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Topic: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.  (Read 15654 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #25
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Conceding the point with a brief nod, the young cadet acknowledged that Vanya stuck out in a crowd a 6 foot tall Romulan. There was a considerably greater than zero chance that Vanya was going to draw every eye at the Academy at least once by the time she finished the first semester. If Natalie possessed anything really approaching social skills, she might have realized then and there that simply being the girls roommate would draw a lot of ire and suspicion her way. True, the Federation spoke of principles of inclusion. They'd practically adopted the Vulcan notion of IDIC - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination. But at the same time there was a load of bad blood between the Romulan Empire and the Federation, not to mention Humanity in general, having fought one of their bloodies interstellar wars with the Empire in their fledgling days of exploration.

Some would see Natalie's friendly attitude with suspicion and malice, once the truth about Vanya was out. A Romulan at the Academy.

But right then, Natalie was far more concerned about someone peeking in the window. Green drapes? She likes green, the ops track cadet told herself, resolving to replicate those in the very near future. Probably her first use of rations. Unless the windows have a function to make them opaque? She brightened at the thought, her expression timed with Vanya's own addition that she'd never want to hurt anything, perhaps conveying an unintended reassurance to the woman. Natalie angled herself so that her back was to the window, interspersed between it and the statuesque, raven haired beauty.

She had just raised the tape to start a few measurements when Vanya alluded to being able - already - to deal with any sort of threat that might arise in her future at Starfleet. Nat heard the girl catch herself, but it was too late to hide her own surprise. Standing there with the tape outstretched and wide eyes, she felt suddenly foolish. She's Romulan. Of course she knows how to defend herself. They probably learn the blade with their mothers green milk, like the Klingons. "Well, um, I hope we won't have to actually use any of those skills they haven't taught me yet. At least not at the Academy itself?"

Smiling sheepishly, she added, "if that comes up i might maybe just hide behind you. Since you know how to deal with it already?" Thus establishing that she herself knew diddly squat about self defense, and that she wasn't going to run away screaming (yet) she held the tape up again. "We start with the arms yeah? If we're going to do this we do it right."Just like taking measurements for fixing the outrider on the boat back home, Nat. Except you're measuring a naked woman who might sneeze and throw everything off. Boats don't sneeze.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #26
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya suspected that Natalie would indeed concede the point to her about her fitting in...or more accurately stick out since there was no way for her to not stick up, barring the loss of her legs and getting possible shorter replacements. Although that was not an option realistically since her frame had been perfectly designed to accommodate her features and capabilities. Vanya supposed it was possible that with time she could adapt to shorter legs but even then, she would suffer from reduced efficiency to a degree.  What an odd thing to think about. she wondered to herself about her current train of though, briefly arching an eyebrow until remembering Natalie was standing before her and might question such an out of place body reaction. Her thoughts however quickly turned to Natalie. While she did not particularly like being stared at, she had at least started to grow accustomed to it during her time in the Federation. The same might not be true for her new friend  however and Vanya hoped that Natalie's friendly nature and association with her would not negatively affect her time here.

Vanya couldn't tell if Natalie had noticed her reaction to her internal monologue, however she did notice the girl's reaction to her comment about being able to handle herself in hostile situations, if the widening of her eyes was any indication. That was not the only thing Vanya noticed however, she also noticed how pretty Natalie's eyes were in their widened state. The thought did not stay long in her mind however as Natalie spoke.

"I would not worry about it too much, the odds of such actions being required are very small... she began before pausing as her programming ran through the likely number of scenarios. "...Outside of combat training, potential encounters with other students and possibly our Cadet Cruise a few years from now...." She added before pausing again and tilting her head to one side as her programming threw up one more potential scenario "...Or an assault on the Academy by enemies of the Federation, however given the fact we are on Earth the odds of that are astronomically small." The android finished, not really taking into consideration in the moment of how much that might potentially freak her roomate out.

When Natalie smiled sheepishly and told her that she would hide behind her should such a situation arise Vanya nodded "A sound strategy." she replied, stating it as the fact it was without what "normal" people might have said with irony, humor or sarcasm. The comment also informed Vanya that Natalie had not had any combat training whatsoever and immediately filed a log away that should such a situation ever arise before the girl could adequately defend herself that she would protect the girl as best she could. She could not lose her first but hopefully not only friend after all.

With the suggestion of starting with the arms, Vanya nodded with a smile "That sounds good to me." she said as she extended her arms out to the side, for Natalie to begin. Her gaze staying firmly on Natalie as she waited, perfectly still like a mannequin for the other woman.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #27
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

For all her vaunted talk about the odds of Natalie being engaged in combat during the next few years at the Academy, the Martian thought that Vanya was listing quite a many possible situations where such would occur. Again, Nat could only assume that this was a product of the Romulans upbringing and the martial nature of their species. Like as not, all Romulan children were conditions to think of such things, she decided, and was not sure how to feel about this. Despite the occasional conflicts (Most recently with the Cardassians) the Federation was a mostly peaceful society. Passing off her nerves at the possibility with a giggle, Natalie said, "Earth itself hasn't been directly attacked since the surprise assault by the Xindi, almost 220 years ago."

A moment of wisdom stopped her from mentioning the fact that the Romulans had assaulted her home world, Mars, during the Romulan war a decade after the Xindi Incident, including an attempt to sling comets from the Oort cloud to the inner solar system, redirecting those that were being used already to terraform Mars. Best keep that to myself, she decided. There was a preserved crater from where one of the smaller comets made planetfall during the attack, though she remembered from History class that a combination of the Verteron Array and the efforts of Jonathan Archer's NX-01 Enterprise had prevented all the serious threatening rocks from making it.

Such notions needed to be dismissed though, because the brunette woman had a job to do. Vanya stretched out a long, striking arm and Natalie took measurements, from the hand to the elbow, elbow to shoulder, the width of the wrist, of the bicep, keenly aware of being quite close to a practical stranger, who was stark (a soft giggle) naked. What was fascinating, and drew a sharp blink from Natalie, was that Vanya's other arm, which she also measured before writing its dimensions down on spare padd - was exactly the same as the first arm.

Startled, she retook the measurements and then grunted slightly. They still matched each other perfectly, down to the millimeter. Needless to say that was a scientific oddity. Not an impossibility of course, but Natalie would have expected some slight difference between the two limbs. She had to but wonder what tweak of genetics had gifted Vanya with such precise mirroring, and furthermore, what else about the alien's body might be so perfectly symmetrical. Mathmatically speaking, of course.

"Fascinating," she allowed, blinking when she realized she'd spoken and flushing red. Scrambling quickly she said, "Um, both arms up please. I'll need to get under the bust, then over, as well as the width of your shoulders from behind. I think," she added the last, making a few assumptions. She'd never really fit someone for a dress, but she was being as thorough as if she were putting together a new replicator. More so, as this was a living, breathing person.

So not how I thought my first day would go.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #28
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

With her tactical programming finally done calculating all the ways in which an attack could happen Vanya's attention turned to how...delightful Natalie's giggle was as was her observation that Earth hadn't been attacked in nearly 220 years. "Your are correct, however that does not mean there have not been plots since then. The Romulans for example have considered attacking Earth and other Federation member home worlds several times since then. None of them ever amounted to much obviously but it does prove that the possibility is always out there and I do not believe it a wise action to assume that such a thing could not occur again. Especially when Humanity's own history has proven before that this could be a mistake. The United States of America for example did not believe that anybody would dare attack them while the rest of the world fought against each other and then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor." The Romulan stated, having spent a considerable amount of time researching Federation history. "However as I stated before the odds of such a thing happening today are very small." she added with what she hoped was a reassuring smile.

Having outstretched her arms for the other woman, Vanya watched as Natalie extended the measuring tape along her arm. First from her hand to her elbow, then from her elbow to her shoulder, followed by the width of her wrist and bicep, certainly the best way of getting such measurements. The Android also couldn't help but notice how close the two were in proximity and couldn't help but notice how nice the other woman smelt, although she couldn't quite figure out what the scent was, it was certainly pleasant and Vanya couldn't help but wonder if the scent she was smelling was the cadet's natural scent or if it was some kind of fragrance? She was brought out of her thoughts however at the sound of a soft giggle coming from the other woman and focussed her attention on her. Had she done something amusing? As far as she could tell he hadn't moved a single muscle or done anything humorous.

That too however was quickly replaced when Natalie blinked sharply, having just finished measuring her other arm and tapped them out on another PADD. Remaining silent with her arms out, Vanya watched as Natalie took the measurements again and made an odd sound. Before she could inquire however as to what had affected the young woman so much, Natalie spoke.

