to the darker haired woman, Natalie felt her breath hitch slightly in her throat, and one of her eyebrows rose up. She'd seen that smirk more than once over the years of their friendship, and certainly had found herself under it more recently of late. She noted the fingers lingering over the zipper, the plunging neckline and the décolletage on display in the dimly lit lab. She bit her lip to stave off a smile, and failed at the effort, unable to keep the curiosity and amusement out of her voice.

"Is that so, Lieutenant?" Natalie allowed a bit of a playfulness to slip into her tone, as she stood away from the wall and clasped her hands behind her back, twisting side to side slightly. "How would you go about doing that?"

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #5
[Lt. Vanya| Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Brutus

It was sweet of Nat to offer her support.   The last thing Vanya had wanted to was to monopolise the martian’s time with more mysteries, particularly ones that didn’t resolve their current mission.   While the thought of spending more time with Nat under any circumstance was something that was very appealing to the Romulan Android, there was always the mission at hand to consider.    She welcomed the day when they would have normal lives, but for now they were moving from one crisis to another, holding on to each other figuratively and literally in glorious moments of togetherness in between.   It was the literal part that Vanya was interested in right now.      

A wry grin spread across Vanya’s lips.   “Thanks.   If we ever get to that mythical point, I’ll let them play with my new unicorn afterwards.”

Seeing her respond to Vanya’s own offer for support was her focus now.   Seeing her formal stance countered by a playful smile excited Vanya immensely.  

She let her own hands fall to her sides as she walked a circle around her superior.   Despite her draining experience her spirts seemed to be rising, and Vanya reasoned that that would be something that she could support.   

Slightly mimicking the more officious academy professors and superior officers she had known during her career she looked her lover up and down.    She was perfect it took a herculean effort for her to keep her hands to herself for the purposes of the fun game they were playing.       

“Well, there is a small matter of protocol to start off with” she said at last.  “Technically speaking you are on medical leave so… perhaps you shouldn’t be in uniform?”  

She cocked her head slightly, eager to see what Nat’s next move would be.  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #6
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Number6 

The snort of amusement that bubbled up past Natalie's lips was hardly the most flattering noise she could have made. But it had been a long day, full of Klingon's. Taxing for anyone really. And the quip was funny. Perhaps not as funny as Natalie found it, but humorous all the same. Chalking it up to being tired, she shook her head and flashed Vanya a smile full of amusement and affection. Sometimes it was the little things in life.

Sometimes, things weren't so little.

Vanya's gaze bore down on Natalie, the shorter woman able to feel each step her lover took around her. She resisted the urge to turn and watch as Vanya watched her, letting her paramour get her fill of the circuit, tracking her when she came back into sight. A lovely sight at that, half in uniform, half out, with a look of wicked amusement dancing in her eyes. The dim light from the various consoles cast shadows through the myriad colors dancing across the Romulans skin. The Nat of a few years ago might have enjoyed the byplay, taking some admiration in the artistic value. Standing in the lab as she did now, tired from a long day, and at the same time far more open to explorations that she would never have considered before, the commander wanted to trace those patterns slowly. 

A blush crept into her cheeks as she recognized how much she had changed, and perhaps had the smallest inkling into how far she still had to go. But her lips curled into a smile of her own, an unpracticed look of desire mixed with continued amusement. A combination she found she enjoyed.

"Protocol you say?" She repeated, and tapped a finger against her lip as if in deep thought, and in truth her mind was racing. They were in one of the science labs. This was not at all the place to do what was being proposed. But at the same time it was the middle of the ship's night; this was one of the auxiliary labs. Generally shutdown at night, save for long-running projects. Or when an officer had some spare time and couldn't sleep. Presumably, Vanya had booked the lab, so there should be no intrusions...

A memory of a conversation floated into her mind, a shared moment with a friend, gossiping back and forth. Talks about risks, mistakes, and tales of letting loose. Natalie was not one to really let loose. Tonight, she decided, it would be different. 

