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[2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Lt. JG Izar Bila| Cidacos Runabout | Space close to Starbase  54 → USS Cayuga]
Att: @Cosmos

Bila walked nervously from one side of the little Runabout to the other.It was one of the models of smaller size of the scale, he was sure that it has barely half the size of a danube-class and, according to his expert opinion as chemist, it could hardly be called runabout. It was rather an oversized shuttlecraft. But no matter how oversized it was, it was still a shoebox with two nacelles attached. That tin-can could reach warp 5, and, in fact,  they had been moving at that speed for the last hours, which had led him to ponder about the structural strength of the hull materials and if, in case the helm officer forced the engine, if that can could be able to withstand the tension forces of that speed. Would the deflector shields survive the impact of a micro-comet at that speed? Maybe a normal one, but what about one of  a exotic material? The half-cardassian wasn't so sure about the outcome. A part of his brain knew that the transport was completely safe and that they were in Federation space, a very different place from the Hellaspont Nebula where the USS Asterion had spent the last months. It was a quiet ride without incident. The Starfleet checked their designs repeatedly and that design had survived the risks of Dominion War, where there was much more chance of a less auspicious encounter than a routine transit between two vessels. But the hybrid was terrified of closed spaces. The tiny shuttlecraft gave the impression of diminishing with every minute that passed, the walls seemed to come closer and closer. Bila knew it was a mere mirage, a game of his hyperactive brain, but the sensation did not fade. He felt the tightness in his chest like a living creature that coiled around his lungs and left him without air. Nor did the ensign that piloted the small ship help him to relax a tad. For some kind of evil joke, the helm officer meant to take him to his new starship was another bajoran, well,a full-blooded bajoran. As he had made it clear since they left the Asterion's hangar, he had fought in the resistance in Bajor and the only thing he saw in the face of the hybrid was the traits of his enemies mixed with the blood of a collaborationist. The earring that adorned his ear, showing his faith in the Prophets only provoked a greater anger in the ensign, which made clear that, in his opinion,  the vedeks should never have allowed him to carry it. So after these initial statements, he had made it clear that he would do his job diligently, but he would do it without conversation and without soothing the scientist's obvious anxieties. And with that last word, he had locked himself in a stubborn silence from which he had only left to bark a 'shut up' when Bila's nervous chatter became unbearable. The chemist knew he wasn't giving the best impression of himself and obeyed. He supposed that someone who didn't share his profession could be pissed of with his constant repetition of the periodic table elements, as well as the different arranged and classifications of those elements in ascending order of atomic weight. AAnd then descending. And then ... well, it didn't matter anymore. If he was honest with himself, Bila had recited the chemicals to fill the silence with his voice and entertain his thoughts in something other than the waning room. He also liked the sound of his own voice, he couldn't fool himself in that respect.

"Cidacos to USS Cayuga,  ensign Begos Libu requesting transportation for one person along with ..." The low voice of the Bajoran broke the silence of cockpit, reaching the ears of the hybrid. Bila turned on to look at the little mean man, stunned by the fact that he wasn't even going to land in the Cayuga. The chemist approached to one of the aft windows and observed the ship that would be his home in the coming months: the slender profile with the four nacelles was very different from the plump figure of his previous post. It was a starship ... Before the thought formed completely in his mind, Bila felt the lightness in the stomach that indicated that the transport had begun and the telltale swirling sound hit his eardrums. His last thought on the Cidacos was a very graphic description of what the helm officer could do in his spare time that would probably result in irreparable internal damage.

When he materialized again, he was in the Cayuga's transport room. Aside from the specialist in charge of the transport, there was a woman waiting for him. Slightly taller than him, with a raven-black straight hair that didn't fully hide her pointy ears or the v-shape in her forehead. Romulan, for sure. What a delicious irony. They were two outsiders, neither of them totally belonging to the Federation and yet there they were, wearing the teal of the science department of the Starfleet. Bila grabbed the sides of his uniform to straighten any minimal imperfection or wrinkle on its surface and to try to slightly relax the nervousness in which he had been immersed the last hours. Finally, he inspired deeply, his mind full of resolution and took a step forward ... stumbling over the small container that hold his few belongings and falling to the ground.

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Vanya | Transporter Room 2 | Deck 07 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ] @Numen 


Vanya stood in Transporter Room Two and nodded to the Chief. She turned to the pad and watched as the young man materialized. Dark green Romulan eyes taking in his appearance. They matched the stock image from his file that had been forwarded before him. An interesting hybridization of two distinct and different species. Two that by all means seldom got along to the extent to produce offspring. His age would indicate that the pairing had occurred a goodly time before the Dominion war, so there was likely a story there. One that Vanya would need to wait for the young officer to divulge on his own. She’d learned that asking such questions was… impolite, and that it could get her mistaken for a Vulcan. Something that some would take as a compliment, but Vanya… did not.

She raised her pointed brows and prepared a greeting, then the man moved to step forward. Vanya extended a slender finger to try and indicate the container but oops. Nope. Bila found it juuust fine. The gray hued officer ate deck in a spectacular fashion! Vanya tilted her head to the side, the light playing off that straight fall of raven black hair, so dark that the light seemed to shimmer on it giving it a green black gloss. Her eyes went to the transporter operator, a male Saurian. The reptilian's massive eyes looked to Vanya startled. Maybe. Vanya had to admit Saurians always looked rather startled to her. Those huge eyes and the shape of their faces. She didn’t quite have the experience. It could be a bored expression, but it certainly looked startled to her.

Turning her dark green eyes back to the man sprawled on the deck Vanya gave a bit of a nod. This was going to be a day. The pad in her off hand was slid into a cargo pocket and she stepped forward.  “May I be of assistance, Lieutenant?” A hand was offered to assist in his vertical elevation. “That first step can confound a number of new arrivals.”  

The woman had a bit of a repressed smile on her face. Those up-swept brows and slight brow ridges seemed to add a bit to her appearance of amusement. Once Bila was standing she stepped back to give him a bit of room for air. Her eyes looked to his dark hazel ones and she waited for him to collect his belongings.

“I am Lieutenant Vanya. Chief Science Officer. Welcome to the Cayuga.”  When Bila had his belongings in order and could move Vanya motioned for him to follow.“The Cayuga is an Iroquois Class Long Range Explorer, NCC-78498. Commissioned in January 2376, she’s a sleek ship. Roomy for her compliment, she crews 150 standard. 17 Decks, 477m in length 90 in height and 195 on the beam.”

Vanya spoke as she strolled, hands clasped behind her back. The light of the hallway playing off her hair, pale skin and taylored uniform. “Welcome to your new home, Lieutenant.” A smile offered and a nod.

“We are currently on Deck Seven, that was Transporter Room Two. Figured a shorter walk to Sickbay would be nice. We’ll get you checked in with medical and your medical records transferred over then I’ll see you to your quarters. You’re berthed on deck 5.

The main Science labs are up a deck on 6, Diagnostic labs here on 7, and Life Sciences where you can usually find me, down one on 8.”
The Romulan glanced to the hybrid to see how well he was keeping up.

Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #2
Lt. JG Izar Bila | Corridors | Deck 07 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]

Bila wanted to give a good first impression, but his current performance had been far from optimal. On his knees on the transporter pad, the hybrid looked with resentment at the box that hold his belongings, which had barely moved a few inches and remained innocently at his side, returning his gaze as expressively as a box could do. To be fair, it would return it to him if it were a living and sentient creature, moved by a kind of malevolent intention to humiliate the chemist. But it was not, it was just a standard container.  It wasn't even a large or striking container, which made the situation even more ridiculous. Bila sighed, got on his knees and hands and approached the box to his body to adjust the lid. In doing so, he made sure to reintroduce the piece of tapestry that had fell off the box, that shows the Emblem of the Bajoran beautifully embroidered. Without further ado, he grabbed the tiny handles of the box and arranded himself to stood up once again leading an embarrassed smile to the imposing woman in front of him. He knew well that his cheeks had dyed in a reddish brown tone under his sparse beard, clearly showing the humiliation he felt. For better or worse, that tone of blush was as unusual as his gray skin, so it could confuse the woman enough to hide her his true feelings. Luckily, she seemed distracted, her gaze fixed on the saurian operator. Bila thanked this fact and took advantage of the few seconds that this gesture gave him to finish recomposing his features to a more professional façade. The most professional manner he could show himself while trying to recover the fragments of his dignity and get back on his feet.

Just as he used his only free hand to stretch the new lines of his uniform, the woman stepped forward, offering him a hand to help him recover the verticality, but Bila politely rejected her with an elegant gesture of his own free hand. "It isn't necessary ma'am" he apologized. The woman dropped her limb and tried to downplay the situation with a joke and a reassuring smile. The hybrid thanked her that gesture from the bottom of his soul. After all, it seemed that he owed a lucky pagh.

Soon, he found himself walking down the corridors next to the Chief Science Officer. The woman didn't waste any time and as soon as they left the transporter room she began to detail the information about the vessel where they were. Bila knew most of the data by his research before accepting the position, but it was lovely that the woman, Vanya as she had introduced herself, decided to provide all the necessary information as a presentation. That said a lot about the work method of the Science Officer, sharing the data that she considered necessary, even if it was redundant and making sure that the officers involved were in the same place. In addition, Bila always preferred to be provided raw data so that he could reach his own conclusions. The hybrid nodded conveniently after each sentence, a mere phatic gesture to indicate that he was attending to her words. In a pause in her speech, she offered him another smile and he responded to the friendly expression with a similar one, despite the strangeness of seeing a friendly gesture in her obvious vulcanoid features. He had had barely non treat with Romulans before that moment, and he was more accustomed to the expressionless faces of their cousins, the Vulcans, so seen emotional reactions so open and obvious did not fail to leave him slightly perplexed. She soon followed with her explanation, leaving little time for the hybrid to inserted an answer. Vanya went on to explain where their steps were going, where his new quarters were and where he could find the different labs. Bila missed having a padd in his hand where he could write down all those information and orientate himself in the planes of a starship that was (still) alien to him. But his personal padd was in the box he carried under his arm and he didn't want to risk to being involved in another incident with the rebel container. "I keep my own medical records, Starfleet medical has proven not to be thorough enough about them. I was assigned as with 'mainly cardassian' genetics and that has caused me some problems in the past. My genetic makeup is a bit more complex than that, " he plainly explained. He had been trying for years to add to his record his sensitivity to anesthesia, with scarce results. He still held hope that the Cayuga medical officer would add that information once and for all, before that lack of data caused him any severe problems. While he pondered about this, they reached the sickbay. Bila said goodbye with a small bow to whom would be his superior since that moment.

[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Quarters| Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]

Bila stomped in the light colored corridor, his browridges deeply frown over his hazel eyes, almost hiding them in their shades. The medical officer who had treated him had been ... offensively condescending. He had pretended to listen to the deviations that the half-cardassian had indicated about his Starfleet records and after a brief check had changed his genetic profile to 'mainly bajoran' and had dismissed him ignoring each and every one of his indications. He had also diagnosed a kind of anemia with respect to normal Bajoran standard values and a weight too low for a adult bajoran male of his heigh, so on top of his box now rested the padd that he had given him with a couple of hyposprays filled with several vitamin supplements. He had also sent a diet to his personal replicator and  to mess hall one based mainly on red meat. Bila knew that the doctor was wrong about it and that he was in better physical condition than he had been in years, but the physic had ignored his protests. Finally he'd been dismissed without having got the medical officer to change his mind and with vague indications of how to get to his new quarters.

After he confused path a couple of times, he managed to get to his new quarters' door, in front of which was Vanya, hands clasped in her back, as seemed to be her custom. "Looks like we meet again, ma'am, what delightful coincidence." Bila joked, trying to relax his own attitude. "I wanted to thank you for abandoning your usual functions to guide me on this day. Your assistence is a bless from the Prophets"

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Vanya | Corridors | Deck 07 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 | @Numen 

Vanya had walked with the man and one pointed brow rose in curiosity at the mention of his complex genetic make up. A simple nod was offered in return, the green/black sheen on that hair gleamed in the overhead lighting as they made their way down the hall. “Hybridization can be tricky for those not specialized in it. Lets see how our CMO does. If you find them less than satisfactory, you can let me know and I’ll see about speaking to him at the next department head meeting.” She raised her brows offering the compromise to the new Chemist. It seemed that Vanya valued those under her command and wished the best for them. After all a healthy team worked better. Performed better. A happy team worked better. Performed better and sometimes it really was the little things. The quality of life things. Improve moral and you improve efficiency and output. Your department ran better and when the captain called on you, collectively you were able to give more to the Captain and the ship.

So Vanya offered to speak to the CMO if he didn’t come up to the little Hybrid’s standards. Of course the fault could lay elsewhere, but Vanya did not have enough information to make that determination as of yet.  So she saw him to Sickbay and gave a nod once he was deposited.

“Good luck.”


[ Lieutenant Vanya | Corridors | Deck 05 | Jr Officers Quarters | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 |

“Hardly a coincidence Lieutenant. I had the computer alert me when you were done in Sickbay and decided to wait for you to ensure you made it ‘home’ ok.  The incident of inner ship muggings is at an all time low, but you’re new and it’s sometimes hard to settle in.”

Her dark green eyes played over the additions to the items that Izar was carrying. The brow raised again, the motion accented by the faint brow ridges. She noted the hyposprays and smiled. Reaching down she opened a flap on the cargo pocket of her uniform pants and pulled out a slender hypospray. Holding it up she grinned and wiggled it a bit. It was an emergency epinephrine injector. She paused to look at it, a fond look of memory crossing her face. “I’ve carried one of these… every day on duty, and many not.. since my first weeks at the Academy.” The slender hypospray twirled between her long and dexterous fingers before being secured back into the pocket.

Motioning to the door she nodded for Bila to touch the pad, and take ownership of the quarters. Which would cue it to his com badge and what have you.

Once he had done so she would turn as he crossed the threshold. Her other hand coming from behind her back. Holding a small box of reflective deep green metal. The Chemist in Izar would recognize Malichite infused steel. A some what exotic mixture of materials. Much like Izar himself was an exotic mix. The small box was offered forth to the junior officer once he had put down his things.