"What is fascinating?" Vanya asked as she raised her arms up over her head as instructed, allowing herself a small smile. Vanya knew how to take measurements and thus hadn't required an explanation as to why she needed her arms raised or of the procedure that Natalie was going to do, yet the human had said them anyway. Perhaps it was because she was naked? Nudity wasn't something that bothered Vanya in the slightest nor did she understand why other species, especially Humans found it to be so awkward. The more she thought about it, combined with Natalie's apparently shy nature it was possible that she too was still uncomfortable with her nudity and that was why she was explaining what she was going to do first, to prevent Vanya from being or questioning why she was touching her where she would be? Which again wasn't necessary in fact it was quite obvious and logical to Vanya. Or maybe it was a way for Natalie to calm herself down and rationalise the touching to herself?

"Have you ever touched a naked woman before Natalie?" Vanya asked. It certainly would explain her nervousness ""To take their measurements I mean." the Romulan added, having realised the woman might have assumed she meant in a sexual manner, which was neither what she had meant nor was it any of Vanya's business which gender or even species Natalie preferred to engage in sexual relations with.    

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #29
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Which prospect was more intimidating, Natalie could not quite decide. On the one hand, here was her roommate informing her that Starfleet's fears of plots by the Romulans of attacks on Earth, and other various home worlds of  the major players in the Federation were being casually confirmed. They had plots and plots and probably plots within plots, from the way that Vanya told it to Nat. The stereotype of the conniving Romulan hiding in the shadows was bearing itself out, at least in passing. Required an effort out of Natalie to keep the chill that went down her spine from causing her to physically shiver, but she didn't want to possibly upset Vanya by having the girl realize the way she talked about these things could be, what her father would have called "A might bit scary."

Contrast that to the fact that Nat was trying to fit a girl for a uniform, that she'd just met, whom was objectively beautiful in a way the sculpting masters of the ancient Mediterranean would have coveted. This too, the proximity, the nudity, was intimidating for the girl. She'd not really been around anyone naked. She'd  seen nudity of course. This was the 24th century after all and one did see things, and know things.But seeing and being inches away was something else entirely. Every twinge of desire she'd ever had was for boys (or what looked to her to be boys in any case, as one could never be entirely sure of how a person viewed themselves) and not much contemplated the female form save to be jealous, or feeling out of sorts in the requisite gym classes she'd attended. Yet you're uncomfortable now, aren't you? This Romulan is just too open an honest - ha - for you to let yourself show it.

There was a truth in that, ironic as it was. Vanya's almost...innocence about this sort of thing kept Nat from wanting to show any discomfort or intimidation. Fascinated by the differences between her roommate and herself, Natalie was showing hints of what many Starfleet cadets harbored within them: innate desire to know the unknown, to learn and to experience. All the planning and discussions with her father about the Academy and following in Eric Stark's footsteps, filling the role he'd set for himself before happenstance robbed him of the chance came back to her now. This is why I signed up for the Cross Species Accommodation program she reminded herself.

Seeking out strange new worlds, and new civilizations started in a Freshman dorm room.

When asked about her fascination, Nat colored slightly and smiled apologetically. "It's nothing really," she demurred. "Just an appreciation for similarities in form between species and how you're proportioned." She sounded like she was talking about the way an ODN Network was set up on differing starships, or so she thought. Enthusiastic, but awkward.

Awkward proved to be the course of the day for Natalie with Vanya's next question. The brunette Martian had measured the shoulders from behind, and had walked back around, sliding the tape up, under Vanya's bust - being careful not to actually touch her breasts lest she offend, and curiosity be damned - when her skin took on the complexion of a tomato. At first Nat couldn't quite believe she'd properly heard the question. Then she struggled to understand how Vanya thought that was the kind of thing appropriate to ask at all. Different cultures you idiot she chastised silently, swallowing and looking up at the taller woman.

"N-no. I have not measured another woman before, certainly not naked," she managed, stammering only at first. But even a Romulan would be able to read the expression plain on her face. Looking as she did, it was clear that Natalie had never touched a naked woman at all, in any form, for any reason. Or anyone for that matter. She might not have said it, but it was plain enough to notice. "Have you?"

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #30
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

While Natalie hadn't said anything in response to her comment about the Romulans and their many plans Vanya could detect the slight change in her blood pressure and saw the way her pupils had widened slightly as a result of her physical reaction. Perhaps she had made a mistake in revealing such information? Vanya had certainly heard the tales about her people that Starfleeters, the Federation and other races thought about the scary, evil Romulans and their plotting and spying. While Vanya had certainly, albeit casually admitted that some of those suspicions had indeed been true, it wasn't exactly that that's all her people did, in fact over the span of time the number was very few in comparison at the end of the day the Romulans had wanted to be left alone in peace for a long time, until the Federation and the Klingon Empire joined forces becoming a bigger power and thus a  potential bigger threat to them.

However as time went by her people had admittedly wanted to control the galaxy, or at the very least be the dominant race in the Alpha Quadrant over the Federation and the KDF, not that that had come to pass either, something that Vanya at least was glad for.

When Nat answered her first question, she arched an eyebrow. From what knowledge she had for the most part, at least between Human females, Romulan Females and even Klingon females were similar in form, at least externally and as for her proportions she had been perfectly designed in that regard both in terms of infiltration and combat but also sexually to appeal to other races, moreso humans of either gender. "Thank you, I've been told I am...genetically gifted." the tall Romulan replied as way of an explanation.

Vanya would have to admit that Natalie's answer had not surprised her in the slightest considering how she had reacted with her awkwardness, change in body temperature and other physical signs of nervousness and embarrassment and that was before the expression on her face now. Even for a Romulan yet alone an Android such as herself, it was clear that Natalie had not touched a naked woman before at all, with the exception of herself most likely. Vanya found herself wondering if she had at least touched a naked male before instead, although given the girl's reaction to her first inquiry, Vanya decided against enquiring. While she had no such qualms about nudity and sex, it seemed many Humans still found the subject uncomfortable to talk about. Although if Vanya was to take a calculated guess based on what information she had so far she would have to say that it was highly unlikely that Natalie had experience with the opposite gender as well and then Natalie turned the question around on her.

"No I have not measured another woman before, naked or otherwise either. This will be the first time for both of us in this specific situation."  she answered, completely oblivions to what connotations and implications the words first time could have in their current situation.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #31
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

There was a small voice in the back of Natalie's mind that wished to point out that 'Genetically gifted' might every well be the largest understatement that Natalie had ever heard. That was as if saying the famed Niagara Falls were simply a little drop off in the river. Or that the Olympus Mons was a small bump in the road. Vanya may very well be genetically gifted, but no amount of good genes could account for such precisely matched measurements of the girls arms. The odds were....more that Natalie cared to count just then in her head.

Not that she couldn't do so, but simply that there were more important tasks to dedicate her higher brain functions to. Chief among them being not to pull the tape measure too tight around Vanay's chest, less she wish to cause her some small discomfort. Though given by the way the girl interacted with Natalie, the Martian was beginning to wonder if anything could do such a thing as discomfort Vanya.

Clearly inexperienced, Natalie swallowed a bit and wondered why she had just asked if Vanya had touched anyone else, naked. Thankfully, the Romulan woman took the question at its most literal notion and responded with a no. This no was very specifically qualified however, and did not rule out many other possibilities. Instead she had confessed that she had not touched a naked woman while making measurements. Nat could not tell if this meant that, as with herself, Vanya had never been with a woman in such close, nude proximity, or if she had simply focused on the very exacting nature of their encounter now, and simply had done no naked clothes fitting.

Lost on Natalie was the implication that Vanya might be intending to return the favor.

"That isn't really all that surprising," Natalie was saying as she took the time to jot down her notes onto a PADD. This would be the key to fitting in with the others, and having uniforms that fit them perfectly, and thus became the envy of the school. We're all adults, after all. I'm sure that will be the end of it, she thought, wondering how others would react to slightly better cut Academy attire.

"Especially now days with tricorders so readily available for use. Much easier to take a good reading on one of those and just storing the data to upload later, than taking mental notes and hoping for the best. I hear tell that the Tailor on Deep Space Nine  eschewed high tech measuring devices, but I could have the wrong of it"' That about concluded her thoughts on the subject, and thought she had well dodged the accidental asking as to Vanya's sexual history to date.