"Well, those were the doctor's orders," she agreed, coming to her conclusion. Natalie tugged a bit at her uniform sleeve, staring at it as if having never seen it before. Perhaps because she was tired, she was less restrained. A part of her simply could not be bothered to worry about potential consequences. She reached up, and plucked her combadge from her jacket, placing it down on one of the plethora of work stations. Her fingers moved back up and removed the rank pips next. And after that, she began to unzip the black and gray jacket, sliding it off her shoulders and catching it, setting it over the back of a chair as she pulled it out. "I wouldn't want to disobey my doctor's instructions. If I were still in uniform, someone might try to get me to go back to work. That would be very bad."

In truth, Natalie wasn't sure she was very good at being coy, but she was willing to try. A fake pout passed over her lips, but didn't stay there long, as she propped a foot up onto the chair and worked her boot off, then another. Soon she was mimicking Vanya, save that her undershirt was red, and she still had pants, not the skirt. Though she began to work the belt off, and placed it over top of the chair as well. "I guess this is part of the uniform too, isn't it?"

'This' was her pants, as she tugged at the waistband theatrically. Getting a small nod, she sighed, and then tried to hide the blush as she unbuttoned and bent, pulling the pants down and shimmying out of them, leaving her in the red undershirt and a pair of standard issue panties. Swallowing, she looked back up, and murmured, "This too?" and tugged at the collar of her shirt.

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #7
[Lt. Vanya| Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Brutus

Vanya loved seeing Nat play coy.   In some senses it was what she had worked for so long, the dearest person in her life, so often unsure, and putting the wants and needs well above her own, engaging in a moment just for herself    

She was worried at first, of course, removing the badge and the rank pips she felt concerned that there was hestitation, the worry was for a nano second however, Nat was playing the game, and playing the game well.   

She licked her own lips as Nat went through the façade, removing her clothes    Even in the utilitarian standard issue underwear that was obscured in part by the red uniform top, Nat could drive Vanya wild.    It was all Vanya could do not to leap up and tear off her own clothes    

Vanya thought about it and gave a short sharp nod.   “Quite right.    Our under shirts are quite distinctive.”   

She pouted for a moment herself, lost in thought, tilting her head so that locks of black hair fell around one of her pointed ears.     “You know, we are quite recognisable” she said, taking a moment to admire the view.    “As the Chief Science Officer, how many drop dead gorgeous, perfect Martian babes am I likely to talk to?    I think its only fair that I take suitable precautions myself. "

She turned her back to Nat and removed her tunic, dropping it to the floor.    She had been naked in her quarters, and the public baths of course, but the feel of the ships air filtration systems against her bare skin wasn’t just liberating as usual, but in the presence of Nat, was downright thrilling, as was quickly becoming apparent by the hardening nipples on her large orbs.   

She turned back around to face Nat, her arm just underneath her ample bust.    Her arm was at angle to avoid obscuring herself, but letting her slide her hand underneath her chin in deep thought.    The glare from the low lights and screens seemed to give her skin an even more alien quality.    She loved this dance they were dancing and was eager to see how far they could push it.  

“There we go, no senior officers here, just two private citizens minding their own business.”     She said

As if on a dime, Vanya’s voice changed from the exaggerated playful tone to a more seductive vibe.      “Well, what shall we do next?”
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #8
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Number6 

The Romulans logic was not entirely one that her 'cousins' would be easily able to follow, or so the human native of Mars mused. She had to take a moment to shift through the train of thoughts that were a thinly veiled excuse for stripping down on the other woman's behalf. All while basking under the heated gaze from said Romulan. Natalie could feel those dark orbs raking over her, lingering on her bare legs and the swell of her still panty clad hip. Nat was a curvy girl. She would never be one of those slender sort of sleek beauties (another Romulan woman very briefly came to mind, before such thoughts were banished to the recesses of her brain), but shared more in common with other natives of her own world; the so called timeless hour-glass figure. She'd been uncomfortable in her own skin for some time, but was recently starting to understand that her form was attractive in her own right, and she had started to enjoy seeing how others saw her.

