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Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #25
Back on SB84 Selena ran across the communications logs and downloaded what she could while she was plugged into the system.  Now the question is just what did she find? Komial Dotnihl's love letters to Hawthorne?  Desperate requests for a sewage purge on Deck 88?  Reports of deck Grey 17 missing?  Or maybe damning contacts between Hawthorne and other parasites further up the chain of command?

Knowing our luck though, Hawthorne predicted such a security breach and had a virus installed in the logs that will cripple any computer system they've been downloaded to after some time...

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #26
I'm just going to add this to the whole integration discussion: Marquez will be nowhere near being in the same chain of command as the bulk of the Resolve crew; it's not his job to discipline ANY of them that steps out of line unless they are in his department, and even then there are limits.  If he inserts himself where he isn't supposed to be, he is going to see what Ives, Trent and Wenn look like when they are thoroughly unimpressed.

If he hears a member of the Resolve crew is trying to McGyvver a weapon or smuggle one, Marquez' place is not to punish them, but advise Security immediately. 

Nor is he their union rep.  Enlisted men will have section and department chiefs for that, and officers will have their department heads and Trent as the XO. 

And since Resolve no longer exists, Marquez isn't her XO anymore, let alone acting captain since Kendrick got turned to plasma.  If her logs were saved in the evacuation, then there's her legacy.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #28
My reply is up. Let's let the cards play out.
Union Rep, that's kind of catchy,  however you meant it; I took no offense to Marquez's Robin Hood Complex. You have my skype. I'm on PST.

Let's the events play out, shall we?
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #29
I will be back to contribute to this later.

Today was too shitty of a day, and I'm barely thinking straight as it is.

Will give plans for Jovela & Minjae, as well as overall thoughts, hopefully soon though.

Sorry everyone.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #30
My reply is up. Let's let the cards play out.
Union Rep, that's kind of catchy,  however you meant it; I took no offense to Marquez's Robin Hood Complex. You have my skype. I'm on PST.

Let's the events play out, shall we?
I don't know as but you guys, but I've always been a fan of letting the events unfold and playing things out in character.  I find it builds character personality and makes the  story seem more real, especially if said character accidentally creates an enemy and has to smooth things out over time.  :)  plus in-character conflict creates more writing opportunities.

Just my two cents, but I think this disagreement should go to the thread and be played out. We are a whole bunch of different characters from different walks of life and with different morals and values,  so it makes perfect sense if some of us don't fully agree with another, even to the point of contention.  It will add some spice to the story and possibly even become it's own plotline later on,  depending how things go.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #31
I found my notes,

So in the morning my post felt kind of incomplete and that is because I actually keep detailed notes about my characters, and what they are up too, goals and plot lines that i intend to continue, and today after work my first priority after walking the dog was to dig through these notes and find my plot points for all the characters i have.


  • So I have this puzzlebox still? It was the only thing recovered from Sera's last investigation and I was told it's an important mguffin. I have ideas for it, but no real direction on what it is or how it can be used. Currently I have two prevailing head cannons.
1. It hosts a parasite inside of it. A lock box that has either one of the dead, giving us access to an autopsy, or a prisoner, a political enemy of the enemy. The weapon in this case could be related to the information gained with the use of such a double edged creature.

2. Asurain/Radiant, something to do with Cardemon's light abilities, perhaps an artificial version of her species abilities is held inside the box?
  • Jack owes Krystal Tancredi a drink.
  • I once played around with the idea that Jack is a spy, but not for the people you think. On the far reaches of Federation space, it can be so hard to keep the empire at home updated with the movements of the Romulans, especially since the Klingons have entered into a war against the Romulan Star Empire. If this is the case then it would open new possibility's as he leaks secure information about the Theurgy to enemy vessels. It also could earn them a few allies down the road.
  • Hi'Jak's knowledge of time travel as it currently exists. I would love to have a sit down with Morali and just have the two talk about paradox's and time travel, probably while analyzing the portal that was created by Sonja Aecreth.
  • In the current state of evidence between the videos with Sonja and the fighter, Jack is not completely sold on the existence of the parasites.
  • If we do have an away mission where Sera goes to a planet within the nebula I would like to have Jack aboard as the science officer, filling the role of Ezra Dax, or Spock from the shows.
  • Speaking of Sera, they are going to have a thread to hash out their relationship, and position on if they are staying with the ship. (Already underway)
  • In the above where it meantions Martin getting attacked, I think Jack would be a pretty good 'hero' to have in that situation.
     It could also make for a pretty good reason to have a target on his back.
  • So about that virus, I'm kind of playing around with the idea that Jack get's blinded either temporarily or permanently (until they can undergo a surgery at least) by the virus.

I knew I was too fast to write that post in the morning.