Pursing her lips, she looked over the Romulan and then gave a little nod. There was no sense in wasting time and she took the tape measure out and looped it across Vanya's hips. "Let's see here," she said, pulling the tape snug.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #32
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya watched Natalie as she continued to take her measurements, jotting them all down onto a PADD. Thinking back over the last part of their conversation, Vanya wondered if Natalie had meant something else with her enquiry. Perhaps the girl was wondering if Vanya had had sexual relations with others before and not simply in a measurement way, after all Vanya herself had wondered if her new roommate had had sexual partners before, it was entirely possible that Natalie had wondered the same thing about her. After a brief moment of thinking about it, Vanya decided to answer regardless, simply to avoid confusion. That however would have to wait until after her room-mate had finished speaking.

Vanya listened to Natalie as she explained that she wasn't surprised by that fact that Vanya had not measured another woman, going into an explanation of how a Tricorder did the job easier for some reason. Surely the girl knew that Vanya knew how a Tricorder operated? Perhaps that was just Natalie's way of shifting the attention from her question and it's implication, which would not matter since the Android had already decided to answer it anyway.

Still watching the young woman, Vanya had to admit that there was something cute about the way the other girl pursed her lips as she looked over her naked body. The look itself, lacking in anything sexual in nature but it still caused Vanya's skin to tingle and her temperature to elevate by .002 degrees, nothing at all major or noticeable to anybody unless they were scanning her body that was. Without saying anything for the moment, Vanya watched as Natalie looped the tape across her hips, glancing down slightly to watch her hands pull the tape snugly around her.

"Natalie, in reference to your previous question if you were referring to my sexual history then yes I have, twice. Once with a male and once with a female, however neither were for romantic reasons or even physical ones. They were purely for educational reasons in order to learn how sex works and to do it properly. While sexual education lessons can teach the biological aspect and a very limited "how to guide" so to speak, it sorely lacks in comparison to actual experience. That being said with I have come to understand that sex without an emotional connection is not as fulfilling and so I do not believe my education was not entirely accurate." she told the girl, completely oblivious as to how all of that would have sounded to the girl.

With the question answered Vanya effortlessly moved on to the next subject "This is true, Tricorders certainly do make tasks like this easy and effortless. However it also makes things so robotic and impersonal." she said, wincing slightly at the observation. While being an Android herself, she certainly hoped she never came across as robotic not just because she was programmed to not be such, she'd be a bad infiltrator in that case but because she wanted to be seen as more than just a machine, by herself as well as by others. Luckily her companion was focused on measuring her hips to notice, at least Vanya had hoped that that was the case. "I much prefer this old style, it is far more...personal in nature, even if not as quick or efficient." she added her voice going slightly husky and quieter for a moment before returning to it's normal tone.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #33
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Will power. That's all there was to it. Natalie had to find herself a deep, deep reservoir of will. Because she was a sight close to dropping right on her feet with some of what she was hearing. It wasn't as if the girls back home didn't gossip. And it wasn't as if she hadn't heard a thing or two in the showers at gym when in school. But this was easily the first time she'd been hands on a naked person while they talked about their past.

And damn her, she was curious.

She had that tape snug around Vanya's hips, and from here it was going to be things like thighs, and leg length and that would require her, first and foremost, to actually look down at the number where the tape passed over itself. But she couldn't, because her mouth had dropped open a bit as Vanya just unloaded about her past. And there was so much to unpack from that.

Like an old computer, Nat froze up and broke things down:
1. Vanya has had sex with a man.
2. Vanya has had sex with a woman.
3. Vanya likes both??
4. Romulans force their offspring to have sex as part of sex ed
5. You are hands on with someone that might, or might not ,be attracted to women, and who is definitely naked

Her blue eyes blinked rapidly as she processed down the list of all she had just put together (right or wrong) and then tilted her head to one side. That she didn't fall over as her head tilted was a bit of a surprise to the ops candidate whom had basically reached a logic fault in her brain. Things were firing right back up as she heard Vanya confess to enjoying the more hands on measuring.

And we're back to point number 5 again. Oh, Christ, she thought, feeling her fingers - which had not yet moved up to this point - twitch sporadically against Vanya's bare skinned hip. "Oh my look at that I've got the number I should write this down!" she exclaimed, awkwardly, spinning on the spot to do so with her right hand while keeping her left in place so that the tape wouldn't drop away.

Don't ask, don't ask, don't askdon'taskdon'taskdon--

"Wait, do all Romulan's have sex with other Romulan's as part of their education?? Is that like, a course in Romulan high school?" she blurted out, forgetting for a moment that Vanya had already admitted to not being a 'typical' Romulan.

And that her question was likely considered rude in most cultures that hadn't developed on the planet Risa.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #34
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya watched and waited as Natalie processed what she had told her. For Vanya she had simply stated off facts from her past, she could neither change them nor were they a big deal to her. Perhaps it was simply her robotic brain processing the information and deeming the facts as simply that, or maybe that was simply how Vanya felt. She wasn't entirely sure if she was being honest with herself. How did she actually feel? Nudity was one thing she knew that she liked, in private being free of clothes was nice but when it came to how she felt and talked about things...that she was still trying to figure out. She certainly didn't have any shame about discussing such topics and yet her lack of filter or social etiquette when it came to processing her information and saying it to people still sometimes came across to her as somewhat robotic, or was that simply how she thought, Android or not? That was something Vanya was still trying to figure out.

Much like how Natalie had seemed to freeze in place, her mouth having dropped open slightly that Vanya genuinely wondered if she had broken the poor girl. Given her overall demeanour to such subjects, it was quite possible that she simply couldn't handle all the information on the topic and had shutdown due to emotional or informational overload? Vanya, unsure what to do waited, watching as the girl's blue eyes started blinking rapidly and wondered if this was her brain trying to reboot itself or they movement was simply a by-product of her processing all the information she had just been given. It also led Vanya to wonder if other Humans had similar reactions, perhaps some investigations with other students would help shed some light on it?

Natalie, it seemed was slowly starting to return to her senses, albeit slowly considering the way her head was now tilted to one side, from a sociological point of view her reactions was rather fascinating to observe, again leading the Romulan to wonder if this too was a trait to all Humans or one specific to the Human before her. Being an Android, Vanya was quite capable of standing perfectly still and not move any part of her body, in fact she could literally lock up the joints of her frame if she wanted too, Humans however lacked that ability and yet Natalie seemed to being a good job of doing such. Besides the tilting of her head and eye movement, the woman had not moved an inch. Even her soft, warm hands had not moved from Vanya's hip, until just recently when they started to twitch in unsynchronized movements against her hip, a feeling that was not unpleasant, Vanya noted.

Finally the young cadet broke the silence and spoke, immediatley going back to the measurement. Vanya remained silent and simply raised an eyebrow, was she simply going to ignore everything Vanya had just said? The girl seemed to be curious about her and yet restrained herself from asking any questions, it was quite the contradiction and one that Vanya did not understand. Vanya was a curious creature who wanted to learn and if she wanted to know something she would ask otherwise she would never know, it was a simple concept: You want to know something you ask about it and hopeful receive an answer and if you did not ask the question you would never get the answer for the answer requires a question first. Perhaps that was something she was missing? The middle part of that, although unlikely, then again that was part of the reason why she had decided to attend the Academy to learn these things.

The Android was brought out of her thoughts when Natalie asked if all Romulans have sex with other Romulans as part of their education and Vanya couldn't help but smile. "No they do not, the Romulan sexual education classes are similar to Human ones, they teach the basic fundamentals and the biological aspects and imperatives of reproduction but the physical act of sexual intercourse is very much left for Romulans to discover on their own." Vanya answered "My education however was rather..." she paused and titled her head to one side, much like how Natalie had done a few moments ago as she thought of the best word to use to describe the education of an Android designed for infiltration with seduction protocols and how best to pleasure the sexes. "...unique." she finally said, settling on that word, which to be fair was pretty accurate.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #35
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Of course she regretted her question the moment she got the words past her lips. It was not the kind of thing you asked, no matter how curious you were. Counterbalanced against that was the facts that Vanya was a Romulan, and thus might be operating on a different set of cultural norms in regard to what is (or isn't, in this case) appropriate for conversation between two strangers that were trying to get along and make good first impressions, because they were going to have to live with each other for at least the next year, if not all four of the years ahead of them at the Academy. Assuming they didn't flunk out.

And don't forget that she asked you, too, and brought the whole thing back up all on her own, Natalie's inner monologue reminded her of points two and three in the new mental tally list of 'why asking this might not have been the stupidest thing she could have done'. The Ops Cadet was most often prone to this kind of analysis, though usually it did not happen fast, and was one of the reasons she was often quiet in social situations, as sorting through it all took time. Therefore it was better to just not speak up at all, than draw attention and stare off into space while trying to sort out the logic train for an answer.