Not that many of them got to see her naked. More than she thought should, however, which caused a momentary flutter of frustrated embarrassment, before this too was put aside. No, she was learning that a part of her greatly desired to be desired, to be seen as desirable, and to have others gaze upon her with, put bluntly, hunger. Most specifically, she wanted that from the other woman in the lab, whose own skin was being bared for her, cast in shadows and tantalizing displays of console light. A low, cool rainbow of hues across the bare expanse of the Romulans back, along her broad shoulders, and down her spine to the swell of her bum, still clad in pants.

There was little point in denying that the way Vanya held herself, as if in deep thought when she turned around, aroused Natalie. Framing her bust in a lovely fashion, pushing the orbs into a place of promenade while she rubbed her chin, Vanya was putting on just as much of a show as Nat's faux hesitation and mimicked innocence of where this was all going. She giggled all the same, already feeling a bit of the stress from earlier in the day bleeding away with their antics, as anticipation and desire took their place. With just a hint of thrill at the 'risks' they were taking. Finding that exhilaration was unexpected, but something that Natalie was (slowly) starting to realize about herself and what exactly got her going. Coming to these conclusions was not without their frustrations, but there was no frustration now, just warm hopefulness with a side helping of building desire.

Chills worked their way down her spine and Nat felt her thighs rub together as she shifted her weight from one barefoot to the other. The deck plating was chilled under her feet, the Martian having backed onto a portion of the lab that wasn't carpeted. Curling her toes, she glanced down at her feet and then back up at Vanya, feeling the Romulans eyes and desires behind the playful teasing. Biting her own lip (again) the Martian took a moment and then summoned up some courage. No one was going to come in there. The only person that was going to see her in her all was Vanya and really, Natalie wanted that. So instead of answering Vanya with words, she used action.

Locking her eyes on Vanya's, she reached up, and pulled on the zipper collar. She tugged it down, the latch never once catching on the fabric around it. Down and down it went, revealing the expanse of her own cleavage, pressed up and supported by a standard issue bra. Never looking away, she slid the red undershirt off, and let it drop to the same chair that held the rest of her clothing. And then, still facing Vanya, she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. It was nothing fancy, the same light gray material as her panties. But it did the job, providing support. But support wasn't what was called for now, and she covered herself with one arm, while using the other hand to slide her straps off her shoulders. Trying to be sexy as she went, knowing that she'd jumped a head a step in the game, Natalie slowly teased the garment off, letting it drop to the floor while covering herself with one arm. Taking a very deep breath, she stepped forward until she was close to Vanya, but with plenty of space still between the two of them, and then dropped her arms, clasping her hands in front of her and pressing her tits together with her biceps.

"Well, no one would mistake me for the prim and proper XO on duty now, would they? I'm wearing even less than you are..."

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #9
[Lt. Vanya| Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Brutus

Vanya was an unashamed sensualist from her earliest times.     The chief way this manifested was her propensity for not wearing clothes  especially in situations where it was expected.   

Over the years she had learned to control those desires, following  but not embracing rules of decorum.    Mostly out of a sense of duty, rather than a shift in personality   And yet, as her curvaceous lover stood before her - more naked than, and more inappropriately dressed than her it seemed to thrill her all the more,     it was  clear that she was enjoying herself.   Which in turn stoked the fires in the android even more.    This felt like living.      Vanya took her statement as a challenge and padded back to the console she had been working at not breaking eye contact with Nat.    With her back to Nat she reached down and moved her uniform jacket from the back of the chair and put it on the offlline console.   