“A ‘house’ warming gift. A tradition I picked up from a Human roommate. One that I’ve found helps to make new quarters and postings feel more… like home”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #4
Lt. JG Izar Bila | Quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]

A witty smile shone on Bila's face when he noticed that his new superior officer had decided to kept going with his joke. "Do not worry Ma'am, I'm half Cardassian, a real snake in the grass." He replied with a deadpan expression. He tilted his head slightly, hidding his eyes  in the shadows of his browridges, he let grown his smirk even more, turning it in a wicked grimance and finnish his dramatical stance with a theatrical gesture with his free hand, showing his best performance as a vaudeville villain. "Maybe the rest of the crew should fear the moment I settle here," he added with a mischievous tone beforehe drove his feet in front of the quarters' door. He was about to open the it when the Chief waved an hypospray in front of her, pointing out that Bila wasn't the only one carrying medical aids. The hybrid's expression relaxed slightly, revealing his true self for a short moment. However, it was hardly a glimpse of a person tired of having to repeat the same explanations again and again that thanked the sincere display of empathy that had been offered to him without asking anything in return. Nevertheless, that expression lasted little and almost at the moment it appeared it was replaced by a rehearsed cordial expression. One of the multiple masks under which the chemist hid to protect himself. The only trace that the other expression had ever been there was a little twitch in his right eyebrow. "Unfortunately, these," he said, indicating with his shaggy chin the hyposprays that were piled on his box. "are totally useless. I don't need them. As you pointed out before, ma'am, hybridization can be tricky and I'm far from an expert in the matter. In spite of this, and not knowing the concrete circumstances of the conception of this bajcardie, I've some experience in being a hybrid. However, it seems my experience in this regard is not usually taken into account. In fact, Dr. Gantulga has decided to reassign my genetic pattern to 'mostly bajoran' so it seems than I suffer from a series of conditions now that I wasn't aware. " He explained, rolling his eyes with the last sentence. "Sadly, my slender figure isn't due to my innate elegance but is due to a lack of nutrition, in his expert opinion. I am FRANKLY disappointed, i've always considered myself a handsome and nice shaped guy." He added with a disappointed pout, obviously faked.

At Vanya's suggestion, Bila approached the door and placed his long gray fingers on the pad. His combadge chirped twice as an answer and the door opened with a soft hiss. The hybrid was taken a moment before crossing the threshold, savoring the anticipation before he take full ownership of the quarters. Discovering for the first time the place that would be his home had its own trepidation, it was like the seconds before opening a gift. Finally, he took a deep breath and entered the room. It was a standard quarter, decorated in the anodyne way that was usual in the Starfleet vessels. However, it was more than spacious enough for him and Bila has been so lucky that it had a window through which he could see the wonders of the cosmos unfolding. Izar smiled in spite of himself as he placed his box on an adjacent table and approached the glass. The hybrid was in love with space, having the opportunity to enjoy its beauty even when he would be off duty was fortunate.It was true that the Prophets had blessed him with a lucky pagh. However, he didn't have much time to enjoy the views, due Vanya's voice broke the silence that had crystallized in his new quarters. The hybrid turned to face her and his gaze fell on the box that the romulan officer held in her hands. The soft brightness and colour caught his attention instantly, and his eyes sparkled, full of curiosity. The rest of his face remained unperturbed, or at least he tried hard to hide the emotion from his features. Bila was't used to receiving gifts, his way of life had been very austere for most of his lifetime and he had few friends, mostly due there were few people who could overcome the initial suspicion that caused his gray skin. He hesitated before picking up the box delicately, taking special care to not to brush the woman's hands when doing so. He held the box in his own hands with fascination, turning it in front of his eyes and rubbing his thumbs on the polished surface. "Malachite infused steel?" He asked, although he was convinced that his assumption was correct before the question left his lips. It was a peculiar alloy, rarely used because of the complex nature of its obtention method. Just for that, the box was a real delight to a chemist like him. However, it seemed that it was only a container and that the real gift was inside. Bila looked at Vanya, requesting her agreement to open it, his invisible masks falling down one after another due the sincere amazement and gratitude he felt. When she granted it, he slid his elegant fingers over the lid with fascination, opening it and revealing what the box concealed inside.

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant Vanya | Jr Officer Quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ] Attn: @Numen 


Vanya watched Izar’s little show and a slender pointed brow raised in response. The corner of her lips tipped up in quiet amusement. “Oh, I am quite sure, they will positively be quaking in their socks.” Garbling the human turn of phrase a bit but the general gist of it would get across.

When the hybrid displayed a bit of emotion, the CSO noted it, and then noticed when he ‘Raised shields’ again. It was almost a Romulan gesture, but Vanya thought that a Romulan would be a bit more smooth about it. Dark green Romulan eyes noted the tick at the corner of Izar’s eye, but focused on what he was saying. She nodded at the assertion that such complex Hybridization was indeed tricky. The addition of the term “Bajcardie” made Vanya tilt her head a bit, sending a ripple down her hair.  Bila went on to bemoan his treatment by the modern Fleet medical community and as he seemed to scorn being attributed as mostly Cardassian or mostly Bajoran, such distaste was noted for later usage. Namely not making that mistake. The Hybrid’s own characterization of himself as a handsome and nicely shaped guy caused the Science Officer to appraise the appraisal. She flicked her eyes over him and back to his face. If she had reached like conclusion, or opposing one, she did not at this point pontificate. 

A bit of a smile was again repressed, the corners of her lips quirking up just a bit before being schooled into the pleasant look residing on her face. Bila entered into his new quarters and she remained on the threshold observing. She watched as he seemed to savor the room and a smile bloomed on his gray face. Eyes flickered to the reflection in the glass of the porthole as he approached it and again Vanya took in his expression of pleasure.

When the chemist saw the box, Vanya was watching him, she noted the sparkle in his eye and her cybernetic mind qualified it as pleasure and curiosity. When he came to take the box Vanya also noted the care in which it was accepted. As a Chemist, she imagined that he would be very careful indeed about what he touched and didn’t touch. As a mistake could be disastrous. That or he was a neat freak. A character trait also often attributed to Chemists and scientists, but hardly universal. More data would be needed to formulate accurate hypothesis.

When Bila accurately assessed the box’s composition, the Romulan nodded. “Indeed. I’m afraid the Romulan design ascetic has been deeply ingrained. I do so love green things.”

Vanya watched his face closely as the Lieutenant JG gently opened the box to reveal what it held with in. Sitting on a small swath of velvet was a bit of jewelry. A sort that was likely very familiar with the young man holding it.

Removed from the box it would shimmer and shine in the light of the quarters. A d'ja pagh. Bajoran earring. Worn on the ear of many Bajorans as a symbol of their faith. This one was not overly ornate, the chain, cuff and main piece gleaming with a gunmetal sort of sheen.

She watched the young man as he observed it and looked to it herself. Her voice rolled out. It’s gentle soprano tones easy on the ear.  “I do not profess to understand the complexity of the Religion to which this piece is attributed. Nor would I try. It is a symbol of the Bajroan faith.” A gentle shrug and the statuesque woman motioned with slender long fingers.    “This one is of note though, to it’s unique attributes”

It might take a moment but the young man would suss it out. The particular feel to the metal. The weight to size. The tactile sensation. Even taste should the man do so would tell him what his eyes were already saying. This metal was a unique alloy found on one planet: Cardassia Prime.

It was a d’ja pagh, made of metal native to the Cardassian home-world. An object of not one people but distinctly of two. Of both. Woven together into a familiar form. A bit of art. Beautiful for it’s aspect, what it means and indeed, the origin of it’s creation.