It never dawned on her that it actually made her look a little robotic at times herself, and the irony of that, in her current situation, went right over her head. Nor did she realize that Vanya was, in her own way, struggling to understand what was and wasn't okay as Natalie was. Any passing telepath (if a telepath could read an Android's mind) would have found the similarities amusing.

Or hopeless.

Finally however, as Natalie stood there, having asked her question, and after what seemed like an eternity (it wasn't), Vanya smiled. That, as far as Nat could tell, seemed to be a good sign for both Romulan's and Humans'. At least, the smile didn't seem exasperated or menacing. There was a saying about smiling Romulan's and knives in the back, wasn't there?

Still, the smile, inviting as it was, set Natalie to ease - at least as much as she'd be able. She determined she had not caused offense with the question, which had been her chief concern. She could accept that she'd embarrassed herself by asking such a personal question, and never mind that there would be many a moment in the future where she'd revisit a lot of implications of this conversation and all the revelations there in. Some of which would end up quite graphic as they played out in the back of the girls mind. At the moment, there was just this awkward sense of morbid fascination.

"Ahhhh, unique," she said, as if that cleared up everything, and was sufficient to state her thoughts on the subject. Then she ruined that entirely as she stepped back in with the measuring tape and said, "So, Romulan education isn't all about forced sexual exploration in the name of"

Ending that rather lamely she gave a little apologetic shrug. "It's all completely out of my experience," she decided to confirm, unambiguously, feeling this was the least she could do, as she bent over to take some length measurements of Vanya's very bare leg. She paused a bit, when it came to measuring the inseam and flushed. "Practical interactions haven't really been a thing I've stumbled into yet." she added with a mumble, unsure if she were jealous of the other woman's experience, or pitied her for being required to do so at the behest of her self admitted abnormal education.

And really, what kind of education could have justified that? Was she raised in some weird cult? Do Romulan's have cults? Everyone had cults. Except maybe the Borg. Right? Her thoughts went turtling off for a moment, then she sucked in a breath and concluded there really was nothing else for it. "Er, this part is the really awkward measurement," Natalie warned as she crouched down, eye level with the Romulan's thigh, and ran the tape up the inside of Vanya's left leg, towards her crotch, to measure the inseam.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #36
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

While Vanya was adjusting to life in the Federation and at the Academy, she had her own concerns and curiosities about Humans and other species, it was why she had opted to join Starfleet in the first place so it was good to see that Natalie was just as curious about her it would seem as she was about Natalie. The only difference between the two was in their shyness...or more accurately Vanya's lack of it.

The Android found it quite humorous that it was entirely possible that were she an actual Romulan woman and not an Android, she might well be as shy and uncomfortable talking about such topics, perhaps even with being naked as she was. Although it was possible that her rather casual approach to the subject of sex could be down to her nature as a cybernetic being, she was slowly coming to realise that her views on being naked were indeed something of her own. She certainly hadn't been programmed to roam around naked in her free time, nor could she remember any of the other models in her project doing so. That thought brought a small smile to her face.

Vanya shifted her attention back to Natalie when she spoke, quite surprised that the Human had taken her last statement much better than her previous ones in the conversation, at least externally that seemed to be the case at least. Although Vanya couldn't tell if her statement was one of acceptance or something she was saying to be polite, which was possible considering how subtle and lack of information her answer had provided. Something that her follow up question would seem to imply in order for her to gain more information.

"No it is not, Romulans find the act of rape just as despicable and abhorrent as Humans do, it's not something that ordinary students are subjected too. Romulan children usually have their first sexual experiences the same way Human's do, by taking a mate and exploring each other together mutually." she answered as best she could.

Vanya watched and listened as Natalie shrugged and told her that she had no experience in such things, something that was not entirely a revelation to the tall Android, the woman had practically admitted as much already, although there was the possibility that her experiences had just been limited like Vanya's albeit under different circumstances. In fact her admission of having no experience at all in such things surprised Vanya. While she was not entirely familiar with Human courtship rituals, Natalie was an attractive woman in her opinion, certainly enough to have interested suitors surely? It made Vanya curious.

"Is your lack of practical interactions due to a strange lack of interest from other people or due to your own lack of interest in such things at the time?" she couldn't help asking. Her statement about strange lack of interest she felt was acceptable as she found it hard to believe that nobody would be interested is such a person with Natalie's features, although if the girl would make that conclusion about herself from Vanya's wording or not the Romulan did not know. Of course it was always possible that Natalie simply did not have an interest in sex at this stage of her life, many Romulans developed at various stages in that department or simply had other focuses, it was possible that the same was true for Humans as well.

Vanya was brought out of her thoughts on the subject when Natalie told her that the really awkward measurement was coming, causing her to arch her eyebrow, the measurement itself was simple enough and her posture was adequate enough for the measurement to be taken without the necessity for either of them to make any unusual position changes. Most likely the awkwardness Natalie was referring to was the closeness of herself and her face to Vanya's crotch, especially considering the fact she was naked.

"I could put on underwear before you take the measurement if it would make you more comfortable." She said, looking down at the woman, not that it was necessary, Vanya already knew the length of her inseam, however that same could be true about this entire situation since Vanya knew all her measurements. It was why she felt a little guilty about having to put Natalie through this charade of awkwardness for her. Although perhaps it would help the girl become more confidant in the long term? That would at least be a good justification for this beyond Vanya's own desire to not have to explain how she knew her exact measurements and why she would also have to take Natalie's the same way despite the fact she had already calculated them.

"Also while being naked will allow for more accurate measurements I understand that not everybody is as comfortable being naked as I am so you may keep yours on when it is my turn to take your measurements if you wish." she said seemingly out of the blue and completely unaware that the fact she would have to take Natalie's measurements may not have even occurred to the other woman yet, given how her own nakedness had provided the Operations cadet a rather significant distraction it would seem. 

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #37
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

When it was spelled out, Natalie realized she'd made - or almost made - quite the accusation. She supposed it was reassuring to know that Romulans viewed a heinous thing such as rape just as poorly as humans - and the Federation in general - did. Not all peoples felt that way. Orion slavers came first and foremost to mind, but there were others. The cultural norms on Ferenginar were nothing she held in high value, to be sure. Their attitude to women was appalling, though she knew as a Starfleet Officer she wasn't supposed to cast judgement. But to not even be allowed clothing, or to learn to read...

She didn't voice anything about it as she had set about to get these measurements done, but there was now a lingering concern about Vanya and the implications of what she'd been told. For her education, Nat's roommate had been with two partners, one of each sex common in Romulans. Romulan society frowned upon forced encounters then did Vanya see herself? And that act of 'learning,' for want of a better word.

Something to think on, before you open your mouth and ask, Nat, she coldly scolded herself.

Blinking up, Nat swallowed and then shrugged slightly. "Not really sure," she confessed. There had been some interest shown. Of course there had been. She hadn't always been aware of it of course, and had been awkward about returning it. She'd been kissed, mind you. There had been that one boy, and there had been a lot of kissing but....but.

"If you haven't guessed yet, I'm not the most social of creatures," she finally allowed. Her brother and mother had died right about the time she was starting to figure out what she did, and did not like and who she might be attracted to. Loosing half her family had certainly stunted that growth for a bit, and once she'd pushed past the initial grief, Natalie had buried herself into her studies to get into the Academy. 

None of that really mattered right at that moment, given that she was a faces length away from her roommates groin. Natalie felt a heat rise up in her cheeks. Because it was mentioned, her eyes of course drifted there. It was lovely, at least as best that Nat could judge such a thing and she swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry, and a small squeak threatened to bubble up in the back of her throat. Biting her lip, she looked up again and shook her head a bit.

"Its um...kinda silly to ask you to stop and go put something back on now, isn't it?" she pointed out, as red washed down her shoulders. She was shifting her weight from one leg to the other, shrugging again. The realization that she was going to have to get measured too - or that the offer was there, and it would be rude to refuse at this point - was slow to take an affect. And thus Natalie was torn. She would be far, far more comfortable if she would be allowed to leave her undergarments on. But then, Vanya had stripped nude, so should she?

"I'm not exactly....comfortable in my own skin," was all she said on that subject as she let her thoughts war about. It would lead to a better fit, wouldn't it?