  • Sithick was a weapons expert at black opal helping in not just the repairs of the station but also in the building and assembly of some of the weapons that were kept on the black opal it's self. As such I have plans to transfer him from general engineering too the flight deck where he can work as a weapons tech.
  • I would also like to take up the occasional shift in general engineering because why not? I feel like officers usually fill multiple roles when they can.
  • By the time emergency repairs are done Sithick will have been out of his humid atmosphere for more than 20 hours, which pretty much means that their is going to be a need for another visit to sickbay as he will have formed a rash by the start of the second day.
  • I hope that I can have a thread with Esyel's nurse though I can't remember her name at the moment.

Again I have notes with Nathan, and I had notes with Kendrick as well, but both these characters have activities that will last them more than a few days.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #32
Excellent posts in Nebula Entry! :) Great characterisation of both Marquez and Trent. So yeah, I think everyone are on the same page now so there is no need to discuss this integration issue further, it will just muddle the waters.

I will start updating the top post again in a bit, so you all can check it later today. With the amount of rows in the character-based section, I think I have to compartmentalise those in categories, like "Writers Wanted", "Pending" and "Due to Start". I might even play with colours to illustrate this, but I'll have to draw the line for my OCD somewhere, lol.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #33
I think we've flogged this particular dead horse into hamburger, so let's get to writing, shall we?

As for the list of ideas, who's to say that the list here has to be exhaustive?  Some things might occur to some of us on the fly, no?

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #34
Alrighty. First thing's first. I'm going through this massive list and putting already suggested ideas under either Jovela and/or Minjae's name, depending on whom it  applies best to.

Already Ideas for Jovela:

Resolve Virus Outbreak Arc:
- Outbreak foreshadowed during Day 01
- Sickbay already flooded with injured, and the epidemic is made apparent. Its nature at first unknown. Fear and panick ensues on Day 02. It is not immediately determined as a non-life threatening viral agent. Effects include, distorted vision, numbness, swelling of hands or feet, extreme cases have swelling of limbs. May have different symptoms depending on species. The Resolve crew are all inoculated during their voyage + Drauc & Parnak. (Wouldn't mind having Jovela be one of the few nurses able to help with this part)

General Character-Based Plotlines Arc:
-Jaya Thorne seeks new friends after her years on the Black Opal (Any Day)
-Alessia seeks distraction on the Holodeck (Any Day, writing with..?) [Although she knows Minjae already/personally, I'm offering Jovela in case she wants to have something more akin to 'girl talk' instead]
-The fate of Lin Kae is decided in Sickbay (Day 01)
-Wenn Cinn dealing with the loss of Edena (Writing partner needed)

Already Listed Ideas For Minjae:

Lone Wolves Squadron Formation Arc:
- Alessia & Minjae speaks privately with Thomas Ravon after briefing
- Sensor virtually non-functioning and wolves lost in the Nebula, relying on each other for survival and finding they way back
- Holodeck boot camp, group activity, bonding session

General Character-Based Plotlines Arc:
-Jaya Thorne seeks new friends after her years on the Black Opal (Any Day)
-Alessia seeks distraction on the Holodeck (Any Day, writing with..?)

Okay, so .... for my own ideas regarding Jovela and Minjae ... hmm.

I only have one, but it was a major thought, and it's for Jovela.

Poor woman's gonna be busy.

So, in case anyone may or may not noticed, there are a few things I included in her profile to hint what this twist was.

The lack of a surname was one. However, since I know that doesn't always mean anything, purposely hinting her father used to be a Starfleet officer was one. Eventually, even if not now, I do want to work on that with her. Trying to find out how he is, what side he's  on, and so on -- be it with or without help [she'll probably try to hide what she's doing at first, simply due to shame and fear of losing her position if it's found out she's linked to a traitor. Very ironic, I know. :P].

I'm gonna let everything for Minjae fall into place for the time being.

I could have sworn I thought I saw Sithick in the midst of getting treated? But if he needs someone still, Jovela can help with that also.

Anyone who wants to figure something out with me about either character, feel free to PM/Skype me~

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #35
Vivian Martin becomes a target because the Devoted wants Morali for CSO. Martin is attacked on Day 02 after her position is announced. (Hastata-Nerada posts starter with Devoted attacking Martin. Who comes to her rescue?)
Jimmy Mariner's up for it. Whenever she's announced for the role of CSO, Mariner would be keeping an eye on her, loosely in step with Marquez's "Steady Nerves and Stout Hearts" ideology, either officially ordered/assigned by a Theurgy officer, or on his own to get Sharky the dog's medication in the lab, any reason [or, more likely excuse, lol] to be at Vivian's side. It'd be here when he gives her the data rods-- or gets interrupted by the cult. I'm not sure how it'll play out, but Mariner is handy in a fight*. This mutiny might justify Marquez's latent fear about who one can trust, at least at first. I figure Mariner might be initially unarmed, but will improvise, probably even Sharky's first demonstration of his famous K9-unit disarm, phaser scatters, and Bob's-your-uncle, pyoo-pyoo... stun of course. 

