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CH04: S [D03|2200] Knowing Friends

Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

Late. Very late to be correct. Riley Patterson moved herself through the corridors of Deck 08 after a shift that had turned out for the worst. The staggering amount of casualties from the ambush by Asurians and the unknown alien race had filled Sickbay up rather nicely. But to make things even worse, something worse seemed to happen in Nicander's office. The CMO office blocked down by security now, yet phaser fire was detected and caused for just that bit of extra chaos in the already hectic medical section of the ship.

On top of that Riley wasn't able to contact Havenborn by the sheer tasks and errands she had to run. Thus here she was making her way through the ship in the hopes that the pilot would still be in the holodeck like they had agreed to meet back on. Of course she hoped he'd not be gone already, yet she also worried that he hadn't made it back in one piece from the away mission. Rumors and gossip were already spreading throughout the ship of pilots going MIA or KIA. None of which was comforting to the young nurse.

On top of that her head was mostly thinking about Faye, she wasn't on this ship it seemed and Riley could only hope she'd be fine on the Helmet. They had mended things between the both of them and truly were developing strong feelings for one another. Yet as Riley was trying to wrap her head around Betazoid culture, they had shared a talk about relationships on Betazed. Surprisingly to Riley, it was a very open kind of relationship, really something like polygamy on Earth terms, yet still treasuring one above the other. Patterson wasn't the kind of person to claim one person for herself, nor was jealous at this point. She figured it might be a fun way to see life through though, thus she was relieved to not feel guilty after sharing a kiss with the handsome pilot the day before.

Finally she arrived at the holodeck and she glanced over her teal colored uniform as she tied her hair into a messy bun before she opened the door. Once she stepped in, she didn't even hear the door close behind he r as the scene before her unraveled rapidly. She appeared to be standing in a fighter bay, with similar looking fighter craft parked up and black uniformed people walking around. For a moment Riley feared she'd ruin the scenery in her teal outfit, yet as she looked down at her clothing she found herself in a black uniform with gold yellow epaulets. She frowned yet decided to run with it and walked forward in the hopes of finding a familiar face. Their was a peculiar yet distinctive hum on the deck as if they were on a ship and the air she breathed felt recycled and dry.

It took a while before Riley spotted Daniel, his uniform being slightly different from hers as his epaulets were onyx colored. The clothing was far from traditional Starfleet standards and the ranks made no sense to the poor girl. Sure she had seen various ranks and people walking past her, yet none really bothered to pay any attention to her. Daniel's rank didn't look familiar either and as she walked closer to him, she noticed the odd looking side arm as well. She came to a stop behind the man and cleared her throat before calling out his name softly "Daniel?"

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #1
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel had arrived at the holodeck several minutes late.  He didn’t have quarters on Vector 2 so he had to grab a shower and replicate some new clothes.  His briefing with Ravon had gone about as well as he could have expected it to, losing a pilot under his command was something he had gotten used to but that was when he was an SCO and when the only person he had to report to was Captain Kendrick.  Being back under the command of a new SCO was an entirely different beast all together.  His briefing with Ravon had gone longer than he had expected but it was now done and he had arrived, however as he arrived he quickly found that Riley hadn’t been there yet either.  He supposed that with the amount of casualties that the ship had taken the infirmaries were likely busy, he just hoped that she’d be able to join him soon.

Daniel waited about fifteen minutes for Riley to arrive then decided that while he waited he could do some work on his holonovel, it had been a few weeks since he had been able to work on it last.  He slotted the isolinear chip into the console slot accessed the program.  He accessed the program’s command file and added Riley to the list of personnel allowed to interact in the program.  He might want to show her this some time and he’d already added several people to this list, Krystal was one, and Jimmy was another, along with some people who weren’t alive now.  The scenery of the holodeck changed as Daniel sifted through the chapters, several scenes flashed by until Daniel found the one he was looking for.  A hangar bay filled with exo-atmospheric fighter-craft, they had been designed by Daniel based partly on the Gryphon and his people’s own fighter-craft.  As he activated the program his clothes changed from his duty uniform to a black uniform with a command belt that went over his right shoulder under his epaulets which were onyx-colored and contained a rank pin that looked like an ancient-Earth grenade. 

Personnel materialized as Daniel began walking amongst the craft inspecting each one and making notes on his datapad about changes he would eventually make.  After about a half hour of working on improvements he was beginning to get ready to implement his changes and take the ship out for a test flight before writing the next part of the chapter when he heard a voice, he recognized that it wasn’t anyone from the program since he was in objective mode.  He turned around to see Riley standing in the hangar bay, her uniform had changed to be the same as his except her epaulets were a golden-yellow and she had two golden bars for her rank insignia. “Welcome.”  Daniel said as he smiled at her.  “How do you like it?”  He asked as he motioned with his arms around the hangar bay.  He took a moment to look her over in the uniform while he waited for her response.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #2
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

As Daniel turned around she smiled at him as he asked her how she liked it after welcoming her. She shrugged lightly as she looked around "It looks pretty... Impressive." she answered him as she looked around and frowned a little "What is it actually?" she asked curiously as none of it really looked familiar. she kept looking around before she looked back at Daniel "Also, what ranks are this? I've never seen them before." she said to him before she took a step closer to him and wondered in what exactly she had just stumbled into.

