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Star Trek: ISS Paw

Posted an idea for a AU Trek RP group back in May 2018. Hoping to revive the thread and see if there's more interest for writing the thread. Everyone is welcome to bring a character aboard, either an MU version of their Theurgy character or a unique character for just this thread.

Few notes on character considerations:
This story is set in the Mirror Universe and draws inspiration from DS9, ENT, and DSC story arcs, so much of whats seen there, the brutality, the savageness, and xenophobia are rampant in this story. The Xenophobia (sci-fi racism) I'm hoping to dial down a bit as the simm is a rag tag collection of misfits anyways, so closer knit, but it will be present, especially only ten years after the Terrans reconquer their old empire.

While there's no reason a hybrid character can't exist, given the xenophobia and ingrained hatred of each other in this universe, hybrids of any sort are rare, mostly the result of a forced union, and one can expect that growing up they'd be looked down upon as lower then low.

This takes place only 10 years after the recapture of DS9 by Smiley O'Brien so pretty much everyone in the Dominion has been under the Alliance's boot, or as freedom fighters constantly on the run. Some may have escaped to Romulan Space or places beyond known space, but the memories of the war are fresh in everyone's minds.

My first characters:

Name: Anise Denevre
Rank: Commodore
Position: Fleet Captain, Bajor Sector
Species: Human
Age: 35
Gender: Female

Name: Yi Zhen Zhao
Rank: Empress
Position: Empress of the Terran Dominion,
Species: Human
Age: 30
Gender: Female

Name: K'Ren
Rank: Civilian
Position: Captain, ISS Paw
Species: Caitian
Age: 30
Gender: Female

Re: Star Trek: ISS Paw

Reply #1

Name: Eliska Bremmer
Rank: Civilian
Position: Head security contractor, ISS Paw
Species: Human
Age: 27
Gender: Female

Re: Star Trek: ISS Paw

Reply #2
Name: Jhozahosh "Blizzard" sh'Avhennes
Rank: Civilian
Position: Mercenary Soldier
Species: Andorian
Age: 35
Gender: Shen

Other Notes:

During the uprising against the alliance Jhozahosh lost contact with her Bondmates and Children. Once the conflict was resolved she set out to find them, but was unable. She seeks them wherever she goes. Her cold hearted fury in combat earned her the nickname "Blizzard".

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