"I uh...we should get that measurement though," she pointed out, shifting a bit more, coming even closer to...well. She wasn't going to think of what she was looking at, she told herself, not that she'd be able to get the image out of her mind for some time to come, as she ran her hand, and the tape, further up the inside of Vanya's leg, intent on getting that measurement right and trying not to cause the girl any discomfort, with her light touches.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #38
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya, having explained things as best she could again found herself observing her new room mate as she seemed to process all the information she had received, it was rather fascinating to watch and wonder just what her thought process was and how similar or different it was to her own, after all while she was indeed an android, her brain and thinking processes were based on her "mother" for lack of a better term, so perhaps her thinking was more similar than she thought, not that she would ever be able to accurately learn the answer to that beyond some kind of invasive neurological testing perhaps.

At her question about interest, Vanya frowned when Natalie told her that she wasn't really sure and arched an eyebrow in confusion, how could she not be sure if she had the interest of other people, Vanya had observed a few people who found her attractive just using her eyes, surely Natalie would be able to do the same?

"It is a little noticeable, yes." Vanya replied [color=#18d75]"Although you seem to be coping well in our current situation and I imagine it is rare for you to find yourself in this situation, and yet you are coping quite well with it Natalie."[/color] the Romulan added with a smile, seeing that this was a moment to perhaps help boost the girl's confidence slightly and of course, it was also true.

The thought however quickly passed when Vanya noticed how close her new room-mate's face was to her exposed groin. Looking down at the young woman, several thoughts not appropriate for the first day of meeting someone ran through her head. She saw the redenning of the cadet's cheeks and could detect the elevated temperature of her skin already, even catching when Natalie's eyes glanced over her most intimate part and felt a small shudder run through her, albeit briefly. Vanya saw the girl swallow hard and felt the briefest moment of Natalie's warm breath blow against her, causing another small shudder, although whether or not the Operations cadet noticed, given her own state Vanya did not know, watching as she bit her lip and looked up at her.

Allowing herself another smile, Vanya shook her head "I suppose were you uncomfortable with my lack of clothing from a time standpoint then yes, you could have said so earlier yes. However given the situation we're now in and my offer it would be fine to do so regardless." Vanya replied, watching as the girl shuffled from foot to foot, clearly uncomfortable with the way the situation was progressing and Vanya was unsure how to respond without sounding like a...well a robot.

When Natalie told her that she wasn't comfortable in her own skin, Vanya frowned and tilted her head to one side as she looked at the other woman. "Why not? It looks pretty comfortable from here." she smiled, trying to lighten the mood, albeit briefly while also hopefully letting Natalie know that she did not expect an answer to the question. [color=138d75]"I know what that feels like though, to not feel comfortable in your own skin, to feel like you don't always belong in it but in something else instead."[/color] Vanya said more softly than she had intended, dwelling back on the times when she thought she was more of a machine than a person and should not be in this body.

Natalie's voice drew her out of her own thoughts and found herself nodding as she glanced down at the woman again as she started to measure the inside of her leg. The feeling of Natalie's light touches along her soft, smooth skin certainly caused a reaction as the muscles in her leg twitched under her light caresses, something Vanya knew Natalie would feel. The Romulan certainly knew that it felt nice as she let out a shuddered breath, although not thinking that while it was pleasurable for her it might not exactly sound that way.

Forcing herself to focus and try to ignore the feelings she was starting to experience, Vanya nodded "Yes, I suppose they won't measure themselves." she chuckled, at the very least it might appear as though she too was uncomfortable at this part to Natalie and not that she was in fact starting to get a little aroused by her light touches.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #39
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

As Vanya would come to find over the ensuing days and months, Natalie was an amazingly observant engineer - and a horribly unobservant person in any other aspect. Give her a mechanical, or even theoretical problem tied to starship engines, ODN networks, sensor grids, or replicators (holograms were a particular favorite) and Natalie would notice the slightest of deviations and trace a path from points a to z without missing a beat toward the solution to the issue.

But ask her to pick up on how someone felt about her and it would go right over her head, or if she noticed at all, likely as not it would be misinterpreted.

Case and point, she failed to notice the slight shivers she was causing in Vanya. Despite the woman's assertion that she had indeed lain with both a man and a woman, Natalie had no further basis for judgement as to her new roommates preferences. Having only really been attracted to men up until this point, Nat hadn't considered that her proximity would cause the owner of the lovely petals to feel any sort of arousal or response. That was her own inexperience talking, as she'd never had anyone that close to her bits in such a fashion.

Still, she waved off the notion of Vanya pausing to dress back into her knickers. By now, there was little point in it. Instead she chuckled softly at the little joke - for she thought it was an attempt at humor - in reference to her skin. I wonder if she took that literally, or understood the metaphor, she mused, chewing on that social problem like she would one of her mechanical ones, but finding no good answer. That was why she liked the mechanical problems. Logic and math could get you a lot closer to sorting out a mechanical issue than an interpersonal one.

Something in the tone that Vanya used caused Natalie to pause and look up again. Her hand stilled on the inside of the girls thigh, and she gave a gentle squeeze. She was not observant, not really, but that tone struck a familiar cord, and the gesture of comfort wasn't really thought out so much as acted upon before the notion really settled in. She didn't comment, just gave a little nod of what she thought was understanding, though in truth she had no idea of the specifics of the situation that passed through her new roommates mind. Instead she prepped herself to measure and then set to it. She'd been putting it off long enough.

"Yup. Exactly that. No self measuring measuring tapes that I know of. Or self measuring legs. Which would be a might bit odd, come to think of it," Nat rambled as she slid her hand up and into a rather intimate placement, at the join of her hip thigh and pelvis. She swore she could feel a heat on the back of her hand as it brushed what had to be sensitive skin, but she was studiously ignoring it. In fact, she had her face scrunched up as she leaned in to read the number off, her tongue sticking slightly out to one side.

"uhhhh-huh. Right, Okay. Next leg," She thought aloud as she shifted her weight and turned her head, her nose coming within an inch of brushing something it should not, and then she settled in to measure the inseam of the other leg. The result both surprised and did not surprise her, but it was enough for her to lean back a bit and her hand brushed right over the heated petals of her friend - friend? - 's sex. Nat failed to notice the touch, as she shook her head a bit and turned from where she knelt to write down the identical numbers on her PADD.

"That wasn't too bad, was it?" Natalie asked, as if nothing about this was out of the ordinary at all, putting in a heavy dose of denial that she had felt anything. Quite the contrary. There was the faintest of scents that had teased at Nat's nose the whole while that she was down there, something attractive in a way she wasn't entirely conscious of, or comfortable with. A smell that was simply Vanya, not that she would understand for quiet some time to come. Nor would she fully appreciate just what kind of accomplishment that was, from a design and engineering stand point, let alone in any other sense.

Standing now, she took up the PADD and gave it one more once over. There was a lot of perfectly symmetrical mirroring, enough to boggle her mind as to the extent of it. A physically, anatomically perfect woman, she noted, all other implications flying right over her brunette head. Flushing at the thoughts she forced another smile and thrust the PADD at Vanya with both hands. "We can enter those in the replicator and get you something that fits better."

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #40
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

To say Vanya had not expected to be in such a situation with her roommate on the first day would be an understatement...well the being naked in front of her might have been a given but not the being measured or the slight arousal she was starting to feel as a result of it.

As Natalie continued to take her measurements it appeared as though the young woman either failed to notice the affect she was starting to have on Vanya or was simply during her best to ignore it entirely. Both options were possible, especially given Natalie's admitted complete lack of experience in most romantic and sexual situations.

At her own self-confessed feelings about being uncomfortable in her own body, Vanya had watched Natalie looked up at her and lightly squeezed her inner leg, this at least Vanya knew was a gesture of comfort and gave the girl a soft smile, at least they had something in common now, albeit not the greatest thing you could say in comparison to others.

At Natalie's comment about self measuring legs, Vanya couldn't help but chuckle "Yes self measuring legs would indeed be very odd, also how would they tell you? A display on the legs, which would be odd too and if they gave you the measurements vocally that would be even weirder." she replied and had to bite her lip when Natalie's hand slid further up her inner leg and settled in at the joint between her hip, thigh and pelvis.

Once she was done with the reading, Natalie announced that she was moving over to her other leg and glancing down Vanya just saw the woman move her head, seeing her nose just barely avoid rubbing against her. Noticing her slight movement back as she started measuring it before leaning back, no doubt reacting the fact like like her arms, her legs too were both exactly the same length. That thought however was very quickly dismissed from her neural net when Natalie's hand brushed against her soft, yet increasingly more sensitive folds. Despite being both an accident and only very briefly, her soft, warm hand brushing against her sex was enough to cause a small full body shudder and a very slight whimper to escape her mouth as pleasure signals were sent out from the area through her body.