Whilst listening to his reply she nodded as it slowly made a bit more sense to her "Oh alright." she exclaimed and smiled faintly "What's it about?" she probed about the story of the holonovel. She came to a stop next to one of the fighter craft and leaned against it as she crossed her arms and look into Danial's eyes. She always loved creative people, people who could erect novels like this and have the time and imagination to expand about it. She might try it out herself one day, yet it seemed like an impossible task to achieve in her eyes as her mind always jumped from one thing to the other.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #3
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

He chuckled a little as she asked what it was.  “This is part of my holonovel that I’ve been writing for the past few years.  This part specifically is what my people could have been like had they left Mars.”  He explained as she asked about the rank insignia.  “These uniforms are also something of my homeland.  These were ranks and department colors that were used by my people during the Eugenics Wars and later when they left Earth and settled on Mars before everything was reorganized and the ranks and colors changed again.”  Daniel said.  “Your rank is a Lieutenant, mine is a Major.”  He stated with a smile, looking her over some more, she looked amazing in the uniform of his people.

When she asked what it was about he smiled some more.  “It’s an alternate future in which my people actually supported Earth and the Federation, they and the rest of the Alpha abd Beta Quadrant species allied together against a Borg invasion that was bent on the total assimilation of the known galaxy.”  Daniel said as he took a breath and looked around the hangar bay.  “This is the fifth chapter, when the player character, who is from the USS Vendetta, is transferred to serve on the MCV Khan as a fighter pilot.  The Khan’s mission is to strike deep into Borg occupied space and retrieve a transwarp coil so that the alliance forces can take the fight to the Borg and hopefully retake some of their lost space.”  Daniel explained.  That was essentially what this chapter was about, but it was also a way for him to explore what his people could accomplish as allies of the Federation rather than as enemies.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #4
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

Riley nodded at the information he was providing her and she smirked a little as he mentioned she had the rank of an officer. "Interesting concept..." she mused as she looked him in the eyes and moved her fingers over his epaulets. She wanted to feel what kind of texture the rank insignia felt like, plus it gave her an excuse to move herself closer to the handsome pilot. "What departments are we in respectively... Major?" she asked with a coy smile on her lips as she stepped back once more. In the back of her head she wondered if they were still on Mars or if this was a ship of some kind.

As the chapter arc got more shape and was explained meticulously by Daniel, Riley nodded as she got confirmed that they were indeed on a ship. This being an alternate reality of kinds, she wondered if the ship itself would look awfully different than the current ship designs. It would be practically impossible that ships would have the same shape or size as in the current universe due to the collaboration of so many different factors. Her curiosity didn't limit her curious nature at that, she wondered how the rest of the universe was shaped in this reality. However, to think that Daniel had planned every idea out in such detail would surprise her. Regardless, what she saw and understood of the novel was an impressive feat on itself. "What were they other chapters about?" she asked softly "Plus the Borg are pretty formidable enemies from what I've heard in the Starfleet classes."

After hearing his reply she snickered softly and asked "Want to continue working on the novel or is there anything I can do to help it? Or would you want to do something else?"

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #5
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

He smiled as she moved closer to him to inspect his epaulets and the texture of them.  Daniel knew exactly what the texture was having worn this uniform as a child, it was a cloth-mesh, it had tungsten strands woven into the fabric to help protect the wearer from bladed and kinetic small arms.  “Well you’re Medical and I’m Vanguard.”  He said.  “The Vanguard are what I imagine my people would call our combat forces, they’re a mix of both fighter pilot and special forces operator and with the exception of the Vanguard Rangers, are comprised entirely of officers.”  Daniel explained, he had come up with the concept of an entirely officer-based department through his experience as member of Starfleet.

“The first two chapters deal with introducing the player character to the setting, they’re the executive officer of the USS Vendetta, an Intimidator-class Heavy Cruiser, think of a Sovereign-class with a third nacelle and a fighter assault bay.”  Daniel explained.  “The third chapter deals with the beginning of the Borg War, how they expand across the Beta Quadrant, assimilating worlds in their path and the creation of the Alliance of Galactic Powers, which is comprised of the Klingon, Romulan, Federation and dozens of other smaller empires; the variant of my people included.”  Daniel said taking a moment and letting that sink in before continuing.  “The fourth chapter deals with the USS Vendetta striking at a Borg shipyard-cluster and managing to destroy it but taking heavy losses and extreme amount of damage, which brings us to the fifth chapter and then the sixth chapter where behind enemy lines the MCV Khan discovers that the Borg are suffering from some sort of machine plague and then it offers the player character a choice, destroy the plague or accelerate it to destroy the Borg.”  Daniel said pausing for another moment.  “The seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth chapters are then dependent on the choice the player character made.  I haven’t quite gotten to them yet but I have the basic plots, though I don’t think I want to spoil that just in case.”  He said with a smirk.