Vanya watched his eyes. Curious as to what sort of reaction the hybrid might offer forth. Meetings were such delicate times.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #6
Lt. JG Izar Bila | Lt. JG. Izar new quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]

Att: @Cosmos

When Vanya confirmed that his instinct had been right about the box, Bila nodded silently, without looking away from the smal container. "Oh, believe me, I'm well aware that there are quirks that are impose on us when we were children that it is difficult to get rid of. I haven't tried authentic rokat fillets in years, and from time to time I still replicate some, and I swear by the Prophets that Federation Replicators are unable to recreate them properly, no matter how try." He joked, shrugging slightly before opening the box. His long fingers took the lid and slid it from its latches. When the hybrid's gaze rested at last on what was inside, his eye's ridges knitted momentarily, first with surprise and then deeply when he began to examine the ornament carefully, without letting his fingers touch the gift. He only put them in the box to separate the piece of velvet from its surface , so that it didn't hide its details. The SCO's femenine voice reached his ears softly, faintly, immersed as he was in the scrutiny of the piece of jewelry. A d'ja pagh. There were few objects that were more personal for a Bajoran, even more so for him, as the hybrid he was, and not fully accepted in the worship for the more old-fashioned vedeks. They were pieces that were given meditatively, and that revealed much of the relationship between the person who offered the gift and the one who received it. That one of them was given to him as a welcome gift was strange at least, and Bila didn't know if he was flattered for it or offended by the preconceived ideas that it could have attached to its metallic surface.  When the Romulan pointed out that that particular one had unique attributes, the chemist averted his gaze from the earring to the woman and looked at it for a long time, his features as unreadable as the gambler he was. She could see him prickle, his masks again in place, safeguarding his thoughs. After some minutes, he looked back at the box and let his fingers slide over the soft shred of cloth to hold the jewel. It was lighter than he had expected. He weighed it in the palm of his hand, so that the chain slid between his index finger and his thumb with a pleasant tinkle. The sound was extremely musical, much more than the one what he carried in his own ear could produce. This indicated that it was a more malleable and more ductile alloy, easier to mold. He rubbed its surface with his well trimmed nail and it couldn't scratch it, the finger slid on its surface almost as if it were on a ceramic object. His eyeridges knitted over his eyes even more, lost in his thoughts. There were few substances that he was familiar with that feature. He brought his thumb to his lips and delicately moistened the fingertip, then slid it across the flatter part. In doing so, a small iridescence was revealed, a diminutive marbled pattern of blue and green hues. It could be? As a final test he brought that finger back to his lips, the characteristic taste slowly spread through his taste buds. It had the expectable metallic taste, with a salty, almost marine aftertaste. There wasn't a shade of doubt. "Neklythe," he whispered before falling silent again. He grasped the object again with both hands, tracing the elegant curved shapes favored by his mother's people. "Have you dug so much in my background that you have discovered that the Izar family belong to the Va'telo D'jarra?" He asked, his voice so monotonous that it was impossible to discover whether the question was an accusation or a praise. "The design is somewhat old-fashioned, but it's clearly Va'telo." He added looking at the woman with a slightly inclined head, measuring her. Next he pointed his right ear, although it was almost fully-cardassian shaped, it holds an earring that could be a twin of the one in the box. Its lines were somehow more sharp and defined, it's surface more shiny and grey coloured, both for the different material and due it'd been wear and touched for long time. But the contour was almost the same, the carved lines, on a par. He unfastened the piece that adorned his head and hold one in each hand and, raised his gaze to Vanya, looking for her next words to take his choice about his new boss.

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Vanya | Lt jg Izar’s New Quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ] Attn: @Numen


Vanya pondered the hybrid’s words about imprinting quirks when one was a child and seemed to think they were likely true in her case. Granted she came online in the body she was in now but was in a much more child like state then. Not everything could be ‘programmed’ much had to be ‘learned’ and adapted. She had often wondered how much of her own personality was her own and how much of it was residual imprint from her mother’s younger brain scans. Their experiences were different. So ever since coming online the personality had developed in different ways. That said her mother was her primary teacher and instructor before, so had that shepherded and guided her development in ways she could not accurately measure or contemplate? These questions rolled around the sub-processors as Vanya spoke to the junior officer.

“Yes I’ve often heard that replicated food lacks a certain… something, in some cases. It’s a common complaint.”

Vanya often wondered if that aspect was true, or if it was observation bias by the humanoids in question. Not ‘wanting’ the replicated food to taste as good as… what did the humans call it… Homemade items. Was it more or less all in their heads. Vanya filed that away as a question to pose to the ships councelor the next time they were forced to interact. Deep space exploration required regular meetings with the counseling staff to make sure one wasn’t cracking under the strain and all. Vanya would ask about the taste profiles of the replicators, and if they indeed were qualify-ably different or if it was just something the humanoids told themselves to give a bit of self comfort. The Android some how suspected the second, over the first.

Vanya then observed the chemists’ inspection of the item. Tilting her head a bit to the side to watch. He tested many qualities of the gift, as Vanya had hoped he would. She watched his face as it went through a few emotions and then seemed to shift to a default ‘guarded’ state. Romulans often had the same sort of guarded emotional shields, but it was different than Cardassian ones. And a Cardassian/Bajoran hybrids a bit different still. Vanya tried to qualify the emotions playing and being hidden as Izar inspected his gift. She was not a psychologist, though she’d taken courses, and as an android lacked decades of informal study, but some she could chart.

At his whisper and words the Romulan’s brow went up in quizzical contemplation. A ghost of a smile pulled at the corners of her lips. “I make it a habit of having as much information as I can, lieutenant. It’s a habit I encourage in my people as well.”

When he pointed to his own ear, the dark green Romulan eyes flickered that way and she nodded, observing the similarity. Eyes shifted back to his own and she nodded again.    “Make sure to check with the standing orders on the ship, pertaining to wearing such on duty. Some captains make exceptions. Some do not.” A pause and a beat. “If Captain Ziegler has no objection, I do not have one either.”

Keeping it out of scientific experiment and work was a given, but then if he was close enough that a earring was dangling into his work they’d likely have other problems. 
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #8
Lt. JG Izar Bila | Lt. JG. Izar new quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]
Att: @Cosmos

Bila stared to Vanya, almost without a blink. The few he didn't repressed were slow, almost reptile-like, and gave him a cold and alien appearance. It was a studied pose, something he had learned that tended to make most people he has know pretty nervous that. "Oh, do not worry, Liutenant, I'm a curious man by nature, I can become truly inquisitive, sometimes." Slowly, a smile began to percolate in his features, spreading in his face until it became a loud guffaw. The hybrid laughed until he was almost out of breath and ended up gasping looking for air, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees.

Even with a earring in each hand, he used the back of the hand to wipe away the tears that appeared in the corners of his eyes, still trying to suppress his outburst of hilarity. "I can't overlook that you have 'conveniently' avoided answering my question, ma'am. I could accuse you of playing the role of an 'evil romulan' with me to hide what you really know. But such suspicion would be typical of an 'evil Cardassian', isn't it? One of those who consider that  trust in other people is plainly fool." Without adding another word, Bila straightened slightly and inverted a few seconds to stretch the invisible wrinkles that might have appeared on his uniform.

Then, he deposited one of the earrings in the box, and used the next minutes placing an earring in his right ear, with the dexterity that only the custom gave. When he got on his feet again, the jewel shone slightly, showing the blue-green neklythe iridescence. When Vanya pointed the ship's ordinances on uniforms, Bila snorted, shaking his head, the smile not leaving his lips. "Don't worry, ma'am, I checked the requirements with Captain Ziegler before I began my transfer here," he explained as he opened the clasps of the box containing his belongings.

