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USS Resolve: A Lack of Personal Space

[ 0820 hrs | Cargo Bay 2 ] attn: @CanadianVet , @Triage

The cargo bay had seen better days. Given the state of disrepair the ship was in, righting the cargo bay was often the last thing on anyone’s to-do list. But as things were there weren't enough repair crews to take care of everything before something else broke. So the state of disarray of no surprise to anyone, let alone Petya Narrith, a young J'Naii science cadet, to find the many crates and boxes of the cargo bay having fallen from their shelves. And given that he needed to find the samples of alien coral stored somewhere in that cargo bay to get any work done, it was looking like it was going to be a long day.

Petya had been going through the crates, tricorder in one hand and a manifest under one arm, for nearly 20 minutes when he heard the door of the cargo bay open. Thinking it was his supervising officer coming to look for him, Petya quickly made his way from the piles of crates and barrels to the main walkway, the only area that was mostly clear. "Sorry, sir," he called as he climbed over the various large objects. "I needed those samples I talked to you about yesterday." And then Petya saw who it was and for a moment his blood ran cold.

Michal Silka stood at the door with her hands on her hips and a look of annoyance on her face, however when she saw Petya she smirked cruely. Michal had expected the day to be long and boring, but with Petya cornered like this it looked like she was gonna get to have a little fun.

"Oh, um sorry, I thought you were someone else," Petya said awkwardly.

"Don't worry about it," Michal said as she walked toward him. She was clearly in a mood to cause some havoc, and Petya had heard stories.

"Um... I should... Get to my lab," he said trying to figure out how best to escape. Micha stood between him and the only way out of the cargo bay, and trying to go around her was next to impossible without climbing over all of the stuff again.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Michal said as she closed the space between them and reached up to play with Petya's long auburn hair.

"Um... I... You..." Petya stammered, the fear creeping over him.

Michal smiled menacingly and moved closer, closing the gap even more. Petya took a step back, but his ankle hit something and in a blind panic he began to fall. Without thinking he reached for something to stop himself, but the closest thing was Michal. So Michal grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him close, one hand holding his wrist, the other grasping his butt.

"Um... I thought you... Liked... I'm not a..." Petya mumbled, he was doing his best to try and escape, and not doing well at all.

"You are one of the cutest pieces of ass on the ship," Michal said, gripping the butt in her hand a little tighter. "And by fuck I have wanted to fuck it raw for the past few weeks." She smiled, a vicious sort of smile, the sort of look that implied that she didn't give two shits what Petya thought of the situation.

A blind panic set into Petya as he suddenly did everything he could to pry himself from Michal's grasp, but she was a fair bit stronger than him. At first she laughed and seemed to be playing as he squirmed and tried to break free, and then suddenly she grabbed his hair and slammed his face into the side of one of the shelving units.

"Listen little fuckboy, you can either play along and I won't hurt you too bad, or they just might find you floating outside," she hissed in his ear.

Petya swallowed hard as he was aware of the taste of blood in his mouth, his lip was bleeding.

Re: USS Resolve: A Lack of Personal Space

Reply #1
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Cargo Bay 2 | USS Resolve ] attn: @Absinthe @Triage

Sometimes, Eliska Bremmer despaired of just how literal-minded her old friend was.  Sinead O'Reily was had needed to be helped along with understanding what Lieutenant ch'Rayya had really meant in his speech, what was between the lines.  And it hadn't taken a very long time for the two friends, veterans of the Dominion War both, to come up with a plan.  Ambush would be the name of the game.  After all, Michal Silika wasn't the only one who could spoof a combadge's trace signal, not that it would matter when the system would be reset, and surprise was always a good asset to have on one's side. 

And, they both knew who they were dealing with.  Michal Silika hadn't fought in the Dominion War; she'd always gotten to enjoy more traditional security roles, never really had to face anything that really went beyond the scope of basic duties.  Oh, she was tough, and fit, and strong.  But one thing she had never been seen to show was the willingness to directly face someone who could match her...