He nodded at the statement about the Borg.  “Indeed, although they are a common enemy to all species no matter who we are and thus make good bad guys for a holonovel such as this.”  Daniel said, as much as he loved his homeland and his people he knew that they’d be better off working with the Federation, they didn’t have to join them but having them as an ally rather than an enemy would be better, though he knew there were many who would disagree with that.  "Well we could explore the ship in objective mode or we could go back to Earth and have that drink you mentioned last night.  I’m up for either, though I do like seeing you in that uniform.“  He said with a grin.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #6
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

Riley listened with nods and hums to the story arc as Daniel explained it to her in detail. Her fingers laced over his uniform somewhat teasingly while she smiled and kept nodding. Part of her did wonder what happened to the non officers, yet she figured they'd be somewhere else during this story. Or perhaps they had no real significance? She let the idea pass on while Daniel wrapped it up and she smirked "Bad guys indeed major.." her eyes darted up to his "Seems like you sure do have the work cut out for you with the remaining chapters to follow." she said and wondered how the entire story would unfold in the end. "Also why am I a lieutenant? hat the lowest rank there is?" she teased him before she laughed softly.

Hearing him mention to head back to Earth to have that drink she promised him made her shake her head, yet a slight blush crossed her features as he mentioned that he liked seeing her in the uniform "Is that so? Why's that?" she asked as she looked down at her own uniform and ran her hands over it. It didn't really seem all that special to her and she got a coy grin on her face as she asked Daniel rather sultry "Or do you just like your girls in uniform?" She could barely contain herself from laughing out, though she tried to hold on as long as possible to see Daniel's reaction to it.

"Either way, if you enjoy me in this uniform. Maybe we should explore the ship in objective mode. Show me around a bit, let me see the sights." she smiled as she took his arms and wrapped her own arms around it before pressing herself lightly against him.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #7
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

[ MCV Khan | Deck 08 Hangar Bay ]

He grinned as she asked about her rank.  “No, the lowest rank is Serviceman, it’s a Rating and generally the starting point for any Enlisted personnel wanting to become a Non-Commissioned Officer.  The lowest Commissioned Officer rank is Ensign but Lieutenants are the most common officer onboard the ship, with Majors being department heads.”  Daniel explained.  “Although my reasoning for your rank is that I believe that you’d make a great officer.”  He smiled at her laugh, he had a few reason why he had decided to make her an officer, one of them being that he believed that she was far too smart to be just an NCO and he kind of wished he had the authority to give her a field promotion to be an officer outside of the holodeck; but he didn’t so at least in his holoverse he could shape things the way he wanted them to be.

As she shook her head at his offer to return to her and her blushing at his complimenting he smiled at her as she asked him why.  “Well I do love women in uniform, but I do love to take the uniform off as well.”  He said as he flirted with her some before chuckling at his joke with her.  Daniel smiled as she gave him her answer and then pulled herself closer to him.  “Very well; computer, activate objective mode: full crew compliment, standard operations alpha dash zero zero.”  He said as the computer acknowledged him and the bay which was filled with only a few personnel changed into dozens of personnel, moving around, some working on the fighter-craft, others reporting to in to superiors, the scene also changed slightly as a pair of the fighter-craft being moved into launch position and had pilots boarding them.

As Daniel guided them towards the exit of the bay NCOs and Enlisted personnel who weren’t occupied with other duties would salute them as they walked past.  Daniel would return the salute as he kept one arm wrapped around Riley.  He wasn't sure if she would ask about the fraternization or not but he figured it couldn't hurt to explain a little.  "In this holoverse fraternization is allowed amongst officers but not amongst those of the NCO, Enlisted or Rating ranks.  Marriage is also something that is only allowed amongst Commissioned Officers."  He explained with a smirk, which was another reason he had made her an officer.  He didn't expect anything to happen between them but a little flirting couldn't hurt.  “So what part of the ship would you like to see first, I designed the ship to be similar in terms of what a Starfleet ship would be like, although it might be more militaristic than what you’re used to.”  Daniel said as they entered the corridor, which unlike Starfleet’s comfortable design was much more utilitarian and militaristic.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #8
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

The slight blush remained on Riley's cheeks as Daniel mentioned her to be a great officer. She shook her head and shrugged "No, really? I mean... I never went for the officers exams because I was always too... Too free willed. I feel like I'd be tied to Starfleet, whilst I suppose being a petty officer. I guess it would grant me an easier way out in a way? Plus I don't think I'd ever manage to focus or be stern enough for an officer." she said to him whilst she sighed "Not that I'd run at the first sign of trouble." She raised her hands and looked around the hangar bay "Clearly... But I hope you can understand what I'm meaning."

