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Topic: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away (Read 20041 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #125
[color=limegreen]Lt.  Vanya[/color] | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime attn @Brutus

Vanya let out a small moan as she raised her hips.   She had been called some names in her time in the various budoirs, offices and alleys she had infiltrated but they were never for her; instead they were for the identities that she used to infiltrate the bedrooms, or names spoken in lust as she enjoyed the transactional lifestyle of hedonism in her Federation life.     But to hear Nat call her "babe" was almost as good  as having her probe her hot, emerald flower.     Her fingers were jerky at first, but they were no less welcome or enjoyed,   

Yet still when shenfelt the humans tongue caress her clit, it was like something else.     She had experienced this before, yet the bond between them made it feel like something else.    

Her senses began to take over like never before, usually there had been roughly speaking, an operating system - a voice in her head that didn't control her but acted as a voice reminding her that she was a machine.   That was almost silent now, and growing quieter by the second as the her lover fed her deepening need.        The smells felt more vibrant, shd could hear her pulsing in her own body, and feel it in Nat's.  The small sounds of the Martian tongue against her clit was as we

"Stars, yes" She murmured as she gazed upon Nat going down on her.   She gently squirmed.      "Nnnngggh     Don't stop…".    It was a request for the present frenzied fucking, but also a hope for the rest of their lives together.      
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #126
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

Natalie could take some small relief in the fact that however Vanya's core programing had been designed, the woman did not, in fact, clench down so hard as to break the human woman's fingers. Though her lover was an impressively tight fit, never did it feel like Nat was in danger of having her fingers crushed, even as her face was smashed into the other woman's cunt. Wet, hot skin pressed into her face, as the Romulan's tight channel rippled and clamped down on her fingers, which were now attempting to scissor back and forth inside the slick channel. Natalie wasn't terribly successful on that count, as tight as her lover was, but still managed to wiggle them about before switching tactics. 

By now she had heard Vanya's pleas for more, to keep going, to not stop. She couldn't really answer, not with words. Instead Natalie allowed herself to groan and hum around the nub of flesh trapped between her lips, vibrations in her throat making their way up to her mouth. Her hips swayed side to side all the more, as her thighs were rubbing together, damp with her need. Shifting again, not able to pull away and not wanting to, her chin dug into her palm and her fingers started rocking back and forth. She managed to get two into her friend, pressing up on the soft, flexible tissue of the Romulans pussy, sliding the pads of her finger tips along the top walls.  The angle was completely different from when Natalie would do this to herself, usually after a particularly frustrating day, or a date that ended up as a total bust. But the idea was the same, and mostly it was just a matter of keeping her arm from collapsing under her as she used those dexterous fingers of hers, doing her damnedest to stroke a fire within Vanya.

Tonight date however... she mused, grinning against her lover. Her. Lover. Oh yes, tonight's date had gone so much better than any other she'd had, and so help her, she was going to do everything she could to drive home the fact that she wanted this, wanted Vanya. Wanted them. If anything she could do there in that moment, that would guarantee that what was happening that night would not be a one time event, then Nat would happily embrace that, and the woman she desperately wanted to make her own.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #127
[ Lt Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

The android’s  raven black hair was plastered to her face by perspiration, the same perspiration that coated her body and gave it an almost ethereal glow in the atmospheric lighting of the room that shimmered slightly as the fucking continued from Nat.     

Vanya’s mind was adrift with emotion, the cool operating system, the configurations that gave her the most appropriate emotions she should emulate was gone.   Now her sensations that were overwhelming her as her friend serviced her pussy were totally natural and authentic.   As authentic as any organic, she would later suppose.  In the moment however, in there here and now, Vanya was totally lost  to such abstract detail.   Her emotions built up in such a way as to override any oversight she had over them.   This was real.   The thrill of rebellion love making for the purposes of love, rather than fornication for the purposes of infiltration,     The joy of finding emotional gratification that wasn’t fake, or controlled, but chief amongst any emotion was the move that she felt for Natalie, the one person that completed her emotionally and romantically.  

“Fuck yesssss…”

At last the Android threw back her head as she  felt it within her, the passion of the moment finally exploding.    The Romulan flower wrapped around Nat’s fingers quivered as she finally reached her climax.    The warm fire from Vanya’s core squirting over her the Martian’s fingers.  

Moments passed, the Android’s mind clearing slightly, but possessing no desire to move things on.   Instead she laid there for moments in silience, the look on her face as she gazed upon her busty Martian partner saying more than any words could.    And yet, in that moment, as she lay there, slick, spent and content there was only one phrase that she could utter to the other woman. 

“I love you”

Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]


Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #128
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

More and more, the Martian was getting lost in the moment, her thoughts and feelings a rush of wand and need and the urgent, pressing desire to be the one that brought her friend - her girlfriend, her lover - to fulfillment. She wanted so desperately to make Vanya cum, even though she'd never done something like this with a woman. Only ever fumbled around with a man in the cramped confines of a Jefferies tube, or darker moments she refused to allow herself to think about in this moment. She wished to wash it all away and replace it with the building joy that she felt, even as her jaw ached and throbbed, as her fingers were crushed tightly, wiggling deep inside the warm, wet channel that was Vanya's pussy.

I'm fingering Vanya. I'm licking her pussy. Oh. My. God. The reality of it nearly took her breath away as she moaned, eyes fluttering, looking up the Romulan woman's body. Android or not, she could see the skin flushing green all over, she could feel the trembling in the other woman's limbs. Taste the arousal on her tongue, which swirled over that perfect nub. In the low light of their borrowed bedroom below decks she could see the sweat glistening on Vanya's skin. This was her fault. It was all because of her. Because Vanya wanted her, and because she was pleasing Vanya. Oh my god. Oh my god. Come on babe, come on, she thought the words, she half mumbled them against the other woman's cunt. Maybe that was what did the trick in the end?

In any event, Natalie felt those walls that had so snuggly clasped her fingers flutter and quiver, rippling up and down, as if trying to milk them. Not that Natalie could have imagined it before, but it felt like the entire got even hotter, as if her lovers core was going to scorch her. Liquid heat splashed over her fingers, dribbled against her own lip, trickling onto her tongue. She swallowed out of habit, tasting her girlfriends climax for the first time. Again, her head swam with the moment. This was all so much.

Eventually it ended. All things did. Her own orgasm had ended in bliss, as they stumbled down the stairs after. Now, Natalie slowly extracted herself from between her girlfriends legs, fingers ghosting over flushed green petals of Vanya's folds, trailing a wet track over the girls belly button and under the swell of her bust. She wanted to touch the Romulan, to reassure herself that Vanya was there. That she had done this to her. Turned her into a sweaty, slick mess. She's so beautiful. Is this all for me?

Focus came back to the android, and Natalie felt her pride swell at having done all that to her. Grinning, she rose up to her knees, only to pause as she got lost in her lovers gaze. And then the words. Those words. Her own eyes blinked once. Twice. Three times. Her brain did a bit of a short circuit, blanking out, before it fired into over drive. Did she? Did Vanya just...did I hear that? I did. I did. Oh. Oh wow oh wwwooow.

Swallowing, she bit her lip for a moment, sitting back, her bum on her heels. She was an absolute mess, sweat soaked, hair everywhere, cheeks shining with the other woman's juices. And yet....and yet. 

"I...oh. Vanya. I...yes. I do too." I do too? Really? You can do better than that you coward. "Love you too."


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