So, Bremmer and O'Reily had made their way to Cargo Bay 2 early; and it was convenient that one had been picked.  If something went wrong and they were found there in any way, Bremmer had a legitimate reason to be there; some of the Security department's spares were there, and it just so happened the aligning cradle for her workbench was throwing really odd numbers (courtesy of a very carefully applied, easily reversed, pulse from an isolinear welder to the collimator assembly), and the spare was in Cargo Bay 2...

But there had been a snag.  It would seem the Science department had someone with too much time on their hands, and they sent Cadet Narrith on a make-work project putting some shelving back to rights.  Witnesses were not something their plan would deal with easily, and Eliska had been close to letting Sinead know to scrap the ambush and they'd try again later... until Michal Silika herself arrived, and made that witness completely irrelevant with her own assault, and then threatening to space him...

And when he tried to reach for his combadge to call for help, she hit him again, driving a underhand hammer strike right between his legs before slamming him back into the shelves, muttering darkly in his ear. 

That was when Bremmer acted.  And Silika would know exactly what it would feel like when someone who was really strong, not just 'strong for a woman' or 'strong for her size' but genuinely strong could do.  Especially an individual trained to the higher standards of physical fitness the Security branch called for, was practically addicted to exercise, and lived a very active life involving a lot of hard physical labour on her native world with a gravity that was almost 15% greater than Earth's own.

Silently, she rose from the corner where she had hidden and padded up behind Silika, and she neared her, the Nova Kosice native's measured steps lengthened and turned into a run, and she extended one arm... to slam the Security Petty Officer's head past her victim's and into the shelves herself.  But it was not all Eliska did.  Pulling the other woman back, she struck her herself, driving her knee up viciously up between her legs; human women, after all, were just as vulnerable to the pain of a shot between the uprights as most humanoid males.  And, as Michal doubled over in agony, Bremmer relieved her of her combadge and phaser pistol, tossing both to opposite ends of the cargo bay, before driving a nasty hammer fist into the nerve cluster at the base of her neck, the brachial plexus origin, and then the one on her shoulder blade, the suprascapular nerve, and finally she hit her one last time, a vicious roundhouse kick to the peroneal nerve cluster that made her leg go limp and drove her to the deck. 

With even less ceremony, Bremmer flipped her victim onto her back, and looked her in the eye, and she remembered the exact words she had been told when she rejected her perverted advances, and threw them right back in her face.  "Space is a really dangerous place, Silika.  Accidents do happen all the time."  And then, she looked up towards Sinead.  "Wouldn't you say, Sin?"

But then, she looked directly at poor Cadet Petya Narrith.  "Mister Narrith, you just took a nasty fall, didn't you?  Now, how about you head to Sickbay and get that looked at, while Miss O'Reily and I put the hazardous conditions in this bay to rights, hmm?"  Now, hopefully that kid would be able to read between the lines and keep his mouth shut...

Re: USS Resolve: A Lack of Personal Space

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley | Cargo Bay 2 | USS Resolve ] Attn: @CanadianVet & @Absinthe
Eliska knew Sinead from before, back when she wore her emotions on her sleeves for all to see. Since reuniting on the Resolve, Eliska had jokingly called Sinead an ice queen, now that she had embraced the teachings of Surak, and performed her own take on Kolinahr, something that the Vulcans at the monastery had expressed would be impossible for a human to achieve. Nevertheless, Sinead had taken her own unofficial ritual in the attempt, achieving her own form of serenity, and peace, though it did result in the unique split personality that she fought to keep under control at all times. Her old self. There were few things in the universe in this day and age that could provoke Sinead to anger. But Michal Silika was one of the few exceptions. The sheer hatred she inspired in the Bringloidi would have made some of the hardiest souls on board do a double take at the expression on the redhead's face now as she stepped out from her hiding place.