The comment about loving women in uniform made her laugh and she gave him a playful slap to the chest as he mentioned taking off the uniform as well. "Easy there major" she answered him teasingly "I'll let you take off mine if I get to take off yours in any way." she replied as she found herself easy in his company and the flirting came rather natural. In the end as the objective mode started to run, she was in a rather close embrace with him. His strong hand and arm around her as she loosely held on to his frame with her arm. She didn't mind the rather closeness to him and it seemed like most of the crew didn't look too weirded out about it either. Daniel didn't take long to inform her about officer fraternization and the marriage customs. She nodded slowly as he looked up at him and tried to salute in time every so often to those people passing her by. Sometimes she just missed to salute them or she just felt a bit too much in awe about it all. In the end, she wasn't used to being saluted to.

The marriage thing did spark her interest as Riley looked up at him "So one must climb the ranks first before they can marry?" she asked him softly as she pondered about it "I mean, it seems like the complete opposite of what Faye's culture has. Betazoid marriages seem to be very open and transparent." she offered as she had done some research about it and had talked about it with Faye as well. The distraction in her mind took up enough for her to wonder how Faye was doing. She wasn't here with her and she could only hope she was fine. The face of Riley changed for a second from the happy flirting state she was in to a more serious one and concerned look before she tried to shake it off and looked back up to Daniel.

"Uhm, I don't know really... Would it be too straight forward of me to see your quarters?" she asked with a smirk. It was an easy excuse to see how department head rooms would look like. She had heard about the luxurious conditions senior staff lived in and she had wondered what it would look like on a ship like this. On the other side it would grant the two of them so privacy. Besides, Riley wasn't sure what else she'd want to see on the ship. Most of it would be similar to any sort of starship. A medical bay, brig, food court, bridge. Considering the rather military look of the ship, she doubted it had any memorable places to relax besides a gymnasium.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #9
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

[ MCV Khan | Deck 08 Corridor ]

Daniel smiled.  “Yes, really.”  He said as he listened to her explain why she hadn’t gone to the academy or taken an officer exam.  “Being stern is not a prerequisite to be an officer.”  Daniel said.  “I understand Riley, and I know that you’d never run at the first sign of trouble.”  He smirked again as he whispered into her ear.  “I know you’d run at the second sign.”  He chuckled at the joke.  It was a horrible joke but it was the first thing that had come to his mind.  Not that he had ever really been good at being a joker.  Telling jokes hadn’t really been part of his military training.

 He held up his hands in mock innocence as she gave him a playful slap.  “That’s good to know, Lieutenant.”  He said teasingly back at her.  “I’m more than willing to let you take off whatever you want.”  He said flirting with her some more.  “Yes, my people are like that as well.  Commissioned officers and our nobility are the only ones that are allowed to marry into a harem whilst everyone else must obtain special permission from the government to marry into a harem.  I felt that at least that part of my culture should be displayed in my holoverse.  I’ve seen a couple other species that come close to my people’s culture but none that are exactly the same.”  Daniel explained.  What little he knew about Betazoid marriages came from his interspecies knowledge studies, which admittedly wasn’t very much.  He nodded as she explained to him what she knew and it was certainly more than what he knew about Betazoid marriage culture.

He noticed the change in her state but when she shook it off he decided it best to table that discussion for later.  He wasn’t sure what was bothering her but he’d definitely ask her about it later.  Although when she mentioned going to his quarters he smiled.  “Not at all, I would be happy to show you what my quarters look like on this ship.”  He said with a smile as he escorted her over to a turbolift and entered.  He tapped a console a few times and the lift began to move.  After a short time it slowed and came to a stop.

[ MCV Khan | Deck 02 Department Head’s Quarters – Vanguard Commander ]

Daniel had escorted her down the hall towards his quarters.  As they entered they were greeted to the sight of a pair of scantily-clad blonde women on the bed.  The room was luxuriously decorated as opposed to the rest of the ship, a queen sized bed that had quite a view of space, which showed an pair of white dwarf stars and hundreds of other vessels in formation, some of them distinctly Starfleet in design, others not but definitely made by Human hands.  There was soft music playing in the background, a wooden table with four chairs, what looked like an extremely comfortable couch and a few paintings on the wall as well as a pair of ancient Earth firearms crossed over an ancient Earth shortsword.  Daniel smiled and nodded at the two women.  “You two are dismissed.”  He said as they got up off the bed and walked out of the room.  Daniel looked at Riley and smirked.  “And now we’re alone.”  He said.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #10
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

The attempt for a joke did make Riley chuckle yet in response she did give the man another slap to the chest as she rolled her eyes. Yet it seemed like she didn't take the joke poorly, if anything Riley had a sense of humor. She took a few seconds before answering him "Still, you usually have a stern look on your face." she answered truthfully with a shrug. She kept looking around at the different kind of uniforms and ranks as they walked through the corridors of the ship.