All Vanya could hope was that her new...friend would fail to notice both of those too, given her lack of reaction to her other signs or simply due to unusually perfectly identical measurements of her legs.

Finally done, Natalie stood up with the PADD and gave it another look with Vanya silently watching as her skin seemed to very slightly redden before the girl smiled albeit not really a naturally fluid one at her and thrust the PADD towards her with both hands. "Thank you Natalie and then we can get your measurements and you too with have a better fitting uniform, we'll be the most comfortably dressed Cadets at the Academy then." she smiled as she took the PADD.

Turning to head over to their very small, basic replicator she scanned the PADD just to confirm that the measurements were correct for her exoskeleton, not that she would tell Natalie if they were not entirely accurate of course. However the Operations cadet had indeed got them all perfectly accurate, for someone who had never measured another woman before not been in such close proximity to a naked woman, it hadn't affect her ability to so the job, something that would certainly prove useful in her career given the fact she was an Operations officer.

Reaching the replicator, she programmed it to create several uniforms with her body measurements, watching as the clothing materialised before her. Collecting the clothes she turned to face Natalie and smiled, placing two of the uniforms on the nearby table and slipping the top on over her head and the skirt on, not only to see how well they fit, despite the lack of bra and panties for a completely accurate test, but also to let Natalie feel more comfortable when it was her turn to be measured. While she had yet to state whether she would be naked or remained clothed or semi-clothed, the fact that both of them being naked might well make her even more uncomfortable was not something that Vanya wanted to do.

"What do you think?"She asked, turning around on the spot to give Natalie a complete view of the new, form fitting uniform. To Vanya it certainly felt a much better fit, hopefully it would look so as well.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #41
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Human ears were not as adept or receptive as Romulan ears. Though they were better than a Cardassian's, Natalie did not hear that soft mewling from Vanya. If she had, she might have well been mortified that the accidental contact had caused a reaction. As it was accidental and unintended she would have been falling over backwards to apologize for such an act.

But she as distracted, and too focused on what she was doing to be aware of the reaction it had caused. So that brief tingle of pleasure that Vanya felt earned no remark or comment from Natalie whatsoever. She simply stood and compiled all her notes into something a bit more useful for her roommate to use to work out a new uniform, then stood back, her hands clasped behind her and the green and white dress swishing side to side as she waited and watched, chewing slightly on her lower lip. There was a certain anxiety building now, worry that she had not gotten the numbers right, or that the measurements were not what was actually needed and the uniform that would be created as a result would be inferior to the product she hoped to deliver.

Programing a replicator was easy. Measuring by hand a person she’d just met, not so much.

The statuesque Romulan shifted over to the replicator and entered in what she'd been provided (the human unaware that the Romulan was impressed with the precision of her measurements compared to the original 'builders specs' as it were), standing there naked. Nat's head tilted and she had to admit, from a purely objective standpoint, her roommate was just as stunning from behind as from the front. Which almost caused a pout from Natalie, save that she knew now that she was, perhaps, not the only one with body issues.

Despite all the casual nudity, she thought with a hint of a scowl that was gone by the time the woman had her new clothes in hand.

In hand, and then in short order, on her body. Nat had to admit that what was replicated looked to be of a better fit than what had been originally issued. Though the latter would have been functional and certainly adequate, the former was attractive in addition to practical. Flashing the girl a smile that was equal parts encouraging and relieved, she made a thumbs up gesture, and then realized that this might not be a human habit that Vanya was familiar with.

"I"d say that turned out very well, Vanya. It's certainly form fitting. Comfortable to move around in?" She asked her no longer nude roommate, in a desire to be sure. She was glad the duo had already recycled their old uniforms so as to have extra credits to their ration account to generate the more tailored versions. And if Nat looked half as good after her measurements were entered as Vanya did....

Well, maybe someone would pay me attention after all.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #42
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

At her question, Vanya took the opportunity to walk in a straight line away from Natalie to the opposite side of the room and back again before smiling and giving the other woman a nod "I would have to agree, the form is a perfect fit and yes it is quite comfortable to move around it, I don't think we'll have any problems." she replied as she raised her arms over her head, arching her back and pushing her chest forward, stretching to give the new uniforms a chance to breathe and test their flexibility and durability. After all it would do them no good if they split down the seams at the slightly movement or bending.

Lowering her arms back to her sides, she leaned to the left and the right, to check how much the shirt may rise in case it needed to be adjusted, although to Vanya the rise was little to complain about, barely showing any skin, at least no more than any other top would and certainly nothing that would violate Academy regulations.

Look over to Natalie again, the Romulan gave a nod of approval. "So far everything is going perfect I would say, however we should also check to make sure that the skirt does not rise up too far, don't want to expose ourselves to our fellow classmates if we drop something." she said, which was a rather ironic statement considering her views on nudity. "You can let me know if any adjustments will need to be made." she added before turning around to face away from the other woman and bending over, her flexible body allowing her to easily stretch down and touch her toes, while displaying her perfectly designed curved buttocks in the form fitting skirt directly up and towards Natalie.

Vanya reached an arm out and pretended to pick up something she had dropped before standing up again and turning back around to face her room-mate. "I didn't feel any significant rising of the skirt, that might not mean much, how did it look to you? Will we need to make any adjustments? If so we can take them into consideration when measuring you and then adjust mine accordingly and if they are fine then we can start measuring you now." she asked. 

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #43
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

While humanity had come a long way by the 24th century, there was still a certain aesthetic appreciation for beauty. And Fashion was alive and well in the Federation, and beyond. Taste was taste, and though it varies from species to species most in the known universe had some form of it. Some appreciation for the idea of simply looking good.

Vanya looked good.

The uniform clung to her in what even Natalie could tell was all the right places. And this, despite her inexperience and strictly heterosexual tendencies. She could have been a fashion model in Paris, or Risa, Betazed, any of the circuit, Natalie realized. Making a Stafleet Cadet uniform look that good took some doing. She strut her way across the room like it was a high raised catwalk, and Nat couldn't help but give a cheeky little round of applause as she stretched about.

"Well it looks very easy to move about in, which is a relief. Nothing' is billowing out or blowing up too high when you move," she noted, before Vanya raised the very important question of 'does the skirt ride up.'

This was a problem that plagued most humanoid women across the galaxy, and Natalie was admittedly surprised that Vanya was even worried about it. She had, after all, been prancing about naked. But that was in private, not public. Maybe that matters? Maybe she doesn't want everyone trying to catch a peek at her knickers up her skirt?

That line of thought ended the moment Vanya bent nearly in half, and then reached out, arching her back slightly and thrusting her hips back a bit. She was close enough to Nat that Nat had to take a step back to look but...she instantly regretted it.

Bad enough that she had been gifted with the earlier view. But there was something simply...lewd about the sight before her now. You couldn't write a moment like this, not and make it convincing or believable, she thought as red creeped back into her face.

Covering her mouth with a hand, she coughed discreetly and bit her lip. Vanya's thighs were pressed together and that in turn pressed other things, and Natalie could see said things, lips pressed and presented like a snack, and the swell of her bum above that.

"Oh....dear," she said quietly. She shut her eyes and counted to ten silently before opening them again, and doing her best not to look down. "I think perhaps we should have added an inch or three."

Searching for a way that wasn't crude to outline the issue, Natalie murmured, "I can see the valley and the full moon above it." And instantly regretted it. That was no better than simply spelling it out crass like, and made her skin flush deeper at the poor attempt. She covered up her mouth, ashamed that she had uttered the words. Oh to be able to turn invisible on the spot.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #44
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya had appreciated the applause, smiling at Natalie in response before nodding in confirmation. "Thank you." she chuckled "The clothes are very easy to move about it and comfortable too and yes the fact that everything is remaining contained within is very good, I imagine the Academy would frown on such things. Other cadets however might feel differently." she added with a grin.

Hearing the oh dear come from the woman clearly was not good, and given what she had asked her to do would imply that she was indeed exposed when she had bent over, something confirmed by her new friend a moment later with the suggestion that they added an inch or three to the skirt.

However at her final comment about seeing the valley and full moon above it, Vanya arched an eyebrow in confusion, her head tilting to one side in the process. "The valley and the full...?" she began repeating until catching on to what she meant. However the fact she had been exposed was replaced by how deep red Natalie's skin now flushed as she covered her mouth. If there was anybody in the universe who wanted a personal cloaking device right now, it would be Cadet Natalie Stark it would seem based on her current reaction.