She had stripped out of her uniform and boots in favour of her workout clothing; a thin white sleeveless top that barely covered her to midriff, white shorts, and cloth wrappings around her fists and feet. It allowed her to move with minimal sound, and she held in her hands tokens from her native homeworld of Bringloid V, a pair of glowing green egg-shaped rocks, with a small scattering of several smaller stones that glowed in all sorts of colours. She placed the two large green rocks on the ground and rolled them towards Eliska and Michal and tossed the smaller rocks all around them, but the whole time, kept her own icy blue eyes on Michal. She had rigged the lighting, translation and environment systems on a timer to turn off and for the temperature to lower to uncomfortably cold (for non-Bringloidi) when she spoke a verbal command. She was bringing them to her world, her environment, because of what she was about to do. Something she had chosen not to mention to her friend. While Sinead never lied, she could choose not to say something.

“*Tonk'peh,” said Sinead in vulcan, and the lights went out, leaving the lights from the glowing rocks as the only source of illumination for the other two...along with Sinead's silvery irises. She stood outside the circle of light, so her eyes were the only things they could see. To Sinead though, it looked as bright as daylight to her. “Ye play wi' darkness an' fear, Michal Silika. Eventually, i' consumes ye. Ye are a danger t' the safety an' survival o' th' crew of th' Resolve. In me people's words: ye are meat t' be wasted.”

Moving like a striking viper, Sinead swept Michal from Eliska's proximity, lifting her by the neck, using her strength as well as her forward momentum, and even as they were both in motion, she drove her right knee full force into Michal's face, visibly snarling, and clearly losing control of her emotions, “**Spunau bolayalar t'Wehku bolayalar t'Zamu il t'Veh,” said Sinead, her voice hoarse and akin to a possessed being. Without the translators, only people who spoke Vulcan would understand what she was saying. “***Bath'paik, ponfo mirann.” The tone in her last statement left no illusions that it was anything but a deep insult and expletive. She crouched over Michal, still holding the woman by the throat with her left hand, and she slipped her right hand behind the woman's head, then, with a furious growl, drew her own head as far back as she could, and drove it forward like a hammer with bone-shattering force.

“For th' good of all, Michal Silika, I will take yer life.” She began applying pressure on the woman's throat, the fingers of both her hands slowly pressing  down, intent on cutting off her air passage. The redhead bared her teeth, and her silvery-white eyes shone with murderous intent as her old self began to show, and her loss of control was complete.

*Hi; hello
**The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.
***Damn you, <non-translatable expletive>

Re: USS Resolve: A Lack of Personal Space

Reply #3
[ 0820 hrs | Cargo Bay 2 ] attn: @CanadianVet , @Triage

There was a struggle. Movement and the sounds of violence. And Petya was aware of blood on the cargo bay floor. At first the smear of his own blood on the shelving unit and the splatter on the floor had attracted much of his attention. Now he could not help but look at the bloody mess that was Michal Silika. Petya had seen some combat, he could not have survived on the Resolve and not seen some, but this was very different. This seemed to be more brutal and less focussed than crouching in the corridor clinging to a phase pistol and hoping the intruders wouldn't make it that far into the ship.

He didn't want to be involved in any of this. He had just wanted the coral samples and at this point he didn't even want those. So he
 found he was slowly backing away from the whole thing, he didn't know what was going on, and it looked like the one was gonna kill the other and he really did not want to be around to see that. And yet it was clear that running for help or calling for help would make him a target of the ladies' fury too.

For her part Michal had been able to do very little. She had been stunned by the first blow and could hardly respond in kind before she was being slammed in as many pressure points as it seemed she could be. The attack had left Michal bloodied and laughing. She didn't even stop laughing until one of her attackers began crushing her windpipe, making breathing more and more difficult. She was pretty sure she heard she heard the one choking her out say that she was gonna kill her, and Michal was a little surprised herself at how little she cared about all of this.

She had always kind of figured she was going to be murdered oneday or another, either by some fucker trying to kill everyone on the ship or some fucker who had it in for just her. Either was it didn't matter. She had made it a point to not care about anyone or anything because of it. Life was cheap and everyday more and more of it was just thrown away. It didn't matter. None of it did. And none of it ever would. They were all gonna die and at least she had known enough to have one hell of a ride.