She listened to him as he spoke about relationships and marriages in his culture. A few words made her frown and raise more questions, thought she managed to contain the questions until he was done talking. When he was finished informing her she looked up at him "So, do your people have a king and queen at the head of the state? Or is it just nobility in the form of dukes and lords?" she asked first as she wondered how nobility could have formed on Mars. Sure she had been on Mars before, yet she couldn't remember how it worked. Then again, she only knew about the official Federation bits. When Daniel had explained that aspect she moved on with her questions "What's up with the harem marriage? Do men get to pick as many wives as they want? If so, isn't that a bit... Well you know, degrading towards women?" she asked softly. She didn't mean to insult him or condemn the way of life in his society. Riley however was a curious girl, so she just fired her questions away until she'd hit a soft spot and stop there.

The lifts looked surprisingly a lot like the Starfleet ones and once they reached the designated floor, the two of them stepped out. When the doors of his room opened, Riley was a dash surprised to see two scantily clad blondes on the bed of the good major. Daniel dismissed them, yet Riley did look the two girls from head to two and followed them with her eyes until they were out of the room. "Lovely company you had." she teased him as she let go of him and walked further into the room and inspected it. She came to a stop by the view ports as she looked out at the scenery. "Were they like wives? Or more like amusement for the 'player'?" she asked with a coy grin "If anything, you have a good taste." she teased on as she crossed her arms and cocked her hip.

"So what are you planning to do with this newly acquired alone time major?" she asked as she rested with her back against the wall. She leaned against it as she watched him over and smiled.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #11
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

[ MCV Khan | Deck 08 Corridor ]

“A product of my upbringing, my childhood was very strict and keeping your emotions in check while on duty was favored.”  Daniel said, he could still remember the floggings he had received on occasion from his instructors.  He chuckled a little at the nobility comment.  “Well no, we don’t have kings and queens, or dukes or lords.  I use the term nobility for lack of a better word.”  Daniel said as he thought over how best to describe what his people considered nobility.  “So a family that can trace its lineage back to the Eugenics Wars or further is considered noble and have a higher status within our society.  My family was one such family that could do so.”  Daniel stated, he remembered the stories that his Uncle used to tell him about how their family had a long a storied history.

He sighed as he realized his mistake in mentioning the harems; he hadn’t thought anything about it a moment ago.  “So my people have two forms of marriage, traditional and harem.  A traditional marriage is man and woman, sometimes man and man or woman and woman but those are rare.  A harem marriage is similar to a group marriage, with men and women having equal authority.  It’s called a harem marriage, or just harem, because in the early days of my society some of the middle eastern cultures kept referring to them that way.” Daniel explained.  He had hoped to be part of a harem someday though that was far less likely nowadays.

  [ MCV Khan | Deck 02 Department Head’s Quarters – Vanguard Commander ]

He smirked as she commented on the women.  “Well to be honest these quarters belong to me, not the player character.”  Daniel said.  “The women are more like my mistresses onboard.”  He said as he made his way towards her wrapping his arms around her again.  “I suppose that depends on how far you’re willing to go.”  He said with a grin.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #12
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

The clarification of what Daniel meant by nobility was something entirely else than what Riley understood as nobility. Yet it was an interesting find nevertheless. Perhaps more terms were different in his world so to speak than in hers. Daniel also explained what he had meant with harem marriage and it made more sense to Riley in that way. She snickered and nodded as she shrugged "It's a bit like Faye and me. We're loving one another, yet we won't keep that relationship to be solitary. We can have other bed partners if we need to." she said softly to him.

The Eugenic wars were a dark period in the time of Earth and she wondered how Daniel's family had been a part of it. She doubted whether she should ask or not and refrained from doing so in order to not spoil the mood. She stored the info to ask him later as right now, all she really wanted was some relief of everything that had been going on. Some downtime and who better than to have than with his handsome Martian.

Riley had to laugh softly as he talked about the mistresses and she shook her head "Boys..." she murmured before Daniel came close enough to wrap his arms around her. As he asked her how far she'd be willing to go, she looked him in the eyes as she shrugged lightly "As far as we're both willing to go Daniel..." she whispered as she traced her fingers along the back of his head. She took the initiative carefully by leaning in closer and kissing him full on the lips. It was where they had left off the last time after all...