Meanwhile he did that, Bila's smile widened slightly, so that his features adopted again that mischievous expression that seemed natural on his face, proud of his pwn planning about that possible eventuality.  After removing a pair of civilian clothes neatly folded and an old an mended cardassian padd, the hybrid found what he was looking for.

Bila slid his elegant fingers down the polished wooden surface of the object. He had been carrying several of them for some time and had never felt that he was in a position to gift one of them. Not for a long time. And they were rarely handed to non-Bajorans, due they were something intrinsic to his culture. Bila removed the object from the container with both hands and offered it to Vanya, with a small bow. The object was a small medallion made of Moba wood, with a square ideogram hand-carved on one of its surfaces. "Peldor" he pronounced carefully, looking at Vanya direct to her green eyes.

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant Vanya | Lt jg Izar's New Quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]


The Science Officer met Bila’s slow blinking look with one of her own, but as Bila held the gaze and gave the slow, nigh on reptillian blink, Vanya met it with a steady gaze. He had reverted to a lingering look with slow blink and Vanya offered one in return with out a blink. Simply watching for long moments. Her eyelids remaining open. A slender pointed brow raised in response. If his lingering look had infected the Romulan with unease, she sure wasn’t showing it.

“Inquisitive natures are to be supported and encouraged in our profession Lieutenant.”

Then the Hybrid smiled and started to laugh. Then more, and more. Vanya observed this with the brow still raised in curiosity as something had struck the man as quite funny. Vanya wasn’t quite sure what, but he seemed to be having a pretty good time with it. He laughed and laughed and ended up bent over a bit out of breath with it. When he regained his composure, Vanya was still standing just as she had been when his mirth had bubbled up and over.

As he wiped his eyes Vanya reached up to tuck a single strand of obsidian black hair behind her pointed ear. His next observation was met with those same dark green eyes. She seemed to mull over his words about…… “Evil Romulans”……. With out the same amount of mirth that he had found in the situation. Then on to “Evil Cardassians”…. Again met with a decided lack of mirth.

Simply mute observation.

Then he was putting in the earring and Vanya watched this. Interest guarded as he did so. The young man’s assurance that he had already checked was met with a nod. “Admirable attention to detail, Lieutenant Bila. Good forethought.”

When Izar turned back and offered forth the medallion, her dark green eyes flickered up to his hazels and then back down to the object. After the small bow, she reached out gently with her left hand to take it. Slender fingers took the wooden object with gentleness.

A fingertip carefully moved over the carving. Seeming to quest along the carved lines and shape. Exploring them both by tactile observation as well as visual. The wood was beautiful and the carving interesting. This would add beautifully to her collection of cultural curiosities! The corners of Vanya’s lips quirked up. This would be of interest and no doubt require research to fully appreciate. Research that Vanya would enjoy along with the gift itself.

Her dark green Romulan eyes came up and met the Hybrid’s. She returned his bow and nodded. Straightening up, her fingers still played over the surface of it.

“How fascinating.”

Bila then offered the word “Peldor” and Vanya arched a brow and nodded again. Glancing down at the object, she drew delicate fingers over the surface. Holding his eyes she spoke, her saphrano voice curling the words gently with her Romulan accent. “lata impara no takash”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Lt. JG. Izar new quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]

Att: @Cosmos

The lack of reactions from his immediate superior killed a good part of the humor that had arisen inside him looking at the strange alliance that the earring represented. He wasn't sure if the romulan was aware of the irony that two members of species that were traditionally enemy of Federation were exchanging pleasentries and gifts. Even so, the conversation continued to develop calmly in appearance, Bila showing a smile on his face at all times, but he was growing wary about the woman, not fully understanding her swings between playful and polite demeanour to almost artificial one. Maybe it was a quirk from her romulan upbringing. Maybe she was putting on her own masks to hide disappointment, something that Bila had said or done that had made her wary too. Even so, he continued with his determination to give her the medallion, partly because he had few opportunities to offer those pendants to others, and partly to analyze her reaction upon receiving one.

He watched as the sculptural woman's eyes shone for a moment, looking at him, before catching the object. She did it delicately, and Bila took good care that his hands didn't touch hers doing it. He watched as her long fingers stroked the soft lines carved in the wood, enjoying the handmade shapes. He thought he saw a hint of a smile at the corners of her lips, a glimpse of the almost childish joy looking at a curious object. His suspicion diminished slightly with that image: the soul of a scientist always had to maintain the ability of wonder, and although Vanya seemed to possess almost as many masks as himself, she seemed to also retain that ability.

When their eyes met again, a knowing-smile was etched in Bila's shaggy jaw. When she expressed her fascination with the object, he smiled even wider. "My my, ma'am, if I couldn't see the ridges in your forehead I could almost say you sound vulcan." He teased her, knowing the usual distaste between those close related-species. He couldn't help it. Ask around the boundaries of the boundaries of the people he just met was ingrained in his mischivieus nature. He could always blame those first slip-ups due of the initial nerves or the lack of acquaintance with the other person. And at the same time those measured 'errors' allowed him to know something more about the person, and let him learn how to behave around those. As cynical as it seemed, it was a matter of survival.

However, his covert analysis was replaced by genuine surprise when Vanya uttered a phrase of thanks in his maternal language. Despite the romulan's thick accent, which made the words sound with a strange cadence, the meaning was evident. “tasdam'I” he answered without thinking, an adequate response for a superior, deeply automated in his unconscious. The sentence curled in a strange way in his mouth, familiar and outdated at the same time. He had not spoken in bajoran. He has answered in cardassian. A part of him freaked out, another began to analyze the reasons why a response learned in his earliest childhood had been triggered at that moment. He could blame the terror he had suffered in the runabout or the stress of the trip. The mixture of new experiences. The fatigue. However it was, he needed to rectify the situation quickly. "I mean, you're welcome" he hastened to correct himself, barely a few seconds after the first sentence left his lips, despite the turmoil of his mind. "There are any other planned visit? Or can I inviteyou to a tea so you can told me about the chemistry department's ongoing research? I started a study to improve the Asterion's sensors that could perhaps be applied in this ship, if the captain allows me to disassemble part of one of the arrays "

Placeholder to cardassian language until it's fully approved for all cardassian writers (from Vyc & tinsnip's kardasi dictionary)

“tasdam'I” → 'You're welcome' indicating no favour is owed

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Vanya | LT Jg Izar’s New Quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga ] @Numen 


Vanya was looking at the necklace that had been offered when the hybrid came up with his observation. "My my, ma'am, if I couldn't see the ridges in your forehead I could almost say you sound Vulcan." .

This earned a pause in the observation of the item in her hand and those dark green Romulan eyes slowly rolled up to lock onto Bila with the force of twin distruptor beams. One pointed brow rose up so far it almost brushed one of the soft brow ridges as she observed the little Cardassian/Bajoran. A long moment those dark eyes hovered on him with straight intensity.

“Ahh… A joke. That must be the renown Cardassian humor...”  She looked back to the object in her fingers. “Or lack thereof."