Vanya however laughed "...This is...quite the description." she said through chuckles. "Do you think the issue is with the actual skirt or just my physical assets? We could adjust the length now and I could try them on before we start on yours to avoid another such exposure if you would prefer. We will have to adjust mine anyway, outside of uniform regulations I would prefer to not expose myself in public after all or be the cause of such embarrassment to anybody else."

Realising that she had not said anything to Natalie up until this point either Vanya smiled softly at the young, embarrassed woman before her "I would also like to apologise to you Natalie for any embarrassment I may have caused you, it was unintentional. I am still adjusting to the fact that most Humans seem to be uncomfortable with the naked body, or at least mine for some reason."

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #45
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Crawling away into a cave to hide never sounded so good, or at least that was how Natalie Stark felt in the moment. Embarrassed beyond description. Surely there had to be a better way, she bemoaned, as her roommate attempted to let her down easy. An interesting description was probably the nicest thing that could be said about Natalie's poor choice of euphemism. An outright gaff would fit better. Can't take it back.

Having reluctantly reached that conclusion, the ops cadet gave a forlorn shrug of her shoulders and pulled the hand away from her mouth. Her skin remained flush though. Nothing she could do about that either.

Instead she crossed her arms over her breasts and listened to Vanya. Worrying at the puzzle in her mind, she pursed her lips and started to pace, three steps to the left, then six back to the right. "I'm honestly not sure if its an issue of the measurements or an issue of your" Natalie allowed as she pondered the issue before them. Could it be that the uniform clung, and thus that was why the skirt rode up.

"I think," she began, then cut off when Vanya mentioned not wanting to embarrass others. Which would seem to indicate that even in public she herself would not feel shame at being exposed in such a fashion. Simply a concern for others feelings on the matter. And then made the whole thing rather explicit, instead of simply implied, that her concerns extended to Natalie.

"Please, not its fine. Different cultures and attitudes and what not. I promise you I embarrass myself more than enough without you needing to worry that you're causing me any grief. Its're just...." she waved her hands about in front of her to indicate all that was Vanya. "You. There's a lot of you to take in and adjust to and I've never met anyone that seemed so...unphased about well...being naked in front of others.  It's like water off a ducks back for you, and here I am getting all red in the face cause I don't know how to act."

Praise might have been merited then, for how little Natalie stuttered and tripped over the words. She got the whole thought out, shutting her mouth with a click of teeth after. Visibly swallowing, she bit her lip and shifted her weight to one leg over the other, leaving her hip jutted out to the side. Her arms were still wrapped tight around her midriff as she looked Vanya up and down a bit.

"Its...I'll adjust. Honest, It'll happen. Probably." She smiled sheepishly. "I'd better right? Starfleet is going to expect us to be all professional and calm when meeting new life and new civilizations, exploring strange new worlds and all. That's the motto, isn't it? I can't keep choking up every time someone  I've just met does something that strikes wei - out of the ordinary."

It was suddenly important to Natalie, very important, that she didn't let Vanya think that she saw her as weird. There was a stigma to weird that was hard to shake. Different wasn't as bad, Not the norm was too scientific. Weird was...well. It just was.

Bobbing up and down on her toes, Natalie pointed with a hand at Vanya's hips. "I'm no tailor so I can't be sure, but I think with the measurements we used, you wouldn't have any issue with a pair of pants. Other than possibly having to tug a bit when you first put them on." Natalie had curves. This was not an unknown phenomenon for her.

"Like I was saying, I think the skirt is, maybe...sliding up and sticking? So...maybe a few more inches would do the trick? or maybe we need to set it just slightly looser in fit? I uh....I don't know. A skirt isn't a broke flux capacitor. This is...harder to figure out how to fix." She gave another gesture to the offending garment as she spoke, unsure of how to proceed.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #46
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya had done her best to try and alleviate Natalie's embarrassment but so far it seemed like she had been unsuccessful in her endeavours considering the fact the poor girl looked like she wanted the universe to open up and swallow her whole. Eventually the girl seemed to accept the situation with a shrug, her hand eventually lowering away from her mouth.

It seemed as though questioning if the issue with her skirt was an issue with the clothing itself or her own physical features had caused Natalie's brain to switch to some kind of diagnostic mode, allowing her to focus on a problem and forget about the earlier moment of embarrassment. Vanya filed that observation away in her memory, perhaps should her room-mate become flustered again, Vanya could think up a problem of some sort to get her mind working on it and pull her out of her situation.

The Android was a little confused when Natalie referred to her assets as gifts and glanced down at her frame. While she had never asked to be as well-endowed physically as she was, Vanya wouldn't classify them as gifts either, it was simply how she was designed. In fact the size and shape of her body had been specifically designed to be physically and sexually attractive to members of both sexes of various species and if something was done deliberately then it surely didn't count as a gift. However Natalie did not know of any such thing nor that she was an Android so to her it was logical to assume that her well proportions body was indeed a gift, either of genetics or divine choosing. The Romulan would not comment on it however as the point seemed rather moot.

Instead Vanya observed Natalie as she dismissed her apology about embarrassing her, instead saying that it was her fault for not being more comfortable with her nudity, which wasn't entirely true either. She watched as Natalie waved her hands about in front of her, covering the length of her body. The girl wasn't wrong however, there certainly was a lot of Vanya to take in, she was after-all significantly taller than the average female.

"Natalie I think it's more accurate to say that it is something we both will have to do. It is not the first time I have made somebody uncomfortable with my lack of attire during my free time. It is very much a "me" issue. Most Romulans to my knowledge do not lounge around naked, I however prefer the freedom and feel of a gentle breeze on my skin. However I should have made a better effort to see how comfortable you were with it instead of just stripping naked, it to is something that I will have to adjust to as well. While I appreciate your willingness to adjust to it, like you I will have to adjust to not always being naked in private as I currently am, should I eventually end up cohabiting with somebody else after graduating who is less comfortable and accepting of my...quirk." she answered with a smile.

"As for my being unphased by nudity, it is how I have always been. I still do not understand why so many are uncomfortable with it. While our height, weight, body shape and proportions may differ most humanoid species look the same naked at least when it comes to breasts and sexual organs. Most females have breasts and a vagina and most men have a penis. The size, shape or even number of those organs may differ from species to species slightly but overall the same and yet there is a taboo and discomfort about it that alludes me. Vanya added with a shug. "However that does not change the fact that I am aware of this discomfort and did not think about it when stripping off in front of you and for that, once again I am sorry. I am only ever naked in the privacy of my own quarters however now I have to share them with you and you deserve to be equally as comfortable as well so I will endeavour to at least wear clothing around our home more often, it seems only fair for me to adjust to accommodate you as you are to accommodate my occasional nakedness as well. she smiled.

Vanya however did have to concede the point that Natalie would have to adjust to new civlizations and cultures when they do something against the Human norm. The Android also had not missed that Natalie had started to say weird before catching herself and correcting it to out of the ordinary and raised an eyebrow. Vanya was certainly many things but she didn't think she was weird, especially not when it came to nudity as she had explained if anything she thought that everybody uncomfortable with nudity was weird given the similarities between most species. The Android however remained silent, especially when her room-mate stated bobbing on her toes and pointed to her hips.

"Perhaps you are right on the pants, however it is possible they could spilt were I to bend over, so it might be better to have them a little baggier in the rear?" she said although Natalie did have curves of her own, albeit not as curvy as Vanya herself was but enough that the girl probably knew what she was talking about in that regard.

Vanya had to nod in agreement with Natalie's observation although she had no idea what a flux capacitor was, she had never heard of such a device although she knew what the girl meant. "I believe you are correct with the sliding and sticking, making the skirt a little longer should resolve the issue, I do not mind it rising up a bit when I bend over, as long as I do not continue to give people a show." she smiled.

Spinning on her heel, Vanya made her way back over to the replicator, first removing her skirt and returning it to the replicator, essentially refunding the rations it cost to make it the first time around and reprogrammed the device with longer specifications by several inches, enough to hopefully eliminate the problem as well as adding a few pants to the list with a little more room in the buttocks.

Once the replacements were replicated, she first tried on the pants, again walking across the room a little and back again before bending over, satisfied with the comfort and the added room, which she knew would not split when she bent over. Removing them, she then put on the skirt and repeated the motions again, while longer in length, she had kept the other specifications the same, so they still fit her form perfectly and were still easy to move in. Now came the test as she bent over again in front of Natalie and glanced behind her. "Better?" she asked while still bending over.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #47
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

The conversation that ensued was certainly enlightening. Some of the hints and implications that had mostly gone over the brunettes head were clarified. She'd been bunked with an idiosyncratic Romulan. Each point of data confirmed it. The more Natalie learned, and the more times that Vanya explicitly stated it, the more the human of the pair became sure that her roommate simply was abnormal by Vanya's own cultures norms.