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #13
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

[ MCV Khan | Deck 08 Corridor ]

Daniel nodded.  “In the simplest terms that’s how it works, harems usually start out with two people who get married but have intentions of adding others, and some like my family have arranged marriages to other families.”  Daniel paused for a moment.  “All partners in the harem must also consent to having children as everyone must take responsibility for the children.”  Daniel added, he knew that his parents had planned on joining with another harem before his mother was killed and afterwards his father no longer wanted to go through with it.

  [ MCV Khan | Deck 02 Department Head’s Quarters – Vanguard Commander ]

As she traced the back of his head with her fingers he smiled as she kissed him and returned the kiss.  He began to use his hands to trace lines along her back as he broke the kiss with her ever so slightly.  “Would you like to move to the couch?”  He said his voice just above a whisper as he gently kissed her lips while waiting for her answer.  While he normally wouldn’t have an intimate relationship with an NCO he was enjoying the fact that he had made her an officer within this simulation, the perfect loophole for the time being.  Although he did wonder at how far this relationship could go on for, after all once they left the holodeck she would be an NCO once again.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #14
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

Slowly the kiss came to an end and Riley could taste the pilot on her lips, this time without guilt moving over her. She looked him in the eyes again as he asked if they should move it to the couch. She glanced over to it and she nodded slowly "Sure thing major." she answered softly. She knew the pilot would be strong enough and she wondered if it would catch him off guard. She jumped off the floor and used her arms as leverage on his shoulders to straddle his waist. Her legs wrapping around him as she rotated her groin against his teasingly "Care to bring me there?" she asked teasingly.

Waiting for the reply and execution of his answer she held tightly on to him whilst her eyes gazed deep into his. It didn't matter to her that he was a higher ranking officer. She didn't have the elitist issue his people had and she would gladly take this as far as he was comfortable with. She looked down at her uniform for a second before she slowly opened the buttons from the top. She wouldn't be able to open them all as the distance to the couch wouldn't be that far, but it would probably hint the pilot what she was going for.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #15
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

  [ MCV Khan | Deck 02 Department Head’s Quarters – Vanguard Commander ]

Daniel smirked as she answered in the affirmative and as he prepared to walk over to the couch with her he was genuinely surprised when he jumped onto him wrapping her legs around his waist.  He immediately supported her as she got herself comfortable for the short trip to the couch.  “I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”  He said with a smile as he planted a kiss on her lips.  As she began to unbutton her uniform slowly he strode over to the couch carefully and once there he slowly but surely sat down with her on top of him.

Once they were seated her helped her finish unbuttoning her jacket and then he removed it, leaving her in a golden yellow short-sleeved undershirt which Daniel immediately removed.  He smirked as he noticed the color of her bra.  “Are you sure you’re not a Betazoid yourself?”  He asked as he moved a hand to her front to begin removing her pants.

Daniel leaned his head forward and began kissing her from her collar up to her jaw, then made his way towards her lips stopping to slip his tongue inside as his hands worked to unbutton her belt and her pants from her seated position.  He was going to have to have her move slightly once he had gotten everything unbuttoned.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #16
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

She kissed him back as she worked open what she could before he sat down on the couch. She broke the kiss once more when he continued to open up the rest of jacket. In the meantime Riley started to unbutton Daniel's uniform with ease. She stopped to raise her arms to work herself out of her jacket and eventually out of the golden yellow sleeved undershirt. The yellow undergarments on display and the question of Daniel making her laugh "Why? Can't a girl wear colorful underwear?" she asked him as she opened up the rest of his jacket and worked him out of it as well. She was greeted by an onyx-colored short sleeved undershirt and she made sure to work that off as well before her fingers traced along the bare skin of the pilot. She felt up on the old scars he had and she bit her lower lip as she wondered what stories were attached to them.

She could feel Daniel working along her belt and pants and she worked in sync with him as she gasped when he kissed her collarbone and trailed his lips up to hers eventually. She answered the kiss hungrily as she parted her lips for his tongue and playfully teased the invading muscle. Her own hands made little work of his belt and she unbuttoned him as she pushed the fabric open for more space. She moaned softly into the kiss as she felt him open up everything she was wearing. She shifted a little so he could work her pants down, yet she wouldn't let him do so easily. Her hand snaked down his pink boxers and felt him up whilst the other hand rested on his shoulder for stability as she raised her lower body a little for him.

She bit his lip teasingly before breaking it and pulling back as she laughed softly and looked down to see the pink boxers he was wearing. Her hand vanished inside them as she wrapped her hand around him and stroked him slowly. "Pink huh?" she teased him.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #17
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

  [ MCV Khan | Deck 02 Department Head’s Quarters – Vanguard Commander ]

“I just find it amusing is all.”  Daniel said with a smile.  Lady Fate was definitely having some fun with him today.  “You can wear all the colorful undergarments that you want.”  He responded to her.  He was quite enjoying the situation he found himself in with her and really hoped that nothing would interrupt this.  After the day that he had had he really needed this relaxation and release.