"Well, my love we better do something about that"

She pulled down her skirt and stepped out of it.    Now it was her turn to raise the stakes, she climbed out of her underwear giving Nat an eyeful of her bare, perfectly formed backside.     She straddled the chair away from Nat obscuring the view of her sex.    With perfect grace Vanya rotated in the chair and gave it a gentle push, trundling back to where Nat was standing she playfully lifted herself to her knees on the seat so although the Androids perfectly alluring tits were on display, her bare crotch was still hidden  by the back of the chair.      Although there was a playful smirk on her full lips there was no mistaking the unrestrained hunger in her voice,     

"There, as it should be"

She made a show of caressing the back of the chair with her fingers      she moved her expression to a pout

"You know, the only thing better than being less clothed than you is being equally naked."
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #10
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Number6 

Truly, Vanya had a nice ass. Natalie had not thought of herself as an 'ass woman' let alone one that would appreciate the shapeliness of a female bum. Certainly this was not the first time she had seen Vanya's rump in all its glory. To be sure, Nat had probably seen the Romulan woman naked more than anyone else in her life, given that the two had shared a dorm for years and the aforementioned Romulans proclivity to nudity as her default state. Nat was sure that this was hardly the first time she would reflect on this, nor would it be the last. The appreciation she felt for what she was seeing still had that new, exciting energy to it. Slightly anxious, butterfly's in the stomach sort of feeling of anticipation and... Hunger? Lust? Either word would fit.  Whatever it was, Natalie was feeling it full on. 

While there was no audible thump when Vanya sat down onto the chair, Nat would swear she could have felt the moment of impact. Her eyes were glued on the other woman's ass as she sat, the plump posterior spreading slightly against the cushioned seat, before the chair came rolling toward her, and spinning in place. Natalie couldn't help the fit of giggles that bubbled up at her paramours antics. They should have been childish in nature, clearly playful and slightly immature. Instead they were arousing, and at the same time, the mirth involved mixed with the heat of desire helped to bleed more and more stress away. Surly anyone monitoring the cortical node affixed to the back of her neck would be pleased with the results. 

Especially when the fit Romulan decided to go up onto her knees and offer Natalie another view of her bared chest in the low light, so invitingly close, while still 'hiding the prize' as it were. And that smile was simply sinful. Full of promise and lacking innocence. Nothing at all subtle about that smirk. Nor the pout. The urge to giggle warred with the urge to lean in and capture Vanya's pouty lower lip between her own and kiss the look away. Of course Natalie was well aware that there was one other way to get rid of the pout. She traced her fingers along Vanya's jaw, just barely touching the skin before pulling back a few steps. She could feel her own bust jiggling slightly as she scooted back, not turning away from the Romulan.

The brunette Martian bit her lower lip for a moment, as if pondering her next move, though she had already decided it. But standing there, one foot raised up on its toes, heel digging in against the other ankle, she did her best to look hesitant, swaying slightly side to side. Not breaking eye contact with Vanya, Natalie slipped her thumbs under the hem of the regulation panties she wore, and tugged them down, bending forward as she went. Glad that she was able to keep her balance and not fall flat on her face when fully bent over (and still looking up) she shimmied out of the fabric and stood back up. Thought the impulse to do otherwise was strong, Nat did not cover herself, did not hide the neatly trimmed patch of dark hair, nor the slit below it, but instead retraced those few steps to where Vanya posed on the rolling chair and reached out, dropping her panties into one of the Romulans hands.


Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #11
[Lt Vanya | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Brutus

That Nat was playing the game drove Vanya’s temptation wild.    She remembered the nervous cadet that she had roomed with, and aside from some contrivances here and there that Vanya had started, or at least helped along the way, Nat had been the very model of reserve and control.   Now this was almost like a different woman, and yet it wasn’t.   Vanya found that she harboured more than just lust from the other woman, she felt a profound connection, and one that would only get stronger.  

As the Martian’s fingers reached out and traced her jawline, she could practically feel a sensation  of electricity on her skin.   Inside the Romulan’s own neural net, there was a deep longing for more.   As if she could sense her wants, Nat took a step back.   Vanya almost lunged forward, wanting to taste the other woman’s skin against her lips.     Instead she remained as a statue, watching Nat cast away the final hint of decorum.   She moved forward and dropped her ships issue panties into Vanya’s hand.    The Android closed her fist around them, sensing the heat that had come from their wearer.   