Vanya qualified the jab as a feint. A testing of her guard by the junior officer. A dangerous maneuver to employ with one’s superior officer. More dangerous to employ with a Romulan. When one was both it could be considered danger multiplied. Thing is, it was not totally unexpected by the Romulan. It was more the sort of interaction she was used to, from… before. Before her academy days and before she more or less defected to the Federation.

When the surprise splashed over the hybrid Vanya’s eyes came back up to watch him. He accepted the thank you and offered welcome. Vanya offered him a nod.

“Tea would be nice. And sure, I can fill you in on the broader points of the Chemistry department’s current projects.” When he mentioned improving the sensors but requiring disassembly of one of the ships sensor arrays she looked a touch skeptical. “I’m not sure the captain would be open to such a suggestion straight out of the tube, but if you like I’ll review your proposal and if appropriate, consult with Ops and Engineering, and pass it up the chain at the next department head meeting.”

Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Lt. JG. Izar new quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]

Att: @Cosmos

Bila received the romulan's killer stare without lose his impish smile. As if her irritation just washed over him. As if it were nothing. However, his primal instinct ordered him to apologize, that he must submit under her rage and beg for mercy. But he couldn't do that. Not at that moment. The hybrid knew he'd found a chink in her armour. Maybe not a real weak spot, but... a boundary. Something he would need to avoid in the future. He took note of that. For now, the best decision was not strain her limits even more, and show her his better face. Or at least, one better mannered.

As if his new chied was reading his mind, she gave him a piece of her mind about Cardassian's humour, so Bila just shruged as an answer. “Perhaps, perhaps. The art of berate others is a show of refinement between my Father's people.” He clarified, turning his attention back to the container and proceeded to align his scarce belongings on the table. Arrange that few objects allowed him to keep his hands busy. He knew that in those moments any show of weakness would be an error. And he could feel the growing need of fidget his fingers nervously. So he put his attention on the table, where he began to set up a some pieces of civilian clothes, a mended cardassian padd, all its surfaces scratched corners and shardered screens; a red and gold banner...  they were fragments of his past, of who he was.  “It's also considered the epitome of flirtation, by the way.” he added with a nonchalant tone. Immediately after, he gave her a cheeky sidelong gaze, his subtle intention belied for the sarcastic smirk in his face.

He didn't bother to observe her reaction to that charade and, instead, searched with his eyes the replicator placement, still unaccustomed to the quarters' disposition.When he located it, he moved to reach the device and scrolled through the list of beverages available in Cayuga's memory banks. He pleasently discovered that what he was looking for had been introduced into the replicator's menu few months ago. He tapped several times in the display so he set the parametres of his prefered brew before replicating two cups.When these took shape, the room was filled with a fresh floral aroma, seasoned with something more subtle and sweet, almost syrupy.

Bila took the recent created tray and    brought it to the side table close to the couch. Over the serving plate, there were two transparent cups, filled to the top with a smooking vermilion liquid. Inside it, floated a few drops of a thicker pale blue fluid, which didn't quite mix in the concoction. As side plates, there were a small selection of colorful shortbreads and a ridicously tiny bowl full diced fruit. The hybrid waited on his feet until Vanya to take a seat, inviting her to do it with a elegant gesture of his hands. When he finally sat, as far of her as it was posible without seem rude, he handed her a standard padd he'd extracted from the box. "There you could find the log file of the improvements I made in the Asterion. We achieved a enhacement of the sensrors' absorption depth, which allowed to increase the detection of isotopes with mixed quantum states in a fourteen percent. I've no time to remodeled every array so this values could be higher. I think the less it deserves is that you take a look.” He suggested

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant Vanya | Izar’s Quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]


Vanya listened to the Hybrid as he spoke, her dark green eyes remaining fixed and firm. A small purse of her lips and then a bit of a nod. “Perhaps, perhaps. The art of berating others is a show of refinement between my Father’s people.”  Vanya responded evenly, her Romulan accent perhaps a small touch thicker than previous. “Among your Father’s people it may be a show of refinement, Lieutenant. Among Starfleet officers. Not quite as much. One might take offense. You may wish to curtail such culturistic idiosyncrasies.”

When he went on to indicate that it was an ‘epitome of flirtation’, her eyes remained upon him, his cheeky smile and all. “As for that. You should certainly restrict such, to those whom might, on some day, in some universe, in the great multitude of dimensions of reality or even imagination… might actually, be receptive, to your flirtations.”

When the drinks and snacks were replicated and seats indicated she moved over. The necklace that she’d been handed was gently wrapped and slid into a cargo pocket. She sat and looked at the tray. A slender pointed brow elevated in curiosity and she peered at the vermilion beverage with… floaties.

That looked positively toxic and the Hybrid was a chemist. She didn’t reach instantly for that thing. It might melt even her tongue. Instead she looked up to him to wait for him to quaff from the beverage. Intellectually she knew that replicators wouldn’t dispense caustic, dangerous or poisonous liquids with out command overrides. That said she also knew a few ways around such restrictions herself.  So she waited to see what HE might do with the bright syrupy smelling fluid. For all she knew it was an antiseptic jell to cleanse one’s hands of fuel or grease or something.

Looking up she accepted the Padd, noting the distance with which Izar had taken his seat. The right corner of her lips quirking up a fraction of a centimeter. Taking the Padd she reclined and glanced at it. Fingers of her left hand reaching up to trail though the long hair of her pony tail. The thumb of the hand holding the pad hitting the interface to advance it. Tap. Tap. Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap. Flicking through the screens quite rapidly as the Chemist gave the explanation and results of previous action. She nodded to his explanation.“I’ll take a more in-depth look at it and confer with the other departments. See what they think. Then see if it should be taken to the Captain.” Her eyes moved back up. “If it’s viable and something the Captain wants for the ship. We’ll let you know.”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Lt. JG. Izar new quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]

Att: @Cosmos

Bila simply ignored Vanya's mordant comments, knowing that his new Chief was simply trying to remind him of his place, and hers. And possibly take a kind of verbal vengeance against the chemist's words. He knew that he deserved it, he had got the lay of the land between them and he had overstep her boundaries. But now, he had learned where they were. He wouldn't make the same mistake again. After all, he intended to get along with Vanya.And have a career in that ship. He was tired of changing assignment every four years. He had all  his hopes in the USS Cayuga.

That's why, when he left the tray on the table, he tried to leave behind his usual mischievous demeanour for one more attentive. The Romulan, however, continued to maintain a cautious attitude, so Izar tried to give an appearance of normality. Even from the opposite side of the couch. He wasn't found of physical contact, not unless he know the other person well, and he wouldn't risk an unkind reaction. He took the nearest cup and stirred its contents gently. The bubbles of blue liquid took a while to be diluted in the infusion, but when they finally did the tea acquired a umber tone, similar to the terrestrial version of the drink.

"Redleaf thea with kava juice." Bila explained, taking the cup with both hands and inhaling the aromatic vapors it gave off. "It's an unusual mix, i know, but it's always been my favorite. I hope that you'll come to appreciate it in a time, I've always believed that work meetings are more enjoyable if they are celebrated with a cup of tea in hands." He explained, smiling softly. Then he took a swig of the tea, enjoying how the heat spread through his body. Although he wasn't a Cardassian pureblood, he had a lower body temperature than most humanoids, so he enjoyed that extra heat input. It always seemed to clear his mind and activate his senses.