Once her own pants were removed and he smirked at her matching panties he felt her hand slide into his boxers.  As she commented on the color of his boxers he smirked and decided to pose the same question to her.  “Can’t a guy wear colorful underwear?”  He said as he planted another kiss on her lips.  The boxers had been a gift from Krissy after he had made SCO and he had worn them on many occasions during his command.  He had put them on this morning without really thinking about it.  He could just see Lady Fate laughing at his situation now.  Although he didn’t have a lot of time to picture her as he moaned from the stroking that Riley was giving his manhood.

He decided to even the playing field a little and brought a hand to her breast and began to fondle it slowly, using his thumb edge inside of her bra and rub her nipple ever so slowly.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.


Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #18
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

"I'm no person to judge." she answered him about his own colorful boxers before she kissed him back. She didn't knew the meaning they had to him and frankly at this point, she wasn't going to ask either. She licked his lips during the kiss before biting onto his lower lip softly and gently tugging it. Once she let go of it she looked amused and playful into his eyes.

The moment she heard him moan, a smile crossed her features as she slowed down for a second before carrying on with the manual stimulation. Daniel in turn had brought his hand to her breast and began to fondle them. She bit back to moan and arched her back for him granting him better access. The smirk on her face was priceless as she lead his manhood to poke out of his boxers.

She teasingly ran her index finger over the tip of his aroused organ and rolled the tip of her finger against it before she placed her thumb against it as well. She could essentially pinch the swollen head if she could, yet instead moved her fingers ever so lightly with some pressure to tease him. She wanted him to get up and removed the undergarments he was wearing and thus she'd tease him until he'd do so. if Daniel chose to fondle her further or tease her more a moan surely filled the room as it left her lips.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #19
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

  [ MCV Khan | Deck 02 Department Head’s Quarters – Vanguard Commander ]

As she kissed him and gently tugged at his lower lip with her teeth, he returned the favor in kind by gently biting her lip and tugged it as well.  A moment later he moved his lips back to hers and slipped his tongue into her mouth again.  He moaned into her mouth as her fingers threaded through his manhood.  He pulled back from her and looked into her eyes.  “Let me remove my undergarments.”  He said as he worked at them and quickly removed them from his seated position.

Once he was fully nude he stared into her eyes.  “Now you remove yours.”  He said as he unclipped her bra and leaned forward to take one of her nipples into his mouth, using his tongue to massage the small nub.  He had a quick flash to his one night stand with Commander Martin and he hoped that this wasn’t going to be the same thing with Riley.  He still felt a little unsure about if this would turn into any sort of actual relationship or if it would just be sexual in nature, but at the moment he was quite content with what was happening.  His other hand maintained its position with her other breast as he continued his fondling waiting for her to remove her panties.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #20
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

If anything, Daniel was quite eager as he toyed with Riley's lip before he french kissed her once more. The medical crewman enjoying it and losing herself in the moment before he pulled back and informed her he'd remove his undergarments. She chuckled and nodded as she saw him remove them from a seated position. After that he instructed her to remove hers and Riley bit her lip as he removed her bra in the meantime and engulfed one of her nipples into his mouth. A gasp and moan filling the room as his tongue rolled over the sensitive hardening nub. The other hand continued to caress her other breast and Riley ran her fingers through his hair before she made him stop slowly.

The cooler air felt like an extra stimuli to her moistened nipple as Daniel's saliva covered it a little. She stood up for a second as she pushed her thumbs in her panties and shimmied them down slowly to tease the pilot. Once pushed down far enough the panties went into a free fall as they just pooled at her ankles and Daniel got a full on view of how Riley looked naked. Her body was lean and her breasts were ample, a neatly trimmed line of soft blonde hair decorated her groin and the soft petals of her heated sex were already moist thanks to the teasing. She stepped over to Daniel and placed her hands on his shoulders as she captured his lips  whilst she pressed her knees next to his hips. Her body connecting on several spots against his before she tried to push him back a little so he would be resting against the back of the couch. This would be a hard act to achieve as he clearly was the stronger party.

Finally though as her breasts grazed against his chests and her tongue pushed past his lips hungrily, she settled her lower body down on his lap. The warmth of her slick core brushing against his aroused manhood and grinding against it, covering one side of it with her moist anticipation. She was careful enough to not simply sheath herself on him, no... She wanted to play around a bit first and crave him more.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #21
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

  [ MCV Khan | Deck 02 Department Head’s Quarters – Vanguard Commander ]

Hearing her moan made him smile internally and had the added effect of hardening his manhood some more.  Feeling her fingers push through his hair made him suck on her small nub all the more until she made him stop and she pulled away to remove her panties.  As she slowly dropped them he couldn’t help but look her over.  He looked down at the patch of blonde and smirked.  “So you’re a natural blonde, perfect.”  Daniel said with a smug grin.  He wondered why she had dyed her hair brunette, he’d have to ask her about that later and maybe see if he could convince her to change it back to blonde.  Daniel much preferred women with blonde hair and was usually instantly attracted to them with rare exception.