So Michal didn't fight back, as her last little bit of defiance, she wouldn't give them the pleasure of it. If they were going to kill her, it was gonna be murder.

Re: USS Resolve: A Lack of Personal Space

Reply #4
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Cargo Bay 2 | USS Resolve ] attn: @Absinthe  @Triage

Bremmer had been standing over Silika when there was a first pair of impacts behind her, followed by the sound of something dense rolling up behind her; and then, there were even more impacts as a number of luminescent rocks landed all about them.  And then, the lights cut out and the temperature dropped.  Darkness, Eliska could deal with; cooler temperatures were fine by her.  But the two of them combined, and as a surprise?  Along with those stones?  That was not something she had expected. 

And what happened next, she hadn't seen coming in a hundred years. 

Sinead and she, they had agreed they would scare the living hell out of Michal Silika and show her that she did not have the monopoly on the use of physical violence.  That enough was enough.  But this was new; definitely not something they had discussed.  But it certainly was effective.  A good speech, too.  But what followed, that was completely off script. 

Vulcan; Sinead started speaking Vulcan, and without the benefit of the universal translator, Eliska had no way of knowing what was being said.  But the sheer hatred in her voice gave the language an odd tenor, one that very well could chill the blood in one's veins.  And while the Human did not begrudge her old friend the knee strike and the headbutt; however, grabbing her by the throat and choking the life out of her, was not. 

"Sin!"  Eliska called out to her old friend as she crossed the distance to her.  The savagery she was showing, that pure, unbridled hatred?  She knew she could be capable of that; anyone who fought in the hottest theaters of the Dominion War's ground campaigns had to be capable of that.  But this wasn't the time, or the place.  Or the way. 

Reaching the for Bringloidi's hands, Bremmer pried her fingers away from Silika's throat, letting the vile human being fall to the ground as she faced the Lieutenant.  Both women were nearly of a size, both were practically equally strong, both were well-trained, and both had vicious streaks four sectors wide.  If it had to come down to blows, the Nova Kosice native would not care to lay bets either way...  "We can't kill her.  Not like this.  Not when it would lead straight back to us.  Go on, pick up your stones, fix the environmental controls, and let's get out of here, ya?"

But then, she crouched next to the fallen madwoman who had just laughed in the face of the violence that had been brought to bear against her.  "Listen really closely.  Go anywhere near B'Nila, or Narrith, or any of the others you like treating like shit.  Go after Sinead, or me, or our friends.  And, we, will, kill, you.  But not like this.  You'll have an accident, or you'll commit suicide."  Eliska's face was twisted into a vicious snarl.  And she knew both she and Sinead were safe from her telling anybody anything; there had been a witness, even though he had been unintentional.  And if she reported the assault on her person, she would expose herself to the powers that bed, with everything that came with it.  "And remember, when you go to Sickbay: you fell.  Badly."

Re: USS Resolve: A Lack of Personal Space

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley | Cargo Bay 2 | USS Resolve ] Attn: @CanadianVet & @Absinthe
Part of her wanted Eliska to stop her, the more rational, logical part of her. The true Bringloidi part of her however, wanted nothing more than to end a woman this vile, this dangerous. She justified her actions as warranted, for the greater good. Bringloidi were generally genial, and passionate, but there were a few things that could be heinous enough even to their open-minded nature, which would result in what Sinead was doing right now. But she knew that this would not end well for herself, which was why she offered no resistance when Eliska predictably moved in to stop her, prying her fingers from around Michal's neck, and they both allowed the horrid woman to drop unceremoniously to the floor.

Her breathing was labored as she fought to control her emotions, her eyes were wide and round, and the ethereal silvery white glow in them was obvious with the limited lighting, something Eliska probably never had a chance to notice before. It was so easy, Sinead easy to let go, to become the raging maniac many expected of her everytime they learn about the stories surrounding her. The problem was that it was all true. And Sinead wanted so much to just let loose. To become the Grim Reaper, to be the monster they all thought resided within her. To become the very thing she was here today to stop. But she supposed she owed Eliska thanks for preventing her from going through with this course of action.