Also, Marquez and Alessia should meet whenever convenient or possibly in step with the first two days' schedule. Nolan/Duv said Marquez should be up and about soon, so long as he checks in every few days. I figure he'd want to keep the scars as a reminder, but otherwise make a recovery within the first day, well in time for the Nebula thread. Mariner may be a half-decent security guard, but a lousy bedside mannerist. 

Looking forward to the Post-Nebula debrief to tie in time, locations, objectives and agendas into sequence. Looking forward to additional input.

*ATTN: Security Chief, Quartermaster: [Show/Hide]

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #36
Top Post has been updated! (No layout change yet)

Here is a few random from me:

  • Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley talks things through with Ravon late on Day 01 (before/after bashing Devoted)
  • ThanIda zh'Wann bashes Devoted (Target wanted who starts the thread)[
  • Drauc T'Laus bashes Devoted (Target wanted who starts the thread)
  • Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley bashes Devoted (Target wanted who starts the thread)
  • Rihen Neyah target for Devoted late Day 01 (Needs saviour)
  • Liam Herrold target for Devoted late Day 01 (Needs saviour)

More may show up, but these are added for now. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #37
I can certainly say that if Ida or Drauc or both want to jump into Shall's little fray he wouldn't complain too much (unless those are intended for another thread)

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #39
He is, though he did make a call for security as well, but it's possible some NPCs can handle it if needed.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #40

Ok, so it looks like there are 3 basic plot ideas I want to bring to the table.

First and foremost will be Lahkesis's investigation into her "friend" Doctor Maya. I see a lot of potential for drama there and a lot of good character interaction as she tries to uncover some semblance of the truth.

Next comes her interactions with the primary 2 plot lines. Oth those first I'll tackled the virus outbreak. Being a Doctor this will mean that Lahkesis is heavily involved in at least some respects of it. Being plant based she is naturally immune to the majority of viruses that would attack a most mammal based life forms. This could be used as a way to help solve the problem, or it could simply mean that Lahkesis could walk about without an environmental suit or similar piece of technology. Honestly I think it would be very interesting if in her investigation into Maya, Lahkesis uncovers that Maya either has knowledge about a similar virus or perhaps had a very similar virus while in the past, thus a vaccine could be created from Maya's antibodies, or something quite similar.

As for the Cult plot line, I think it would be interesting if while investigating the jeffries tubes Maya access, leave no stone unturned kind of thing, she was attacked and required rescue. The cramped area would provide and interesting place for an action scene. Also it would mean that Lahkesis might think the Cult is in some way related. This would involve her in both plots and allow her own plot to be the main vein for her, something I would quite like.


Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #41
Good additions Absinthe! I will add them to the list asap.

A suggestion to you, if I may? Kaligos & Even Angels Cry have just come to Sickbay in the thread New Pack, and while Esyel offered Jovela has offered to be nurse, why not post in New Pack with Lahkesis Saugn as the doctor? You could write with Esyel, Even Angels Cry and Kaligos for a little while, Doctor Saugn taking a look at the two patients. The four of you can decide how and when you want to end the scene in that case?


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #42
 That sounds like an awesome idea
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #43
With it being four on two, Derik definitely wouldn't mind some backup. Whether that's security or just bystander who happens by before security can respond. :)

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #44
Sounds like a plan to me~

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #45
Aside from the portions that Husker and Keval are already either apart of or going to be apart of-if anyone needs any of my ragtag bunch of misfits-even Terror and/or Sniper-just let me know because I'm allowing some leeway for insanity.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #46
Sorry, jumping in here a bit late. Is there some sort of rough timeline of when the Battle of SB84 takes place? If I'm understanding things correct, Day 01 of the Interegnum is effectively the same day as the Battle of SB84. Just threads only start after the battle?

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #47
Think the threads start post battle to anywhere else throughout that day. Washing away the memories for example is two hours post mission. While Last of the lone wolves is right after they make the jump.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #48
Well with the matter of the virus plot line I could see a possible out being in the unusual nature of the Ovri, being an amphibian race they would not be effected the same, and perhaps have been exposed to something similar to the virus. It could be a possibility that they could be a source of antibodies if we need to have some deus ex machina solution.

With their close proximity to patients Vinata's patients could begin to show slight signs of recovery.

Considering her involvement with the eye operation Hylota might be seen as a loose end and seeing as there might be a misconception about what to expect from a mother who just gave birth Hylota would be more than capable of defending herself, not to mention the klingon nurse Maal who would no doubt be close at hand.

If there is still need for someone to defend Amelya Rez, Vinata could have this as a moment to confront his fears after the horror he suffered last time he played the hero in the CMO Office.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #49
@Nolan: I'm trying to sort out a possible scheduling conflict that places a character in two places at the same time. Hoping to adjust the one thread before it's written so K'Ren isn't placed in Sickbay recovering from surgery approx 5hrs after she's standing on the deck with the rest of her shipmates watching Acreth.

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