As she moved toward him an placed her hands on his shoulders, she locked her lips with his and he felt her trying to push him back to rest on the couch, he had to give her credit she was stronger than she looked, not quite to his level because he was physically enhanced but she definitely had some strength in her.  So he laid back resting against the couch, he felt her hardened nipples as they brushed against his chest and as her body lowered he was waiting for what he assumed would be her womanhood covering his erect and slowly hardening manhood, but that was not the case.  She seemed to make sure that she didn’t penetrate herself on his manhood and he moaned into her mouth as she teased him.

He brought a hand back to her breast and he began to fondle it, placing her nipple between his thumb and index finger he slowly twisted and pulled it while his other hand moved across her back and with his fingers he traced lines down to her buttocks where he then pressed his index finger against her tight asshole.  He wasn’t sure if she was into anal but this would be a good way to find out and he might be able to use it as leverage to get her to penetrate herself on him and stop the teasing.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #22
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

As Daniel noticed her true hair color, she frowned a little and laughed softly "Is that important?" The smirk on his face was nearly priceless. She didn't linger longer on the subject as she had closed the distance with him. As the two of them kept kissing and engaged themselves in a game of tongue wrestling, Riley was very much pleased to hear him moan. The teasing was surely having its effect on the pilot as she could feel him hardening more and more. Daniel himself didn't stray behind for too long as his hand encompassed her breast. A little fondling which was followed by some twisting and pulling made the nurse groan out as she broke the kiss to gasp for air. The sensitive nipples becoming hard peaks now as she closed her eyes tightly at the manipulation of the pilot.

In the meanwhile the other hand of the Daniel had traced along her back and buttocks before it slipped further and probed against her little pucker. Feeling it made Riley jolt forward as her womanhood slid up against his erection and as she tried to settle down, she effectively crowned his tip inside of her slick sex. Patterson had never done anal before and she wondered just how experienced Havenborn really was. Her eyes opening as she looked him in the eyes and smirking a little "Never done that before... Maybe not a thing to try on our first go?" she asked softly as she eased herself down on his member, guiding him deeper into her depths as she felt her eyelids flutter. She left the hand on the pilot on her ass though, not opposed to the teasing of it.

Once she fully sheathed him, she could feel him stretch her out a little as he was well inside of her. Slowly her hips began to establish a slow, torturous rhythm so she could feel every bit of him moving inside of her soft slick inner walls. She claimed his lips again in a heated kiss as she moaned in pleasure while her hips moved up and down. Her body pressed against him for the maximum amount of physical contact and her eyes drifting shut as she savored the moment and blissful feeling of it.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #23
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan

  [ MCV Khan | Deck 02 Department Head’s Quarters – Vanguard Commander ]

Daniel broke the kiss for a moment to answer her as she asked if that was important.  It was important to him though he was never really sure as to why he had just always felt that blonde women were somehow more superior to others.  “At the moment no, but it is important to me.”  Daniel said as he continued kissing her some more.  He was quite enjoying himself right now and after the long day and the long away mission he felt that this was the perfect end to his day.

He smirked as she jolted forward as he pressed against her tight anus.  When she said that she’d never experienced that before he smiled.  “Alright.”  He said with sly smile as she finally had penetrated him and then continued to slide down on his shaft.  It felt amazing and quite different than his interlude with Commander Martin.  Daniel shook her from his head and focused on the beautiful woman in front of him as he finally felt his shaft fully enveloped inside of her.  As she began to slowly move she kissed him again and he slipped his tongue into her mouth, using his tongue to play with hers.

Daniel placed one hand on her hips while he pushed the other one that was on her ass creeping slowly toward her anus again, using his index finger to press against it.  Not to penetrate but to tease her a little.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2200 hrs. ] Knowing Friends

Reply #24
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

"Important?" she grinned before she ceased to ask more questions as she truly just wanted to get lost in the moment. The heated kiss they shared was met with just as much passion and playfulness by the non com crewmember as she established a steady rhythm which really just felt really good. Her hips gyrated a little while she moved up and down on his lap, feeling him slip out almost before pushing his length back in entirely. Riley broke the kiss to moan out in pleasure once more, wanting to let him know how she felt.

As he teased her pucker once more she jolted forward, grinding down on his lap as she bit her lip and groaned before she bit his earlobe and kissed his neck. The pace increased now as she happily bounced up and down on him, feeling his every bit inside of her as it stimulated her velvet walls. She brought her lips to his ear as she teasingly whispered "Show me how a martian fucks..."

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