Her eyes became more normal, through sheer force of will, as she reasserted her self-control and nodded at the Nova Kosice native, heeding what she said. It then hit her, even if she killed Michal, who was to say tomorrow they wouldn't find another monster? But by then, Sinead would be in the brig, and assuming they made it home, she would be sentenced and imprisoned, or placed in an induced coma until a successful rehabilitative program could be applied. No, Eliska had a point, and the logical self, the one trained by Vulcans, knew that she needed to exercise restraint, to continue to protect her crew, to protect her captain. She spoke the verbal command, restoring the translator, the environment settings and lightings.

She stood beside her friend as she instructed Michal. Sinead personally saw no point in telling lies, but she let her friend do the talking in this matter. It was no secret that Sinead was biologically incapable of lying no matter how hard she tried. Nevertheless, she added on after Eliska finished, “Know ye this, Michal Silika: Ye will no be tolerated any longer. Your execution today be stayed, but I will no be hearin' any more rumors. If I do...” she balled her fists and threw a punch, but shifted at the very last second and seized one of the large glowing green rocks beside the woman's head, her eyes locked on Michal's, “ will be lucky if ye had an accident 'fore I find ye.”

She retrieved the remainder of her belongings and made her way out, moving at a relaxed pace to allow Eliska to catch up if she so wished.

Re: USS Resolve: A Lack of Personal Space

Reply #6
[ 0820 hrs | Cargo Bay 2 ] attn: @CanadianVet , @Triage

None of it mattered. Not a lick. Not really. Not to Michal, She had expected someone to try something like this for awhile now, she'd been causing a fair amount of havoc and she knew it. It had been fun, a way to pass the time. She had expected to either be spaced or to be court martialed if they ever made it home. Both options were preferable to the hell she lived.

She pulled herself up to lean against the shelving unit and glared at the woman who had just attacked her. She brushed her hair out of her face and did her best to compose herself. She was in a fuckton on pain, but she really didn't care.

"You really think this changes anything?" she asked as she spat a mouthful of blood onto the deck plating. She, at this point, all but hoped the two would just end her right there. But she had the feeling they wouldn't. This was an intimidation job, even if the one did try to choke her out. They weren't about to kill her. And if they did, it wouldn't matter anyway. "You think I really give two shits what the fuck you two fucknuggets do to me? You think it's any worse than what we already have to deal with every fucking day? You beat the shit out of me and kill me or something else does. Nothing fucking matters anymore. No one fucking matters. We're all dead anyway, none of us is going home. No happy ending, no smiles and warm hugs. Nope. We're all fucked. So fuck you if you think I'm gonna stop fucking. Tell that white skinned bitch to say no. Tell anyone to say no. No one ever fucking does."

She was yelling, screeching in anguish and pain. Clearly a deep festering emotional wound was on display. Not that it would matter much in the long run. None of it mattered to Michal anymore. She'd fuck B'Nila if she wanted to. She'd likely get a piece of the tiny bitch they two had just stopped her from getting to before all was said and done. It didn't fucking matter. None of it.

For his part Narrith hung back. He was too scarred to run and too scarred to say anything. He wanted to shrink away to nothing and not be there anymore. He wanted his coral samples and to go back to the lab. He wanted to finish his proposal to make an algae tank to supplement the food and environmental systems. He wanted to be practically anywhere but there.

Re: USS Resolve: A Lack of Personal Space

Reply #7
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Cargo Bay 2 | USS Resolve ] attn: @Absinthe   @Triage

Bremmer regarded Silika as she started her tirade.  And she was not sure whether she should indeed put her out of her misery; find her phaser somewhere in that cargo bay, set it to to vaporize, and have her commit suicide.  Or jimmy the cargo airlock so it would look like she spaced herself.  "You're wrong Silika.  You tried me.  You tried Sin.  We both said no to you once already, and while I can't speak for her, I know you tried to kill me at least once for it.  And we're doing it again.  You're done."