Therefore, he leaned back in the couch and watched as the Romulan studied the data he had given her. He wasn't worried, he trusted his work. He knew it was really good material. What did surprise him was Vanya's ability to read it so quickly.  He had never seen anyone read at such a rapid pace. And seen as her eyes moved along the text lines of the small screen, she was ACTUALLY reading all the essay, not just skimmed through the text. "That's ... rather impressive" he commented in a low voice, almost only to himself as he watched her flick one screen after another.

After less time than he expected, the Romulan gave him an ambiguous answer, without taking the risk of discouraging him, but without giving him too much hopes. It seemed like it was something in which her new boss standed out.  "It's all I could ask for. Asterion was a ship bit older than this, so there is more room for improvement there. I'll be glad if Captain Ziegler agree to take a look at my research." He confessed in a conversational tone before taking another swig of his infusion.

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant Vanya | Izar’s Quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga | 2380 ]
Attn: @Numen

Vanya was pleased that the little sparring back and fourth had ceased. It was not really her idea of a good time, and while she was Romulan, and perfectly able to hang in there like a big dog. It wasn’t what she would call her default standard of command. So when Bila found the boundary and thus no longer needed to test to see where it was. The byplay became much more friendly.

The Hybrid then informed her of what the fluid in the cups actually was. Vanya watched him stir the blue bits into the bright red and then her eyes rolled down to the other cup. A hand extended, the dark green metallic polish on the nails seeming to suck up the light, not reflect it. Taking the cup she lifted it and the spoon. Pausing she wafted some of the steam towards her nose.

A few moments to qualify and analyze the scent of the beverage and then she gently stirred it until it acquired the same umber tone. Once it did, she again wafted the scent to her nose to see if it had changed. Upon explanation of the contents, she took a sip. The fluid rolling over her tongue. She let the complexity of the tea’s taste infuse her senses.

She didn’t need to drink of course, but did enjoy the sensation, and often taste of food and beverages. It also assisted in blending in. Which was a good thing in most situations, such as this one. Another sip was taken before she put the cup back down giving Bila a gentle nod.

“A very… interesting flavor profile. Yes a warm beverage does seem to produce a relaxing quality, and ease meetings. Perhaps in the next meeting I can introduce you to a beverage my Roomate at the Academy showed me. It’s an old Earth Concoction, ‘Hot Chocolate’.”

Listening to him Vanya nodded again.“Well, I’ll pass it up the chain and see what the captain says. I’ll be sure to attribute you with the idea and research.”

Vanya took a moment to observe the curious hybrid sitting on the couch and tilted her head a touch to the side. The long gleaming dark hair in the high pony tail seemed to ripple as if alive. The erudite eyes held him firmly as if locked on. When she spoke the Romulan tonals flavored the words.

"Please, tell me of yourself Lieutenant. I've read your service record of course but I would like to know the gentleman joining my department. How did you come to be here? You seem to be... much like myself, a rather unique and singular addition to Starfleet. How did you land on the Cayuga?"
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #16
[[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Lt. JG. Izar new quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]

Att: @Cosmos

Bila smiled slightly at Vanya's question. It wasn't a truly sincere smile and he didn't try to make it look like it was. It just acknoledged her question in a polite way, while he kept thinking of what type of answer he would give her. He could say a lot about himself in a few sentences. Or he could answer without saying nothing at all. Decisions, decisions. To lengthen the time a little more  before it was strictly necessary for him to give an answer, the hybrio took a long sip of his infusion. It was still extremely hot, but it was something he had always found comforting. Despite the thermal undershirt that was mandatory as part of his uniform (as of all the crew whose species required a temperature higher than the standard) he was always cold, so the extra heat of the infusion was welcomed.

Finally, the chemist placed the cup on his knees, cradling it between his hands to prevent it from falling. "I was looking for a change of destination, a ship where I could progress in my career. I've spent the last four years on the USS Asterion, mapping the Helaspont Nebula. Although it has been an exciting project in some moments, I believe I need a change of pace. " He finally replied, avoiding the less kind details that had motivated his request. It was an awful bussiness card introduce himself as the target of a witch hunt. Even more when there was real motives for such hunt. "When I found that your XO was looking for an experienced chemist for your department, I didn't hesitate in asking for it. A smaller ship forces each crew member to take on more responsibilities and work more closely with the rest of the team. I think it'll allow me to develop the skills needed to become a suitable commanding officer. " Bila leaned back and smiled at the Romulan, this time more sincerely. "I aspire to be the first captain of Cardassian blood in Starfleet. Nothing fancy, just a small scientific vessel, to explore the edges of the known space. Who knows what can wait for us out there? " He asked cheerfully, pointing to the dark landscape that unfolded beyond the window. Izar had been in love with the stars since he was able to recall and, in spite of his meekness, he dreamed of boldly go where no humanoid had gone before. As most of Starfleet crew members did.

"But if you ask me how a hybrid like me has ended up being part of the Fleet, well, that requires a more elaborate explanation and possibly another cup of tea," he replied evasively, though the playful twinkle in his hazel eyes made evident he was kidding. "Maybe if you can tell me how a Romulan woman ended directing the science department of one of the most advanced ships of the Federation I would be inspired to synthesize my personal history in few sentences" he suggested with bad hidden curiosity.

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #17
[ Lieutenant Vanya | Izar’s Quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]   Attn: @Numen

Vanya observed the Cardassian/Bajoran as he smiled. Curiously she noted that it didn’t seem to reach his eyes. The man seemed to be multilayered but the layers were arranged in a strange fashion that Vanya couldn’t easily quantify. Which was fine and all, people were different but she was finding him a curious read. For a few moments she wondered if it was due to nature or nurture. Had he developed the personality traits that she was witnessing due to upbringing, perhaps as a cross breed and instances that she experienced due to that, or if it was a result of the peculiar nature of cross biologys that were at play. There was no real way to formulate a way to deduce such in experimental nature. So she’d just have to get to know him a bit better to see if such revealed itself.

The Romulan watched as the young Lieutenant indulged in a mild stalling mechanism of enjoying the tea in a long sip. She didn’t press harder and let him, the seconds ticked by then he answered. Vanya watched and listened. She didn’t know anything about the Asterion, but she could query the Federation database after the meeting and see if anything of note popped up that she ‘should’ know about. “Changes of pace can be good. My former posting was...” She paused a moment and the ghost of a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. “Very different than this. No where near the level of excitement."  Her former posting had been a slight from above. Purposefully taking Vanya and sticking her some where distant and perceived at the time, as no consequence. A posting to remove her from the board so to speak, as there were still some up the chain of command that hated all things Romulan and couldn’t trust her, even after years at the Academy, proving herself. She’d served there and distinguished herself, but it had been a long time at a boring job before that happened.

She nodded. He was correct that on a smaller ship each person did have more responsibility. “You will find that we work together a good deal here. As you’ve stated it’s a team effort. With a smaller crew compliment we can’t specialize quite to the extent that one might on a Sovereign or Galaxy vessel. So while your focus is Chemistry, you’ll get to work on projects out side that focus and pertaining to other sciences as a whole. It can be fun. Lets you brush up on things that might not have been concentrated on, previously. Lets you work with people and get to know them better.

Well, the ones that let you get to know them. Some officers and crew are rather private by nature.”