Drinking in Nat’s nude form was all the inspiration that Vanya needed.    She let the garment fall to the floor, perhaps a part of her was considering that they should make sure all signs of their time together were gone.    However, even for an android this was an fraction of a fraction of her runtime.     Everything else was in the here and now.     She rose from her chair, making no further attempt to play coy, or hide her bust or femininity.    She was practically toe to toe now with her lover.    She rested her hand on her bare hip and smiled.    

“Now what other ways to relax can we find together?”          
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #12
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Number6 

Quite pleased with herself, Natalie watched her girlfriends reactions as she'd doffed the last of her clothes and tactfully handed over her panties, fully nude now in the low lights of the cybernetics lab. She admired the play of color's on the Romulan android's skin, knowing that her own was just as wonderfully bathed in radiance. The room felt ever so slightly chilly, but it was pleasing on her bare skin, the flush still on her face. This was...well, this was even more risqué than the Jeffries tube, and in a way, more so than the boat. Alone on the water, at night, the chance of being caught was significantly less than what could possibly happen now. Though she'd already rationalized that worry away, and simply allowed herself to enjoy the rushing thrill of the moment, and the flavor of delicious...anxiety? that was brought forth.

Vanya rose, and with her, Natalie's gaze, admiring the other woman. She allowed herself to drink in the sight, comparing to all else that she had seen and admitting that nothing did compare. Vanya was beautiful, stunning, strong, feminine, so many words she could use. And all hers. That was the important part. She reveled in the Android's nudity (so often freely given whenever a chance arose), mixed with her own desire, anticipation, and added to the excitement of the venue. Leaping into the Romulan's arms was probably not quite the right response to the moment, but it was damned tempting, she had to admit. After all, a normal Romulan would have possessed the strength to support Natalie, and Vanya was far stronger than the average Romulan woman.

All the same, Nat resisted the urge, toeing one foot against the decking, and swaying slightly from side to side, her hands now behind her back. The hints of an impish smile tugged at her cheeks, running any professed innocence she might try to summon up with her gentle motions, and marked hesitance.

"I'm not really sure," which was not an entirely true statement. She had plenty of ideas but decided to play up a certain angle. She drew her hand up her side, just ghosting behind the swell of her breast, and then up across her shoulder and neck, indicating the small monitor affixed below and behind her ear, which she exposed to view by flicking her hair back and tilting her head to the side. A smile was there on her lips.

"See, the issue is I'm off duty. I'm certainly not supposed to be doing anything reckless like giving orders and the like. That would upset the doctors," there was a playfulness in her tone. She sighed theatrically and let her hand drop away, her hair still swung over the other shoulder and spilling down her chest as she gazed up at the taller woman. It would take but a step now to close the distance, to bring warm skin to warm skin. She felt her nipples stiffen into taut nubs, desire warring with her insistence at playing the game before her. "I don't think I'm allowed to make any decisions love. I just have to do whatever you say. I think that would be...relaxing."

Even she could hear the singsong tone in her voice, the coy teasing. Almost bratty really. But the invitation was given nonetheless.

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #13
[Lt. Vanya | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn @Brutus
Vanya was completely  thrilled at the game Nat was playing    She was pulling out the experience, drawing the anticipation, teasing her about what they both, clearly wanted.    That Nat was playing along, taking a submissive role showed that she wanted to play the game in her way, and Vanya was more than happy to oblige.  She had many techniques in her time, but she decided to keep it more playful for now.   With a wink she dropped Nat’s panties and  went back to the chair, gracefully pulling  it out into the centre of the room.    It would be difficult to hide what they were doing, and that’s what made it all the more fun.   She lowered herself into the chair, her green eyes not breaking contact with Nat’s exposed body.    

“As the ranking officer of this endeavour, I hereby declare that this is to be my command chair”   She chose her words very carefully.   She didn’t want the computer flagging this up to the Captain or security as an attempted mutiny.  

She opened her legs, showing her moistening sex to the other woman.    Teasingly she started to rotate in the chair, three times, each time when she faced Nat she made a point of slowing the chair down.   
“Well as command seats go, it lacks arm rests, but I think that we can find plenty to keep my arms busy, can we not?”   she gave her a sultry nod before closing her legs and patting her knee seductively.    With her feet on the floor, Vanya could easily support both of their weight without putting undue pressure on the seat.   