And then, Eliska backed away, her hand resting easily on the grip of her pistol, and her eyes found Narrith again.  "Mister Narrith, she's not going anywhere for a while.  I'd suggest you get what you need, and get out.  Oh, and if she ever lays a hand on you again, talk to me or Lieutenant O'Reily, or Commander Martin, or Mister ch'Rayya.  And if she threatens to hurt you, or someone else if you do so?  Be sure to tell someone."

And with that, the Human left the cargo bay, following the Bringloidi out and quickly catching up with her in the hallway. 

There was something to be said about her choice of clothing.  Bremmer knew her friend viewed herself as plain, but there was one of the few disagreements of their friendship; she was slender, willowy even, and hardly the image of femininity that was peddled in most adult entertainment, but she had a down-to-earth beauty that was, well, all natural and unforced.  Now if only she could see that herself, it would be a great start.  And those snug shorts and very brief singlet, when she obviously had decided to forego underwear at least for her top half?  They certainly did a lot for her; now, if only she'd allow herself to see what others saw when they saw her...

Catching up, Eliska laid her hand flat across the bare top of her friend's back.  "Sin, what the hell was that about?"

Re: USS Resolve: A Lack of Personal Space

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley | Cargo Bay 2 | USS Resolve ] Attn: @CanadianVet & @Absinthe
Nothing mattered anymore. Nothing mattered. Michal's words rang like endless tolling bells in the vast emptiness of the infinite moments between seconds, replaying over and over each other in Sinead's head, building into a brutal crescendo of roars, shrieks and wails that would drive anyone insane, but for Sinead, one who was already broken thrice, and three times more since? It was akin to ripples in the water as she lay floating in it, calm in the face of the storm. But Michal's words stayed with the Bringloidi, and she finally realized to her horror that they had been wrong about Michal. They were so wrong, while she was right.

She only tilted her head ever so slightly to acknowledge Eliska's arrival and her query, she didn't stop walking, so Eliska was forced to keep up with her, though it was no great effort as the woman wasn't moving particularly fast. Her lips parted and closed over and over as she worked up the effort to remember how to speak, after Michal's voice finally faded from her mind. “I...” she tried to start, but the words didn't come at first, “...we were guil'y o' wron'doin', Eliska Bremmer...terrible wrong.”

She finally paused in her walk for a moment, “I le' meself be taken by me emotions, los' control, an' I nearly killed a person.” She turned anguished eyes on her friend, the radiant blue hues tinted with the silvery glow that hid within them, “If e'er I let meself be overcome so again, ye must stop me, kill me if I no be listenin'.”

She resumed walking, “Now let me be. I must seek atonement...”

She returned to her quarters, put her belongings down, and stripped off everything, except the IDIC icon, which she rubbed thoughtlessly, staring into nothingness. Her room was dimly lit, so much so only her glowing crystals provided the bulk of the illumination in the room, and the temperature was almost freezing, for humans.

Thank ye, Sinead O'Riley.

The Bringloidi closed her eyes, not even turning around, for she knew that her other self stood there, not a physical presence, but one that was both spiritual and imaginary. “What be ye thankin me for?”

For lettin' me free, now I canna be stopped, Sinead could imagine her mirror self grinning, smug and self-satisfied. pretend all ye like tha' ye didna enjoy it. Ye forgot wha' it be t' live as a true Bringloidi.

“Begone.” Sinead felt more than saw the other personality fade away into the recesses of her mind. The tears came then, as she felt the grip of terror, pain and despair fill her heart and pour over. And she sobbed freely, stumbling towards her bed, with the object she requisitioned from the replicator in her hands.

She knelt on the bed in the dark for a long time, thinking about it, replaying Michal's words in her head, and hearing Eliska's voice overriding frantically, explaining the need and righteousness of what they were doing. Then she took the dagger and pressed the blade tip to her heart, gripping the handle with both hands. With one quick reflex, and it'd be over. There would be pain, and then nothing else. She had to be fast, or she would black out and possibly wake up surrounded by the corpses of her friends.

Just a quick thrust. She spent a long time in that position, weighing the option and her choice.


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