Abnormal sounds harsh. Eccentric is much better, but I think quirky is best, Natalie decided, having been called both of the former before, when others thought she was not listening. And after all Vanya had used the word 'quirk' to describe her nudist tendencies. So she likes a good breeze about her bits....can't really get that in a dorm room though.

This was also the most that Vanya had said in one given moment. She fell into a sort of cadence that Natalie found easy to follow. A lit to her voice that was just foreign enough to take the Federation Standard words and give them a bit of a flick to make them sound exotic. There was something simply satisfying about listening to Vanya talk, and - so long as she wasn't saying the kind of things that would cause her roommate to flush red with a myriad of emotions she'd rather not unpack all at once - the net affect was that tension seemed to ease away from Natalie's shoulders.


With a rapid set of blinks, as if coming out of a - not a trance, exactly, but out of a place of calm and back to the real world. Natalie managed a few words of understanding. "This is going to be a learning experience for the both of us. Which...that's the whole idea right? each of us adjusting the other, the cultural differences, and the personal ones." She was just going to have to put 'rampant nudist' in the 'personal' column instead of 'cultural'.

I really, really need to start researching Romulans, she again resolved, as she diverted her focus back to more practical problems.

A split seam could ruin a day. About a bad as a popped button, of which Natalie had suffered through during puberty years before. Another blot on her teenage social life. Neither here nor there, Nat. No buttons to burst on a cadet jacket. It's all zippers and velcro.

Unwrapping her arms entirely at this point she took out the measuring tape again and walked over, extending it a few inches past the hem of Vanya's skirt. "Probably about....there. That should keep anyone from getting an unintended eyeful. Though I guess some panties would help with that too..." There was a pause, and then, "How did they manage it all back in the uniforms of the 2260s? Those things were shorter than this by quite a bit!"

As to if Vanya got the reference or not, Nat would not know yet, for the girl walked right over to the replicator and shucked her skirt with a fluid kind of precision that Nat marveled at. Standing bare assed by the machine, the Romulan practically entered a few commands. The skirt vanished in a sparkle of white and then reconstituted itself in the receptacle. These were accompanied by pants, the latter of which Vanya started with.

Worrying at her lip with her teeth - a nervous habit that she'd long ago thought she had shaken, but which she had most certainly not - Natalie watched as Vanya strutted about and bent over again. Having seen it all before, it was now slightly easier to deal with and accept. The bending over in front of her still flustered her slightly, but she reminded herself that this wasn't someone flirting or anything like that. This was a very practical test of their attire. Important, that's what this was.

Thus Natalie found herself bending slightly to one side to see if she could look up Vanya's skirt. "Much better," she declared, making an effort not to sound overly relieved. Just relieved enough, which was a tricky thing in hind sight. "No citations for violating uniform reg's in your future." As if that were the chief concern on the subject, and not the hordes of men (and women? Nat wondered) that would be trying to catch a glimpse.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #48
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya had been entirely unaware that anything she had said previously had not been clear to Natalie nor that what she had just finished saying had helped clear some of that up either. However it had occurred to the Android based on some things Natalie had said that she should let the woman know that she was not the typical Romulan, beyond her not actually being a biological Romulan that was. Hence her emphasising that her quirks were purely hers and not that of her people.

Vanya tiled her head slightly to one side as she watched the Human's eyes blink in rapid succession before eventually managing to get out a sentence and smiled. "It certainly is, and yes I suppose that is the whole idea, especially with the nature of the cross-species accommodation. We are both curious people with a desire to learn as well as sense of understanding that these things take time, I believe in that regard we will be perfect room-mates."

Being designed for infiltration, Vanya had been programmed to read body language to help her gain the advantage in a situation and while it was not something she could necessarily turn off, it wasn't need for her to know that Natalie was starting to relax a little when she completely unwrapped her arms and picked up the measuring tape again, seeming to be getting a little more confidant as she told her where about to adjust the length of the skirt.

Being well versed in Federation and Starfleet history, Vanya did understand what Natalie was referring to when it came to the old uniforms of the 2260's. The mini-skirts of the time were certainly a lot shorter than what Vanya's had been and nodded "Perhaps they simply did not bend over when in public and had the men pick up everything? Or they simply positioned themselves so that they could bend over without anybody behind them to see such things? Although perhaps most women simply couched down instead of bending over, assuming the skirts were loose enough to for allow such movement. Whatever they did, we must assume they managed as I do not recall ever hearing stories of Starfleet women exposing themselves, unless of course Starfleet buried them to avoid embarassment, to both itself and it's uniform choices and it's female officers." Vanya replied, part as an answer and part as her simply wondering out loud.

Vanya watched as Natalie bent over slightly, trying to look up her skirt to see if she actually could and smiled when she was informed that it was much better and chuckled as she stood up straight again, turning to face Natalie properly. "That is good to know, as the only Romulan here and one of the first to attend the Academy I would not like to go down in history as the first to also get cited for a uniform violation, that would not set a good precedent." she laughed.

Satisfied that her uniform situation had been resolved, she folded the skirts and pants that she had replicated and placed them with her others and returned her attention to her fellow cadet. "Would you like to start on your measurements now?"


Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #49
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

The notion of the two of them being perfect roommates might be a bit premature, but Natalie took to it readily enough. True or not, she wanted it to be that way, and her  father had always said that if you want something to happen, for events to unfold as you like, well then you had to work at it to make it happen. It doesn't just fall into your lap all willy nilly. Natalie had taken the words to heart. Her admittance to the Academy, taking the place that would have been her brothers years after he was to have joined, was proof positive of that determination. She had, unfortunately, devoted so much to making that happen that she had neglected other aspects of her growth in her latter teenage years, but there was naught to be done now.

She would apply the same focus she planned for her studies, into being a good - no, the perfect - roommate for her Romulan friend. At the time she had no notion of how few friends Vanya would pick up. Or she herself.

In the moment she laughed, wondering if the upper brass at Starfleet would have buried such reports. She supposed she could look at some records. 100 years had passed, give or take, as the fleet had rolled out new uniforms in 2271 that looked more akin to pajamas, as her grandfather had called them, than actual uniforms. It mattered not, though she allowed a giggle over the thought. "Could be they just didn't care. More liberated a century ago when the frontier was a whole lot closer to home."

But, the mirth had bled away when Natalie realized that it was her turn. Vanya had a new uniform. It fit like a glove, in all the right places. The cut was comfortable and - after some trial and error - no longer prone to exposure. This meant that Natalie was to be fitted out.

Those teeth dug into her lip again, as her eyes went a bit wide. She looked from Vanya, to the replicator, to the tape measure in her hands, and back again, completing a circuit that ended on the window that opened out to the grounds beyond. Oh yes, drapes. I think my first 'purchase' will be drapes, she resolved again, though she said nothing of it now, for Vanya had not been bothered in the slightest and there was small practical chance that anyone could actually see into the window.

Carefully Natalie extended her hand, passing off the measuring tape to Vanya. The time had come. Be a big girl now. No use putting this off. You're not even getting naked, and you've been more exposed in the locker rooms at gym class than you're about to be now. Your roommate is going to see this plenty enough. You're not going to constantly change in the refresher, are you?

Properly scolded, Natalie nodded a confirmation. "Ah, yes. We should get this done now, while we have the time." The orientation lecture was still hours away. There was no point in waiting. So with a bit of dexterity that her shape and size belied, she reached back and undid the zipper on her sundress, easing the tightness around her midsection. From there it was simple enough to reach down, gripping the white hem of the green dress, and lift it up, and over. It made a mess of her hair, but there was little to do for it, as it pulled up and up.

Underneath, Natalie was full of soft skin and faint tan lines that didn't always follow the shape of her underwear and looked more as if she occasionally went out in a one piece swim suit during the warmer months on Mars. Warmer being relative. Having grown up on a colder planet, even after terraforming, she found the heat of San Francisco mitigated only by the bay breeze that seemed to wash over the whole town, Academy and all.

Contrasted against her pale skin was a simple set of bra and  panties that matched each other, a light sort of blue color. Not at all the standard Starfleet attire, but nothing extravagant. Practical and supportive of her her bust where need be, and comfortably fit below the waist, of a cut oft called 'boy shorts' though Natalie had little idea as to why it was named thus. Something ancient that had managed to bubble up through the ages.

"This um, this is good enough, right?" Natalie asked after shaking her hair out, as it fell in a mess of curls, cheeks already faint pink again.

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