“I would very much like your input into the situation.   Care to join me?”  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #14
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Number6 

There was more than a little bit of relief bubbling about in Natalie as Vanya sunk further into the roleplay that was developing, as well as sinking physically into the chair. As much as she enjoyed watching the statuesque beauty kneeling on the chair, the back of it hiding some of her more delicious fruits from Natalie's gaze, the off-duty XO much preferred the new pose the Romulan android had taken. Licking her lips at the sight was a natural reaction she could not prevent herself from indulging in. Vanya looked tasty, there was no other way to put it.

If you're being honest with yourself, you haven't had a moment to just drop the responsibility of XO from the instant Ives made the position permanent and you changed your collar from yellow to red. You're lucky your counselor hadn't mandated more leave for you prior to now. Natalie tactfully did not remind herself of what happened the last time Amanda tried to get Nat to relax and take some leave on Qo'noS. The detour aboard the Savi scout ship was not something that the XO wished to dwell on. Not when her girlfriend was twirling about in her self-declared Command-chair.

Something so ridiculous should not have been so damn arousing, but Natalie could feel herself growing damp at the idea of doing whatever Vanya asked - ordered - her to do. Her breath hitched for a moment as the spinning stopped, and the Romulan fixed her gaze on the very nude human woman, who still stood there under the dimmed lights, toeing the floor with one bare foot, hands clasped behind her back, resting on her ample rump. Shivering from excitement, and not at all from the slightly chilly lab air, Natalie gulped.

"Yes ma'am, very much," she let a bit of the desire bubble into her voice, while trying on the honorific for size. They were playing around with command protocols, their day to day, and Nat disliked the habit of being called 'sir' when she was in a position of authority. XO was a nice compromise, ma'am worked as well, and if someone insisted on sir, she wouldn't make a big deal of it - at least they treated her with the professional respect her rank deserved. But this was something far different. In the seclusion of the cybernetics lab, a different game was unfolding, and Natalie allowed herself to relax into the role - though she was sure that there would be exercise soon enough.

As instructed, Natalie moved across the room and came to a stop in front of Vanya. She pondered how she wanted to sit on her lovers lap, and after a moment, turned her back and bent down, plumping her bum onto Vanya's thigh, and then sliding back, with a slow, deliberate roll of her hips, pushing back in against the Romulan, looking over her shoulder. She'd seen similar movements in holodramas that she would vehemently deny every viewing, and wasn't sure if she pulled it off or not, but could hope all the same.

"Like this?"

Re: Day 11 [2345 hrs.] Ships in the Night

Reply #15
[Lt Vanya | Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Brutus

Feeling her lovers body against hers only intensified the sensation of Vanya’s anticipation.   The game they were playing, immature, childish risky… and yet it was also liberating, to act on these fantasies was like some kind of game, Vanya had a thick anti authority streak in her – being the product of a renegade Romulan experient will do that do you.    While she understood the need for decorum, sometimes it was nice to let your hands of the helm console.  
“You have the right idea…” she said.  

Vanya finished her sentence by kissing her way down Nat’s smooth neck, first in short sharp packs a friend would normally exchange in relaxed public settings before settling on long, hungry kisses, the kind of  passionate hungry kisses a frustrated Vulcan might give on their marriage pon farr.   And yet, it was still tempred with thet tenderness that Vanya had felt for Nat since they gave into their feelings and embraced their passions for each other.    With an almost artistic grace, she was able to avoid interfering with the cortical monitor that her lover wore.   While the possibility of discovery was vaguely exhilarating, accientially loosening the monitor and was a sure way to expose them, and bring an abrupt end to the evening.  

As she continued to kiss around her neck and shoulders, Vanya’s long and nimble fingers moved towards Nat’s huge mounds, softly toying with them, again, lightly caressing them with her fingers, before firmly kneading them together, pressing her against her own bare flesh.   

“isn’t this relaxing my love?” Vanya whispered into her ear.  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

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