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Topic: Day 25 [1000 hrs.] Washing The Slate Clean (Read 8679 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 25 [1000 hrs.] Washing The Slate Clean

Reply #25
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Spa | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Stegro88

While a first step to trust had been initiated, a turn of events had lead to a face first crash into the mud pools. The mud made sure that Amelya couldn't hear, see or smell anything really. The viscous goo and texture of the mud made her feel like she was in a cocoon. Her primary instinct was to push herself up and while she couldn't find anything directly to help her push up, her hands found something soft, orb like. It didn't take long for her to realize she was putting pressure onto Donna's breasts to get herself up. The pilot seemed to try and help her, planting her legs besides her hips which caused for Amelya to straddle her before she got in a more decent position to push herself off.

She emerged with the mud surrounding her and her teeth were visible along with the pink of her tongue and lips. Gasping for air she reached back down, finding Donna's shoulders and helping her up, remaining seated on her. Amelya cupped her hands and wiped the mud out of her eyes and scraped a bit more of it off from her nose. It resulted in a rather camouflaged look on her. Two stripes at her eyes and a curly pattern around her nose. Her spots remained hidden and her eyes looked into Donna's while she looked for words to utter an apology.

Donna however started to laugh at the whole thing. The doctor couldn't help but find herself laughing as well, their breasts grazing against one another while it happened yet neither seemed to make a point out of it. Amelya settled down with the laughing and murmured "Sorry, typical clumsy move of me to make. Are you alright? Didn't get hurt during the slip up?" she asked and slowly made the intention to move off Donna.

[ ~2 Hours Earlier | Main Sickbay ]

The invitation to go to the spa was a welcome invitation and perhaps one that she could use. Amelya doubted and Donna could probably notice the wheels turning inside of her head. Pressing her lips together, Amelya let out a soft sigh before giving a nod.

"Tell me when and where."

Re: Day 25 [1000 hrs.] Washing The Slate Clean

Reply #26
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Wolf-03 | Aldean Spa | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Looking up at the Trill doctor, her spots almost completely hidden by the layer of mud that coated her body and hair. Amelya looked like a fair representation of an amorphous swamp monster, the imagery of which brought a fresh round of laughter to the pilot. Donna could only imagine what she herself much look like given that she had been submerged in the substance completely. 

Amelya’s murmured apology only came after the two of them had settled down, neither having moved from the position they had found themselves in. Truthfully, Donna was enjoying having the Trill sitting astride her, a part of her not wanting her to move either but the pilot wasn’t sure if that was a good idea or a bad one. Lately, she was having trouble telling the difference between the two.

“I’m fine,” Donna assured the doctor, shifting her arm slightly to prop herself up better. “Nothing a good shower afterwards can’t fix.” See Amelya move slightly, Donna could tell that the Doctor was about move herself. Reacting without really thinking, Donna rested her free hand onto the Tril’s leg next to her knee.

“You don’t have to move,” Donna commented. “Unless you want to.”

[ ~2 Hours Earlier | Main Sickbay ]

Donna was unprepared for such a direct response from the doctor, something that she made no effort to conceal as she thought about how best to answer the Trill’s comment. She tried to remember when the shift change was and how long it might take the doctor to get ready.

“1000 hours ship time at transporter room three?” Donna asked, wondering if Amelya would really show up or not.

Re: Day 25 [1000 hrs.] Washing The Slate Clean

Reply #27
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Spa | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Stegro88

Peterson assured the Trill that she was fine, that she didn't get harmed in the slip and fall. While Amelya made the implication to move herself, she stopped dead in her tracks when she felt the hand of the other woman on her leg. It felt familiar, whether it felt good or bad was something she wasn't sure of. Her eyes darted towards Donna and she looked into her eyes. Her reaction was voiced out and hung in the air. She didn't have to move if she didn't want to.

Amelya slowly nodded, yet didn't stop the movement she had initiated. Slowly sitting upright before granting Donna more breathing room. She positioned herself off the woman, yet kept her leg in reach for her, letting the human rest her hand on her leg. With the new position, Amelya found her pelvis pressing against Donna's. Their legs somewhat scissored against one another and they bodies close to one another. The mud caused for a layer, be it subtle and pretty much non existent if either of them moved.

Rez was at a loss for words right now as she slowly lay herself back. Oncly increasing the pressure of their lower bodies against one another. though it was the easiest way to slowly envelop herself under the blanket of warm mud. The actual goal of them being here.  The mud covered up her abdomen and about half of her breasts, the peaks of her nipples visible through the fire layer as she kept her head out of it as well for now, if only to be able to make conversation with Donna.

[ ~2 Hours Earlier | Main Sickbay ]

The time and place were given for their spa retreat and Amelya blinked once before she gave a nod.

"I'll meet you there."

With just that, she turned on her heels and walked out of sight of Donna.

Re: Day 25 [1000 hrs.] Washing The Slate Clean

Reply #28
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Wolf-03 | Aldean Spa | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Donna wasn’t surprised that Amelya had kept moving, putting some, if ever so little, distance between the two of them. Given their history, it was almost to be expected. What did interest her though, was that though there was the opportunity to move further away, Amelya hadn’t yet chosen to utilise the available space. It lightened her mood to know that she didn’t induce instant terror in Amelya despite the Trill knowing about what Donna kept chained inside her and know how terrible things could get if Max was released.

“Do you everything we will be able to go home?”

[ ~2 Hours Earlier | Main Sickbay ]

"Is this a good idea?” Donna wondered to herself as she watched Amelya walk away out of sight. “Am I just tempting the devil inside me by spending time around her?” Donna wasn’t sure what to do as she stood there, gazing after the departed doctor. It had been done now though. She had invited Amelya and the invitation had been accepted. She had said it herself; she was no longer the person that Donna had recruited all those years ago. She could decide things for herself.

“At least I’ll get to see how far those spots go again. They were a beautiful pattern over her hips.”

Re: Day 25 [1000 hrs.] Washing The Slate Clean

Reply #29
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Spa | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Stegro88

Amelya gave the question some thought and sighed as she leaned back some more to relax in the mud bath. She eventually shrugged and shook her head "I think it's too hard to tell. We're constantly at risk of getting killed. When we get to go home.. The question remains how we'll return. Scarred, captured, demoted?" she voiced out and closed her eyes "What do you think?"

Donna wasn't the only who had wondered if it were a good idea. Amelya doubted about giving in to the decision for a good portion of her shift. Weighing up and down the options of showing up or not showing up to their agreed rendez vous. The two of them had history, a whole lot of history. Who would blame her if she didn't show up after all.

Re: Day 25 [1000 hrs.] Washing The Slate Clean

Reply #30
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Wolf-03 | Aldean Spa | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

“Scarred, captured, demoted?” Donna mused as she allowed her head to loll backwards as she considered the options presented to her. They all hinged on one concept; that they survived. It was something that she was used to having to consider, both in her past life as an operative and in her current one as a fighter pilot. Sometimes, when your number was up, it didn’t matter what you did, you weren’t coming back.

“I think that the future is tomorrow. It can take care of itself. We can prepare and consider all we want but when tomorrow becomes today, well, you roll the dice and see what number comes up. If it's yours, then there isn’t much you can do about it,” Donna said as she looked back across at Amelya. “There is no fate but what we make.”

“Personally though,”
Donna added casually. “If we do somehow make it back, I am not going to prison. Plenty of places in the galaxy a person can go and not be noticed or remembered. If it comes to it, I will pick one of those and live out my days on a mountaintop or in a cave. Better that than a cell. Don't you think?”

Amelya’s answer was not soon in coming.


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