She lifted the cup to her lips and paused when Bila revealed that he wished to be the first captain of Cardassian blood in Starfleet. Lowering the cup she pondered that a long moment. “An auspishious goal, that. Captaincy’s being what they are in the fleet”  Taking a moment she wondered if such was in the cards for herself. She’d taken command level courses at the Academy in hopes of landing exactly where she was. Department head of the Science Division on a scientific ship. Thoughts of Captaincy were distant at the moment. One would have to serve as XO a number of years, likely on multiple ships before that happened. She rather liked being the department head of the Science Division. Taking on an XO slot would remove her from the science on a day to day basis. Captain’s chair even more so.

So those thoughts were perhaps best for a later time. Still Bila seemed to have such plans right from the start. Turning the cup in her long fingered hands, Vanya looked to him. “Have you explored the Command track, very much, Lieutenant? Taken any of the courses? If you like I can request extensions to be made available to you during your off duty hours. Continuing education is a hallmark of Starfleet.” 

When he inquired about her, she smiled a bit.   “‘Hard work and dedication.’ would be a simple answer, but for a longer one…. I defected from the Star Empire and sought asylum in the Federation. I didn’t agree with some aspects of the Star Empire. Namely the slavery and forced servitude of races determined to be ‘lesser’ than the Romulans. As such that would at the very best make me a dissident, at worst a threat to the empire. They very much do not take kindly upon such things. Not able to reconcile my service to an Empire that embraced these, among other distasteful practices I sought out a place I could contribute.” Her long fingers lifted from the cup to motion to the ship around them. ”How do my cousins put it? Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations?”

Her green eyes returned to Bila, hoping that the moments had given him the ability to synthesize his personal history as previously projected.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic


Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #18
[[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Lt. JG. Izar new quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]

Att: @Cosmos

Bila listened carefully as Vanya described the starship's science department. It was a good way to know what kind of chief she was, and how she handled the people under her command. As far as he could tell, he liked the way she handled things, but he was careful not to jump to conclusions. He preferred to be cautious, remembering well the words of his roommate at the Academy, which sardonically reminded him of his ease in making 'friends'. However, the enthusiasm ended up overtaking him. "Oh, I have no problem collaborating on projects in other specialties." he blurted out. "If we speak plainly, Chemistry is a wildcard discipline for the rest of sciences. Biology, physics, engineering... at the end of the day every one of them ends up needing new materials, new ways of understanding matter. I think that except for physicists there is no other discipline with as many nuances as mine" He laughed softly, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, I'm very enthusiastic about my profession, my bajoran side," he apologized.

He let Vanya take over the conversation again, and it turned to his desire to be captain one day. When the Romulan asked him if he had taken any of the courses in the command track, the hybrid simply shook his head and shrugged. "Certainly I do not. Between the Dominion War and the projects I did in the Asterion I had little time to endeavour in my personal career. I tend to keep my mind and hands as busy as I could. Maybe too much," he said as an apology. Ihe knew the captaincy was a long shot, more for someone like him. He was far from having the heroic profile that most Starfleet captains seemed to exude. His gawky shape inspired more pity than respect. But dreaming was free.

When Bila picked up the thread of the conversation again, Vanya briefly explained how she had deflected from the Romulan Star Empire. She was concise, a story studied to show only what she wanted to be known, the brightest and most heroic angles from a Federation point of view. He had to recognize that it was an intelligent strategy on her part.  So he set out to synthesize his story in a similar way, but allowing some darker glimpses of it... a bit grayer than hers.

"I spent half my childhood in the Federation, once my mother and I got the political refugee status. I was born in a Cardassian outpost, in Bajor, but at one point we weren't allowed to stay there. Politics has been... complicated in my home planet for a long time, as you know. After we spent a year in a bajoran refugee camp, I was so sick that we risked getting stuffed into a Ferengi freighter in search of a better opportunity in Federation space. Otherwise I would have died, like so many other hybrids. Few bajcardies reach the age of majority, as you must suspect. I got citizenship of Trill Homeworld before I came of age. And after that? I guess a common, boring Federation boy live." His lips showed a confident smile. His eyes did not. He put it as it had been easy, when it wasn't. There had been struggle, and many disappointments. Even more so when it was obvious that his mother had been a collaborator with the Cardassian Goverment in Bajor, and that she'd lost their favor at some point. But surely Vanya could deduced that.

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #19
[ Lieutenant Vanya | Lt. JG. Izar new quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga | 2380 ] Attn: @Numen

Vanya nodded when he spoke of collaborating with others and swirled the strange fluid around in her cup. Her pointed Romulan ears listened closely as he proclaimed his field the superior science and the Romulan had to repress a grin. Many scientists felt that way about their preferred disciplines. It was hardly unique. Though, perhaps not as often vocalized quite so directly. At least he was open about it. That was a good sign.

Another nod was offered when he spoke of not having any of the Command track courses. She motioned with her cup. “If you strive for a ship of your own, you should get on that. Some species are longer lived than others, but Hybrids can be unpredictable. You don’t want to put off and then find out that you’re past your prime and late to start such. There are some that can be taken by telepresence. Would you like me to look into them for you Lieutenant?”

She put the cup down and leaned back, crossing one leg over the other as she listened to the abridged life story. Brows knitting a bit as she agreed. “Politics can get quite complex in some societies. My own home-world is known to be quite Byzantine in it’s application, bar none.”    A beat, and a long fingered hand flicked towards him, the nails painted a dark metallic green.“I’m sorry to hear of the troubles of your youth. At least you landed on Trill, who’s educational system is magnificent. It allowed you to end up, here”She motioned to the ship in which they traveled. “Many many planets would not have afforded such education and opportunity to a refugee, even their natural born citizens couldn’t pull it off.”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2380 / Cayuga] The man on the Doorstep

Reply #20

[[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Lt. JG. Izar new quarters | Deck 05 | USS Cayuga NCC-78498 ]

Att: @Cosmos

"I'd love to take a look at the option of non-presential courses. It would be a good way to invest my free time, if you allow me to have any," answered the hybrid with a nod and a playful smile in his face.

The Romulan finally seemed to relax, explaining her ideas about her own homeworld and how Bila had been somewhat fortunate. The chemist strongly disagreed with that statement.  He had fought tooth and nail to get where he was and prove what he was worth of it and, while Trill's environment had been more tolerant than he would ever expect (and the half Cardassian loved every rock and every people that lived there for it). But it certainly hadn't been a bed of roses. His mere appearance aroused indiscreet questions and lucubrations. In many cases only out of well-intentioned curiosity. In others not so much.  He had to repress a grimace remembering his first days at the Academy, where his own tongue had gotten him into trouble. At least now he knew how to slip out of trouble, but that didn't make his past experiences shrank .

However, he had stirred the pot enough for the rest of the day, so he decided to make a neutral sound and take a sip from his cup again. When he put the glass back on the table, it was empty. He looked out the window, thinking of a polite response to keep the conversation flowing... but before his lips could form a sentence, a chirp in his chest prevented him to tell anything else.

[Lt. JG Izar, present yourself on the bridge] said the serene voice of the captain from her combadge. ”On my way” he answered.

"Duty calls" apologized Bila with a smile as he put himself back on his feet. With an automatic gesture, he stretched the invisible wrinkles on his uniform and turned his hands elegantly to invite the Romulan woman to leave the room. "I hope we'll have another cup of tea soon. Let's make it a ritual. After all, we work in the same team," he kept saying in a light tone, as the door to the quartes closed behind them, before their steps led them through different corridors.


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